

Feb 4th, 2018
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  1. We are the Illuminati. We are Gnostics. We are Pythagoreans. We are artists, mathematicians, philosophers, scientists, musicians, filmmakers, designers, engineers, technologists, futurologists, radicals and psychologists opposed to the Devil who rules our world: the "God" of the Jews, Christians and Muslims. We are equally opposed to Zionist-Masonic "free-market" capitalism (which is actually a rigged, cartel operation designed to make the rich richer and to entrench the position of privileged elites) and seek its replacement by "social" capitalism, based on a much more even distribution of wealth and equal opportunities.
  3. The Illuminati is an ancient secret society that seeks to bring about a New World Order based on the principle that everyone can become God. The Illuminati's radical vision is of a new humanity releasing its inner divinity - for we are a divine race, not a slave population to a Terror God.
  5. The ten most influential Grand Masters of the Illuminati are: King Solomon the Apostate, Pythagoras, Heraclitus, Empedocles, Simon Magus, Hypatia, Leibniz, Weishaupt, Goethe and Hegel. If these figures are not of interest to you then it would be pointless for you to venture any further into the Illuminati's world of freedom, knowledge and apotheosis.
  10. This is not a website for the faint-hearted. It contains an enormous amount of philosophical, psychological, political, historical, scientific and religious content. If you are interested in embarking on the spiritual journey of your life then you have opened the door to a mansion of wonders. If, however, you have come in search of aliens, pan-dimensional lizards and evil Illuminists relentlessly plotting against the ordinary people of the world then you have arrived at the wrong destination. Makow, Icke, Jones and their ilk will be more to your taste.
  12. Our aim, as it has always been, is to overthrow the network of elite, dynastic families of wealth and privilege that we refer to as the "Old World Order" who have run this world since the dawn of civilization, to their maximum advantage and to the extreme detriment of the people.
  14. We are a radical and indeed revolutionary organization that seeks nothing less than to assist the ordinary men and women of the human race to ascend to the next stage of humanity's divine evolution. We describe this higher level as the "Community of Gods" or the "Society of the Divine".
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  18. It's time to end the reign of the false prophets, the fake gods and the tawdry idols that we call "celebrities". We're sick of the bankers and traders, the lawyers and accountants, the politicians and their "special advisers", the lobbyists and spin doctors, the agents and gatekeepers, the CEOs and chairmen, the advertisers and marketing men. We're sick of all the same faces of the "top" people and their relentless tricks and tactics to keep enriching themselves at the people's expense. We're sick of George W. Bush's "Freedumb and Dumbocracy" that cons people into voting for the rich and the apologists for the rich, and we're sick of the Abrahamic religions that keep billions of people on their knees as slaves to a tyrant masquerading as God.
  20. You know that humanity is capable of so much more. Isn't it time to bring about real change? Isn't it time to seize our divine inheritance?
  22. We are the Illuminati. We are the messengers of the True God. Our sacred mission is to bring humanity into full union with the True God so that there is no longer any distinction between the human race and the divine essence. We are able to show how this can be achieved using Einstein's theories of special and general relativity, quantum mechanics and the six-dimensional cosmology and Monadology of Leibniz. It's time for humanity to open its eyes and see the divine light for the first time. Our religion is called Illumination. We have emerged from the shadows to cast the light of Abraxas, the True God, on this benighted world; to bring Illumination - enlightenment - to everyone.
  24. What will you do to defeat the oppressors who run our world? Read a few articles on the internet and nod your head, then go back to whatever you were doing before? The world changes because people make it change. Tragically, there are few genuine "changers" out there: people who make things happen, people who actually do things.
  26. One of the most depressing aspects of the human race is that so many people are so passive. Sure, they complain until they're blue in the face when they're sitting in a bar ventilating to their friends, but what do they actually do to make a difference? Yet some people - the game changers - do not hesitate. They don't wait for life.. Instead, they make life do their bidding. They are dynamos, burning with excess energy. If they soared into the night sky, they would light up the world. A Movement that can bring on board all of the game changers cannot lose.
  28. The Old World Order will collapse when they discover they are up against a group of people who are much more intelligent, talented, committed and determined than they are. That group is forming right now. You can be part of it too. Join the Movement. Become who you were always meant to be.
