
Blair Witch- Runic Marks on Cavale's Arm

Sep 16th, 2024
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  1. Cazale's grip on my wrist tightened, the tendons on his neck
  2. “Mary?" he repeated, his voice growing louder.
  3. “1 don't know where he's getting the strength to do this," Juarez said, almost to himself. He turned and adjusted a knob on one of the machines. “I'm upping the morphine."
  4. Cazale's left arm strained against the bonds; the loose gown he wore slid down, exposing his forearm.
  5. Something was burned into the skin there. Scar tissue, but formed into a pattern of some kind: I caught just a glimpse of it before
  6. Cazale slumped back in his bed.
  7. The pattern looked vaguely familiar.
  8. “That's enough of this." Juarez glared at me as if I were somehow at fault. “You'd better go."
  9. ...
  11. I started to answer when the image on the screen caught my attention: Carrazco had pictures of the 1941 killings.
  12. I’d seen them before: shots of the woods, the run-down house, the staked-out graves in the basement where the missing ehildren's bodies
  13. had been found.
  14. And of course, the writing that had been found on the walls of Rustin Parr’s house, after the killings.
  15. That writing filled the sereen now. Runie inseriptions, Carrazeo called them. From a language called Transitus Fluvii. More commonly known, he said, as the witch’s cipher.
  16. I recognized the runes as well.
  17. I’d seen them burned into the flesh of Dominick Cazale’s arm earlier that afternoon.
  19. Blair Witch: The Secret Confessions of Rustin Parr, chapters 6 and 7
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