
Celestia and DealerAnon Pt. 22

Dec 4th, 2014
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  1. >Your thoughts are interrupted by a familiar voice yelling at you
  2. >''Ey, Anon! Tyler! What's up, boys?''
  3. >You both pick up the pace, walking quickly towards the Latino man standing in front of the well-lit liquor store
  4. >''Hey, Santiago! Long time no see, brother.''
  5. >Santiago pulls Ty into a brief hug, both wearing warm smiles on their faces
  6. >He moves towards you, adopting a mask of concern upon seeing your bandages
  7. >''Hey, Anon. What the fuck happened to your face, ese?''
  8. >You chuckle briefly and reciprocate the offered hug
  9. ''Got robbed when I was walking home yesterday. Guys went a little fucking overboard.''
  10. >''Yeah, no shit, homes. Any idea wher the motherfuckers at, eh?''
  11. >You give a small shrug and toss your cigarette into the snow, the cherry quickly fizzling out
  12. ''No idea. Young, black, puffy jackets. The usual.''
  13. >''Shit bro. You need any help finding them?''
  14. ''I might. But right now, I got other things to worry about.''
  15. >Santiago nods, his face a mask of concern
  16. >''Like what, man?''
  17. >Ty interrupts you, clearly shivering
  18. >''Sorry to interrupt the family reunion, but I'm kinda fucking freezing, bro. You mind if we head anyplace warmer?''
  19. ''Oh. Sorry, Ty.''
  20. >Ty grunts in response as Santiago motions towards the Impala, the red chassis already blanketed by snow
  21. >''Jump in, amigos. Car's always warm.''
  22. >Ty grunts in thanks as you both trudge towards the car
  23. ''Thanks, Santiago.''
  24. >''No problem, ese.''
  26. >The Impala rumbles to life, and Santiago starts fiddling with the stereo
  28. >''So-''
  29. >Santiago turns his attention to the A/C, warm air promptly filling the car
  30. >''Now that Ty don't die of hypothermia anymore, what's that you said 'bout other things, ese?''
  31. ''Well, it's a really long story, alright?''
  32. >You sigh and rub some life into your hands
  33. ''Well, you remember when I told you about my old principal?''
  34. >Santiago nods briefly and pushes down the gas pedal while fiddling with the black-and-blue bandana covering his neck
  35. >''Yeah. Bitch lost her job, so she had to stay with you. Ain't that how it went, ese?''
  36. >You suppress the jolt of anger going through your body at her being called a 'bitch', and nod instead
  37. ''Yeah, pretty much. This morning, though, she found out I sling. Didn't go down well.''
  38. >''Shit homes, I can imagine. So, what happened?''
  39. >You scratch your neck and take a cigarette from your pocket, putting it to your lips
  40. >In a split-second, Santiago pulls the cigarette from your mouth, voice taking a dangerous tone
  41. >''Not in the fucking car, ese.''
  42. ''Alright, alright. Sorry. Anyway, we had a bit of a fight, and she left.''
  43. >Santiago smiles, the threatening tone completely gone
  44. >''So, what's the problem, vato? One less bitch to worry about.''
  45. >At this moment, Ty's gravelly voice interrupts your conversation
  46. >''Yeah, brother. But the problem is, Anon's got a feeling she might snitch.''
  47. ''I don't-''
  48. >Santiago's eyes narrow, and his tone takes a turn for the dangerous
  49. >''So, bitch gonna snitch, eh? I can help you with that.''
  50. ''Aright, just chill, okay? I just need some help finding her, you know?''
  51. >''Uh-huh.''
  52. >Santiago's voice trails off, leaving you with a small ball of fear in your stomach
  53. >The tense silence permeating the air did nothing to make you feel more at ease
  54. >After what almost feels like an eternity, you finally continue
  55. ''But no killing, okay? She and I go way back, and I think she'll listen to me if I just talk to her.''
  56. >''Sheeit, okay, okay, bro. No worries, ey?''
  57. >Ty mumbles something in agreement, clearly a few sheets to the wind
  58. >''So, Anon?''
  59. >Santiago speaks up again and absent-mindedly pumps the gas, the engine roaring in protest
  60. ''Yeah?''
  61. >''Where do we start, man?''
  62. >You shrug and give him a small chuckle
  63. ''What, you wanna go now? As in, right now?''
  64. >Santiago nods in response and opens his mouth as if to say something, but is quickly cut off by Ty groaning
  65. >''Santiago, Anon, y'all can't be serious! Weren't we supposed to go to your place, man?''
  66. >Santiago shrugs, turning his head to look at Ty
  67. >''Yeah, yeah, I know, okay? But this shit's important, okay?''
  68. >You nod fervently in agreement, hoping Ty would come with you
  69. ''Yeah, she could be anywhere, man. That place ain't fit for a lady like her.''
  70. >Ty sighs in response and cradles his head in his hands
  71. >''Yeah, I know, man. I know. But nigga, why don't you just call her?''
  72. ''I- I don't have her number.''
  73. >You trail off sheepishly, not sure why you're feeling embarrassed all of a sudden
  74. >''Great, man. Just gre-''
  75. >Santiago promptly cuts him off
  76. >''Homes, we can either sit here and talk all night, or we can get rolling. Which do you choose?''
  77. >Ty sighs and takes a deep pull from his beer
  78. >''Fine. Let's go.''
  79. >Santiago and you share a smirk as the engine rumbles to life once again, the Impala rolling smoothly forward
  82. >Slowly rolling down the road, heads swiveling, you notice that the streets are even emptier than before
  83. >You'd already been driving for ten minutes, Ty's sullen silence quickly spreading to the rest of you
  84. >Finally breaking the tension, Santiago opens his mouth
  85. >''So, ese, what this chick look like?''
  86. >You shrug without taking your eyes off the street, darkened alleyways slowly moving by
  87. ''Well, she's got a business suit, for one. Uh, her hair is really weird, but in like a pretty way.''
  88. >''What's the hair like?''
  89. >You shrug again, unsure of what to say
  90. ''Well, it's really colorful. Like, blue, green and red, only it's pastel. Really long. And soft.''
  91. >Santiago glances over at you, a smirk tugging on his mouth
  92. >''Soft, huh?''
  93. ''I guess.''
  94. >The silence settles again, and you peruse your brain for more identifying traits
  95. >You're not sure if it's just the beer making you tired or if it's the cocaine wearing off
  96. >But you know that everything would become much clearer after one little bump
  97. >God damn
  98. >You sigh and rub your eyes, desperately trying to remember anything helpful
  99. >''So, you got anything else that could help?''
  100. ''Shit man, I'm not sure. There was something-''
  101. >You trail off, snapping your fingers in frustration
  102. >Then it comes back to you
  103. ''Oh, right. She had a handbag. Light brown, with a sun or something on it.''
  104. >Ty finally breaks his silence and points out of the window
  105. >''You mean like that one, brother?''
  106. >Your head snaps to where he's pointing, a brief flash of hope flaring up in your heart
  107. >Seeing the crack fiend wrestling with the handbag extinguishes it just as quickly
  108. >From the light of the streetlamp above, you see the golden sun embroidered on the beige leather
  109. ''Stop the car!''
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