Guest User


a guest
Dec 2nd, 2019
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  1. <?php
  2. $navigateur = $_SERVER["HTTP_USER_AGENT"];
  3. $bannav = Array('HTTrack','httrack','WebCopier','HTTPClient','websitecopier','webcopier');
  4. foreach ($bannav as $banni)
  5. { $comparaison = strstr($navigateur, $banni);
  6. if($comparaison!==false)
  7. {
  8. echo '<center>This tentative by using HTTrack was registered with successful!<br><br>Your IP adress was sended : ';
  9. $hostname = gethostbyaddr($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']);
  10. echo '<br>';
  11. echo $hostname;
  12. echo '</center>';
  13. exit;
  14. }
  15. }
  16. if(!defined('panel'))
  17. die('Nope.');
  18. class Config {
  19. private static $instance;
  20. public static $g_con;
  21. public static $_url = array();
  22. private static $_pages = array(
  23. 'bid','donations','adminpanel','jobs','change','terms','privacy','contact','paysafecard','fcomplaints','ticketgeneral','ticketpay','tickets','checkmail','war','changemail','createcomplaint','mycomplaints','complaint','complaints','adminpanel','leader','clan','wars','staff','online','search','banlist','members','top','vehicles','houses','businesses','login','logs','profile','logout',
  24. 'leader','admin','premium','ticket','replyticket','seeticket','ban','unban','invite','leaderp','uninvite',
  25. 'fup','fdown','rup','rdown','logleaderp','lock','del','unlock','unban','setunban','richlist','panelrestrict','deleterestrict',
  26. 'accountsp','restrictp','lp','recover','mail','mysettings','factionslist','deconnect','maill','delete','wipemfactions','wipe!',
  27. 'applications','viewapplication','apply','notifications','change_password','delnot','recover','resetare','sellhouse','logs', 'wanted', 'details', 'deletefh', 'editfh', 'restorefh', 'changeskin', 'money', 'bmoney', 'support', 'accountsecurity', 'remove', 'leadervote', 'editcomment', 'restorecomment', 'deletecomment', 'auninvite', 'setlicences', 'notes', 'changeemail', 'vip', 'register', 'chatlog', 'lp', 'shoplog', 'iplog', 'flog', 'killslog', 'changename', 'update', 'updates', 'addupdate', 'alogs', 'inactivity', 'viewinactivity', 'createinactivity', 'resignations', 'viewresign', 'createresign', 'playerlogs', 'faq', 'userapps', 'sendmessage', 'viewmessage', 'clearfp'
  28. );
  29. public static $_PAGE_URL = '';
  30. public static $_FORUM_URL = '';
  31. public static $_INDEX_URL = '';
  32. public static $_PAGE_YT = ''; //Nu umbla aici!
  33. public static $_IP = '';
  34. public static $_SERVER_DNS = '';
  35. public static $_PORT = '7777';
  36. public static $_SITE_NAME = 'Good-zone Panel';
  37. public static $_NAVBAR = "navbar navbar-fixed-top"; //" navbar navbar-fixed-top" = bar fixata, "navbar navbar-default" - bara normala.
  38. public static $_SKIN_THEME = 'skin-1'; // skin-1 = blue | DOAR ASTEA AM ADAUGAT MOMENTAN !
  39. /*------------FUNCTII SERVER----------------*/
  40. public static $_OWNERNAME = 'ImGunter'; // Numele ownerului = full access
  41. public static $_OWNERNAME2 = 'Ceobelyx'; // Numele celui de-al doilea Owner = full acces
  42. public static $_SCRIPTERNAME = "ImGunter"; // Aici este numele la Owner & Scripter
  43. public static $_VIPCARS = '1'; // Daca aveti sistemul de vip cars implementat in gamemode, puteti pune valoarea 1 la aceasta variabila pentrua va afisa masinile VIP personalizat.
  44. public static $_LOGSENABLED = '1'; // Daca aveti sistemul de log-uri implementat in gamemode, puteti pune valoarea 1 la aceasta variabila pentru a va afisa log-urile pe panel.
