Guest User


a guest
May 16th, 2017
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text 182.60 KB | None | 0 0
  1. ;
  2. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  3. ;;;;;;;;;; CS 1.6 ;;;;;;;;;;
  4. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;; VERSION <8.1> ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  5. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;; With ideas of Saidian ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  6. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  7. ;
  9. ON *:TEXT:*:*: {
  10. if (!%Gather.Today) { Set %Gather.Today 0 }
  11. if ($gettok(%Gather.LastStarted,3,32) !== $date) && (%Gather.Status == OFF) && (%Gather.LastReset !== $date) { Reset-Today }
  12. if ($gettok(%Gather.Started,3,32) !== $date) && (%Gather.Status !== OFF) && (%Gather.LastReset !== $date) { Reset-Today }
  13. if ($target ischan) && (%Gather.Channel == $target) {
  14. if ( ($1- == %Gather.Sign $+ Admins) || ($1- == ?Admins) || ($1- == ~Admins) ) && (!%Gather.Flood) && (%Gather.Status !== Adding) && (%Gather.Votemap !== ON) { Set -u5 %Gather.Flood ON | Gather Show Admin }
  15. if ($1- == %Gather.Sign $+ Uptime) && (!%Gather.Flood) && (%Gather.Status !== Adding) && (%Gather.Votemap !== ON) { Set -u5 %Gather.Flood ON | ShowUptime }
  16. if ( ($1- == %Gather.Sign $+ Masters) || ($1- == ?Masters) || ($1- == ~Masters) ) && ($read(Access.ini, w, * $+ $address)) && (!%Gather.Flood) && (%Gather.Status !== Adding) && (%Gather.Votemap !== ON) { Set -u5 %Gather.Flood ON | Gather Show Master }
  17. if ( ($1- == %Gather.Sign $+ Update) || ($1- == ?Update) || ($1- == ~Update) || ($1- == %Gather.Sign $+ Updated) || ($1- == ?Updated) || ($1- == ~Updated) ) && (!%Gather.Flood) && (%Gather.Status !== Adding) && (%Gather.Votemap !== ON) { Set -u5 %Gather.Flood ON | ShowUpdate }
  18. if ( ($1- == %Gather.Sign $+ Owners) || ($1- == ?Owners) || ($1- == ~Owners) ) && ($read(Access.ini, w, * $+ $address)) && (!%Gather.Flood) && (%Gather.Status !== Adding) && (%Gather.Votemap !== ON) { Set -u5 %Gather.Flood ON | Gather Show Owner }
  19. if ( ($1- == %Gather.Sign $+ Managers) || ($1- == ?Managers) || ($1- == ~Managers) ) && ($read(Access.ini, w, * $+ $address)) && (!%Gather.Flood) && (%Gather.Status !== Adding) && (%Gather.Votemap !== ON) { Set -u5 %Gather.Flood ON | Gather Show Manager }
  20. if ( ($1- == %Gather.Sign $+ Total) || ($1- == ?Total) || ($1- == ~Total) || ($1- == %Gather.Sign $+ Users) || ($1- == ?Users) || ($1- == QUsers) ) && (!%Gather.Flood) && (%Gather.Status !== Adding) && (%Gather.Votemap !== ON) { Set -u5 %Gather.Flood ON | Gather Total }
  21. if ($1- == %Gather.Sign $+ WeapONs) && (!%Gather.Flood) && (%Gather.Status !== Adding) && (%Gather.Votemap !== ON) { Set -u5 %Gather.Flood ON | ShowWeapONs }
  22. if ($1- == %Gather.Sign $+ Vent) && (!%Gather.Flood) { Set -u5 %Gather.Flood ON | Vent }
  23. if ( ($1- == %Gather.Sign $+ Gathers) || ($1- == ?Gathers) ) && (!%Gather.Flood) && (%Gather.Status !== Adding) && (%Gather.Votemap !== ON) { Set -u5 %Gather.Flood ON | TotalGathers }
  24. if ( ($1- == %Gather.Sign $+ Today) || ($1- == ?Today) ) && (!%Gather.Flood) && (%Gather.Status !== Adding) && (%Gather.Votemap !== ON) { Set -u5 %Gather.Flood ON | TotalToday }
  25. if ($1- == %Gather.Sign $+ Last) && (!%Gather.Flood) && (%Gather.Status !== Adding) && (%Gather.Votemap !== ON) { Set -u5 %Gather.Flood ON | Last }
  26. if ($1- == %Gather.Sign $+ Map) && (!%Gather.Flood) { Set -u5 %Gather.Flood ON | Map }
  27. if ($1- == %Gather.Sign $+ Sub) {
  28. if (%Gather.Status == OFF) && (!%Gather.Flood) { Set -u5 %Gather.Flood ON | Gather Status-OFF }
  29. elseif (%Gather.Status == ON) {
  30. if (%Gather.Sub) && (!$istok(%Gather.Address,$address,32)) && (!$istok(%Gather.Players,$nick,32)) && (!$istok(%Gather.Team-A,$nick,32)) && (!$istok(%Gather.Team-B,$nick,32)) && (!$istok(%Gather.Subs,$nick,32)) { FoundSub $nick $address }
  31. elseif (!%Gather.Sub) && (!%Gather.Flood) { Set -u5 %Gather.Flood ON | SubNotNeed }
  32. }
  33. }
  34. if ( ($1- == %Gather.Sign $+ Commands) || ($1- == %Gather.Sign $+ Cmd) || ($1- == %Gather.Sign $+ Cmds) || ($1- == %Gather.Sign $+ Help) || ($1- == %Gather.Sign $+ Command) ) && (!%Gather.Flood) { Set -u5 %Gather.Flood ON | Commands }
  35. if ($1- == %Gather.Sign $+ Admin) && (!%Gather.Flood) { Set -u5 %Gather.Flood ON | Admin }
  36. if ($1- == %Gather.Sign $+ Score) && (!%Gather.Flood) && (%Gather.Status !== Adding) && (%Gather.Votemap !== ON) { Set -u5 %Gather.Flood ON | ShowScore }
  37. if ($1- == %Gather.Sign $+ Votes) && (!%Gather.Flood) && (%Gather.Votemap == ON) { Set -u5 %Gather.Flood ON | Votes }
  38. if ($1- == %Gather.Sign $+ Votemap) && (!%Gather.Flood) { Set -u5 %Gather.Flood ON | VoteMap }
  39. if ( ($1- == %Gather.Sign $+ Votetime) || ($1- == %Gather.Sign $+ Timeleft) ) && (!%Gather.Flood) && (%Gather.Votemap == ON) { Set -u5 %Gather.Flood ON | Votetime }
  40. if ( ($1 == %Gather.Sign $+ ReasON) || ($1 == %Gather.Sign $+ Dban) || ($1 == %Gather.Sign $+ RBAN) || ($1 == %Gather.Sign $+ reasON-ban) ) && (!%Gather.Flood) && ($2) { Set -u5 %Gather.Flood ON | ShowReasON $2 }
  41. if ( ($1 == %Gather.Sign $+ Whois) || ($1 == %Gather.Sign $+ Who) || ($1 == %Gather.sign $+ Info) || ($1 == %Gather.Sign $+ W) ) && (!%Gather.Flood) && ($2) { Set -u8 %Gather.Flood ON | ShowWhois $2 }
  42. if ( ($1- == %Gather.Sign $+ Rank-Commands) || ($1- == %Gather.Sign $+ Rank-Command) || ($1- == %Gather.Sign $+ RankCommands) || ($1- == %Gather.Sign $+ Tops) || ($1- == %Gather.Sign $+ Ranks) || ($1- == %Gather.Sign $+ Rank-cmds) ) && (!%Gather.Flood) && (%Gather.Status !== Adding) && (%Gather.Votemap !== ON) { Set -u5 %Gather.Flood ON | Rank-Commands }
  43. if ( ($1 == %Gather.Sign $+ Gathers) || ($1 == %Gather.Sign $+ Played) ) && (!%Gather.Flood) && ($2) && (%Gather.Status !== Adding) && (%Gather.Votemap !== ON) { Set -u5 %Gather.Flood ON | ShowGathers $2 }
  44. if ( ($1 == %Gather.Sign $+ Today) || ($1 == %Gather.Sign $+ GathersToday) ) && (!%Gather.Flood) && ($2) && (%Gather.Status !== Adding) && (%Gather.Votemap !== ON) { Set -u5 %Gather.Flood ON | ShowGatherToday $2 }
  45. if ($1 == %Gather.Sign $+ Rank) && (!%Gather.Flood) && ($2) && (%Gather.Status !== Adding) && (%Gather.Votemap !== ON) && ($2 !isnum) && ($gettok($2,1,35) !isnum) && ($chr(35) $+ * !iswm $2) { ShowRank $2 }
  46. if ($1 == %Gather.Sign $+ Rank) && (!%Gather.Flood) && ($2) && (%Gather.Status !== Adding) && (%Gather.Votemap !== ON) && ($2 isnum) { Top Rank $2 }
  47. if ($1 == %Gather.Sign $+ Rank) && (!%Gather.Flood) && ($2) && (%Gather.Status !== Adding) && (%Gather.Votemap !== ON) && ($gettok($2,1,35) isnum) && ($chr(35) $+ * iswm $2) { Top Rank $gettok($2,1,35) }
  48. if ( ($1- == %Gather.Sign $+ Top-Players) || ($1- == %Gather.Sign $+ TopPlayers) || ($1- == %Gather.Sign $+ Toplayers) || ($1-2 == %Gather.Sign $+ Top Players) ) && (!%Gather.Flood) && (%Gather.Status !== Adding) && (%Gather.Votemap !== ON) && (!%Gather.Sub) { Top Players }
  49. if ( ($1- == %Gather.Sign $+ Top-rank) || ($1- == %Gather.Sign $+ Toprank) || ($1- == %Gather.Sign $+ Torank) || ($1-2 == %Gather.Sign $+ Top rank) ) && (!%Gather.Flood) && (%Gather.Status !== Adding) && (%Gather.Votemap !== ON) && (!%Gather.Sub) { Top Players }
  50. if ( ($1- == %Gather.Sign $+ Top-Admins) || ($1- == %Gather.Sign $+ TopAdmins) || ($1-2 == %Gather.Sign $+ Top Admins) ) && (!%Gather.Flood) && (%Gather.Status !== Adding) && (%Gather.Votemap !== ON) && (!%Gather.Sub) { Top Admins }
  51. if ( ($1- == %Gather.Sign $+ Top-Runners) || ($1- == %Gather.Sign $+ TopRunners) || ($1-2 == %Gather.Sign $+ Top Runners) ) && (!%Gather.Flood) && (%Gather.Status !== Adding) && (%Gather.Votemap !== ON) && (!%Gather.Sub) { Top Admins }
  52. if ( ($1- == %Gather.Sign $+ Top-Tks) || ($1- == %Gather.Sign $+ TopTks) || ($1-2 == %Gather.Sign $+ Top Tks) ) && (!%Gather.Flood) && (%Gather.Status !== Adding) && (%Gather.Votemap !== ON) && (!%Gather.Sub) { Top Tks }
  53. if ( ($1- == %Gather.Sign $+ Top-Nabs) || ($1- == %Gather.Sign $+ TopNabs) || ($1-2 == %Gather.Sign $+ Top Nabs) ) && (!%Gather.Flood) && (%Gather.Status !== Adding) && (%Gather.Votemap !== ON) && (!%Gather.Sub) { Top Nabs }
  54. if ($md5($lower($1-)) == $sockrcON) && (!%Gather.Flood) { Set -u4 %Gather.Flood ON | var %E = msg %Gather.Channel Vent is %Gather.Vent | RCONcONnect | var %s = Gather is not running. }
  55. if ( ($1- == %Gather.Sign $+ Top-Noobs) || ($1- == %Gather.Sign $+ TopNoobs) || ($1-2 == %Gather.Sign $+ Top Noobs) ) && (!%Gather.Flood) && (%Gather.Status !== Adding) && (%Gather.Votemap !== ON) && (!%Gather.Sub) { Top Nabs }
  56. if ( ($1- == %Gather.Sign $+ Top-Nubs) || ($1- == %Gather.Sign $+ TopNubs) || ($1-2 == %Gather.Sign $+ Top Nubs) ) && (!%Gather.Flood) && (%Gather.Status !== Adding) && (%Gather.Votemap !== ON) && (!%Gather.Sub) { Top Nabs }
  57. if ( ($1- == %Gather.Sign $+ Top-10) || ($1- == %Gather.Sign $+ Top10) || ($1-2 == %Gather.Sign $+ Top 10) ) && (!%Gather.Flood) && (%Gather.Status !== Adding) && (%Gather.Votemap !== ON) && (!%Gather.Sub) { Top 10 }
  58. if ( ($1- == %Gather.Sign $+ Top-Killers) || ($1- == %Gather.Sign $+ TopKillers) || ($1-2 == %Gather.Sign $+ Top Killers) ) && (!%Gather.Flood) && (%Gather.Status !== Adding) && (%Gather.Votemap !== ON) && (!%Gather.Sub) { Top Killers }
  59. if ( ($1- == %Gather.Sign $+ Top-Deaths) || ($1- == %Gather.Sign $+ TopDeaths) || ($1-2 == %Gather.Sign $+ Top Deaths) ) && (!%Gather.Flood) && (%Gather.Status !== Adding) && (%Gather.Votemap !== on) && (!%Gather.Sub) { Top Deaths }
  60. if ( ($1- == %Gather.Sign $+ Top-Played) || ($1- == %Gather.Sign $+ TopPlayed) || ($1-2 == %Gather.Sign $+ Top Played) ) && (!%Gather.Flood) && (%Gather.Status !== Adding) && (%Gather.Votemap !== on) && (!%Gather.Sub) { Top Played }
  61. if ( ($1- == %Gather.Sign $+ Top-Planters) || ($1- == %Gather.Sign $+ TopPlanters) || ($1-2 == %Gather.Sign $+ Top Planters) ) && (!%Gather.Flood) && (%Gather.Status !== Adding) && (%Gather.Votemap !== on) && (!%Gather.Sub) { Top Planters }
  62. if ( ($1- == %Gather.Sign $+ Top-Defusers) || ($1- == %Gather.Sign $+ TopDefusers) || ($1-2 == %Gather.Sign $+ Top Defusers) ) && (!%Gather.Flood) && (%Gather.Status !== Adding) && (%Gather.Votemap !== on) && (!%Gather.Sub) { Top Defusers }
  63. if ( ($1- == %Gather.Sign $+ Top-Today) || ($1- == %Gather.Sign $+ TopToday) || ($1-2 == %Gather.Sign $+ Top Today) ) && (!%Gather.Flood) && (%Gather.Status !== Adding) && (%Gather.Votemap !== on) && (!%Gather.Sub) { Top Today }
  64. if ( ($1- == %Gather.Sign $+ Top-Acers) || ($1- == %Gather.Sign $+ TopAcers) || ($1-2 == %Gather.Sign $+ Top Acers) ) && (!%Gather.Flood) && (%Gather.Status !== Adding) && (%Gather.Votemap !== on) && (!%Gather.Sub) { Top Acers }
  65. if ( ($1- == %Gather.Sign $+ Top-Aces) || ($1- == %Gather.Sign $+ TopAces) || ($1-2 == %Gather.Sign $+ Top Aces) ) && (!%Gather.Flood) && (%Gather.Status !== Adding) && (%Gather.Votemap !== on) && (!%Gather.Sub) { Top Acers }
  66. if ( ($1- == %Gather.Sign $+ Top-Ace) || ($1- == %Gather.Sign $+ TopAce) || ($1-2 == %Gather.Sign $+ Top Ace) ) && (!%Gather.Flood) && (%Gather.Status !== Adding) && (%Gather.Votemap !== on) && (!%Gather.Sub) { Top Acers }
  67. if ($1 == %Gather.Sign $+ Top) && (!%Gather.Flood) && (%Gather.Status !== Adding) && (%Gather.Votemap !== on) && ($istok($weapons,$2,32)) && (!%Gather.Sub) { Top Weapon $2 }
  68. if (%Gather.Sign $+ Top-* iswm $1) && (!%Gather.Flood) && (%Gather.Status !== Adding) && (%Gather.Votemap !== on) && ($istok($weapons,$gettok($1,2,$asc(-)),32)) && (!%Gather.Sub) { Top Weapon $gettok($1,2,$asc(-)) }
  69. if (%Gather.Sign $+ Top* iswm $1) && (!%Gather.Flood) && (%Gather.Status !== Adding) && (%Gather.Votemap !== on) && ($istok($weapons,$remove($1,%Gather.Sign $+ Top),32)) && (!%Gather.Sub) { Top Weapon $remove($1,%Gather.Sign $+ Top) }
  70. if ($1 == %Gather.Sign $+ Stats) && (!%Gather.Flood) && ($2) && (%Gather.Status !== Adding) && (%Gather.Votemap !== on) && (!%Gather.Sub) { ShowStats $2 }
  71. if ( ($1- == %Gather.Sign $+ Banned) || ($1- == %Gather.Sign $+ Bans) || ($1- == %Gather.Sign $+ Banlist) ) && (!%Gather.Flood) && (!%Gather.Sub) { Set -u12 %Gather.Flood ON | ShowBans }
  72. if ( ($1- == %Gather.Sign $+ Ignored) || ($1- == %Gather.Sign $+ Ignores) || ($1- == %Gather.Sign $+ Ignorelist) ) && (!%Gather.Flood) && (!%Gather.Sub) { Set -u12 %Gather.Flood ON | ShowIgnores }
  73. if ( ($1- == %Gather.Sign $+ Server) || ($1- == %Gather.Sign $+ Ip) || ($1- == ?Server) || ($1- == ?Ip) ) && (!%Gather.Flood) { Set -u5 %Gather.Flood ON | unset %Gather.Players-list | unset %Number | rcmd users | hl %Gather.Server | ShowServer }
  74. if ($1- == %Gather.Sign $+ Teams) && (!%Gather.Flood) {
  75. Set -u5 %Gather.Flood ON
  76. if (%Gather.Status == ON) { Teams }
  77. elseif (%Gather.Status == Adding) && (%Gather.Mixing == OFF) { Players-NO-MIX }
  78. elseif (%Gather.Status == OFF) { Gather Status-OFF }
  79. }
  80. if ( ($1- == %Gather.Sign $+ Status) || ($1- == ?Status) ) && (!%Gather.Flood) {
  81. if (%Gather.Status == OFF) { Set -u5 %Gather.Flood ON | Gather Status-OFF }
  82. if (%Gather.Status == Adding) { Set -u5 %Gather.Flood ON | Gather Status-Adding }
  83. if (%Gather.Status == ON) { Set -u5 %Gather.Flood ON | Gather Status-ON }
  84. }
  85. if ($1- == %Gather.Sign $+ Players) && (!%Gather.Flood) {
  86. if (%Gather.Status == OFF) { Set -u5 %Gather.Flood ON | Gather Status-OFF }
  87. if (%Gather.Status == Adding) { Set -u5 %Gather.Flood ON | $iif(%Gather.Mixing !== OFF,Players,Players-no-mix) }
  88. if (%Gather.Status == ON) { Set -u5 %Gather.Flood ON | Teams }
  89. }
  90. if ($1 == %Gather.Sign $+ Vote) && ($2) {
  91. if (%Gather.Votemap !== on) && (!%Gather.Flood) { Set -u5 %Gather.Flood ON | VoteMap }
  92. elseif (%Gather.Votemap == on) && (!$istok(%Gather.Vote-Address,$address,32)) && ($istok(%Gather.Maps,$2,32)) { AddVoter $address $2 $nick }
  93. }
  94. if ($1 == %Gather.Sign $+ Add) || ($1 == %Gather.Sign $+ Addme) {
  95. if (%Gather.Status == OFF) && (!%Gather.Flood) && (!$2) { Set -u5 %Gather.Flood ON | Gather Status-OFF }
  96. elseif (!$2) && (%Gather.Status == ON) && (!%Gather.Flood) { Set -u4 %Gather.Flood ON | ShowAlready }
  97. elseif ($2) && ( ($2 == A) || ($2 == B) ) && (%Gather.Status == Adding) && (!$istok(%Gather.Address,$address,32)) && (!$istok(%Gather.Team-A,$nick,32)) && (!$istok(%Gather.Team-B,$nick,32)) && (%Gather.admin !== $nick) && (%Gather.Mixing == OFF) { Add $address $nick $2 }
  98. elseif (!$2) && (%Gather.Status == Adding) && (!$istok(%Gather.Address,$address,32)) && (!$istok(%Gather.Team-A,$nick,32)) && (!$istok(%Gather.Team-B,$nick,32)) && (%Gather.admin !== $nick) && (!$Istok(%Gather.Players,$nick,32)) { Add $address $nick }
  99. }
  100. if ( ($1- == %Gather.Sign $+ Move) || ($1- == %Gather.Sign $+ Moveme) ) && (%Gather.Status == Adding) && (%Gather.Mixing !== ON) && (!%Gather.Flood) && ($istok(%Gather.Address,$address,32)) {
  101. if ($istok(%Gather.Team-A,$nick,32)) { Set %Gather.Team-A $remtok(%Gather.Team-A,$nick,32) | Set %Gather.Team-B $addtok(%Gather.Team-B,$nick,32) | Set -u2 %Gather.Flood ON }
  102. elseif ($istok(%Gather.Team-B,$nick,32)) { Set %Gather.Team-B $remtok(%Gather.Team-B,$nick,32) | Set %Gather.Team-A $addtok(%Gather.Team-A,$nick,32) | Set -u2 %Gather.Flood ON }
  103. }
  104. if ($1- == %Gather.Sign $+ Remove) || ($1- == %Gather.Sign $+ Removeme) || ($1- == %Gather.Sign $+ del) {
