
Magical Burst: Session 34.5: Justice, Posing, and Carrots

Aug 25th, 2014
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  1. 7:38 PM - Dardanos: The Devourer: PREVIOUSLY ON: MAGICAL BURST
  2. 4:38 PM - Rin Alaston: (( dun dun dun ))
  3. 7:39 PM - Dardanos: The Devourer: Talking lamposts that sound like Foghorn Leghorn, gossiping dumpsters, disparing banana peels, and shouting gears
  4. 7:40 PM - Dardanos: The Devourer: And then: Dardanos appeared
  5. 7:40 PM - Dardanos: The Devourer: Let's say it's your turn whether you went last time or not
  6. 7:40 PM - Dardanos: The Devourer: get on rolz
  7. 7:40 PM - Dardanos: The Devourer: oh hey you're already there
  8. 4:40 PM - Rin Alaston: (( im alrdy on bby ))
  9. 7:40 PM - Dardanos: The Devourer: good lad
  10. 4:40 PM - Rin Alaston: Aight, there were 8 corpses lefti n the gears
  11. 7:41 PM - Dardanos: The Devourer: si, one half dislodged
  12. 4:41 PM - Rin Alaston: And guess who's throw knifes at one of em
  13. 4:41 PM - Rin Alaston: This giiiiiiiirl
  14. 4:41 PM - Rin Alaston: fuck
  15. 7:41 PM - Dardanos: The Devourer: rip
  16. 4:41 PM - Rin Alaston: 26, 2 magic oc
  17. 4:42 PM - Rin Alaston: 3*
  18. 7:43 PM - Dardanos: The Devourer: Your knife explodes the corpse
  19. 4:43 PM - Rin Alaston: Awww yiss
  20. 7:44 PM - Dardanos: The Devourer: Dardanos' turn!
  21. 4:44 PM - Rin Alaston: (( :c ))
  22. 7:45 PM - Dardanos: The Devourer: He goes tooooooo grapple you!
  23. 7:46 PM - Dardanos: The Devourer: Beat 20 c:
  24. 4:46 PM - Rin Alaston: Godangit
  25. 4:46 PM - Rin Alaston: 21 bby
  26. 7:47 PM - Dardanos: The Devourer: dang nigga
  27. 4:47 PM - Rin Alaston: c:
  28. 7:48 PM - Dardanos: The Devourer: Its open hand to grapple you, but you parry it with nothing but two blades
  29. 7:48 PM - Dardanos: The Devourer: Your go!
  30. 4:49 PM - Rin Alaston: Another corpse is my target
  31. 7:49 PM - Dardanos: The Devourer: rip
  32. 4:49 PM - Rin Alaston: Welp
  33. 4:49 PM - Rin Alaston: 10
  34. 7:49 PM - Dardanos: The Devourer: You angle your blade incorrectly and it hits a wall instead of the ceiling
  35. 7:49 PM - Dardanos: The Devourer: GG
  36. 4:49 PM - Rin Alaston: T.T
  37. 4:50 PM - Rin Alaston: *Rin feels significantly less heroic*
  38. 7:51 PM - Dardanos: The Devourer: Dardanos' face almost seems mocking. You hear a deeply unsettling voice reverberate throughout the room. "MUST... FEAST...YOU...DIE..."
  39. 7:53 PM - Dardanos: The Devourer: It grabs a pile of corpses and shoves them into its mouth, crunching and squishing sounding sounds reverberating throughout the room
  40. 7:53 PM - Dardanos: The Devourer: Your go!