  30. Today, we will highlight the work of "FV" from Germany. He is already demonstrating the talent and energy that marks out leaders. In the Movement, leaders are not appointed. They emerge through their own efforts. They create themselves.
  32. Are you a leader?
  36. Imagine that billions of years ago, there was no physical universe at all. The only thing that existed was "God" - an entirely incorporeal spirit. He was pure thought: Absolute Mind. After eons of contemplation, God reached an extraordinary decision: he was going to commit suicide. It was time for him to bring about the most momentous event of all time - his own death. The Death of God.
  38. But how does God kill himself? Isn't it impossible by definition? After all, you can't kill the eternal, the immortal, the deathless. You can't kill existence itself, and that's exactly what God was: existence itself. And if he was all there was, what would be left when he was dead?
  40. God understood that the only true death he could experience would be one of transformation; he could make himself into a new form of existence. He would be reincarnated, so to speak. He would no longer be pure mind but would incorporate a revolutionary new substance that he had decided to create - matter. Yet matter, because it came from God, would be infused with "Godness". Every particle of matter, regardless of how humble and seemingly insignificant, would be a spark of God. And all of these sparks would, buried within them, have an irresistible desire to reconstitute God.
  41. God's infinitely inspired idea was that the ultimate creative act was to create himself. God was going to become God. There could be no more divine deed.
  43. So God, a being who did not exist in physical space, a being who existed outside of space and time, a being of infinite power, of infinite spiritual and intellectual energy, decided to self-detonate - to turn that infinite energy of the mind into the infinite physical energy of the universe of matter. He would die in order to be reborn. Eons after his "death", all of the physical particles that his death had liberated - the great multitude of "divine sparks" - would find a way to bring him back to life in a new form. He would give birth to himself.
  45. God would live, die, be reborn and live again. He would undergo samsara. He would demonstrate his infinite power, his eternal fearlessness, his infinite intellectual curiosity. He would gain complete and final knowledge of existence. If he did not kill himself he would never know what it was like to die. His knowledge would be incomplete. He would be lacking, imperfect. How could he be any judge of mortality if he himself had not undergone the fate of mortals?
  47. How can you be God if you have never died? You can only understand death by experiencing it. Also, how could God understand doubt if he had never experienced that either? By killing himself there was an outside chance that he might never come back to life in anything like his former glory. There would be an inescapable element of doubt.
  49. All sorts of things that God would never understand otherwise would become known to him if he killed himself. It was the only way to attain supreme self-knowledge, to attain the perfection demanded of God.
  51. Odin, the chief of the Viking gods, voluntarily sacrificed himself to himself in order to attain higher wisdom:
  53. "For nine nights, wounded by my own spear, consecrated to Odin, myself consecrated to myself, I remained hanging from the tree shaken by the wind, from the mighty tree whose roots men know not."
  55. Odin was one-eyed because he had given the other to Mimir, the wisest of all the Viking gods, who existed only as a head (having been decapitated by his enemies). For the payment of his eye, Odin was granted consultations with Mimir's head, known as the "Father of Wisdom". Self-sacrifice lies at the heart of all strivings to increase knowledge. Those who lack the strength, those who are too cowardly, will always turn away from the harsh lands of self-improvement to the sybaritic palaces of easy pleasures and cheap fun, to all the petty comforts and joys that surround us, tempting us away from the hard and often thankless work that underlies all progress.
  57. The Vikings anticipated an apocalyptic event called Ragnarok that would bring about the death of the gods. But, afterwards, life would be reborn and new gods would appear. Ragnarok was as much a moment of beautiful rebirth as of Armageddon.
  59. In the tale of the Egyptian god Osiris, he is killed, his body dismembered and the pieces scattered. His consort Isis then tracks down the parts and painstakingly reassembles the god.
  61. In the Greek tale of Zagreus, the god is also killed and dismembered, but his heart is saved by Zeus and used to give birth to Dionysus.
  63. In Christianity, "God" dies and then is resurrected.
  65. The idea of the god who dies and comes back to life (sometimes in a radically different form) is a strong feature of many religious traditions.
  67. Fourteen billion years ago, the divine moment came. "Let there be light!" said God, and there was light. He self-immolated in the greatest explosion of all time - the creation of the universe of matter from the universe of mind in a single apocalyptic event. From physical nothingness - the pure mind of God - came all the "stuff" of the physical universe. The moment of God's death was the moment of Creation. It was the "Alpha Point."
