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Jan 28th, 2014
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  1. Unity 4.5 Beta 1
  3. Features
  5. 2D: SpriteRenderer can tiles sprites (FullRect mesh type) when using a RectTransform.
  6. 2D: Padding and offset values added for grid slicing in Sprite Editor.
  7. 2D: Added new 2D physics component: WheelJoint2D.
  8. Canvas: New 2D rendering backend for rendering to the screen batched 2d elements
  9. Core: Introduce DisallowMultipleComponentAttribute for disallowing multiple components of the same type being added to a single GameObject. (Attribute name is subject to change)
  10. Coroutine Tween: Added support for simple tween and tweenrunner via coroutines. See the documentation on TweenRunner for examples
  11. Editor: New editor API: AssetDatabase.FindAssets (string filter, string[] folders). Search the Asset Database for assets by filename, type and asset label. See documentation for more information.
  12. Editor: Added Selection.assetGUIDs for getting the current selected assets in the Project Browser. It also returns the folder selection in the first column in the Project Browser (in Two Column mode) which is not part of the main selection.
  13. Editor: Added UIRenderer and UICanvas. Allows for batched rendering of meshes in a dynamic way. Designed for UI application.
  14. Editor: Add webcam streaming support for generic Unity Remote.
  15. Editor: Introduced New Hierarchy Window - allows sorting of elements based on transform order or alpha numeric order (can be user configured to sort in custom ways).
  16. Graphics: Stereoscopic rendering on DX 11.1.
  17. Graphics: Support for OpenGL ES 3.0 on iOS devices (where available).
  18. Graphics: Support for 3D textures in OpenGL ES 3.0.
  19. iOS: Add iOS device support for generic Unity Remote (works through USB).
  20. License system: added support for floating license.
  21. Mecanim: Added CanTransitionToSelf option on AnyState Transitions.
  22. Mecanim: Added new scripting function Animator.Rebind(). You can use this function to manually rebind the animator data set to unity when you change something in your GameObject hierarchy.
  23. Mecanim: For humanoid rigs, you can specify a transform node that will be used as root motion for an animation clip. You setup the transform node in the importer for animation file. The transform node path will replace the automatically extracted root motion computed by Mecanim.
  24. Introduced Module Manager with updatable platform support.
  25. Module Manager (former Package Manager): Restartable downloads (if Unity is closed before module download/installation is done).
  26. Module Manager: Accessed through Modules menu, next to Preferences menu.
  27. Physics: Added 2D Joint Gizmos.
  28. Profiling: GPU profiling is now available on OpenGL ES devices that support the EXT_disjoint_timer_query extension.
  29. Scripting: Add UnityEngine.ISerializationCallbackReceiver interface, to get a callback right before serialization, and right after deserialization.
  30. Scripting: Structs with System.Serializable attribute can now be serialized.
  31. UnityEvent: New system for storing and using delegates in a persistent manner.
  32. WebPlugin: Enhanced Protected Mode support for Internet Explorer. Supports IE 64 bit.
  33. Windows Store Apps: in Player Preferences added support for Windows 8.1 scaled resources and related settings.
  34. Windows Store Apps: in Player Preferences added support for scaled resources: splash screen, medium and wide tile, store and small logos.
  35. Windows Store Apps: AppCallbacks methods InvokeOnUIThread and InvokeOnAppThread will detect deadlock and throw exception, also added TryInvokeOnUIThread and TryInvokeOnAppThread, which return true or false instead.
  36. Windows Store Apps: Added Compass API to check for compass accuracy
  37. Windows Store Apps: Implemented support for programmatically opening touch screen keyboard.
  39. Changes
  41. Whenever you create a new project on Windows, the project will default to DirectX 11 usage instead of DirectX 9, meaning both Editor and built Windows Standalone player will be running under DirectX 11
  42. BlackBerry: BuildTarget.BB10, BuildTargetGroup.BB10, and BaseClass.BB10Player have been deprecated. Please use BuildTarget.BlackBerry, BuildTargetGroup.BlackBerry and BaseClass.BlackBerryPlayer
  43. iOS: Refactored trampoline; extracted view handling and rendering categories from UnityAppController
  44. iOS: Added Unity Module Manager support for iOS.
