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IMDB Top 250 debug log (shawshank redeption)

a guest
Apr 6th, 2012
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  1. 09:47:12 T:2112 NOTICE: -----------------------------------------------------------------------
  2. 09:47:12 T:2112 NOTICE: Starting XBMC (11.0-RC2 Git:20120229-f38655f), Platform: Windows 7, 64-bit (WoW) Service Pack 1 build 7601. Built on Feb 29 2012 (compiler 1600)
  3. 09:47:12 T:2112 NOTICE: Intel(R) Celeron(R) CPU G540 @ 2.50GHz
  4. 09:47:12 T:2112 NOTICE: Desktop Resolution: 1920x1080 32Bit at 60Hz
  5. 09:47:12 T:2112 NOTICE: Running with administrator rights
  6. 09:47:12 T:2112 NOTICE: Aero is enabled
  7. 09:47:12 T:2112 NOTICE: special://xbmc/ is mapped to: C:\Program Files (x86)\XBMC
  8. 09:47:12 T:2112 NOTICE: special://xbmcbin/ is mapped to: C:\Program Files (x86)\XBMC
  9. 09:47:12 T:2112 NOTICE: special://masterprofile/ is mapped to: C:\Users\HTPC\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\userdata
  10. 09:47:12 T:2112 NOTICE: special://home/ is mapped to: C:\Users\HTPC\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\
  11. 09:47:12 T:2112 NOTICE: special://temp/ is mapped to: C:\Users\HTPC\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\cache
  12. 09:47:12 T:2112 NOTICE: The executable running is: C:\Program Files (x86)\XBMC\XBMC.exe
  13. 09:47:12 T:2112 NOTICE: Local hostname: HTPC-PC
  14. 09:47:12 T:2112 NOTICE: Log File is located: C:\Users\HTPC\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\xbmc.log
  15. 10:23:27 T:2112 DEBUG: CPlayerCoreFactory::GetPlayers(smb://MYBOOKLIVEDUO/Public/Shared Movies/The Shawshank Redemption (1994).mkv)
  16. 10:23:27 T:2112 DEBUG: CPlayerSelectionRule::GetPlayers: considering rule: system rules
  17. 10:23:27 T:2112 DEBUG: CPlayerSelectionRule::GetPlayers: matches rule: system rules
  18. 10:23:27 T:2112 DEBUG: CPlayerSelectionRule::GetPlayers: considering rule: rtv
  19. 10:23:27 T:2112 DEBUG: CPlayerSelectionRule::GetPlayers: considering rule: hdhomerun/myth/rtmp/mms/udp
  20. 10:23:27 T:2112 DEBUG: CPlayerSelectionRule::GetPlayers: considering rule: lastfm/shout
  21. 10:23:27 T:2112 DEBUG: CPlayerSelectionRule::GetPlayers: considering rule: rtsp
  22. 10:23:27 T:2112 DEBUG: CPlayerSelectionRule::GetPlayers: considering rule: streams
  23. 10:23:27 T:2112 DEBUG: CPlayerSelectionRule::GetPlayers: considering rule: dvd
  24. 10:23:27 T:2112 DEBUG: CPlayerSelectionRule::GetPlayers: considering rule: dvdfile
  25. 10:23:27 T:2112 DEBUG: CPlayerSelectionRule::GetPlayers: considering rule: dvdimage
  26. 10:23:27 T:2112 DEBUG: CPlayerSelectionRule::GetPlayers: considering rule: sdp/asf
  27. 10:23:27 T:2112 DEBUG: CPlayerSelectionRule::GetPlayers: considering rule: nsv
  28. 10:23:27 T:2112 DEBUG: CPlayerCoreFactory::GetPlayers: matched 0 rules with players
  29. 10:23:27 T:2112 DEBUG: CPlayerCoreFactory::GetPlayers: adding videodefaultplayer (1)
  30. 10:23:27 T:2112 DEBUG: CPlayerCoreFactory::GetPlayers: for video=1, audio=0
  31. 10:23:27 T:2112 DEBUG: CPlayerCoreFactory::GetPlayers: for video=1, audio=1
  32. 10:23:27 T:2112 DEBUG: CPlayerCoreFactory::GetPlayers: adding player: DVDPlayer (1)
  33. 10:23:27 T:2112 DEBUG: CPlayerCoreFactory::GetPlayers: added 1 players
  34. 10:23:27 T:2112 DEBUG: CFavourites::Load - no system favourites found, skipping
  35. 10:23:27 T:2112 DEBUG: CFavourites::Load - no userdata favourites found, skipping
  36. 10:23:27 T:2112 INFO: Loading skin file: DialogContextMenu.xml
  37. 10:23:27 T:2112 DEBUG: ------ Window Init (DialogContextMenu.xml) ------
  38. 10:23:28 T:2112 DEBUG: SDLKeyboard: scancode: 50, sym: 0112, unicode: 0000, modifier: 0
  39. 10:23:28 T:2112 DEBUG: CApplication::OnKey: down (f081) pressed, action is Down
  40. 10:23:28 T:2112 DEBUG: SDLKeyboard: scancode: 50, sym: 0112, unicode: 0000, modifier: 0
  41. 10:23:28 T:2112 DEBUG: CApplication::OnKey: down (f081) pressed, action is Down
  42. 10:23:28 T:2112 DEBUG: SDLKeyboard: scancode: 50, sym: 0112, unicode: 0000, modifier: 0
  43. 10:23:28 T:2112 DEBUG: CApplication::OnKey: down (f081) pressed, action is Down
  44. 10:23:29 T:2112 DEBUG: SDLKeyboard: scancode: 1c, sym: 000d, unicode: 000d, modifier: 0
  45. 10:23:29 T:2112 DEBUG: CApplication::OnKey: return (f00d) pressed, action is Select
  46. 10:23:29 T:2112 DEBUG: ------ Window Deinit (DialogContextMenu.xml) ------
  47. 10:23:29 T:2112 DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::GetMovieId (smb://MYBOOKLIVEDUO/Public/Shared Movies/The Shawshank Redemption (1994).mkv), query = select idMovie from movie where idFile=1169
  48. 10:23:29 T:2112 DEBUG: ------ Window Init (DialogVideoInfo.xml) ------
  49. 10:23:29 T:2112 INFO: Loading skin file: DialogVideoInfo.xml
  50. 10:23:31 T:2112 DEBUG: SDLKeyboard: scancode: 4d, sym: 0113, unicode: 0000, modifier: 0
  51. 10:23:31 T:2112 DEBUG: CApplication::OnKey: right (f083) pressed, action is Right
  52. 10:23:31 T:2112 DEBUG: SDLKeyboard: scancode: 4d, sym: 0113, unicode: 0000, modifier: 0
  53. 10:23:31 T:2112 DEBUG: CApplication::OnKey: right (f083) pressed, action is Right
  54. 10:23:32 T:2112 DEBUG: SDLKeyboard: scancode: 1c, sym: 000d, unicode: 000d, modifier: 0
  55. 10:23:32 T:2112 DEBUG: CApplication::OnKey: return (f00d) pressed, action is Select
  56. 10:23:32 T:2112 DEBUG: ------ Window Deinit (DialogVideoInfo.xml) ------
  57. 10:23:32 T:2112 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: No NFO file found. Using title search for 'smb://MYBOOKLIVEDUO/Public/Shared Movies/The Shawshank Redemption (1994).mkv'
  58. 10:23:32 T:2112 INFO: Loading skin file: DialogProgress.xml
  59. 10:23:32 T:2112 DEBUG: DialogProgress::StartModal called
  60. 10:23:32 T:2112 DEBUG: ------ Window Init (DialogProgress.xml) ------