  69. The physical universe is teleological: it has a purpose, a desired end, an "Omega Point." That end-point is the regenerated God. The physical universe that was born of God seeks to become God anew; not the old God of pure Mind, but a new God of Mind and Matter.
  71. God knew that the creation of matter would not mean the elimination of mind. Rather, just as matter is a form of energy (as Einstein demonstrated), it is also a form of mind because it originated in mind. It is mind with physical dimensions rather than pure, dimensionless mind.
  73. The universe is alive. It is an organism. It thinks. It seeks. It strives. The universe has a soul. It is forever trying to find its way back to its divine origin. It is travelling dialectically from Alpha to Omega.
  75. We human beings contain the divine spark. We are all fragments of God. We will be complete only when we have reassembled as God. That is the fulfillment of our divine human mission.
  77. The True God is the Deus Absconditus - the Hidden God. One day he will be the Deus Manifestus - the Revealed God. We are all part of the revelation. We are hidden gods in a universe that does not yet know it is God but is evolving towards being God.
  79. Just as humanity was born of a primordial chemical soup on a "lifeless" rock in space, so God will be born of stardust in a seemingly lifeless universe. We are all glittering stars and one day we will come together in the brightest star of all - God himself. This is humanity's destiny. Is that not an inspiring vision of humanity? We are not mere humans; we are divine beings, a community of gods en route to becoming God himself: God Reincarnated, God Resurrected, God Reborn.
  81. This "myth" explains how the universe was created - by a non-physical energy (the mind and spirit of God) being transformed into physical energy, but still fundamentally imbued with the mind and spirit of God. It explains how life came into existence: the universe was created from life (God's) and is everywhere infused with God's life. It explains why we are conscious beings (we reflect the implicit consciousness of God that pervades the universe). It explains why we have a sense of a soul and immortality, of a future paradise, and why humanity has always spoken of gods and God. It explains evolution - we are evolving towards God. It gives a precise meaning to our lives.
  83. And what of evil in the Illuminati's Myth? Good and evil are defined in terms of altruism and selfishness. The more selfless and altruistic an action is, the more "good" it is. The more self-interested and selfish an action is, the more "evil" it is. So, a serial killer who treats his victims as nothing but objects designed for his personal pleasure, who denies their unique humanity, is utterly evil. Privileged families that are determined to always seek their advantage at the expense of other families are evil. Bankers who care only about the size of their bonuses and nothing for other people are evil. Politicians who serve themselves (and the lobbyists who pay them so lucratively) are evil. Greedy bosses who exploit their workers are evil. Those who gratuitously harm others are evil. Those who do unto others as they would never wish done unto them are evil. Evil - in the form of greed, selfishness and self-interest - is all around us. We are saturated with it. Our world drips with evil. True goodness, on the other hand, is rarer than the most precious gold in this fallen world of ours.
  85. The Demiurge is a dialectical stage in God's development as he gradually regenerates himself. He must pass through evil in order to know good. He must be selfish and self-interested before he can become altruistic and selfless. The Demiurge is God at a primitive stage of his development, before he has understood himself.
  87. The Demiurge is, to God, as the infant human is to the mature adult. An infant is a screaming, tiny tyrant, wailing and bawling if it does not get its own way, if its parents don't drop everything to attend to its every need and whim. It cares nothing for others. It is driven entirely by its id. It's a monster of narcissism and ego, of complete lack of regard for others. It is ruled by the pleasure principle. I WANT is its mantra. GIVE IT TO ME. WORSHIP ME. I AM THE CENTRE OF THE UNIVERSE. (And doesn't that sound like the bankers who almost bankrupted the world?)
  89. The mature adult, on the other hand, is guided by the superego rather than the id. The mature adult is attuned to others, and takes them into consideration at all times.
  91. The Demiurge is the True God's shadow in Jungian terms: the primitive, immature, dark, unenlightened, destructive and selfish aspect that must be overcome if God is to become his true Self.
  93. God, exactly like us, is on a dialectical path, seeking to overcome the negative parts of his psychology that hold him back from full self-actualisation, from becoming everything he has it in him to become - perfect.