  41. 4:53 PM - Rin Alaston: Oh god it's powerwing up some attack isn't it
  42. 4:53 PM - Rin Alaston: Shizzle
  43. 7:53 PM - Dardanos: The Devourer: Mostly just its own attack
  44. 7:54 PM - Dardanos: The Devourer: Roll Finesse
  45. 4:54 PM - Rin Alaston: 14
  46. 7:55 PM - Dardanos: The Devourer: You spot that a number of gears, the ones you freed up, are all clustered and bunched together in a manner that makes it clear that
  47. 7:55 PM - Dardanos: The Devourer: if you were to dislodge one more, something will start moving
  48. 7:55 PM - Dardanos: The Devourer: Maybe not all the way, but a bit
  49. 7:55 PM - Dardanos: The Devourer: So, you're up
  50. 4:56 PM - Rin Alaston: Awww yiss
  51. 4:56 PM - Rin Alaston: Alright I'm gunna multiple target attack two corpses
  52. 7:57 PM - Dardanos: The Devourer: clever girl
  53. 4:56 PM - Rin Alaston: So I beleive that gives me a -2 to hit
  54. 7:57 PM - Dardanos: The Devourer: si
  55. 4:57 PM - Rin Alaston: 14 c:
  56. 7:58 PM - Dardanos: The Devourer: You dislodge two of the corpses! They fall with unpleasant thunks to the floor around Dardanos
  57. 4:58 PM - Rin Alaston: Awww ye
  58. 7:59 PM - Dardanos: The Devourer: The grated floor beneath it begins to give way a bit, and opens downwards in a manner similar to a sliced pizza
  59. 7:59 PM - Dardanos: The Devourer: This startles Dardanos
  60. 8:00 PM - Dardanos: The Devourer: It digs its fingers into the grated floor and keeps its balance, before it releases a few hands to throw an attack at you!
  61. 8:00 PM - Dardanos: The Devourer: Beat 18~
  62. 8:01 PM - Dardanos: The Devourer: How perfectly average
  63. 5:01 PM - Rin Alaston: T.T
  64. 5:01 PM - Rin Alaston: I'll take the hit
  65. 8:01 PM - Dardanos: The Devourer: 9 damage~
  66. 5:02 PM - Rin Alaston: Aight c:
  67. 8:03 PM - Dardanos: The Devourer: ur go
  68. 5:03 PM - Rin Alaston: I'll take on another 2 corpses
  69. 8:03 PM - Dardanos: The Devourer: How many corpses was that now?
  70. 5:03 PM - Rin Alaston: I was at 5
  71. 8:04 PM - Dardanos: The Devourer: Kayy
  72. 5:04 PM - Rin Alaston: 20
  73. 5:04 PM - Rin Alaston: with one involuntary magic oc :c
  74. 8:04 PM - Dardanos: The Devourer: You actually dislodge not 2 corpses, but 3!
  75. 5:04 PM - Rin Alaston: Rad c:
  76. 8:05 PM - Dardanos: The Devourer: The grate opens even further, the steep, slick pipe below looking too much for even Dardanos to crawl back out of
  77. 8:06 PM - Dardanos: The Devourer: Dardanos manages to get a firmer grip on the slanted grates
  78. 8:06 PM - Dardanos: The Devourer: The grated panels are probably at 45 degree angles roughly
  79. 8:06 PM - Dardanos: The Devourer: Dardanos' turn!
  80. 8:06 PM - Dardanos: The Devourer: And, like anything that has multiple appendages is wont to do
  81. 8:07 PM - Dardanos: The Devourer: It launches multiple strikes at you in quick succession!
  82. 5:07 PM - Rin Alaston: Oh gosh
  83. 8:07 PM - Dardanos: The Devourer: Defend 9, 16, 10
  84. 8:08 PM - Dardanos: The Devourer: are
  85. 8:08 PM - Dardanos: The Devourer: are you fucking serious
  86. 5:08 PM - Rin Alaston: 9,17,11
  87. 5:08 PM - Rin Alaston: Omg
  88. 8:08 PM - Dardanos: The Devourer: how do you beat each one without taking an oc
  89. 8:08 PM - Dardanos: The Devourer: even the 16 man fuk u
  90. 5:08 PM - Rin Alaston: Skill bby c;
  91. 8:10 PM - Dardanos: The Devourer: You do some super rapid quick hop skip and jumps and maybe some sort of acrobatic fucking pirouette off the handle and into a big pile of corpses, dodging each blow with ease.