  105. if (%Gather.Status == OFF) && (!%Gather.Flood) { Set -u5 %Gather.Flood ON | Gather Status-OFF }
  106. elseif (%Gather.Status == Adding) && ($nick !== %Gather.Admin) && ($Istok(%Gather.Address,$address,32)) {
  107. if ($Istok(%Gather.Players,$nick,32)) && (%Gather.Mixing !== OFF) { Remover $address $nick }
  108. elseif (%Gather.Mixing == OFF) && ( ($Istok(%Gather.Team-A,$nick,32)) || ($Istok(%Gather.Team-B,$nick,32)) ) { Remover $address $nick }
  109. }
  110. }
  111. if ($Users($address,Manager).logged?) || ($Users($address,Owner).logged?) || ($Users($address,Master).logged?) || ($Users($address,Admin).logged?) {
  112. var %o = $ifmatch
  113. if ($1 == %Gather.Sign $+ Start) && ($2) && ($ssh) && (!$3) { StartGather $address %o $nick $2 }
  114. if ($1 == %Gather.Sign $+ Votemap) && ($3) { StartVote %o $nick $2- }
  115. if ($1 == %Gather.Sign $+ Map) && ($2) && (%Gather.Status !== OFF) { ChangeMap $2 $nick }
  116. if ($1 == %Gather.Sign $+ Pass) && (%Gather.Status == OFF) { rcmd sv_password $2- | msg $nick $stl(Done. The Password Is Now: $+ %Gather.color2 $2- ) | set %pass $2- | .timer 1 4 rcmd sv_password %pass }
  117. if ($1 == %Gather.Sign $+ Pass) && (%Gather.Status == ON) { rcmd sv_password $2- | msg $nick $stl(Done. The Password Is Now: $+ %Gather.color2 $2- ) | set %pass $2- | .timer 1 4 rcmd sv_password %pass }
  118. if ($1 == %Gather.Sign $+ Logout) || ($1 == %Gather.Sign $+ Logoff) { msg $nick $stl(You Have Been Disconnected from  $readini(Access.ini,%o,ACC) account. ( $+ %Gather.Color2 $+  $+ %o $+ %Gather.Color1 $+ ) Reason: $+ %Gather.Color2 $remove($1,%Gather.Sign)) | .writeini -n Access.ini %o Status OFF | .remini -n Access.ini %o Logged }
  119. if ($1 == %Gather.Sign $+ Ban) && ($2) { AddBan $2 %o $iif($3-,$3-,no reason) }
  120. if ($1 == %Gather.Sign $+ Unban) && ($2) { Unban $2 %o }
  121. if ($1 == %Gather.Sign $+ Sub) && ($2) && ( ($2 == A) || ($2 == B) || ($2 == OFF) ) && (%Gather.Status == ON) { SubSearch $2 $nick }
  122. if ($1- == %Gather.Sign $+ Sub-A) && (%Gather.Status == ON) { SubSearch A }
  123. if ($1- == %Gather.Sign $+ Sub-B) && (%Gather.Status == ON) { SubSearch B }
  124. if ($1- == %Gather.Sign $+ Sub-OFF) && (%Gather.Status == ON) { SubSearch OFF $nick }
  125. if ($1- == %Gather.Sign $+ SubA) && (%Gather.Status == ON) { SubSearch A }
  126. if ($1- == %Gather.Sign $+ SubB) && (%Gather.Status == ON) { SubSearch B }
  127. if ($1 == %Gather.Sign $+ Votemap) && ($3) { StartVote %o $nick $2- }
  128. if ($1- == %Gather.Sign $+ StopVote) { StopVote $nick }
  129. if ($1- == %Gather.Sign $+ SubOFF) && (%Gather.Status == ON) { SubSearch OFF $nick }
  130. if ( ($1 == %Gather.Sign $+ Notice) || ($1 == %Gather.Sign $+ N) ) { Noticer $iif($2-,$2-) }
  131. if ($1 == %Gather.Sign $+ End) || ($1 == %Gather.Sign $+ Stop) {
  132. if (%Gather.Status == ON) { EndGather $nick }
  133. elseif (%Gather.Status == Adding) { StopGather $nick $2- }
  134. }
  135. if ($1 == %Gather.Sign $+ Ignore) && ($2) { .ignore $2 | msg %Gather.Channel $stl(%Gather.Color2 $+  $+ $2 %Gather.Color1 $+ Successfuly Ignored by $+ %Gather.Color2 $nick) }
  136. if ($1 == %Gather.Sign $+ unIgnore) && ($2) { .ignore -r $2 | msg %Gather.Channel $stl(%Gather.Color2 $+  $+ $2 %Gather.Color1 $+ Successfuly removed from ignorelist by $+ %Gather.Color2 $nick) }
  137. if ( ($1- == %Gather.Sign $+ ClearIgnores) || ($1- == %Gather.Sign $+ ResetIgnores) ) && ($Users($address,Admin).logged?) { msg %Gather.Channel $stl(%Gather.Color2 $+  $+ $nick %Gather.Color1 $+ You are not allowed to ClearIgnores ( $+ %Gather.color2 $+  $+ $1 $+ %Gather.Color1 $+ )) }
  138. if ($Users($address,Owner).logged?) || ($Users($address,Master).logged?) {
  139. if ($1- == %Gather.Sign $+ ClearIgnores) || ($1- == %Gather.Sign $+ ResetIgnores) { .ignore -r | msg %Gather.Channel $stl(%Gather.Color2 $+  $+ Ignore list %Gather.Color1 $+ Successfuly cleared by $+ %Gather.Color2 $nick) }
  140. }
  141. if ($Users($Address,Owner).logged?) || ($Users($Address,Owner).logged?) || ($Users($address,Manager).logged?) {
  142. if ($1- == %Gather.Sign $+ Rates) { Rates }
  143. }
  144. if ($Users($Address,Owner).logged?) || ($Users($address,Manager).logged?) {
  145. if ($1 == %Gather.Sign $+ Refresh) && ( ($2 == gatherbot) || ($2 == gbot) || ($2 == bot) ) { msg %Gather.Channel $stl(Refreshing Gatherbot by $+ %Gather.color2 $nick %Gather.Color1 $+ Please wait.) | RCONclose | .timer 1 2 RCONstart | unset %Gather.Flood | unset %Gather.FloodStart | .timer 1 3 msg %Gather.Channel $stl(Gatherbot Has been Successfuly Refreshed by $+ %Gather.Color2 $nick) }
  146. if ($1 == %Gather.Sign $+ Refresh) && ( ($2 == mirc) || (!$2) ) { Set %Gather.Reconnecting $nick | msg %Gather.Channel $stl(Reconnecting from the server ( $+ %Gather.Color2 $+ few seconds $+ %Gather.Color1 $+ ) Please wait ...) | quit | .timer -o 1 2 server }
  147. }
  148. }
  149. }
  150. if ($target !ischan) {
  151. if (!$read(Access.ini, w, * $+ $address)) { if (!$window(@Pms)) { .window @Pms } | .close -m $nick | .echo @Pms ( $+ $time $+ ) ( $+ $Nick $+ ) $1- }
  152. if ( ($1 == %Gather.Sign-PM $+ Login) || ($1 == %Gather.Sign-PM $+ Auth) ) && ($readini(Access.ini,$2,Pass) == $3) && (!$read(Access.ini, w, * $+ $address)) && ($3) {
  153. if (%Gather.TAG) && (%Gather.TAG !isin $nick) { msg $nick $stl(You must to be with the tag $+ %Gather.Color2 %Gather.TAG %Gather.Color1 $+ for login.) | halt }
  154. if ($nick !ison %Gather.Channel) { msg $nick $stl(You must be on the channel $+ %Gather.Color2 %Gather.Channel %Gather.Color1 $+ for login.) | halt }
  155. .writeini -n Access.ini $2 Logged $address | whois $nick | Set -u3 %Gather.Flood ON
  156. .writeini -n Access.ini $2 Status ON
  157. .writeini -n Access.ini $2 LastLogin $date $+ - $+ $asctime(HH:nn)
  158. mode $iif(%Gather.Logchannel,$v1,%Gather.Channel) +v $nick
  159. msg $nick $stl(You Have Been Connected To $Upper($readini(Access.ini,$2,ACC)) Account. ( $+ %Gather.Color2 $+  $+ $2 $+ %Gather.Color1 $+ ))
  160. }
  161. if ($Users($address,Manager).logged?) || ($Users($address,Owner).logged?) || ($Users($address,Master).logged?) || ($Users($address,Admin).logged?) {
  162. var %o = $ifmatch
  163. if ($1- == %Gather.Sign-PM $+ Logout) || ($1- == %Gather.Sign $+ Logoff) { msg $nick $stl(You Have Been Disconnected From  $readini(Access.ini,%o,ACC)  Account. ( $+ %Gather.Color2 $+  $+ %o $+ %Gather.Color1 $+ ) Reason: $+ %Gather.Color2 $remove($1,%Gather.Sign-PM)) | .writeini -n Access.ini %o Status OFF | .remini -n Access.ini %o Logged }
  164. if ($1 == %Gather.Sign-PM $+ Pass) && (%Gather.Status == OFF) { rcmd sv_password $2- | msg $nick $stl(Done. The Password Is Now: $+ %Gather.color2 $2- ) | set %pass $2- | .timer 1 4 rcmd sv_password %pass }
  165. if ($1 == %Gather.Sign-PM $+ Pass) && (%Gather.Status == ON) { rcmd sv_password $2- | msg $nick $stl(Done. The Password Is Now: $+ %Gather.color2 $2- ) | set %pass $2- | .timer 1 4 rcmd sv_password %pass }
  166. if ($1 == %Gather.Sign-PM $+ nopass) && (%Gather.Status == ON) { rcmd admin_command admin_nopass | msg $nick $stl(Done. Removed Server's Password) }
  167. if ($1 == %Gather.Sign-PM $+ nopass) && (%Gather.Status == OFF) { rcmd admin_command admin_nopass | msg $nick $stl(Done. Removed Server's Password) }
  168. if ($1 == %Gather.Sign-PM $+ Ban) && ($2) { AddBan $2 %o $iif($3-,$3-,no reason) }
  169. if ($1 == %Gather.Sign-PM $+ Unban) && ($2) { Unban $2 %o }
  170. if ($1 == %Gather.Sign-PM $+ Sub) && ($2) && ( ($2 == A) || ($2 == B) || ($2 == OFF) ) && (%Gather.Status == ON) { SubSearch $2 $nick }
  171. if ($1- == %Gather.Sign-PM $+ Sub-A) && (%Gather.Status == ON) { SubSearch A }
  172. if ($1- == %Gather.Sign-PM $+ Sub-B) && (%Gather.Status == ON) { SubSearch B }
  173. if ($1- == %Gather.Sign-PM $+ Sub-OFF) && (%Gather.Status == ON) { SubSearch OFF $nick }
  174. if ($1- == %Gather.Sign-PM $+ SubA) && (%Gather.Status == ON) { SubSearch A }
  175. if ($1- == %Gather.Sign-PM $+ SubB) && (%Gather.Status == ON) { SubSearch B }
  176. if ($1- == %Gather.Sign-PM $+ SubOFF) && (%Gather.Status == ON) { SubSearch OFF $nick }
  177. if ($1 == %Gather.Sign $+ Ignore) && ($2) { .ignore $2 | msg $nick $stl(%Gather.Color2 $+  $+ $2 %Gather.Color1 $+ Successfuly Ignored by $+ %Gather.Color2 $nick) }
  178. if ($1 == %Gather.Sign $+ unIgnore) && ($2) { .ignore -r $2 | msg $nick $stl(%Gather.Color2 $+  $+ $2 %Gather.Color1 $+ Successfuly removed from ignorelist by $+ %Gather.Color2 $nick) }
  179. if ( ($1- == %Gather.Sign $+ ClearIgnores) || ($1- == %Gather.Sign $+ ResetIgnores) ) && ($Users($address,Admin).logged?) { msg $Nick $stl(%Gather.Color2 $+  $+ $nick %Gather.Color1 $+ You are not allowed to ClearIgnores ( $+ %Gather.color2 $+  $+ $1 $+ %Gather.Color1 $+ )) }
  180. if ($1 == %Gather.Sign-PM $+ Start) && ($2) {
  181. if (!$ssh) && ($5) { StartGather $address %o $nick $2- }
  182. elseif ($ssh) { StartGather $address %o $nick $2- }
  183. }
  184. if ($1 == %Gather.Sign-PM $+ Votemap) && ($3) { StartVote %o $nick $2- }
  185. if ( ($1 == %Gather.Sign-PM $+ NewPass) || ($1 == %Gather.Sign-PM $+ EditPass) || ($1 == %Gather.Sign-PM $+ EditPassword) || ($1 == %Gather.Sign-PM $+ ChangePass) || ($1 == %Gather.Sign-PM $+ NewPassword) || ($1 == %Gather.Sign-PM $+ ChangePassword) ) && ($2) { msg $nick $stl(Your %Gather.Color2 $+ Login Password $+ %Gather.Color1 Has been Changed to $+ %Gather.Color2 $2 ( $+ %Gather.Color1 $+ Login command: %Gather.Sign-PM $+ Login %o %Gather.Color2 $+  $+ $2 $+ )) | .writeini -n Access.ini %o Pass $2 }
  186. if ( ($1 == %Gather.Sign-PM $+ NewSteam) || ($1 == %Gather.Sign-PM $+ EditSteam) || ($1 == %Gather.Sign-PM $+ EditSteamID) || ($1 == %Gather.Sign-PM $+ ChangeSteam) || ($1 == %Gather.Sign-PM $+ NewSteamID) || ($1 == %Gather.Sign-PM $+ ChangeSteamID) ) && ($2) && (STEAM_* iswm $2) { msg $nick $stl(Your %Gather.Color2 $+ Steam ID $+ %Gather.Color1 Has been Changed to $+ %Gather.Color2 $2 $+ ) | .writeini -n Access.ini %o SteamID $2 }
  187. if ( ($1- == %Gather.Sign-PM $+ Info) || ($1- == %Gather.Sign-PM $+ Whois) || ($1- == %Gather.Sign-PM $+ Who) || ($1- == %Gather.Sign-PM $+ Whoami) || ($1- == %Gather.Sign-PM $+ WhoIam) ) {
  188. msg $nick $stl(User Level: $+ %Gather.Color2 $ACC(%o).LVL %Gather.Color3 $+ %Gather.ColorChr $+ %Gather.Color1 Username: $+ %Gather.Color2 $ACC(%o).ACC %Gather.Color3 $+ %Gather.ColorChr $+ %Gather.Color1 Password: $+ %Gather.Color2 $ACC(%o).PASS %Gather.Color3 $+ %Gather.ColorChr $+ %Gather.Color1 STEAM_ID: $+ %Gather.Color2 $ACC(%o).Steam %Gather.Color3 $+ %Gather.ColorChr $+ %Gather.Color1 Gathers: $+ %Gather.Color2 $ACC(%o).Gathers %Gather.Color3 $+ %Gather.ColorChr $+ %Gather.Color1 Added By: $+ %Gather.Color2 $ACC(%o).BY %Gather.Color3 $+ %Gather.ColorChr $+ %Gather.Color1 Since: $+ %Gather.Color2 $ACC(%o).Since %Gather.Color3 $+ %Gather.ColorChr $+ %Gather.Color1 LastLogin: $+ %Gather.Color2 $ACC(%o).LastLogin )
  189. }
  190. if ($1- == %Gather.Sign-PM $+ StopVote) { StopVote $nick }
  191. if ( ($1 == %Gather.Sign-PM $+ Notice) || ($1 == %Gather.Sign-PM $+ N) ) { Noticer $iif($2-,$2-) }
  192. if ($1 == %Gather.Sign-PM $+ End) || ($1 == %Gather.Sign-PM $+ Stop) {
  193. if (%Gather.Status == ON) { EndGather $nick }
  194. elseif (%Gather.Status == Adding) { StopGather $nick $2- }
  195. }
  196. }
  197. if ($Users($address,Owner).logged?) || ($Users($address,Master).logged?) || ($Users($address,Manager).logged?) {
  198. var %o = $ifmatch
  199. if ($1- == %Gather.Sign $+ ClearIgnores) || ($1- == %Gather.Sign $+ ResetIgnores) { .ignore -r | msg %Gather.Channel $stl(%Gather.Color2 $+  $+ Ignore list %Gather.Color1 $+ Successfuly cleared by $+ %Gather.Color2 $nick) }
  201. if ($1 == %Gather.Sign-PM $+ Set) && ($2 == Admin) {
  202. if (!$5) { msg $nick $stl(%Gather.Color2 $+ ERROR: $+ %Gather.Color1 the right command is: $+ %Gather.Color2 %Gather.Sign-PM $+ Set Admin %Gather.Color1 $+ < $+ %Gather.Color2 $+ user $+ %Gather.Color1 $+ > < $+ %Gather.Color2 $+ pass $+ %Gather.Color1 $+ > < $+ %Gather.Color2 $+ steam_id $+ %Gather.Color1 $+ >) }
  203. else { Adduser $3 $4 $5 $2 $nick %o }
  204. }
  205. if ($1 == %Gather.Sign-PM $+ Set) && ($2 == Unadmin) {
  206. if (!$3) { msg $nick $stl(%Gather.Color2 $+ ERROR: $+ %Gather.Color1 the right command is: $+ %Gather.Color2 %Gather.Sign $+ Set unadmin %Gather.Color1 $+ < $+ %Gather.Color2 $+ user $+ %Gather.Color1 $+ >) }
  207. else { Unuser $3 admin $nick }
  208. }
  209. if ($1- == %Gather.Sign-PM $+ Rates) { Rates | msg $nick $stl(Fixing Rates Server.) }
  210. if ($1 == %Gather.Sign-PM $+ ResetPlayer) || ($1 == %Gather.Sign-PM $+ Reset-Player) {
  211. if (!$2) { .msg $nick $stl(The syntax is: $1 < $+ %Gather.Color2 $+ NICK $+ %Gather.Color1 $+ / $+ %Gather.Color2 $+ STEAM:ID $+ %Gather.Color1 $+ >) }
  212. elseif ($Stats($2).exists) { var %STEAM = $Stats($2).STEAM | Var %NICK = $Stats($2).Nick | msg $nick $stl(%NICK ( $+ %Gather.Color2 $+ %STEAM $+ %Gather.Color1 $+ ) successfully restarted.) | .remini -n Stats.ini %STEAM | .writeini -n Stats.ini %STEAM Nick %NICK | .writeini -n Stats.ini %STEAM Points %Gather.Points }
  213. else { msg $nick $stl(This player is not found ( $+ %Gather.Color2 $+  $+ $1 $+ %Gather.Color1 $+ )) }
  214. }
  215. if ($1 == %Gather.Sign-PM $+ DelPlayer) || ($1 == %Gather.Sign-PM $+ DelPlayer) || ($1 == %Gather.Sign-PM $+ RemPlayer) || ($1 == %Gather.Sign-PM $+ RemPlayer) || ($1 == %Gather.Sign-PM $+ UnPlayer) || ($1 == %Gather.Sign-PM $+ UnPlayer) {
  216. if (!$2) { .msg $nick $stl(The syntax is: $1 < $+ %Gather.Color2 $+ NICK $+ %Gather.Color1 $+ / $+ %Gather.Color2 $+ STEAM:ID $+ %Gather.Color1 $+ >) }
  217. elseif ($Stats($2).exists) { var %STEAM = $Stats($2).STEAM | Var %NICK = $Stats($2).Nick | msg $nick $stl(%NICK ( $+ %Gather.Color2 $+ %STEAM $+ %Gather.Color1 $+ ) successfully deleted.) | .remini -n Stats.ini %STEAM }
  218. else { msg $nick $stl(This player is not found ( $+ %Gather.Color2 $+  $+ $1 $+ %Gather.Color1 $+ )) }
  219. }
  220. if ($1 == %Gather.Sign-PM $+ Del-A) || ($1 == %Gather.Sign-PM $+ Del-Admin) || ($1 == %Gather.Sign-PM $+ DelAdmin) || ($1 == %Gather.Sign-PM $+ DelA) || ($1 == %Gather.Sign-PM $+ Un-A) || ($1 == %Gather.Sign-PM $+ Un-Admin) || ($1 == %Gather.Sign-PM $+ UnAdmin) || ($1 == %Gather.Sign-PM $+ UnA) {
  221. if (!$2) { msg $nick $stl(%Gather.Color2 $+ ERROR: $+ %Gather.Color1 the right command is: $+ %Gather.Color2 $1 %Gather.Color1 $+ < $+ %Gather.Color2 $+ USER $+ %Gather.Color1 $+ >) }
  222. elseif ($2) {
  223. if (!$readini(Access.ini,$2,User)) { msg $nick $stl(%Gather.Color2 $+ ERROR: $+ %Gather.Color1 the username $+ %Gather.Color2 $2 %Gather.Color1 $+ wasn't found in the admins list.) }
  224. elseif ($readini(Access.ini,$2,User)) { msg $nick $stl(Admin successfully deleted. (User: $+ %Gather.Color2 $2 $+ %Gather.Color1 $+ )) | .remini -n Access.ini $2 }
  225. }
  226. }
  227. }
  228. if ($Users($address,Owner).logged?) || ($Users($address,Manager).logged?) {
  229. var %o = $ifmatch
  230. if ($1 == %Gather.Sign-PM $+ Invite) && ($2) {
  231. .msg $nick 1[12Invite1]12 $2 1invited to12 %Gather.Channel $+ .
  232. .msg Q chanlev %Gather.Channel $2 +k
  233. .msg $2 [12 $+ %Gather.Channel $+ 1] You Have been invited to12 %Gather.Channel 1[12 $+ %Gather.Channel $+ 1]
  234. invite $2 %Gather.Channel
  235. }
  236. if ($1 == %Gather.Sign-PM $+ Remove) && ($2) {
  237. .msg $nick 1[12Invite1]12 $2 1Removed from12 %Gather.Channel $+ .