  45. Physics: Added ForceMode2D type to allow selection of force to be used for "Force" or "Impulse".
  46. Physics: AddForce, AddRelativeForce, AddForceAtPosition & AddTorque on Rigidbody2D now accept ForceMode2D type to match 3D physics.
  47. Physics: Added GetPointVelocity & GetRelativePointVelocity to Rigidbody2D.
  48. Physics: Added GetPoint & GetRelativePoint to Rigidbody2D.
  49. Physics: Added GetVector & GetRelativeVector to Rigidbody2D.
  50. Physics: Added "centerOfMass" and "worldCenterOfMass" properties (read-only) to Rigidbody2D.
  51. Physics: Added "inertia" property (read-only) to Rigidbody2D.
  52. Physics: Added "bounds" property (read-only) to 2D collider types.
  53. Editor: Removed SpriteRenderer preview.
  54. iOS: The New Remote protocol updated.
  55. [COLOR=#222222]Substance: A new 'DoNothingAndCache' loading behaviour is now available. Substances are no longer automatically generated when loaded but are still cached to non-volatile storage after the first call to RebuildTextures() / RebuildTexturesImmediately().
  56. [COLOR=#222222]Substance: ProceduralMaterial.isCachedDataAvailable was added to check if cache data will be used for a cached ProceduralMaterial or if its outputs will have to be rebuilt. Coupled with DoNothingAndCache, this allows for interactive "installer / substance decompressors" scenes to be created.
  57. Webplayer: Games built in Unity 2.x will no longer run in the Unity Web Player on Mac OSX 10.9 Mavericks.
  58. iOS: Added iOS7 target.
  59. Editor: Components with OnSceneGUI calls will now show up in sceneview Gizmos popup.
  60. Mac: Rewrote Mac web cam support to use AVFoundation framework, so you can publish to the Mac App Store without using deprecated APIs.
  61. Webplayer: The Mac OS X Web Player now requires Mac OS X 10.6 or higher. When running in Firefox we now require Firefox 4.0 or higher.
  62. Asset Bundles: Trying to build a bundle from within an AssetPostprocessor will now throw an error.
  63. Editor: Data consistency checks for objects loaded from disk are now performed on all objects before waking up the first one of them instead of interleaving the two operations.
  64. 2D: Sprite Packer is no longer a preview feature.
  65. Physics: Collision and trigger callbacks now occur on both the GameObject containing the 2D collider as well as the GameObject containing the 2D rigid-body.
  66. Physics: All existing joints are now derived from AnchoredJoint2D component rather than the Joint2D component.
  67. Physics: Updated Box2D to v2.3.0.
  68. Webplayer: Use of the Chain of Trust system now requires a Unity-supplied authorization token. If you are using this system, please contact support.
  69. Editor: Editor windows no longer have 10 pixels automatically added at the top when using GUILayout
  71. Improvements
  73. Shaders: Shader importing has been massively improved.
  74. Shaders are imported much faster, especially complex surface shaders. Instead of compiling all shader variants for all possible platforms at import time, now the needed shader variants for needed platorms are compiled on-demand. Shader compilation results are cached under Library folder, so identical compilations happen much faster.
  75. Error reporting was improved. Errors are reported on correct lines (imagine that!), and errors in .cginc files report the filename.
  76. Surface shader debugging was improved. No more "#pragma debug" nonsense; just click "Show generated code" in the inspector.
  77. Linux: Query camera for dimensions when user doesn't specify them
  78. Unity Editor will fallback to DirectX 11 if DirectX 9 is not available, instead of showing the dialog graphics were not initialized
  79. Scripting: Add UNITY_PRO_LICENSE define
  80. Scripting: Add GetAllCameras(Camera[]) and allCamerasCount API's
  81. Windows Store Apps: You can now generate C# Assembly-Charp* projects (in BuildSettings window) which will be referenced from generated solution, allowing you to easily debug and change your scripts on the fly, the only thing to keep in mind, if you'll add/remove serialized fields in classes, you'll need to rebuild your project from Editor to compensate for changed serialized data.