  61. 10:23:32 T:2172 DEBUG: Thread CVideoInfoDownloader start, auto delete: 0
  62. 10:23:32 T:2172 DEBUG: ADDON::CScraper::FindMovie: Searching for 'The Shawshank Redemption' using The MovieDB scraper (path: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\XBMC\addons\', content: 'movies', version: '3.0.9')
  63. 10:23:32 T:2172 DEBUG: scraper: CreateSearchUrl returned <url></url>
  64. 10:23:32 T:2172 DEBUG: FileCurl::Open(003AC4A0)
  65. 10:23:32 T:2172 INFO: XCURL::DllLibCurlGlobal::easy_aquire - Created session to
  66. 10:23:32 T:2172 DEBUG: scraper: GetSearchResults returned <results><entity><title>The Shawshank Redemption</title><id>278</id><year>1994</year><url cache="tmdb-en-278.json"></url></entity><entity><title>The Shawshank Redemption</title><id>278</id><year>1994</year><url cache="tmdb-en-278.json"></url></entity></results>
  67. 10:23:32 T:2172 DEBUG: Thread CVideoInfoDownloader 2172 terminating
  68. 10:23:33 T:2112 INFO: Loading skin file: DialogSelect.xml
  69. 10:23:33 T:2112 DEBUG: ------ Window Init (DialogSelect.xml) ------
  70. 10:23:33 T:2112 DEBUG: ------ Window Deinit (DialogProgress.xml) ------
  71. 10:23:34 T:2112 DEBUG: SDLKeyboard: scancode: 1c, sym: 000d, unicode: 000d, modifier: 0
  72. 10:23:34 T:2112 DEBUG: CApplication::OnKey: return (f00d) pressed, action is Select
  73. 10:23:35 T:2112 DEBUG: ------ Window Deinit (DialogSelect.xml) ------
  74. 10:23:35 T:2112 DEBUG: CGUIWindowVideoBase::ShowIMDB: user selected movie 'The Shawshank Redemption (1994)' with URL ''
  75. 10:23:35 T:2112 INFO: Loading skin file: DialogProgress.xml
  76. 10:23:35 T:2112 DEBUG: DialogProgress::StartModal called
  77. 10:23:35 T:2112 DEBUG: ------ Window Init (DialogProgress.xml) ------
  78. 10:23:35 T:2112 DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::GetMovieId (smb://MYBOOKLIVEDUO/Public/Shared Movies/The Shawshank Redemption (1994).mkv), query = select idMovie from movie where idFile=1169
  79. 10:23:35 T:2112 DEBUG: CAnnouncementManager - Announcement: OnRemove from xbmc
  80. 10:23:35 T:2112 DEBUG: GOT ANNOUNCEMENT, type: 8, from xbmc, message OnRemove
  81. 10:23:35 T:1828 DEBUG: Thread Jobworker start, auto delete: 1
  82. 10:23:35 T:352 DEBUG: msg: PICTURE::LoadImage: Unable to open image: special://masterprofile/Thumbnails/Video/9/92173520.tbn Error: (2)
  83. 10:23:35 T:352 ERROR: Texture manager unable to load file: special://masterprofile/Thumbnails/Video/9/92173520.tbn
  84. 10:23:35 T:1136 DEBUG: msg: PICTURE::LoadImage: Unable to open image: special://masterprofile/Thumbnails/Video/Fanart/92173520.tbn Error: (2)
  85. 10:23:35 T:1136 ERROR: Texture manager unable to load file: special://masterprofile/Thumbnails/Video/Fanart/92173520.tbn
  86. 10:23:35 T:2112 DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::GetMovieId (smb://MYBOOKLIVEDUO/Public/Shared Movies/The Shawshank Redemption (1994).mkv), query = select idMovie from movie where idFile=1169
  87. 10:23:35 T:2112 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: No NFO file found. Using title search for 'smb://MYBOOKLIVEDUO/Public/Shared Movies/The Shawshank Redemption (1994).mkv'
  88. 10:23:35 T:1912 DEBUG: Thread CVideoInfoDownloader start, auto delete: 0
  89. 10:23:35 T:1912 DEBUG: ADDON::CScraper::GetVideoDetails: Reading movie '' using The MovieDB scraper (file: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\XBMC\addons\', content: 'movies', version: '3.0.9')
  90. 10:23:35 T:1912 DEBUG: FileCurl::Open(003AAB18)
  91. 10:23:35 T:1912 DEBUG: scraper: GetDetails returned <details><id>tt0111161</id><title>The Shawshank Redemption</title><originaltitle>The Shawshank Redemption</originaltitle><year>1994</year><runtime>142</runtime><tagline>Fear can hold you prisoner. Hope can set you free.</tagline><studio>Castle Rock Entertainment</studio><country>United States of America</country><chain function="GetIMDBRatingById">tt0111161</chain><chain function="GetTMDBDirectorsByIdChain">278</chain><chain function="GetTMDBWitersByIdChain">278</chain><chain function="GetTMDBCertificationsByIdChain">278</chain><chain function="GetTMDBSetByIdChain">278</chain><chain function="GetTMDBPlotByIdChain">278</chain><chain function="GetTMDBCastByIdChain">278</chain><chain function="GetTMDBGenresByIdChain">278</chain><chain function="GetTMDBThumbsByIdChain">278</chain><chain function="GetTMDBFanartByIdChain">278</chain><chain function="GetTMDBTrailerByIdChain">278</chain><chain function="GetHDTrailersnet480p">The Shawshank Redemption</chain></details>
  92. 10:23:35 T:1912 DEBUG: scraper: GetIMDBRatingById returned <details><url cache="tt0111161-main.html" function="ParseIMDBRating"></url></details>
  93. 10:23:35 T:1912 DEBUG: FileCurl::Open(003AAB18)
  94. 10:23:36 T:1912 DEBUG: scraper: ParseIMDBRating returned <details><rating>9.2</rating><votes>737,343</votes></details>
  95. 10:23:36 T:1912 DEBUG: scraper: GetTMDBDirectorsByIdChain returned <details><url function="ParseTMDBDirectors" cache="tmdb-cast-278.json"></url></details>
  96. 10:23:36 T:1912 DEBUG: FileCurl::Open(003AAB18)
  97. 10:23:36 T:1912 DEBUG: scraper: ParseTMDBDirectors returned <details><director>Frank Darabont</director></details>
  98. 10:23:36 T:1912 DEBUG: scraper: GetTMDBWitersByIdChain returned <details><url function="ParseTMDBWriters" cache="tmdb-cast-278.json"></url></details>
  99. 10:23:36 T:1912 DEBUG: scraper: ParseTMDBWriters returned <details><credits>Stephen King</credits><credits>Frank Darabont</credits></details>
  100. 10:23:36 T:1912 DEBUG: scraper: GetTMDBCertificationsByIdChain returned <details><url function="ParseTMDBCertifications" cache="tmdb-cert-278.json"></url></details>
  101. 10:23:36 T:1912 DEBUG: FileCurl::Open(003AAB18)
  102. 10:23:36 T:1912 DEBUG: scraper: ParseTMDBCertifications returned <details><mpaa>Rated R</mpaa></details>