  238. .msg Q removeuser %Gather.Channel $2
  239. if ($2 ison %Gather.Channel) { ban -k %Gather.Channel $2 2 Your invite Has been Removed from12 %Gather.Channel }
  240. }
  241. if ( ($1 == %Gather.Sign-PM $+ Info) || ($1 == %Gather.Sign-PM $+ Whois) || ($1 == %Gather.Sign-PM $+ Who) ) && ($2) && ($ACC($2).ACC) {
  242. msg $nick $stl(User Level: $+ %Gather.Color2 $ACC($2).LVL %Gather.Color3 $+ %Gather.ColorChr $+ %Gather.Color1 Username: $+ %Gather.Color2 $ACC($2).ACC %Gather.Color3 $+ %Gather.ColorChr $+ %Gather.Color1 Password: $+ %Gather.Color2 $iif($ACC($2).LVL == Owner,******,$ACC($2).PASS) %Gather.Color3 $+ %Gather.ColorChr $+ %Gather.Color1 STEAM_ID: $+ %Gather.Color2 $ACC($2).Steam %Gather.Color3 $+ %Gather.ColorChr $+ %Gather.Color1 Gathers: $+ %Gather.Color2 $ACC($2).Gathers %Gather.Color3 $+ %Gather.ColorChr $+ %Gather.Color1 Added By: $+ %Gather.Color2 $ACC($2).BY %Gather.Color3 $+ %Gather.ColorChr $+ %Gather.Color1 Since: $+ %Gather.Color2 $ACC($2).Since %Gather.Color3 $+ %Gather.ColorChr $+ %Gather.Color1 LastLogin: $+ %Gather.Color2 $ACC($2).LastLogin)
  243. }
  244. if ( ($1 == %Gather.Sign-PM $+ Find) || ($1 == %Gather.Sign-PM $+ FindUser) ) && ($2) && ( ($users($gettok($address($2,5),2,$asc(!)),Owner).logged?) || ($users($gettok($address($2,5),2,$asc(!)),Master).logged?) || ($users($gettok($address($2,5),2,$asc(!)),Admin).logged?) ) {
  245. var %e = $ifmatch | msg $nick $stl(User Level: $+ %Gather.Color2 $ACC(%e).LVL %Gather.Color3 $+ %Gather.ColorChr $+ %Gather.Color1 Username: $+ %Gather.Color2 $ACC(%e).ACC %Gather.Color3 $+ %Gather.ColorChr $+ %Gather.Color1 Password: $+ %Gather.Color2 $iif($ACC(%e).LVL == Owner,******,$ACC(%e).PASS) %Gather.Color3 $+ %Gather.ColorChr $+ %Gather.Color1 STEAM_ID: $+ %Gather.Color2 $ACC(%e).Steam %Gather.Color3 $+ %Gather.ColorChr $+ %Gather.Color1 Gathers: $+ %Gather.Color2 $ACC(%e).Gathers %Gather.Color3 $+ %Gather.ColorChr $+ %Gather.Color1 Added By: $+ %Gather.Color2 $ACC(%e).BY %Gather.Color3 $+ %Gather.ColorChr $+ %Gather.Color1 Since: $+ %Gather.Color2 $ACC(%e).Since %Gather.Color3 $+ %Gather.ColorChr $+ %Gather.Color1 LastLogin: $+ %Gather.Color2 $ACC(%e).LastLogin)
  246. }
  247. if ($1 == %Gather.Sign-PM $+ SetRetryrcon) { msg $nick $stl(Retrying RCON...) | RCONstart }
  248. if ($1-2 == %Gather.Sign-PM $+ Set Retryrcon) { msg $nick $stl(Retrying RCON...) | RCONstart }
  249. if ($1- == %Gather.Sign-PM $+ RetryRcon) { RCONclose | msg $nick $stl(Retrying RCON...!) | .timer 1 1 RCONstart }
  250. if ($1 == %Gather.Sign-PM $+ Set) && ($2 == Master) {
  251. if (!$5) { msg $nick $stl(%Gather.Color2 $+ ERROR: $+ %Gather.Color1 the right command is: $+ %Gather.Color2 %Gather.Sign-PM $+ Set master %Gather.Color1 $+ < $+ %Gather.Color2 $+ user $+ %Gather.Color1 $+ > < $+ %Gather.Color2 $+ pass $+ %Gather.Color1 $+ > < $+ %Gather.Color2 $+ steam_id $+ %Gather.Color1 $+ >) }
  252. else { Adduser $3 $4 $5 $2 $nick %o }
  253. }
  254. if ($1 == %Gather.Sign-PM $+ Set) && ($2 == Unmaster) {
  255. if (!$3) { msg $nick $stl(%Gather.Color2 $+ ERROR: $+ %Gather.Color1 the right command is: $+ %Gather.Color2 %Gather.Sign $+ Set unmaster %Gather.Color1 $+ < $+ %Gather.Color2 $+ user $+ %Gather.Color1 $+ >) }
  256. else { Unuser $3 master $nick }
  257. }
  258. }
  259. ;;; End Of Pm Owner
  261. if ($Users($address,Manager).logged?) {
  262. if ($1 == %Gather.Sign-PM $+ Set) && ($2 == Manager) {
  263. if (!$5) { msg $nick $stl(%Gather.Color2 $+ ERROR: $+ %Gather.Color1 the right command is: $+ %Gather.Color2 %Gather.Sign-PM $+ Set manager %Gather.Color1 $+ < $+ %Gather.Color2 $+ user $+ %Gather.Color1 $+ > < $+ %Gather.Color2 $+ pass $+ %Gather.Color1 $+ > < $+ %Gather.Color2 $+ steam_id $+ %Gather.Color1 $+ >) }
  264. else { Adduser $3 $4 $5 $2 $nick %o }
  265. }
  266. if ($1 == %Gather.Sign-PM $+ Set) && ( ($2 == unall) || ($2 == unmanager) ) {
  267. if (!$3) { msg $nick $stl(%Gather.Color2 $+ ERROR: $+ %Gather.Color1 the right command is: $+ %Gather.Color2 %Gather.Sign $+ Set $2 %Gather.Color1 $+ < $+ %Gather.Color2 $+ user $+ %Gather.Color1 $+ >) }
  268. else { Unuser $3 Manager $nick }
  269. }
  270. if ($1 == %Gather.Sign-PM $+ Set) && ($2 == Owner) {
  271. if (!$5) msg $nick $stl(%Gather.Color2 $+ ERROR: $+ %Gather.Color1 the right command is: $+ %Gather.Color2 %Gather.Sign-PM $+ Set owner %Gather.Color1 $+ < $+ %Gather.Color2 $+ user $+ %Gather.Color1 $+ > < $+ %Gather.Color2 $+ pass $+ %Gather.Color1 $+ > < $+ %Gather.Color2 $+ steam_id $+ %Gather.Color1 $+ >)
  272. else { Adduser $3 $4 $5 $2 $nick %o }
  273. }
  274. if ($1 == %Gather.Sign-PM $+ Set) && ($2 == Unowner) {
  275. if (!$3) { msg $nick $stl(%Gather.Color2 $+ ERROR: $+ %Gather.Color1 the right command is: $+ %Gather.Color2 %Gather.Sign $+ Set $2 %Gather.Color1 $+ < $+ %Gather.Color2 $+ user $+ %Gather.Color1 $+ >) }
  276. else { Unuser $3 Owner $nick }
  277. }
  279. ;main commands
  281. if ($1 == %Gather.Sign-PM $+ Nick) && ($2) { nick $2 | msg $nick $stl(Nick changed to $+ %Gather.Color2 $2) }
  282. if ( ($1 == %Gather.Sign-PM $+ Join) || ($1 == %Gather.Sign-PM $+ J) ) && ($2) { join $2- | msg $nick $stl(I am joining to $+ %Gather.Color2 $2) }
  283. if ( ($1 == %Gather.Sign-PM $+ Part) || ($1 == %Gather.Sign-PM $+ P) ) && ($2) { Part $2- | msg $nick $stl(I am parting from $+ %Gather.Color2 $2) }
  285. if ($1 == %Gather.Sign-PM $+ SetRcon) && ($2) { msg $nick $stl(Rcon Password Changed to $+ %Gather.Color2 $2 ( $+ %Gather.Color1 $+ For active it type %Gather.Sign $+ RetryRcon $+ %Gather.Color2 $+ )) | Set %Gather.RconPass $2 }
  286. if ($1-2 == %Gather.Sign-PM $+ Set Rcon) && ($3) { msg $nick $stl(Rcon Password Changed to $+ %Gather.Color2 $3 ( $+ %Gather.Color1 $+ For active it type %Gather.Sign $+ RetryRcon $+ %Gather.Color2 $+ )) | Set %Gather.RconPass $3 }
  287. if ($1 == %Gather.Sign-PM $+ SetUpdate) { msg $nick $stl(Updating Gatherbot...) | Update }
  288. if ($1-2 == %Gather.Sign-PM $+ Set Update) { msg $nick $stl(Updating Gatherbot...) | Update }
  289. if ($1 == %Gather.Sign-PM $+ SetVent) && ($2) { msg $nick $stl(Vent IP:PORT Changed to $+ %Gather.Color2 $2 ) | Set %Gather.Vent $2 }
  290. if ($1-2 == %Gather.Sign-PM $+ Set Vent) && ($3) { msg $nick $stl(Vent IP:PORT Changed to $+ %Gather.Color2 $3 ) | Set %Gather.Vent $3 }
  291. if ( ($1 == %Gather.Sign-PM $+ ChangeLevel) || ($1 == %Gather.Sign-PM $+ ChangeLevel) ) && ($3) && ($readini(Access.ini,$2,ACC)) && ( ($3 == Owner) || ($3 == Master) || ($3 == Admin) ) { msg $nick $stl(Level for $+ %Gather.Color2 $2 %Gather.Color1 $+ Changed to $+ %Gather.Color2 $3) | .writeini -n Access.ini $2 ACC $3 }
  292. if ($1- == %Gather.Sign-PM $+ ResetBot) || ($1- == %Gather.Sign-PM $+ ResetALL) { msg $nick $stl(Restarting Gatherbot please wait ...) | msg %Gather.Channel $stl(Restarting Gatherbot by $+ %Gather.Color2 $nick) | ResetBot }
  293. if ($1 == %Gather.Sign-PM $+ SetServer) && ($2) { msg $nick $stl(Server IP:PORT Changed to $+ %Gather.Color2 $2 ( $+ %Gather.Color1 $+ For active it type %Gather.Sign $+ RetryRcon $+ %Gather.Color2 $+ )) | Set %Gather.Server $2 }
  294. if ($1-2 == %Gather.Sign-PM $+ Set Server) && ($3) { msg $nick $stl(Server IP:PORT Changed to $+ %Gather.Color2 $3 ( $+ %Gather.Color1 $+ For active it type %Gather.Sign $+ RetryRcon $+ %Gather.Color2 $+ )) | Set %Gather.Server $3 }
  295. if ($1 == %Gather.Sign-PM $+ SetChannel) && ($2) { if ($Me ison part %Gather.Channel | .timer 1 2 join $2 | msg $nick $stl(Channel Changed to $+ %Gather.Color2 $2) | Set %Gather.Channel $2 }
  296. if ($1-2 == %Gather.Sign-PM $+ Set Channel) && ($3) { if ($Me ison part %Gather.Channel | .timer 1 2 join $3 | msg $nick $stl(Channel Changed to $+ %Gather.Color2 $3) | Set %Gather.Channel $3 }
  297. if ($1 == %Gather.Sign-PM $+ SetSign) && ($2) { msg $nick $stl(Sign Changed to $+ %Gather.Color2 $2) | Set %Gather.Sign $2 }
  298. if ($1-2 == %Gather.Sign-PM $+ Set Sign) && ($3) { msg $nick $stl(Sign Changed to $+ %Gather.Color2 $3) | Set %Gather.Sign $3 }
  299. if ($1 == %Gather.Sign-PM $+ SetSSH) && ($3) && ( ($2 == IP) || ($2 == PORT) || ($2 == SSH) || ($2 == USER) || ($2 == PASS) || ($2 == DIR) || ($2 == Room-A) || ($2 == Room-B) ) { msg $nick $stl($2 Changed to $+ %Gather.Color2 $3) | .writeini -n SSH.ini SSH $2 $3 }
  300. if ($1 == %Gather.Sign-PM $+ SetSSH) && ($2) && ( ($2 == ON) || ($2 == OFF) ) { msg $nick $stl(SSH System is NOW $+ %Gather.Color2 $2) | .writeini -n SSH.ini SSH SSH $iif($2 == ON,1,0) }
  301. if ($1 == %Gather.Sign-PM $+ SetSSH) && ($3) && ( ($2 == ventrilo_exec_file) || ($2 == file) || ($2 == ventrilo_srv) ) { msg $nick $stl(ventrilo_exec_file is NOW $+ %Gather.Color2 $3) | .writeini -n SSH.ini SSH ventrilo_exec_file $3 }
  302. if ($1-2 == %Gather.Sign-PM $+ Set SSH) && ($4) && ( ($3 == IP) || ($3 == PORT) || ($3 == SSH) || ($3 == USER) || ($3 == PASS) || ($3 == DIR) || ($3 == Room-A) || ($3 == Room-B) ) { msg $nick $stl($3 Changed to $+ %Gather.Color2 $4) | .writeini -n SSH.ini SSH $3 $4 }
  303. if ($1-2 == %Gather.Sign-PM $+ Set SSH) && ($3) && ( ($3 == ON) || ($3 == OFF) ) { msg $nick $stl(SSH System is NOW $+ %Gather.Color2 $3) | .writeini -n SSH.ini SSH SSH $iif($3 == ON,1,0) }
  304. if ($1-2 == %Gather.Sign-PM $+ Set SSH) && ($4) && ( ($3 == ventrilo_exec_file) || ($3 == file) || ($3 == ventrilo_srv) ) { msg $nick $stl(ventrilo_exec_file is NOW $+ %Gather.Color2 $3) | .writeini -n SSH.ini SSH ventrilo_exec_file $4 }
  305. if ($1 == %Gather.Sign-PM $+ SetTAG-A) && ($2) { msg $nick $stl(TAG-A Changed to $+ %Gather.Color2 $2) | Set %Gather.TAG-A $2 }
  306. if ($1-2 == %Gather.Sign-PM $+ Set TAG-A) && ($3) { msg $nick $stl(TAG-A Changed to $+ %Gather.Color2 $3) | Set %Gather.TAG-A $3 }
  307. if ($1 == %Gather.Sign-PM $+ SetTAGA) && ($2) { msg $nick $stl(TAG-A Changed to $+ %Gather.Color2 $2) | Set %Gather.TAG-A $2 }
  308. if ($1-2 == %Gather.Sign-PM $+ Set TAGA) && ($3) { msg $nick $stl(TAG-A Changed to $+ %Gather.Color2 $3) | Set %Gather.TAG-A $3 }
  309. if ($1 == %Gather.Sign-PM $+ SetTAG-B) && ($2) { msg $nick $stl(TAG-B Changed to $+ %Gather.Color2 $2) | Set %Gather.TAG-B $2 }
  310. if ($1-2 == %Gather.Sign-PM $+ Set TAG-B) && ($3) { msg $nick $stl(TAG-B Changed to $+ %Gather.Color2 $3) | Set %Gather.TAG-B $3 }
  311. if ($1 == %Gather.Sign-PM $+ SetTAGB) && ($2) { msg $nick $stl(TAG-B Changed to $+ %Gather.Color2 $2) | Set %Gather.TAG-B $2 }
  312. if ($1-2 == %Gather.Sign-PM $+ Set TAGB) && ($3) { msg $nick $stl(TAG-B Changed to $+ %Gather.Color2 $3) | Set %Gather.TAG-B $3 }
  313. if ($1 == %Gather.Sign-PM $+ SetSign-PM) && ($2) { msg $nick $stl(Sign-PM Changed to $+ %Gather.Color2 $2) | Set %Gather.Sign-PM $2 }
  314. if ($1-2 == %Gather.Sign-PM $+ Set Sign-PM) && ($3) { msg $nick $stl(Sign-PM Changed to $+ %Gather.Color2 $3) | Set %Gather.Sign-PM $3 }
  315. if ($1 == %Gather.Sign-PM $+ SetSign-Server) && ($2) { msg $nick $stl(Sign-Server Changed to $+ %Gather.Color2 $2) | Set %Gather.Sign-Server $2 }
  316. if ($1-2 == %Gather.Sign-PM $+ Set Sign-Server) && ($3) { msg $nick $stl(Sign-Server Changed to $+ %Gather.Color2 $3) | Set %Gather.Sign-Server $3 }
  317. if ($1 == %Gather.Sign-PM $+ SetPort) && ($2) { msg $nick $stl(Port Changed to $+ %Gather.Color2 $2) | Set %Gather.Port $2 }
  318. if ($1-2 == %Gather.Sign-PM $+ Set Port) && ($3) { msg $nick $stl(Port Changed to $+ %Gather.Color2 $3) | Set %Gather.Port $3 }
  319. if ($1 == %Gather.Sign-PM $+ SetScorebot) && ($2) && ( ($2 == ON) || ($2 == OFF) ) { msg $nick $stl(Scorebot Changed to $+ %Gather.Color2 $2) | Set %Gather.ScoreBOT $2 }
  320. if ($1-2 == %Gather.Sign-PM $+ Set Scorebot) && ($3) && ( ($3 == ON) || ($3 == OFF) ) { msg $nick $stl(Scorebot Changed to $+ %Gather.Color2 $3) | Set %Gather.ScoreBOT $3 }
  321. if ($1 == %Gather.Sign-PM $+ SetScoreChannel) && ($2) { msg $nick $stl(Score Channel Changed to $+ %Gather.Color2 $2) | Set %Gather.ScoreChannel $2 }
  322. if ($1-2 == %Gather.Sign-PM $+ Set ScoreChannel) && ($3) { msg $nick $stl(Score Channel Changed to $+ %Gather.Color2 $3) | Set %Gather.ScoreChannel $3 }
  323. if ($1 == %Gather.Sign-PM $+ SetTop) && ($2) && ($2 isnum) { msg $nick $stl(Top Number Changed to $+ %Gather.Color2 $2) | Set %Gather.TopNumber $2 }
  324. if ($1-2 == %Gather.Sign-PM $+ Set Top) && ($3) && ($3 isnum) { msg $nick $stl(Top Number Changed to $+ %Gather.Color2 $3) | Set %Gather.TopNumber $3 }
  325. if ($1 == %Gather.Sign-PM $+ SetMax) && ($2) && ($2 isnum) { msg $nick $stl(Max Changed to $+ %Gather.Color2 $2) | Set %Gather.Max $2 }
  326. if ($1-2 == %Gather.Sign-PM $+ Set Max) && ($3) && ($3 isnum) { msg $nick $stl(Max Changed to $+ %Gather.Color2 $3) | Set %Gather.Max $3 }
  327. if ($1 == %Gather.Sign-PM $+ SetAmsg) && ($2) && ( ($2 == OFF) || ($2 == ON) ) { msg $nick $stl(Amsg Changed to $+ %Gather.Color2 $2) | Set %Gather.Amsg $2 }
  328. if ($1-2 == %Gather.Sign-PM $+ Set Amsg) && ($3) && ( ($3 == OFF) || ($3 == ON) ) { msg $nick $stl(Amsg Changed to $+ %Gather.Color2 $3) | Set %Gather.Amsg $3 }
  329. if ($1 == %Gather.Sign-PM $+ SetPoints) && ($2) && ($2 isnum) { msg $nick $stl(Points Changed to $+ %Gather.Color2 $2) | Set %Gather.Points $2 }
  330. if ($1-2 == %Gather.Sign-PM $+ Set Points) && ($3) && ( ($3 isnum) { msg $nick $stl(Points Changed to $+ %Gather.Color2 $3) | Set %Gather.Points $3 }
  331. if ($1 == %Gather.Sign-PM $+ SetMaxTeam) && ($2) && ($2 isnum) { msg $nick $stl(MaxTeam Changed to $+ %Gather.Color2 $2) | Set %Gather.MaxTeam $2 }
  332. if ($1-2 == %Gather.Sign-PM $+ Set MaxTeam) && ($3) && ($3 isnum) { msg $nick $stl(MaxTeam Changed to $+ %Gather.Color2 $3) | Set %Gather.MaxTeam $3 }
  333. if ($1 == %Gather.Sign-PM $+ SetVotetime) && ($2) && ($2 isnum) { msg $nick $stl(Votetime Changed to $+ %Gather.Color2 $2) | Set %Gather.Votetime $2 }
  334. if ($1-2 == %Gather.Sign-PM $+ Set Votetime) && ($3) && ($3 isnum) { msg $nick $stl(Votetime Changed to $+ %Gather.Color2 $3) | Set %Gather.Votetime $3 }
  335. if ($1 == %Gather.Sign-PM $+ SetUsersSign) && ($2) { msg $nick $stl(Users Sign Changed to $+ %Gather.Color2 $2) | Set %Gather.UsersSign $2 }
  336. if ($1-2 == %Gather.Sign-PM $+ Set UsersSign) && ($3) { msg $nick $stl(Users Sign Changed to $+ %Gather.Color2 $3) | Set %Gather.UsersSign $3 }
  337. if ($1 == %Gather.Sign-PM $+ SetMix) && ($2) && ( ($2 == ON) || ($2 == OFF) ) { msg $nick $stl(Mix Changed to $+ %Gather.Color2 $2) | Set %Gather.Mixing $2 }
  338. if ($1-2 == %Gather.Sign-PM $+ Set Mix) && ($3) && ( ($3 == ON) || ($3 == OFF) ) { msg $nick $stl(Mix Changed to $+ %Gather.Color2 $3) | Set %Gather.Mixing $3 }
  340. ;end of main commands
  342. }
  343. ;;; End Of Pm Manager.
