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Nov 24th, 2012
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text 10.03 KB | None | 0 0
  1. AntiAlias = 1
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  270. streamdev-server.StartServer = 1
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  274. svdrpservice.ReadTimeout = 5
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  276. svdrpservice.ServerPort = 6419
  277. xine.modeLiveTV.monitoringDuration = 30
  278. xine.modeLiveTV.monitoringMode = monitoringContinuous
  279. xine.modeLiveTV.prebufferFramesAudio = 6
  280. xine.modeLiveTV.prebufferFramesVideoHD = 16
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  296. xineliboutput.Media.RootDir = /media
  297. xineliboutput.Media.DVD.ArrowKeysControlPlayback = 1
  298. xineliboutput.Media.RootDir = /media
  299. xineliboutput.OSD.Blending = 1
  300. xineliboutput.OSD.BlendingLowRes = 1
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  305. xineliboutput.OSD.Width = 1280
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  309. xineliboutput.Video.AutoCrop.DetectSubs = 1
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  318. xineliboutput.Video.HUE = -1
  319. xineliboutput.Video.IBPTrickSpeed = 1
  320. xineliboutput.Video.MaxTrickSpeed = 12
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  322. xineliboutput.Video.Overscan = 0
  323. xineliboutput.Video.Saturation = -1
  324. xineliboutput.Video.Sharpness = -1
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  326. xineliboutput.Video.SwScale.Aspect = 0
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  328. xineliboutput.Video.SwScale.Height = 576
  329. xineliboutput.Video.SwScale.Resize = 0
  330. xineliboutput.Video.SwScale.Width = 720
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