  45. public static $_FPMax = '20'; // De aici puteti seta Faction Punish-ul maxim pentru admini(Daca setati FP-ul aceasta valoare va fi maxima atat pe profilul utilizatorului cat si admin panel).
  46. /*-----------END FUNCTII SERVER--------------*/
  47. public static $factions = array();
  48. public static $logs = array();
  49. public static $vehColors = array();
  50. public static $facColors = array();
  51. public static $namevehicles = array();
  52. public static $ccat = array();
  53. public static $jobs = array();
  54. public static $reasoncomplaint = array();
  55. public static $securitymoderator = array();
  56. public static $_AUTOCOPYRIGHT = '&#080;&#097;&#110;&#101;&#108;&#032;&#101;&#100;&#105;&#116;&#097;&#116;&#032;&#100;&#101;&#032;&#084;&#105;&#098;&#105;&#116;&#105;&#098;&#101;&#114;&#105;&#117;&#032;&#045;&#032;&#080;&#097;&#119;&#110;&#111;&#046;&#114;&#111;';
  57. private function __construct() {
  58. $db['mysql'] = array(
  59. 'host' => 'host baza de date',
  60. 'username' => 'user baza de date',
  61. 'dbname' => 'baza de date',
  62. 'password' => 'parola baza de date'
  63. );
  65. try {
  66. self::$g_con = new PDO('mysql:host='.$db['mysql'][''].';dbname='.$db['mysql']['client18'].';charset=utf8',$db['mysql']['client18'],$db['mysql']['YEuoQ99M7KCfI1fr']);
  67. self::$g_con->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_EMULATE_PREPARES, false);
  68. self::$g_con->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE, PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION);
  69. } catch (PDOException $e) {
  70. @file_put_contents('error_log',@file_get_contents('error_log') . $e->getMessage() . "\n");
  71. die('<div class="alert alert-danger"><br /><font color="FF0000"><center><h1>ANUNT !</h1></center></font><center><h3>Avem o problema tehnica. Revenim in cel mai scurt timp posibil.</h3></center></div>');
  72. }
  73. self::_getUrl();
  74. self::arrays();
  75. }
  77. public static function EchoServerPlayers()
  78. {
  79. require "samp_query.php";
  80. $serverIP = Config::$_IP;
  81. $serverPort = Config::$_PORT;
  82. try{
  83. $rQuery = new QueryServer( $serverIP, $serverPort );
  84. $aInformation = $rQuery->GetInfo( );
  85. $rQuery->Close( );
  86. }
  87. catch (QueryServerException $pError)
  88. {
  89. echo '0';
  90. }
  91. if(isset($aInformation) && is_array($aInformation)){
  92. echo $aInformation['MaxPlayers'];
  93. }
  94. }
  95. public static function dateDiff ($d1, $d2) {
  96. return round(abs(strtotime($d1)-strtotime($d2))/86400);
  97. }
  98. public static function valid_email($email) {
  99. return !!filter_var($email, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL);
  100. }
  101. public static function encryptIP($ipaddress)
  102. {
  103. if(strpos($ipaddress, ":") !== false)
  104. {
  105. return "<b>This ip can't be converted.</b>";
  106. } else {
  107. $salt = "K1nG".$ipaddress."K1nG".$ipaddress;
  108. $octets = explode ('.', $ipaddress);
  109. $ip1 = substr(md5($octets[0].$salt), 0, 3);
  110. $ip2 = substr(md5($octets[1].$salt), 0, 7);
  111. $ip3 = substr(md5($octets[2].$salt), 0, 3);
  112. $ip4 = substr(base64_encode($ip2), 0, 1);
  113. $ip1long = md5($octets[0].$salt);
  114. $ip2long = md5($octets[1].$salt);
  115. $ip3long = md5($octets[2].$salt);
  116. $adresaip = $ip1.'.'.$ip2.$ip4.'.'.$ip3;
  117. $adresaiplong = $ip1long.'.'.$ip2long.$ip4.'.'.$ip3long;
  118. $result = '<a href='.Config::$_PAGE_URL.'logs/ip/'.$adresaiplong.'>'.'<font color="blue"><b>'.$adresaip.'</b></font></a>';
  119. return $result;
  120. }
  121. }
  122. public static function getReason($reason) {
  123. if(strpos($reason, 'complaint:') !== false)
  124. {
  125. $mesaj = explode ('complaint:', $reason);
  126. return $mesaj;
  127. }
  128. }
  129. public static function formatName($id,$name = null,$faction = null) {
  130. if($name == null) {
  131. $data = User::getData($id,array('Member','Name'));
  132. $name = $data['Name'];
  133. $faction = $data['Member'];
  134. }
  135. $color = Arrays::$_factions[$faction]['color'];
  136. $name = '<a
  137. href="'.Config::$_PAGE_URL.'profile/'.$id.'"
