
Kai-Lin Kress Saiyan App

Mar 29th, 2018
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  1. Race:Saiyan
  2. Reason for Applying:By Applying I want to be able to make a positive change in the rp.
  3. Ingame Name:Kai-Lin Kress
  4. Ingame Key:Tairee
  6. Rp goal: The goal of this character is to make the player base on vegeta more diverse. T His Characters main goal In character is to Prove that Female Saiyan's are stronger compared to their Male counterparts to prove that Female Saiyans are the strongest overall.
  8. Rp Example: Kai-Lin stood up from her modest home. She was a relatively small Saiyan with a big pride on her. She had been challenged numerous times by those who sought to tame her wild and uncontrollable attitude. Many had Failed and as long as she was breathing Many more would fail.
  10. This most recent fight had started like many others. The male had walked over and approached her trying top claim that she was his woman now. The man had then smacked her rear and introduced himself as Soka. He then began talking about what being his woman entailed. At this point Kai-Lin had stopped listening and had turned to assault the man. the first Punch landed upon his jaw. The punch was enough to stun him as she moved back and got her space.
  12. Soka Did not take to kindly to being punched in the jaw. so as Kai-lin took her space he charged in and began to unleash a flurry of heavy handed punches. She had begun dodging the strikes to the best of her ability. She was caught off guard by the swift kick the man had used to disrupt her dodging. The man had shown at least some bit of strategy as she was forced further into the defensive.
  14. Kai-lin took several punches through her guard. but as she did she noticed the Man's punches were slowing and despite her ribs being cracked she moved back and got into a stance. she took the look of surprise on his face as a good sign. because as he had over extended she shot forward burrying her fist into his abdomen. she followed up with a leg sweep to get him on the ground.She knew she had to end this quickly as her strength was going to fail her thanks to the fractured ribs and the heavy bruising along her body. She charged up a blast in her hand using her remaining strngth she put her foot on the saiyan and bent down applying pressure to the Soka's chest as she did. she put the ball of ki close to the man and told him to concede. The man proceeded to admit defeat but said he wouldnt stop until she was his. She let him go after that. The man got up reluctantly ands started to head back to his settlement.
  16. Kai-Lin then proceeded to walk the wastes of Vegeta. At her class she knew where she stood on the proverbial social ladder. As a woman she stood lower than the men with less potential. When she confronted some of her would be suitors about it after defeating them she found out why. Apparently because she had breasts she was deemed lower than the rest of her species.
  18. So as she walked the wastelands of Vegeta she would keep her mind on her goal. She would be the strongest Saiyan of all. Not the strongest female but the strongest Saiyan overall. With that being said she would need to train. Now that her mind was back on track she began her training. Each day she intended to train herself to the bone to accomplish her end goal of being the strongest. Nothing and no one would stop her on her goal.
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