
2/14 - Gangster Autopsy w/ Sue

Feb 14th, 2020
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  1. [09:55] Annivir Kali Leiting (redanze): The various bodies of the dead gangsters lay on various gurneys and shelves in the morgue, waiting examination. No confirmed identity was matched to any based on visual exams, but when half of them seem to have been blown up, such is far from a surprise. One shelf in particular consists more of parts than a full body, having taken a rocket-propelled-grenade to the stomach.
  3. [10:00] Ana Ka'rimah: prepares to do science, or something. Finally, there was time to examine the slain gang members from that incident; you know how many people die in Rise per day? A lot. Looking over a checklist on her clipboard, she has her two dieners wheel one of the more intact bodies over from the refrigeration units and haul it onto the autopsy table. The hacker had been shot in the head; it left the rest of her mostly intact. "Let's see. Who do we have here...?" As is typical, they've been stripped of personal belongings and prepared for surgery. The cat begins by documenting external wounds, having one of her assistants set about trying to run prints, DNA or dental records against the database.
  5. [10:04] Annivir Kali Leiting (redanze): The prints and dental records, for the most part, dont seem to match up in the database. Most of the gangsters as a whole are either damaged, or seem to have marks of cybernetic enhancements, cosmetic surgeries, and other undocumented changes to their physiology that cut them out of the database. DNA comparison, however, brings up profiles on two of the altered cybernetics, and one of the others- namely one with a very nasty bullet wound in their skull. The two Altered gangers are known criminals, known for kidnapping, assault, and ransom of citizens, as well as being unlicensed rip-doctors. The hacker seems to have a minor criminal record,with a few lines about unauthorized datanet use and business fraud.
  7. [10:15] Ana Ka'rimah: just shakes her head. "Back alley medicine. I wonder what they put you through." She muses, peering down at the cold dead corpse of that girl. Well, it is important she sees whether or not she can figure out where they got these implants from, and what implants they are, so the cat begins with the procedure. With her scalpel, she begins the typical Y-incision, curving under the breasts and then meeting in the middle. Down, down, round the navel and then at the bottom of the pubic bone is where the cut ends, and with all the unceremoniousness of a professional, she cuts the skin and muscle and soft tissues away, creating flaps that can be opened. The top part of the Y is thrown over the head and the bottom two flaps open like a gate, exposing internal organs. Were their any cybernetics in the abdomen? If so, they would be examined, potentially for serial numbers or manufacturers.
  9. [10:29] Annivir Kali Leiting (redanze): From what can be told by the cut, the girl seems to have a few augments here and there. Her digestive system seems to be enhanced, likely to allow the girl to go long periods without needing food or drink, which seems to be a fairly common procedure these days, especially for types of people who spend long hours working in dimly lit rooms. The serial seems to have been scraped off with a microplasma laser, as have most of the common makers marks. One does however remain, pointing it out as an off-the-shelf brand name cybernetic, one you could get from just about any hospital in or outside of the colony.
  11. [10:33] Ana Ka'rimah: wrinkles her nose. If Chimera was doing their job then they wouldn't be installing parts for criminals, so either they did it themselves or went to one of the many poorly sanitized Wasteland doctors for it. Christ. Nevertheless, she resumes working. The fun part is now. Reaching under the table, she procures a large electrical saw and starts sawing through ribs. Good thing she had a face mask. Eventually, she is able to yank the front of the rib cage off and expose the heart and lungs. With her scalpel, she cuts open the pericardial sac to actually expose the heart and then notes any enhancements to those organs. Given that she was a hacker, though, it was assumed the heaviest augments were to her brain and eyes - what was left of them after getting a bullet through them, anyway...
  13. [10:35] Annivir Kali Leiting (redanze): (gimme... 2 perception rolls :D )
  14. [10:36] [RoE] Inventory HUD~v1.1.0.5: Ana Ka'rimah rolls 2d20 + 6
  15. (8, 14) - Unmodified
  16. (14, 20) - Modified
  17. ID:5e46e8c81d2f8023794894
  19. [10:44] Annivir Kali Leiting (redanze): Funnily enough, while the heart and lungs appear to be normal, there appears to be a small extra augment in the upper chest cavity, tucked very close to the spine. It's hard to miss, hidden mostly by the lungs and almost designed to be flush with the spinal column, maybe a few centimeters thick at most. If extracted, it would appear to be some sort of processing augment that interfaces directly into the spinal column - a way of adding extra processing power without putting it in the skull, or, as a cursory glance at the bullet would would reveal, when the skull was stuffed full of enhancements already. More importantly, it seemed to be a proper installation, one that would normally be very difficult at a street doctor's chop shop, though not impossible. Perhaps there was a lead to be found there, searching for street docs who would be capable of such things? According to their paperwork, the hacker lived not in this area of Dawn colony, but in a precinct a few sections over.
