
Aaron_Royal - m7

Aug 2nd, 2018
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  1. [15/07/2018 15:40:39] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /ap 37 Yes.
  2. [15/07/2018 15:50:50] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /ap 18 You don't have to /newb then. /pm him next time.
  3. [15/07/2018 16:07:53] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /ap 36 If you are asking for color ID then it's 3.
  4. [15/07/2018 16:17:50] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /ap 16 You can do profitable jobs(armdealer or bodyguard) to earn money. /jobhelp to know more.
  5. [15/07/2018 16:19:00] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /ap 47 /guide >> How to get guns.
  6. [15/07/2018 16:22:38] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /ap 8 /v cars.
  7. [15/07/2018 16:29:30] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /ap 8 An admin's gift. It depends on them.
  8. [15/07/2018 16:29:45] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /ap 36 Cut caps next time, verbally.
  9. [15/07/2018 16:29:53] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /ap 11 No
  10. [15/07/2018 16:30:47] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /ap 36 Don't use /newb for such things. Use it only for script/server related Q/As only.
  11. [15/07/2018 16:30:53] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /ap 8 /families to know.
  12. [15/07/2018 16:36:29] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /ap 8 (/togphone) to turn your phone off/on.
  13. [15/07/2018 16:36:48] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /ap 18 Don't abuse /newb. That's now how you use /newb. Warned.
  14. [15/07/2018 16:44:37] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /ap 47 Find out vehicles' prices in dealerships' guide on forums(Community Assistance section).
  15. [15/07/2018 16:53:37] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /ap 52 Youtube?
  16. [15/07/2018 17:11:22] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /ap 56 150,000$
  17. [15/07/2018 17:12:57] [chat] [Aaron_Royal]: ./ap is 'answer player'.
  18. [15/07/2018 17:13:24] [chat] [Aaron_Royal]: so u use /ap [player ID] [answer] to answer a newbie
  19. [16/07/2018 10:52:20] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /ap 4 If you think you are infracted for any unfair reason, go ahead then.
  20. [16/07/2018 10:52:23] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /ap 4 If you think you are infracted for any unfair reason, go ahead then.
  21. [16/07/2018 10:57:32] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /ap 56 If you are seeking for visual help then use /helpme to get help from a helper or /report from an admin.
  22. [18/07/2018 10:59:49] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /ap 1 It was being updated.
  23. [19/07/2018 08:13:32] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /ap 35 /killcp.
  24. [19/07/2018 10:31:53] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /ap 12 Nope.
  25. [19/07/2018 10:50:01] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /ap 12 /v dump.
  26. [19/07/2018 16:11:01] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /ap 37 Nope, it's half.
  27. [19/07/2018 16:24:29] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /ap 22 For a vehicle? Visit Willowfield Garage and upgrade there(/v upgrade).
  28. [19/07/2018 16:39:24] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /ap 50 Nope, it is being fixed I assume.
  29. [20/07/2018 08:30:17] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /ap 41 I don't think so.
  30. [20/07/2018 10:14:18] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /ap 20 Keep /newb only for script/server related Q/As. That's not a server/script related Question.
  31. [21/07/2018 04:08:36] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /ap 2 Maybe command is removed.
  32. [21/07/2018 11:02:47] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /ap 58 /sex command is removed.
  33. [21/07/2018 11:02:54] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /ap 58 /sex command is removed. You can not do it anymore.
  34. [21/07/2018 11:04:58] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /ap 58 You can roleplay it using anims(/animlist to know) but can't scriptwise.
  35. [21/07/2018 11:05:56] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /ap 33 Google it. Not for /newb(ie) chat..
  36. [21/07/2018 14:40:11] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /ap 4 House and business only.
  37. [21/07/2018 14:40:51] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /ap 49 Depends.
  38. [21/07/2018 15:36:05] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /ap 4 /reportbug to report it to online testers or fill a form on forums to report a bug(
  39. [21/07/2018 15:36:08] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /ap 4 /reportbug to report it to online testers or fill a form on forums to report a bug(
  40. [21/07/2018 15:48:18] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /ap 26 Use /admins to know that.
  41. [21/07/2018 15:51:45] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /ap 26 (/report) please. That's not for /newb(ie) chat.
  42. [22/07/2018 04:24:01] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /ap 9 /v cars
  43. [22/07/2018 14:11:11] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /ap 17 Not yet.
  44. [22/07/2018 14:39:45] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /ap 46 Developers are working on it so it'll be fixed in upcoming update.
  45. [22/07/2018 15:34:43] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /ap 3 Vehicle system is being fixed and you have to wait for next update to use /v dump.
  46. [22/07/2018 15:35:47] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /ap 3 Yes, you're not allowed to do so.
  47. [22/07/2018 17:59:49] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /ap 34 63971.
  48. [22/07/2018 18:04:17] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /ap 20 /kill
  49. [22/07/2018 18:05:31] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /ap 34 63971.
