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Feb 5th, 2016
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  1. [multicraft]
  2. ## The daemon will run under this user (not used for Windows)
  3. user = minecraft
  4. ## Directories created by Multicraft will have the owner set to
  5. ## the user and the group set to the webUser (not used for Windows)
  6. ## default: same as "user"
  7. webUser =
  9. ## The daemon will listen on the following IP/port.
  10. ## to listen on all available interfaces (all IPs). Note that
  11. ## you will have to use the "externalIp" setting below if you set this
  12. ## to as the control panel needs to know where to connect.
  13. ip =
  14. port = 25465
  16. ## If the external address is different from the listen address
  17. ## you can set the external address here. This setting will be saved
  18. ## to the DB and used by the control panel to connect to the daemon.
  19. ## default: same as "ip"
  20. #externalIp =
  22. ## The connection password for daemon communication
  23. ## !! Change this when you set Multicraft to listen on a public IP !!
  24. ## The same password will have to be put in the panels "daemon.php"
  25. #password = none
  27. ## Remote IP restrictions for daemon connections. This is a comma separated
  28. ## list of IPs that are allowed to connect to this daemon. Empty for all
  29. ## remote IPs allowed.
  30. ## default: empty
  31. #allowedIps =
  33. ## The maximum number of daemon connections to allow to this daemon.
  34. ## default: 500
  35. #maxConnections = 500
  37. ## The daemon ID. Only used for reseller edition to assign servers to daemons
  38. ## Running multiple servers with the same IDs can cause unpredictable behavior
  39. ## Valid values: 1, 2, ..., 10
  40. id = 1
  42. ## The database containing daemon
  43. ## default: sqlite:data.db (-> "baseDir"/"dataDir"/data.db)
  44. database = mysql:host=;dbname=multicraft_daemon
  45. ## Example for MySQL connections:
  46. database = mysql:host=;dbname=multicraft_daemon
  47. dbUser = root
  48. dbPassword = 081905xx
  49. #dbCharset = utf8
  51. ## A name for this daemon, this is optional
  52. ## default: Multicraft Daemon
  53. #name =
  55. ## The amount of memory available to this daemon in MB. This setting mainly
  56. ## serves informational purpose for display in the control panel and
  57. ## for the API to decide if this daemon can still run more servers.
  58. ## 0 means undefined
  59. ## default: 0
  60. #totalMemory =
  62. ## The base directory of the multicraft install. Relative to the users
  63. ## home directory or absolute. Must exist.
  64. ## default: multicraft (-> /home/"user"/multicraft)
  65. baseDir = /home/minecraft/multicraft
  66. ## The directory the daemon binaries reside in
  67. ## default: bin (-> "baseDir"/bin)
  68. daemonDir = bin
  69. ## The data directory. Contains the database, socket, log and
  70. ## must be accessible by the control panel user if using a SQLite DB
  71. ## default: data (-> "baseDir"/data)
  72. dataDir = data
  73. ## The directory jar files can be placed in
  74. ## default: jar (-> "baseDir"/jar)
  75. jarDir = jar
  76. ## The directory containing all the servers. Users can be given access
  77. ## to specific subdirectories containing their server data
  78. ## default: servers (-> "baseDir"/servers)
  79. serversDir = servers
  80. ## The following files contain daemon specific data.
  81. ## The paths specified are relative to "baseDir"
  82. pidFile =
  83. logFile = multicraft.log
  84. licenseFile = multicraft.key
  85. scriptsFile = scripts.conf
  87. ## Note that for all of the above settings where a file or directory is
  88. ## indicated you can also use absolute paths (/dir), home-relative
  89. ## paths (~/dir) or relative paths (./dir or ../dir). "dir" stands for
  90. ## the setting you're editing.
  91. ## When not using absolute/relative paths the setting is taken to be
  92. ## relative to the home directory of the user configured by the "user"
  93. ## setting.