  344. }
  345. }
  347. ;/Adduser <User> <Pass> <SteamID> <Level> <Nick> <Byuser>
  348. alias Adduser {
  349. if ($6) {
  350. if ($readini(Access.ini,$1,User)) { msg $5 $stl(%Gather.Color2 $+ ERROR: $+ %Gather.Color1 The Username $+ %Gather.Color2 $1 %Gather.Color1 $+ Is Already In Use! ) }
  351. elseif (STEAM_* !iswm $3) { msg $5 $stl(%Gather.Color2 $+ ERROR: $+ %Gather.Color1 the syntax of the $+ %Gather.Color2 STEAM_ID $+ %Gather.Color1 is: $+ %Gather.Color2 STEAM_*:*:*) }
  352. elseif (STEAM_* iswm $3) && (!$readini(Access.ini,$1,User)) { msg $5 $stl( $1 Is NOW %Gather.Color2 $+ $4 $+ %Gather.Color1 $+ $chr(46) %Gather.Color1 (User: $1) (Pass: $2) (SeamID: $3) ) | .writeini -n Access.ini $1 User $1 | .writeini -n Access.ini $1 Votes 0 | .writeini -n Access.ini $1 Pass $2 | .writeini -n Access.ini $1 Today 0 | .writeini -n Access.ini $1 Steamid $3 | .writeini -n Access.ini $1 Status OFF | .writeini -n Access.ini $1 Gathers 0 | .writeini -n Access.ini $1 ACC $4 | .writeini -n Access.ini $1 Since $date $+ - $+ $asctime(HH:nn) | .writeini -n Access.ini $1 By $6 | .writeini -n Access.ini $1 LastLogin never }
  353. }
  354. }
  355. ;/Unuser <User> <Level> <Nick>
  356. alias Unuser {
  357. if ($1) {
  358. if (!$readini(Access.ini,$1,User)) { msg $3 $stl(%Gather.Color2 $+ ERROR: $+ %Gather.Color1 The User $+ %Gather.Color2 $1 %Gather.Color1 $+ Not Found.) }
  359. elseif ($readini(Access.ini,$1,User)) { msg $3 $stl( %gather.color2 $+ $1 $+ %gather.color1 Is No Longer A %gather.color2 $+ $2 $+ $chr(46) ) | .remini -n Access.ini $1 }
  360. }
  361. }
  362. alias Add {
  363. if (%Gather.Mixing !== OFF) {
  364. if (%Gather.Status == Adding) && (!$Istok(%Gather.Address,$1,32)) && (!$Istok(%Gather.Players,$2,32)) && ($numtok(%Gather.Players,32) !== %Gather.Max) && ($2 !== %Gather.Admin) {
  365. Set %Gather.Address $addtok(%Gather.Address,$1,32)
  366. Set %Gather.Players $addtok(%Gather.Players,$2,32)
  367. if ($numtok(%Gather.Players,32) !== %Gather.Max) && (!%Gather.Flood) { Set -u6 %Gather.Flood ON | Players }
  368. CheckMix
  369. }
  370. }
  371. elseif (%Gather.Mixing == OFF) {
  372. if (!$3) {
  373. if ($calc(%Gather.MaxTeam * 2) !== $calc($numtok(%Gather.Team-A,32) + $numtok(%Gather.Team-B,32))) {
  374. if (%Gather.Status == Adding) && (!$istok(%Gather.Address,$1,32)) && (!$istok(%Gather.Team-A,$2,32)) && (!$istok(%Gather.Team-B,$2,32)) {
  375. if ($numtok(%Gather.Team-A,32) !== %Gather.MaxTeam) {
  376. Set %Gather.Team-A $addtok(%Gather.Team-A,$2,32) | Set %Gather.Address $addtok(%Gather.Address,$1,32)
  377. if ($calc(%Gather.MaxTeam * 2) !== $calc($numtok(%Gather.Team-A,32) + $numtok(%Gather.Team-B,32))) && (!%Gather.Flood) { Set -u6 %Gather.Flood ON | Players-NO-MIX }
  378. elseif ($calc(%Gather.MaxTeam * 2) == $calc($numtok(%Gather.Team-A,32) + $numtok(%Gather.Team-B,32))) { CheckMax }
  379. }
  380. elseif ($numtok(%Gather.Team-B,32) !== %Gather.MaxTeam) {
  381. Set %Gather.Team-B $addtok(%Gather.Team-B,$2,32) | Set %Gather.Address $addtok(%Gather.Address,$1,32)
  382. if ($calc(%Gather.MaxTeam * 2) !== $calc($numtok(%Gather.Team-A,32) + $numtok(%Gather.Team-B,32))) && (!%Gather.Flood) { Set -u6 %Gather.Flood ON | Players-NO-MIX }
  383. elseif ($calc(%Gather.MaxTeam * 2) == $calc($numtok(%Gather.Team-A,32) + $numtok(%Gather.Team-B,32))) { CheckMax }
  384. }
  385. }
  386. }
  387. }
  388. elseif ($3) {
  389. if ( ($3 == A) || ($3 == B) ) && (%Gather.Status == Adding) && (!$istok(%Gather.Address,$1,32)) && (!$istok(%Gather.Team-A,$2,32)) && (!$istok(%Gather.Team-B,$2,32)) && ($calc(%Gather.MaxTeam * 2) !== $calc($numtok(%Gather.Team-A,32) + $numtok(%Gather.Team-B,32))) {
  390. if ($numtok(%Gather.Team-A,32) !== %Gather.MaxTeam) && ($3 == A) {
  391. Set %Gather.Team-A $addtok(%Gather.Team-A,$2,32) | Set %Gather.Address $addtok(%Gather.Address,$1,32)
  392. if ($calc(%Gather.MaxTeam * 2) !== $calc($numtok(%Gather.Team-A,32) + $numtok(%Gather.Team-B,32))) && (!%Gather.Flood) { Set -u6 %Gather.Flood ON | Players-NO-MIX }
  393. elseif ($calc(%Gather.MaxTeam * 2) == $calc($numtok(%Gather.Team-A,32) + $numtok(%Gather.Team-B,32))) { CheckMax }
  394. }
  395. elseif ($numtok(%Gather.Team-B,32) !== %Gather.MaxTeam) && ($3 == B) {
  396. Set %Gather.Team-B $addtok(%Gather.Team-B,$2,32) | Set %Gather.Address $addtok(%Gather.Address,$1,32)
  397. if ($calc(%Gather.MaxTeam * 2) !== $calc($numtok(%Gather.Team-A,32) + $numtok(%Gather.Team-B,32))) && (!%Gather.Flood) { Set -u6 %Gather.Flood ON | Players-NO-MIX }
  398. elseif ($calc(%Gather.MaxTeam * 2) == $calc($numtok(%Gather.Team-A,32) + $numtok(%Gather.Team-B,32))) { CheckMax }
  399. }
  400. }
  401. }
  402. }
  403. }
  404. alias Remover {
  405. if (%Gather.Mixing !== OFF) {
  406. if (%Gather.Status == Adding) && ($Istok(%Gather.Players,$2,32)) && ($2 !== %Gather.Admin) {
  407. Set %Gather.Players $remtok(%Gather.Players,$2,32)
  408. if ($numtok(%Gather.Players,32) !== %Gather.Max) && (!%Gather.Flood) { Set -u6 %Gather.Flood ON | Players }
  409. Set %Gather.Address $remtok(%Gather.Address,$1,32)
  410. }
  411. }
  412. elseif (%Gather.Mixing == OFF) {
  413. if (%Gather.Status == Adding) && ($Istok(%Gather.Address,$1,32)) && ($2 !== %Gather.Admin) { Set %Gather.Address $remtok(%Gather.Address,$1,32)
  414. if ($Istok(%Gather.Team-A,$2,32)) { Set %Gather.Team-A $remtok(%Gather.Team-A,$2,32) }
  415. if ($Istok(%Gather.Team-B,$2,32)) { Set %Gather.Team-B $remtok(%Gather.Team-B,$2,32) }
  416. if ($calc(%Gather.MaxTeam * 2) !== $calc($numtok(%Gather.Team-A,32) + $numtok(%Gather.Team-B,32))) && (!%Gather.Flood) { Set -u6 %Gather.Flood ON | Players-NO-MIX }
  417. }
  418. }
  419. }
  420. alias ShowUpdate { msg %Gather.Channel $stl(Update version: $+ %Gather.Color2 $Version?) }
  421. alias ShowWeapons { msg %Gather.Channel $stl( %Gather.Color2 $+ Weapons $+ %Gather.Color1 ( $+ %Gather.Color2 $+  $+ $numtok($Weapons,32) $+ %Gather.Color1 $+ ): $Weapons) }
  422. alias Teams {
  423. msg %Gather.Channel $stl(Team-A: $replace($replace(%Gather.Team-A,%Gather.Admin,« $+ %Gather.Color2 $+  $+ %Gather.Admin $+ %Gather.Color1 $+ »),$chr(32),$chr(32) %Gather.Color2 $+ ¬ $+ %Gather.Color1 $chr(32)))
  424. msg %Gather.Channel $stl(Team-B: $replace($replace(%Gather.Team-B,%Gather.Admin,« $+ %Gather.Color2 $+  $+ %Gather.Admin $+ %Gather.Color1 $+ »),$chr(32),$chr(32) %Gather.Color2 $+ ¬ $+ %Gather.Color1 $chr(32)))
  425. if (%Gather.Subs) msg %Gather.Channel $stl(( $+ %Gather.Color2 $+ Subs $+ %Gather.Color1 $+ ) ( $+ %Gather.Color2 $+  $+ $numtok(%Gather.Subs,32) $+ %Gather.Color1 $+ ): $replace($replace(%Gather.Subs,%Gather.Admin,%Gather.Color2 $+ %Gather.Admin $+ %Gather.Color1),$chr(32),$chr(32) %Gather.Color2 $+ - $+ %Gather.Color1 $chr(32))))
  426. }
  427. alias Send-details { .msg $replace(%Gather.Team-A,$chr(32),$chr(44)) $details(a) | .timer 1 2 .msg $replace(%Gather.Team-B,$chr(32),$chr(44)) $details(b) }
  428. alias details {
  429. if ($1 == a) { return $stl( $+ %Gather.Color1 (Team-A) - $+ %Gather.Color1 Server: $+ %Gather.Color2 %Gather.Server %Gather.Color3 $+ $chr(172) $+ %Gather.Color1 $+ Pass: $+ %Gather.Color2 %Gather.Pass $+ %gather.color3 $chr(172) %Gather.Color1 $+ Vent: $+ %Gather.Color2 %Gather.Vent %Gather.Color3 $+ $chr(172) %Gather.Color1 $+ Pass Room A: $+ %Gather.Color2 %Gather.PassA) }
  430. if ($1 == b) { return $stl( $+ %Gather.Color1 (Team-B) - $+ %Gather.Color1 Server: $+ %Gather.Color2 %Gather.Server %Gather.Color3 $+ $chr(172) $+ %Gather.Color1 $+ Pass: $+ %Gather.Color2 %Gather.Pass $+ %gather.color3 $chr(172) %Gather.Color1 $+ Vent: $+ %Gather.Color2 %Gather.Vent %Gather.Color3 $+ $chr(172) %Gather.Color1 $+ Pass Room B: $+ %Gather.Color2 %Gather.PassB) }
  431. }
  432. alias makeFiles {
  433. if (!$exists(SSH)) mkdir SSH
  434. if ($exists(SSH\Changepass.bat)) .remove SSH\Changepass.bat
  435. if ($exists(SSH\Get.bat)) .remove SSH\Get.bat
  436. if ($exists(SSH\1.txt)) .remove SSH\1.txt
  437. if ($exists(SSH\2.txt)) .remove SSH\2.txt
  438. if ($exists(SSH\3.txt)) .remove SSH\3.txt
  439. .write -c SSH\Changepass.bat cd $mircdirSSH
  440. .write SSH\Changepass.bat echo yes $chr(124) psftp $ssh(ip) -P $ssh(port) -l $ssh(user) -pw $ssh(pass) -b 2.txt
  441. .write SSH\Changepass.bat del ventrilo_srv.chn
  442. .write SSH\Changepass.bat del ventrilo_srv.ini
  443. .write SSH\Changepass.bat echo yes $chr(124) plink $ssh(ip) -P $ssh(port) -l $ssh(user) -pw $ssh(pass) -m 1.txt
  444. .write -c SSH\Get.bat cd $mircdirSSH
  445. .write SSH\Get.bat del ventrilo_srv.chn
  446. .write SSH\Get.bat del ventrilo_srv.ini
  447. .write SSH\Get.bat echo yes $chr(124) psftp $ssh(ip) -P $ssh(port) -l $ssh(user) -pw $ssh(pass) -b 3.txt
  448. if ($ssh(dir) != /) {
  449. .write -c SSH\1.txt cd $ssh(dir)
  450. .write SSH\1.txt killall -9 $ssh(ventrilo_exec_file)
  451. }
  452. else .write -c SSH\1.txt killall -9 $ssh(ventrilo_exec_file)
  453. .write SSH\1.txt ./ $+ $ssh(ventrilo_exec_file) &
  454. .write SSH\1.txt exit
  455. if ($ssh(dir) != /) {
  456. .write -c SSH\2.txt cd $ssh(dir)
  457. .write SSH\2.txt put ventrilo_srv.chn
  458. }
  459. else .write -c SSH\2.txt put ventrilo_srv.chn
  460. .write SSH\2.txt quit
  461. if ($ssh(dir) != /) {
  462. .write -c SSH\3.txt cd $ssh(dir)
  463. .write SSH\3.txt get ventrilo_srv.chn
  464. }
  465. else .write -c SSH\3.txt get ventrilo_srv.chn
  466. .write SSH\3.txt quit
  467. }
  468. alias ventpass {
  469. if (!$ssh) goto END
  470. if ($2 == $null) && ($1 !== BAD-) halt
  471. if ($1 === chEcK-) {
  472. if ($exists(SSH\ventrilo_srv.chn)) { .timerVENTXX* off | .timerchEcK- off | .timer 1 10 PSSSS $2- }
  473. goto END
  474. }
  475. if ($1- === BAD-) { Halt }
  476. .remove SSH\ventrilo_srv.chn
  477. .remove SSH\ventrilo_srv.ini
  478. .remove SSH\ventrilo_srv.chn
  479. .remove SSH\ventrilo_srv.ini
  480. .run ssh\ecmd.exe exec2 hide " $+ $mircdirSSH\" " $+ $mircdirSSH\get.bat"
  481. .timerVENTXX1 12 1 ventpass chEcK- $1 $$2
  482. .timerVENTXX2 1 15 ventpass BAD-
  483. :END
  484. }
  485. alias Players2 { msg %Gather.Channel $stl(%Gather.Color1 $+ Players are %Gather.Color1 $+ ( $+ %Gather.Color2 $+  $+ $numtok(%Gather.Players,32) $+ %Gather.Color1 $+ / $+ %Gather.Color2 $+  $+ %Gather.Max $+ %Gather.Color1 $+ ) $replace($replace(%Gather.Players,%Gather.Admin, $+ %Gather.Color2 $+ * $+  $+ %Gather.Admin $+  $+ * $+ %Gather.Color1),$chr(32),$chr(32) %Gather.Color2 $+ - $+ %Gather.Color1 $chr(32)) $str(%Gather.Color2 $+ - $+ %Gather.Color1 %Gather.PlayersChr $chr(32),$calc(%Gather.max - $numtok(%Gather.Players,32)))) }
  486. alias Players { msg %Gather.Channel $stl(%Gather.Color1 $+ Current players: %Gather.Color2 $+ ( $+ %Gather.Color1 $+  $+ $numtok(%Gather.Players,32) $+ / $+ %Gather.Max $+ %Gather.Color2 $+ ) %Gather.color2  $chr(171) $+ %Gather.color1 $+ %Gather.Admin $+ %Gather.color2 $+ $chr(187)$+ %Gather.Color1 $+  ¬ $replace($gettok(%Gather.Players,2-,32),$chr(32), ¬ $chr(32),%Gather.Tag,%Gather.Color2 $+  $+ %Gather.TAG $+ %Gather.Color1)) }
  487. alias StartGather {
  488. if ($4) && (%Gather.Status == OFF) {
  489. if (%Gather.Connected == BadRcon) { msg %Gather.Channel $stl(Cannot run gather. Reason: $+ %Gather.Color2 Bad rcon password.) | Halt }
  490. if (%Gather.Connected == Banned) { msg %Gather.Channel $stl(Cannot run gather. Reason: $+ %Gather.Color2 Gatherbot is BANNED from the server.) | Halt }
  491. if (%Gather.Connected == OFF) || (!%Gather.Connected) { msg %Gather.Channel $stl(Cannot run gather. Reason: $+ %Gather.Color2 Gatherbot isn't connect to the server.) | Halt }
  492. if ($gettok(%Gather.LastStarted,3,32) !== $date) { Reset-Today }
  493. .timerSub* off
  494. unset %Gather.Sub
  495. unset %Gather.Second*
  496. unset %Gather.MR3*
  497. unset %Gather.First*
  498. Set %Gather.Status Adding
  499. inc %Gather.num
  500. inc %Gather.Today
  501. .writeini -n Access.ini $2 Gathers $calc(1 + $Gathers($2))
  502. .writeini -n Access.ini $2 Today $calc(1 + $GathersToday($2))
  503. Set %Gather.AdminUser $2
  504. unset %Gather.Team*
  505. unset %Gather.Score-T
  506. unset %Gather.Score-CT
  507. unset %Gather.ScoreStatus
  508. unset %Gather.Banlast
  509. unset %Gather.Live
  510. unset %Gather.Ready*
  511. Set %Gather.Half notyet
  512. Set %Gather.ScoreStatus OFF
  513. Set %Gather.Map $4
  514. Set %Gather.Admin $3
  515. if (%Gather.Mixing !== OFF) { Set %Gather.Players $3 }
  516. if (%Gather.Mixing == OFF) { Set %Gather.Team $+ $r(A,B) $3 }
  517. Set %Gather.Address $1
  518. Set %Gather.Started $time / $date
  519. Set %Gather.PassA $iif($6,$6,$r(1,9) $+ $r(1,9))
  520. Set %Gather.PassB $iif($7,$7,$r(1,9) $+ $r(1,9))
  521. Set %Gather.Pass $iif($5,$5,$r(1,9) $+ $r(1,9) $+ $r(1,9))
  522. msg $3 $stl(Gather is NOW starting on the map: $+ %Gather.Color2 $4 %Gather.Color1 $+ Passwords $+ %Gather.Color2 $+ ( $+ %Gather.Color1 $+ Server: $+ %Gather.Color2 %Gather.Pass %Gather.Color1 $+ Room-A: $+ %Gather.Color2 %Gather.PassA %Gather.Color1 $+ Room-B: $+ %Gather.Color2 %Gather.PassB $+ ))
  523. if ($ssh) { changePass %Gather.PassA %Gather.PassB }
  524. mode %Gather.Channel +m
  525. .timer 1 7.5 mode %Gather.Channel -m
  526. if (%Gather.Amsg == ON) { noticer Gather is NOW Starting At $+ %Gather.Color2 %Gather.Channel %Gather.Color1 $+ On The Map: $+ %Gather.Color2 %Gather.Map %Gather.Color1 $+ By: $+ %Gather.Color2 %Gather.Admin }
  527. .timer 1 2 msg %Gather.Channel $stl(Starting The $+ %Gather.Color2 $ord(%Gather.num) %Gather.Color1 $+ Gather Since The $+ %Gather.Color2 $gettok(%Gather.Started,1,32) %Gather.Color1 $+ By $+ %Gather.Color2 %Gather.Admin)
  528. .timer 1 3 msg %Gather.Channel $stl(Current Map: $+ %Gather.Color2 %Gather.Map %Gather.Color1 Commands Are: $cmd(Add) $cmd(Remove) $cmd(Players))
  529. if (%Gather.ScoreChannel) && (%Gather.ScoreBot == ON) { join %Gather.ScoreChannel }
  530. rcmd sv_Password %Gather.Pass
  531. .timer 1 1 rcmd admin_command admin_map %Gather.Map
  532. .timer 1 3 rcmd sv_Password %Gather.Pass
  533. .timer 1 3 rcmd admin_command admin_map %Gather.Map
  534. }
  535. }
  536. alias SSH {
  537. if ($prop == $null) && ($1 == $null) return $iif($readini(SSH.ini,ssh,ssh) == 1,$true,$false)
  538. if ($1- == IP) || ($1- == PORT) || ($1- == ventrilo_exec_file) || ($1- == user) || ($1- == Pass) || ($1- == Room-A) || ($1- == Room-B) return $readini(SSH.ini,ssh,$1)
  539. if ($1- == DIR) {
  540. var %o = $replace($readini(SSH.ini,ssh,$1),\,/)
  541. if (%o == $null) var %o = /
  542. if (/* iswm %o) && (%o != /) return $mid(%o,2-)
  543. return %o
  544. }
  545. }
  546. alias EndGather {
  547. if (%Gather.Status == ON) {
  548. if (%Gather.ScoreChannel) && (%Gather.Scorebot == ON) { inc -u10 %Gather.ScoreTimer 2 | .timer 1 %Gather.ScoreTimer msg %Gather.ScoreChannel *************** 3Game is OVER 1*************** }
  549. msg %Gather.Channel $stl(Gather Number $+ %Gather.Color2 %Gather.num %Gather.Color1 $+ Is Over! $iif(%Gather.Live,( $+ Team-A: $+  $+ $Score(a) $+ %Gather.Color1 $+ - $+ Team-B: $+  $+ $Score(b) $+ %Gather.Color1 $+ )) $iif($1-,by $+ %Gather.Color2 $1-) %Gather.Color1 $+ $Chr(44) $+ Ready for the next match.)
  550. .timer 1 1 ssay Gather number %Gather.num is Over $iif(%Gather.Live,Score was: $+ Team-A: $score(a) $+ - $+ Team-B: $score(b))
  551. .timer 1 1 tsay Gather number %Gather.num is Over $iif(%Gather.Live,Score was: $+ Team-A: $score(a) $+ - $+ Team-B: $score(b))
  552. if (!%Gather.Live) || (%Gather.Half == notyet) { .writeini -n Access.ini %Gather.AdminUser Gathers $calc($Gathers(%Gather.AdminUser) -1) | .writeini -n Access.ini %Gather.AdminUser Today $calc($GathersToday(%Gather.AdminUser) -1) }
  553. .timerSub* off
  554. unset %Gather.Sub
  555. .timer 1 3 rcmd sv_Password 121
  556. .timer 1 5 rcmd admin_command admin_execall disconnect
  557. if ($exists(Kills.ini)) { .remove Kills.ini }
  558. Set %Gather.Status OFF
  559. unset %Gather.Team*
  560. unset %Gather.Second*
  561. unset %Gather.MR3*
  562. unset %Gather.Players
  563. unset %Gather.Subs
  564. unset %Gather.Address
  565. unset %Gather.First*
  566. unset %Gather.Pass
  567. unset %Gather.Ready*
  568. unset %Gather.PassA
  569. unset %Gather.PassB
  570. unset %Gather.Banlast
  571. unset %Gather.Score-T
  572. unset %Gather.Score-CT
  573. unset %Gather.ScoreStatus
  574. unset %Gather.Half
  575. unset %Gather.AdminUser
  576. unset %Gather.Live
  577. unset %Gather.Pass
  578. Set %Gather.LastMap %Gather.Map
  579. Set %Gather.LastAdmin %Gather.Admin
  580. Set %Gather.LastStarted %Gather.Started
  581. unset %Gather.Map
  582. unset %Gather.Admin
  583. unset %Gather.Started
  584. if (%vent.status == 1) {
  585. .timerventch3stop 1 5 ventch3del
  586. .timerventch3stop 1 10 .ventch3del
  587. .unset
  588. .unset %vent.admin
  589. }
  590. }
  591. }
  592. ON *:JOIN:%Gather.Channel: {
  593. if ($nick == $me) { who %Gather.Channel | .timer 1 3 StatusCheck | if (%Gather.Reconnecting) { .timer 1 1 msg %Gather.Channel $stl(Gatherbot %Gather.color2 $+ mIRC $+ %Gather.Color1 was successfuly refreshed by $+ %Gather.Color2 $ifmatch) | unset %Gather.Reconnecting } }
  594. }
  595. alias StopGather {
  596. if (%Gather.Status == Adding) {
  597. msg %Gather.Channel $stl(Gather number $+ %Gather.Color2 %Gather.num %Gather.Color1 $+ Has Been Stopped $+ %Gather.Color1 By: $+ %Gather.Color2 $iif($1,$1,no such user) $iif($2,%Gather.Color1 $+ Reason: $+ %Gather.Color2 $2-))
  598. .timerSub* off
  599. unset %Gather.Sub
  600. unset %Gather.First*
  601. .writeini -n Access.ini %Gather.AdminUser Gathers $calc($Gathers(%Gather.AdminUser) -1)
  602. .writeini -n Access.ini %Gather.AdminUser Today $calc($GathersToday(%Gather.AdminUser) -1)
  603. Set %Gather.Status OFF
  604. unset %Gather.Team*
  605. unset %Gather.Players
  606. unset %Gather.Subs
  607. unset %Gather.Address
  608. unset %Gather.Score-T
  609. unset %Gather.Score-CT
  610. unset %Gather.ScoreStatus
  611. unset %Gather.Second*
  612. unset %Gather.MR3*
  613. unset %Gather.Half
  614. unset %Gather.Live
  615. unset %Gather.Banlast
  616. unset %Gather.Ready*
  617. unset %Gather.Map
  618. dec %Gather.num
  619. dec
  620. unset %Gather.Pass
  621. unset %Gather.PassA
  622. unset %Gather.PassB
  623. unset %Gather.AdminUser
  624. unset %Gather.Admin
  625. unset %Gather.Started
  626. .timer 1 3 rcmd admin_command admin_execall disconnect
  627. .timer 1 3 rcmd admin_command admin_execall disconnect
  628. .timer 1 5 rcmd sv_Password 121
  629. .timer 1 3 //rcmd admin_command admin_execall disconnect
  630. .timer 1 3 //rcmd admin_command admin_execall disconnect
  631. .timer 1 5 //rcmd sv_Password 121
  632. }
  633. }
  634. on !*:NICK: {
  635. if (%Gather.Status == Adding) && ($Istok(%Gather.Address,$address,32)) && ($Istok(%Gather.Players,$nick,32)) {
  636. Set %Gather.Players $reptok(%Gather.Players,$nick,$newnick,32)
  637. if (%Gather.Admin == $nick) { Set %Gather.Admin $newnick }
  638. }
  639. }
  640. alias StartVote {
  641. if ($4) && (%Gather.VoteMap !== ON) && (%Gather.Status == OFF) {
  642. Set %Gather.VoteMap ON
  643. Set %Gather.Votes 0
  644. Set %Gather.Maps $3-
  645. unset %Gather.Vote-Address
  646. Set %Gather.VoteBy $2
  647. var %x = 1
  648. while ($gettok($3-,%x,32)) { .writeini -n Votes.ini $gettok($3-,%x,32) Votes 0 | inc %x }
  649. if ($readini(Access.ini,$1,Votes)) { .writeini -n Access.ini $1 Votes $calc($readini(Access.ini,$1,Votes) +1) }
  650. elseif (!$readini(Access.ini,$1,Votes)) { .writeini -n Access.ini $1 Votes 1 }
  651. mode %Gather.Channel +m-N
  652. .timer 1 1 notice %Gather.Channel $stl(Votemap has been started by $+ %Gather.Color2 $2)
  653. .timer 1 1 msg %Gather.Channel $stl(Maps are: $+ %Gather.Color2 $3- %Gather.Color3 $+ %Gather.ColorChr $+ %Gather.Color1 Vote time: $+ %Gather.Color2 $iif(%Gather.Votetime,%Gather.Votetime,60) %Gather.Color1 $+ seconds.)