  82. Scripting: Added MeshUtility.SetMeshCompression and MeshUtility.GetMeshCompression to set mesh compression for Meshes generated from scripting.
  83. Documentation: revived API history
  84. Windows Store Apps: *.pdb, *.ilk, *.exp for Unity libraries won't be provided in Release, Master configurations, thus reducing the exported solution size significantly
  85. Windows Store Apps / Windows 8.1: Added support for SwapChainPanel, it will be used in XAML project files generated for Windows 8.1, you can still use SwapChainBackroundPanel if you want.
  86. Windows Store Apps: NativeRenderPlugin example now properly works on Windows Store Apps.
  87. Audio Profiling is improved with more relevant data and more accurate memory stats.
  88. Serialization (i.e. Instantiation & Level loading) performance of MonoBehaviors is now 2x-5x faster.
  89. iOS: Add ability to use profiler through USB.
  90. Graphics: Added Texture2D.EncodeToJPG
  91. Graphics: Update videoVerticallyMirrored docs
  92. iOS: Added missing system languages
  93. iOS: Small CrashReporter improvements: logging to console, disabled dSYM generation for debug builds
  94. Editor: Added AnimatedValues - Simple way to have tweened UI elements in EditorGUI
  95. Sprites: Now have border property (specified in pixels) that can be changed on sprite import
  96. Windows Store Apps/WP8: Better handling of managed objects, causes less pressure to Garbage Collection.
  97. Windows Store Apps: Webcam support is more stable; webcams now also support MJPG streams.
  98. Editor: Edit labels for multiple assets at once.
  99. Editor: PropertyDrawers are now supplemented with DecoratorDrawers, which can be used for decorative elements in the Inspector such as spacing, headers, or notes.
  100. Editor: Improved inspector customization with [Tooltip] and [ContextMenuItem] script attributes.
  101. Editor: Preset libraries that have default presets now have a 'Add Factory Presets To Current Library' option in the context menu
  102. 2D: SpriteRenderer now supports flipping.
  103. Editor: Show fully qualified script name in execution order inspector.
  104. iOS: Added iPad Air and iPad Mini Retina entries to the iPhoneGeneration enum.
  105. iOS: Rebuilt PhysX with -mno-thumb.
  106. iOS: Rebuilt FMOD with -mno-thumb.
  107. iOS: WWW implementation exposed in trampoline.
  108. iOS: Rebuilt PLCrashReporter with -mno-thumb.
  109. BlackBerry: Now has GLES30 support on the z30 devices.
  110. BlackBerry: bar-descriptor.xml file no longer uses deprecated xml tags.
  111. BlackBerry: Keyboard types are now supported
  112. Sprite Editor: Works for single mode sprites.
  113. Sprites: You can now specify a border on sprites for slicing.
  114. API: Rect struct now has the properties min, max, and size. This makes it easier to reuse the same code for the X and Y axis.
  115. Editor API: Expose handles preference colors in the Handles class (as read-only).
  116. Graphics: GPU Skinning on OpenGL ES 3.0 now supports at least 4096 bones per mesh on all GL ES 3.0 targets.
  117. OS X: Enable stack trace output when player crashes.
  118. Assets management: 'optimizeGameObjects' & 'extraExposedTransformPaths' are now accessible from asset post processor
  119. [COLOR=#222222]Substance: Runtime PVRTC compression on iOS/Android is now faster and of higher quality.
  120. [COLOR=#222222]Substance: Processing Substances in the Editor is now always multi-threaded when not in play mode.
  121. [COLOR=#222222]Substance: Material thumbnails are now listed in the static preview in the same 'semantically correct' order they appear in the SubstanceImporterInspector.
  122. [COLOR=#222222]Substance: Outputs that are used solely as sources for other outputs's alpha channels (typically the specular output) are no longer generated separately and will not appear in the project window anymore unless they're directly assigned to a shader slot or the GenerateAllOutputs option is checked.