  92. 8:10 PM - Dardanos: The Devourer: "MUST... FEAST... MUST... KILL..."
  93. 8:14 PM - Dardanos: The Devourer: you typing something?
  94. 8:14 PM - Dardanos: The Devourer: said you were like 3 times so I dunno if you are or not
  95. 5:16 PM - Rin Alaston: I did then cut it incase you were still gunna do something
  96. 8:16 PM - Dardanos: The Devourer: well I was waiting for u bb
  97. 8:16 PM - Dardanos: The Devourer: if you want to tell spidey to stop being evil go for it
  98. 5:17 PM - Rin Alaston: "Sorry spidey, I can't let you keep killing people like this. Man I need a cool catchphrase...Uhm....I shall destroy all Evil! But...first I deal with you! That's pretty cool right?" *Rin sighs then aims for the last two corpses* (( boop ))
  99. 8:17 PM - Dardanos: The Devourer: roll em
  100. 8:18 PM - Dardanos: The Devourer: rip
  101. 8:18 PM - Dardanos: The Devourer: hope you've been keeping track of oc
  102. 5:18 PM - Rin Alaston: 24
  103. 8:18 PM - Dardanos: The Devourer: cuz it looks like you might need a change soon :v
  104. 5:19 PM - Rin Alaston: Im at 7 magic oc T.T
  105. 8:19 PM - Dardanos: The Devourer: Rules actually say you can take a change in combat
  106. 8:19 PM - Dardanos: The Devourer: or you can keep the burst saved and kamakazi it
  107. 5:19 PM - Rin Alaston: Well I am in a pretty good spot for a burst
  108. 5:19 PM - Rin Alaston: Actually I could just induce one right now
  109. 8:20 PM - Dardanos: The Devourer: 5:19 PM - Smas: question, if frig's character gets elemental do
  110. 5:20 PM - Smas: does that mean her hair would be carrots?
  111. 8:20 PM - Dardanos: The Devourer: he has a point
  112. 8:20 PM - Dardanos: The Devourer: does your hair turn into limber strands of carrot?
  113. 8:20 PM - Dardanos: The Devourer: the leaves of a carrot?
  114. 5:20 PM - Rin Alaston: Oh gosh
  115. 8:20 PM - Dardanos: The Devourer: straight up dreadlocks made of carrots?
  116. 5:20 PM - Rin Alaston: I like the dreds theory the most omg
  117. 8:21 PM - Dardanos: The Devourer: and and and
  118. 5:21 PM - Rin Alaston: WE shant find out though because I induced a burst
  119. 8:21 PM - Dardanos: The Devourer: better yet
  120. 8:21 PM - Dardanos: The Devourer: if you get the change that makes your hair grow super fast
  121. 8:21 PM - Dardanos: The Devourer: you have a snack ANY TIME of the day
  122. 8:21 PM - Dardanos: The Devourer: just munch on your hair and it'll grow back the next day
  123. 5:21 PM - Rin Alaston: But I can talk to the carrots and they would all scream for me t ostop :c
  124. 8:22 PM - Dardanos: The Devourer: not if the carrots are your hair and thus you
  125. 8:22 PM - Dardanos: The Devourer: they wouldn't be carrot carrots
  126. 8:22 PM - Dardanos: The Devourer: they'd just be your hair
  127. 5:22 PM - Rin Alaston: But isn't hair an inanimate objecct when detatched
  128. 5:22 PM - Rin Alaston: Can I talk to my cut hair
  129. 5:22 PM - Rin Alaston: Does it hurt them
  130. 5:22 PM - Rin Alaston: Oh god
  131. 5:23 PM - Rin Alaston: Is clipping my nails murder
  132. 8:23 PM - Dardanos: The Devourer: I like to think the power only gives things personality when you want it to
  133. 8:23 PM - Dardanos: The Devourer: like, there isn't just a chorus of objects talking all at once
  134. 8:23 PM - Dardanos: The Devourer: like, if that was the case, why wouldn't every atom get its own personality?