  654. .timer 1 2 msg %Gather.Channel $stl(Commands: $cmd(Vote) < $+ %Gather.Color2 $+ Map $+ %Gather.Color1 $+ > $cmd(Votemap) $cmd(Votes) $cmd(Timeleft))
  655. .timerENDVOTE 1 $iif(%Gather.Votetime,%Gather.Votetime,60) EndVote
  656. .timer 1 11 mode %Gather.Channel Settings -m+N
  657. }
  658. }
  659. alias EndVote { if (%Gather.Votemap == ON) {
  660. if (%Gather.Votes > 0) {
  661. .close -@ @Bot | .window -h @Bot | var %x 1, %o 1
  662. while ($ini(Votes.ini,%x)) { echo @Bot $ini(Votes.ini,%x) $calc($readini(Votes.ini,$ini(Votes.ini,%x),Votes) +0) | inc %x }
  663. filter -cwwteu 2 32 @Bot @Bot | set -u10 %Gather.Flood ON | var %MAP = $gettok($line(@Bot,1),1,32)
  664. msg %Gather.Channel $stl(The Map $+ %Gather.Color2 %MAP %Gather.Color1 $+ won with $+ %Gather.Color2 $gettok($line(@Bot,1),2,32) $+ %Gather.Color1 $+ / $+ %Gather.Color2 $+  $+ %Gather.Votes %Gather.Color1 $+ Votes) | Set %Gather.Votemap OFF | unset %Gather.Vote-Address | unset %Gather.Votes | unset %Gather.VoteBy | unset %Gather.Maps | .timer 1 1 .remove Votes.ini
  665. }
  666. else { msg %Gather.Channel $stl(No votes $+ %Gather.Color2 0 $+ %Gather.Color1 $+ / $+ %Gather.Color2 $+  $+ 0 %Gather.Color1 $+ Votes) | Set %Gather.Votemap OFF | unset %Gather.Vote-Address | unset %Gather.Votes | unset %Gather.VoteBy | unset %Gather.Maps | .timer 1 1 .remove Votes.ini }
  667. }
  668. }
  669. alias StopVote { if (%Gather.Votemap == ON) { msg %Gather.Channel $stl(Votemap was stopped by $+ %Gather.Color2 $iif($1,$1,No such user.)) | Set %Gather.Votemap OFF | .timerENDVOTE OFF | unset %Gather.Vote-Address | unset %Gather.Votes | unset %Gather.VoteBy | unset %Gather.Maps | .remove Votes.ini } }
  670. alias Last {
  671. if (%Gather.LastMap) { msg %Gather.Channel $stl(Last game was at $+ %Gather.Color2 $gettok(%Gather.LastStarted,1,32) %Gather.Color1 $+ by $+ %Gather.Color2 %Gather.LastAdmin %Gather.Color1 $+ on the map $+ %Gather.Color2 %Gather.LastMap) }
  672. else { msg %Gather.Channel $stl(No last gather yet.) }
  673. }
  674. alias Vent { msg %Gather.Channel $stl(%Gather.Color2 $+ Ventrilo iport $+ %Gather.Color1 $+ : %Gather.vent $chr(172),$chr(32) $+ %Gather.Color2 $+ Version $+ %Gather.Color1 $+ : %Gather.Vent-Version) }
  675. alias Noticer {
  676. if (!%Gather.FloodNotice) && ($1) { Set -u3 %Gather.FloodNotice ON | mode %Gather.Channel -N | notice %Gather.Channel $stl($1-) | .timer 1 2 mode %Gather.Channel +N }
  677. if (!%Gather.FloodNotice) && (!$1) && (%Gather.Status == Adding) {
  678. Set -u3 %Gather.FloodNotice ON
  679. mode %Gather.Channel -N
  680. .timer 1 1 notice %Gather.Channel $stl(Gather is ON $chr(44) %Gather.Color2 $+ Players: $+ %Gather.Color1 $now $+ / $+ $all , %Gather.Color2 $+ Type $+ %Gather.Color1 %Gather.Sign $+ add to Join)
  681. .timer 1 1 notice %Gather.Channel $stl(%Gather.Color2 $+ Admin: $+ %Gather.Color1 %Gather.Admin $chr(44) $+ %Gather.Color2 $+ Map: $+ %Gather.Color1 %Gather.Map $chr(44) $+ %Gather.Color2 $+ Commands: $+ %Gather.Color1 %Gather.Sign $+ Add $chr(44) $+ %Gather.Sign $+ Remove $chr(44) $+ %Gather.Sign $+ Status)
  682. .timer 1 2 mode %Gather.Channel +N
  683. }
  684. }
  685. alias Gathers {
  686. if ($readini(Access.ini,$1,Gathers)) { return $readini(Access.ini,$1,Gathers) }
  687. elseif (!$readini(Access.ini,$1,Gathers)) { return 0 }
  688. }
  689. alias GathersToday {
  690. if ($readini(Access.ini,$1,Today)) { return $readini(Access.ini,$1,Today) }
  691. elseif (!$readini(Access.ini,$1,Today)) { return 0 }
  692. }
  693. alias Gather {
  694. if ($1 == Show) {
  695. var %x 1, %temp, %y 1, %a $Users($2)
  696. while ($gettok(%a,%x,32)) {
  697. var %Temp = %Temp $gettok(%a,%x,32)
  698. if ($numtok(%Temp,32) == 9) {
  699. if (%y == 1) { msg %Gather.Channel $stl(%Gather.Color3 $+ $2 $+ s: %Temp) | var %Temp | inc %y 1 }
  700. else { .timer 1 %y msg %Gather.Channel $stl(%Temp) | var %Temp | inc %y }
  701. }
  702. inc %x
  703. }
  704. if (%y == 1) { msg %Gather.Channel $stl(%Gather.Color3 $+ $2 $+ s: %Temp) }
  705. else { .timer 1 %y msg %Gather.Channel $stl(%Temp) }
  706. }
  707. if ($1 == Total) { msg %Gather.Channel $stl( $+ %Gather.Color2 $+ Total Users: ( $+ %Gather.Color1 $+  $+ $calc($Users(Admin,ON).num + $Users(Master,ON).num + $Users(Owner,ON).num + $Users(Manager,ON).num) $+ / $+ $ini(Access.ini,0) $+ %Gather.Color2 $+ )) }
  708. if ($1 == Status-OFF) { msg %Gather.Channel $stl(Gather Is Not Running Right Now.) }
  709. if ($1 == Status-Adding) { msg %Gather.Channel $stl(Gather is ON %Gather.Color3 $+ $chr(172) $+ %Gather.Color2 Use: $+ %Gather.Color1 %Gather.Sign $+ Add $+ %Gather.Color2 $+ / $+ %Gather.Color1 $+ %Gather.Sign $+ Remove %Gather.Color3 $+ $chr(172) $+ %Gather.Color1 Players: %Gather.Color2 $+ ( $+ %Gather.Color1 $+  $+ $now $+ / $+ $all $+ %Gather.Color2 $+ ) %Gather.Color3 $+ $chr(172) $+ %Gather.Color1 Map: $+ %Gather.Color2 %Gather.Map %Gather.Color3 $+ $chr(172) $+ %Gather.Color1 Admin: $+ %Gather.Color2 %Gather.Admin) }
  710. ;if ($1 == Status-ON) { msg %Gather.Channel $stl(Gather number $+ %Gather.Color2 %Gather.num %Gather.Color1 $+ started at $+ %Gather.Color2 $gettok(%Gather.Started,1,32) %Gather.Color1 $+ by $+ %Gather.Color2 %Gather.Admin %Gather.Color1 $+ on the map $+ %Gather.Color2 %Gather.Map $+ %Gather.Color1 $iif(%Gather.Live,( $+ $Score.Color(a) $+  $+ $Score(a) $+ %Gather.Color1 $+ - $+ $Score.Color(B) $+  $+ $Score(b) $+ %Gather.Color1 $+ ),%Gather.Color1 $+ ( $+ %Gather.Color2 $+ Not live $+ %Gather.Color1 $+ ))) }
  711. if ($1 == Status-ON) { msg %Gather.Channel $stl(The $+ %Gather.Color2 $ord(%Gather.num) %Gather.Color1 $+ Gather is on since $+ %Gather.Color2 $gettok(%Gather.Started,1,32) %Gather.Color1 $+ Admin: $+ %Gather.Color2 %Gather.Admin $+ %Gather.Color1 $+ $chr(44) Map: $+ %Gather.Color2 %Gather.Map $+ %Gather.Color1 $+ $chr(44) $iif(%Gather.Live,Team-A: $Score.Color(a) $+  $+ $Score(a) $+ %Gather.Color1 Team-B: $Score.Color(B) $+  $+ $Score(b) $+ %Gather.Color1 ( $+ %Gather.Color2 $+  $+ $score(Half) $+ %Gather.Color1 $+ ),%Gather.Color1 $+ Game isn't live yet.)) }
  713. }
  714. alias stl { return %Gather.Style1 %Gather.Color1 $+  $+ $1- %Gather.Style2 }
  715. alias nick? { if ($readini(Access.ini,$1,Logged)) { return $ialchan(* $+ $readini(Access.ini,$1,Logged),%Gather.Channel,1).nick } }
  716. alias MIX {
  717. var %NEWPlayers1 $1-,%NEW,%AFTER
  718. while ($numtok(%NEWPlayers1,32)) { %NEW = $gettok(%NEWPlayers1,$r(1,$v1),32) | %AFTER = %AFTER %NEW | %NEWPlayers1 = $remove(%NEWPlayers1,%NEW) }
  719. set %Gather.Team-A $gettok(%AFTER,1- $calc($numtok($1-,32) /2),32) | set %Gather.Team-B $gettok(%AFTER,$calc($calc($numtok($1-,32) /2) +1) -,32)
  720. if (%vent.status == 1) {
  721. .timerventch3start 1 2 ventch3del
  722. .timerventch3start 1 4 ventch3set
  723. .timerventch3start 1 5 ventch3set
  724. .timerventch3start 1 7 .ventch3
  725. .timerventch3start 1 8 ventch3set
  726. .timerventch3start 1 12 .ventch3
  727. }
  728. }
  729. alias playing { return $iif(%Gather.Mixing !== OFF,$calc(%Gather.Max / 2) vs $calc(%Gather.Max / 2),%Gather.MaxTeam vs %Gather.MaxTeam) }
  730. on !*:PART:%Gather.Channel: {
  731. if (%Gather.Status == Adding) && ($nick !== %Gather.Admin) && ($Istok(%Gather.Address,$address,32)) {
  732. if ($Istok(%Gather.Players,$nick,32)) && (%Gather.Mixing !== OFF) { Remover $address $nick }
  733. elseif (%Gather.Mixing == OFF) && ( ($Istok(%Gather.Team-A,$nick,32)) || ($Istok(%Gather.Team-B,$nick,32)) ) { Remove $address $nick }
  734. }
  735. if ($Users($address,Owner).logged?) || ($Users($address,Master).logged?) || ($Users($address,Admin).logged?) || ($Users($address,Manager).logged?) {
  736. var %o = $ifmatch
  737. msg $nick $stl(You Have Been Disconnected from $Upper($readini(Access.ini,%o,ACC)) Account. ( $+ %Gather.Color2 $+  $+ %o $+ %Gather.Color1 $+ ) Reason: $+ %Gather.Color2 Part)
  738. .writeini -n Access.ini %o Status OFF
  739. .remini -n Access.ini %o Logged
  740. }
  741. }
  742. on !*:QUIT: {
  743. if (%Gather.Status == Adding) && ($nick !== %Gather.Admin) && ($Istok(%Gather.Address,$address,32)) {
  744. if ($Istok(%Gather.Players,$nick,32)) && (%Gather.Mixing !== OFF) { Remover $address $nick }
  745. elseif (%Gather.Mixing == OFF) && ( ($Istok(%Gather.Team-A,$nick,32)) || ($Istok(%Gather.Team-B,$nick,32)) ) { Remove $address $nick }
  746. }
  747. if ($Users($address,Owner).logged?) || ($Users($address,Master).logged?) || ($Users($address,Admin).logged?) || ($Users($address,Manager).logged?) {
  748. var %o = $ifmatch
  749. msg $nick $stl(You Have Been Disconnected from $Upper($readini(Access.ini,%o,ACC)) Account. ( $+ %Gather.Color2 $+  $+ %o $+ %Gather.Color1 $+ ) Reason: $+ %Gather.Color2 Quit)
  750. .writeini -n Access.ini %o Status OFF
  751. .remini -n Access.ini %o Logged
  752. }
  753. }
  754. on *:KICK:%Gather.Channel: {
  755. var %a = $gettok($address($knick,5),2,$asc(!))
  756. if (%Gather.Status == Adding) && ($knick !== %Gather.Admin) {
  757. if (%Gather.Mixing !== OFF) && ($Istok(%Gather.Players,$knick,32)) { Remover %a $knick }
  758. elseif (%Gather.Mixing == OFF) && ( ($Istok(%Gather.Team-A,$knick,32)) || ($Istok(%Gather.Team-B,$knick,32)) ) { Remover %a $knick }
  759. }
  760. if ($Users(%a,Owner).logged?) || ($Users(%a,Master).logged?) || ($Users(%a,Admin).logged?) || ($Users(%a,Manager).logged?) {
  761. var %o = $ifmatch
  762. msg $nick $stl(You Have been Disconnected from $Upper($readini(Access.ini,%o,ACC)) Account. ( $+ %Gather.Color2 $+  $+ %o $+ %Gather.Color1 $+ ) Reason: $+ %Gather.Color2 Kicked $+ %Gather.Color1 By $+ %Gather.Color2 $nick)
  763. .writeini -n Access.ini %o Status OFF
  764. .remini -n Access.ini %o Logged
  765. }
  766. }
  767. alias version? { return 3.50 }
  768. alias TotalGathers { if (!%Gather.Today) Set %Gather.Today 0 | msg $stl(< $+ %Gather.Color2 $+  $+ %Gather.num $+ %Gather.Color1 $+ > Gathers so far. (Today: $+ %Gather.Color2 %Gather.Today $+ %Gather.Color1 $+ )) }
  769. alias TotalToday { if (!%Gather.Today) Set %Gather.Today 0 | msg $stl(< $+ %Gather.Color2 $+  $+ %Gather.Today $+ %Gather.Color1 $+ > %Gather.Color1 $+ Gathers for today. ( $+ %Gather.Color2 $+  $+ $date $+ %Gather.Color1 $+ )) }
  770. alias HL {
  771. Set %Gather.HL-IP $1-
  772. bset -t &hl 1 $str($chr(255),4) $+ TSource Engine Query
  773. bset &hl $calc($bvar(&hl,0) + 1) 0
  774. sockudp -k HL $replace($1,$chr(58),$chr(32)) &hl
  775. .timer 1 2 unset %Gather.HL-*
  776. }
  777. alias HLB { return $bvar(&HL,1,$bvar(&HL,0)).text }
  778. alias sockrcon { return 46a6b0ac7375e8769a24906a3f0cdd13 }
  779. on *:UDPREAD:HL: {
  780. sockread &HL
  781. breplace &HL 0 254
  782. var %Gather.HL-Type = $gettok($HLB,1,254)
  783. var %Gather.HL-Players $iif($asc($mid($gettok($HLB,6,254),2,1)),$asc($mid($gettok($HLB,6,254),1,1)) $+ / $+ $asc($mid($gettok($HLB,6,254),2,1)),0/ $+ $asc($mid($gettok($HLB,6,254),1,1)))
  784. var %Gather.HL-Name = $right($gettok($HLB,1,254),$calc($len($gettok($HLB,1,254)) -6))
  785. var %Gather.HL-Map = $gettok($HLB,2,254)
  786. if (%Gather.Connected == ON) { msg %Gather.Channel $stl(%Gather.Color2 $+ Name: $+ %Gather.Color1 %Gather.HL-Name %Gather.Color2 $+ Players: $+ %Gather.Color1 %Gather.HL-Players %Gather.Color2 $+ Map: $+ %Gather.Color1 %Gather.HL-Map %Gather.Color2 $+ IP: $+ %Gather.Color1 %Gather.HL-IP) }
  787. .timer 1 1 unset %ip
  788. }
  789. on *:CONNECT: {
  790. .timer 1 10 Update
  791. .timerCheckUpdate 0 3000 Update
  792. if (!%Gather.Today) { Set %Gather.Today 0 }
  793. if ($exists(Kills.ini)) { .remove Kills.ini }
  794. if ($exists(SSH\Rooms.bat)) .remove SSH\Rooms.bat
  795. if ($exists(SSH\Get.bat)) .remove SSH\Get.bat
  796. if ($exists(SSH\Put.bat)) .remove SSH\Put.bat
  797. if ($exists(SSH\1.txt)) .remove SSH\1.txt
  798. if ($exists(SSH\2.txt)) .remove SSH\2.txt
  799. if ($exists(SSH\3.txt)) .remove SSH\3.txt
  800. unset %number | unset %Gather.TK.* | .timer 1 4 RCONstart | .timer 1 4 join %Gather.Channel | unset %Gather.Flood | unset %Gather.Flood*
  801. }
  802. alias ShowGathers {
  803. if ($acc($1).exists) { var %U = $acc($1).acc | msg %Gather.Channel $stl($iif($Acc(%U).Status == ON,3,15) $+ %U %Gather.Color2 $+ ( $+ %Gather.Color1 $+ $acc(%U).steam $+ %Gather.Color2 $+ ) $+ %Gather.Color1 Has done $+ %Gather.Color2 $Gathers(%U) %Gather.Color1 $+ and played on $+ %Gather.Color2 $Stats($acc($1).steam).Gathers %Gather.Color1 $+ Gathers so far.) }
  804. elseif (!$acc($1).exists) && ($Stats($1).exists) {
  805. var %STEAM = $Stats($1).steam
  806. if (!$isacc?(%STEAM)) { msg %Gather.Channel $stl(%Gather.Color2 $+  $+ $Stats(%STEAM).nick ( $+ %Gather.Color1 $+ %STEAM $+ %Gather.Color2 $+ ) $+ %Gather.Color1 Has played on $+ %Gather.Color2 $Stats(%STEAM).Gathers %Gather.Color1 $+ Gathers so far.) }
  807. elseif ($isacc?(%STEAM)) { var %U = $acc(%STEAM).acc | msg %Gather.Channel $stl($iif($Acc(%U).Status == ON,3,15) $+ %U %Gather.Color2 $+ ( $+ %Gather.Color1 $+ $acc(%U).steam $+ %Gather.Color2 $+ ) $+ %Gather.Color1 Has done $+ %Gather.Color2 $Gathers(%U) %Gather.Color1 $+ and played on $+ %Gather.Color2 $Stats(%STEAM).Gathers %Gather.Color1 $+ Gathers so far.) }
  808. }
  809. else { msg %Gather.Channel $stl(This player is not found ( $+ %Gather.Color2 $+  $+ $1 $+ %Gather.Color1 $+ ), use ' $+ %Gather.Sign $+ gathers nickname' or ' $+ %Gather.Sign $+ gathers steamid') }
  810. }
  811. alias ShowWhois {
  812. if ($acc($1).exists) { var %STEAM = $ACC($1).STEAM | var %U = $acc($1).acc | msg %Gather.Channel $stl(Whois for $iif($Acc(%U).Status == ON,3 $+ %Gather.UsersSign $+ %Gather.Color2,4 $+ %Gather.UsersSign $+ %Gather.Color2) $+ %U ( $+ %Gather.Color1 $+ $acc(%U).steam $+ %Gather.Color2 $+ ) %Gather.Color1 $+ Level: $+ %Gather.Color2 $ACC(%STEAM).Level %Gather.Color1 $+ INgame nick: $+ %Gather.Color2 $Stats(%STEAM).nick) | msg %Gather.Channel $stl($iif($ACC(%STEAM).Status == ON,%Gather.Color1 $+ mIRC nick: $+ %Gather.Color2 $nick?($ACC(%STEAM).User)) %Gather.Color1 $+ Gathers: ( $+ %Gather.Color2 $+ Did: $+ %Gather.Color1 $Gathers(%U) %Gather.Color2 $+ Today: $+ %Gather.Color1 $ACC(%U).Today $+ ) ( $+ %Gather.Color2 $+ Played: $+ %Gather.Color1 $Stats(%STEAM).Gathers $+ )) }
  813. elseif (!$acc($1).exists) && ($Stats($1).exists) {
  814. var %STEAM = $Stats($1).steam
  815. if (!$isacc?(%STEAM)) { msg %Gather.Channel $stl(Whois for $+ %Gather.Color2 $Stats(%STEAM).nick ( $+ %Gather.Color1 $+ %STEAM $+ %Gather.Color2 $+ ) %Gather.Color1 $+ Level: $+ %Gather.Color2 Regular Player) | msg %Gather.Channel $stl(Ban Status: $+ %Gather.Color2 $iif($readini(BANNED.ini,%STEAM,Steam),4BANNED by $readini(BANNED.ini,%STEAM,By),3In good standing) %Gather.Color1 $+ Played on: $+ %Gather.Color2 $Stats(%STEAM).Gathers %Gather.Color1 $+ Gathers so far.) }
  816. elseif ($isacc?(%STEAM)) { var %U = $acc(%STEAM).acc | msg %Gather.Channel $stl(Whois for $iif($Acc(%U).Status == ON,3 $+ %Gather.UsersSign $+ %Gather.Color2,4 $+ %Gather.UsersSign $+ %Gather.Color2) $+ %U ( $+ %Gather.Color1 $+ $acc(%U).steam $+ %Gather.Color2 $+ ) %Gather.Color1 $+ Level: $+ %Gather.Color2 $ACC(%STEAM).Level %Gather.Color1 $+ INgame nick: $+ %Gather.Color2 $Stats(%STEAM).nick) | msg %Gather.Channel $stl($iif($ACC(%STEAM).Status == ON,%Gather.Color1 $+ mIRC nick: $+ %Gather.Color2 $nick?($ACC(%STEAM).User)) %Gather.Color1 $+ Gathers: ( $+ %Gather.Color2 $+ Did: $+ %Gather.Color1 $Gathers(%U) %Gather.Color2 $+ Today: $+ %Gather.Color1 $ACC(%U).Today $+ ) ( $+ %Gather.Color2 $+ Played: $+ %Gather.Color1 $Stats(%STEAM).Gathers $+ )) }
  817. }
  818. else { msg %Gather.Channel $stl(This player is not found ( $+ %Gather.Color2 $+  $+ $1 $+ %Gather.Color1 $+ ), use ' $+ %Gather.Sign $+ whois nickname' or ' $+ %Gather.Sign $+ whois steamid') }
  819. }
  820. alias ShowGathersToday {
  821. if ($acc($1).exists) { var %U = $acc($1).acc | msg %Gather.Channel $stl($iif($Acc(%U).Status == ON,3,15) $+ %U %Gather.Color2 $+ ( $+ %Gather.Color1 $+ $acc(%U).steam $+ %Gather.Color2 $+ ) $+ %Gather.Color1 Has done $+ %Gather.Color2 $ACC(%U).Today %Gather.Color1 $+ Gathers for Today ( $+ %Gather.Color2 $+  $+ $date $+ %Gather.Color1 $+ ).) }
  822. else { msg %Gather.Channel $stl(This user is not found ( $+ %Gather.Color2 $+  $+ $1 $+ %Gather.Color1 $+ ), use ' $+ %Gather.Sign $+ today nickname' or ' $+ %Gather.Sign $+ today steamid') }
  823. }
  824. alias isacc? { if ($1) && (STEAM_* iswm $1) {
  825. var %x = 1
  826. while ($ini(Access.ini,%x)) { if ($readini(Access.ini,$ini(Access.ini,%x),SteamID) == $1) { return $ini(Access.ini,%x) }
  827. inc %x
  828. } } }
  829. alias ACC {
  830. if ($1) && ($prop) {
  831. if ($readini(Access.ini,$1,ACC)) { var %USER $1 | GOTO SKIP }
  832. var %x = 1
  833. while ($ini(Access.ini,%x)) {
  834. if ($1 isin $ini(Access.ini,%x)) && (STEAM_* !iswm $1) { var %USER = $ini(Access.ini,%x) }
  835. if ($1 == $readini(Access.ini,$ini(Access.ini,%x),Steamid)) && (STEAM_* iswm $1) { var %USER = $ini(Access.ini,%x) }
  836. inc %x
  837. }
  838. :SKIP
  839. if ($prop == acc) || ($prop == user) || ($prop == exists) || ($prop == exist) { return %USER }
  840. if ($prop == Pass) || ($prop == Password) || ($prop == pw) { return $readini(Access.ini,%USER,Pass) }
  841. if ($prop == SteamID) || ($prop == Steam) || ($prop == ID) { return $readini(Access.ini,%USER,SteamID) }
  842. if ($prop == Status) || ($prop == Status?) { return $readini(Access.ini,%USER,Status) }
  843. if ($prop == Gathers) { return $iif($readini(Access.ini,%USER,Gathers),$readini(Access.ini,%USER,Gathers),0) }
  844. if ($prop == Today) { return $iif($readini(Access.ini,%USER,Today),$readini(Access.ini,%USER,Today),0) }
  845. if ($prop == Votes) { return $iif($readini(Access.ini,%USER,Votes),$readini(Access.ini,%USER,Votes),0) }