  103. 10:23:36 T:1912 DEBUG: scraper: GetTMDBSetByIdChain returned <details><url function="ParseTMDBSet" cache="tmdb-en-278.json"></url></details>
  104. 10:23:36 T:1912 DEBUG: scraper: ParseTMDBSet returned <details><set>Stephen King Collection</set></details>
  105. 10:23:36 T:1912 DEBUG: scraper: GetTMDBPlotByIdChain returned <details><url function="ParseTMDBPlot" cache="tmdb-en-278.json"></url></details>
  106. 10:23:36 T:1912 DEBUG: scraper: ParseTMDBPlot returned <details><plot>Framed in the 1940s for the double murder of his wife and her lover, upstanding banker Andy Dufresne begins a new life at the Shawshank prison, where he puts his accounting skills to work for an amoral warden. During his long stretch in prison, Dufresne comes to be admired by the other inmates -- including an older prisoner named Red -- for his integrity and unquenchable sense of hope.</plot></details>
  107. 10:23:36 T:1912 DEBUG: scraper: GetTMDBCastByIdChain returned <details><url function="ParseTMDBCast" cache="tmdb-cast-278.json"></url></details>
  108. 10:23:36 T:1912 DEBUG: scraper: ParseTMDBCast returned <details><actor><name>Tim Robbins</name><role>Andy Dufresne</role></actor><actor><name>Morgan Freeman</name><role>Ellis Boyd 'Red' Redding</role></actor><actor><name>Bob Gunton</name><role>Warden Samuel Norton</role></actor><actor><name>William Sadler</name><role>Heywood</role></actor><actor><name>Clancy Brown</name><role>Captain Byron T. Hadley</role></actor><actor><name>Gil Bellows</name><role>Tommy</role></actor><actor><name>Mark Rolston</name><role>Bogs Diamond</role></actor><actor><name>James Whitmore</name><role>Brooks Hatlen</role></actor><actor><name>Renee Blaine</name><role>Andy Dufresne's Wife</role></actor><actor><name>Brian Delate</name><role>Guard Dekins</role></actor><actor><name>Brian Libby</name><role>Floyd</role></actor><actor><name>Tim Robbins</name><role>Andy Dufresne</role><thumb></thumb></actor><actor><name>Morgan Freeman</name><role>Ellis Boyd 'Red' Redding</role><thumb></thumb></actor><actor><name>Bob Gunton</name><role>Warden Samuel Norton</role><thumb></thumb></actor><actor><name>William Sadler</name><role>Heywood</role><thumb></thumb></actor><actor><name>Clancy Brown</name><role>Captain Byron T. Hadley</role><thumb></thumb></actor><actor><name>Gil Bellows</name><role>Tommy</role><thumb></thumb></actor><actor><name>Mark Rolston</name><role>Bogs Diamond</role><thumb></thumb></actor><actor><name>James Whitmore</name><role>Brooks Hatlen</role><thumb></thumb></actor></details>
  109. 10:23:36 T:1912 DEBUG: scraper: GetTMDBGenresByIdChain returned <details><url function="ParseTMDBGenres" cache="tmdb-en-278.json"></url></details>
  110. 10:23:36 T:1912 DEBUG: scraper: ParseTMDBGenres returned <details><genre>Crime</genre><genre>Drama</genre></details>
  111. 10:23:36 T:1912 DEBUG: scraper: GetTMDBThumbsByIdChain returned <details><url function="ParseTMDBThumbs" cache="tmdb-images-en-278.json"></url></details>
  112. 10:23:36 T:1912 DEBUG: FileCurl::Open(003AAB18)
  113. 10:23:36 T:1912 DEBUG: scraper: ParseTMDBThumbs returned <details><url function="ParseTMDBAllThumbs" cache="tmdb-images-278.json"></url><thumb preview=""></thumb><thumb preview=""></thumb><thumb preview=""></thumb><thumb preview=""></thumb><thumb preview=""></thumb><thumb preview=""></thumb><thumb preview=""></thumb><thumb preview=""></thumb><thumb preview=""></thumb><thumb preview=""></thumb><thumb preview=""></thumb><thumb preview=""></thumb><thumb preview=""></thumb><thumb preview=""></thumb><thumb preview=""></thumb><thumb preview=""></thumb><thumb preview=""></thumb><thumb preview=""></thumb></details>
  114. 10:23:36 T:1912 DEBUG: FileCurl::Open(003AAB18)
  115. 10:23:36 T:1912 DEBUG: scraper: ParseTMDBAllThumbs returned <details><thumb preview=""></thumb><thumb preview=""></thumb><thumb preview=""></thumb><thumb preview=""></thumb><thumb preview=""></thumb><thumb preview=""></thumb><thumb preview=""></thumb><thumb preview=""></thumb><thumb preview=""></thumb><thumb preview=""></thumb><thumb preview=""></thumb><thumb preview=""></thumb><thumb preview=""></thumb><thumb preview=""></thumb><thumb preview=""></thumb><thumb preview=""></thumb><thumb preview=""></thumb><thumb preview=""></thumb><thumb preview=""></thumb><thumb preview=""></thumb><thumb preview=""></thumb><thumb preview=""></thumb><thumb preview=""></thumb><thumb preview=""></thumb><thumb preview=""></thumb><thumb preview=""></thumb><thumb preview=""></thumb><thumb preview=""></thumb><thumb preview=""></thumb><thumb preview=""></thumb></details>
  116. 10:23:36 T:1912 DEBUG: scraper: GetTMDBFanartByIdChain returned <details><url function="ParseTMDBFanart" cache="tmdb-images-278.json"></url></details>
  117. 10:23:36 T:1912 DEBUG: scraper: ParseTMDBFanart returned <details><fanart><thumb preview=""></thumb><thumb preview=""></thumb><thumb preview=""></thumb><thumb preview=""></thumb><thumb preview=""></thumb><thumb preview=""></thumb><thumb preview=""></thumb><thumb preview=""></thumb><thumb preview=""></thumb><thumb preview=""></thumb><thumb preview=""></thumb></fanart></details>
  118. 10:23:36 T:1912 DEBUG: scraper: GetTMDBTrailerByIdChain returned <details><url function="ParseTMDBTrailer" cache="tmdb-trailer-en-278.json"></url></details>
  119. 10:23:36 T:1912 DEBUG: FileCurl::Open(003AAB18)
  120. 10:23:36 T:1912 DEBUG: scraper: ParseTMDBTrailer returned <details><trailer>plugin://</trailer></details>
  121. 10:23:36 T:1912 DEBUG: scraper: GetHDTrailersnet480p returned <details><url function="Parse480pTrailer" cache="hd-trailers-The-Shawshank-Redemption-.xml"></url></details>
  122. 10:23:36 T:1912 DEBUG: FileCurl::Open(003AAB18)
  123. 10:23:37 T:1912 WARNING: XFILE::CFileCurl::CReadState::FillBuffer: curl failed with code 22
  124. 10:23:37 T:1912 ERROR: CFileCurl::CReadState::Open, didn't get any data from stream.