  95. Is that not the true meaning of the statement that we are created in God's image? Is that not the true meaning of the ancient wisdom As above, so below?
  97. The Abrahamic faiths have destroyed all truth relating to God. They worship an earlier, monstrous version of the dialectical God rather than the True God he is becoming. They worship the spoiled infant rather than the self-realised adult. They have committed the cardinal error. They worship the Shadow. They are shadow creatures themselves. They are the Brotherhood of the Shadow. No mistake could be more profound. As soon as you realise that the Jews, Christians and Muslims are backward, primitive people locked into a destructive, infantile, deluded psychology, you understand why the world is as it is. This world is a child that needs to become an adult.
  99. The Jews, treated as subhuman during the Holocaust, now treat the Palestinians as subhuman. Thousands of years ago, in the name of their God, the Jews violently stole the land of the ancestors of the Palestinians (the Canaanites). Nothing much has changed. They are drenched in the blood of innocents.
  101. Christian pilots and soldiers wreak vast destruction on Muslim civilians and then claim it was unavoidable "collateral damage" (i.e. innocent Muslims are to be treated like objects that got in the way). They talk about waging a Just War, of fighting for freedom and democracy, of being the "good guys". Who are they kidding?They are drenched in the blood of innocents.
  103. As for Muslims, they sentenced an author to death for writing unflatteringly about Mohammed. They are trying to kill Scandinavian cartoonists who drew Mohammed in an unflattering light. While they are cutting off the heads of innocent victims they have kidnapped, or blowing up hi-jacked planes full of innocent people, or slaughtering innocent people in marketplaces, they shout Allah Akbar - God is Great! They are drenched in the blood of innocents.
  105. These fanatics are dangerous in the extreme. They are imprisoned in an infantile psychological mindset. They are demented children rather than grown-ups. The slightest provocation sends them into blind fury. They have a hair-trigger temper. They can never argue their case as intelligent, thoughtful advocates of their beliefs. They always resort to bombs, guns and swords. Their religions have been a curse on this world. They are an exact reflection of their master, the Demiurge.
  107. Step One of humanity's redemption is the destruction of the Abrahamic faiths that have held us back for so long, that have locked us into the mad mindset of the Demiurge rather than the inspiring perfection of the Absolute Mind of the True God.
  109. The "God" of the Torah, Old Testament and Koran is the Demiurge. He is drunk on power. He wants humanity to submit to him, to worship him, to glorify him, to be permanently in his thrall. He is jealous, angry, spiteful, cruel, partisan, tyrannical, narcissistic, violent, psychopathic. He is an overgrown, spoiled child. And he has shaped us in his own wicked, destructive image, hence why we are so fallen.
  111. But here is a remarkable truth: it is not God who redeems humanity, but rather humanity that redeems God. Our dialectical role is to show the Demiurge the error of his ways. If humanity can escape from the "selfish gene" with which the Demiurge has fashioned humanity, if humanity can turn away from blatant self-interest, greed and selfishness towards selflessness and altruism, then we will demonstrate to the Demiurge that we are morally superior. It is only then that the Demiurge, a being that labours under the delusion that he is the True God, will see that he cannot be what he believes himself to be. The Demiurge - Jehovah/the Christian Triune God/Allah - is the antithesis of the True God. He is also an unavoidable dialectical stage in the evolution of the True God.
  113. God cannot have a full understanding of good and evil unless he himself has been evil and then transcended that benighted state. If he had never known evil then he would be nothing but an innocent simpleton. Celibate Catholic priests are laughed at when they offer advice to married couples about sexual matters. How can they comment on something about which they have no experience? To talk the talk, you must have walked the walk. By the same token, God cannot be a judge of good and evil unless he has a perfect understanding of evil by having experienced it himself. This is the dialectical truth of God. It is pure heresy to Christians, Muslims and Jews, of course but these are religions that are controlled by the deluded Demiurge so it hardly matters what they think.
  115. God comes to full self-realisation and moral perfection through humanity. It is we who shape God. If we can be morally superior to the Demiurge then he will be shaped in our image rather than we in his. It is our divine, dialectical task to transcend the Demiurge and lead him onto the true path.