  135. 5:23 PM - Rin Alaston: Tru
  136. 5:23 PM - Rin Alaston: But my best bud is a carrot
  137. 8:24 PM - Dardanos: The Devourer: So you just don't activate the power when you're eating dinner :v
  138. 5:24 PM - Rin Alaston: I don't think I can do it man
  139. 5:24 PM - Rin Alaston: I could though and hear the screams of my food
  140. 8:24 PM - Dardanos: The Devourer: unless it's like the sandwiches that screamed orgasmacially when eaten
  141. 8:25 PM - Dardanos: The Devourer: also carrot girl is giving me some powerful sailor moon vibes
  142. 8:25 PM - Dardanos: The Devourer: she's dumb as hell, poses unnecessarily, and has awful catchphrases
  143. 8:25 PM - Dardanos: The Devourer: it's great
  144. 8:25 PM - Dardanos: The Devourer: so anyway you just assblasted the corpses and added 2 more to your OC of 7, voluntarily, right?
  145. 5:25 PM - Rin Alaston: Oh gosh she was meant to be based on sentai but she really is p sailor moony your right
  146. 5:26 PM - Rin Alaston: Mmmmyup
  147. 5:26 PM - Rin Alaston: Time for some splodey action
  148. 8:27 PM - Dardanos: The Devourer: Not quite yet, gotta make it super cinematic
  149. 5:27 PM - Rin Alaston: Awww yiss
  150. 8:27 PM - Dardanos: The Devourer: Your knives completely dislodge the remaining corpses, painting the gears red. They don't seem to mind, though. In fact, the gears are chanting, "FALL, DEMON!" "TO THE ABYSS!" "MAY FIRES CONSUME YOU!"
  151. 8:28 PM - Dardanos: The Devourer: Dardanos is scrambling for purchase now as the grate doors completely turn vertical
  152. 8:29 PM - Dardanos: The Devourer: It manages to leap somewhat and grab onto the concrete ledge with a few of its arms, its body hanging over the completely opened pipe now, while a few other arms dangle beneath it
  153. 8:29 PM - Dardanos: The Devourer: The arms are clearly struggling to hold its entire weight. It can't seem to pull itself up.
  154. 8:30 PM - Dardanos: The Devourer: It makes gurgling and hocking noises, before it spits a globule of corpsey, boney goop at you
  155. 5:30 PM - Rin Alaston: (( ewww ))
  156. 8:31 PM - Dardanos: The Devourer: Beat 16 to defend~
  157. 8:31 PM - Dardanos: The Devourer: (I swear if you get 17 I will murder you)
  158. 5:31 PM - Rin Alaston: 16 c:
  159. 8:31 PM - Dardanos: The Devourer: :T
  160. 8:32 PM - Dardanos: The Devourer: You fling a high-velocity carrot at the glob, forcing it in the opposite direction of you
  161. 8:32 PM - Dardanos: The Devourer: Your go
  162. 5:34 PM - Rin Alaston: *Rin looks at the falling monstrosity, almost feeling sorry for it* "Sorry spidey." *Rin attacks one of the spiders arms with final impact*
  163. 5:35 PM - Rin Alaston: The roll to hit it was 19, the damage done is 8
  164. 5:36 PM - Rin Alaston: Annnnd I have 11 magic oc
  165. 8:36 PM - Dardanos: The Devourer: wanna get totes cinematic?
  166. 5:36 PM - Rin Alaston: Hellz ya
  167. 8:36 PM - Dardanos: The Devourer: kaaay
  168. 5:36 PM - Rin Alaston: Woo c:
  169. 8:39 PM - Dardanos: The Devourer: (sorry for the delay was doing stuff with someone else real fast)
  170. 5:39 PM - Rin Alaston: (( no probs bobs c: ))
  171. 8:40 PM - Dardanos: The Devourer: After some super dramatic flips, ninjarunning and an incredibly stuck landing, you slice your blades across all of its legs as you circle it, delimbing them all and causing it to fall
  172. 8:40 PM - Dardanos: The Devourer: To give it one final "FUCK YOU" you compulsively jump down into the hole ontop of it
  173. 8:40 PM - Dardanos: The Devourer: Roll pose!