  125. 10:23:37 T:1912 ERROR: ADDON::CScraper::Run: Unable to parse web site
  126. 10:23:37 T:1912 DEBUG: Thread CVideoInfoDownloader 1912 terminating
  127. 10:23:37 T:2112 INFO: XCURL::DllLibCurlGlobal::CheckIdle - Closing session to (easy=131B1168, multi=002084D0)
  128. 10:23:37 T:2112 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Adding new item to movies:smb://MYBOOKLIVEDUO/Public/Shared Movies/The Shawshank Redemption (1994).mkv
  129. 10:23:37 T:2112 DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::GetMovieId (smb://MYBOOKLIVEDUO/Public/Shared Movies/The Shawshank Redemption (1994).mkv), query = select idMovie from movie where idFile=1169
  130. 10:23:37 T:2112 DEBUG: Previous line repeats 1 times.
  131. 10:23:37 T:2112 INFO: Caching image from: to special://masterprofile/Thumbnails/Video/Fanart/92173520.tbn
  132. 10:23:37 T:2112 DEBUG: FileCurl::Open(03E70120)
  133. 10:23:37 T:2112 INFO: XCURL::DllLibCurlGlobal::easy_aquire - Created session to
  134. 10:23:38 T:2112 INFO: Caching image from: to special://masterprofile/Thumbnails/Video/9/92173520.tbn with width 512 and height 512
  135. 10:23:38 T:2112 DEBUG: FileCurl::Open(003AAE20)
  136. 10:23:39 T:2112 DEBUG: CAnnouncementManager - Announcement: OnUpdate from xbmc
  137. 10:23:39 T:2112 DEBUG: GOT ANNOUNCEMENT, type: 8, from xbmc, message OnUpdate
  138. 10:23:39 T:2112 DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::GetMovieId (smb://MYBOOKLIVEDUO/Public/Shared Movies/The Shawshank Redemption (1994).mkv), query = select idMovie from movie where idFile=1169
  139. 10:23:39 T:2112 DEBUG: ------ Window Init (DialogVideoInfo.xml) ------
  140. 10:23:39 T:2112 INFO: Loading skin file: DialogVideoInfo.xml
  141. 10:23:39 T:1828 DEBUG: CThumbExtractor::DoWork - trying to extract filestream details from video file smb://MYBOOKLIVEDUO/Public/Shared Movies/The Shawshank Redemption (1994).mkv
  142. 10:23:39 T:1828 DEBUG: SECTION:LoadDLL(special://xbmcbin/system/players/dvdplayer/avutil-50.dll)
  143. 10:23:39 T:1828 DEBUG: SECTION:LoadDLL(special://xbmcbin/system/players/dvdplayer/avcore-0.dll)
  144. 10:23:39 T:1828 DEBUG: SECTION:LoadDLL(special://xbmcbin/system/players/dvdplayer/avcodec-52.dll)
  145. 10:23:39 T:1828 DEBUG: SECTION:LoadDLL(special://xbmcbin/system/players/dvdplayer/avformat-52.dll)
  146. 10:23:39 T:2112 DEBUG: ------ Window Deinit (DialogProgress.xml) ------
  147. 10:23:39 T:1828 DEBUG: CDVDDemuxFFmpeg::Open - probing detected format [matroska,webm]
  148. 10:23:39 T:1828 DEBUG: CDVDDemuxFFmpeg::Open - av_find_stream_info starting
  149. 10:23:39 T:1828 DEBUG: CDVDDemuxFFmpeg::Open - av_find_stream_info finished
  150. 10:23:39 T:1828 INFO: ffmpeg[724]: Input #0, matroska,webm, from 'smb://MYBOOKLIVEDUO/Public/Shared Movies/The Shawshank Redemption (1994).mkv':
  151. 10:23:39 T:1828 INFO: ffmpeg[724]: Duration: 02:22:32.48, start: 0.000000, bitrate: 3748 kb/s
  152. 10:23:39 T:1828 INFO: ffmpeg[724]: Stream #0.0(eng): Video: h264 (High), yuv420p, 1536x864, PAR 1:1 DAR 16:9, 23.98 fps, 24 tbr, 1k tbn, 47.95 tbc
  153. 10:23:39 T:1828 INFO: ffmpeg[724]: Stream #0.1(eng): Audio: ac3, 48000 Hz, 5.1, s16, 448 kb/s
  154. 10:23:39 T:1828 INFO: ffmpeg[724]: Stream #0.2(eng): Subtitle: [0][0][0][0] / 0x0000
  155. 10:23:39 T:1828 INFO: ffmpeg[724]: Stream #0.3(dut): Subtitle: [0][0][0][0] / 0x0000
  156. 10:23:46 T:2112 DEBUG: SDLKeyboard: scancode: 0e, sym: 0008, unicode: 0008, modifier: 0
  157. 10:23:46 T:2112 DEBUG: CApplication::OnKey: backspace (f008) pressed, action is Back
  158. 10:23:47 T:2112 DEBUG: ------ Window Deinit (DialogVideoInfo.xml) ------
  159. 10:23:47 T:2112 DEBUG: CGUIMediaWindow::GetDirectory (videodb://1/2/)
  160. 10:23:47 T:2112 DEBUG: ParentPath = [videodb://1/2/]
  161. 10:23:47 T:1136 DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::RunQuery took 41 ms for 1329 items query: select * from movieview
  162. 10:23:47 T:2112 DEBUG: ------ Window Init (DialogBusy.xml) ------
  163. 10:23:48 T:2112 DEBUG: Saving fileitems [videodb://1/2/]
  164. 10:23:48 T:2112 DEBUG: -- items: 1329, sort method: 18, ascending: true
  165. 10:23:48 T:2412 DEBUG: Thread Background Loader start, auto delete: 0
  166. 10:23:48 T:1828 DEBUG: CThumbExtractor::DoWork - trying to extract filestream details from video file smb://MYBOOKLIVEDUO/Public/Shared Movies/The Shawshank Redemption (1994).mkv
  167. 10:23:48 T:2112 DEBUG: ------ Window Deinit (DialogBusy.xml) ------
  168. 10:23:48 T:1828 DEBUG: CDVDDemuxFFmpeg::Open - probing detected format [matroska,webm]
  169. 10:23:48 T:1828 DEBUG: CDVDDemuxFFmpeg::Open - av_find_stream_info starting
  170. 10:23:48 T:1828 DEBUG: CDVDDemuxFFmpeg::Open - av_find_stream_info finished
