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- #!/usr/bin/env python
- #usage: python in console
- ## DragonFly BSD Screencasting script for ffmpeg ##
- # Easy-to-change defaults for users
- ACCEPTABLE_FILE_EXTENSIONS = [".avi", ".mp4", ".mov", ".mkv", ".ogv"]
- import os
- import sys
- import os.path
- import glob
- import time
- import random
- import tempfile
- import optparse
- import subprocess
- import re
- PYTHON_3 = (sys.version_info[0] == 3)
- # Optional packages
- try:
- import Tkinter
- have_tk = True
- except ImportError:
- have_tk = False
- try:
- import multiprocessing
- have_multiproc = True
- except ImportError:
- have_multiproc = False
- # Video codec lines
- vcodecs = {}
- vcodecs["h264"] = ["-vcodec", "libx264", "-preset", "medium"]
- vcodecs["h264_fast"] = ["-vcodec", "libx264", "-preset", "ultrafast", "-g", "15", "-crf", "0", "-pix_fmt", "yuv444p"]
- vcodecs["mpeg4"] = ["-vcodec", "mpeg4", "-qmax", "1", "-qmin", "1"]
- #vcodecs["xvid"] = ["-vcodec", "libxvid", "-b", "40000kb"]
- vcodecs["huffyuv"] = ["-vcodec", "huffyuv"]
- vcodecs["vp8"] = ["-vcodec", "libvpx", "-qmax", "2", "-qmin", "1"]
- vcodecs["theora"] = ["-vcodec", "libtheora", "-b", "40000kb"]
- #vcodecs["dirac"] = ["-vcodec", "libschroedinger", "-b", "40000kb"]
- # Audio codec lines
- acodecs = {}
- acodecs["pcm"] = ["-acodec", "pcm_s16le"]
- #acodecs["flac"] = ["-acodec", "flac"]
- acodecs["vorbis"] = ["-acodec", "libvorbis", "-ab", "320k"]
- acodecs["mp3"] = ["-acodec", "libmp3lame", "-ab", "320k"]
- acodecs["aac"] = ["-acodec", "libfdk-aac", "-ab", "320k"]
- def capture_line(fps, x, y, height, width, display_device, audio_device, video_codec, audio_codec, output_path):
- """ Returns the command line to capture video+audio, in a list form
- compatible with Popen.
- """
- threads = 2
- if have_multiproc:
- # Detect the number of threads we have available
- threads = multiprocessing.cpu_count()
- line = ["ffmpeg",
- "-f", "oss",
- "-ac", "2",
- "-i", str(audio_device),
- "-f", "x11grab",
- "-r", str(fps),
- "-s", "%dx%d" % (int(height), int(width)),
- "-i", display_device + "+" + str(x) + "," + str(y)]
- line += acodecs[audio_codec]
- line += vcodecs[video_codec]
- line += ["-threads", str(threads), str(output_path)]
- return line
- def video_capture_line(fps, x, y, height, width, display_device, video_codec, output_path):
- """ Returns the command line to capture video (no audio), in a list form
- compatible with Popen.
- """
- threads = 2
- if have_multiproc:
- # Detect the number of threads we have available
- threads = multiprocessing.cpu_count()
- line = ["mpeg",
- "-f", "x11grab",
- "-r", str(fps),
- "-s", "%dx%d" % (int(height), int(width)),
- "-i", display_device + "+" + str(x) + "," + str(y)]
- line += vcodecs[video_codec]
- line += ["-threads", str(threads), str(output_path)]
- return line
- def audio_capture_line(audio_device, audio_codec, output_path):
- """ Returns the command line to capture audio (no video), in a list form
- compatible with Popen.
- """
- line = ["ffmpeg",
- "-f", "oss",
- "-ac", "2",
- "-i", str(audio_device)]
- line += acodecs[audio_codec]
- line += [str(output_path)]
- return line
- def get_desktop_resolution():
- """ Returns the resolution of the desktop as a tuple.
- """
- if have_tk:
- # Use tk to get the desktop resolution if we have it
- root = Tkinter.Tk()
- width = root.winfo_screenwidth()
- height = root.winfo_screenheight()
- root.destroy()
- return (width, height)
- else:
- # Otherwise call xdpyinfo and parse its output
- try:
- proc = subprocess.Popen("xdpyinfo", stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
- except OSError:
- return None
- out, err = proc.communicate()
- if PYTHON_3:
- lines = str(out).split("\\n")
- else:
- lines = out.split("\n")
- for line in lines:
- if "dimensions" in line:
- line = re.sub(".*dimensions:[ ]*", "", line)
- line = re.sub("[ ]*pixels.*", "", line)
- wh = line.strip().split("x")
- return (int(wh[0]), int(wh[1]))
- def get_window_position_and_size():
- """ Prompts the user to click on a window, and returns the window's
- position and size.
- """
- try:
- proc = subprocess.Popen("xwininfo", stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
- except OSError:
- return None
- out, err = proc.communicate()
- if PYTHON_3:
- lines = str(out).split("\\n")
- else:
- lines = out.split("\n")
- x = 0
- y = 0
- w = 0
- h = 0
- xt = False
- yt = False
- wt = False
- ht = False
- for line in lines:
- if "Absolute upper-left X:" in line:
- x = int(re.sub("[^0-9]", "", line))
- xt = True
- elif "Absolute upper-left Y:" in line:
- y = int(re.sub("[^0-9]", "", line))
- yt = True
- elif "Width:" in line:
- w = int(re.sub("[^0-9]", "", line))
- wt = True
- elif "Height:" in line:
- h = int(re.sub("[^0-9]", "", line))
- ht = True
- if xt and yt and wt and ht:
- return (x, y, w, h)
- else:
- return None
- def get_default_output_path():
- """ Creates a default output file path.
