

Aug 1st, 2016
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  1. A B Y S S A L 8 O D D I T Y
  3. ConsumerOfAll - Yesterday at 5:22 PM
  4. > PLAY GAME
  5. Erelye - Yesterday at 5:22 PM
  6. Loading last saved game.
  7. Loading...
  8. Loading...
  9. Game loaded successfully. Please enter command.
  10. ConsumerOfAll - Yesterday at 5:23 PM
  11. >quick recap
  12. Erelye - Yesterday at 5:24 PM
  13. You just returned from the Alpha Sector, victorious, and possessed of another VOID SHARD, only to find that Charoite was evidently shaken by some unknown force. Heliotrope, Charoite, and yourself are all in Hug City right now.
  14. ConsumerOfAll - Yesterday at 5:25 PM
  15. this is why I need to read more logs
  16. can't really tactics into this without much info
  17. @crystalcat?
  18. >look around
  19. crystalcat - Yesterday at 5:26 PM
  20. Hrm.
  21. Erelye - Yesterday at 5:26 PM
  22. You're on your ship, in the main hold. The door to the deck is wide open.
  23. According to Charoite's plan, you are to head to the Zeta Sector next.
  24. You have yet to ask Charoite what, precisely, was assailing her.
  25. crystalcat - Yesterday at 5:27 PM
  26. >Ask her, then
  27. ConsumerOfAll - Yesterday at 5:27 PM
  28. > ask this charorite person
  29. Erelye - Yesterday at 5:27 PM
  30. Charoite adopts a pained expression, before gesturing over to the wall behind you.
  31. "He's right there. Laughing at us, right now."
  32. ConsumerOfAll - Yesterday at 5:28 PM
  33. > Look at the wall behind you.
  34. Erelye - Yesterday at 5:28 PM
  35. There's a sealed metallic crate, and nothing else.
  36. ConsumerOfAll - Yesterday at 5:29 PM
  37. > "Who's he?"
  38. crystalcat - Yesterday at 5:29 PM
  39. >"Who?"
  40. Erelye - Yesterday at 5:29 PM
  41. "That... that asshole we... no. I. Burned earlier, just after we met."
  42. ConsumerOfAll - Yesterday at 5:30 PM
  43. > Remember that asshole Charoite burned after you and them met.
  44. crystalcat - Yesterday at 5:30 PM
  45. Malpeiyc?
  46. Crap.
  47. ConsumerOfAll - Yesterday at 5:30 PM
  48. that demon guy?
  49. FUCK
  50. Erelye - Yesterday at 5:30 PM
  51. Why, Malpeiyc of Wveru Geten.
  52. Now what?
  53. Please enter command.
  54. crystalcat - Yesterday at 5:34 PM
  55. Hrm.
  56. Ask the wall if Malpeiyc's there.
  57. Erelye - Yesterday at 5:35 PM
  58. The wall tells you no. By which I mean it does not respond.
  59. ConsumerOfAll - Yesterday at 5:36 PM
  60. uh..
  61. Are we in transit to Zeta?
  62. Erelye - Yesterday at 5:37 PM
  63. Not currently. You have not yet plotted a course.
  64. crystalcat - Yesterday at 5:37 PM
  65. Plot course, then.
  66. ConsumerOfAll - Yesterday at 5:37 PM
  67. Anything to do pre-Zeta?
  68. Erelye - Yesterday at 5:37 PM
  69. ETA: forty-five minutes.
  70. ConsumerOfAll - Yesterday at 5:37 PM
  71. Ah.
  72. Erelye - Yesterday at 5:37 PM
  73. There is nothing left to do in Alpha, so no.
  74. How will you spend your time?
  75. insert_generic_username - Yesterday at 5:38 PM
  76. >practice fusion?
  77. >check inventory
  78. Erelye - Yesterday at 5:39 PM
  79. Would you like to examine your full inventory, or just your personal inventory.
  80. insert_generic_username - Yesterday at 5:39 PM
  81. full
  82. Erelye - Yesterday at 5:39 PM
  83. AZURE INV: Water Vial, Mercurial Water Vial, Undulating Water Vial, Welding Equipment, Cthk'aryvt's Blessing/Curse x7, Gem Fragment x3, Ylahrthuian Salt x11, Amalgam Interface, Flipside Elixir, Potion of the Nine, Duopen, Sniper Rifle, Ink Cartridge x2, Gluon Destabilizer x3, Ink Canister x2, Manufactory Key, Tenebrous Substance, Fluchwater, Brinewater, Bristewater, Frequency Resonator, Fountain Pen, Handwritten Post-It Note, Autumnal Hand, Verdant Dust, Main Phase Artillery Cannon x4, Gem Shard Pile x19, Ochre Tablet - Vardiveig, Andalusite Bubble.
  84. CYAN INV: δ-ψ-φ-Bioschema, Laser Pointer, Plasma Rifle, Medkit x5, Gluon Destabilizer x4, Limb Destabilizer Cannon.
  85. TOPAZ INV: Longsword, Medkit x6, Gluon Destabilizer x2.
  86. CHAROITE INV: Potion of the Nine, Elixir Ophidion, Falyscint.
  87. GSS EXSANGUINATOR INV: Hunk of Refined Infused Arcanium x5, Hunk of Vesperium x2, Pile of Metal Plates, Pile of Wiring, Pile of Core Mechanics, Psioglass Tube x8, Cyanic Mechanovitae Tube, Sonic Repulsor Engine, Psionic Filter (12/14), Psiofiber x5, Sheet of Corotite x1, Crystal Core Chassis, Sensor x3, Lapis Stone Shard x2, Cloth Wrappings x3, Witch-Doctor Disguise x2, Murder Cylinder x4, Irhvium Plate x3, Month's Supply of Food and Water x6, Nanite Fluid Container.
  88. BUBBLE STORAGE: Fluorite, Delta, Strawberry Golem x3, Fallen Soldier, Flopbird Senator x2, Flopbird Archmagister, Rushed Ruby, Rushed Amber.
  89. ConsumerOfAll - Yesterday at 5:39 PM
  90. "reading through so"
  91. *so
  92. Erelye - Yesterday at 5:40 PM
  93. In any case, will you attempt to practice fusion?
  94. ConsumerOfAll - Yesterday at 5:40 PM
  95. Yes.
  96. Erelye - Yesterday at 5:41 PM
  97. You do so. Aquamarine, Heliotrope, Beryl, all are achieved, with an abnormal amount of falling in the process.
  98. Charoite just watches it all unfold, a sad look in her eyes.
  99. ETA: 25 minutes.
  100. ConsumerOfAll - Yesterday at 5:42 PM
  101. Nice.
  102. Erelye - Yesterday at 5:42 PM
  103. What shall you do with your remaining time?
  104. ConsumerOfAll - Yesterday at 5:43 PM
  105. uh...
  106. Crystal?
  107. also think about the mechanics of your weapons
  108. insert_generic_username - Yesterday at 5:43 PM
  109. >try combining weapons as a fusion
  110. Erelye - Yesterday at 5:44 PM
  111. Which fusion shall you attempt this with?
  112. insert_generic_username - Yesterday at 5:44 PM
  113. uh
  114. >recall individual weapons
  115. crystalcat - Yesterday at 5:45 PM
  116. Lapis has water wings, Topaz has... a sword, I think.
  117. Erelye - Yesterday at 5:45 PM
  118. Cyan hasn't yet summoned hers, Topaz has got a sword, and you have the wings, of course.
  119. crystalcat - Yesterday at 5:45 PM
  120. Cyan, no idea.
  121. Ah.
  122. Try combining Topaz's and your weapons.
  123. insert_generic_username - Yesterday at 5:45 PM
  124. ah
  125. crystalcat - Yesterday at 5:45 PM
  126. As a fusion, of course.
  127. ConsumerOfAll - Yesterday at 5:45 PM
  128. > fuse tenebrous substance and cannon
  129. Erelye - Yesterday at 5:46 PM
  130. Charoite mutters something to the tune of being too sick inside to attempt fusion, and you make what appears to be some sort of blade with what appears to be wings near the guard, frozen into ice. Odd.(edited)
  131. ConsumerOfAll - Yesterday at 5:47 PM
  132. Also nice.
  133. Erelye - Yesterday at 5:47 PM
  134. How will you attempt to fuse your Tenebrous Substance and a Main Phase Artillery Cannon?
  135. Please enter command.
  136. crystalcat - Yesterday at 5:51 PM
  137. Hrm. Remind me of the descriptions of both items?
  138. Erelye - Yesterday at 5:51 PM
  139. Tenebrous Substance: Encroaching on the uncharted waters of the unknown to plot the impossible and improbable can often lead to unwanted attention. Such attention is easily diverted to others.
  140. The artillery cannon is too generic to receive a description, considering you scavenged it out on the battlefield of Alpha.