  171. 10:23:48 T:1828 INFO: ffmpeg[724]: Input #0, matroska,webm, from 'smb://MYBOOKLIVEDUO/Public/Shared Movies/The Shawshank Redemption (1994).mkv':
  172. 10:23:48 T:1828 INFO: ffmpeg[724]: Duration: 02:22:32.48, start: 0.000000, bitrate: 3748 kb/s
  173. 10:23:48 T:1828 INFO: ffmpeg[724]: Stream #0.0(eng): Video: h264 (High), yuv420p, 1536x864, PAR 1:1 DAR 16:9, 23.98 fps, 24 tbr, 1k tbn, 47.95 tbc
  174. 10:23:48 T:1828 INFO: ffmpeg[724]: Stream #0.1(eng): Audio: ac3, 48000 Hz, 5.1, s16, 448 kb/s
  175. 10:23:48 T:1828 INFO: ffmpeg[724]: Stream #0.2(eng): Subtitle: [0][0][0][0] / 0x0000
  176. 10:23:48 T:1828 INFO: ffmpeg[724]: Stream #0.3(dut): Subtitle: [0][0][0][0] / 0x0000
  177. 10:23:52 T:2412 DEBUG: Thread Background Loader 2412 terminating
  178. 10:23:54 T:2112 DEBUG: SDLKeyboard: scancode: 0e, sym: 0008, unicode: 0008, modifier: 0
  179. 10:23:54 T:2112 DEBUG: CApplication::OnKey: backspace (f008) pressed, action is Back
  180. 10:23:54 T:2112 DEBUG: CGUIWindowManager::PreviousWindow: Deactivate
  181. 10:23:54 T:2112 DEBUG: ------ Window Deinit (MyVideoNav.xml) ------
  182. 10:23:54 T:2112 DEBUG: CGUIWindowManager::PreviousWindow: Activate new
  183. 10:23:54 T:2112 DEBUG: ------ Window Init (Home.xml) ------
  184. 10:23:54 T:2112 INFO: Loading skin file: Home.xml
  185. 10:23:54 T:1828 DEBUG: CRecentlyAddedJob::UpdateVideos() - Running RecentlyAdded home screen update
  186. 10:23:54 T:1828 DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::RunQuery took 1 ms for 10 items query: select * from movieview order by idMovie desc limit 10
  187. 10:23:54 T:1828 DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::RunQuery took 1 ms for 0 items query: select * from episodeview order by idEpisode desc limit 10
  188. 10:23:54 T:1828 DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::GetMusicVideosByWhere query = select * from musicvideoview order by idMVideo desc limit 10
  189. 10:23:54 T:1828 DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::GetMusicVideosByWhere time for actual SQL query = 1
  190. 10:23:54 T:1828 DEBUG: CRecentlyAddedJob::UpdateTotal() - Running RecentlyAdded home screen update
  191. 10:23:59 T:2112 DEBUG: SDLKeyboard: scancode: 4d, sym: 0113, unicode: 0000, modifier: 0
  192. 10:23:59 T:2112 DEBUG: CApplication::OnKey: right (f083) pressed, action is Right
  193. 10:24:00 T:2112 DEBUG: SDLKeyboard: scancode: 4d, sym: 0113, unicode: 0000, modifier: 0
  194. 10:24:00 T:2112 DEBUG: CApplication::OnKey: right (f083) pressed, action is Right
  195. 10:24:00 T:2112 DEBUG: SDLKeyboard: scancode: 1c, sym: 000d, unicode: 000d, modifier: 0
  196. 10:24:00 T:2112 DEBUG: CApplication::OnKey: return (f00d) pressed, action is Select
  197. 10:24:01 T:2112 DEBUG: CApplication::ExecuteXBMCAction : Translating ActivateWindow(Programs,Addons,return)
  198. 10:24:01 T:2112 DEBUG: CApplication::ExecuteXBMCAction : To ActivateWindow(Programs,Addons,return)
  199. 10:24:01 T:2112 DEBUG: Activating window ID: 10001
  200. 10:24:01 T:2112 DEBUG: ------ Window Deinit (Home.xml) ------
  201. 10:24:01 T:2112 INFO: creating version table
  202. 10:24:01 T:2112 INFO: create files table
  203. 10:24:01 T:2112 INFO: create files index
  204. 10:24:01 T:2112 INFO: create files - titleid index
  205. 10:24:01 T:2112 DEBUG: ------ Window Init (MyPrograms.xml) ------
  206. 10:24:01 T:2112 INFO: Loading skin file: MyPrograms.xml
  207. 10:24:01 T:2112 DEBUG: CGUIMediaWindow::GetDirectory (addons://sources/executable/)
  208. 10:24:01 T:2112 DEBUG: ParentPath = [addons://sources/executable/]
  209. 10:24:01 T:1876 DEBUG: Thread Background Loader start, auto delete: 0
  210. 10:24:01 T:352 DEBUG: Caching image 'C:\Users\HTPC\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\addons\\fanart.jpg' as '4/4417fbc0.jpg' full size
  211. 10:24:01 T:352 INFO: Caching image from: C:\Users\HTPC\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\addons\\fanart.jpg to special://masterprofile/Thumbnails/4/4417fbc0.jpg
  212. 10:24:01 T:2076 DEBUG: Thread Background Loader start, auto delete: 0
  213. 10:24:01 T:2076 DEBUG: Thread Background Loader 2076 terminating
  214. 10:24:01 T:1828 DEBUG: Caching image 'C:\Users\HTPC\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\addons\\icon.png' as '0/000c21fd.png' full size
  215. 10:24:01 T:1828 INFO: Caching image from: C:\Users\HTPC\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\addons\\icon.png to special://masterprofile/Thumbnails/0/000c21fd.png
  216. 10:24:02 T:1876 WARNING: XFILE::CFileFactory::CreateLoader - Unsupported protocol(addons) in addons://more/executable.tbn
  217. 10:24:02 T:1876 DEBUG: Thread Background Loader 1876 terminating