- Pattern: out_####.ext
- """
- filenames = glob.glob("out_????" + DEFAULT_FILE_EXTENSION)
- for i in range(1, 9999):
- name = "out_" + str(i).rjust(4,'0') + DEFAULT_FILE_EXTENSION
- tally = 0
- for f in filenames:
- if f == name:
- tally += 1
- if tally == 0:
- return name
- return "out_9999" + DEFAULT_FILE_EXTENSION
- def print_codecs():
- """ Prints a list of the available audio/video codecs.
- """
- a = []
- v = []
- for i in acodecs:
- a += [i]
- for i in vcodecs:
- v += [i]
- a.sort()
- v.sort()
- print("Audio codecs:")
- for i in a:
- print(" " + str(i))
- print("Video codecs:")
- for i in vcodecs:
- print(" " + str(i))
- if __name__ == "__main__":
- # Set up default file path
- out_path = get_default_output_path()
- # Parse command line arguments
- parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage="%prog [options] [output_file" + DEFAULT_FILE_EXTENSION + "]")
- parser.add_option("-w", "--capture-window", action="store_true", dest="capture_window",
- default=False,
- help="prompt user to click on a window to capture")
- parser.add_option("-n", "--no-audio", action="store_true", dest="no_audio",
- default=False,
- help="don't capture audio")
- parser.add_option("-r", "--fps", dest="fps",
- type="int", default=DEFAULT_FPS,
- help="frame rate to capture video at. Default: " + str(DEFAULT_FPS))
- parser.add_option("-p", "--position", dest="xy", metavar="XxY",
- type="string", default=None,
- help="upper left corner of the capture area (in pixels from the upper left of the screen). Default: 0x0")
- parser.add_option("-s", "--size", dest="size",
- type="string", default=None, metavar="WIDTHxHEIGHT",
- help="resolution of the capture area (in pixels). Default: entire desktop")
- parser.add_option("--crop-top", dest="crop_top",
- type="int", default=0,
- help="number of pixels to crop off the top of the capture area")
- parser.add_option("--crop-bottom", dest="crop_bottom",
- type="int", default=0,
- help="number of pixels to crop off the bottom of the capture area")
- parser.add_option("--crop-left", dest="crop_left",
- type="int", default=0,
- help="number of pixels to crop off the left of the capture area")
- parser.add_option("--crop-right", dest="crop_right",
- type="int", default=0,
- help="number of pixels to crop off the right of the capture area")
- parser.add_option("-a", "--audio-device", dest="audio_device",
- help="the audio device to capture from (eg. hw:0). Default: " + DEFAULT_CAPTURE_AUDIO_DEVICE)
- parser.add_option("-d", "--display-device", dest="display_device",
- help="the display device to capture from (eg. :0.0). Default: " + DEFAULT_CAPTURE_DISPLAY_DEVICE)
- parser.add_option("--acodec", dest="acodec",
- help="the audio codec to encode with. Default: " + DEFAULT_AUDIO_CODEC)
- parser.add_option("--vcodec", dest="vcodec",
- help="the video codec to encode with. Default: " + DEFAULT_VIDEO_CODEC)
- parser.add_option("--codecs", action="store_true", dest="list_codecs",
- default=False,
- help="display the available audio and video codecs")
- opts, args = parser.parse_args()
- # Print list of codecs, if requested
- if opts.list_codecs:
- print_codecs()
- exit(0)
- # Output file path
- if len(args) >= 1:
- out_path = args[0]
- if out_path[-4:] not in ACCEPTABLE_FILE_EXTENSIONS:
- # Get desktop resolution
- try:
- dres = get_desktop_resolution()
- except:
- print("Error: unable to determine desktop resolution.")
- raise
- # Capture values
- fps = opts.fps
- if opts.capture_window:
- print("Please click on a window to capture.")
- x, y, width, height = get_window_position_and_size()
- else:
- if opts.xy:
- if re.match("^[0-9]*x[0-9]*$", opts.xy.strip()):
- xy = opts.xy.strip().split("x")
- x = int(xy[0])
- y = int(xy[1])
- else:
- raise parser.error("position option must be of form XxY (e.g. 50x64)")
- else:
- x = 0
- y = 0
- if opts.size:
- if re.match("^[0-9]*x[0-9]*$", opts.size.strip()):
- size = opts.size.strip().split("x")
- width = int(size[0])
- height = int(size[1])
- else:
- raise parser.error("size option must be of form HxW (e.g. 1280x720)")
- else:
- width = dres[0]
- height = dres[1]
- # Calculate cropping
- width -= opts.crop_left + opts.crop_right
- height -= opts.crop_top + opts.crop_bottom
- x += opts.crop_left
- y += opts.crop_top
- # Make sure the capture resolution conforms to the restrictions
- # of the video codec. Crop to conform, if necessary.
- mults = {"h264": 2, "h264_fast": 2, "mpeg4": 2, "dirac": 2, "xvid": 2, "theora": 8, "huffyuv": 2, "vp8": 1}
- width -= width % mults[opts.vcodec]
- height -= height % mults[opts.vcodec]
- # Verify that capture area is on screen
- if (x + width) > dres[0] or (y + height) > dres[1]:
- parser.error("specified capture area is off screen.")
- # Capture!
- if not opts.no_audio:
- proc = subprocess.Popen(capture_line(fps, x, y, width, height, opts.display_device, opts.audio_device, opts.vcodec, opts.acodec, out_path)).wait()
- else:
- proc = subprocess.Popen(video_capture_line(fps, x, y, width, height, opts.display_device, opts.vcodec, out_path)).wait()
- print("Done!")
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