  138. style="color:' . (!$faction ? '#919191' : $color ) . ';"
  139. onmouseover=" = \'none\'; "
  140. class="profile"
  141. id="'.$id.'">' . $name .
  142. '</a>';
  143. return $name;
  144. }
  146. public static function init()
  147. {
  148. if (is_null(self::$instance))
  149. {
  150. self::$instance = new self();
  151. }
  152. return self::$instance;
  153. }
  155. private static function _getUrl() {
  156. $url = isset($_GET['page']) ? $_GET['page'] : null;
  157. $url = rtrim($url, '/');
  158. $url = filter_var($url, FILTER_SANITIZE_URL);
  159. self::$_url = explode('/', $url);
  160. }
  161. public static function getrealip()
  162. {
  163. if (isset($_SERVER)){
  164. if(isset($_SERVER["HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR"])){
  165. $ip = $_SERVER["HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR"];
  166. if(strpos($ip,",")){
  167. $exp_ip = explode(",",$ip);
  168. $ip = $exp_ip[0];
  169. }
  170. } else if(isset($_SERVER["HTTP_CLIENT_IP"])){
  171. $ip = $_SERVER["HTTP_CLIENT_IP"];
  172. }else{
  173. $ip = $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"];
  174. }
  175. }else{
  176. if(getenv('HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR')){
  177. $ip = getenv('HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR');
  178. if(strpos($ip,",")){
  179. $exp_ip=explode(",",$ip);
  180. $ip = $exp_ip[0];
  181. }
  182. }else if(getenv('HTTP_CLIENT_IP')){
  183. $ip = getenv('HTTP_CLIENT_IP');
  184. }else {
  185. $ip = getenv('REMOTE_ADDR');
  186. }
  187. }
  188. return $ip;
  189. }
  191. public static function getContent() {
  192. if(isset(self::$_url[0]) && self::$_url[0] === 'signature') include_once 'inc/pages/signature.p.php';
  193. include_once 'inc/';
  195. if(self::$_url[0] === 'admin' && isset(self::$_url[1]) && file_exists('inc/pages/admin/' . self::$_url[1] . '.a.php'))
  196. include 'inc/pages/admin/' . self::$_url[1] . '.a.php';
  197. elseif(self::$_url[0] === 'admin')
  198. include 'inc/pages/admin/index.a.php';
  199. else
  200. if(in_array(self::$_url[0],self::$_pages))
  201. include 'inc/pages/' . self::$_url[0] . '.p.php';
  202. else
  203. include_once 'inc/pages/index.p.php';
  205. include_once 'inc/';
  206. }
  207. public static function noAccess() {
  208. header("Location: $_PAGE_URL");
  209. }
  210. public static function rows($table) {
  211. if(is_array($table)) {
  212. $rows = 0;
  213. foreach($table as $val) {
  214. $q = self::$g_con->prepare("SELECT * FROM `".$val."`");
  215. $q->execute();
  216. $rows += $q->rowCount();
  217. }
  218. return $rows;
  219. }
  220. $q = self::$g_con->prepare("SELECT * FROM `".$table."`");
  221. $q->execute();
  222. return $q->rowCount();
  223. }
  225. public static function _getPage() {
  226. return self::$_url[0];
  227. }
  229. public static function getPage() {
  230. return isset(self::$_url[2]) ? self::$_url[2] : 1;
  231. }