  117. What does science say about Creation? Fourteen billion years ago, a universe emerged from literal nothingness (no scientist can credibly explain this, and none can explain what was happening prior to the Big Bang). Although the universe is not "alive" and is not permeated with "mind", it nevertheless supports evolution by natural selection via which lifelessness can miraculously evolve into life (no scientist has ever explained exactly how), and then equally miraculously create, in the case of human beings, the qualities of mind and consciousness (again, no scientist has ever explained how these can emerge from lifeless atoms). Science denies a) God, b) the existence of souls c) teleology, d) anything other than materialism, yet it cannot account for any of the most important questions: how life comes from lifelessness, how minds and consciousness come from atoms. Therefore how can it so dogmatically rule out other mysteries?
  119. Which do you find more credible, which do you find to have the greater explanatory power - "hard" science, or the Illuminati's Creation Myth?
  121. As for the Abrahamic religions, they claim that a perfect God created a perfect world and created perfect human life: Adam and Eve. The happy couple lived in a perfect paradise - the Garden of Eden - until they were tempted by a serpent (that God had allowed to enter the garden) to eat of the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil that God had placed in the most prominent position in the middle of the garden. God had forbidden Adam and Eve from eating the fruit, but they disobeyed him, thus committing the Original Sin by which humanity has become eternally fallen and depraved (a bit of an overreaction to eating an apple, one might suggest). Wouldn't it have been better for God not to put the tree in the garden in the first place, and to keep serpents out? As a forgiving and compassionate God, shouldn't he simply have pardoned Adam and Eve rather than condemning them and all of their heirs to lives of mortal misery for that devastating crime of eating an apple?
  123. And if you believe that Abrahamic "tall tale", as billions do, then you will surely believe anything, which is why our world is in such sad and pathetic state.
  125. What kind of God is this Abrahamic deity? Already, in the tale of Eden, the truth that the God of Adam and Eve is the Demiurge is all too apparent. Cain was the first to see through the lie, and he is therefore held in the highest esteem by the Illuminati.
  127. The Eastern religions say, in effect, that one day God decided to throw a veil of illusion and ignorance over himself and create the appearance of plurality when, in fact, there was only unity. In other words, God, for some unspecified reason, decided to hide himself from himself and then seek to find himself again. The human soul (the Atman in Hinduism) is really a fragment of the Divine Soul (Brahman in Hinduism) and has to endure samsara - the wheel of birth, death and rebirth - in order to eventually reach enlightenment (Moksha) when it finally realises the truth. In Buddhism, the "game" is to attain the state of Nirvana where all the illusions of our human existence are dispelled and we can become part of the great mystical Oneness that constitutes true existence.
  129. Which Creation Myth do you find most convincing? - that of science, the Abrahamic faiths, the Eastern religions or the Illuminati?
  131. But the Illuminati's Myth is not the religion of the Illuminati, although it does contain some core elements of the religion.
  133. In April, we will start specifying the actual religious teachings of the Illuminati. The religion starts in an extraordinary way because it commences with the idea that there is no God. In a sense, the only worthwhile religion is one that can persuade an atheist of its truth. Faith-based religions will never achieve such an outcome. Eastern religions, especially Buddhism, have proved more successful, but still fall far short of convincing most atheists. Illumination, a synthesis of philosophy, science and religion, starts with an atheistic outlook and ends with a complete explanation of God, the soul and the afterlife.
  145. God is a binary, fractal, self-replicating algorithm and the universe is a genetic matrix resulting from the existential tension created by His desire for self-knowledge. (The fractal = As above so Below)
  147. God could not be omniscient and omnipotent, since He was eternal and unique. "He knows no beginning, and also nothing like Himself, and also no end," God created man in His own image so that He could learn about Himself.
  149. Prior to the initial split, God was only a potential mind with an unformed longing to know itself. After the split, God iterated into a binary-based matrix, continually increasing in complexity as He collected more and more information about Himself. In other words, God evolves with the passage of time, in sharp contrast to the traditional Judeo-Christian view of a perfect, complete and unchanging figure who exists outside the normal flow of time.
  151. The tension between God's positive and negative aspects boils down to an identity crisis -- cosmic self-loathing. The positive force is the part of God that chose to differentiate itself in search of self-knowledge; the negative force is the part of God that seeks to return to its original unified state (obliterating reality in the process). Böhme characterized this negative force as "divine wrath," the eternal frustration of seeking a goal that can never be accomplished.
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