
AceThePleb 2

May 24th, 2014
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  1. [17:20] * King|Acetheking ( has joined #Aloha
  2. [17:20] <King|Acetheking> Hi ei8htx
  3. [17:20] <Monstarules> King|Acetheking, are you acetheking
  4. [17:20] <King|Acetheking> I am defending you
  5. [17:20] <King|Acetheking> Monstrules
  6. [17:20] <Monstarules> What
  7. [17:20] <King|Acetheking> I am mad at you
  8. [17:20] <King|Acetheking> do not talk to me
  9. [17:20] <+Kiwii> leave ace alone
  10. [17:20] <Monstarules> Ace I'm petitioning to get you unbanned
  11. [17:20] <Monstarules> You abused commands
  12. [17:20] <Monstarules> However you did not hack.
  13. [17:20] <King|Acetheking> yea so now you believe me?
  14. [17:20] <Monstarules> I cannot say you hacked due to the corrupted evidence
  15. [17:21] <Monstarules> I'm sorry. I've been a prick to you
  16. [17:21] <King|Acetheking> I am working on the apeal on
  17. [17:21] <King|Acetheking> But your freinds if they did not do that and let you talk then it would be better
  18. [17:21] <King|Acetheking> Monstarules
  19. [17:21] <King|Acetheking> no
  20. [17:21] <Monstarules> I'm petitioning for you to be unbanned on phantom, but without your build ability
  21. [17:21] <Monstarules> Well you don't have to forgive me King|Acetheking
  22. [17:22] <King|Acetheking> I only wanted to build but you have to ruin it for me
  23. [17:22] <King|Acetheking> And insult me
  24. [17:22] <King|Acetheking> And swear at me
  25. [17:22] <King|Acetheking> And place blocks on me
  26. [17:22] <King|Acetheking> And accuse me
  27. [17:22] <King|Acetheking> And say nigga to me
  28. [17:22] <Monstarules> Well you were ruining a match
  29. [17:22] <Monstarules> And that was cobalt. I never say racist things
  30. [17:22] <Monstarules>
  31. [17:23] <Monstarules> King|Acetheking, you realize they have a building serevr you could have gone onto, right
  32. [17:23] <Monstarules> Or an empty server?
  33. [17:23] <Monstarules> But this aside
  34. [17:24] <King|Acetheking> All you could of said was "Sorry ace please disconnect we do not wont GODMODERS on right know please join when our MATCH is done
  35. [17:24] <Monstarules> We did though
  36. [17:24] <King|Acetheking> I really hate you
  37. [17:24] <Monstarules> We asked you nicely 5 or six times!
  38. [17:24] <King|Acetheking> U did not use ur words
  39. [17:24] <Monstarules> We said: "Please leave ace"
  40. [17:24] <King|Acetheking> U used bad language
  41. [17:24] <Monstarules> "Please leave ace"
  42. [17:24] <Monstarules> "Godammit please go away ace we're playing"
  43. [17:29] <Monstarules> Bux where are you
  44. [17:29] <Bux> what
  45. [17:29] <Bux> what Monsta
  46. [17:31] <King|Acetheking> Monstarules i know you r asking me to forgive u but I will not until u show me u r no idiot that just wants people to get accused
  47. [17:31] <Fleischy> yea momsta
  48. [17:31] <Monstarules> I'm not that.
  49. [17:31] <+Kiwii> you are
  50. [17:31] <King|Acetheking> Mostly you are
  51. [17:31] <+Kiwii> ace forgive him
  52. [17:32] <tobi9sc-> it's not like that ace
  53. [17:32] <King|Acetheking> Why should I? give me one good reason
  54. [17:32] <King|Acetheking> 3 i meant
  55. [17:32] <King|Acetheking> 3 good reasons
  56. [17:32] <Monstarules> Look I am ok. Ever since an aloha admin abused the /kill command against me 2 years ago I've hated abuse
  57. [17:33] <Monstarules> Now, that admin is no longer an admin
  58. [17:33] <King|Acetheking> i hate abuse too it happend to a lot
  59. [17:33] <Fleischy> did you take revenge
  60. [17:33] <King|Acetheking> I could not
  61. [17:33] <tobi9sc-> because you will
  62. [17:34] <King|Acetheking> Give me a reason fast I want to start talking to monstrules on a specific server not in a query but alone
  63. [17:34] <@SnIpEr> who gave /god to an obviously unresponsible person?
  64. [17:34] <Fleischy> another kid?
  65. [17:34] <King|Acetheking> I wanted to build firstly
  66. [17:34] <King|Acetheking> muffintastic did
  67. [17:34] <King|Acetheking> Also i hate him forever now
  68. [17:34] <King|Acetheking> Monstarules
  69. [17:35] <King|Acetheking> meet me in supercoolbuild
  70. [17:35] <Fleischy> I hate SnIpEr for 5 minutes now
  71. [17:35] <@SnIpEr> why you accusing Ace of abusing when it was Muffin who gave Ace the ability to abuse
  72. [17:36] <Fleischy> wait so this didn't happen in an aloha server?
  73. [17:36] <@SnIpEr> right
  74. [17:36] <@SnIpEr> they are talking about it here.. I don't know
  75. [17:36] <King|Acetheking> Yes it was not BUT aloha people did accuse me
  76. [17:36] <@SnIpEr> shut up already they didn't
  77. [17:36] <King|Acetheking> did
  78. [17:36] <@SnIpEr> you can't think of anyone whever I ask you
  79. [17:36] <King|Acetheking> wht do u know? have u ever felt like this?