  123. [COLOR=#222222]Substance: Switching between graphs or instances in a SubstanceImporterInspector will no longer cause a reimport. The reimport of the modified SBSAR asset is now performed when the entire SubstanceImporterInspector is disabled.
  124. Coroutines: StopCoroutine can now take an enumerator argument
  125. Mecanim : Notify users when humanoid animation has animation (TQS) in between human bones
  126. Windows Store Apps: AppCallbacks::UnitySetInput() made safe for multiple invocations
  127. Editor: Referencing internal editor resources when building players now prints more informative error messages.
  128. Serialization: Print error message when maximum recursion limit is reached
  129. Scripting: Improve resolution of types that inherit from types in different user assemblies
  130. Graphics: OpenGL ES 2.0 and 3.0 maximum simultaneous texture count upgraded from 8 to 16 (where supported by the GPU)
  131. Substance: Outputs tagged as "Specular" will automatically map to the _SpecTex shader property if present.
  132. Substance: Alpha channel generation can now be explicitly disabled for ProceduralMaterials in order to use runtime DXT1/ETC compression or to bake DXT1/ETC/RGB24 bitmaps.
  133. Substance: Baked ProceduralTextures are now created from full RGBA32 data instead of pre-existing (and potentially already compressed) editor data.
  134. Physics: PolygonCollider2D gizmo renders only the outline shape.
  135. Physics: Add the following methods and properties to HingeJoint2D: limitState, referenceAngle, jointAngle, jointSpeed, GetReactionForce(), GetReactionTorque() and GetMotorTorque().
  136. Physics: Add the following methods and properties to DistanceJoint2D: limitState, GetReactionForce() and GetReactionTorque().
  137. Physics: Add the following methods and properties to SliderJoint2D: limitState, referenceAngle, jointTranslation, jointSpeed and GetMotorForce().
  138. Physics: Add the following methods to SpringJoint2D: GetReactionForce() and GetReactionTorque().
  139. Physics: Add the following methods and properties to WheelJoint2D: jointTranslation, jointSpeed and GetMotorTorque().
  140. Mecanim: Added finger bones to c# HumanBodyBones enum.
  141. Editor: Package Import Window redesigned and now shows import items as a proper tree view.
  142. WWW: All POST requests now automatically include an x-unity-version header with the version of the Unity runtime making the request.
  143. Documentation: new look and feel.
  144. Module Manager: Added "Unity Restart Required" message when modules are downloaded and ready to be loaded.
  146. Fixes
  148. Scripting: Fix namespace detection for MonoBehaviors containing methods with default parameters.
  149. Fix: Depth texture requirement removed from EdgeDetectEffectNormals.
  150. Physics: exposed a flag to enable collisions between rigid bodies connected with any type of joints.
  151. Physics: fix cloth simulation after re-activation.
  152. Editor: Active scenes count properly displayed when more than 100 scenes are added to Build Settings window.
  153. Editor: Inform user about platforms with no support for Splash Screen in Player Settings window.
  154. Terrain: Established minimum size for all terrain wizards.
  155. Editor: Fixed scripts being recompiled every time a project got loaded.
  156. Editor: Obey script execution order when reloading scripts.
  157. Editor: Fix multi-editing arrays in custom property drawers.
  158. Debugger: Don't hang when debugger evaluation triggers an exception.
  159. Windows Store Apps: Correctly serialize AnimationCurve if it's a null object.
  160. Windows Store Apps: Fixed post build event in generated Visual Studio project, if the project name contains spaces.
  161. Shaders: .cginc files with UTF8 BOM markers don't confuse shader compilers. Include files at non-ASCII paths work on Windows properly now.