  94. ## Examples:
  95. ## - Changing "baseDir" to ./multicraft will cause multicraft to search
  96. ## all the files in a subdirectory "multicraft" of the directory it's
  97. ## called from
  98. ## - Changing "logFile" to ~/multicraft.log will cause Multicraft to log
  99. ## everything to the file multicraft.log in the home directory of the
  100. ## user configured by the "user" setting
  102. ## The maximum size of one logfile after which the log will be rotated
  103. ## default: 20971520 (20 MB)
  104. logSize = 20971520
  106. ## The number of log files to keep (multicraft.log.1 ... multicraft.log.X)
  107. ## default: 9
  108. logCount = 9
  110. ## Synchronize log writes. Disabling this will improve performance at the
  111. ## risk of having some log entries overlap.
  112. ## default: true
  113. #logSync = false
  115. ## Use thesyslog facility instead of logging to a file.
  116. ## default: false
  117. #logSyslog = true
  119. ## The syslog facility to log to. Possible values: auth, cron, daemon,
  120. ## kern, lpr, mail, news, security, syslog, user, uucp, local10-17
  121. ## default: daemon
  122. #logFacility = daemon
  124. ## Delay between server auto-starts in milliseconds.
  125. ## default: 750
  126. autostartDelay = 750
  128. ## A list of section names in .conf files that can safely be defined
  129. ## or overridden by users. Note that this is just a default value that
  130. ## can itself be overridden in the .conf files in the daemon directory.
  131. ## Use * to allow all sections or a regular expression matching allowed
  132. ## sections only.
  133. ## default: ^(encoding|commands|parse_.+)$
  134. #safeConfSections = ^(encoding|commands|parse_.+)$
  136. ## Allow symlinks where directories are expected. This check is done for
  137. ## security.
  138. ## default: false
  139. #allowSymlinks = false
  141. ## Skip the integrity check for directories. This check is done for
  142. ## security, it verifies that a directory entry is consistent with its
  143. ## filesystem entry. You can disable this if this check causes issues
  144. ## on your particular filesystem.
  145. #default: false
  146. #skipIntegrityCheck = false
  148. [useragent]
  149. ## The path to the Multicraft useragent. This program is used in
  150. ## multiuser mode to access user files.
  151. ## default: bin (-> "baseDir"/bin, same as daemonDir)
  152. #userAgentDir = bin
  153. ## The executable of the Multicraft useragent. Note that a config
  154. ## file with the same name as this setting (plus .conf) will be
  155. ## generated next to this file.
  156. ## default: launcher (-> "baseDir"/"userAgentDir"/useragent)
  157. #userAgentFile = useragent
  158. ## The minimum allowed user and group IDs for server users
  159. ## default: 100
  160. #userAgentMinUid = 100
  161. #userAgentMinGid = 100
  162. ## The script to run when a server is being prepared. The path is
  163. ## relative to the userAgentDir.
  164. ## NOTE: This script will be run as the superuser.
  165. ## default: empty
  166. #userAgentSuperuserPrepare =
  167. ## The script to run when a server is being prepared. The path is
  168. ## relative to the baseDir.
  169. ## default: empty
  170. #userAgentPrepare =
  171. ## Various useragent configuration options
  172. #userAgentCp = /bin/cp
  173. #userAgentCpOpts = --preserve=mode,timestamps
  174. #userAgentUnzip = /usr/bin/unzip
  175. #userAgentUnzipOpts = -qql
  176. #userAgentUnzipRe = ^(?:\s+[^\s]+){3}\s+(.*)$
  179. [launcher]
  180. ## The path to the Multicraft launcher. This launcher program enables
  181. ## Multicraft to run servers that need a console to run correctly.
  182. ## default: launcher (-> "baseDir"/launcher)
  183. #launcherDir = launcher
  184. ## The executable of the Multicraft launcher
  185. ## default: launcher (-> "baseDir"/"launcherDir"/launcher)
  186. #launcherFile = launcher
  188. ## Integrated FTP server settings
  189. [ftp]
  190. ## Wheter or not to enable the integrated FTP server, true/false
  191. ## default: true
  192. enabled = false
  193. ## IP to listen on for FTP connections, uncomment to use the same as
  194. ## for the daemon.
  195. ## means listening on all available interfaces (all IPs)
  196. ## default: same as the "ip" setting for the daemon, see above
  197. #ftpIp =
  198. ## See the descriptions of "externalIp" and "ip" for the daemon above
  199. ## default: same as "externalIp" if "ftpIp" is "" otherwise "ftpIp"
  200. #ftpExternalIp =
  201. ## Masquerade IP address to use for passive FTP connections when
  202. ## Multicraft is running behind a router.