  141. crystalcat - Yesterday at 5:52 PM
  142. Hah.
  143. What does it fire, and how?
  144. ConsumerOfAll - Yesterday at 5:52 PM
  145. Let's see...
  146. Erelye - Yesterday at 5:53 PM
  147. Massive plasma shells, from charged cartridges.
  148. ConsumerOfAll - Yesterday at 5:53 PM
  149. shove the tenebrous substance into the cannon?
  150. crystalcat - Yesterday at 5:53 PM
  151. We could always add Tenebrous Substance to that plasma...
  152. ConsumerOfAll - Yesterday at 5:53 PM
  153. :mspa:
  154. :mspa:BOT - Yesterday at 5:53 PM
  156. Erelye - Yesterday at 5:53 PM
  157. You pour the Tenebrous Substance into the cannon's barrel.
  158. ConsumerOfAll - Yesterday at 5:53 PM
  159. ...
  160. kek
  161. Erelye - Yesterday at 5:54 PM
  162. The thing promptly begins smoking, and fizzles out. Then, it explodes.
  163. ConsumerOfAll - Yesterday at 5:54 PM
  164. kek
  165. Is the tenebrous substance safe?
  166. crystalcat - Yesterday at 5:54 PM
  167. Ouch.
  168. Erelye - Yesterday at 5:54 PM
  169. You no longer have any Tenebrous Substance, or one of the cannons.
  170. ConsumerOfAll - Yesterday at 5:54 PM
  171. fuck
  172. Erelye - Yesterday at 5:55 PM
  173. In other news, you're there.
  174. ConsumerOfAll - Yesterday at 5:55 PM
  175. My science has failed me.
  176. Erelye - Yesterday at 5:55 PM
  177. Who will you take with you?(edited)
  178. ConsumerOfAll - Yesterday at 5:56 PM
  179. > Everybody in good health.
  180. Erelye - Yesterday at 5:56 PM
  181. Are you sure that's a good idea?
  182. ConsumerOfAll - Yesterday at 5:56 PM
  183. No.
  184. The statuses of everyone on board?
  185. insert_generic_username - Yesterday at 5:57 PM
  186. leave someone behind to keep charoite company
  187. ConsumerOfAll - Yesterday at 5:57 PM
  188. Ah.
  189. Erelye - Yesterday at 5:57 PM
  190. Topaz is tired, but okay. You're fine. You're always fine. Charoite is shaken, is clinging to you, and looks ill. Cyan is pretty okay.
  191. Please make your selection.
  192. ConsumerOfAll - Yesterday at 5:59 PM
  193. Take Cyan.
  194. Erelye - Yesterday at 6:00 PM
  195. The old gang is back together. The two of you exit the ship.
  196. Observing your general location, it appears that calling the landmass of the Nu Sector a continent was a bit of an understatement in comparison with this.
  197. ConsumerOfAll - Yesterday at 6:01 PM
  198. How big is this place?
  199. Erelye - Yesterday at 6:02 PM
  200. You can't see it end, certainly. But that might just be the mountainous nature of the area in all directions.
  201. Well, save for one.
  202. ConsumerOfAll - Yesterday at 6:03 PM
  203. Look in the one direction.
  204. Erelye - Yesterday at 6:04 PM
  205. You turn, and examine it. It appears as if a pathway was cleaved into the mountainside by monolithic hands. The thing is nearly two miles in width, leading upwards, to the peak of the nearest mountain.
  206. Stains of pure gem dust appear to occasionally line this path.
  207. ConsumerOfAll - Yesterday at 6:05 PM
  208. gem dust?
  209. Do we have anything to collect it in?
  210. Erelye - Yesterday at 6:06 PM
  211. Not really.
  212. ConsumerOfAll - Yesterday at 6:06 PM
  213. Walk to the nearest mountain with Cyan.
  214. Erelye - Yesterday at 6:07 PM
  215. You head down the trail of death, side-by-side, and tense.
  216. Before long, you can see what appears to be some massive complex composed of stone and metal blocking the path, with multiple layers, the tops of which appear to have been crushed utterly.
  217. ConsumerOfAll - Yesterday at 6:08 PM
  218. > Observe for weak points.
  219. Erelye - Yesterday at 6:08 PM
  220. The door.
  221. ConsumerOfAll - Yesterday at 6:09 PM
  222. Open the door.
  223. Erelye - Yesterday at 6:10 PM
  224. You walk over to the construct. It appears to be around eight meters tall, and primarily triangular. It has no handle, and displays the image of a messy counterclockwise spiral. A small image of a hand is directly below said spiral.
  225. ConsumerOfAll - Yesterday at 6:12 PM
  226. Push it open.
  227. Also, is our inventory a hammerspace thing?
  228. Erelye - Yesterday at 6:12 PM
  229. Yes.
  230. You attempt to push the door open. It will not budge.
  231. ConsumerOfAll - Yesterday at 6:15 PM
  232. Hammerspace out a cannon, and then fire it at the door, remembering to get back.
  233. Erelye - Yesterday at 6:16 PM
  234. You pull out a cannon, and set it up. Cyan looks at you curiously. She simply inquires, "can you put that away?" Afterward, she places her left hand on the image of the hand. The spiral lights up, and the door slides down.
  235. "We've... uh, we've done that before. You don't have to shoot the door."
  236. ConsumerOfAll - Yesterday at 6:17 PM
  237. Hah.
  238. I was considering asking her, but talking to people requires social skills and sense.
  239. Anyway...
  240. Proceed forward.
  241. Erelye - Yesterday at 6:19 PM
  242. The two of you head down the triangular passage. Neon lights line the walls. Regardless, the further you go, the darker it gets. You arrive in what appears to be a rectangular chamber leading to another door.
  243. ConsumerOfAll - Yesterday at 6:20 PM
  244. Open the door.
  245. Erelye - Yesterday at 6:20 PM
  246. You step over to the thing. As you do so, however, you stop. Some sort of gurgling noise is coming from right behind it.
  247. ConsumerOfAll - Yesterday at 6:22 PM
  248. Take out your weapon, tell Cyan to do so, and proceed.
  249. Erelye - Yesterday at 6:23 PM
  250. Your weapon is water, and Cyan's weapon is literally grafted to her arm.
  251. TwinBuilder - Yesterday at 6:23 PM
  252. kek
  253. ConsumerOfAll - Yesterday at 6:23 PM
  254. Ah.
  255. TwinBuilder - Yesterday at 6:23 PM
  256. Can you guys read this
  257. Erelye - Yesterday at 6:23 PM
  258. Yes.
  259. ConsumerOfAll - Yesterday at 6:23 PM
  260. Yes.
  261. TwinBuilder - Yesterday at 6:23 PM
  262. Cool I can play while at a funeral parlor
  263. Erelye - Yesterday at 6:23 PM
  264. Hah.
  265. Do you activate the door?
  266. ConsumerOfAll - Yesterday at 6:24 PM
  267. wow
  268. TwinBuilder - Yesterday at 6:24 PM
  269. Yeah.
  270. Do it.
  271. ConsumerOfAll - Yesterday at 6:24 PM
  272. Take out a water vial first, and make a sword.
  273. Erelye - Yesterday at 6:24 PM
  274. You place your hand on the thing. Too late for making swords.
  275. ConsumerOfAll - Yesterday at 6:24 PM
  276. Then do the doory thing.
  277. rip
  278. TwinBuilder - Yesterday at 6:24 PM
  279. Just make water fists after opening the door.
  280. (That never stopped being a thing you could do or anything.)
  281. Erelye - Yesterday at 6:25 PM
  282. The thing slides down, revealing a wretched abomination, just sitting there. Cyan immediately grips your hand, almost impulsively, and pulls you back.
  283. Gemstones are just sticking out of the thing's body.
  284. TwinBuilder - Yesterday at 6:26 PM
  285. How "wretched" are we talking here? Like, from Donald Trump to Lovecraftian horror.
  286. ConsumerOfAll - Yesterday at 6:27 PM
  287. See if it wants to murder you.
  288. Erelye - Yesterday at 6:27 PM
  289. The thing appears to be a fused mass of at least six humanoid bodies, several of which are missing various vital parts. Two of the heads are stuck together, and the thing is uttering a combination of agonized screaming and gurgling.
  290. ConsumerOfAll - Yesterday at 6:27 PM
  291. It could just want to make friends.
  292. :mspa:
  293. :mspa:BOT - Yesterday at 6:27 PM
  295. TwinBuilder - Yesterday at 6:28 PM
  296. So it's a forced fusion, yes?
  297. Erelye - Yesterday at 6:28 PM
  298. Yes.
  299. TwinBuilder - Yesterday at 6:28 PM
  300. Attack it. No use in trying to reason with something that can't be reasoned with.
  301. Erelye - Yesterday at 6:28 PM
  302. Several hands reach out to grab at you.
  303. TwinBuilder - Yesterday at 6:28 PM
  304. See?
  305. Erelye - Yesterday at 6:28 PM
  307. TwinBuilder - Yesterday at 6:28 PM
  308. Observe.
  309. Erelye - Yesterday at 6:28 PM
  310. Philosophorum Shard: 10/10 HP.
  311. NOTES: The Lapis Philosophorum was solely utilized in the siege of the Zeta Sector. The thing was so remarkably unstable that mere plasma shots melted off hunks of the geoweapon's core. The pond has been stagnant too long. It requires a disturbance.