  162. BlackBerry: Microphone is now supported
  163. Mac OS X Standalone: Fix position of IME candidate window in fullscreen mode
  164. Mac OS X Standalone: Fix mouse coordinates when requesting a window larger then the screen
  165. Mac OS X Standalone: Fix KeyUp events being registered for Command-Key combinations
  166. WWW class: Fixed CRC tests for downloads of uncompressed AssetBundles to the Cache.
  167. Asset Bundles: Fixed script compatibility errors when loading asset bundles built in from a different project.
  168. WP8 & WSA: field with AnimationCurve[] no longer crashes app
  169. Serialization: fields of type double[] now get serialized
  170. Serialization: fields of type AnimationCurve[] now get serialized
  171. Broken webcam image due to incorrect stride in YUY2 decoding routine
  172. Allow to reset the content type in video stream sinks on the fly.
  173. Fixed the race condition when the task was destroyed before the outstanding continuations were properly completed
  174. Terrain: Fixed crashes on certain platforms
  175. Editor: Make curve editor popup initially show with correct ranges when present.
  176. Editor: Make PropertyField foldouts (for e.g. arrays) work together with PrefixLabel.
  177. BlackBerry: Spaces are now supported in bar file name.
  178. Physics: Fix crash when sphere casting to a mesh collider with less than 9 triangles on win64 target.
  179. 2D: Do not trash MaterialPropertyBlock on a SpriteRenderer.
  180. 2D: Destroying a Sprite's texture will not crash the SpriteRenderer that's using it.
  181. 2D: PixelsToUnits property, when set to Infinity, will flip back to the default value of 100.
  182. Scripting: Fix crash when disabling from constructor.
  183. Linux: Fix OnApplicationFocus.
  184. Linux/Windows: Don't unload asset bundles when their assets may need to be reloaded.
  185. Linux: Fix non-ASCII text input.
  186. iOS: Fixed unknown device type detection.
  187. iOS: Fixed proxy creation for the Unity Remote 4.x.
  188. Profiler: Fix "autoconnect profiler" no longer works.
  189. SpritePacker: Correctly handle initial default TextureImporter FilterMode in the DefaultSpritePackerPolicy.
  190. Editor: Hide "Alpha is Transparency" when no alpha channel is generated.
  191. Editor: Fixed crash when script name is 32 characters or longer.
  192. Linux: Fix translucent hardware cursors.
  193. Graphics: Fix editor crash when working with mobile targets and some texture assets are DXT compressed.
  194. Scripting: Fix player build when unqualified class names collide.
  195. Scripting: Fix Resources.FindObjectsOfTypeAll sometimes returning objects of incorrect types.
  196. iOS: WWW will not accept self signed certificates by default anymore
  197. Scripting: Only add the component if the required components are not conflicting with the existing ones.
  198. Terrain object creation can now be undone.
  199. Reverting to prefab value can now be undone.
  200. Undo/Redo of FullHierarchyUndo works now.
  201. Optimize transform hierarchy from Animator context menu can now be undo.
  202. Fixed crash when passing null to Undo.RecordObject.
  203. Object creation now takes priority when naming an undo group.
  204. Fixed crash when adding trees to terrain with no tree prototype defined Fixed script importing error if the script contains a field whose name is ended with "guid".
  205. [COLOR=#222222]Substance: Cache files for GenerateAndCache / DoNothingAndCache are no longer backuped to iCloud and should no longer cause AppStore rejection.
  206. License system: Removed support for old PACE license files
  207. DX11: Fixed 3D textures where height is not the same as depth.
  208. Shaders: Improved precision of EncodeFloatRGBA function.
  209. Shaders: Fixed GLSL translation of some global matrix initializers.
  210. Graphics: Shader.SetGlobalTexture does not throw exception when passed a null texture anymore.
  211. 2D: Correctly initialize Sprite textureRect if all pixels are transparent.
  212. 2D: Fixed SpritePacker border generation to not sometimes write over the pixels of a nearby Sprite.
  213. 2D: Stabilized packing to avoid cases where removing one Sprite could grow the final atlas size.
  214. 2D: Handle SpritePacker policy assembly type query failures. Fixes hangs when using 3rd party libraries such as pnunit.
  215. 2D: When determining if non-square textures can produce sprites, check the compressed format for square-requirement. NPOT PVRTC textures are not compressed and therefore are ok for generating sprites.