  233. public static function isActive($active) {
  234. if(is_array($active)) {
  235. foreach($active as $ac) {
  236. if($ac === self::$_url[0]) return ' class="active"';
  237. }
  238. return;
  239. } else return self::$_url[0] === $active ? ' class="active"' : false;
  240. }
  242. public static function message($label,$text,$custom = null) {
  243. if(isset($custom))
  244. return '<' . $custom . '><span class="label label-'.$label.'">'.$text.'</span></' . $custom . '>';
  245. else
  246. return '<span class="label label-'.$label.'">'.$text.'</span>';
  247. }
  249. public static function getDate($timestamp,$time = false){
  250. if(!$timestamp) return 1;
  251. $difference = time() - $timestamp;
  252. if($difference < 0)
  253. return 'just now';
  254. $periods = array("second", "minute", "hour", "day", "week",
  255. "month", "year", "decade");
  256. $lengths = array("60","60","24","7","4.35","12","10");
  257. if ($difference > 0) {
  258. $ending = "ago";
  259. } else {
  260. $difference = -$difference;
  261. $ending = "to go";
  262. }
  263. if(!$difference) return 'just now';
  264. for($j = 0; $difference >= $lengths[$j]; $j++)
  265. $difference /= $lengths[$j];
  266. $difference = round($difference);
  267. if($difference != 1) $periods[$j].= "s";
  268. if($time) $text = "$difference $periods[$j]";
  269. else $text = "$difference $periods[$j] $ending";
  270. return $text;
  271. }
  272. private static function arrays() {
  273. self::$namevehicles = array(
  274. 400 => "Landstalker", 401 => "Bravura", 402 => "Buffalo", 403 => "Linerunner", 404 => "Perrenial", 405 => "Sentinel", 406 => "Dumper", 407 => "Firetruck",
  275. 408 => "Trashmaster", 409 => "Stretch", 410 => "Manana", 411 => "Infernus", 412 => "Voodoo", 413 => "Pony", 414 => "Mule", 415 => "Cheetah",
  276. 416 => "Ambulance", 417 => "Leviathan", 418 => "Moonbeam", 419 => "Esperanto", 420 => "Taxi", 421 => "Washington", 422 => "Bobcat", 423 => "Whoopee",
  277. 424 => "BFInjection", 425 => "Hunter", 426 => "Premier", 427 => "Enforcer", 428 => "Securicar", 429 => "Banshee", 430 => "Predator", 431 => "Bus",
  278. 432 => "Rhino", 433 => "Barracks", 434 => "Hotknife", 435 => "Trailer", 436 => "Previon", 437 => "Coach", 438 => "Cabbie", 439 => "Stallion",
  279. 440 => "Rumpo", 441 => "RCBandit", 442 => "Romero", 443 => "Packer", 444 => "Monster", 445 => "Admiral", 446 => "Squalo", 447 => "Seasparrow",
  280. 448 => "Pizzaboy", 449 => "Tram", 450 => "Trailer", 451 => "Turismo", 452 => "Speeder", 453 => "Reefer", 454 => "Tropic", 455 => "Flatbed", 456 => "Yankee",
  281. 457 => "Caddy", 458 => "Solair", 459 => "Berkley\'sRCVan", 460 => "Skimmer", 461 => "PCJ-600", 462 => "Faggio", 463 => "Freeway", 464 => "RCBaron",
  282. 465 => "RCRaider", 466 => "Glendale", 467 => "Oceanic", 468 => "Sanchez", 469 => "Sparrow", 470 => "Patriot", 471 => "Quad", 472 => "Coastguard",