  218. 10:24:03 T:2112 DEBUG: SDLKeyboard: scancode: 50, sym: 0112, unicode: 0000, modifier: 0
  219. 10:24:03 T:2112 DEBUG: CApplication::OnKey: down (f081) pressed, action is Down
  220. 10:24:03 T:2112 DEBUG: SDLKeyboard: scancode: 50, sym: 0112, unicode: 0000, modifier: 0
  221. 10:24:03 T:2112 DEBUG: CApplication::OnKey: down (f081) pressed, action is Down
  222. 10:24:03 T:2112 DEBUG: SDLKeyboard: scancode: 50, sym: 0112, unicode: 0000, modifier: 0
  223. 10:24:03 T:2112 DEBUG: CApplication::OnKey: down (f081) pressed, action is Down
  224. 10:24:03 T:2112 DEBUG: SDLKeyboard: scancode: 50, sym: 0112, unicode: 0000, modifier: 0
  225. 10:24:03 T:2112 DEBUG: CApplication::OnKey: down (f081) pressed, action is Down
  226. 10:24:03 T:2112 DEBUG: SDLKeyboard: scancode: 50, sym: 0112, unicode: 0000, modifier: 0
  227. 10:24:03 T:2112 DEBUG: CApplication::OnKey: down (f081) pressed, action is Down
  228. 10:24:04 T:2112 DEBUG: SDLKeyboard: scancode: 50, sym: 0112, unicode: 0000, modifier: 0
  229. 10:24:04 T:2112 DEBUG: CApplication::OnKey: down (f081) pressed, action is Down
  230. 10:24:04 T:352 DEBUG: Caching image 'C:\Users\HTPC\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\addons\script.xbmc.debug.log\icon.png' as '1/183f2c36.png' full size
  231. 10:24:04 T:352 INFO: Caching image from: C:\Users\HTPC\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\addons\script.xbmc.debug.log\icon.png to special://masterprofile/Thumbnails/1/183f2c36.png
  232. 10:24:05 T:2112 DEBUG: SDLKeyboard: scancode: 2e, sym: 0063, unicode: 0063, modifier: 0
  233. 10:24:05 T:2112 DEBUG: CApplication::OnKey: c (f043) pressed, action is ContextMenu
  234. 10:24:05 T:2112 DEBUG: CFavourites::Load - no system favourites found, skipping
  235. 10:24:05 T:2112 DEBUG: CFavourites::Load - no userdata favourites found, skipping
  236. 10:24:05 T:2112 INFO: Loading skin file: DialogContextMenu.xml
  237. 10:24:05 T:2112 DEBUG: ------ Window Init (DialogContextMenu.xml) ------
  238. 10:24:07 T:2112 INFO: XCURL::DllLibCurlGlobal::CheckIdle - Closing session to (easy=14CB9028, multi=00208090)
  239. 10:24:08 T:2112 DEBUG: SDLKeyboard: scancode: 1c, sym: 000d, unicode: 000d, modifier: 0
  240. 10:24:08 T:2112 DEBUG: CApplication::OnKey: return (f00d) pressed, action is Select
  241. 10:24:08 T:2112 DEBUG: ------ Window Deinit (DialogContextMenu.xml) ------
  242. 10:24:08 T:2112 DEBUG: ------ Window Init (DialogAddonSettings.xml) ------
  243. 10:24:08 T:2112 INFO: Loading skin file: DialogAddonSettings.xml
  244. 10:24:09 T:2112 INFO: XCURL::DllLibCurlGlobal::CheckIdle - Closing session to (easy=131B1168, multi=002084D0)
  245. 10:24:10 T:2112 DEBUG: SDLKeyboard: scancode: 50, sym: 0112, unicode: 0000, modifier: 0
  246. 10:24:10 T:2112 DEBUG: CApplication::OnKey: down (f081) pressed, action is Down
  247. 10:24:18 T:2112 DEBUG: SDLKeyboard: scancode: 1c, sym: 000d, unicode: 000d, modifier: 0
  248. 10:24:18 T:2112 DEBUG: CApplication::OnKey: return (f00d) pressed, action is Select
  249. 10:24:18 T:2112 INFO: Loading skin file: DialogKeyboard.xml
  250. 10:24:18 T:2112 DEBUG: ------ Window Init (DialogKeyboard.xml) ------
  251. 10:24:18 T:2112 DEBUG: SECTION:UnloadDelayed(DLL: special://xbmcbin/system/players/dvdplayer/avutil-50.dll)
  252. 10:24:19 T:2112 DEBUG: SECTION:UnloadDelayed(DLL: special://xbmcbin/system/players/dvdplayer/avcore-0.dll)
  253. 10:24:19 T:2112 DEBUG: SECTION:UnloadDelayed(DLL: special://xbmcbin/system/players/dvdplayer/avcodec-52.dll)
  254. 10:24:20 T:2112 DEBUG: SECTION:UnloadDelayed(DLL: special://xbmcbin/system/players/dvdplayer/avformat-52.dll)
  255. 10:24:21 T:2112 DEBUG: SDLKeyboard: scancode: 31, sym: 006e, unicode: 006e, modifier: 0
  256. 10:24:21 T:2112 DEBUG: CApplication::OnKey: n (f04e) pressed, trying keyboard action 61806
  257. 10:24:21 T:2112 DEBUG: SDLKeyboard: scancode: 12, sym: 0065, unicode: 0065, modifier: 0
  258. 10:24:21 T:2112 DEBUG: CApplication::OnKey: e (f045) pressed, trying keyboard action 61797
  259. 10:24:21 T:2112 DEBUG: SDLKeyboard: scancode: 17, sym: 0069, unicode: 0069, modifier: 0
  260. 10:24:21 T:2112 DEBUG: CApplication::OnKey: i (f049) pressed, trying keyboard action 61801
  261. 10:24:21 T:2112 DEBUG: SDLKeyboard: scancode: 26, sym: 006c, unicode: 006c, modifier: 0
  262. 10:24:21 T:2112 DEBUG: CApplication::OnKey: l (f04c) pressed, trying keyboard action 61804
  263. 10:24:21 T:2112 DEBUG: SDLKeyboard: scancode: 34, sym: 002e, unicode: 002e, modifier: 0
  264. 10:24:21 T:2112 DEBUG: CApplication::OnKey: period (f02e) pressed, trying keyboard action 61742
  265. 10:24:22 T:2112 DEBUG: SDLKeyboard: scancode: 30, sym: 0062, unicode: 0062, modifier: 0
