
ghost love

Apr 24th, 2022
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  1. Well from my impression of "ghost love" well the shit is really great i also want a girl who calls me dear "dearest" but madara once said :- wake up to reality nothing ever goes as planned in this accursive world " and you know my luck it will never happen 😭😭😭 . The art style was great i could not complete it because of the fucking manga translation error it hasn't Been translated yet it just showing us Korean one . Wtf should I do with Korean . Well if it was just a prnhwa i would not be that much and just skip the plot . But in this the plot is needed so i couldn't skip it . I will complete it tomorrow and agin give some of my review so for today over and out. Edited :- bruh season 1 ended and they are searching someone to find them the screen writer wtf when will the season 2 come. (TT)
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