  283. 473 => "Dinghy", 474 => "Hermes", 475 => "Sabre", 476 => "Rustler", 477 => "ZR-350", 478 => "Walton", 479 => "Regina", 480 => "Comet", 481 => "BMX",
  284. 482 => "Burrito", 483 => "Camper", 484 => "Marquis", 485 => "Baggage", 486 => "Dozer", 487 => "Maverick", 488 => "NewsChopper", 489 => "Rancher",
  285. 490 => "FBIRancher", 491 => "Virgo", 492 => "Greenwood", 493 => "Jetmax", 494 => "Hotring", 495 => "Sandking", 496 => "BlistaCompact",
  286. 497 => "PoliceMaverick", 498 => "Boxville", 499 => "Benson", 500 => "Mesa", 501 => "RCGoblin", 502 => "HotringRacerA", 503 => "HotringRacerB",
  287. 504 => "BloodringBanger", 505 => "Rancher", 506 => "SuperGT", 507 => "Elegant", 508 => "Journey", 509 => "Bike", 510 => "MountainBike", 511 => "Beagle",
  288. 512 => "Cropduster", 513 => "Stunt", 514 => "Tanker", 515 => "Roadtrain", 516 => "Nebula", 517 => "Majestic", 518 => "Buccaneer", 519 => "Shamal",
  289. 520 => "Hydra", 521 => "FCR-900", 522 => "NRG-500", 523 => "HPV1000", 524 => "CementTruck", 525 => "TowTruck", 526 => "Fortune", 527 => "Cadrona",
  290. 528 => "FBITruck",529 => "Willard", 530 => "Forklift", 531 => "Tractor", 532 => "Combine", 533 => "Feltzer", 534 => "Remington", 535 => "Slamvan",
  291. 536 => "Blade", 537 => "Freight",538 => "Streak", 539 => "Vortex", 540 => "Vincent", 541 => "Bullet", 542 => "Clover", 543 => "Sadler", 544 => "Firetruck",
  292. 545 => "Hustler", 546 => "Intruder", 547 => "Primo", 548 => "Cargobob", 549 => "Tampa", 550 => "Sunrise", 551 => "Merit", 552 => "Utility", 553 => "Nevada",
  293. 554 => "Yosemite", 555 => "Windsor", 556 => "Monster", 557 => "Monster", 558 => "Uranus", 559 => "Jester", 560 => "Sultan", 561 => "Stratium",
  294. 562 => "Elegy", 563 => "Raindance", 564 => "RCTiger", 565 => "Flash", 566 => "Tahoma", 567 => "Savanna", 568 => "Bandito", 569 => "FreightFlat",
  295. 570 => "StreakCarriage", 571 => "Kart", 572 => "Mower", 573 => "Dune", 574 => "Sweeper", 575 => "Broadway", 576 => "Tornado", 577 => "AT-400",
  296. 578 => "DFT-30", 579 => "Huntley", 580 => "Stafford", 581 => "BF-400", 582 => "NewsVan", 583 => "Tug", 584 => "Trailer", 585 => "Emperor", 586 => "Wayfarer",
  297. 587 => "Euros", 588 => "Hotdog", 589 => "Club", 590 => "FreightBox", 591 => "Trailer", 592 => "Andromada", 593 => "Dodo", 594 => "RCCam", 595 => "Launch",
  298. 596 => "PoliceCar", 597 => "PoliceCar", 598 => "PoliceCar", 599 => "PoliceRanger", 600 => "Picador", 601 => "S.W.A.T", 602 => "Alpha", 603 => "Phoenix",
  299. 604 => "Glendale", 605 => "Sadler", 606 => "Luggage", 607 => "Luggage", 608 => "Stairs", 609 => "Boxville", 610 => "Tiller", 611 => "UtilityTrailer"
  300. );
  301. self::$ccat = array(
  302. 0 => '',
  303. 1 => 'Sport Vehicles',
  304. 2 => 'Saloons',
  305. 3 => '#1E519D',
  306. 4 => '#FF4800',
  307. 5 => '#8F8C47',
  308. 6 => '#FFFF00',
  309. 7 => '#33CCFF',
  310. 8 => '#AA3333',
  311. 9 => '#C2A2DA',
  312. 10 => '#F5DEB3',
  313. 11 => '#40863C',
  314. 12 => '#D900D9',
  315. 13 => '#FD7E00',