  312. TwinBuilder - Yesterday at 6:29 PM
  313. Can we observe ourselves?
  314. Erelye - Yesterday at 6:29 PM
  315. If you so wish, though there is no reason to.
  316. TwinBuilder - Yesterday at 6:29 PM
  317. Why
  318. Erelye - Yesterday at 6:30 PM
  319. You haven't been damaged yet.
  320. TwinBuilder - Yesterday at 6:30 PM
  321. Fair enough. Can I at least see inventory?
  322. ConsumerOfAll - Yesterday at 6:30 PM
  323. > Test out the cannon on the Shard's face.
  324. Erelye - Yesterday at 6:30 PM
  325. AZURE INV: Water Vial, Mercurial Water Vial, Undulating Water Vial, Welding Equipment, Cthk'aryvt's Blessing/Curse x7, Gem Fragment x3, Ylahrthuian Salt x11, Amalgam Interface, Flipside Elixir, Potion of the Nine, Duopen, Sniper Rifle, Ink Cartridge x2, Gluon Destabilizer x3, Ink Canister x2, Manufactory Key, Fluchwater, Brinewater, Bristewater, Frequency Resonator, Fountain Pen, Handwritten Post-It Note, Autumnal Hand, Verdant Dust, Main Phase Artillery Cannon x3, Gem Shard Pile x19, Ochre Tablet - Vardiveig, Andalusite Bubble.
  326. CYAN INV: δ-ψ-φ-Bioschema, Laser Pointer, Plasma Rifle, Medkit x5, Gluon Destabilizer x4, Limb Destabilizer Cannon.
  327. ConsumerOfAll - Yesterday at 6:30 PM
  328. Cyan uses a basic attack.
  329. TwinBuilder - Yesterday at 6:31 PM
  330. Goddamnit I forgot what most of these do. Have you considered an inventory pastebin? Anyway, attacks...
  331. ConsumerOfAll - Yesterday at 6:31 PM
  332. (ao combat is about strategy and not rushing in, isn't it?)
  333. Erelye - Yesterday at 6:32 PM
  334. An inventory pastebin will exist soon, thank you for your input, and yes.
  335. TwinBuilder - Yesterday at 6:32 PM
  336. Cyan fires the Limb Destabilizer Cannon. Azure follows up with water fists intent on ripping apart the Shard's limbs. Basically - make sure it can't attack as quickly as possible.
  337. ConsumerOfAll - Yesterday at 6:32 PM
  338. rip me
  339. Erelye - Yesterday at 6:32 PM
  340. !roll 2 3
  341. .BOT - Yesterday at 6:32 PM
  342. @Erelye rolled a 3 sided dice 2 times for a total of 5 (average: 2.5):
  343. 2,3
  344. Erelye - Yesterday at 6:33 PM
  345. Cyan blows a hole into one of the heads of the beast, and you remove a good deal of its limbs.
  346. ENEMY TURN.
  347. TwinBuilder - Yesterday at 6:33 PM
  348. Nice.
  349. Erelye - Yesterday at 6:34 PM
  350. The creature lifts itself into the air with what appears to be four pairs of legs, and lunges at you. It slashes your arm viciously.
  351. YOUR TURN.
  353. TwinBuilder - Yesterday at 6:34 PM
  354. Observe.
  355. Erelye - Yesterday at 6:34 PM
  356. Azure Lapis: 9/15 HP.
  357. Cyan Amaranthine: 10/10 HP.
  358. Philosophorum Shard: 5/10 HP.
  359. NOTES: The Lapis Philosophorum was solely utilized in the siege of the Zeta Sector. The thing was so remarkably unstable that mere plasma shots melted off hunks of the geoweapon's core. The pond has been stagnant too long. It requires a disturbance.
  360. ConsumerOfAll - Yesterday at 6:35 PM
  361. Pass a cannon to Cyan.
  362. Have her fire it.
  363. Erelye - Yesterday at 6:35 PM
  364. That would take about five minutes to set up.
  365. ConsumerOfAll - Yesterday at 6:35 PM
  366. Make a water shield around yourself.
  367. Oh.
  368. crystalcat - Yesterday at 6:36 PM
  369. defending won't do much
  370. all-out offense!
  371. Erelye - Yesterday at 6:36 PM
  372. Defense is useless. Pure offense and cunning strategy are the method of ascension here.
  373. ConsumerOfAll - Yesterday at 6:36 PM
  374. What Crystal said.
  375. Ah.
  376. Erelye - Yesterday at 6:36 PM
  377. Please describe your attack.
  378. ConsumerOfAll - Yesterday at 6:37 PM
  379. Smash it with water fists and Cyan's weapon.
  380. Also, what in the inventory counts as a plasma weapon?
  381. Erelye - Yesterday at 6:38 PM
  382. The sniper rifle is the only one in there you can properly use.
  383. TwinBuilder - Yesterday at 6:39 PM
  384. What does the Frequency Resonator do?
  385. Erelye - Yesterday at 6:39 PM
  386. Teleportation device, currently set to the Lambda Manufactory.
  387. TwinBuilder - Yesterday at 6:39 PM
  388. Damn it.
  389. Erelye - Yesterday at 6:41 PM
  390. Please enter command.
  391. ConsumerOfAll - Yesterday at 6:43 PM
  392. Smash it with water firsts while Cyan applies her weapon.
  393. crystalcat - Yesterday at 6:43 PM
  394. ^
  395. Erelye - Yesterday at 6:43 PM
  396. !coin
  397. .BOT - Yesterday at 6:43 PM
  399. Erelye - Yesterday at 6:43 PM
  400. The beast leaps out of the way of both of your assaults deftly, and proceeds to kick Cyan in the face twice.
  401. ENEMY TURN.
  402. The Shard then grabs Cyan by the leg, and uses her as a club. Screaming all the while, you are both smashed into each other, and sent into a wall.
  403. YOUR TURN.
  405. crystalcat - Yesterday at 6:45 PM
  406. Observe.
  407. Erelye - Yesterday at 6:46 PM
  408. Azure Lapis: 4/15 HP.
  409. Cyan Amaranthine: 3/10 HP.
  410. Philosophorum Shard: 5/10 HP.
  411. NOTES: The Lapis Philosophorum was solely utilized in the siege of the Zeta Sector. The thing was so remarkably unstable that mere plasma shots melted off hunks of the geoweapon's core. The pond has been stagnant too long. It requires a disturbance.
  412. crystalcat - Yesterday at 6:48 PM
  413. Hrm.
  414. How many medkits do we have?
  415. Erelye - Yesterday at 6:48 PM
  416. You have none, Cyan has five.
  417. ConsumerOfAll - Yesterday at 6:50 PM
  418. Use two medkits, one on Cyan and one on ourselves, and also get back.
  419. Erelye - Yesterday at 6:50 PM
  420. Healing oneself is not a free action.
  421. ConsumerOfAll - Yesterday at 6:51 PM
  422. okay.
  423. ABSCOND
  424. Erelye - Yesterday at 6:52 PM
  425. Very well. All you need to do is answer one question.
  426. A r e y o u a c o w a r d ?(edited)
  427. ConsumerOfAll - Yesterday at 6:54 PM
  428. Yes.
  429. Bravery can get you killed.
  430. Erelye - Yesterday at 6:54 PM
  431. You abscond back into the hallway. The Philosophorum Shard gives chase.
  432. ConsumerOfAll - Yesterday at 6:55 PM
  433. Especially when we can come back later.
  434. Erelye - Yesterday at 6:55 PM
  435. !roll 1 5
  436. .BOT - Yesterday at 6:55 PM
  437. @Erelye rolled a 5 sided dice 1 times for a total of 2 (average: 2):
  438. 2
  439. Erelye - Yesterday at 6:55 PM
  440. The Shard grabs at the ceiling, and proceeds to vault itself over the two of you, blocking the exit.
  441. The beast's fifth mouth opens.
  442. "TLRMT HL HLLM? SVOK FH."(edited)
  443. Please enter command.
  444. ConsumerOfAll - Yesterday at 6:59 PM
  445. well
  446. ConsumerOfAll - Yesterday at 7:00 PM
  447. I can't think of anything to iright now.
  448. Erelye - Yesterday at 7:00 PM
  449. @insert_generic_username @crystalcat
  450. insert_generic_username - Yesterday at 7:01 PM
  451. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  452. crystalcat - Yesterday at 7:01 PM
  453. hrm.
  454. >"Hello?"
  455. Erelye - Yesterday at 7:02 PM
  456. "SVOK FH."
  457. crystalcat - Yesterday at 7:04 PM
  458. hrm...
  459. drenovian, ciphered, or just incoherent?