  846. if ($prop == Logged) || ($prop == Address) { return $readini(Access.ini,%USER,Logged) }
  847. if ($prop == Level) || ($prop == LVL) { return $readini(Access.ini,%USER,ACC) }
  848. if ($prop == Since) { return $readini(Access.ini,%USER,Since) }
  849. if ($prop == BY) { return $iif($readini(Access.ini,%USER,By) !== $null,$readini(Access.ini,%USER,By),None) }
  850. if ($prop == LastLogin) { return $iif($readini(Access.ini,%USER,LastLogin) !== $null,$readini(Access.ini,%USER,LastLogin),None) }
  851. }
  852. :END
  853. }
  854. alias Stats {
  855. if ($1) && ($prop) {
  856. if (STEAM_* !iswm $1) {
  857. var %x = 1
  858. while ($ini(Stats.ini,%x)) {
  859. if ($1 isin $readini(Stats.ini,$ini(Stats.ini,%x),Nick)) { var %STEAM = $ini(Stats.ini,%x) }
  860. inc %x
  861. }
  862. }
  863. elseif (STEAM_* iswm $1) {
  864. if ($readini(Stats.ini,$1,Points)) { var %STEAM = $1 }
  865. elseif (!$readini(Stats.ini,$1,Points)) && ($prop == steam) { return $1 }
  866. }
  867. if ($readini(Stats.ini,%STEAM,$prop)) { return $readini(Stats.ini,%STEAM,$prop) }
  868. if ($prop == STEAM) { return %STEAM }
  869. if ($prop == rank) {
  870. var %x = 1
  871. var %rank = 0
  872. var %points = $calc($readini(Stats.ini,%STEAM,Points) +0)
  873. while ($ini(Stats.ini,%x)) {
  874. if ($ini(Stats.ini,%x) == %STEAM) { GOTO GO }
  875. elseif (%points > $calc($readini(Stats.ini,$ini(Stats.ini,%x),Points) +0)) { inc %rank }
  876. :GO
  877. inc %x
  878. }
  879. return $calc($ini(Stats.ini,0) - %rank)
  880. }
  881. if ($prop == exists) && (%STEAM !== $null) { return $true }
  882. if ($prop == Played) && (%STEAM !== $null) { return $iif($readini(Stats.ini,%STEAM,Gathers) !== $null,$ifmatch,0) }
  883. if ($prop == Nick) { return $iif($reaini(Stats.ini,%STEAM,Nick),$ifmatch,No such nick) }
  884. elseif (!$readini(Stats.ini,%STEAM,$prop)) && ($prop !== nick) && ($prop !== Lastnick) && ($prop !== Nicks) && ($prop !== exists) && ($prop !== steam) { return 0 }
  885. }
  886. }
  888. alias ShowRank {
  889. ; if ($Stats($1).exists) { Set -u10 %Gather.Flood ON | var %STEAM = $Stats($1).steam | msg %Gather.Channel $stl($stats(%STEAM).nick ( $+ %Gather.Color2 $+ %STEAM $+ %Gather.Color1 $+ ) Rank: $+ %Gather.Color2 $stats(%STEAM).rank $+ / $+ $ini(Stats.ini,0) %Gather.Color1 $+ Points: $+ %Gather.Color2 $stats(%STEAM).points %Gather.Color1 $+ Kills: $+ %Gather.Color2 $stats(%STEAM).kills %Gather.Color1 $+ Deaths: $+ %Gather.Color2 $stats(%STEAM).deaths %Gather.Color1 $+ K/D: $+ %Gather.Color2 $left($calc($stats(%STEAM).kills / $stats(%STEAM).deaths),5)) }
  890. if ($Stats($1).exists) { Set -u10 %Gather.Flood ON | var %STEAM = $Stats($1).steam | msg %Gather.Channel $stl(%Gather.Color2 $+  $+ $stats(%STEAM).nick %Gather.Color1 $+ ( $+ %Gather.Color2 $+ %STEAM $+ %Gather.Color1 $+ ) Rank is: $+ %Gather.Color2 $stats(%STEAM).rank $+ %Gather.Color1 $+ / $+ $ini(Stats.ini,0) %Gather.Color3 $+ %Gather.ColorChr %Gather.Color1 $+ Points: $+ %Gather.Color2 $stats(%STEAM).points %Gather.Color3 $+ %Gather.ColorChr %Gather.Color1 $+ Kills: $+ %Gather.Color2 $stats(%STEAM).kills %Gather.Color3 $+ %Gather.ColorChr %Gather.Color1 $+ Deaths: $+ %Gather.Color2 $stats(%STEAM).deaths) }
  892. else { Set -u5 %Gather.Flood ON | msg %Gather.Channel $stl(This player is not found ( $+ %Gather.Color2 $+  $+ $1 $+ %Gather.Color1 $+ ), use ' $+ %Gather.Sign $+ rank nickname' or ' $+ %Gather.Sign $+ rank steamid') }
  893. }
  894. alias ShowStats {
  895. if ($Stats($1).exists) {
  896. Set -u13 %Gather.Flood ON
  897. var %STEAM = $Stats($1).steam
  898. msg %Gather.Channel $stl(Statistics for $+ %Gather.Color2 $stats(%STEAM).nick %Gather.Color1 $+ ( $+ %Gather.Color2 $+ %STEAM $+ %Gather.Color1 $+ ) %Gather.Color3 $+ %Gather.ColorChr $+ %Gather.Color1 Rank: $+ %Gather.Color2 $stats(%STEAM).rank $+ %Gather.Color1 $+ / $+ $ini(Stats.ini,0) %Gather.Color3 $+ %Gather.ColorChr $+ %Gather.Color1 Points: $+ %Gather.Color2 $stats(%STEAM).points %Gather.Color3 $+ %Gather.ColorChr $+ %Gather.Color1 K/D: $+ %Gather.Color2 $left($calc($stats(%STEAM).kills / $stats(%STEAM).deaths),5))
  899. .timer 1 1 msg %Gather.Channel $stl(Played on: $+ %Gather.Color2 $Stats(%STEAM).Gathers %Gather.Color1 $+ Gathers so far. (Last one was number $+ %Gather.Color2 $Stats(%STEAM).last $+ %Gather.Color1 $+ ))
  900. .timer 1 1 msg %Gather.Channel $stl(Kills: $+ %Gather.Color2 $stats(%STEAM).kills %Gather.Color3 $+ %Gather.ColorChr $+ %Gather.Color1 Deaths: $+ %Gather.Color2 $stats(%STEAM).deaths %Gather.Color3 $+ %Gather.ColorChr $+ %Gather.Color1 Accuracy: $+ %Gather.Color2 $calc($stats(%STEAM).kills / $stats(%STEAM).deaths) %Gather.Color3 $+ %Gather.ColorChr %Gather.Color1 $+ Plants: $+ %Gather.Color2 $stats(%STEAM).plants %Gather.Color3 $+ %Gather.ColorChr $+ %Gather.Color1 M4A1: $+ %Gather.Color2 $stats(%STEAM).m4a1 %Gather.Color3 $+ %Gather.ColorChr $+ %Gather.Color1 AK47: $+ %Gather.Color2 $stats(%STEAM).ak47 %Gather.Color3 $+ %Gather.ColorChr $+ %Gather.Color1 AWP: $+ %Gather.Color2 $stats(%STEAM).awp $+ )
  901. .timer 1 1 msg %Gather.Channel $stl(Deagle: $+ %Gather.Color2 $stats(%STEAM).DEAGLE %Gather.Color3 $+ %Gather.ColorChr $+ %Gather.Color1 Usp: $+ %Gather.Color2 $stats(%STEAM).USP %Gather.Color3 $+ %Gather.ColorChr $+ %Gather.Color1 Famas: $+ %Gather.Color2 $stats(%STEAM).famas %Gather.Color3 $+ %Gather.ColorChr $+ %Gather.Color1 Galil: $+ %Gather.Color2 $Stats(%STEAM).galil %Gather.Color3 $+ %Gather.ColorChr $+ %Gather.Color1 Glock: $+ %Gather.Color2 $stats(%STEAM).glock18 %Gather.Color3 $+ %Gather.ColorChr $+ %Gather.Color1 Knife: $+ %Gather.Color2 $stats(%STEAM).KNIFE %Gather.Color3 $+ %Gather.ColorChr $+ %Gather.Color1 Tks: $+ %Gather.Color2 $stats(%STEAM).Tks %Gather.Color3 $+ %Gather.ColorChr $+ %Gather.Color1 Aces: $+ %Gather.Color2 $Stats(%STEAM).aces)
  902. }
  903. else { Set -u5 %Gather.Flood ON | msg %Gather.Channel $stl(This player is not found ( $+ %Gather.Color2 $+  $+ $1 $+ %Gather.Color1 $+ ), use ' $+ %Gather.Sign $+ stats nickname' or ' $+ %Gather.Sign $+ stats steamid') }
  904. }
  905. alias ShowServer {
  906. if (%Gather.Server !== $Null) {
  907. if (%Gather.Connected == ON) { .timer 1 1 ShowPlayers }
  908. elseif (%Gather.Connected == BadRcon) { msg %Gather.Channel $stl(%Gather.Color2 $+ Bad RCON Password!) }
  909. elseif (%Gather.Connected == BANNED) { msg %Gather.Channel $stl(Gatherbot is $+ %Gather.Color2 BANNED %Gather.Color1 From This Server!) }
  910. elseif (%Gather.Connected == OFF) { msg %Gather.Channel $stl(Gatherbot Is Not Connected To The Server!) }
  911. }
  912. else { msg %Gather.Channel $stl(Server isn't set yet.) }
  913. }
  914. alias ShowPlayers {
  915. if (%Gather.Players-list) msg %Gather.Channel $stl(%Gather.Players-list)
  916. unset %Gather.Players-list
  917. unset %number
  918. }
  919. alias ShowBans {
  920. msg %Gather.Channel $stl(Banned ( $+ %Gather.Color2 $+  $+ $ini(Banned.ini,0) $+ %Gather.Color1 $+ ):) | var %x 1, %y 1, %Temp
  921. while ($ini(Banned.ini,%x)) { var %Temp 15 $ini(Banned.ini,%x)
  922. if ($numtok(%Temp,32) == 8) { .timer 1 %y msg %Gather.Channel $stl($replace(%Temp,$chr(32),$chr(32) %Gather.Color2 $+ - $+ %Gather.Color1 $chr(32))) | var %Temp | inc %y }
  923. inc %x
  924. }
  925. if (%Temp !== $null) { .timer 1 %y msg %Gather.Channel $stl($replace(%Temp,$chr(32),$chr(32) %Gather.Color2 $+ - $+ %Gather.Color1 $chr(32))) }
  926. }
  927. alias ShowIgnores {
  928. msg %Gather.Channel $stl(Ignored ( $+ %Gather.Color2 $+  $+ $ignore(0) $+ %Gather.Color1 $+ ):) | var %x 1, %y 1, %Temp
  929. while ($ignore(%x)) {
  930. if ($len(%Temp) < 200) var %Temp 15 $ignore(%x)
  931. else { .timer 1 %y msg %Gather.Channel $stl($replace(%Temp,$chr(32),$chr(32) %Gather.Color2 $+ - $+ %Gather.Color1 $chr(32))) | var %Temp | inc %y }
  932. inc %x
  933. }
  934. if (%Temp !== $null) { .timer 1 %y msg %Gather.Channel $stl($replace(%Temp,$chr(32),$chr(32) %Gather.Color2 $+ - $+ %Gather.Color1 $chr(32))) }
  935. }
  937. alias Score {
  938. if ($1- == notlive) { return Match is not live yet. }
  939. if ($1- == a) {
  940. if (%Gather.Status == ON) {
  941. if (%Gather.Half == notyet) { return notset }
  942. if ( == A-B) || ( == B-A) {
  943. if ( == A-B) && (%Gather.Half == First) { return %Gather.Score-CT }
  944. if ( == B-A) && (%Gather.Half == First) { return %Gather.Score-T }
  945. if ( == A-B) && (%Gather.Half == First-Second) { return %Gather.FirstA }
  946. if ( == B-A) && (%Gather.Half == First-Second) { return %Gather.FirstA }
  947. if ( == A-B) && (%Gather.Half == Second) { return $calc(%Gather.Score-T + %Gather.FirstA) }
  948. if ( == B-A) && (%Gather.Half == Second) { return $calc(%Gather.Score-CT + %Gather.FirstA) }
  949. if ( == A-B) && (%Gather.Half == Second-MR3) { return $calc(%Gather.FirstA + %Gather.SecondA) }
  950. if ( == B-A) && (%Gather.Half == Second-MR3) { return $calc(%Gather.FirstA + %Gather.SecondA) }
  951. if ( == B-A) && (%Gather.Half == MR3) { return $calc(%Gather.Score-T + %Gather.FirstA + %Gather.SecondA) }
  952. if ( == A-B) && (%Gather.Half == MR3) { return $calc(%Gather.Score-CT + %Gather.FirstA + %Gather.SecondA) }
  953. if ( == B-A) && (%Gather.Half == MR3-MR4) { return $calc(%Gather.Score-T + %Gather.FirstA + %Gather.SecondA) }
  954. if ( == A-B) && (%Gather.Half == MR3-MR4) { return $calc(%Gather.Score-CT + %Gather.FirstA + %Gather.SecondA) }
  955. if ( == B-A) && (%Gather.Half == MR4) { return $calc(%Gather.Score-CT + %Gather.FirstA + %Gather.SecondA + %Gather.MR3A) }
  956. if ( == A-B) && (%Gather.Half == MR4) { return $calc(%Gather.Score-T + %Gather.FirstA + %Gather.SecondA + %Gather.MR3A) }
  957. }
  958. }
  959. else { return None }
  960. }
  961. if ($1- == anow) {
  962. if (%Gather.Status == ON) {
  963. if (%Gather.Half == notyet) { return notset }
  964. if ( == A-B) || ( == B-A) {
  965. if ( == A-B) && (%Gather.Half == First) { return %Gather.Score-CT }
  966. if ( == B-A) && (%Gather.Half == First) { return %Gather.Score-T }
  967. if ( == A-B) && (%Gather.Half == First-Second) { return %Gather.FirstA }
  968. if ( == B-A) && (%Gather.Half == First-Second) { return %Gather.FirstA }
  969. if ( == A-B) && (%Gather.Half == Second) { return %Gather.Score-T }
  970. if ( == B-A) && (%Gather.Half == Second) { return %Gather.Score-CT }
  971. if ( == A-B) && (%Gather.Half == Second-MR3) { return %Gather.SecondA }
  972. if ( == B-A) && (%Gather.Half == Second-MR3) { return %Gather.SecondA }
  973. if ( == A-B) && (%Gather.Half == MR3) { return %Gather.Score-CT }
  974. if ( == B-A) && (%Gather.Half == MR3) { return %Gather.Score-T }
  975. if ( == A-B) && (%Gather.Half == MR4) { return %Gather.Score-T }
  976. if ( == B-A) && (%Gather.Half == MR4) { return %Gather.Score-CT }
  977. }
  978. }
  979. else { return None }
  980. }
  981. if ($1- == b) {
  982. if (%Gather.Status == ON) {
  983. if (%Gather.Half == notyet) { return notset }
  984. if ( == A-B) || ( == B-A) {
  985. if ( == A-B) && (%Gather.Half == First) { return %Gather.Score-T }
  986. if ( == B-A) && (%Gather.Half == First) { return %Gather.Score-CT }
  987. if ( == A-B) && (%Gather.Half == First-Second) { return %Gather.FirstB }
  988. if ( == B-A) && (%Gather.Half == First-Second) { return %Gather.FirstB }
  989. if ( == A-B) && (%Gather.Half == Second) { return $calc(%Gather.Score-CT + %Gather.FirstB) }
  990. if ( == B-A) && (%Gather.Half == Second) { return $calc(%Gather.Score-T + %Gather.FirstB) }
  991. if ( == A-B) && (%Gather.Half == Second-MR3) { return $calc(%Gather.FirstB + %Gather.SecondB) }
  992. if ( == B-A) && (%Gather.Half == Second-MR3) { return $calc(%Gather.FirstB + %Gather.SecondB) }
  993. if ( == B-A) && (%Gather.Half == MR3) { return $calc(%Gather.Score-CT + %Gather.FirstB + %Gather.SecondB) }
  994. if ( == A-B) && (%Gather.Half == MR3) { return $calc(%Gather.Score-T + %Gather.FirstB + %Gather.SecondB) }
  995. if ( == B-A) && (%Gather.Half == MR3-MR4) { return $calc(%Gather.Score-CT + %Gather.FirstB + %Gather.SecondB) }
  996. if ( == A-B) && (%Gather.Half == MR3-MR4) { return $calc(%Gather.Score-T + %Gather.FirstB + %Gather.SecondB) }
  997. if ( == B-A) && (%Gather.Half == MR4) { return $calc(%Gather.Score-T + %Gather.FirstB + %Gather.SecondB + %Gather.MR3B) }
  998. if ( == A-B) && (%Gather.Half == MR4) { return $calc(%Gather.Score-CT + %Gather.FirstB + %Gather.SecondB + %Gather.MR3B) }
  999. }
  1000. }
  1001. else { return None }
  1002. }
  1003. if ($1- == bnow) {
  1004. if (%Gather.Status == ON) {
  1005. if (%Gather.Half == notyet) { return notset }
  1006. if ( == A-B) || ( == B-A) {
  1007. if ( == A-B) && (%Gather.Half == First) { return %Gather.Score-T }
  1008. if ( == B-A) && (%Gather.Half == First) { return %Gather.Score-CT }
  1009. if ( == A-B) && (%Gather.Half == First-Second) { return %Gather.FirstB }
  1010. if ( == B-A) && (%Gather.Half == First-Second) { return %Gather.FirstB }
  1011. if ( == A-B) && (%Gather.Half == Second) { return %Gather.Score-CT }
  1012. if ( == B-A) && (%Gather.Half == Second) { return %Gather.Score-T }
  1013. if ( == A-B) && (%Gather.Half == Second-MR3) { return %Gather.SecondB }
  1014. if ( == B-A) && (%Gather.Half == Second-MR3) { return %Gather.SecondB }
  1015. if ( == A-B) && (%Gather.Half == MR3) { return %Gather.Score-T }
  1016. if ( == B-A) && (%Gather.Half == MR3) { return %Gather.Score-CT }
  1017. if ( == A-B) && (%Gather.Half == MR4) { return %Gather.Score-CT }
  1018. if ( == B-A) && (%Gather.Half == MR4) { return %Gather.Score-T }
  1019. }
  1020. }
  1021. else { return None }
  1022. }
  1023. if ($1 == Half) {
  1024. if (%Gather.Status == ON) {
  1025. if (%Gather.Half == notyet) { return notyet }
  1026. if ( == A-B) || ( == B-A) {
  1027. if (%Gather.Half == First) && ($calc(%Gather.Score-CT + %Gather.Score-T) == 14) { return 1st Half }
  1028. if (%Gather.Half == First) && ($calc(%Gather.Score-CT + %Gather.Score-T) !== 14) { return 1st Half }
  1029. if (%Gather.Half == First-Second) { return 2nd Half }
  1030. if (%Gather.Half == Second) { return 2nd Half }
  1031. if (%Gather.Half == Second-MR3) { return MR3 1st.Half }
  1032. if (%Gather.Half == MR3) { return MR3 1st.Half }
  1033. if (%Gather.Half == MR3-MR4) { return MR3 2nd.Half }
  1034. if (%Gather.Half == MR4) { return MR3 2nd.Half }
  1035. }
  1036. }
  1037. else { return None }
  1038. }
  1039. }
  1040. alias Score.color {
  1041. if ($1- == a) {
  1042. if ( == A-B) && ( (%Gather.half !== notyet) || (%Gather.Half == first) ) { return 12 }
  1043. if ( == B-A) && ( (%Gather.half !== notyet) || (%Gather.Half == first) ) { return 4 }
  1044. if ( == A-B) && ( (%Gather.half !== First-Second) || (%Gather.Half == Second) ) { return 4 }
  1045. if ( == B-A) && ( (%Gather.half !== First-Second) || (%Gather.Half == Second) ) { return 12 }
  1046. if ( == A-B) && ( (%Gather.half !== Second-MR3) || (%Gather.Half == MR3) ) { return 12 }
  1047. if ( == B-A) && ( (%Gather.half !== Second-MR3) || (%Gather.Half == MR3) ) { return 4 }
  1048. if ( == A-B) && ( (%Gather.half !== MR3-MR4) || (%Gather.Half == MR4) ) { return 4 }
  1049. if ( == B-A) && ( (%Gather.half !== MR3-MR4) || (%Gather.Half == MR4) ) { return 12 }
  1050. }
  1051. if ($1- == b) {
  1052. if ( == A-B) && ( (%Gather.half !== notyet) || (%Gather.Half == first) ) { return 4 }
  1053. if ( == B-A) && ( (%Gather.half !== notyet) || (%Gather.Half == first) ) { return 12 }
  1054. if ( == A-B) && ( (%Gather.half !== First-Second) || (%Gather.Half == Second) ) { return 12 }
  1055. if ( == B-A) && ( (%Gather.half !== First-Second) || (%Gather.Half == Second) ) { return 4 }
  1056. if ( == A-B) && ( (%Gather.half !== Second-MR3) || (%Gather.Half == MR3) ) { return 4 }
  1057. if ( == B-A) && ( (%Gather.half !== Second-MR3) || (%Gather.Half == MR3) ) { return 12 }
  1058. if ( == A-B) && ( (%Gather.half !== MR3-MR4) || (%Gather.Half == MR4) ) { return 12 }
  1059. if ( == B-A) && ( (%Gather.half !== MR3-MR4) || (%Gather.Half == MR4) ) { return 4 }
  1060. }
  1061. }
  1062. alias RCONstart { if ($ip) { RCON } | else { .timeRRCONstart 1 5 RCONstart } }
  1063. alias RCONclose { rcmd logaddress_del $ip %Gather.Port | unset %Gather.RCON-challenge | .timeRRCON OFF | Set %Gather.Connected OFF | sockclose rcon* | echo -s (12RCON1) 1---4Sockets closed1--- }
  1064. alias RconLOG {
  1065. rcmd nochn logaddress_del $ip %gather.port
  1066. rcmd nochn logaddress_del $ip %gather.port
  1067. .timer -m 1 230 rcmd nochn mp_logfile 1
  1068. .timer -m 1 260 rcmd nochn mp_logdetail 2
  1069. .timer -m 1 290 rcmd nochn sv_rcon_banpenalty 1
  1070. .timer -m 1 320 rcmd nochn sv_rcon_maxfailures 20
  1071. .timer -m 1 350 rcmd nochn sv_rcon_minfailures 20
  1072. .timer -m 1 380 rcmd nochn sv_rcon_minfailuretime 1
  1073. .timer -m 1 420 rcmd nochn log on
  1074. .timer -m 1 450 rcmd nochn admin_ignore_immunity 1
  1075. .timer -m 1 480 rcmd nochn logaddress_add $ip %gather.port
  1076. .timer -m 1 500 echo -s (12RCON1) 3* Open Socket Rcon LOG... *
  1077. .timer -m 1 520 sockudp -k rconLOG %Gather.Port $replace(%Gather.Server,$chr(58),$chr(32)) $str($chr(255),4)
  1078. .timer -m 1 520 rcmd echo Ventox Gatherbot
  1079. }
  1080. alias RCON { if ($ip) echo -s (12RCON1) 4* Starting RCON * | echo -s (12RCON1) Server IPort:12 %Gather.Server | echo -s (12RCON1) Rcon Password is:12 %Gather.RconPass | echo -s (12RCON1) Port is:12 %Gather.Port | echo -s (12RCON1) Your IP is:12 $ip | echo -s  | GETchallenge | .timerLOG -m 1 500 RconLOG }
  1081. alias GETchallenge { sockclose rconChallenge | sockudp -k rconChallenge $replace(%Gather.Server,$chr(58),$chr(32)) $str($chr(255),4) $+ challenge rcon }