  316. 14 => '#B4BBCF',
  317. 15 => '#6A4444',
  318. 16 => '#45382A',
  319. 17 => '#E1F0E6',
  320. 18 => '#81A383'
  321. );
  322. self::$reasoncomplaint = array(
  323. 1 => 'has been banned by',
  324. 2 => 'has been permanent banned by',
  325. 3 => 'has been jailed by',
  326. 4 => 'has been warned by',
  327. 5 => 'has been muted by',
  328. 6 => 'has been kicked by'
  329. );
  330. self::$factions = array(
  331. 0 => 'Civilian',
  332. 1 => 'Los Santos Police Department',
  333. 2 => 'Federal Bureau of Investigation',
  334. 3 => 'National Guard',
  335. 4 => 'Los Aztecas',
  336. 5 => 'Grove Street',
  337. 6 => 'Los Vagos',
  338. //7 => 'Gov',
  339. 8 => 'Las Venturas Police Department',
  340. 9 => 'News Reporters',
  341. 10 => 'Ballas',
  342. 11 => 'Hitman',
  343. 12 => 'School Instructors',
  344. 13 => 'Taxi',
  345. 14 => 'Paramedic',
  346. 15 => 'The Rifa',
  347. 16 => 'The Russian Mafia',
  348. 17 => 'Taxi LV'
  349. );
  350. self::$securitymoderator = array(
  351. 0 => 'None',
  352. 1 => '<span class="label label-purple arrowed-in-right"><i class="icon-comments white"></i> support </span><br>Prin confirmare, functia acestui admin va fi stearsa.',
  353. 2 => '<span class="label label-yellow arrowed-in-right"><i class="icon-shield black"></i> support, account moderator </span><br>Prin confirmare, functia acestui admin va fi schimbata in Support.'
  354. );
  355. self::$jobs = array(
  356. 0 => 'Unemployed',
  357. 1 => 'Detective',
  358. 2 => 'Car Jacker',
  359. 4 => 'Drugs Dealer',
  360. 5 => 'Pizza Boy',
  361. 6 => 'Farmer',
  362. 7 => 'Bus Driver',
  363. 8 => 'Mechanic',
  364. 9 => 'Arms Dealer',
  365. 10 => 'Garbage',
  366. 13 => 'Fisherman',
  367. 14 => 'Trucker',
  368. 15 => 'Coal Delivery Man'
  369. );
  371. self::$vehColors = array(
  372. 'grey', '#CEB8F6', '#2A77A1', '#840410', '#263739', '#86446E', '#D78E10', '#4C75B7', '#BDBEC6', '#5E7072',
  373. '#46597A', '#656A79', '#5D7E8D', '#58595A', '#D6DAD6', '#9CA1A3', '#335F3F', '#730E1A', '#7B0A2A', '#9F9D94',
  374. '#3B4E78', '#732E3E', '#691E3B', '#96918C', '#515459', '#3F3E45', '#A5A9A7', '#635C5A', '#3D4A68', '#979592',
  375. '#421F21', '#5F272B', '#8494AB', '#767B7C', '#646464', '#5A5752', '#252527', '#2D3A35', '#93A396', '#6D7A88',
  376. '#221918', '#6F675F', '#7C1C2A', '#5F0A15', '#193826', '#5D1B20', '#9D9872', '#7A7560', '#989586', '#ADB0B0',
  377. '#848988', '#304F45', '#4D6268', '#162248', '#272F4B', '#7D6256', '#9EA4AB', '#9C8D71', '#6D1822', '#4E6881',
  378. '#9C9C98', '#917347', '#661C26', '#949D9F', '#A4A7A5', '#8E8C46', '#341A1E', '#6A7A8C', '#AAAD8E', '#AB988F',
  379. '#851F2E', '#6F8297', '#585853', '#9AA790', '#601A23', '#20202C', '#A4A096', '#AA9D84', '#78222B', '#0E316D',
  380. '#722A3F', '#7B715E', '#741D28', '#1E2E32', '#4D322F', '#7C1B44', '#2E5B20', '#395A83', '#6D2837', '#A7A28F',
  381. '#AFB1B1', '#364155', '#6D6C6E', '#0F6A89', '#204B6B', '#2B3E57', '#9B9F9D', '#6C8495', '#4D8495', '#AE9B7F',