  174. 5:41 PM - Rin Alaston: 15 B)
  175. 8:42 PM - Dardanos: The Devourer: You pull a really great pose
  176. 8:42 PM - Dardanos: The Devourer: Quick, stick the pose with a catchphrase!
  177. 5:43 PM - Rin Alaston: "I carrot let evil survive!"
  178. 8:43 PM - Dardanos: The Devourer: that
  179. 8:43 PM - Dardanos: The Devourer: was awful
  180. 8:43 PM - Dardanos: The Devourer: it's perfect
  181. 5:43 PM - Rin Alaston: B)
  182. 5:43 PM - Rin Alaston: <5
  183. 8:43 PM - Dardanos: The Devourer: <6
  184. 8:44 PM - Dardanos: The Devourer: It is then, as you give your brilliant finishing line, that you realize
  185. 8:44 PM - Dardanos: The Devourer: You're standing atop the falling spider
  186. 5:44 PM - Rin Alaston: I'm going out gandalf style ))
  187. 8:44 PM - Dardanos: The Devourer: The grated doors above you close
  188. 5:44 PM - Rin Alaston: (( oh shit ))
  189. 5:45 PM - Rin Alaston: (( gears betrayed me ))
  190. 5:45 PM - Rin Alaston: (( those fuckers ))
  191. 8:45 PM - Dardanos: The Devourer: I'm sure it's the pistons and twirly bits didn't mean it
  192. 5:46 PM - Rin Alaston: (( ur right I forgive them ))
  193. 8:46 PM - Dardanos: The Devourer: "MUUUUUST..... FEAAAAAAAAAST"
  194. 8:47 PM - Dardanos: The Devourer: With its remaining limbs, even in freefall, it attempts to grab you
  195. 8:47 PM - Dardanos: The Devourer: 15
  196. 5:47 PM - Rin Alaston: I'm gunna clash
  197. 8:47 PM - Dardanos: The Devourer: go 4 it
  198. 8:47 PM - Dardanos: The Devourer: are you a striker?
  199. 5:48 PM - Rin Alaston: ye, so that's only 2 oc
  200. 8:48 PM - Dardanos: The Devourer: k coo
  201. 5:48 PM - Rin Alaston: 18
  202. 8:48 PM - Dardanos: The Devourer: don't forget, OC radius expands exponentially
  203. 8:48 PM - Dardanos: The Devourer: according to the burst rewrite devs, like 16-18 is city-nuking doom
  204. 5:48 PM - Rin Alaston: Oh shit
  205. 5:49 PM - Rin Alaston: Well that might actually manage to assist in my escape
  206. 8:49 PM - Dardanos: The Devourer: well, just sayin, be careful :v
  207. 8:49 PM - Dardanos: The Devourer: anyways
  208. 8:50 PM - Dardanos: The Devourer: You completely bisect Dardanos' arm
  209. 8:51 PM - Dardanos: The Devourer: you're both in what virtually amounts to a freefall in this giant tube
  210. 8:51 PM - Dardanos: The Devourer: Your go!
  211. 8:51 PM - Dardanos: The Devourer: Attack!
  212. 5:51 PM - Rin Alaston: 13
  213. 8:52 PM - Dardanos: The Devourer: :T
  214. 8:53 PM - Dardanos: The Devourer: you pass
  215. 8:53 PM - Dardanos: The Devourer: damage
  216. 5:54 PM - Rin Alaston: 6
  217. 8:54 PM - Dardanos: The Devourer: You cut a nigga up, lopping off yet another limb
  218. 8:54 PM - Dardanos: The Devourer: he has but 3 remaining, as you continue your fall
  219. 8:55 PM - Dardanos: The Devourer: (how much resolve you got left anyway?)