  266. 10:24:22 T:2112 DEBUG: CApplication::OnKey: b (f042) pressed, trying keyboard action 61794
  267. 10:24:22 T:2112 DEBUG: SDLKeyboard: scancode: 16, sym: 0075, unicode: 0075, modifier: 0
  268. 10:24:22 T:2112 DEBUG: CApplication::OnKey: u (f055) pressed, trying keyboard action 61813
  269. 10:24:22 T:2112 DEBUG: SDLKeyboard: scancode: 14, sym: 0074, unicode: 0074, modifier: 0
  270. 10:24:22 T:2112 DEBUG: CApplication::OnKey: t (f054) pressed, trying keyboard action 61812
  271. 10:24:22 T:2112 DEBUG: SDLKeyboard: scancode: 14, sym: 0074, unicode: 0074, modifier: 0
  272. 10:24:22 T:2112 DEBUG: CApplication::OnKey: t (f054) pressed, trying keyboard action 61812
  273. 10:24:22 T:2112 DEBUG: SDLKeyboard: scancode: 1f, sym: 0073, unicode: 0073, modifier: 0
  274. 10:24:22 T:2112 DEBUG: CApplication::OnKey: s (f053) pressed, trying keyboard action 61811
  275. 10:24:22 T:2112 DEBUG: SDLKeyboard: scancode: 36, sym: 012f, unicode: 0000, modifier: 2
  276. 10:24:22 T:2112 DEBUG: CApplication::OnKey: rightshift (f0d3) pressed, trying keyboard action 61651
  277. 10:24:23 T:2112 DEBUG: SDLKeyboard: scancode: 03, sym: 0032, unicode: 0040, modifier: 2
  278. 10:24:23 T:2112 DEBUG: CApplication::OnKey: at (f040) pressed, trying keyboard action 61760
  279. 10:24:23 T:2112 DEBUG: SDLKeyboard: scancode: 22, sym: 0067, unicode: 0067, modifier: 0
  280. 10:24:23 T:2112 DEBUG: CApplication::OnKey: g (f047) pressed, trying keyboard action 61799
  281. 10:24:24 T:2112 DEBUG: SDLKeyboard: scancode: 32, sym: 006d, unicode: 006d, modifier: 0
  282. 10:24:24 T:2112 DEBUG: CApplication::OnKey: m (f04d) pressed, trying keyboard action 61805
  283. 10:24:24 T:2112 DEBUG: SDLKeyboard: scancode: 1e, sym: 0061, unicode: 0061, modifier: 0
  284. 10:24:24 T:2112 DEBUG: CApplication::OnKey: a (f041) pressed, trying keyboard action 61793
  285. 10:24:24 T:2112 DEBUG: SDLKeyboard: scancode: 17, sym: 0069, unicode: 0069, modifier: 0
  286. 10:24:24 T:2112 DEBUG: CApplication::OnKey: i (f049) pressed, trying keyboard action 61801
  287. 10:24:24 T:2112 DEBUG: SDLKeyboard: scancode: 26, sym: 006c, unicode: 006c, modifier: 0
  288. 10:24:24 T:2112 DEBUG: CApplication::OnKey: l (f04c) pressed, trying keyboard action 61804
  289. 10:24:24 T:2112 DEBUG: SDLKeyboard: scancode: 34, sym: 002e, unicode: 002e, modifier: 0
  290. 10:24:24 T:2112 DEBUG: CApplication::OnKey: period (f02e) pressed, trying keyboard action 61742
  291. 10:24:24 T:2112 DEBUG: SDLKeyboard: scancode: 2e, sym: 0063, unicode: 0063, modifier: 0
  292. 10:24:24 T:2112 DEBUG: CApplication::OnKey: c (f043) pressed, trying keyboard action 61795
  293. 10:24:24 T:2112 DEBUG: SDLKeyboard: scancode: 18, sym: 006f, unicode: 006f, modifier: 0
  294. 10:24:24 T:2112 DEBUG: CApplication::OnKey: o (f04f) pressed, trying keyboard action 61807
  295. 10:24:25 T:2112 DEBUG: SDLKeyboard: scancode: 32, sym: 006d, unicode: 006d, modifier: 0
  296. 10:24:25 T:2112 DEBUG: CApplication::OnKey: m (f04d) pressed, trying keyboard action 61805
  297. 10:24:25 T:2112 DEBUG: SDLKeyboard: scancode: 0f, sym: 0009, unicode: 0009, modifier: 0
  298. 10:24:25 T:2112 DEBUG: CApplication::OnKey: tab (f009) pressed, trying keyboard action 61449
  299. 10:24:28 T:2112 DEBUG: SDLKeyboard: scancode: 50, sym: 0112, unicode: 0000, modifier: 0
  300. 10:24:28 T:2112 DEBUG: CApplication::OnKey: down (f081) pressed, trying keyboard action 61569
  301. 10:24:29 T:2112 DEBUG: SDLKeyboard: scancode: 50, sym: 0112, unicode: 0000, modifier: 0
  302. 10:24:29 T:2112 DEBUG: CApplication::OnKey: down (f081) pressed, trying keyboard action 61569
  303. 10:24:29 T:2112 DEBUG: SDLKeyboard: scancode: 50, sym: 0112, unicode: 0000, modifier: 0
  304. 10:24:29 T:2112 DEBUG: CApplication::OnKey: down (f081) pressed, trying keyboard action 61569
  305. 10:24:29 T:2112 DEBUG: SDLKeyboard: scancode: 50, sym: 0112, unicode: 0000, modifier: 0
  306. 10:24:29 T:2112 DEBUG: CApplication::OnKey: down (f081) pressed, trying keyboard action 61569
  307. 10:24:30 T:2112 DEBUG: SDLKeyboard: scancode: 1c, sym: 000d, unicode: 000d, modifier: 0
  308. 10:24:30 T:2112 DEBUG: CApplication::OnKey: return (f00d) pressed, trying keyboard action 61453
  309. 10:24:30 T:2112 DEBUG: ------ Window Deinit (DialogKeyboard.xml) ------
  310. 10:24:34 T:2112 DEBUG: SDLKeyboard: scancode: 50, sym: 0112, unicode: 0000, modifier: 0
  311. 10:24:34 T:2112 DEBUG: CApplication::OnKey: down (f081) pressed, action is Down
  312. 10:24:34 T:724 DEBUG: Thread Jobworker 724 terminating (autodelete)
  313. 10:24:34 T:1828 DEBUG: Thread Jobworker 1828 terminating (autodelete)
  314. 10:24:34 T:1136 DEBUG: Thread Jobworker 1136 terminating (autodelete)
