

Mar 2nd, 2019
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  1. The character of Kvatch is in many ways reminiscent of its location. It lies on the crossroads between the Strident coast, the Colovian Highlands, the rolling hills of south Colovia and the bushland frontier that slowly transform into the north Valenwood rainforest. The city's location was not chosen at random; the hills represent the final, southern stretch of the Colovian highlands which cuts Abecea from south Colovia, with Kvetchi pass being the main lifeline between the two regions, so it was only a matter of time before a settlement was established in this position. It would be the western Abeceans who stepped to the task, securing the frontier and greatly decimating highlander raids into the wealthy western lands. Many Colovian tribes would fall under their control, many of which would eventually be integrated into the society of the city. Kvetiki, as the city is known in its native tongue, would continue to grow in power, becoming one of the major players of the Stridentine Confederacy and later the Colovian Estates, often stepping to the forefront as the kingdom of both Abeceans and Colovians. Its mercantile power meant that it would often overshadow its main rival, the militaristic kingdom of Skingrad, while still keeping up with Anvil, another major power of the western faction in the Estates who was always seen far more favourably due to cultural links.
  2. Kvatch remains known as an important center of trade in the wider region to this day, with caravans moving back and forth daily. Stable next to stable lie lined up, ready to replace the caravaners' horses with the Kevetines, a tough breed native to eastern Abecea. Famous all over Tamriel for their great qualities (in northern Colovia, they are used to pull heavy oak logs and they do so without struggling), these horses are sought after by adventurers, merchants and the Imperial Legion alike. There is even a stable dedicated solely to the Kevetines in the Imperial Palace complex and it is tradition for a Kvetchi equerry to look over them.
  4. The Heartlands of Cyrodiil have been a center of power since the times of Ayleid city-states. Nevertheless, the earliest settlement on the territory of the modern province naturally took place on the Abecean coast, the region closest to the pilgrims' native Isles. With few rivers allowing easy passage inland from the west, the coastal regions received the brunt of colonist arrivals during the initial colonial period. Some settlers moved into the established settlements, others - especially those belonging to certain religious groups - founded their own. The relationship between the new arrivals and the native Nedic population remained relatively amicable compared to certain states to the east; the earliest pilgrims sought peace first, and once the cities had been established, they were followed by those seeking opportunities. Much like the Altmer colonists of Altbal, they found peaceful co-existence and trade with the Nedes preferable to direct subjugation; many allowed the natives not only to enter their cities but in some cases even settle inside their walls. Ayleid cities co-existed with pre-established Abecean settlements, forming a network of communities throughout the region that slowly grew into a full-fledged confederacy.
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