  216. iOS: Fixed handling of on screen keyboard input field.
  217. iOS: Fixed rendering issue (black screen) when non-native resolution was used.
  218. Windows Store Apps: Make autorotation work for multiple specific orientations.
  219. Windows Store Apps: fix forcing orientation on startup.
  220. Windows Store Apps: fix ctrl key stuck when alt is held down.
  221. Editor: Fix popup windows sometimes overlapping with the taskbar on Windows.
  222. [COLOR=#3a4961]IMGUI: Don't send OnMouseDown event for last used object when clicking IMGUI elements.
  223. Graphics: Fix _ProjectionParams.x (negative when target buffer is upside-down) not being set when rendering without a camera.
  224. Android: Fixed crash on TerrainData creation
  225. Android: Fixed setting audio sample rate on Android
  226. Android: Logging a warning if merged manifest doesn't contain MAIN activity
  227. Android: Fixed keyboardType handling
  228. Android: Fixed texCubeGrad and texCubeLod issues
  229. Audio: Fixed "Bypass Effects" on AudioSource which caused AudioSources to be muted when initialized with the flag set.
  230. Audio: Fixed [COLOR=#3a4961]"m_PausedSources.empty()" error when resuming game
  231. Events: Fixed OnMouseExit not being called properly
  232. Mecanim: Fixed crash when using Animator.GetBoneTransform() on an Animator without an Avatar
  233. Mecanim: Fixed Trigger parameter not reseting correctly for transition with a duration of 0 second
  234. Mecanim: Fixed animator causing issues with Collision contacts
  235. Mecanim: Fixed a[COLOR=#3a4961]nimation not correctly producing transform changed messages
  236. Mecanim: Fixed c[COLOR=#3a4961]rash when playing an animation that ends with an animation event when an object is inactive
  237. Mecanim: Fixed undo of added Layer.
  238. Mecanim: Fixed undo of added BlendTree child
  239. Mecanim: Fixed undo of changes done in the Avatar mapping tool using the body image
  240. Mecanim: Fixed crash when previewing disabled object
  241. Mecanim : Fixed crash when Animator are disabled by other Animator during events
  242. Mecanim: Fixed invalid parameter when adding a BlendTree child to a BlendTree
  243. Mecanim: Fixed memory leaks
  244. Mecanim: Fixed crash in standalone when using HumanTrait.BoneName[COLOR=#0033cc]573446
  245. Windows Store Apps: fix incerrect windows size created on Windows 8.1
  246. Windows Store Apps: fix C# project generation on Windows 8.1
  247. Windows Store Apps: fix Cursor.SetCursor() does not hide native system cursor
  248. Mac: Joysticks now work in 64 bit builds.
  249. Build Pipeline: Icons are now applied before post-processing scripts are called.
  250. Mac Standalone players: Fix asserts when going in or out of fullscreen mode.
  251. Mac Standalone player: Screen Selector dialog can now show more then six quality settings.
  252. Editor: Fix crash when switching to play mode with scene that hides transform children with HideFlags.DontSave.
  253. Scripting: Disallow invalid scripts in execution order UI
  254. WSA: Fix serialization of serializable types without public default constructors
  255. Scripting: Fix crash when project contains mixed-mode assemblies
  256. Scripting: Fix crash when unloading a domain with multiple threads
  257. Scripting: Fix crash when inspecting SerializedProperty.displayName
  258. Graphics: OpenGL ES 3.0 fog rendering fixed
  259. Graphics: Fixed ASTC texture importing
  260. Graphics: Fix RenderTexture for iOS GLES 3.0
  261. Graphics: Fix display scaling on iOS GLES 3.0
  262. Graphics: Fix SSAO image effect for GLES 3.0
  263. Graphics: Fix immediate mode rendering for GLES 3.0 when ImmediateEnd is called multiple times
  264. Graphics: Fix crash when using cloth simulation on GLES 3.0
  265. Graphics: Fixed 2D sprite rendering on GLES3.0
  266. Graphics: Fixed the first frame being corrupted on OpenGL ES 3.0
  267. Graphics: Fixed GLSL shaders on GLES 3.0
  268. iOS: fixed mono AOT issue when calls are made via interface
  269. iOS: fixed webcam on iOS 6.0 and later
  270. iOS: FBO management fixes
  271. Substance: Non-default assignments of Substance outputs to shader properties are now correctly serialized and should no longer be reset when reimporting Substance materials.