  315. 10:24:34 T:352 DEBUG: Thread Jobworker 352 terminating (autodelete)
  316. 10:24:34 T:2112 DEBUG: SECTION:UnloadDelayed(DLL: special://xbmcbin/system/ImageLib.dll)
  317. 10:24:35 T:2112 DEBUG: SDLKeyboard: scancode: 50, sym: 0112, unicode: 0000, modifier: 0
  318. 10:24:35 T:2112 DEBUG: CApplication::OnKey: down (f081) pressed, action is Down
  319. 10:24:37 T:2112 DEBUG: SDLKeyboard: scancode: 1c, sym: 000d, unicode: 000d, modifier: 0
  320. 10:24:37 T:2112 DEBUG: CApplication::OnKey: return (f00d) pressed, action is Select
  321. 10:24:37 T:2112 DEBUG: ------ Window Deinit (DialogAddonSettings.xml) ------
  322. 10:24:37 T:2112 DEBUG: CGUIMediaWindow::GetDirectory (addons://sources/executable/)
  323. 10:24:37 T:2112 DEBUG: ParentPath = [addons://sources/executable/]
  324. 10:24:37 T:2096 DEBUG: Thread Jobworker start, auto delete: 1
  325. 10:24:37 T:2460 DEBUG: Thread Background Loader start, auto delete: 0
  326. 10:24:37 T:2460 WARNING: XFILE::CFileFactory::CreateLoader - Unsupported protocol(addons) in addons://more/executable.tbn
  327. 10:24:37 T:2460 DEBUG: Thread Background Loader 2460 terminating
  328. 10:24:37 T:2196 DEBUG: Thread Background Loader start, auto delete: 0
  329. 10:24:37 T:2196 DEBUG: Thread Background Loader 2196 terminating
  330. 10:24:49 T:2112 DEBUG: SDLKeyboard: scancode: 2e, sym: 0063, unicode: 0063, modifier: 0
  331. 10:24:49 T:2112 DEBUG: CApplication::OnKey: c (f043) pressed, action is ContextMenu
  332. 10:24:49 T:2112 DEBUG: CFavourites::Load - no system favourites found, skipping
  333. 10:24:49 T:2112 DEBUG: CFavourites::Load - no userdata favourites found, skipping
  334. 10:24:49 T:2112 INFO: Loading skin file: DialogContextMenu.xml
  335. 10:24:49 T:2112 DEBUG: ------ Window Init (DialogContextMenu.xml) ------
  336. 10:24:50 T:2112 DEBUG: SDLKeyboard: scancode: 50, sym: 0112, unicode: 0000, modifier: 0
  337. 10:24:50 T:2112 DEBUG: CApplication::OnKey: down (f081) pressed, action is Down
  338. 10:24:50 T:2112 DEBUG: SDLKeyboard: scancode: 1c, sym: 000d, unicode: 000d, modifier: 0
  339. 10:24:50 T:2112 DEBUG: CApplication::OnKey: return (f00d) pressed, action is Select
  340. 10:24:51 T:2112 DEBUG: ------ Window Deinit (DialogContextMenu.xml) ------
  341. 10:24:51 T:2112 DEBUG: CGUIMediaWindow::GetDirectory ()
  342. 10:24:51 T:2112 DEBUG: ParentPath = [addons://sources/executable/]
  343. 10:24:51 T:1168 DEBUG: Thread Background Loader start, auto delete: 0
  344. 10:24:51 T:1168 DEBUG: Thread Background Loader 1168 terminating
  345. 10:24:53 T:2112 DEBUG: SDLKeyboard: scancode: 0e, sym: 0008, unicode: 0008, modifier: 0
  346. 10:24:53 T:2112 DEBUG: CApplication::OnKey: backspace (f008) pressed, action is Back
  347. 10:24:53 T:2112 DEBUG: CGUIWindowManager::PreviousWindow: Deactivate
  348. 10:24:54 T:2112 DEBUG: ------ Window Deinit (MyPrograms.xml) ------
  349. 10:24:54 T:2112 DEBUG: CGUIWindowManager::PreviousWindow: Activate new
  350. 10:24:54 T:2112 DEBUG: ------ Window Init (Home.xml) ------
  351. 10:24:54 T:2112 INFO: Loading skin file: Home.xml
  352. 10:24:54 T:2112 DEBUG: SECTION:LoadDLL(special://xbmcbin/system/ImageLib.dll)
  353. 10:24:57 T:2112 DEBUG: SDLKeyboard: scancode: 38, sym: 0134, unicode: 0000, modifier: 100
  354. 10:24:57 T:2112 DEBUG: CApplication::OnKey: alt-leftalt (4f0d4) pressed, action is
  355. 10:24:57 T:2112 DEBUG: CWinEventsWin32::WndProcWindow is active
  356. 10:24:57 T:2112 DEBUG: CWinEventsWin32::WndProc: Focus switched to process C:\Windows\explorer.exe
  357. 10:25:07 T:2096 DEBUG: Thread Jobworker 2096 terminating (autodelete)
  358. 10:25:24 T:2112 DEBUG: SECTION:UnloadDelayed(DLL: special://xbmcbin/system/ImageLib.dll)
  359. 10:25:31 T:2112 DEBUG: CWinEventsWin32::WndProcWindow is active
  360. 10:25:38 T:2112 DEBUG: SDLKeyboard: scancode: 38, sym: 0134, unicode: 0000, modifier: 100
  361. 10:25:38 T:2112 DEBUG: CApplication::OnKey: alt-leftalt (4f0d4) pressed, action is
  362. 10:25:38 T:2112 DEBUG: CWinEventsWin32::WndProcWindow is active
  363. 10:25:38 T:2112 DEBUG: CWinEventsWin32::WndProc: Focus switched to process C:\Windows\explorer.exe
  364. 10:25:52 T:2112 DEBUG: CWinEventsWin32::WndProcWindow is active
  365. 10:25:53 T:2832 DEBUG: ### [Qlock] - Delaying 240 secs
  366. 10:25:54 T:2112 DEBUG: SDLKeyboard: scancode: 38, sym: 0134, unicode: 0000, modifier: 100
  367. 10:25:54 T:2112 DEBUG: CApplication::OnKey: alt-leftalt (4f0d4) pressed, action is
  368. 10:25:55 T:2112 DEBUG: CWinEventsWin32::WndProcWindow is active
  369. 10:25:55 T:2112 DEBUG: CWinEventsWin32::WndProc: Focus switched to process C:\Windows\explorer.exe
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