  80. [17:37] <King|Acetheking> U have no idea how i feel
  81. [17:37] <@SnIpEr> I can imagine
  82. [17:37] <tobi9sc-> what server are you appealing ?
  83. [17:37] <Fleischy> I was accused of hacking, griefing, as well as being homosexual
  84. [17:37] <@SnIpEr> but you are only making it worse by crying and blaming everyone
  85. [17:37] <King|Acetheking> I am not crying
  86. [17:37] * +Kiwii ( Quit (Ping timeout)
  87. [17:38] * neg (~gengengen@ has joined #Aloha
  88. [17:38] <King|Acetheking> infact I just got mad and pissed and want them having a harsh punishment
  89. [17:38] <@SnIpEr> it was an hyperbole
  90. [17:38] <King|Acetheking> yea sure it was -.-
  91. [17:38] <King|Acetheking> Monstarules
  92. [17:38] <King|Acetheking> meet me in supercoolbuild
  93. [17:39] <Monstarules> No time
  94. [17:39] <King|Acetheking> No1 knows how i feel if you were me you would be dead because u would suicide
  95. [17:39] <Fleischy> :(
  96. [17:39] <@SnIpEr> :\
  97. [17:39] <King|Acetheking> It is true nobody will ever know how i feel
  98. [17:40] <Fleischy> write a book about it
  99. [17:40] <neg> or make a post in forums
  100. [17:40] <neg> LOL
  101. [17:40] <King|Acetheking> I have wonce almost suicided i will tell u why if u query me or i do
  102. [17:40] <Fleischy> he already did neg
  103. [17:40] <King|Acetheking> if u want to know
  104. [17:40] <Monstarules> neg stop
  105. [17:40] <neg> y
  106. [17:40] <Monstarules> Goddammit
  107. [17:40] <King|Acetheking> neg shut ur ass already
  108. [17:40] <Monstarules> I fel horrible.
  109. [17:40] * Bux ( Quit (Signed off)
  110. [17:40] <neg> wtf
  111. [17:40] <Fleischy> I fell too
  112. [17:40] <King|Acetheking> sure u do
  113. [17:41] <Monstarules> No, I do. I'm ashamed.
  114. [17:41] * Monstarules ( Quit (Quit: Leaving)
  115. [17:41] <Fleischy> wow
  116. [17:41] <King|Acetheking> I dont care
  117. [17:41] <King|Acetheking> he deserves it
  118. [17:41] <King|Acetheking> I have felt way worse then him
  119. [17:41] <King|Acetheking> now is he gonna go to his mom again?!?!?!!?!?!?!?????!?!?!
  120. [17:41] <Fleischy> yea
  121. [17:42] <King|Acetheking> And report me again
  122. [17:42] <King|Acetheking> wow
  123. [17:42] <Fleischy> wow
  124. [17:42] <@SnIpEr> like a lil kid
  125. [17:42] <King|Acetheking> But dont me mean
  126. [17:42] <King|Acetheking> he is trieng to stop
  127. [17:42] <King|Acetheking> be*
  128. [17:43] <Fleischy> i believe in him
  129. [17:43] <King|Acetheking> Monstarules [] has quit [Quit: Leaving] ...... I was harsh but what he did was mean and wrong
  130. [17:43] <Fleischy> yes
  131. [17:43] <Fleischy> you must always punish your enemies
  132. [17:44] <@SnIpEr> my religion says otherwise
  133. [17:44] * gniolliv (webchat@ has joined #Aloha
  134. [17:44] <King|Acetheking> [10:43] <King|Acetheking> Monstarules [] has quit [Quit: Leaving] ...... I was harsh but what he did was mean and wrong....... He insulted me too much.. Just because... I have a feind
  135. [17:45] <King|Acetheking> check my apeal
  136. [17:45] <Fleischy> I know a bunch of fiends too
  137. [17:45] <King|Acetheking> on the link
  138. [17:45] <King|Acetheking> wait
  139. [17:45] <King|Acetheking> friends
  140. [17:45] <@SnIpEr> ur a fiend
  141. [17:45] <gniolliv> monstarules insulted you? thats not harsh.
  142. [17:45] <King|Acetheking>
  143. [17:45] <gniolliv> to react to make him quit
  144. [17:45] <King|Acetheking> he did alot
  145. [17:45] <Fleischy> acetheking broke monstarules
  146. [17:45] <gniolliv> if he wuit good
  147. [17:45] <King|Acetheking> and made people change the way they think
  148. [17:45] <Fleischy> all hail the true king
  149. [17:45] <King|Acetheking> .......
  150. [17:45] <Fleischy> conqueror of #aloha
  151. [17:46] <King|Acetheking> I can conquer anyhting I am brave and have coourage but now i feel wrong....
  152. [17:46] <Fleischy> don't hesitate
  153. [17:46] <gniolliv> don't feel bad.
  154. [17:46] <Fleischy> unleash your wrath upon the guilty
  155. [17:46] <King|Acetheking> did monstarules just get off the IRC
  156. [17:46] <King|Acetheking> That just makes me more...
  157. [17:47] <neg> moist
  158. [17:47] <Fleischy> wet
  159. [17:47] <gniolliv> he's talking to me elsewhere
  160. [17:47] <King|Acetheking> Screw it IDC just click the link
  161. [17:47] * King|Acetheking ( Quit (Quit: Page closed)
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