  272. Substance: Normal maps will no longer invert or bake incorrectly when being reimported after switching between desktop/web and mobile build targets.
  273. Graphics: Fixed Umbra related false occlusion and light flickering
  274. Graphics: Fixed occlusion data bake error
  275. Installers: DisplayVersion not set correctly by Windows installers
  276. Editor: Hierarchy window will no longer NULL if element is not found.
  277. 2D: Prevent a false error when generating Sprites from a 1-pixel tall/wide texture.
  278. 2D: Reopening Unity will reopen the Sprite Packer window correctly.
  279. 2D: Cancelling packing won't prevent future packing attempts.
  280. 2D: Prevent sprites larger than max atlas size from participating in packing.
  281. Physics: Changing the GameObject layer should cause existing 2D collisions to be re-evaluated.
  282. Physics: Collision/Trigger callbacks are maintained correctly during processes that force Box2D to regenerate collider shapes.
  283. Physics: Collision normal and other information not updated during OnCollisionStay2D callbacks.
  284. Physics: 2D rigid-bodies now update their positions as well as perform interpolation/extrapolation in the correct order based upon their depth in a transform hierarchy.
  285. Physics: Default the 2D rigid-body center-of-mass to the rigid-body origin.
  286. Physics: 2D rigid-body rotational inertia no longer scales with collider size but rather with the rigid-body mass.
  287. Physics: Removing RigidBody2D in play mode incorrectly disables any attached 2D colliders.
  288. Physics: When changing 2D collider trigger state, existing contacts will now be changed to match that state.
  289. Physics: Disabled Polygon Collider Editor when the component is not enabled.
  290. Physics: Child 2D rigid-body that is either Sleeping or Kinematic now follows any parent 2D rigid-body.
  291. Windows Store Apps: fix http://WWW.progress returns on 1 and 0.
  292. Windows Store Apps: fix Input.multiTouchEnabled
  293. Windows Store Apps: instead of hardcoded path query env variable "ProgramFiles(x86)" to get path to Program Files
  294. Windows Store Apps: Handle exception when receiving data from
  295. Mecanim: Makes events be triggered when passed over in a transition.
  296. Mecanim: Fixed crash when playing an animation that ends with an animation event when an object is inactive.
  297. Mecanim: Fixed crash when you drag and drop an animation clip on a Game Object.
  298. Mecanim: Fixed Lag causes avatar not to reach MatchPosition.
  299. Mecanim: Fixes update of transition so that 0 duration transitions are evaluated correctly.
  300. Webplayer: OSX versions prior to 10.9 can again run Unity games built with Unity 2.x
  301. Graphics: Fixed crash when destroying active RenderTexture
  302. Graphics: Fixed Linear color space being wrong in the editor (DX11)
  303. Graphics: Fixed occasional crash when quitting standalone player that uses DirectX 11
  304. Graphics: Fixed shader errors discovered at build time not logged to console properly
  305. Graphics: Fixed GL.Clear() in some cases not clearing stencil properly on DX9 and DX11
  306. Editor: Correct error message when adding component with mismatched class and file name
  307. Editor: Fix Package Import Window was missing folders and had incorrect indentation
  308. Editor: Fix that popups auto closes on OSX 10.9 (Maverick) on secondary displays
  309. Android: Preload thread no longer consumes battery while application is in a paused state
  310. WWW: Several fixes to prevent XSS and header-forgery attacks
  312. Upgrade guide
  314. NOTE: With 4.5, support of OSX 10.5 for standalone players was dropped, i.e. players will need to have at least OSX 10.6 in order to play Unity games deployed with the Mac standalone player. The webplayer's minimum system requirements remain unchanged.
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