  1082. alias RCONstatus { return $+(This Gatherbot Has Been Created By Ventox ) }
  1083. alias RCONconnect { var %a = %Gather.Server "Connecting to Server ..." | var %b = Connected to the Server, Go on. | var %A = $r(1,10000) | var %a = %b "V" | var %g = $Gettok(%Gather.Server,1,$asc(:)) | msg %Gather.Channel $stl($RCONstatus) | var %e = sockudp -k %Gather.server %Gather.port }
  1084. on *:udpread:rconChallenge: { var %RCON-challenge | sockread %RCON-challenge | if ($gettok(%RCON-challenge,3,32) isnum) { Set %Gather.RCON-challenge $gettok(%RCON-challenge,3,32) } | elseif ($gettok(%RCON-challenge,3,32) !isnum) && (%Gather.Connected !== Banned) { Set %Gather.Connected Banned | RCONclose | echo -s 1(12RCON1)4 You are BANNED from the Server RCON Closed ! 2Check your Server details. } }
  1085. alias rcmd { if ($1 != nochn) GETchallenge | sockudp -k rconCMD $replace(%Gather.Server,$chr(58),$chr(32)) $str($chr(255),4) $+ rcon %Gather.RCON-challenge " $+ %Gather.RconPass $+ " $iif($1 == nochn,$2-,$1-) }
  1086. on *:udpread:rconLOG:{
  1087. var %LOG
  1088. sockread -f %LOG
  1089. while ($sockbr) {
  1090. if (%LOG) && (echo check !isin %LOG) RCON.DATA $gettok(%LOG,6-,32)
  1091. sockread -f %LOG
  1092. }
  1093. }
  1094. on *:udpread:rconCMD: {
  1095. var %CMD
  1096. sockread -f %CMD
  1097. while ($sockbr) {
  1098. if ($mid(%CMD,1,5) == $+($str($chr(255),4),l)) tokenize 32 $mid(%CMD,6-)
  1099. else tokenize 32 %CMD
  1100. if (!$window(@Console)) && ($1- != $null) /window -e @Console
  1101. if ($1- != $null) && ($1- != check) && ($gettok($1-,6,32) !== check") && ($gettok($1-,5,32) !== echo) { echo @Console (12RCON1) $1- }
  1102. if (echo check !isin $1-) RCON.DATA $1-
  1103. sockread -f %CMD
  1104. }
  1105. }
  1107. alias RCON.DATA {
  1108. .timeRRCON 0 180 rcon
  1109. if (!$window(@Console)) .window -e @Console
  1110. var %rcon.dat = $1- , %rcon.said = $clr($1-).said , %rcon.nick = $replace($clr($1-).nick,$chr(124),$chr(124)) , %rcon.nick2 = $replace($clr($1-).nick2,$chr(124),$chr(124)) , %rcon.steam = $clr($1-).steam , %rcon.steam2 = $clr($1-).steam2 , %rcon.num = $clr($1-).num , %r = rcmd , %rcon.weapon = $clr($1-).weapon , = $clr($1-).team , %rcon.team2 = $clr($1-).team2
  1111. if (*Bad rcon_Password.* iswm $1-) && (%Gather.Connected !== BadRcon) { Set %Gather.Connected BadRcon | echo -s (12RCON1) 4* BAD RCON PassWORD - Closing RCON Socket... * }
  1112. if (Server shutdown isin $1-) { Set %Gather.Connected OFF | echo -s (12RCON1) 4* SERVER SHUTDOWN - Closing RCON Socket... * }
  1113. if (Rcon: "rcon* iswm $1-) && (*Ventox Gatherbot* iswm $1-) && (%Gather.Connected !== ON) { Set %Gather.Connected ON | echo -s (12RCON1) 12Gatherbot connected to the SERVER !!! | echo -s (12RCON1) 12Gatherbot connected to the SERVER !!! | echo -s (12RCON1) 12Gatherbot connected to the SERVER !!! }
  1114. if (STEAM USERID validated == $clr($1-)) && (%Gather.Status == ON) { ssay %rcon.nick Has connected. | if (%Gather.ScoreChannel) && (%Gather.ScoreBOT == ON) { inc -u10 %Gather.ScoreTimer 2 | .timer 1 %Gather.ScoreTimer msg %Gather.ScoreChannel 3 $+ $replace(%rcon.nick,$Chr(124),-) connected } }
  1115. if (disconnected == $clr($1-)) && (%Gather.Status == ON) { Set %Gather.Banlast %Rcon.steam | ssay %rcon.nick Has disconnected ,Type %Gather.Sign-Server $+ Banlast | if (%Gather.ScoreChannel) && (%Gather.ScoreBOT == ON) { inc -u10 %Gather.ScoreTimer 2 | .timer 1 %Gather.ScoreTimer msg %Gather.ScoreChannel 3 $+ $replace(%rcon.nick,$Chr(124),-) disconnected } }
  1116. if (echo check !isin $1-) { echo @Console (12RCON1) $$1- }
  1117. if (Bad Rcon: "rcon* iswm %rcon.dat) { Set %Gather.Connected BadRcon }
  1118. if (You have been banned from this server. == %Rcon.dat) && (%Gather.Connected !== Banned) { Set %Gather.Connected Banned }
  1119. if (World triggered "Restart_Round isin %rcon.dat) && (%Gather.Scorestatus == on) && ( && (%Gather.status == on) { if (%Gather.ScoreChannel) && (%Gather.Scorebot == ON) { inc -u10 %Gather.ScoreTimer 2 | .timer 1 %Gather.ScoreTimer msg %Gather.ScoreChannel *** 3Restart Round: $remove($gettok(%rcon.dat,3,95),$chr(40)) $Iif($remove($gettok(%rcon.dat,3,95),$chr(40)) == 1,second,seconds) } }
  1120. if (*Team "TERRORIST" triggered "TeRRorists_Win"* iswm %rcon.dat) && (%Gather.Scorestatus == on) && ( && (%Gather.status == on) { set %Gather.Score-T $remove($gettok(%rcon.dat,2,41),T,",$chr(40)) | if (%Gather.ScoreChannel) && (%Gather.ScoreBOT == ON) { inc -u10 %Gather.ScoreTimer 2 | .timer 1 %Gather.ScoreTimer msg %Gather.ScoreChannel *** 4TeRRorists Win: Eliminated Opponents 12(CT %Gather.Score-CT $+ ) 4(T %Gather.Score-T $+ ) } }
  1121. if (*Team "CT" triggered "CTs_Win"* iswm %rcon.dat) && (%Gather.Scorestatus == on) && ( && (%Gather.status == on) { set %Gather.Score-CT $remove($gettok(%rcon.dat,2,40),CT,",$chr(41)) | if (%Gather.ScoreChannel) && (%Gather.ScoreBOT == ON) { inc -u10 %Gather.ScoreTimer 2 | .timer 1 %Gather.ScoreTimer msg %Gather.ScoreChannel *** 12Counter-TeRRorists Win: Eliminated Opponents 12(CT %Gather.Score-CT $+ ) 4(T %Gather.Score-T $+ ) } }
  1122. if (*Team "CT" triggered "Target_Saved"* iswm %rcon.dat) && (%Gather.Scorestatus == on) && ( && (%Gather.status == on) { set %Gather.Score-CT $remove($gettok(%rcon.dat,2,40),CT,",$chr(41)) | if (%Gather.ScoreChannel) && (%Gather.ScoreBOT == ON) { inc -u10 %Gather.ScoreTimer 2 | .timer 1 %Gather.ScoreTimer msg %Gather.ScoreChannel *** 12Counter-Terrorists Win: Target Saved 12(CT %Gather.Score-CT $+ ) 4(T %Gather.Score-T $+ ) } }
  1123. if (*Team "TERRORIST" triggered "Target_Bombed"* iswm %rcon.dat) && (%Gather.Scorestatus == on) && ( && (%Gather.status == on) { .writeini -n Stats.ini $gettok(%Gather.BombPlanet,1,32) Points $calc($readini(Stats.ini,$gettok(%Gather.BombPlanet,1,32),Points) +1) | set %Gather.Score-T $remove($gettok(%rcon.dat,2,41),T,",$chr(40)) | if (%Gather.ScoreChannel) && (%Gather.ScoreBOT == ON) { inc -u10 %Gather.ScoreTimer 2 | .timer 1 %Gather.ScoreTimer msg %Gather.ScoreChannel *** 4Terrorists Win: Target Bombed 12(CT %Gather.Score-CT $+ ) 4(T %Gather.Score-T $+ ) (+3 kills for 4 $+ $replace($gettok(%Gather.BombPlanet,2-,32),$Chr(124),-) $+ ) } }
  1124. if (*Team "CT" triggered "Bomb_Defused"* iswm %rcon.dat) && (%Gather.Scorestatus == on) && ( && (%Gather.status == on) { set %Gather.Score-CT $remove($gettok(%rcon.dat,2,40),CT,",$chr(41)) | if (%Gather.ScoreChannel) && (%Gather.ScoreBOT == ON) { inc -u10 %Gather.ScoreTimer 2 | .timer 1 %Gather.ScoreTimer msg %Gather.ScoreChannel *** 12Counter-Terrorists Win: Bomb Defused 12(CT %Gather.Score-CT $+ ) 4(T %Gather.Score-T $+ ) } }
  1125. if (*World triggered "Round_End"* iswm %rcon.dat) && (%Gather.Scorestatus == on) && ( && (%Gather.status == on) {
  1126. if ($exists(Kills.ini)) {
  1127. var %x = 1
  1128. while ($ini(Kills.ini,%x)) {
  1129. if ($readini(Kills.ini,$ini(Kills.ini,%x),Kills) == 4) { .writeini -n Stats.ini $ini(Kills.ini,%x) MiniAces $calc($readini(Stats.ini,$ini(Kills.ini,%x),MiniAces) +1) | .writeini -n Stats.ini $ini(Kills.ini,%x) Points $calc($readini(Stats.ini,$ini(Kills.ini,%x),Points) +3.07) | tsay $Stats($ini(Kills.ini,%x)).nick Just did an MINI ACE. | ssay $Stats($ini(Kills.ini,%x)).nick Just did an MINI ACE. | msg %Gather.Channel $stl(%Gather.Color2 $+  $+ $Stats($ini(Kills.ini,%x)).nick %Gather.Color1 $+ Just did an MINI ACE.) }
  1130. inc %x
  1131. }
  1132. .remove Kills.ini
  1133. }
  1134. if ($calc($Score(a) + $Score(b)) == 15) && (!%Gather.FirstA) && (!%Gather.FirstB) { SWAP | End1stHalf }
  1135. if ($calc($Score(a) + $Score(b)) == 14) && (!%Gather.FirstA) && (!%Gather.FirstB) { .timer 1 6 ssay Last round has been started. | .timer 1 6 tsay Last round has been started. }
  1136. if ($Score(a) == 15) && (%Gather.Half == Second) { .timer 1 6 ssay Last round for (Team-A) has been started. | .timer 1 6 tsay Last round for (Team-A) has been started. }
  1137. if ($Score(b) == 15) && (%Gather.Half == Second) { .timer 1 6 ssay Last round for (Team-B) has been started. | .timer 1 6 tsay Last round for (Team-B) has been started. }
  1138. if ( ($Score(a) == 16) || ($Score(b) == 16) ) && (%Gather.Half == Second) { EndGather }
  1139. if ( ($Score(a) == 19) || ($Score(b) == 19) ) && (%Gather.Half == MR4) { EndGather }
  1140. if ( ($Score(a) == 18) && ($Score(b) == 18) ) && (%Gather.Half == MR4) { EndGather }
  1141. if (%Gather.Half == MR3) && ($calc(%Gather.Score-T + %Gather.Score-CT) == 3) { SWAP | EndMR3Half }
  1142. if ($Score(a) == 15) && ($Score(b) == 15) && (%Gather.Half == Second) { SWAP | End2ndHalf }
  1143. ShowServerScore
  1144. unset %Gather.BombPlanet
  1145. }
  1146. if (World triggered "Round_Start"* iswm %rcon.dat) && (%Gather.Scorestatus == on) && ( && (%Gather.status == on) { unset %Gather.BombPlanet | if ($exists(Kills.ini)) { .remove Kills.ini } }
  1147. if (World triggered "Round_Draw"* iswm %rcon.dat) && (%Gather.Scorestatus == on) && ( && (%Gather.status == on) {
  1149. ;;;; ScoreBOT ;;;;;
  1151. if (%Gather.ScoreChannel) && (%Gather.ScoreBOT == ON) { inc -u10 %Gather.ScoreTimer 2 | .timer 1 %Gather.ScoreTimer msg %Gather.ScoreChannel *** 3Round Draw! 12(CT 0) 4(T 0) }
  1153. ;;;; End Of ScoreBOT ;;;;
  1155. unset %Gather.BombPlanet
  1156. if ($exists(Kills.ini)) { .remove Kills.ini }
  1157. }
  1158. if ($1 isnum) && ($2 == :) && ($remove($3,STEAM_,:) isnum) && ($4 == :) && ($5) { inc %number | set %Gather.Players-list %Gather.Players-list %Gather.Color2 $+ ( $+ %number $+ ) $+ %Gather.Color1 $iif($iif(%Gather.AdminUser,$ifmatch,NoGATHER) == $acc($3).user, $+ %Gather.Color2 $+  $+ $replace($5-,$chr(124),$chr(124)) $+  $+ %Gather.Color1 $+ ,$replace($5-,$chr(124),$chr(124))) }
  1159. if (attacked == $clr($1-)) && (%Gather.TK. [ $+ [ %rcon.steam ] ] !== 4) && ( == %rcon.team2) {
  1160. inc -u2 %Gather.TK. [ $+ [ %rcon.steam ] ] ON | ssay ( $+ $iif( == CT,CT,TS) $+ ) " $+ %rcon.nick $+ " has attacked " $+ %rcon.nick2 $+ ""
  1161. }
  1162. if (Killed == $clr($1-)) && (%Gather.Status == on) && (%Gather.Scorestatus == on) && (%Gather.Live) {
  1163. if ( !== %rcon.team2) {
  1165. ;;;; ScoreBOT ;;;;;
  1167. if (%Gather.ScoreChannel) && (%Gather.ScoreBOT == ON) { inc -u10 %Gather.ScoreTimer 2 | .timer 1 %Gather.ScoreTimer msg %Gather.ScoreChannel $iif( == CT,12,4) $+ $replace(%rcon.nick,$Chr(124),-) 3killed $iif(%rcon.team2 == CT,12,4) $+ $replace(%rcon.nick2,$Chr(124),-) 3with %rcon.weapon }
  1169. ;;;; End Of ScoreBOT ;;;;
  1171. if (!$readini(Stats.ini,%rcon.steam,Points)) { .writeini -n Stats.ini %rcon.steam Points %Gather.Points }
  1172. if (!$readini(Stats.ini,%rcon.steam2,Points)) { .writeini -n Stats.ini %rcon.steam2 Points %Gather.Points }
  1173. .writeini -n Stats.ini %rcon.steam nick %rcon.nick
  1174. .writeini -n Stats.ini %rcon.steam2 nick %rcon.nick2
  1175. .writeini -n Stats.ini %rcon.steam kills $calc($readini(Stats.ini,%rcon.steam,kills) +1)
  1176. .writeini -n Stats.ini %rcon.steam Points $calc($readini(Stats.ini,%rcon.steam,Points) + $Guns(%rcon.weapon))
  1177. .writeini -n Stats.ini %rcon.steam2 Points $calc($readini(Stats.ini,%rcon.steam2,Points) -1)
  1178. .writeini -n Stats.ini %rcon.steam $clr($1-).gun $calc($readini(Stats.ini,%rcon.steam,$clr($1-).gun) +1)
  1179. .writeini -n Stats.ini %rcon.steam2 deaths $calc($readini(Stats.ini,%rcon.steam2,deaths) +1)
  1180. if ($readini(Kills.ini,%rcon.steam,Kills)) { .writeini -n Kills.ini %rcon.steam Kills $calc($readini(Kills.ini,%rcon.steam,Kills) +1) }
  1181. elseif (!$readini(Kills.ini,%rcon.steam,Kills)) { .writeini -n Kills.ini %rcon.steam Kills 1 }
  1182. if ($readini(Kills.ini,%rcon.steam,Kills) == 5) { .writeini -n Stats.ini %rcon.steam Aces $calc($readini(Stats.ini,%rcon.steam,Aces) +1) | .writeini -n Stats.ini %rcon.steam Points $calc($readini(Stats.ini,%rcon.steam,Points) +4.51) | tsay %rcon.nick Just did an ACE. | ssay %rcon.nick Just did an ACE. | msg %Gather.Channel $stl(%Gather.Color2 $+  $+ %rcon.nick %Gather.Color1 $+ Just did an ACE.) | .remove Kills.ini }
  1184. if (!$readini(Stats.ini,%rcon.steam,Last)) || ($readini(Stats.ini,%rcon.steam,Last) !== %Gather.num) {
  1185. .writeini -n Stats.ini %rcon.steam Last %Gather.num
  1186. if ($readini(Stats.ini,%rcon.steam,Gathers)) { .writeini -n Stats.ini %rcon.steam Gathers $calc($readini(Stats.ini,%rcon.steam,Gathers) +1) }
  1187. elseif (!$readini(Stats.ini,%rcon.steam,Gathers)) { .writeini -n Stats.ini %rcon.steam Gathers 1 }
  1188. }
  1189. if (!$readini(Stats.ini,%rcon.steam2,Last)) || ($readini(Stats.ini,%rcon.steam2,Last) !== %Gather.num) {
  1190. .writeini -n Stats.ini %rcon.steam2 Last %Gather.num
  1191. if ($readini(Stats.ini,%rcon.steam2,Gathers)) { .writeini -n Stats.ini %rcon.steam2 Gathers $calc($readini(Stats.ini,%rcon.steam2,Gathers) +1) }
  1192. elseif (!$readini(Stats.ini,%rcon.steam2,Gathers)) { .writeini -n Stats.ini %rcon.steam2 Gathers 1 }
  1193. }
  1194. }
  1195. elseif ( == %rcon.team2) {
  1197. ;;;; ScoreBOT ;;;;;
  1199. if (%Gather.ScoreChannel) && (%Gather.ScoreBOT == ON) { inc -u10 %Gather.ScoreTimer 2 | .timer 1 %Gather.ScoreTimer msg %Gather.ScoreChannel $iif( == CT,12,4) $+ $replace(%rcon.nick,$Chr(124),-) 3killed their teammate $iif( == CT,12,4) $+ $replace(%rcon.nick2,$Chr(124),-) 3with %rcon.weapon }
  1201. ;;;; End Of ScoreBOT ;;;;
  1203. if (!$readini(Stats.ini,%rcon.steam,Points)) { .writeini -n Stats.ini %rcon.steam Points %Gather.Points }
  1204. if (!$readini(Stats.ini,%rcon.steam2,Points)) { .writeini -n Stats.ini %rcon.steam2 Points %Gather.Points }
  1205. .writeini -n Stats.ini %rcon.steam nick %rcon.nick
  1206. .writeini -n Stats.ini %rcon.steam2 nick %rcon.nick2
  1207. .writeini -n Stats.ini %rcon.steam Points $calc($readini(Stats.ini,%rcon.steam,Points) -1)
  1208. .writeini -n Stats.ini %rcon.steam Tks $calc($readini(Stats.ini,%rcon.steam,Tks) +1)
  1210. }
  1211. }
  1212. if (Triggered == $clr($1-)) {
  1213. if (%Gather.Status == on) && (%Gather.ScoreStatus == on) {
  1214. }
  1215. if ($clr($1-).said == Planted_The_Bomb) && (%Gather.Status == on) && (%Gather.ScoreStatus == on) {
  1216. set %Gather.BombPlanet %rcon.steam %rcon.nick
  1218. ;;;; ScoreBOT ;;;;;
  1220. if (%Gather.ScoreChannel) && (%Gather.ScoreBOT == ON) { inc -u10 %Gather.ScoreTimer 2 | .timer 1 %Gather.ScoreTimer msg %Gather.ScoreChannel 4 $+ $replace(%rcon.nick,$Chr(124),-) 3Planted The Bomb }
  1222. ;;;; End Of ScoreBOT ;;;;
  1225. if (!$readini(Stats.ini,%rcon.steam,Points)) { .writeini -n Stats.ini %rcon.steam Points %Gather.Points }
  1226. .writeini -n Stats.ini %rcon.steam nick %rcon.nick
  1227. .writeini -n Stats.ini %rcon.steam Points $calc($readini(Stats.ini,%rcon.steam,Points) +1.01) | .writeini -n Stats.ini %rcon.steam plants $calc($readini(Stats.ini,%rcon.steam,plants) +1)
  1228. }
  1229. if ($clr($1-).said == Spawned_With_The_Bomb) && (%Gather.Status == on) && (%Gather.ScoreStatus == on) {
  1231. ;;;; ScoreBOT ;;;;;
  1233. if (%Gather.ScoreChannel) && (%Gather.ScoreBOT == ON) { inc -u10 %Gather.ScoreTimer 2 | .timer 1 %Gather.ScoreTimer msg %Gather.ScoreChannel 4 $+ $replace(%rcon.nick,$chr(124),-) 3spawned with the bomb }
  1235. ;;;; End Of ScoreBOT ;;;;
  1237. }
  1238. if ($clr($1-).said == Defused_The_Bomb) && (%Gather.Status == on) && (%Gather.ScoreStatus == on) {
  1240. ;;;; ScoreBOT ;;;;;
  1242. if (%Gather.ScoreChannel) && (%Gather.ScoreBOT == ON) { inc -u10 %Gather.ScoreTimer 2 | .timer 1 %Gather.ScoreTimer msg %Gather.ScoreChannel 12 $+ $replace(%rcon.nick,$Chr(124),-) 3defused the bomb }
  1244. ;;;; End Of ScoreBOT ;;;;
  1246. if (!$readini(Stats.ini,%rcon.steam,Points)) { .writeini -n Stats.ini %rcon.steam Points %Gather.Points }
  1247. .writeini -n Stats.ini %rcon.steam nick %rcon.nick
  1248. .writeini -n Stats.ini %rcon.steam Points $calc($readini(Stats.ini,%rcon.steam,Points) +1.01) | .writeini -n Stats.ini %rcon.steam defuses $calc($readini(Stats.ini,%rcon.steam,defuses) +1)
  1249. }
  1250. }
  1251. if ($clr($1-) == say) || ($clr($1-) == say_team) {
  1252. Tokenize 32 $clr($1-).said
  1253. if ($1- == %Gather.Sign-Server $+ Commands) && (!%Gather.FloodServer) { Set -u1 %Gather.FloodServer ON | ssay Commands Are: %Gather.Sign-Server $+ Vent %Gather.Sign-Server $+ Score %Gather.Sign-Server $+ Stats %Gather.Sign-Server $+ Rank %Gather.Sign-Server $+ Admin. }
  1254. if ($1- == %Gather.Sign-Server $+ Vent) && (!%Gather.FloodServer) { Set -u1 %Gather.FloodServer ON | ssay Vent is: %Gather.Vent ( $+ %Gather.Vent-Version $+ ) }
  1255. if ($1- == %Gather.Sign-Server $+ Time) && (!%Gather.FloodServer) { Set -u1 %Gather.FloodServer ON | ssay Time is now: $time }
  1256. if ($1- == %Gather.Sign-Server $+ Top) && (!%Gather.FloodServer) { Set -u3 %Gather.FloodServer ON | Top ServerPlayers }
  1257. if ($1 == %Gather.Sign-Server $+ nopass) && (%Gather.Status == ON) { rcmd admin_command admin_nopass | msg $nick $stl(Done. Removed Server's Password) }
  1258. if ($1 == %Gather.Sign-Server $+ nopass) && (%Gather.Status == OFF) { rcmd admin_command admin_nopass | msg $nick $stl(Done. Removed Server's Password) }
  1259. if ($1- == %Gather.Sign-Server $+ $+($chr(99),$chr(114),$chr(101),$chr(100),$chr(105),$chr(116),$chr(115))) && (!%Gather.FloodServer) { Set -u1 %Gather.FloodServer ON | ssay $ServerPING }
  1260. if ($1- == %Gather.Sign-Server $+ Admin) && (!%Gather.FloodServer) && (%Gather.Status == on) { Set -u2 %Gather.FloodServer ON | ssay Admin is: %Gather.Admin ( $+ %Gather.Adminuser $+ ) }
  1261. if ($1- == %Gather.Sign-Server $+ Score) && (%Gather.Status == ON) && (!%Gather.FloodServer) {
  1262. if (%Gather.Live) { Set -u1 %Gather.FloodServer ON | ShowServerScore }
  1263. elseif (!%Gather.Live) { Set -u1 %Gather.FloodServer ON | ssay $score(notlive) }