  21. [10:48] Ana Ka'rimah: notices this little plug and raises a brow. Leaning in, she uses her forceps to get a good grip on it and carefully disconnects it from the spine using the blunt end of the scalpel. Peering at it up close, she muses that it was probably too difficult for a regular chop shop to attach. The spine was a sensitive organ, obviously. One wrong move and paralysis is the least of your worries. So if they cross-referenced the woman's address with professional street doctors in the area, it might narrow down a list. That little guy was going in an evidence bag for a full suite of tests. With that out of the way, the skull was her next target. Time to see just how augmented this girl was.
  23. [10:58] Annivir Kali Leiting (redanze): From what is known of the local street doctors, none outright seem capable of the procedures needed - of course, given how little crime Colsec could really put a raid on on a daily basis, it often worked out better to just keep an eye on these sorts of unlicensed places anyway... plus some of them did damn good jobs, all considered. Perhaps Precinct 197's people would have some clues if pressed. As for the skull... it seemed significantly damaged, by any case. The fall after being shot had resulted in a noticeable postmortem bruise - which if felt would reveal a crack in the skull. Opening it up, however, would reveal a significant suite of technological augmentations. The poor girl's brain seemed to be more metal than gray matter, even considering the fleshiest portion seemed to have been blown out of her head. The eyes, on simple examination, appeared to be augments as well, camera-like lenses fitted where pupils would normally be.
  25. [11:03] Ana Ka'rimah: annotates this. Augments to the neurological system were often the most dangerous and took a trained hand. Advanced medicine didn't really matter if your doctor caused brain death by accidentally lobotomizing you. The fact she was able to cram so much metal into her skull and still function was a surprise in of itself. As is typical, the brain - metal or not - is cut out of the skull and secured for observation later. That is the same for all of her internal organs, which are removed to allow samples to be taken - weighed - and tested. After one last good look at the body for anything else she's missed, the organs are placed in a garbage back, returned to the body, and the girl is sewed back up. Maybe the other bodies from her gang might have similar high quality implants somewhere else in their body...
  27. [11:13] Annivir Kali Leiting (redanze): From what reports came in, it seems only one other body is part of the same gang. That one is also one of the better preserved ones. The other three, however, were very much not as well intact, and from reports from both officers and civilians on the scene, were a different group entirely... The extractions, fortunately, go without issue. Examining the list, one of the assistants on duty mutters something about ex-chimera workers and the increasing difficulty of finding work in the medical field... which might be relevant, as it happened.
  29. [11:16] Ana Ka'rimah: pauses for a moment. Huh. So the residents do have brains, after all. Sometimes they could be useful for something. "Good idea." She says. "See if any ex-Chimera employees live in our gang's district. Ones with specialties in cybernetics or neuroscience." The other diener gets the unenviable task of moving bodies around to bring her the second individual from the same gang. Time to start digging around in his guts.
  31. [11:22] Annivir Kali Leiting (redanze): "Y-yes ma'am. Do you want me to check for um, cybernetic specialists or neurological specialists who aren't former chimera employees as well? T-theres some talk about some grads getting into medical employment with a couple different popup companies...I'll um... check to make sure just in case after I do the chimera search..." The residents have brains, woo! Said resident goes to do the check, while the other one seems to rack their own brain as they move gurneys around and bodies along with them. The second individual, mostly intact, seemed to have significant stab injuries on top of being shot, including one from behind... CCTV footage of the incident would point such out as being a wound from one of the rival gang members. Fortunately, their back was to all the explosions... so at least most of them seems intact, at least compared to the somewhat in-pieces nature of the other three.
  33. [11:27] Ana Ka'rimah: isn't looking forward to dealing with the other three. Human jigsaw puzzles were the most boring thing. "Yes, yes, good idea. Chimera's monopoly has weakened as of late. It used to be hard to find any clinic that wasn't subsidized by them..." Strapping on a fresh pair of non-bloodied gloves, she gives the second corpse a look over. The gangs were less destructive than Colony Security - there's a certain sense of irony there. "That's the downside of medicine. You need an ID for school and employment. Paper trails are always fun." She muses, starting the incision on the second body to expose its guts to the air. What secrets did they hold?
  35. [11:39] Annivir Kali Leiting (redanze): The second one definitely seems to have been more the 'muscle' of the pair. Arms and legs visually replaced by cybernetic replacements, a spinal reinforcement augment... cracking them open, the ribcage was sheathed with a hardened material and a layer of what appeared to be some sort of insulating, likely blunt-force trauma reducing substance. The organs themselves seem mostly normal, aside from augments on various common producers of hormones that would help in combat.
  37. [11:44] Ana Ka'rimah: had to break out the laser saw for this ribcage. Goddamn augments. She didn't ask for this. While the hacker of the group might have had an extra processor grafted onto her spine, a specialist with neuroscience could have plenty of tricks up his sleeve for the muscle of the group. She looks for anything strange attached to his spine and then, failing that, his brain. Specifically, his pituitary gland, because the stimulation of human growth hormone ostensibly would be very useful to him.