  220. 5:55 PM - Rin Alaston: 3 c:
  221. 8:55 PM - Dardanos: The Devourer: welp
  222. 8:56 PM - Dardanos: The Devourer: Dardanos will go to grab you once more. He is very intent on this.
  223. 8:56 PM - Dardanos: The Devourer: 16 bae
  224. 8:56 PM - Dardanos: The Devourer: I better not see a 17
  225. 8:56 PM - Dardanos: The Devourer: or 16
  226. 8:57 PM - Dardanos: The Devourer: god dammit friggle
  227. 5:57 PM - Rin Alaston: 22
  228. 5:57 PM - Rin Alaston: I got them Oc bluuuuues
  229. 8:58 PM - Dardanos: The Devourer: You adjust your trajectory in such a manner that you are now standing somehow on its extended arm
  230. 8:58 PM - Dardanos: The Devourer: like that scene in MGR where Raiden is running down the clocktower
  231. 8:58 PM - Dardanos: The Devourer: and giving gravity the finger
  232. 5:58 PM - Rin Alaston: (( I may not have played mgr ))
  233. 8:59 PM - Dardanos: The Devourer: lemme lay it out real simple for you
  234. 8:59 PM - Dardanos: The Devourer: | _ v
  235. 8:59 PM - Dardanos: The Devourer: | = arm
  236. 8:59 PM - Dardanos: The Devourer: _ = you
  237. 8:59 PM - Dardanos: The Devourer: v = the direction of gravity
  238. 6:00 PM - Rin Alaston: Thanks bae
  239. 9:00 PM - Dardanos: The Devourer: brb
  240. 6:00 PM - Rin Alaston: aighty c:
  241. 9:02 PM - Dardanos: The Devourer: bak
  242. 9:02 PM - Dardanos: The Devourer: our dumb bitch neighbor knocked over our trashcans and I had to go fix em cuz mummy has a fractured foot from the bitches downstaris' dog
  243. 9:03 PM - Dardanos: The Devourer: anyways
  244. 9:03 PM - Dardanos: The Devourer: you're standing on this arm
  245. 9:03 PM - Dardanos: The Devourer: you can run down it and cut the body like a boss
  246. 9:04 PM - Dardanos: The Devourer: Meanwhile, you feel an extremely uncomfortable pressure, like you're trying to hold something back
  247. 9:04 PM - Dardanos: The Devourer: You can feel it creeping in. You don't know what it is, and it frightens you.
  248. 6:05 PM - Rin Alaston: ((oop, sorry about your neighbor and mom man :c ))
  249. 6:05 PM - Rin Alaston: I'm gunna go for the leg yo
  250. 6:05 PM - Rin Alaston: 13
  251. 9:06 PM - Dardanos: The Devourer: 12, again
  252. 9:06 PM - Dardanos: The Devourer: fuck
  253. 6:07 PM - Rin Alaston: 5 damage
  254. 9:08 PM - Dardanos: The Devourer: You run down the length of the leg, cutting it to ribbons before backflipping back into the air and freefalling above it again
  255. 9:09 PM - Dardanos: The Devourer: 2 arms left, it goes to clap you between its hands
  256. 9:09 PM - Dardanos: The Devourer: 23
  257. 6:09 PM - Rin Alaston: Oh jesus
  258. 6:10 PM - Rin Alaston: 23
  259. 6:10 PM - Rin Alaston: I have a heart burst now too
  260. 9:11 PM - Dardanos: The Devourer: you just don't want to die
  261. 6:11 PM - Rin Alaston: Mmmyup
  262. 6:11 PM - Rin Alaston: c:
  263. 9:12 PM - Dardanos: The Devourer: You turn to a nose dive and gain distance away from the hands as they clap at air
  264. 9:12 PM - Dardanos: The Devourer: your go!
