

Oct 23rd, 2017
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  1. Covet: Cadence had called and gotten a couple of pizza's odered for the five of them tonight, Extra cheese and thin crust just as requested. They were sitting on the table still closed with some plates and other drink options, because Cadence was nervous about this and was pver preparing for it.
  2. Tsaaq: Hayley sat in the passenger side of Adam's truck as she played with the fabric of her long shirt. "Ready to head upstairs? Cay said she'd order pizza..." She said quietly as she attempted to open her door. // Remy was on the couch with his head in his hands. "I don't understand why there's pizza. Pizza implies celebration. Sending mixed messages." He said in a burdened tone. // Eugene was in the music room, waiting for the love of his life to arrive and for them to run away together basically bro.
  3. Alexithymiaa: (Eugene no)
  4. Alexithymiaa: -Adam nodded, remaining silent for most of the way there because despite understanding why they were doing this, he disagreed that Hayley should have to explain herself at all to Eugene for him to respect her wishes. And he was just all sorts of uncomfortable about this whole damn thing because fuck Eugene. Walking around to Hayley's side, he opened the door for her and offered her a hand. "I'm not really very hungry."-
  5. Covet: "Because there was this whole conversation she and I had about how cheese gives up it's own holes for our own in times of need. And I was scrambling, I almost asked you to make spaghetti, but Hayley said that was too many carbs. Plus, it's just cheese pizza, so it's not really celebratory pizza." Cadence said as she looked over at Remy, then checked the time, "Course it's going to be cold celebratory pizza at this point.
  6. Covet: ."*
  7. Covet: *cold non-celebratory
  8. Tsaaq: She sighed and hopped out of the truck. "Well that sucks..." She trailed off. She walked into the building and stepped into the elevator and pressed for the floor. She twirled her fingers around each other until they were at Remy and Cay's floor. She stepped off the elevator and reluctantly went to knock. // He pushed up to his feet and went over to the kitchen table. "Carbs? Perish the thought." He murmured. "It's luke warm pizza." Remy corrected her as he took a slice. "Still, pizza nonetheless." He looked up from the sound of the knock. // Eugene heard the knock and practically bolted to answer the door, smiling when it was Hayley. "Hey! Come in!" He said excitedly.
  9. Alexithymiaa: -Adam followed Hayley out of the elevator with his hands slipped into the pockets of his hoodie, stepping up behind her when she knocked. At the reveal of Eugene to be the one opening the door for them, he set his jaw and pulled his hand from his pocket, placing it gently on Hayley's shoulder for support as he stepped into the apartment. "Eugene..."-
  10. Covet: Cadence nodded, "Good, then it's not happy pizza. I would hate to give the wrong idea here." She said loudly so Eugene could hear as he opened up the door, "Eugene...get some pizza and sit down, now." She said annoyed that he seemed so quick and happy to answer the door. She took a slice herself and gave Adam and Hayley a wave, "Hey guys, c'mon in, make yourselves at home."
  11. Tsaaq: Hayley looked taken aback as she stared at Eugene. She swerved past him and went inside of the apartment, glancing back at Adam before turning to Cadence and Remy. "Hey guys." She wiggled her fingers as she waved awkwardly. She went to take a seat at the dining room table. // Remy's mouth was full so he couldn't yell at Eugene. Once he swallowed his bite he looked over to Hayley. "Hey." He said softly. "Come on. We're all set." He told her. "Hey Adam." // Eugene frowned and took a few steps back. "I don't want any pizza." He frowned before taking a seat across from Hayley at the table. "They keep saying I'm bothering you Hayley. But we're really close. We always have been. Tell them, tell them how much we love each other." He urged her quietly.
  12. Alexithymiaa: -Adam stepped into the apartment and pushed the door shut behind him, following further into the apartment to head into the kitchen. He took a seat down at the table beside Hayley, scooting his chair over a bit to be closer to her because fuck you Eugene. "Hey." When Eugene started to speak, he reached over and put his hand on top of Hayley's, giving her fingers a gentle squeeze.-
  13. Covet: Cadence glared at Eugene, sticking a piece of pizza on a plat and shoved it in front of him, "I don't care... you need to keep your mouth occupied, because you are here to listen, behave and obey. So the only motion I want to see your mouth doing, is chewing. Got it?" She said coldly at him as she looked at Adam and Hayley appologetically, changing her tone, "Sorry. The floor here tonight is yours. If I have to get the duct tape out I will."