  203. ## default: empty
  204. #ftpNatIp =
  205. ## A port range to use for passive data transfers. If this is not
  206. ## specified the FTP server will use random ports.
  207. ## Format: 4000-8000
  208. ## default: empty
  209. #ftpPasvPorts =
  210. ## Port to listen on for incoming FTP connections. Change this to
  211. ## something else if you are already running an FTP server on this
  212. ## system.
  213. ## default: 21
  214. ftpPort = 21
  215. ## Regular expression matching files that can't be manipulated by
  216. ## users in any way. If you want users to be able to upload their own
  217. ## plugins instead of using the ones you provide for them you can
  218. ## just comment this option out.
  219. ## default: empty
  220. forbiddenFiles = \.(jar|exe|bat|pif|sh)$
  222. ## Minecraft default settings
  223. [minecraft]
  224. ## The default amount of reserved memory
  225. ## default: 1024
  226. memory = 1024
  227. ## The name of the java executable
  228. ## default: java
  229. java = /usr/bin/java
  230. ## The jar file to use. This file will be looked for in the "base"
  231. ## directory as configured above
  232. ## default: minecraft_server.jar
  233. jar = minecraft_server.jar
  235. ## Backup settings
  236. [backup]
  237. ## The command to run a backup. The following variables can be used:
  238. ## - {WORLD} The name of the world being backed up
  239. ## - {SERVER_DIR} The directory of the server (working directory)
  240. ## - {MULTICRAFT_DIR} The Multicraft base directory ("baseDir" above)
  241. ## - {BASE_DIR} The directory containing all the servers ("serversDir above")
  242. ## Note that the resulting files is expected to be named "{WORLD}"
  243. command = /usr/bin/zip -qr "{WORLD}" . -i "{WORLD}"*/*
  244. ## The same setting for Windows systems
  245. commandWin = "{MULTICRAFT_DIR}\bin\zip.exe" -qr "{WORLD}" "{WORLD}"*/
  247. ## System settings
  248. [system]
  249. ## Most of the settings below are for Linux only
  251. ## Whether or not to use one system user per Minecraft server.
  252. ## This is recommended if you let your users upload untrusted executables.
  253. ## Note that for every server a new system user is automatically created
  254. ## if this option is enabled (user name format and commands configured below).
  255. ## default: false
  256. #multiuser = true
  258. ## Display the output of this command in the panel under
  259. ## "Settings"->"Multicraft Status"
  260. ## default: empty
  261. infoCmd = uptime
  262. infoCmdWin =
  264. ## The name format for new users, the following variables can be used:
  265. ## - {ID} The server ID
  266. ## default: mc{ID}
  267. userFormat = mc{ID}
  268. ## The name format for new groups, the following variables can be used:
  269. ## - {ID} The server ID
  270. ## - {USER} The full username
  271. ## default: same as userFormat
  272. #groupFormat = {USER}
  274. ## The commands to create and delete system users and groups
  275. ## The following variables can be used:
  276. ## - {USER} The full username
  277. ## - {GROUP} The full groupname
  278. ## - {ID} The server ID
  279. ## - {DIR} The server base directory, used as the users home
  280. ## These commands cannot contain escaped quotes or empty arguments
  281. addUser = /usr/sbin/useradd -c "Multicraft Server {ID}" -d "{DIR}" -g "{GROUP}" -s /bin/false "{USER}"
  282. addGroup = /usr/sbin/groupadd "{GROUP}"
  283. delUser = /usr/sbin/userdel "{USER}"
  284. delGroup = /usr/sbin/groupdel "{GROUP}"
  286. ## Regular expression for filtering file names. Any match gets replaced by "_".
  287. ## Warning: Changing this is potentially dangerous
  288. ## default: [\\/<>:|*?"'&;$~%\0]
  289. #fileFilter = [\\/<>:|*?"'&;$~%\0]
  291. ## The command to unpack a zip file. The following variables can be used:
  292. ## - {FILE} The name of the zip archive to restore
  293. unpackCmd = /usr/bin/unzip -quo "{FILE}"
  294. ## The same setting for Windows systems
  295. unpackCmdWin = "{MULTICRAFT_DIR}\bin\unzip.exe" -quo "{FILE}"
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