
Screaming Star

Mar 23rd, 2013
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  1. Name: Screaming Star
  2. Race: Bat pony
  3. Class: Trickster
  4. Age: 27
  5. Alignment: NE
  6. Skills: Flight (Racial)
  7. Stealth
  8. Backstab
  9. Cheap shot
  10. Ruse
  11. Bat Pony Racials
  12. Sonicboom
  13. Hits: 5/5
  17. Cutiemark: Decepticon logo (+2 to backstab,)
  19. Inventory:
  20. Twin arm mounted mini crossbows, clip-fed, 6 shots each til they need to reload
  21. Folding swords, (They fold out and lock until stored away.)
  22. Suit of Custom made Celestian guards armor (Medium as opposed to the usual heavy variant) Styled like a Captains suit of Armor
  23. 300x bits
  24. Flash bombs, poison bombs, smoke bombs, all x4
  25. High explosive bombs, x6
  26. Blades mounted on the outside of his wings for mid air dog-fighting
  27. Cloak to cover his armor when he wants to move around unnoticed
  29. Bio: Honesty, Virtue, Loyalty, the code of the Celestian guard, something Screaming Star always represents, at least when Celestia is around, otherwise, he is quite the opposite, as he constantly seeks to usurp the position of head guard. He's quite tired of his SIC post though being SIC has it's perks, such as being head of the elite Pegasi group, The Sky Seekers, and the Head of the Intelligence gathering group, he wants all the glory. He's frequently tried to take out the head of the guard, Megaton, but is never reprimanded for it, it seems Celestia can never bring herself to get rid of him, as she seems to believe he can redeem him self, as she's known since he was a young colt barely old enough to fly. She may also have a soft spot due his being the only remaining member of the Star family, one of the oldest components of the Pegasi wing of the guard, as well as his father being a personal guard of the princess, before his death at the hands of a changeling, taking his only parent and leaving him and his brothers alone. Screaming Star is himself completely loyal to Celestia, and would willingly die to protect her from harm, perhaps the only person he'd do so for. It should be noted that, due to all these factors, SS is quite popular amongst the community at large, as his history of deceit has never been made public. These factors have led him to be quite, ... Arrogant, and seems quite assured that he will rise to power, and as such he will not throw his life away for nothing. as SIC only Megaton is above him in rank in the guard, Thus no soldier or captains decision may supersede his own, barring Megaton or Celestia herself. Screaming also has a rather interesting romantic situation, as he seems to be rather infatuated with Princess Luna, and seems to be head over heels for the princess of the night, but he seems to understand just how unlikely he is to ever accomplish his quest for his love.
  31. Appearance: White with Red eyes, and a Red mane and tail, wears a Red and Blue Celestian Guard uniform with bladed wing additions and styled like a captains, his Leg guards are Bright Blue. His helmet doesn't have the head-piece and his entire suit of armor is streamlined for maximum speed and protection in midair combat.
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