  265. 6:14 PM - Rin Alaston: Aight I'm going to stun it with stunningly deliscious
  266. 6:14 PM - Rin Alaston: I have to pass a TN 13 finesse roll
  267. 6:14 PM - Rin Alaston: 15 B)
  268. 9:14 PM - Dardanos: The Devourer: wot it do
  269. 6:15 PM - Rin Alaston: It stuns the target untill it's next turn
  270. 6:15 PM - Rin Alaston: Which is kinda pointless because there's only two of us
  271. 6:15 PM - Rin Alaston: Welp
  272. 9:15 PM - Dardanos: The Devourer: gg
  273. 6:15 PM - Rin Alaston: My turn again I guess
  274. 6:16 PM - Rin Alaston: I'm going to use my archetype effect which gives me +1 to hit chance and let's me roll 3d6 instead of 2d6 and drop the lowest die
  275. 9:17 PM - Dardanos: The Devourer: what effect is that?
  276. 6:17 PM - Rin Alaston: final strike
  277. 9:17 PM - Dardanos: The Devourer: o
  278. 9:17 PM - Dardanos: The Devourer: isn't that a finisher?
  279. 6:17 PM - Rin Alaston: Nah final impact is a finisher
  280. 9:17 PM - Dardanos: The Devourer: oooo
  281. 9:18 PM - Dardanos: The Devourer: kayy
  282. 9:18 PM - Dardanos: The Devourer: go on
  283. 9:18 PM - Dardanos: The Devourer: activating effects costs 1 oc iirc
  284. 9:18 PM - Dardanos: The Devourer: so, go on
  285. 9:18 PM - Dardanos: The Devourer: do your thing
  286. 6:19 PM - Rin Alaston: im checking really quick to see if it does require oc
  287. 6:19 PM - Rin Alaston: it does for some but not all
  288. 6:19 PM - Rin Alaston: it specifies if it does
  289. 9:19 PM - Dardanos: The Devourer: oooh
  290. 9:19 PM - Dardanos: The Devourer: I gotcha now
  291. 6:19 PM - Rin Alaston: lemee check if mine does
  292. 9:20 PM - Dardanos: The Devourer: I see it in the book
  293. 9:20 PM - Dardanos: The Devourer: it's a free action
  294. 6:20 PM - Rin Alaston: ye c:
  295. 9:20 PM - Dardanos: The Devourer: aight, go 4 it
  296. 6:20 PM - Rin Alaston: 17
  297. 6:20 PM - Rin Alaston: Oh does that 6 from the extra die count as OC?
  298. 9:21 PM - Dardanos: The Devourer: let's pretend it doesn't for now but I think it does
  299. 6:21 PM - Rin Alaston: Yeah it probably would
  300. 6:21 PM - Rin Alaston: I'll leave it to GM discretio ntho c:
  301. 9:21 PM - Dardanos: The Devourer: let's not do it this time
  302. 9:22 PM - Dardanos: The Devourer: but it will in the future
  303. 6:21 PM - Rin Alaston: (( woo ))
  304. 6:22 PM - Rin Alaston: Oh and it's stunned so it cant defend
  305. 6:22 PM - Rin Alaston: Aww yiss
  306. 9:22 PM - Dardanos: The Devourer: oh, have you been remembering to add 1 damage for each OC?
  307. 9:22 PM - Dardanos: The Devourer: cuz that's a thing
  308. 6:22 PM - Rin Alaston: ye no worries bby
  309. 9:22 PM - Dardanos: The Devourer: +1 damage for each oc you incur during an attack that succeeds
  310. 9:22 PM - Dardanos: The Devourer: k good
  311. 9:22 PM - Dardanos: The Devourer: roll damage, then
  312. 6:23 PM - Rin Alaston: Most of my oc was on defense and corpse killing tho
  313. 9:23 PM - Dardanos: The Devourer: kek
  314. 6:23 PM - Rin Alaston: 5 dmg
  315. 9:23 PM - Dardanos: The Devourer: what is your attack stat?
  316. 6:23 PM - Rin Alaston: 7
  317. 6:24 PM - Rin Alaston: It's half rounded down right?