  14. Tsaaq: She furrowed her eyebrows at Eugene and looked to Cadence. "Thanks." She sighed before looking down and she and Adam's hands. "Eugene, I loved you as a cousin and nothing else." Hayley said flatly. "Whatever you got that was more than that is your imagination." She told him. "And I'd appreciate it if you just stopped this and here's why-" // Remygroaned as he rolled his eyes at Eugene. "Shut up." He whispered before waving his hand in Hayley's direction. "See?" // He looked puzzled then noticed Adam's hand moving to Hayley's. He looked down at his plate but refused to eat in protest. "What..." He trailed off. "But..." He paused again and simply shut his mouth for the time being.
  15. Alexithymiaa: -Adam waited until everyone was done fucking interrupting Hayley, giving her hand another squeeze before speaking and keeping his voice low. "Go on. We're here for you to talk. And we're all here for you."-
  16. Covet: "Exactly." Cadence said with a smile as she sat down with the group at the table, keeping an eye on Eugene, in case the tape was needed.
  17. Tsaaq: Hayley nodded her head again. "Because a couple of years ago, A guy who I didn't want to date made a plan with his buddies and they tricked me into going to the lots and..." Hayley had spoken up but still hesistated. "Well they gave me a drink and I guess they roofied me or whatever and took me in the back of a van and took turns until whenever I guess." She said, shrugging. "And I found out the next day. Then a few days later a whole bunch of people found out because they recorded it and sent it to a lot of people in school." Hayley frowned. "Then after that it was like an uphill battle to trust people again and everyone seemed like they either didn't care or just wanted to further take advantage of me so when you assume that you can just force me into some sick relationship, it hurts me more than you think." She saw Eugene went to open his mouth and raised her finger. "There's more." She said sternly. // He became very silent while she spoke. Remy sighed and began to pace unknowingly, not thrilled to have to hear this story again. // Eugene's eyebrows remained knitted and his eyes widened. He was going to speak but immediately bit his tongue. BUT HE HAD SO MUCH TO SAY.
  18. Alexithymiaa: -Adam lowered his eyes as he listened to Hayley recount her story of the douchebags, his stomach in knots because despite knowing what happened, it still made him sick to hear.-
  19. Covet: Cadence watched Hayley, the events playing over in her mind as she retold the story. Looking over at Remy and reached a hand out for him, then shot a look at Eugene incase he decided to open his mouth again.
  20. Tsaaq: "Then shortly after that I uh, found out I was pregnant but unfortunately the same time I found that out? I also lost the baby." She said carefully. "After that things were okay, or I said they were but then the worst possible thing happened. I was stolen from my then-current boyfriend's house only to be brought to some god forsaken warehouse only to be violently assaulted, multiple times, beat up and neglected food and water for days. And just when I knew I was about to die, my brother and my friends found me and the other girls who got taken. And I know you're thinking 'What does that have to do with me?' WELL!" She inhaled deeply. "It's taken a lot for me to not just up and quit. And believe me. I've tried a bunch of times but now I'm okay. But every so often there's a little bug in my ear trying to get me back into my misery and it's in the form of people like you. People who don't care about my feelings, only care about their feelings and what they want from me. What they feel entitled to. But nobody is entitled to my body. And you know what? You've ruined our friendship and our bond as family and I don't know if I'll ever forgive you." She said cooly. "If I say no. Then it's no. It doesn't mean I need to be convinced or I don't realize. It's no. I love Adam. I want to be with Adam. Not my cousin. So stop harrassing him. Stop harrassing me, and upsetting everyone about it." Hayley pointed between them. "This is never happening." // Remy squeezed Cadence's hand and exhaled, attempting to not get emotional but how do you not.// Eugene panted a bit while listening. He stood from his chair and looked over to Hayley. "I'm not sorry." He replied in a stubborn tone.
  21. Alexithymiaa: -Adam chewed incessantly on the inside of his cheek as he listened to Hayley, growing more and more uncomfortable with her story until she'd finally reached the end and he could breathe a heavy sigh of relief. Just when he had thought Hayley had made a good point and that there was no possible way to refute her statements, this mother fucker stands up and is a douchebag. Releasing Hayley's hand, Adam pushed up to his feet, staring across the table at Eugene and let's face it, he may not have any fighting experience, but he's in great shape and could probably kill Eugene if he wanted to. "What do you mean you're not sorry? She just told you how uncomfortable you make her and how you have single handedly ruined the familial relationship y'all had and you're going to stand there and be selfish over this?" He demanded, clenching his jaw. "If you cared for her at all, you would see how gravely uncomfortable you've made her and respect her enough to leave her be."-
  22. Covet: "Jesus fucking Christ Eugene.. I swear to god, if you don't get rid of this stupid fucking idea, I'll ship you off to some church camp that's worse than your family." Cadence said as he stood up. "Or better yet, I'll let Hayley file assault charges. Or I'll file theft charges, And you can figure out just how much people are accepting of you and your attitude in jail. The third option here, is that I let Remy and Adam kill you and help them bury your body."