  382. '#406C8F', '#1F253B', '#AB9276', '#134573', '#96816C', '#64686A', '#105082', '#A19983', '#385694', '#525661',
  383. '#7F6956', '#8C929A', '#596E87', '#473532', '#44624F', '#730A27', '#223457', '#640D1B', '#A3ADC6', '#695853',
  384. '#9B8B80', '#620B1C', '#5B5D5E', '#624428', '#731827', '#1B376D', '#EC6AAE', '#000000',
  385. '#177517', '#210606', '#125478', '#452A0D', '#571E1E', '#010701', '#25225A', '#2C89AA', '#8A4DBD', '#35963A',
  386. '#B7B7B7', '#464C8D', '#84888C', '#817867', '#817A26', '#6A506F', '#583E6F', '#8CB972', '#824F78', '#6D276A',
  387. '#1E1D13', '#1E1306', '#1F2518', '#2C4531', '#1E4C99', '#2E5F43', '#1E9948', '#1E9999', '#999976', '#7C8499',
  388. '#992E1E', '#2C1E08', '#142407', '#993E4D', '#1E4C99', '#198181', '#1A292A', '#16616F', '#1B6687', '#6C3F99',
  389. '#481A0E', '#7A7399', '#746D99', '#53387E', '#222407', '#3E190C', '#46210E', '#991E1E', '#8D4C8D', '#805B80',
  390. '#7B3E7E', '#3C1737', '#733517', '#781818', '#83341A', '#8E2F1C', '#7E3E53', '#7C6D7C', '#020C02', '#072407',
  391. '#163012', '#16301B', '#642B4F', '#368452', '#999590', '#818D96', '#99991E', '#7F994C', '#839292', '#788222',
  392. '#2B3C99', '#3A3A0B', '#8A794E', '#0E1F49', '#15371C', '#15273A', '#375775', '#060820', '#071326', '#20394B',
  393. '#2C5089', '#15426C', '#103250', '#241663', '#692015', '#8C8D94', '#516013', '#090F02', '#8C573A', '#52888E',
  394. '#995C52', '#99581E', '#993A63', '#998F4E', '#99311E', '#0D1842', '#521E1E', '#42420D', '#4C991E', '#082A1D',
  395. '#96821D', '#197F19', '#3B141F', '#745217', '#893F8D', '#7E1A6C', '#0B370B', '#27450D', '#071F24', '#784573',
  396. '#8A653A', '#732617', '#319490', '#56941D', '#59163D', '#1B8A2F', '#38160B', '#041804', '#355D8E', '#2E3F5B',
  397. '#561A28', '#4E0E27', '#706C67', '#3B3E42', '#2E2D33', '#7B7E7D', '#4A4442', '#28344E'
  398. );
  400. self::$facColors = array(
  401. 0 => '#E8E8E8',
  402. 1 => '#2641FE',
  403. 2 => '#2641FE',
  404. 3 => '#1E519D',
  405. 4 => '#FF4800',
  406. 5 => '#8F8C47',
  407. 6 => '#FFFF00',
  408. 7 => '#33CCFF',
  409. 8 => '#AA3333',
  410. 9 => '#C2A2DA',
  411. 10 => '#F5DEB3',
  412. 11 => '#40863C',
  413. 12 => '#D900D9',
  414. 13 => '#FD7E00',
  415. 14 => '#B4BBCF',
  416. 15 => '#6A4444',
  417. 16 => '#45382A',
  418. 17 => '#E1F0E6',
  419. 18 => '#81A383'
  420. );
  422. }
  424. public static function getData($table,$data,$id) {
  425. $q = Config::$g_con->prepare('SELECT `'.$data.'` FROM `'.$table.'` WHERE `id` = ?');
  426. $q->execute(array($id));
  427. $r_data = $q->fetch();
  428. return $r_data[$data];
  429. }
  430. public static function getID($table, $data, $name) {
  431. $q = Config::$g_con->prepare('SELECT `'.$data.'` FROM `'.$table.'` WHERE `name` = ?');
  432. $q->execute(array($name));
  433. $r_data = $q->fetch();
  434. return $r_data[$data];
  435. }
  437. }
  438. ?>
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