  460. Erelye - Yesterday at 7:05 PM
  461. Option two.
  462. crystalcat - Yesterday at 7:06 PM
  463. Hee.
  464. Sec.
  466. ConsumerOfAll - Yesterday at 7:08 PM
  467. so it did want to be friends
  468. dammit twin
  469. "With what?"
  470. Erelye - Yesterday at 7:09 PM
  472. crystalcat - Yesterday at 7:10 PM
  474. Erelye - Yesterday at 7:11 PM
  475. Now what?
  476. ConsumerOfAll - Yesterday at 7:15 PM
  477. look for where they were made?
  478. "Where were you turned into this?"
  479. Erelye - Yesterday at 7:16 PM
  480. The Shard stares at you blankly for a few seconds at that inquiry, begins to screech, "DSVIVDSVIVDSVIVDSVIVDSVIV," and promptly explodes into a poof of dust, leaving behind a hunk of fused gemstones.(edited)
  481. ConsumerOfAll - Yesterday at 7:19 PM
  482. uh...
  483. Crystal, can I have a translation on the screech?
  484. Erelye - Yesterday at 7:21 PM
  485. @crystalcat
  486. crystalcat - Yesterday at 7:22 PM
  487. ye? ah.
  489. ConsumerOfAll - Yesterday at 7:24 PM
  490. oh
  491. Pick up the fused gemstones, and if possible, bubble them.
  492. Stop me if this is a bad idea.
  493. Erelye - Yesterday at 7:25 PM
  494. You bubble the Philosophorum Shard, and send it back to the ship.
  495. crystalcat - Yesterday at 7:25 PM
  496. nah, sounds fine.
  497. bubbled gems can't reform, after all.
  498. Erelye - Yesterday at 7:26 PM
  499. Shall you proceed?
  500. ConsumerOfAll - Yesterday at 7:29 PM
  501. With caution.
  502. Erelye - Yesterday at 7:30 PM
  503. You head back to the square chamber the Shard was hiding within. It is otherwise empty. There are three triangular doors in the place, one for each wall. Each is adorned with nothing but a hand symbol, save for the one on the right, which has a computer terminal installed into it.
  504. Please enter command.
  505. crystalcat - Yesterday at 7:33 PM
  506. Examine terminal.
  507. Erelye - Yesterday at 7:33 PM
  508. As you step over to it, it projects a holographic keyboard. A message blinks onto the screen.
  509. [002120 002220 010010 002120 010001 002222 002102 010002 010002 010020 002221 010001 002112 002121 002221 010001 "011021 010121 011101 010121 011002 011022 011022 010121 011021 010200 010212 010202 011022 010202 011020 002101 011021 011010 011000 010220 010201 011100 011021 001201 010121 011000 010211."]
  510. crystalcat - Yesterday at 7:34 PM
  511. holy crap, trinary.
  512. ConsumerOfAll - Yesterday at 7:34 PM
  513. Really?
  514. crystalcat - Yesterday at 7:34 PM
  515. well, twos in addition to ones and zeroes.
  516. ConsumerOfAll - Yesterday at 7:35 PM
  517. Yes, I know.
  518. Now to put it to decimal and then to text.
  519. it appears that all the translators I've found need to have each number inputted easily and I'm on mobile
  520. gorilla
  521. crystalcat - Yesterday at 7:41 PM
  522. link one
  523. Erelye - Yesterday at 7:43 PM
  524. @ConsumerOfAll (edited)
  526. @crystalcat
  527. crystalcat - Yesterday at 7:54 PM
  528. Ye?
  529. meh
  530. sec
  531. doing something else
  532. crystalcat - Yesterday at 8:01 PM
  534. did we ever get that password...
  535. Erelye - Yesterday at 8:02 PM
  536. Did you?
  537. The passwords you have received are σερυαντετερναλ and emeraldχtsavorite.
  538. crystalcat - Yesterday at 8:05 PM
  539. Enter the second password.
  540. Erelye - Yesterday at 8:05 PM
  541. The screen flashes red.
  542. A few moments later, it shifts back to normal.
  543. crystalcat - Yesterday at 8:07 PM
  544. Enter the first password.
  545. Erelye - Yesterday at 8:08 PM
  546. The screen flashes green, and the door slides down. The room beyond appears to be a small closet, containing an odd curved object with a vesperium plate atop it, and a small wooden chest.
  547. crystalcat - Yesterday at 8:08 PM
  548. Examine chest and object.
  549. Erelye - Yesterday at 8:09 PM
  550. Wooden Chest: A polished rectangular oak box with an iron latch. Unlocked.
  551. Wailing Stone: Ancient artifact designed to transmit and receive audio and audiovisual messages. While incapable of receiving or sending audiovisual information without an interface aid, audio messages can be transmitted and replayed from one Stone to the next. The button on this particular wailing stone has been bolted down with a removable vesperium device, for some unknown reason.
  552. Yung Venuz (Battlefury) - Yesterday at 8:10 PM
  553. >Completely ignore stone and check chest for l00t
  554. Erelye - Yesterday at 8:10 PM
  555. You open the chest, to see a singular object atop red velvet.
  556. Emissary Amulet: A golden amulet, embedded with a large rhomboid cut ruby. It seems to draw you in the more you observe it, compelling you to don it. D WKURQH LQWR TXDGUDQWV VSOLW; WKRXJK WKH UHDSHU VRZV, IROORZ LW.
  557. crystalcat - Yesterday at 8:11 PM
  558. translation in progress
  560. Don or not don?
  561. Erelye - Yesterday at 8:14 PM
  562. Would you like the hand of fate to decide for you?
  563. crystalcat - Yesterday at 8:15 PM
  564. hrm. Everyone else isn't paying attention.
  565. Should I ping everyone?
  566. Erelye - Yesterday at 8:15 PM
  567. If you so wish.
  568. crystalcat - Yesterday at 8:15 PM
  569. @here Input on this decision?
  570. TwinBuilder - Yesterday at 8:17 PM
  571. Do not take it, it's probably cursed
  572. Take the other loot
  573. crystalcat - Yesterday at 8:17 PM
  574. hrm
  575. could provide interesting plot stuff if donned, but might be cursed...
  576. Nomble - Yesterday at 8:18 PM
  577. try testing it on an animal or other passive form of life
  578. crystalcat - Yesterday at 8:18 PM
  579. true
  580. ok, take but don't don
  581. Erelye - Yesterday at 8:18 PM
  582. You reseal the wooden box, and take it.
  583. What shall you do with the other object in the closet?
  584. crystalcat - Yesterday at 8:19 PM
  585. Let's examine the Wailing Stone further. I assume pressing the button activates it?
  586. TwinBuilder - Yesterday at 8:19 PM
  587. ^
  588. Erelye - Yesterday at 8:19 PM
  589. The button is sealed off by a removable device.
  590. Shall you remove said device?
  591. crystalcat - Yesterday at 8:22 PM
  592. Sure.
  593. Erelye - Yesterday at 8:22 PM
  594. The wailing stone shudders, and the button capping it slides upwards, repeating a distorted fragment of a conversation.
  595. "This is Comman-bzzt-az, still in position, to Drenovit. Imperium forces driving us down into Facet Ni-bzzt-cements requested. Division twenty-four downed by artillery volley, quadrant three overru-bzzt."
  596. "Bzzt-ear you quite clearly, Top-bzzt-nnot afford to reinf-bzzt-РАХИС. BZZT-earl out."
  597. The message repeats ceaselessly, akin to a broken record.
  598. /AFK. :D
  599. /UNAFK.
  600. crystalcat - Yesterday at 8:35 PM
  601. Replace the device.
  602. Erelye - Yesterday at 8:35 PM
  603. You do so.
  604. There is nothing else in the closet.
  605. crystalcat - Yesterday at 8:36 PM
  606. Loot stone, exit.
  607. Erelye - Yesterday at 8:36 PM
  608. You step back into the main room. Two more doors have been left unopened.
  609. One on the left, the other in the center.
  610. crystalcat - Yesterday at 8:37 PM
  611. Enter center.
  612. Erelye - Yesterday at 8:38 PM
  613. You open the center door. Nothing is within the spacious chamber behind it, save for a crystalline pad, and lit candles.(edited)
  614. crystalcat - Yesterday at 8:40 PM
  615. Examine pad.
  616. Erelye - Yesterday at 8:41 PM
  617. You examine the pad. It seems rather peculiar, not appearing to serve any real purpose. At least, to your knowledge.
  618. And Cyan's, of course.
  619. crystalcat - Yesterday at 8:41 PM
  620. Examine candles.
  621. Erelye - Yesterday at 8:42 PM
  622. The candles are burning with standard flame. Several are dripping with molten wax.
  623. crystalcat - Yesterday at 8:42 PM
  624. Stand on pad.
  625. Erelye - Yesterday at 8:43 PM
  626. You stand on the pad. Nothing happens.
  627. crystalcat - Yesterday at 8:43 PM
  628. Ok... Exit room, enter left door.
  629. Erelye - Yesterday at 8:45 PM
  630. You open the left door. The room behind it is about three meters by three meters in size, and entirely devoid of light sources. On the far wall, there is a messy counterclockwise spiral and a note, both in what appears to be... maroon spray paint?