  23. Tsaaq: Hayley heard Eugene's words and furrowed her eyebrows before lowering her head and chewing the inside of her cheek // "Listen here you little shit-" Remy began to speak but of course Adam took the words out of his mouth. "I will fuck you up! She just poured her soul out to you and that's what you have to say?" // "What am I supposed to do? Apologize because a bunch of horrible things happened? I'm sorry that you were assaulted by men, and all that other stuff..." Eugene paused. "Sure it makes me not want to runaway with you anymore but... Does your mom and dad know all that? Or grandma and grandpa? IS that the secret you guys have been trying to keep all this time? Is that why everybody is different?"
  24. Alexithymiaa: -Adam just slowly shook his head, his eyes narrowing on Eugene in disbelief because BRO WTF. "This has nothing to with that. This has to do with you and the fact that you're harrassing your own cousin and won't accept no for an answer. Well there it is again. The answer is no." He dropped back into his chair, taking Hayley's hand in his.-
  25. Covet: Cadence bit the inside of her cheek, before she spoke, "You can't tell them, Eugene. I'm not kidding about burying your ass, in any circumstance."
  26. Tsaaq: She went to lean closer to Adam. "Can this get through your thick head." She said sternly. // Remy went to grab Eugene by his collar. "Hey! Don't ask stupid questions!" He shouted. "You damn well what this conversation is about. You got it now? Leave Hayley alone. You've done enough!" He yelled. // Eugene wriggled from Remy's grasp. "Why can't I tell anybody? She just told me." He argued. "Fine! I'll just be alone forever I guess. And that's okay. You can have her. She's my cousin and I always knew it was gross... But I thought maybe I could but I guess I can't. Now I'm wondering all the other shit you guys are hiding."
  27. Covet: "Because it's not your business to tell. She told you to get the point across that you still seem to be missing. Don't be insulting because you don't get what you want, that's just as bad as what you were doing before. We're not hiding anything, we're helping protect everyone, how hard is this to understand Eugene!" Cadence said glaring at him.
  28. Covet: [SORRY! I got excited...]
  29. Alexithymiaa: (Bitchhh)
  30. Tsaaq: ((LMAO))
  31. Alexithymiaa: "Anything that's being hidden, is their business. If they want to tell you, they will. Until then, you need to respect their wishes to keep certain things private." Adam spoke in a bit more of a calm voice now that it seemed Eugene was understanding.-
  32. Tsaaq: Hayley shook her head slowly. "Dont you dare tell my parents! Or your dad! Or our grandparents! I can tell them when I'm ready. That's not your right. It's mine." She said firmly. // Remy let go of Eugene and grumbled. "Get the hell out of our apartment. You're just like your brother and sister. I'm telling Uncle James to take your ass home the minute he sets foot in Portland next week." He yelled, going into the music room to grab Eugene's things. // "I got it! She doesn't love me! She loves Adam! Whatever!" Eugene yelled. "Oh whatever Adam shut up. You're such a dumb know it." He scoffed. "Fine! I just hate my life!"
  33. Tsaaq: ((*DUMB KNOW IT ALL ugh.))
  34. Covet: "I'd like to feel sorry for you, but we tried to fucking tell you and you didn't listen." Cadence said closing her eyes as she rested her head in her hand. "You guys alright?" She asked Adam and Hayley.
  35. Alexithymiaa: "A dumb, know it all. That's new..." He mumbled, nodding his head to Cadence. "Nothing he says to me, would bother me. I'm much more concerned about Hayley." He spoke while sweeping his glance to her. "Are you doing okay? Do you need some air?"-
  36. Tsaaq: She looked over to Cadence and she inhaled deeply. "Yeah, I think I'm okay." She said softly. "I think I could use some air though." She said to Adam with a frown. "I feel like I've wasted my breath." // He came out of the music room with Eugene's suitcase. "Shit I'll pay for your hotel room jackass. Good luck." // He begrudgingly crossed his arms over his chest and went over to his suitcase, straightening shit out.
  37. Covet: "I think we're done here, if you guys want to take off for the night, We can handle Eugene." She said, then got up to give Hayley a hug, "You didn't waste your breath, Your words just fell on deaf and defiant ears. You did great tonight, it was very brave of you to say all that. You guys get home safe okay?"
  38. Alexithymiaa: -Adam nodded to Cadence. "Thank you for having us and being supportive." He put his hand on Hayley's back, turning to escort her out of the apartment so he could walk her downstairs to the truck.-
  39. Tsaaq: "Thanks guys." Hayley sighed, seeing Eugene being an asshole was a sad sight to see but now it was time to depart. // Remy continued fussing as he gathered Eugene's shit, just pissed off and stuff and the stuff.
  40. Covet: "Of course. Always for you guys." She told them, then sat there eating fucking pizza watching Eugene and Remy.
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