  50. [22/07/2018 18:05:56] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /ap 27 Don't abuse /newb. Keep it for server/script related Q/As only. Vebrally warned.
  51. [22/07/2018 18:15:08] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /ap 35 63971.
  52. [23/07/2018 08:45:41] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /ap 31 200,00$
  53. [23/07/2018 08:49:32] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /ap 7 There's no such rule which prevents people to insult religions IC'ly so it would be an IC matter.
  54. [23/07/2018 14:10:59] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /ap 37 Blood is an IC codename for IRL donations.
  55. [23/07/2018 14:11:32] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /ap 41 Work with the patience, developers are fixing them ASAP.
  56. [23/07/2018 14:14:33] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /ap 0 Yes, it's allowed.
  57. [23/07/2018 14:17:37] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /ap 0 Depends on the roleplay situation. Mostly you don't RP it.
  58. [23/07/2018 15:26:14] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /ap 19 That's not for /newb(ie) chat. Kindly avoid such questions over /newb.
  59. [23/07/2018 15:35:37] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /ap 0 Yes.
  60. [23/07/2018 15:45:56] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /ap 0 Ask them why they are not accepting your name and ask for a reason instead of spamming /newb.
  61. [24/07/2018 16:11:32] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /ap 39 Permanently muted from /newb(ie) chat.
  62. [24/07/2018 16:12:16] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /ap 4 Mostly at Pizza Stacks.
  63. [24/07/2018 16:12:19] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /ap 13 /exit.
  64. [25/07/2018 05:13:59] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /ap 9 Don't use /newb(ie) chat for that. Search around the streets or advertise to sell your items. Verbally warned.
  65. [25/07/2018 17:30:50] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /ap 38 High-level rule breaker.
  66. [27/07/2018 04:56:59] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /ap 9 /newbietag [tag name].
  67. [27/07/2018 04:57:07] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /ap 5 That's only for helpers only.
  68. [27/07/2018 08:14:01] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /ap 31 Vehicle system has a few issues and it'll re-enabled once those are fixed.
  69. [27/07/2018 08:14:05] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /ap 31 Vehicle system has a few issues and it'll re-enabled once those are fixed.
  70. [27/07/2018 08:16:03] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /ap 24 You need .mp3 link to play the music. You can't play music using youtube link.
  71. [27/07/2018 08:27:18] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /ap 3 /sellproducts [ID] [product amount] [price].
  72. [27/07/2018 17:56:22] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /ap 26 Ask an administrator to TP you, (/report).
  73. [28/07/2018 14:56:30] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /ap 23 /skills.
  74. [28/07/2018 15:02:43] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /ap 27 Means detective is using /find command to track someone's phone.
  75. [28/07/2018 15:04:24] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /ap 65 Nope.
  76. [28/07/2018 15:37:50] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /ap 30 /fill.
  77. [28/07/2018 15:37:51] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /ap 30 /fill.
  78. [28/07/2018 16:05:41] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /ap 39 MP5 from ammunations are removed, only legal guns are available in ammunations.
  79. [28/07/2018 16:08:38] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /ap 4 You have to unlock it using /dlock in order to get access to your gang/family vehicle.
  80. [28/07/2018 16:09:13] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /ap 4 Our pleasure. Use /newb(ie) chat only for server/script related Q/As.
  81. [29/07/2018 04:58:38] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /ap 14 Nope.
  82. [29/07/2018 04:59:24] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /ap 13 Nope.
  83. [29/07/2018 10:11:49] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /ap 51 /report.
  84. [29/07/2018 10:12:24] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /ap 11 Warned, don't abuse.
  85. [29/07/2018 10:12:34] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /ap 71 Level 4+ for both victim and robber.
  86. [29/07/2018 10:12:53] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /ap 51 No need to tell him using /newb, warned.
  87. [31/07/2018 10:18:43] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /ap 2 You need 5,000 materials to craft a AK-47 along with armdealer skill 5. Apart from the price, find it IC'ly.
  88. [31/07/2018 10:19:22] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /ap 2 8000$-12000$(8-12$ per each material).
  89. [31/07/2018 10:19:47] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /ap 20 Advertising for materials is invalid and you'll get FCC Violation charge from the police.
  90. [31/07/2018 10:19:58] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /ap 61 It only comes on the weekends.
  91. [31/07/2018 10:20:33] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /ap 10 /nametag [tag name]
  92. [31/07/2018 10:21:32] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /ap 20 You get that charge by police when you advertise for illegal items/stuff such as mats or guns etc.
  93. [31/07/2018 10:33:07] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /ap 10 Because there's no vest available in black market, that's why.
  94. [31/07/2018 10:35:10] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /ap 24 If it's approved by an administrator then ask an admin to process(for what you have donated).
  95. [31/07/2018 10:51:52] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /ap 31 By selling the guns. /skills to know your job progress.
  96. [31/07/2018 17:20:33] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /ap 49 Sure why not. Use /report.
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