  631. crystalcat - Yesterday at 8:46 PM
  632. Read note.
  633. (Shit, Malpeiyc?)
  634. Erelye - Yesterday at 8:46 PM
  635. "Gsv wvnlm'h kvm ufmxgrlmh rm gsv glmtfv lu xlmjfvilih, hzev uli lmv.
  636. Trevm gszg hkrmmrmt vevi yzxpdziwh ivjfrivh ml ufm.
  637. Zmw bvg, oruv rh hgizmtv, zmw rgh hvggrmt ufoo lu pvbh.
  638. Gsv ozitvhg lu dsrxs hszoo uold gsilfts blfi kvmmvw yivvav."
  639. crystalcat - Yesterday at 8:46 PM
  640. The demon's pen functions in the tongue of conquerors, save for one.
  641. Given that spinning ever backwards requires no fun.
  642. And yet, life is strange, and its setting full of keys.
  643. The largest of which shall flow through your penned breeze.
  644. Ooh.
  645. Take out a piece of paper and the Fountain Pen, and draw that counterclockwise spiral on the paper.
  646. Erelye - Yesterday at 8:48 PM
  647. You draw the counterclockwise spiral. Slowly, the spiral seems to be drained of color, from the outermost line inwards.
  648. crystalcat - Yesterday at 8:49 PM
  649. Wait patiently and watch for anything else to happen.
  650. Erelye - Yesterday at 8:49 PM
  651. Nothing you can see, at the utmost least.
  652. crystalcat - Yesterday at 8:52 PM
  653. Hm.
  654. Back to the center room!
  655. Erelye - Yesterday at 8:53 PM
  656. You turn around to leave, only to find the door has sealed itself from the inside out. There are two more notes on the wall in maroon spray paint when you turn back to the spiral.
  657. crystalcat - Yesterday at 8:53 PM
  658. Read the two notes.
  659. Erelye - Yesterday at 8:53 PM
  660. The first reads, "Qrw txlwh. Jr ixfn brxu vhoilh, Dcxuh Odslv. Brx wrr, Vrod Dpdudqwklqh. Kdk."
  662. crystalcat - Yesterday at 8:54 PM
  663. "Not quite. Go fuck your selfie, Azure Lapis. You too, Sola Amaranthine. Hah."
  665. Erelye - Yesterday at 8:55 PM
  666. PHYLAX.
  667. crystalcat - Yesterday at 8:55 PM
  668. Meh, used the translator you linked.
  670. Erelye - Yesterday at 8:55 PM
  671. There's no distinction between H and X in Cyrillic, anyways.
  672. crystalcat - Yesterday at 8:56 PM
  673. Eh.
  674. So, what do...
  675. we could always just copy down the Drenovian with the Pen.
  676. Erelye - Yesterday at 8:56 PM
  677. Will you do so?
  678. crystalcat - Yesterday at 8:57 PM
  679. let's see..
  680. Sec, checking Drenovian dictionary.
  681. I recognize none of these except for Aft'mathai, who, as I recall, was the name of the mass-murdering ash phoenix back in wherever.
  682. Erelye - Yesterday at 8:58 PM
  683. This is true.
  684. Shall you write the words down with the Pen?
  685. crystalcat - Yesterday at 8:59 PM
  686. Sure, why not. We're locked in anyway, either this unlocks the door or it'll do something else horrible.
  687. It's a metaphorical coin flip.
  688. Erelye - Yesterday at 8:59 PM
  689. You write the sentence down. Immediately, the paper begins to vibrate, levitating into the air of its own volition.
  690. crystalcat - Yesterday at 9:01 PM
  691. Also, this is the first ever instance of the Pen doing something actually meaningful, so let's save this sentence for later. (By 'actually meaningful' I mean something more than just random color changes or changing the ink into shapes.)
  692. Erelye - Yesterday at 9:01 PM
  693. The thing immediately bursts into maroon flames. Cyan grabs your hand. The fire emits an actual voice instead of the crackling of flame.
  694. "One new message from Malpeiyc of Geten, Lord of ИОУЦОС, and all that jazz. Would you like to play it?"
  695. crystalcat - Yesterday at 9:02 PM
  696. Yes.
  697. Lord of IOUCOS? Well, if Malpeiyc holds the power of IOUCOS, that certainly explains some of the crazier shit he's done.
  698. Like talking to the fourth wall.
  699. Erelye - Yesterday at 9:04 PM
  700. "Hey, you two. I know there's two of you, and I can sure as hell feel this new environment. The grayness in existence dulls my lesser aperionic senses. Call me back when you can. Oh, yeah. Listen to this, as well. 'Only words can save you in Aft'mathai's realm.'"
  701. The paper then crumples into ash, and drops to the floor.
  702. crystalcat - Yesterday at 9:05 PM
  703. So he can feel that we've moved to Discord, I see.
  704. Noice.
  705. Erelye - Yesterday at 9:05 PM
  706. Now what?
  707. crystalcat - Yesterday at 9:06 PM
  708. Check if the door's opened again. Also, Charoite was exactly right about Malpeiyc being around. The maroon spray paint proves it.
  709. Erelye - Yesterday at 9:07 PM
  710. You turn back around to find, "That's probably true!" on the wall in maroon. The door is open.
  711. crystalcat - Yesterday at 9:08 PM
  712. Pf.
  713. Ultimate-powered pranksters are always fun.
  714. >Exit.
  715. Erelye - Yesterday at 9:08 PM
  716. You are now back in the center room.
  717. crystalcat - Yesterday at 9:09 PM
  718. Go back and check the center room, the one with the pad.
  719. Erelye - Yesterday at 9:10 PM
  720. You step back into the front room, and check it. The pad is now glowing softly.
  721. crystalcat - Yesterday at 9:11 PM
  722. Step onto pad. (Both Azure and Cyan.)
  723. Erelye - Yesterday at 9:11 PM
  724. You step onto it. You are promptly engulfed in a beam of light. A curious sensation comes over you, almost as if your stomach were being twisted about.
  725. In moments, the light fades, and you are both standing on another glowing pad in a completely different room.
  726. crystalcat - Yesterday at 9:13 PM
  727. Examine room.
  728. Erelye - Yesterday at 9:13 PM
  729. The room is massive, with four sets of staircases and innumerable ornate pillars within. A red crow creeps around near your pad.(edited)
  730. crystalcat - Yesterday at 9:18 PM
  731. Examine crow further.
  732. Erelye - Yesterday at 9:18 PM
  733. You step over to it. It promptly attempts to peck your eyes out.
  734. Do you wish to engage in combat?
  735. crystalcat - Yesterday at 9:19 PM
  736. Yes.
  737. Erelye - Yesterday at 9:19 PM
  739. crystalcat - Yesterday at 9:21 PM
  740. Observe.
  741. Erelye - Yesterday at 9:21 PM
  742. Azure Lapis: 4/15 HP.
  743. Cyan Amaranthine: 3/10 HP.
  744. Light Crow: 3/3 HP.
  745. NOTES: A crow composed of pure red light. The curious result of prismatic distribution technology.
  746. crystalcat - Yesterday at 9:21 PM
  747. Oh my god
  748. Attack the Light
  749. Erelye - Yesterday at 9:21 PM
  750. Hah.
  751. crystalcat - Yesterday at 9:21 PM
  752. Hahahahaha!
  753. Well, in any case...
  754. >Assault. Azure: Entrap it in a cage of water, being as sneaky as you can before caging it. Crush it in water pressure afterwards, if you can. Cyan: Limb destabilizer cannon to the beak, aided by Azure trapping it.
  755. Erelye - Yesterday at 9:23 PM
  756. !roll 2 3
  757. .BOT - Yesterday at 9:23 PM
  758. @Erelye rolled a 3 sided dice 2 times for a total of 4 (average: 2):
  759. 2,2
  760. Erelye - Yesterday at 9:23 PM
  761. You... kill it instantly.
  762. It is vaporized into particles of red light.
  763. crystalcat - Yesterday at 9:24 PM
  764. Woo.
  765. It was only, what, a 1/9 chance that we wouldn't've, considering damage rolls are 1d3.
  766. In any case, BRUTAL AFFRONT, victory.
  767. Erelye - Yesterday at 9:25 PM
  768. Now what?
  769. crystalcat - Yesterday at 9:25 PM
  770. Examine the staircases.
  771. And any other exits.
  772. Erelye - Yesterday at 9:26 PM
  773. There are four sets of stairs, two for each wall. There is also a spiral staircase downwards near a corner.
  774. crystalcat - Yesterday at 9:26 PM
  775. First, check out that staircase.
  776. *Spiral staircase
  777. Erelye - Yesterday at 9:28 PM
  778. You head down the spiral staircase. It leads into a mass of computers and advanced technology, beeping and blinking.
