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Nov 18th, 2018
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  2. page 1 - "arrive to" should be "arrive at"
  3. page 2 - "to the highest degree" denotes an action, "of the highest degree" might more clearly refer to the degree (of absurdity) being described. people usually use "in" for abstract or metaphorical concepts and hands. "I leave the responsibility in your hands"
  4. page 3 - should probably refer to the game as being obscure in the present tense, to keep up with the conjugations you've been using so far. when denoting possession we use "its" instead of "it's". when we say "it's", IT'S a contraction of "it is". "as of recent" is grammatically awkward and probably idiomatic in use and origin. it's probably the bastardization of an error. "until recently" would work better
  5. page 8 - "It's" should be "its". personally not sure on the use of an apostrophe after "ah", and i will point it out but not correct it in case it's a personal decision on your end
  6. page 11 - might want to use "for as long". might want to use 'keep' instead of 'kept' when referring to Lil' J. He's still being kept, after all. might want to add some pronoun between "sentimental purposes," and "reminds you". eg "you keep him around for sentimental purposes, he reminds you of when you were little". might want to add a 'to' to the last sentence. "best not to keep him waiting"
  7. page 12 - typo'd apathy
  8. page 19 - might wanna pick between "coming downstairs" or "coming down the stairs", since "coming down stairs" is grammatically awkward
  9. page 27 - might wanna add a "the" before "mistress of the house"
  10. page 30 - it's "plane", not plain
  11. page 32 - if there's a "have" before, then you use 'beaten' instead of 'beat'. this is a present perfect conjugation. also, not really a grammatical mistake but you dropped a line between "place" and "running" in the sticky note and it looks like a mistake.
  12. page 35 - third paragraph is in past tense while the rest are in present conjugations
  13. page 42 - "non other the CV himself" should be "none other than CV himself" or "none other than the CV himself". might want to add a question mark after the "can we". "in fact" is a two-word construction
  14. page 43 - "labels and name" should probs be "labels and names"
  15. page 44 - missed apostrophe on "friend's seventeenth birthday". there's two spaces between "drawing" and "though"
  16. page 48 - when referring to more than one thing, use 'are' to be safe. eg "The only two things that really populate outside though ARE the shed and the tireswing". "shit" used as a verb should be replaced with a past conjugation. "shat" probably. unless you want it to sound like informal speech, in which case it is fine
  17. page 49 - "dumbly" instead of "dumbingly" would be my recommendation, unless you're using "dumbingly" on purpose for the sake of wording it in a funny manner
  18. page 58 - DAD's 3rd dialogue line, refers to the tales as 'they' at first and 'these' afterwards. might wanna use the same for both. also might wanna add an 'a' before "knowledgeable and protected christian"
  19. page 61 - I'd replace "through" with "despite"
  20. page 65 - "whatever the obscure name she came up with for carrying shit" should have some prepositions added. "whatever WAS [etc]" or "whatever the obscure name she came up with for carrying shit WAS" (caps for emphasis, dont capitalize those if you end up adding them)
  21. page 76 - no need for a comma after "your"
  22. page 86 - "newfound" can be a single word. if you want to use two, "newly found" might sound better
  23. page 132 - typo'd "again"
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