  318. 9:24 PM - Dardanos: The Devourer: I think I'll round it up from now on
  319. 6:24 PM - Rin Alaston: Oh hella
  320. 6:24 PM - Rin Alaston: 6 dmg then c:
  321. 9:25 PM - Dardanos: The Devourer: You slice off another arm, leaving it with a single arm and like 20 bleeding stumps of varying length
  322. 9:25 PM - Dardanos: The Devourer: It is going to eat the shit out of you or die trying
  323. 9:26 PM - Dardanos: The Devourer: 16
  324. 9:26 PM - Dardanos: The Devourer: murder
  325. 6:26 PM - Rin Alaston: 20 c;
  326. 9:27 PM - Dardanos: The Devourer: You evade its grasp once more with little effort, and are now standing on its arm
  327. 9:27 PM - Dardanos: The Devourer: "WHY... DO YOU... STRUGGLE?"
  328. 6:27 PM - Rin Alaston: "For...justice!"
  329. 9:29 PM - Dardanos: The Devourer: Well, your go
  330. 9:29 PM - Dardanos: The Devourer: do your thing
  331. 6:29 PM - Rin Alaston: I'll just do a little slicey dicey on his last arm
  332. 6:30 PM - Rin Alaston: 21
  333. 9:30 PM - Dardanos: The Devourer: You slice the shit out of its last arm as you run down its length, and the little bits of youma scatter before the wind as you continue your fall
  334. 9:32 PM - Dardanos: The Devourer: You are now standing atop its limbless body
  335. 9:33 PM - Dardanos: The Devourer: It is at this point, both you and Dardanos pass the threshold of the pipe, and into a gigantic, round room
  336. 9:34 PM - Dardanos: The Devourer: Below you, there are big piles of ashes, and you smell burnt garbage. Somewhere along the edge of this room, you see some melted, partially collapsed pathways of a sort made out of ice, leading into one of the smaller trash chutes that line all the walls
  337. 9:35 PM - Dardanos: The Devourer: You're falling out of the ceiling of this room. It is at least a hundred feet below you
  338. 9:36 PM - Dardanos: The Devourer: The uncomfortable pressure from before is back, in full force, and it brought a friend
  339. 9:37 PM - Dardanos: The Devourer: You Burst, in midair, while riding the limbless youma
  340. 9:37 PM - Dardanos: The Devourer: What's your Burst levels?
  341. 9:37 PM - Dardanos: The Devourer: OC levels, for that matter. All 3
  342. 6:38 PM - Rin Alaston: Magic: 14 Heart:11 Fury: 0
  343. 9:38 PM - Dardanos: The Devourer: for the record
  344. 9:38 PM - Dardanos: The Devourer: the book says 12 Magic OC
  345. 9:38 PM - Dardanos: The Devourer: is several city blocks
  346. 6:38 PM - Rin Alaston: Whoops
  347. 9:39 PM - Dardanos: The Devourer: You pop, and the pressure is released
  348. 9:40 PM - Dardanos: The Devourer: A woosh and a blinding light later, and you're unconscious.
  349. 9:41 PM - Dardanos: The Devourer: You wake up with a pounding headache, laying on a cold steel floor
  350. 9:43 PM - Dardanos: The Devourer: You look left, then right, and the memories from before flood back. You look in your hand. You're holding a small, black, diamond-shaped gem. It seems to swirl with some sort of power, and is slightly unsettling to hold with your bare hand.
  351. 6:43 PM - Rin Alaston: (Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee )
  352. 9:45 PM - Dardanos: The Devourer: The room is now completely devoid of all ashes and ice pathways. Without all that crap, you see that the room is shaped like a bowl, and spot a ladder that leads to a hallway up the steep metal slope. You take your prize and begin your climb.
  353. 9:45 PM - Dardanos: The Devourer: 2 xp
  354. 9:45 PM - Dardanos: The Devourer: 1 Oblivion Seed
  355. 9:45 PM - Dardanos: The Devourer: fin
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