  779. crystalcat - Yesterday at 9:29 PM
  780. *grins wildly*
  781. Examine room.
  782. Erelye - Yesterday at 9:30 PM
  783. There are several holotables ostensibly viewing a battlefield. All of them are frozen on some massive blinking red dot nearing the edge of the map. The computers all display static.
  784. crystalcat - Yesterday at 9:32 PM
  785. Hrm.
  786. This would be awesome loot, but I bet we either can't or shouldn't take it. Instead, let's examine the holotables.
  787. Erelye - Yesterday at 9:35 PM
  788. The tables all display what appears to be the mountainous range you saw outside. At least, where you were before you took that warp pad back there. There are a number of pale dots around the large red one.
  789. Nomble - Yesterday at 9:36 PM
  790. Is there anything attached to the computers?
  791. Erelye - Yesterday at 9:36 PM
  792. Some psioglass wiring.
  793. Nomble - Yesterday at 9:37 PM
  794. Is there a keyboard?
  795. Erelye - Yesterday at 9:37 PM
  796. Every computer has a keyboard, yes.
  797. Nomble - Yesterday at 9:39 PM
  798. Are there any computers that seem less important than the others?
  799. Erelye - Yesterday at 9:40 PM
  800. None of them seem particularly important.
  801. Nomble - Yesterday at 9:40 PM
  802. Can I see where the wiring leads?
  803. Erelye - Yesterday at 9:40 PM
  804. No. It all leads into the far wall.
  805. Nomble - Yesterday at 9:41 PM
  806. I'll try to restart one.
  807. crystalcat - Yesterday at 9:43 PM
  808. Yeah, let's try to restart one.
  809. (Everyone's controlling one character)
  810. Erelye - Yesterday at 9:43 PM
  811. ^
  812. The computer resets, displaying the words, "01010111 01000101 01001100 01000011 01001111 01001101 01000101 00100000 01010100 01001111 00100000 01010100 01001000 01000101 00100000 01011010 01000101 01010100 01000001 00101111 01011000 01001001 00100000 01001101 01000001 01000011 01010010 01001111 01010011 01000101 01000011 01010100 01001111 01010010 00100000 01000100 01000101 01000110 01000101 01001110 01010011 01000101 00100000 01010011 01011001 01010011 01010100 01000101 01001101 00101100 00100000 01010110 01000101 01010010 01010011 01001001 01001111 01001110 00100000 00110001 00101110 00110001 00101110 00110000 00101110," instead of a loading screen.
  813. Well, not quite words. Hah.
  814. Nomble - Yesterday at 9:44 PM
  816. Erelye - Yesterday at 9:45 PM
  817. What next?
  818. Nomble - Yesterday at 9:45 PM
  819. type HELP
  820. Erelye - Yesterday at 9:45 PM
  821. The second you press the shift key, the computer begins to smoke, and the screen goes black.
  822. Nomble - Yesterday at 9:46 PM
  823. Open up the computer's case
  824. Erelye - Yesterday at 9:47 PM
  825. It appears the computer's innards all inexplicably melted.
  826. Nomble - Yesterday at 9:47 PM
  827. Open up the case of a different computer.
  828. Erelye - Yesterday at 9:47 PM
  829. They're all half-melted.
  830. crystalcat - Yesterday at 9:48 PM
  831. Are they even remotely salvageable?
  832. Erelye - Yesterday at 9:48 PM
  833. The psioglass wire sticking out of them is.
  834. Nomble - Yesterday at 9:48 PM
  835. Are the same parts melted on each one?
  836. Erelye - Yesterday at 9:48 PM
  837. On some of them. Others are entirely different.
  838. Nomble - Yesterday at 9:49 PM
  839. Attempt to make a computer out of the non-melted parts.
  840. Erelye - Yesterday at 9:49 PM
  841. How?
  842. Nomble - Yesterday at 9:50 PM
  843. Take the non-melted parts to replace the melted parts in another computer
  844. Erelye - Yesterday at 9:50 PM
  845. You successfully construct a whole computer, albeit roughly.
  846. Nomble - Yesterday at 9:50 PM
  847. Turn it on
  848. Erelye - Yesterday at 9:51 PM
  850. Nomble - Yesterday at 9:51 PM
  851. type HELP
  852. Erelye - Yesterday at 9:52 PM
  853. Type commands into the prompt, and control the security of the fortress.
  854. Nomble - Yesterday at 9:52 PM
  855. type LS /bin
  856. Erelye - Yesterday at 9:53 PM
  858. Cyan speaks up. "Uh, we can just take this thing with us, if you want, and keep on going."
  859. Nomble - Yesterday at 9:54 PM
  860. sure
  861. crystalcat - Yesterday at 9:55 PM
  862. Yeah, let's do that.
  863. Erelye - Yesterday at 9:55 PM
  864. You take the entire computer.
  865. Now what?
  866. Nomble - Yesterday at 9:58 PM
  867. Try another staircase
  868. Erelye - Yesterday at 9:59 PM
  869. You ascend the nearest staircase upwards. It leads up into a room filled with glass prisms, and careful lighting systems, entirely controlled by a panel of buttons near the stairs.
  870. crystalcat - Yesterday at 10:00 PM
  871. Examine panel.
  872. Erelye - Yesterday at 10:01 PM
  873. There are two dials on the top of the panel, and six different sliders below.(edited)
  874. Nomble - Yesterday at 10:03 PM
  875. See what happens if I change the dials.
  876. Erelye - Yesterday at 10:03 PM
  877. The lights dim.
  878. Nomble - Yesterday at 10:03 PM
  879. And the sliders?
  880. Erelye - Yesterday at 10:03 PM
  881. Specific lights in the room dim.
  882. Nomble - Yesterday at 10:05 PM
  883. Are the prisms doing anything notable with the light?
  884. Erelye - Yesterday at 10:05 PM
  885. Not particularly. The light doesn't appear to be quite focused enough to do so.
  886. Nomble - Yesterday at 10:06 PM
  887. Try to use some psioglass wire as a lens.
  888. Erelye - Yesterday at 10:07 PM
  889. You focus the light into a beam, and project it into a nearby prism. The thing glows and shudders for a few moments, before emitting an incredibly large amount of indigo light.
  890. The light seems to coalesce, and form some sort of creature of immense size.
  891. Nomble - Yesterday at 10:08 PM
  892. Quickly remove the focusing wire.
  893. Erelye - Yesterday at 10:09 PM
  894. You do so, but it is too late. You are assailed by the entity.
  896. Nomble - Yesterday at 10:10 PM
  897. Observe
  898. Erelye - Yesterday at 10:10 PM
  899. Azure Lapis: 4/15 HP.
  900. Cyan Amaranthine: 3/10 HP.
  901. Photobehemoth: 9/9 HP.
  902. NOTES: Beast composed of hard-light. Defense is of utmost importance, and a light murder is not going to stop a raging experimental geoweapon. The curious result of prismatic distribution technology. YLPVS: 0/2.(edited)
  903. insert_generic_username - Yesterday at 10:10 PM
  904. oh it's a prism monster
  905. is it like
  906. the scorpion
  907. Erelye - Yesterday at 10:10 PM
  908. One of the turtle things, only indigo, and without a shell.
  909. insert_generic_username - Yesterday at 10:10 PM
  910. ah
  911. Erelye - Yesterday at 10:12 PM
  912. Please enter command.
  913. crystalcat - Yesterday at 10:13 PM
  914. Hrm.
  915. We need to heal, I say.
  916. Erelye - Yesterday at 10:13 PM
  917. Only Cyan has medkits.
  918. Nomble - Yesterday at 10:16 PM
  919. Who does the Photobehemoth seem most enraged at?
  920. Erelye - Yesterday at 10:16 PM
  921. It can't quite tell, so both.
  922. Nomble - Yesterday at 10:18 PM
  923. @crystalcat Any suggestions for who should get healed?(edited)
  924. crystalcat - Yesterday at 10:18 PM
  925. I think Cyan, she's the one with the medkits. But, at the same time, Azure has 5 more HP.
  926. I'm actually leaning toward Azure.
  927. Nomble - Yesterday at 10:19 PM
  928. Can Cyan move and use an item on the same turn?
  929. Erelye - Yesterday at 10:19 PM
  930. Yes.
  931. Strategic movement is a free action.
  932. Nomble - Yesterday at 10:20 PM
  933. Azure: Disrupt the light by covering the Prism with water. Cyan: Heal Azure and hide in the stairs or, if that's too far, behind Azure.
  934. Erelye - Yesterday at 10:21 PM
  935. You successfully deactivate the prism. The Photobehemoth still lives, however. You are then fully healed by Cyan, who proceeds to hide behind you.
  936. ENEMY TURN.
  937. !coin
  938. .BOT - Yesterday at 10:22 PM
  940. Erelye - Yesterday at 10:23 PM
  941. The photobehemoth charges straight at you, crashing into you head-on. You would fly straight into the wall head-first, but Cyan catches you.
