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Jan 2nd, 2016
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  1. Superheroes movies have always been popular. But they have never been more popular than right now. Currently, there are around 30 big Comic Book movies set for released by the year 2020!
  3. However, even with the constant growth of mainstream popularity, it seems as though Marvel and DC Fans still can't seem to get along.
  5. Let's be honest, we have all chosen a side between Marvel and DC. Somehow it has become human nature to prefer one brand over the other.
  7. Here's a fun game: Walk up to any of your friends and ask them "<i>Are you Team Marvel or Team DC?</i>" I guarantee that you will get a solid answer. But I also guarantee that they will also go into great detail to justify their preference, and the chances of an argument spurring is 50/50.
  9. The fact of the matter is that Marvel and DC fans just can't seem to get along. Here's why.
  10. <h2>Marvel fans believed DC Comics is too "Childish"</h2>
  11. By mainstream I am referring to the movies as well as the characters that we all grew up to know and love (or hate). Take their flagship character, Batman, for instance.
  13. Until Christopher Nolan took over, Batman movies were notorious for their friendly nature. This in spite of the fact that Tim Burton's versions from 1989-1995 saw the death of many. Batman even grappled The Joker's leg to a stone sculpture, forcing him to plummet to his own demise! Childish? I think not.
  15. <img src="" alt="" />
  16. <h2>Disney takes over Marvel Entertainment</h2>
  17. When Disney announced in 2009 that they were purchasing Marvel Entertainment, DC fans rejoiced. Finally their brand was the "cooler" of the giants. DC fans were certain that this would lead to cameos from Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck in the Marvel Universe.
  19. Luckily for Marvel fans, this has not occurred (though there's still time). Disney has kept the theme with their Marvel movies still featuring gore and mild cursing. To Marvel fans, this is a victory in itself.
  20. <h2>The never-ending "Who would win in a fight" scenario</h2>
  21. Everyone believes that their favorite Super Hero would win in a fight. While it's unlikely to see a big production in the form of a DC versus Marvel character, we are always seeing DC characters face other DC characters.
  23. Marvel superheroes are constantly clashing against one another as well. Though fictional, people still debate that they can prove why Wolverine is better than Aquaman (or vice versa).
  24. <h2>In 1996 they tried letting the fans choose sides with a mediocre comic book...</h2>
  25. <img src="" alt="" />
  26. Detached from the history which was home to the original writers for DC and Marvel came a series of comic books. They called it "DC versus Marvel Comics," with hopes of sparking interest by determining battles with the help of fan-voting. This comic book series was active from April to May 1996.
  28. These comic books featured one-on-one battles to help determine which characters would win. The attempt and appeal was noble of Ron Marz and Peter David, but it's safe to say that being so far detached from the originals made this attempt unworthy. More like a fantasy what-if in the minds of the writers.
  30. The series featured 11 battles in total. 6 in the preliminary, written and decided by the writers, and 5 battles determined by fan voting. Marz and David took the safe approach of giving 3 wins to DC Comics and 3 wins to Marvel.
  32. The fans voted slightly in favor of Marvel, but there are other things to consider.
  33. The fans were not asked to vote on Brand versus Brand. They were asked to vote and submit their opinion as to who would win in a fight.
  35. Their options were:
  36. <ul>
  37. <li>Superman(DC) vs. Hulk(Marvel)</li>
  38. <li>Spider-Man(Marvel) vs. Superboy(DC)</li>
  39. <li>Batman(DC) vs. Captain America(Marvel)</li>
  40. <li>Wolverine(Marvel) vs. Lobo(DC)</li>
  41. <li>Wonder Woman(DC) vs. Storm(Marvel)</li>
  42. </ul>
  43. While some may say that Marvel is the better brand because of this, the fans were asked to vote based on the individual fights. Thus, if you have a comic book fan with a preference over Marvel but wants to take this voting seriously, they may take some extra steps to look into the DC character and try to really determine who would win the fight.
  45. Case in point, this did nothing but create more room for heated debate versus help determine which characters would actually win.
  46. <h2>Lord, that one comic book where Superman fought...</h2>
  47. This comic book is the second crossover between DC Comics and Marvel Comics, following MGM's Marvelous Wizard of Oz. However, it is the first modern superhero crossover.
  49. This comic book, while it gave fans a glimpse of what it would be like to have a battle between two of the top characters from DC and Marvel, did just that. Simply a glimpse of what it would be like. The debate comes in the form of the actual battling between the two.
  51. Spider-Man's attacks seem to barely phase Superman. Lex Luthor then fires a gun that strikes Spider-Man and infuses him with power. This lead to a lot of people to assume that Spider-Man was inferior. Once the radiation dissipated, the punches thrown at Superman had little effect.
  53. Spider-Man, from this, calls off the fight, and the two eventually realize that they were deceived by Luthor and Doctor Octopus. You can figure out the rest.
  54. <img src="" alt="" />
  55. <h2>There's no better way to start a fight than with forums</h2>
  56. If you're reading this, you know what a forum is. Furthermore, you are probably from the Forum Generation. Forums, as we all know, were designed to bring communities of common interest together. Such is the case with comic books.
  58. There have been more comic book forums than possibly any other forum, and each saw the same amount of back and forth between Marvel and DC fans. It only takes a few to spoil the bunch. Forums are one of the main reasons why DC and Marvel fans continue to argue.
  60. The first comics from Marvel and DC were published roughly 1938-1939. Yet the following few generations really took a liking to this style of arts. These same generations got to witness first hand the birth of the widespread internet, and the forum soon thereafter.
  62. Needless to say, all it takes is for one person to post a comment that offends someone else to spark a flame. Then of course everyone else jumps in with their two cents and you have this massive fire ignited, over comics.
  63. <h2>Batman's "lack of true powers" makes him an easy target for Marvel fans</h2>
  64. &nbsp;
  66. Batman is arguably the biggest name in the superhero world. Movies based around this character are guaranteed to succeed, and top rated actors and directors are more than willing to take a bite of the makings of them. But the critics ( Marvel fans ) find him to be quite lackluster.
  68. Marvel heroes are known for their fatal infections granting them super powers such as claws and laser beams that shoot from their eyes. Batman, however, relies on gadgets and wealth and intelligence to take down his foes. While he is clearly capable, it's hard to argue that if he went head to head with one of the Mutants of Marvel that he could actually survive in a fight.
  70. Unfortunately, while I am neither in favor of DC or Marvel ( I like them both equally ), this one's a tough one to argue. Imagine if Batman and Wolverine went face to face without Batman having a length of time to prepare for the fight. It's hard to imagine that Batman's armor could stop the adamantium claws from ripping him to shreds.
  72. On the other hand, DC fans have long argued that Batman would essentially be resourceful enough to handle any situation that would arise. In the hypothetical event that I just mentioned, one could argue that Bruce Wayne could quite easily figure out a way to make his armor capable of handling Wolverine's claws.
  74. Unfortunately we are talking about fantasy, and thus the result is all in our imagination. One could assume that we will see how Batman will handle a "real superhero" in the upcoming Batman V Superman movie. But until then, could anyone fight crime with the right set of tools?
  75. <img src="" alt="" />
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