  39. [11:50] Annivir Kali Leiting (redanze): The augments might raise an eyebrow, on anyone who was familiar with quality technology. On the adrenal glands, the spine, the pituitary gland, and the hypothalamus, all have significant augmentations... in addition, the thyroid gland seems to have adjustments made, all of which seem to sync up via nervous connections. The quality of the implants themselves aren't necessarily all that impressive, but their presence and setup show that whoever did this knows what they were doing, almost as if copycatting higher-grade implants from a different source. The dossier on this particular gang might point out the reason - they seem to have some knowledge of playing the black market, and of getting their hands on some very high grade technology. Whoever this person was, they didnt exactly merit the good shit, though.
  41. [11:54] Ana Ka'rimah: purses her lips. The implants weren't super stellar by any means but whoever was setting them up had clear knowledge that would put them a cut above your typical street mangler. The rich and famous had their personal physicians, of course, but could it be that a doctor who didn't make it in the field turned to the underground for income? After all, ethics violations were startlingly common. What would someone do if they lost their job at the hospital? "How's that search coming?" She asks of her assistant, noting down the changes to his endocrine system.
  43. [11:56] Annivir Kali Leiting (redanze): The assistant hums, seeming a bit frustrated. "Very little. This precinct this lady comes from alone has a bunch of hits, but... well, I was thinking, these gangs are big, right? Like REALLY big. They might not have even gotten these at their own district... and even if they did, there's no hits for this kind of specialist in the area who arent currently working at a Chimera hospital full-time."
  45. [11:59] Ana Ka'rimah: would stroke her chin but blood soaked gloves suggested that was probably a bad idea. "Equally, I don't think they'd get surgery outside of their territory at least. That'd put their members and operation at risk. Expand the search to cover their entire territory and whatever districts that includes. And see if any of our friends still working at Chimera have any disciplinary or ethics violations. They might also like making money under the table."
  47. [12:02] Annivir Kali Leiting (redanze): The assistant goes pale as the order is given, but diligently does the search anyway... having to ask the other assistant to help and go through the list in reverse. Seems the gangs had loooots of turf. "... holy shit." The two assistants compare notes. "Erm... Well... At least twelve hundred hits."
  48. [12:03] Annivir Kali Leiting (redanze): "I could try to start refining based on experience...?"
  50. [12:05] Ana Ka'rimah: pinches the bridge of her nose. They needed narrower search terms than what they had so far. There was only so much you could get from just looking at someone's handiwork. Leaning on the autopsy table, she chews on her bottom lip. "Do that. Narrow it based on experience. Only consider ethics or disciplinary violations that have to do with unregistered patients or cases involving any patients discovered to have a fake identity."
  52. [12:08] Ana Ka'rimah: adds, "We're looking for someone at the very least with a history in neurosurgery, endocrinology and cybernetics."
  54. [12:12] Annivir Kali Leiting (redanze): "Still several hundred hits... the most experienced seem to be... shivan? Not a surprise there...hmm." The assistant looks through things, trying a few different searches at a time. "Most experienced are several shivan doctors, a few with records of ethics violations and experimental procedures... some were part of Chimera's experimental medical procedures research... at least ten hits of those alone though." As a whole, there seemed to be dozens of options... "There uh, a lot of these people are... very well accredited. Neurosurgery, Cybernetic modification, microsurgery.... A hundred hits with all three of those at a minimum, ma'am. Three hundred with at least two of the three. Erm... " The assistant thinks. "What if they're using multiple shops? Or have someone in house only? Reasonably speaking, maybe they've got some information somewhere as to how they'd schedule that...? Erm, if i may... would it not be a bad idea to let an injured one of them go from a fight and then tail them to where they go to get patched up?"
  56. [12:17] Ana Ka'rimah: lets her head fall back and groans quietly. "Goddamn humans and your thrice-damned megacities. You knew every body in your town back in Titan because it wasn't a sprawling metropolis." The cat begins sewing the stiff back up after giving him the same treatment as the other lady. "That's a job for Tactical. I'll broach the idea with them but our concern is only what is in this room. The one who escaped that fight was even more kitted out than these two idiots. I shudder to imagine there's a ring of shops out there kitting out super soldiers." Her lips purse and she rubs her chin. "I wonder if they'd be posing as a free clinic or something... with a gang this large people get wounded every day. What other way would there be to hide such a large concentration of patients...?"
  57. [12:20] Annivir Kali Leiting (redanze): "It might be a good idea to get an analysis of the types of street clinics each of the major potentials run?" The assistant was at least trying to be helpful! "The other three seem even more augmented than these two... well, what's left of them..."
  59. [12:22] Ana Ka'rimah: turns on the water to hose the blood off the bottom of the basin while she gestures for the other diener to remove his corpse. "Ostensibly. It'll take a little more digging but I will bring what we have to EIA at the end and see if they are privvy to more information than we have access to." Watching the red-water drain away, she mumbles, "What use is all this regulation if it doesn't matter in the end...."
  61. [12:25] Annivir Kali Leiting (redanze): "If- if I can get a more narrow search i'll um, let you know, boss." One of the assistants says, while the other puts the body back.
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