  942. YOUR TURN.
  944. crystalcat - Yesterday at 10:25 PM
  945. Observe.
  946. Erelye - Yesterday at 10:25 PM
  947. Azure Lapis: 12/15 HP.
  948. Cyan Amaranthine: 3/10 HP.
  949. Photobehemoth: 9/9 HP.
  950. NOTES: Beast composed of hard-light. Defense is of utmost importance, and a light murder is not going to stop a raging experimental geoweapon. The curious result of prismatic distribution technology. YLPVS: 1/2.
  951. Nomble - Yesterday at 10:26 PM
  952. What weapons do we have?
  953. Erelye - Yesterday at 10:28 PM
  954. You've got your hydrokinesis, the Duopen, a plasma sniper rifle, the Autumnal Hand, and the Fountain Pen. Cyan has her limb enhancer destabilizer cannon, four gluon destabilizers, electrokinesis, the δ-ψ-φ-Bioschema, and a plasma rifle.(edited)
  955. Nomble - Yesterday at 10:30 PM
  956. Azure: Use the Plasma Sniper Rifle, then retreat to safe cover. Cyan: Use the Limb Enhancer Destabilizer Cannon, then retreat to safe cover.
  957. Erelye - Yesterday at 10:30 PM
  958. !roll 2 2
  959. .BOT - Yesterday at 10:30 PM
  960. @Erelye rolled a 2 sided dice 2 times for a total of 3 (average: 1.5):
  961. 2,1
  962. Erelye - Yesterday at 10:30 PM
  963. The Photobehemoth is sniped twice, and blown into a wall by Cyan's armcannon.
  964. ENEMY TURN.
  965. YLPVS: 2/2. Expended.
  966. crystalcat - Yesterday at 10:32 PM
  967. Ah, crap. That was a charge.
  968. Erelye - Yesterday at 10:32 PM
  969. Bizarre flashes emanate throughout the room, and you hear the clicking sound of thousands of cameras at once. Your vision grows blurry.
  970. YOUR TURN.
  972. Nomble - Yesterday at 10:32 PM
  973. Observe
  974. Erelye - Yesterday at 10:33 PM
  975. Azure Lapis: 12/15 HP. Bokeh.
  976. Cyan Amaranthine: 3/10 HP.
  977. Photobehemoth: 6/9 HP.
  978. NOTES: Beast composed of hard-light. Defense is of utmost importance, and a light murder is not going to stop a raging experimental geoweapon. The curious result of prismatic distribution technology. YLPVS: 0/2.
  979. Nomble - Yesterday at 10:36 PM
  980. Azure: Plasma Sniper Rifle. Cyan: Heal.
  981. Erelye - Yesterday at 10:36 PM
  982. !coin
  983. .BOT - Yesterday at 10:36 PM
  985. Erelye - Yesterday at 10:36 PM
  986. !roll 1 2
  987. .BOT - Yesterday at 10:36 PM
  988. @Erelye rolled a 2 sided dice 1 times for a total of 1 (average: 1):
  989. 1
  990. Erelye - Yesterday at 10:37 PM
  991. You shoot the Photobehemoth in the face.
  992. ENEMY TURN.
  993. The beast, angered immensely by this, proceeds to charge you.
  994. !roll 1 4
  995. .BOT - Yesterday at 10:37 PM
  996. @Erelye rolled a 4 sided dice 1 times for a total of 1 (average: 1):
  997. 1
  998. Erelye - Yesterday at 10:38 PM
  999. Fortunately, you mostly dodge out of the way, and only get a minor scrape.
  1000. YOUR TURN.
  1002. Nomble - Yesterday at 10:38 PM
  1003. Observe
  1004. Erelye - Yesterday at 10:38 PM
  1005. Azure Lapis: 11/15 HP. Bokeh.
  1006. Cyan Amaranthine: 10/10 HP.
  1007. Photobehemoth: 5/9 HP.
  1008. NOTES: Beast composed of hard-light. Defense is of utmost importance, and a light murder is not going to stop a raging experimental geoweapon. The curious result of prismatic distribution technology. YLPVS: 1/2.(edited)
  1009. Nomble - Yesterday at 10:40 PM
  1010. Cyan: Plasma Rifle. Azure: Destroy the Prism using Hydrokenisis.
  1011. Erelye - Yesterday at 10:41 PM
  1012. !roll 1 2
  1013. .BOT - Yesterday at 10:41 PM
  1014. @Erelye rolled a 2 sided dice 1 times for a total of 1 (average: 1):
  1015. 1
  1016. Erelye - Yesterday at 10:41 PM
  1017. Cyan shoots the Photobehemoth in the foot. It stomps in anger.
  1018. !coin
  1019. .BOT - Yesterday at 10:41 PM
  1021. Erelye - Yesterday at 10:41 PM
  1022. You crush the prism utterly.
  1023. ENEMY TURN.
  1024. !roll 1 4
  1025. .BOT - Yesterday at 10:42 PM
  1026. @Erelye rolled a 4 sided dice 1 times for a total of 1 (average: 1):
  1027. 1
  1028. Nomble - Yesterday at 10:42 PM
  1029. That's a lot of ones.
  1030. Erelye - Yesterday at 10:42 PM
  1031. Cyan gets a small tail whip to the chest, but is otherwise okay. Too many close calls.
  1032. YOUR TURN.
  1034. Nomble - Yesterday at 10:44 PM
  1035. Azure: Smash the Photobehemoth against the ceiling with Hydrokenisis. Cyan: Use Electrokenisis to explode lightbulbs onto the Photobehemoth.
  1036. Erelye - Yesterday at 10:45 PM
  1037. !coin
  1038. .BOT - Yesterday at 10:45 PM
  1040. Erelye - Yesterday at 10:45 PM
  1041. !roll 1 4
  1042. .BOT - Yesterday at 10:45 PM
  1043. @Erelye rolled a 4 sided dice 1 times for a total of 3 (average: 3):
  1044. 3
  1045. Erelye - Yesterday at 10:45 PM
  1046. You smash the Photobehemoth against the ceiling, cracking it, and evidently crushing the creature itself.
  1047. Cyan fills the Photobehemoth up with shattered glass shards, as well.
  1048. ENEMY TURN.
  1049. YLPVS: 2/2. Expended.
  1050. This time, Cyan is afflicted.
  1051. YOUR TURN.
  1053. Nomble - Yesterday at 10:48 PM
  1054. Azure: Slam the Photobehemoth against a wall. Cyan: Electrocute the Photobehemoth.
  1055. Erelye - Yesterday at 10:48 PM
  1056. !coin
  1057. .BOT - Yesterday at 10:48 PM
  1059. Erelye - Yesterday at 10:49 PM
  1060. Everything suddenly goes incredibly blurry, and you miss the Photobehemoth entirely, slamming a water fist into the wall.
  1061. !coin
  1062. .BOT - Yesterday at 10:49 PM
  1064. Erelye - Yesterday at 10:49 PM
  1065. !roll 1 2
  1066. .BOT - Yesterday at 10:49 PM
  1067. @Erelye rolled a 2 sided dice 1 times for a total of 1 (average: 1):
  1068. 1
  1069. Erelye - Yesterday at 10:49 PM
  1070. Cyan electrocutes the Photobehemoth half to death.
  1071. ENEMY TURN.
  1072. !roll 2 4
  1073. .BOT - Yesterday at 10:50 PM
  1074. @Erelye rolled a 4 sided dice 2 times for a total of 8 (average: 4):
  1075. 4,4
  1076. Erelye - Yesterday at 10:50 PM
  1077. The beast charges forward, crashing into both of you whilst screeching. You grunt (and Cyan lets out some sort of whimper) as you are both slammed into the wall.
  1078. YOUR TURN.
  1080. Nomble - Yesterday at 10:51 PM
  1081. Observe
  1082. Erelye - Yesterday at 10:51 PM
  1083. Azure Lapis: 7/15 HP. Bokeh.
  1084. Cyan Amaranthine: 5/10 HP. Bokeh.
  1085. Photobehemoth: 1/9 HP.
  1086. NOTES: Beast composed of hard-light. Defense is of utmost importance, and a light murder is not going to stop a raging experimental geoweapon. The curious result of prismatic distribution technology. YLPVS: 1/2.
  1087. Nomble - Yesterday at 10:52 PM
  1088. Azure: Water-slap the Photobehemoth. Cyan: Electrocute the Photobehemoth again.
  1089. Erelye - Yesterday at 10:52 PM
  1090. !coin
  1091. .BOT - Yesterday at 10:52 PM
  1093. Erelye - Yesterday at 10:52 PM
  1094. You give the Photobehemoth Azure Lapis's Famous Slap of Death. It dies.
  1095. The blurriness fades, and you note a full medkit lying on its side behind a toppled ornate table holding prisms.
  1096. Nomble - Yesterday at 10:54 PM
  1097. Take the medkit.
  1098. Erelye - Yesterday at 10:54 PM
  1099. You take the medkit.
  1100. insert_generic_username - Yesterday at 10:54 PM
  1101. >distribute medkits evenly
  1102. Erelye - Yesterday at 10:55 PM
  1103. You now both have two medkits.
  1104. Nomble - Yesterday at 10:55 PM
  1105. Check another staircase.
  1106. Erelye - Yesterday at 10:56 PM
  1107. You head up the staircase across from the one of your current presence. The room contains a wooden writing desk with a wooden box atop it, several tripods, and a plastic crate filled with empty binders.
  1108. Nomble - Yesterday at 10:57 PM
  1109. Check the box.(edited)
  1110. Erelye - Yesterday at 10:58 PM
  1111. You open the box. There's some instant film, a small jar of magetear, a carven maple pipe, a lighter, and some sort of camera with odd modifications.(edited)
  1112. Nomble - Yesterday at 10:59 PM
  1113. Take the contents of the box.
  1114. Erelye - Yesterday at 10:59 PM
  1115. You take the instant film, magetear jar, pipe, lighter, and The Polaroid.
  1116. TwinBuilder - Yesterday at 10:59 PM
  1117. OH SHIIIT
  1118. examine Polaroid
  1119. Erelye - Yesterday at 10:59 PM
  1120. The Polaroid: A retro instant camera. There are a few faded words scribbled on the side in maroon ink. Capturing the moment is a vital aspect of anyone's life, let alone a photographer's. Two small tubes of magetear have been attached to the left side of the camera.
  1121. TwinBuilder - Yesterday at 11:00 PM
  1122. What are the words
  1123. Erelye - Yesterday at 11:01 PM
  1124. If you examine them closely enough, they read something to the tune of, "It took a while to make this. Hope you like it, V. -M."
  1125. TwinBuilder - Yesterday at 11:02 PM
  1126. Malpeiyc?
  1127. crystalcat - Yesterday at 11:02 PM
  1128. Oh my god. Malpeiyc made this for... another member of the Nine.
  1129. TwinBuilder - Yesterday at 11:02 PM
  1130. Ah, shit.
  1131. Is there a limit to how many pictures we can take?
  1132. Erelye - Yesterday at 11:03 PM
  1133. If you run out of that instant film, which can probably be fixed.
  1134. Cyan taps you on the shoulder.
  1135. Nomble - Yesterday at 11:04 PM
  1136. Listen to Cyan.
  1137. TwinBuilder - Yesterday at 11:04 PM
  1138. What does she have to say
  1139. Erelye - Yesterday at 11:04 PM
  1140. "You know what time it is, Azure? And please don't say adventure time."
  1141. TwinBuilder - Yesterday at 11:05 PM
  1142. 11:04 PM.
  1143. crystalcat - Yesterday at 11:05 PM
  1144. "What time is it?"
  1145. TwinBuilder - Yesterday at 11:05 PM
  1146. :mspa:
  1147. :mspa:BOT - Yesterday at 11:05 PM
  1149. Erelye - Yesterday at 11:05 PM
  1150. "We just got a free camera. This clearly means double-selfie time."
  1151. TwinBuilder - Yesterday at 11:06 PM
  1152. "Oh, sure."
  1153. crystalcat - Yesterday at 11:06 PM
  1154. So, shall we? The camera probably won't -- yeah, sure.
  1155. Let's do it.
  1156. TwinBuilder - Yesterday at 11:06 PM
  1159. Nomble - Yesterday at 11:07 PM
  1160. Theres a tripod in the room
  1161. Erelye - Yesterday at 11:07 PM
  1162. You take a double-selfie.
  1163. The photo is immediately printed out of the camera's front, as advertised by the name.
  1164. TwinBuilder - Yesterday at 11:07 PM
  1165. Do you have a marker?
  1166. Nomble - Yesterday at 11:07 PM
  1167. Inspect the photo.
  1168. crystalcat - Yesterday at 11:07 PM
  1169. I gotta say, magetear is a very interesting thing.
  1170. Erelye - Yesterday at 11:08 PM
  1171. You have a Pen.
  1172. In any case, you examine the photo.
  1173. TwinBuilder - Yesterday at 11:08 PM
  1174. Something tells me the pen wouldn't be good for writing "DONT BELIEVE HIS LIES" as a reference
  1175. I have a bad feeling writing even a phrase would give it power
  1176. crystalcat - Yesterday at 11:09 PM
  1177. It only works with Drenovian, so we theoretically could.
  1178. TwinBuilder - Yesterday at 11:09 PM
  1179. Ohh
  1180. Okay
  1181. Erelye - Yesterday at 11:09 PM
  1183. crystalcat - Yesterday at 11:10 PM
  1185. Whoa.
  1186. Erelye - Yesterday at 11:10 PM
  1187. "..."
  1188. Nomble - Yesterday at 11:10 PM
  1189. Take a picture of the prisms?
  1190. crystalcat - Yesterday at 11:10 PM
  1191. So the Polaroid, what, shows the truth of a situation?
  1192. Through convenient magetear commentary?
  1193. Erelye - Yesterday at 11:11 PM
  1194. Captures a moment of truth.
  1195. Shall you take a picture of the prisms?
  1196. crystalcat - Yesterday at 11:12 PM
  1197. Sure.
  1198. Erelye - Yesterday at 11:13 PM
  1199. You take a photo of the prisms in the other room. The floor in the photo reads, "Yilpvm tozhh svzigh, kirhnzgrx orvh, zmw uilavm grnv. Ulinvi gdl yfimrmt, ozggvi ivnzrmrmt."
  1200. Nomble - Yesterday at 11:13 PM
  1201. "Broken glass hearts, prismatic lies, and frozen time. Former two burning, latter remaining."
  1202. Take a picture of the computer room.
  1203. Erelye - Yesterday at 11:14 PM
  1204. There's some more magetear writing on the back of the prism photo, as well. You head down to the computer room.
  1205. Nomble - Yesterday at 11:15 PM
  1206. Read the back of the prism photo as well.
  1207. Erelye - Yesterday at 11:15 PM
  1208. "That reminds me, V, and I know you'll love this being on the second photo in here. This can only be used by the people who first reveal themselves to it."
  1209. You take a photo of the computer room. Text in the margins of the photo states, "Z kozmmrmt illn, yilpvm yb z hglmv lu ksrolhlksvih."
  1210. Nomble - Yesterday at 11:16 PM
  1211. "A planning room, broken by a stone of philosophers."
  1212. Erelye - Yesterday at 11:18 PM
  1213. What now?
  1214. Nomble - Yesterday at 11:19 PM
  1215. Take a photo of the room with the pad.
  1216. Erelye - Yesterday at 11:19 PM
  1217. You take a photo of the main room. "Qfhg z kivervd lu dszg'h gl xlnv~!"
  1218. Nomble - Yesterday at 11:20 PM
  1219. "Just a preview of what's to come~!"
  1220. TwinBuilder - Yesterday at 11:21 PM
  1221. This is interesting.
  1222. Erelye - Yesterday at 11:21 PM
  1223. There are two staircases you have yet to travel up.
  1224. TwinBuilder - Yesterday at 11:21 PM
  1225. Travel up the longer one
  1226. Erelye - Yesterday at 11:21 PM
  1227. The longer one leads to a dust-filled stone chamber with nothing but an oak table bearing a slab of stone marked with an obscure rune.
  1228. :endlog:
  1229. :endlog:
  1230. That is how you do it, yeah?
  1231. Nomble - Yesterday at 11:24 PM
  1232. yeah
  1233. TwinBuilder - Yesterday at 11:24 PM
  1234. Investigate slab of stone(edited)
  1235. Erelye - Yesterday at 11:24 PM
  1236. АQ-ЦЕЛПХ: The vapors of the air cling to each other. Break these bonds into their base components, and harness that which was lost to you before.
  1237. The symbol is burned into your memory.
  1238. TwinBuilder - Yesterday at 11:25 PM
  1239. @crystalcat help
  1240. Erelye - Yesterday at 11:26 PM
  1241. (( @Nomble : Did the log work, or.))
  1242. Nomble - Yesterday at 11:26 PM
  1243. ((it would have posted a file link, try it again now))
  1244. Erelye - Yesterday at 11:26 PM
  1245. :endlog:
  1246. Nomble - Yesterday at 11:26 PM
  1247. let me do some debugging
  1248. Erelye - Yesterday at 11:27 PM
  1249. In any case, please enter command.
  1250. :endlog:
  1251. insert_generic_username - Yesterday at 11:32 PM
  1252. >take a group selfie
  1253. Erelye - Yesterday at 11:33 PM
  1254. You and Cyan take a group selfie right in front of the table.
  1255. The words "Dzgvi-kirhlm" cover the stone slab entirely when the picture prints out.(edited)
  1256. Otherwise, the selfie gets a 10/10.
  1257. insert_generic_username - Yesterday at 11:35 PM
  1258. ha
  1259. Erelye - Yesterday at 11:35 PM
  1260. :endlog:
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