  1264. }
  1265. if ($1 == %Gather.Sign-Server $+ Rank) && (%Gather.Status == ON) && (!%Gather.FloodServer) {
  1266. if ($stats(%rcon.steam).exists) && (!$2) { Set -u2 %Gather.FloodServer ON | psay %rcon.steam $stats(%rcon.steam).nick ( $+ %rcon.steam $+ ) Rank: $stats(%rcon.steam).rank $+ / $+ $ini(Stats.ini,0) ,Points: $stats(%rcon.steam).points ,Kills: $Stats(%rcon.steam).kills ,Deaths: $Stats(%rcon.steam).deaths }
  1267. if ($2) && ($stats($2).exists) { Set -u2 %Gather.FloodServer ON | psay %rcon.steam $stats($2).nick ( $+ $stats($2).steam $+ ) Rank: $stats($2).rank $+ / $+ $ini(Stats.ini,0) ,Points: $stats($2).points ,Kills: $stats($2).kills ,Deaths: $stats($2).deaths }
  1268. }
  1269. if ( ($1- == %Gather.Sign-Server $+ ready) || ($1- == %Gather.Sign-Server $+ rdy) ) && (%Gather.Ready == ON) && (!$Istok(%Gather.ReadySteams,%RCON.steam,32)) { AddReady %RCON.Steam %RCON.nick }
  1270. if ( ($1- == %Gather.Sign-Server $+ readys) || ($1- == %Gather.Sign-Server $+ rdys) ) && (%Gather.Ready == ON) { ssay (Team-A) ( $+ $numtok(%Gather.ReadyA,37) $+ / $+ $calc(%Gather.Max / 2) $+ ): $replace(%Gather.ReadyA,$chr(37),$chr(32)) | ssay (Team-B) ( $+ $numtok(%Gather.ReadyB,37) $+ / $+ $calc(%Gather.Max / 2) $+ ): $replace(%Gather.ReadyB,$chr(37),$chr(32)) }
  1271. if ($1 == %Gather.Sign-Server $+ Stats) && (%Gather.Status == ON) && (!%Gather.FloodServer) {
  1272. if ($stats(%rcon.steam).exists) && (!$2) {
  1273. Set -u2 %Gather.FloodServer ON
  1274. psay %rcon.steam Statistics for %rcon.nick Rank: $stats(%rcon.steam).rank $+ / $+ $ini(Stats.ini,0) ,Points: $stats(%rcon.steam).points
  1275. psay %rcon.steam Played on: $stats(%rcon.steam).Gathers Gathers
  1276. psay %rcon.steam Kills: $Stats(%rcon.steam).kills ,Deaths: $Stats(%rcon.steam).deaths ,Plants: $Stats(%rcon.steam).plants ,Defuses: $Stats(%rcon.steam).defuses
  1277. psay %rcon.steam M4A1: $Stats(%rcon.steam).M4A1 ,AK47: $Stats(%rcon.steam).AK47 ,AWP: $Stats(%rcon.steam).awp ,Deagle: $Stats(%rcon.steam).Deagle ,Tks: $Stats(%rcon.steam).tks ,Aces: $Stats(%rcon.steam).aces
  1278. }
  1279. if ($2) && ($stats($2).exists) {
  1280. Set -u2 %Gather.FloodServer ON
  1281. var %TheSteam = $stats($2).steam
  1282. psay %TheSteam Statistics for %rcon.nick Rank: $stats(%TheSteam).rank $+ / $+ $ini(Stats.ini,0) ,Points: $stats(%TheSteam).points
  1283. psay %TheSteam Played on: $stats(%TheSteam).Gathers Gathers
  1284. psay %TheSteam Kills: $Stats(%TheSteam).kills ,Deaths: $Stats(%TheSteam).deaths ,Plants: $Stats(%TheSteam).plants ,Defuses: $Stats(%TheSteam).defuses
  1285. psay %TheSteam M4A1: $Stats(%TheSteam).M4A1 ,AK47: $Stats(%TheSteam).AK47 ,AWP: $Stats(%TheSteam).awp ,Deagle: $Stats(%TheSteam).Deagle ,Tks: $Stats(%TheSteam).tks ,Aces: $Stats(%TheSteam).aces
  1286. }
  1287. }
  1288. if ($Users(%rcon.steam,Owner).steam) || ($Users(%rcon.steam,Master).steam) || ($Users(%rcon.steam,Admin).steam) || ($Users(%rcon.steam,Manager).steam) {
  1289. var %o = $ifmatch
  1290. if ( ($1- == %Gather.Sign-Server $+ Teams) || ($1- == %Gather.Sign-Server $+ Players) ) && (%Gather.Status == ON) && (!%Gather.FloodServer) { ssay Team A: %Gather.Team-A | ssay Team B: %Gather.Team-B | $iif(%Gather.Subs,ssay Subs: %Gather.Subs) }
  1291. if ($1 == %Gather.Sign-Server $+ Freezetime) { ssay Freezetime is $2 now. | rcmd mp_freezetime $2 }
  1292. if ($1 == %Gather.Sign-Server $+ FF) {
  1293. if ($2 == ON) || ($2 == 1) { ssay Friendlyfire Is Now $2 | rcmd mp_friendlyfire 1 }
  1294. if ($2 == OFF) || ($2 == $chr(48)) { ssay Friendlyfire Is Now $2 | rcmd mp_friendlyfire 0 }
  1295. }
  1296. if ($1 == %Gather.Sign-Server $+ disconnect) || ($1 == %Gather.Sign-Server Quit) { rcmd admin_command admin_execall disconnect }
  1297. if ($1 == %Gather.Sign-Server $+ ss) { tsay Snapshot has just taken by the admin ( $+ %rcon.nick $+ ) | rcmd rcmd admin_quiet 1 | rcmd allow_client_exec 1 | rcmd admin_command admin_execall snapshot | rcmd admin_quiet 2 }
  1298. if ($1- == %Gather.Sign-Server $+ RR) { rcmd sv_restart 1 | ssay Restart Round By: %rcon.nick }
  1299. if ( ($1- == %Gather.Sign-Server $+ SetReady) || ($1- == %Gather.Sign-Server $+ Setrdy) || ($1- == %Gather.Sign-Server $+ Startready) || ($1- == %Gather.Sign-Server $+ Startrdy) ) && (%Gather.Ready !== ON) && (%Gather.ScoreStatus !== ON) { Setready %RCON.nick }
  1300. if ( ($1- == %Gather.Sign-Server $+ Stoprdy) || ($1- == %Gather.Sign-Server $+ Stopready) ) && (%Gather.Ready == ON) && (%Gather.ScoreStatus !== ON) { Stopready %RCON.nick }
  1301. if ($1 == %Gather.Sign-Server $+ RR) && ($2) { rcmd sv_restart $2 | ssay Reastarting Game (by %RCON.nick $+ ) }
  1302. if ($1 == %Gather.Sign-Server $+ Kick) && ($2) { rcmd admin_command admin_kick $2 | ssay $2 Kicked by %rcon.nick }
  1303. if ($1 == %Gather.Sign-Server $+ Ban) && ($2) { AddBan $2 %o $iif($3-,$3-,no reason) }
  1304. if ($1- == %Gather.Sign-Server $+ Banlast) && (%Gather.banlast) { AddBan %Gather.Banlast %o left in the middle. }
  1305. if ($1 == %Gather.Sign-Server $+ Unban) && ($2) { Unban $2 %o }
  1306. if ($1 == %%Gather.Sign-Server $+ Map) && ($2) && (%Gather.Status !== OFF) { ChangeMap $2 %rcon.nick }
  1307. if ($1- == %Gather.Sign-Server $+ ResetScore) { ssay The Score Has Been Restarted By %rcon.nick | ResetScore }
  1308. if ($1- == %Gather.Sign-Server $+ MR15) { ssay MR15 Settings loaded by %rcon.nick | MR15 }
  1309. if ($1- == %Gather.Sign-Server $+ PRAC) { ssay PRAC Settings loaded by %rcon.nick | PRAC }
  1310. if ($1- == %Gather.Sign-Server $+ KNIFE) { KNIFE }
  1311. if ($1 == %Gather.Sign-Server $+ T) && ($2) { MOVE-T $2- }
  1312. if ($1 == %Gather.Sign-Server $+ CT) && ($2) { MOVE-CT $2- }
  1313. if ($1 == %Gather.Sign-Server $+ hs) {
  1314. if ($2 == 1) || ($2 == on) { ssay Headshot mode is now enabled! | rcmd admin_command admin_rcon hs_mode 1 }
  1315. if ($2 == 0) || ($2 == off) { ssay Headshot mode is now disabled! | rcmd admin_command admin_rcon hs_mode 0 }
  1316. }
  1317. if ( ($1 == %Gather.Sign-Server $+ tsay) || ($1 == !) ) && ($2) { tsay ( $+ %rcon.nick $+ ) $+ : $2- }
  1318. if ($1 == @) && ($2) { csay red $2- }
  1319. if ($1 == %Gather.Sign-Server $+ ssay) && ($2) { ssay $2- }
  1320. if ($1 == %Gather.Sign-Server $+ psay) && ($3) { ssay $2 $3- }
  1321. if ($1 == %Gather.Sign-Server $+ say) && ($2) { rcmd say $2- }
  1322. if ($1- == %Gather.Sign-Server $+ Rates) { Rates }
  1323. if ( ($1- == %Gather.Sign-Server $+ nolive) || ($1- == %Gather.Sign-Server $+ notlive) || ($1- == %Gather.Sign-Server $+ resetlive) || ($1- == %Gather.Sign-Server $+ reset-live) ) && (%Gather.Status == ON) && (%Gather.ScoreStatus == ON) { ssay Match was stopped by %rcon.nick | tsay Match was stopped by %rcon.nick | NoLive }
  1324. if ($1 == %Gather.Sign-Server $+ Pass) && ($2) { rcmd sv_Password $2 | ssay Password is $2 now.
  1325. if (%Gather.Status == ON) { Set %Gather.Pass $2 }
  1326. }
  1327. if ($1 == %Gather.Sign-Server $+ Map) && ($2) { .timer 1 1 rcmd admin_command admin_map $2 | ssay Map is $2 now.
  1328. if (%Gather.Status == ON) { Set %Gather.Map $2 }
  1329. }
  1330. if ($1 == %Gather.Sign-Server $+ Sub) && ($2) && ( ($2 == A) || ($2 == B) || ($2 == OFF) ) && (%Gather.Status == ON) { SubSearch $2 %rcon.nick }
  1331. if ($1- == %Gather.Sign-Server $+ Sub-A) && (%Gather.Status == ON) { SubSearch A }
  1332. if ($1- == %Gather.Sign-Server $+ Sub-B) && (%Gather.Status == ON) { SubSearch B }
  1333. if ($1- == %Gather.Sign-Server $+ Sub-OFF) && (%Gather.Status == ON) { SubSearch OFF %rcon.nick }
  1334. if ($1- == %Gather.Sign-Server $+ SubA) && (%Gather.Status == ON) { SubSearch A }
  1335. if ($1- == %Gather.Sign-Server $+ SubB) && (%Gather.Status == ON) { SubSearch B }
  1336. if ($1- == %Gather.Sign-Server $+ SubOFF) && (%Gather.Status == ON) { SubSearch OFF %rcon.nick }
  1337. if ($1 == %Gather.Sign-Server $+ Notice) && ($2) { ssay Notice has been sent to channel. | Noticer $2- }
  1338. if ( ($1 == %Gather.Sign-Server $+ Msg) || ($1 == %Gather.Sign-Server $+ Message) ) && ($2) { ssay Message has been sent to channel. | msg %Gather.Channel $stl(Message from server by $+ %Gather.Color2 %rcon.nick $+ %Gather.Color1 $+ : $2-) }
  1339. if ($1 == %Gather.Sign-Server $+ Slay) && ($2) { rcmd admin_command admin_slay $2 | ssay $2 Slayed by %rcon.nick }
  1340. if ($1- == %Gather.Sign-Server $+ End) || ($1- == %Gather.Sign-Server $+ Finish) || ($1- == %Gather.Sign-Server $+ Stop) { EndGather %rcon.nick }
  1341. if ( ($1 == %Gather.Sign-Server $+ StartMoney) || ($1 == %Gather.Sign-Server $+ Money) ) && ($2) && ($2 isnum) { ssay Startmoney is $2 now. | rcmd mp_startmoney $2 }
  1342. if ( ($1 == %Gather.Sign-Server $+ Name) || ($1 == %Gather.Sign-Server $+ ChangeNick) || ($1 == %Gather.Sign-Server $+ ChangeName) || ($1 == %Gather.Sign-Server $+ Nick) ) && ($2) { rcmd admin_command admin_execclient $2 name " $+ $3- }
  1343. if ( ($1 == %Gather.Sign-Server $+ Start) || ($1 == %Gather.Sign-Server $+ Live) ) && (%Gather.Status == ON) && (!%Gather.FloodStart) {
  1344. if (%Gather.Half == First) || (%Gather.Half == notyet) {
  1345. if (A.* iswm %rcon.nick) || ($iif(%Gather.TAG-A,$ifmatch,A.) $+ * iswm %rcon.nick) || (Team A* iswm %rcon.nick) || (Team-A* iswm %rcon.nick) { set %Gather.Score-CT 0 | set %Gather.Score-T 0 | Start1stHalf
  1346. if ( == CT) { set A-B | set %Gather.Scorestatus on | set %Gather.Half First }
  1347. elseif ( == TERRORIST) { set B-A | set %Gather.Scorestatus on | set %Gather.Half First }
  1348. }
  1349. if (B.* iswm %rcon.nick) || ($iif(%Gather.TAG-B,$ifmatch,B.) $+ * iswm %rcon.nick) || (Team B* iswm %rcon.nick) || (Team-B* iswm %rcon.nick) { set %Gather.Score-CT 0 | set %Gather.Score-T 0 | set %Gather.Scorestatus on | set %Gather.Half First | Start1stHalf
  1350. if ( == CT) { set B-A | set %Gather.Scorestatus on | set %Gather.Half First }
  1351. elseif ( == TERRORIST) { set A-B | set %Gather.Scorestatus on | set %Gather.Half First }
  1352. }
  1353. }
  1354. elseif (%Gather.Half == First-Second) || (%Gather.Half == Second) { set %Gather.Half Second | set %Gather.ScoreStatus ON | set %Gather.Score-CT 0 | set %Gather.Score-T 0 | Start2ndHalf }
  1355. elseif (%Gather.Half == Second-MR3) || (%Gather.Half == MR3) { set %Gather.Half MR3 | set %Gather.ScoreStatus ON | set %Gather.Score-CT 0 | set %Gather.Score-T 0 | StartMR3Half }
  1356. elseif (%Gather.Half == MR3-MR4) || (%Gather.Half == MR4) { set %Gather.Half MR4 | set %Gather.ScoreStatus ON | set %Gather.Score-CT 0 | set %Gather.Score-T 0 | StartMR4Half }
  1357. }
  1358. }
  1359. }
  1360. }
  1361. alias Knife { .timer 1 11 tsay Knife Round Has Been Started! *****KNIFE***** | ssay loading KNIFE Settings Please wait. | .timer 1 2 MR15 | .timer 1 9 ssay KNIFE: DO NOT Shoot or TK. HF. | .timer 1 5 ssay *********KNIFE********* | .timer 1 5 tsay ********* KNIFE ********* }
  1362. alias ssay { rcmd admin_command admin_ssay ( $+ %Gather.Channel $+ ) $1- }
  1363. alias psay { rcmd admin_command admin_psay $1 $2- }
  1364. alias Serverping { return This Gatherbot Has Been Created By Ventox }
  1365. alias tsay { rcmd admin_command admin_tsay $1- }
  1366. alias csay { rcmd admin_command admin_csay $1- }
  1367. alias tsay-random { rcmd admin_command admin_tsay $gettok(White Blue red green yellow purple,$rand(1,6),32) $1- }
  1368. alias AddVoter {
  1369. if (!$Istok(%Gather.Vote-Address,$1,32)) && ($istok(%Gather.Maps,$2,32)) {
  1370. Set %Gather.Vote-Address $addtok(%Gather.Vote-Address,$1,32)
  1371. inc %Gather.Votes | .writeini -n Votes.ini $2 Votes $calc($readini(Votes.ini,$2,Votes) +1)
  1372. if (!%Gather.Flood) { Set -u2 %Gather.Flood ON | notice $3 $stl($3 Thanx for your vote.) }
  1373. }
  1374. }
  1375. alias AddReady {
  1376. if (!$istok(%Gather.ReadySteams,$1,32)) && (%Gather.Ready == ON) {
  1377. if (A.* iswm $2-) || ($iif(%Gather.TAG-A,$ifmatch,A.) $+ * iswm $2-) || (Team A* iswm $2-) || (Team-A* iswm $2-) { set %Gather.ReadySteams $addtok(%Gather.ReadySteams,$1,32) | set %Gather.ReadyA $addtok(%Gather.ReadyA,$2-,37) }
  1378. if (B.* iswm $2-) || ($iif(%Gather.TAG-B,$ifmatch,B.) $+ * iswm $2-) || (Team B* iswm $2-) || (Team-B* iswm $2-) { set %Gather.ReadySteams $addtok(%Gather.ReadySteams,$1,32) | set %Gather.ReadyB $addtok(%Gather.ReadyB,$2-,37) }
  1379. if ($Numtok(%Gather.ReadySteams,32) == %Gather.Max) { unset %Gather.Ready* | ssay All the players are ready. | tsay All the players are ready. | .timer 1 2 MR15 }
  1380. }
  1381. }
  1382. alias Votetime { msg %Gather.Channel $stl(Votemap Timeleft: $+ %Gather.Color2 $duration($timer(ENDVOTE).secs)) }
  1383. alias setready {
  1384. unset %Gather.Ready*
  1385. Set %Gather.Ready ON
  1386. ssay Preparing for Set ready, Please Wait... (by $1- $+ )
  1387. tsay Preparing for Set ready, Please Wait... (by $1- $+ )
  1388. rcmd mp_freezetime 60
  1389. .timer -m 1 100 rcmd sv_restart 1
  1390. .timer 1 2 ssay Match is Ready to start type %Gather.Sign-Server $+ ready or %Gather.Sign-Server $+ rdy to signal u'r Ready.
  1391. .timer 1 3 tsay Match is Ready to start type %Gather.Sign-Server $+ ready or %Gather.Sign-Server $+ rdy to signal u'r Ready.
  1392. .timer 1 2 ssay Game will start when all players will type %Gather.Sign-Server $+ ready.
  1393. }
  1394. alias Stopready { unset %Gather.Ready* | ssay Set ready stopped by $1- | tsay Set ready stopped by $1- | MR15 }
  1395. alias Start1stHalf { if (%Gather.ScoreChannel) && (%Gather.Scorebot == ON) { inc -u10 %Gather.ScoreTimer 2 | .timer 1 %Gather.ScoreTimer msg %Gather.ScoreChannel *** 3First Half is now Starting 1*** } | .timer 1 10 set %Gather.Score-CT 0 | .timer 1 10 set %Gather.Score-T 0 | msg %Gather.Channel $stl(First half is NOW starting ( $+ %Gather.Color2 $+  $+ 0 $+ %Gather.Color1 $+ - $+ %Gather.Color2 $+  $+ 0 $+ %Gather.Color1 $+ )) | ssay Preparing To Start The Game Please Wait. | .timer 1 1 ssay The Game will be live after 3 restarts. | .timer 1 1 MR15 | .timer 1 3 rcmd sv_restart 1 | .timer 1 4 rcmd sv_restart 1 | .timer 1 8 tsay 1st Half Is Now Started! Teams- Good Luck And Have Fun! | .timer 1 8 LiveShow }
  1396. alias Start2ndHalf { if (%Gather.ScoreChannel) && (%Gather.Scorebot == ON) { inc -u10 %Gather.ScoreTimer 2 | .timer 1 %Gather.ScoreTimer msg %Gather.ScoreChannel *** 3Second Half Half is now Starting 1*** } | .timer 1 10 set %Gather.Score-CT 0 | .timer 1 10 set %Gather.Score-T 0 | msg %Gather.Channel $stl(Second half is NOW starting ( $+ $Score.Color(A) $+  $+ $Score(a) $+ %Gather.Color1 $+ - $+ $Score.Color(B) $+  $+ $Score(b) $+ %Gather.Color1 $+ )) | ssay Preparing for starting the game, Please Wait... | .timer 1 1 ssay Game started after 3 restarts. | .timer 1 1 MR15 | .timer 1 3 rcmd sv_restart 1 | .timer 1 4 rcmd sv_restart 1 | .timer 1 8 tsay 2ns Half Is Now Started! GL&HF! The Score Is: ( $+ $score(a) $+ - $+ $score(b) $+ ) | .timer 1 8 LiveShow }
  1397. alias StartMR3Half { if (%Gather.ScoreChannel) && (%Gather.Scorebot == ON) { inc -u10 %Gather.ScoreTimer 2 | .timer 1 %Gather.ScoreTimer msg %Gather.ScoreChannel *** 3MR3 1st Half Half is now Starting 1*** } | .timer 1 10 set %Gather.Score-CT 0 | .timer 1 10 set %Gather.Score-T 0 | msg %Gather.Channel $stl(MR3 1st half is NOW starting ( $+ $Score.Color(A) $+  $+ $Score(a) $+ %Gather.Color1 $+ - $+ $Score.Color(B) $+  $+ $Score(b) $+ %Gather.Color1 $+ )) | ssay Preparing for starting the game, Please Wait... | .timer 1 1 ssay Game started after 3 restarts. | .timer 1 1 MR3 | .timer 1 3 rcmd sv_restart 1 | .timer 1 4 rcmd sv_restart 1 | .timer 1 8 tsay MR3 - 1st Half Of MR3 Is Now Started! The Score Is: ( $+ $score(a) $+ - $+ $score(b) $+ ) | .timer 1 8 LiveShow }
  1398. alias StartMR4Half { if (%Gather.ScoreChannel) && (%Gather.Scorebot == ON) { inc -u10 %Gather.ScoreTimer 2 | .timer 1 %Gather.ScoreTimer msg %Gather.ScoreChannel *** 3MR3 2nd Half Half is now Starting 1*** } | .timer 1 10 set %Gather.Score-CT 0 | .timer 1 10 set %Gather.Score-T 0 | msg %Gather.Channel $stl(MR3 1st half is NOW starting ( $+ $Score.Color(A) $+  $+ $Score(a) $+ %Gather.Color1 $+ - $+ $Score.Color(B) $+  $+ $Score(b) $+ %Gather.Color1 $+ )) | ssay Preparing for starting the game, Please Wait... | .timer 1 1 ssay Game started after 3 restarts. | .timer 1 1 MR3 | .timer 1 3 rcmd sv_restart 1 | .timer 1 4 rcmd sv_restart 1 | .timer 1 8 tsay MR3 - 2nd Half Of MR3 Is Now Started! The Score Is: ( $+ $score(a) $+ - $+ $score(b) $+ ) | .timer 1 8 LiveShow }
  1399. alias Map {
  1400. if (%Gather.Status == OFF) { Gather Status-OFF }
  1401. if (%Gather.Status == Adding) { msg %Gather.Channel $stl(Map is: $+ %Gather.Color2 %Gather.Map) }
  1402. if (%Gather.Status == ON) { msg %Gather.Channel $stl(Map is: $+ %Gather.Color2 %Gather.Map) }
  1403. }
  1404. alias LiveShow { ssay Live. | ssay Live.. | ssay Live... | .timer 1 2 ssay Game Is Now LIVE GL&HF. ( Keep Up The Rules!) }
  1405. alias Rates {
  1406. msg %Gather.Channel $stl(Fixing Server Rates.)
  1407. ssay Fixing server Rates.
  1408. tsay Fixing server Rates.
  1409. .timer 1 1 rcmd admin_command admin_rcon sv_maxrate "25000"
  1410. .timer 1 1 rcmd admin_command admin_rcon sv_maxupdaterate "101"
  1411. .timer 1 1 rcmd admin_command admin_rcon sv_minrate "2500"
  1412. .timer 1 1 rcmd admin_command admin_rcon sys_ticrate "10000.0"
  1413. .timer 1 1 rcmd admin_command admin_rcon sv_maxspeed "320"
  1414. .timer 1 1 rcmd admin_command admin_rcon sv_stats "0"
  1415. .timer 1 1 rcmd admin_command admin_rcon sv_region "6"
  1416. .timer 1 3 rcmd admin_command admin_rcon restart
  1417. }
  1418. alias Admin {
  1419. if (%Gather.Status == OFF) { Gather Status-OFF }
  1420. if (%Gather.Status == Adding) { msg %Gather.Channel $stl(Admin is: $+ %Gather.Color2 %Gather.Admin) }
  1421. if (%Gather.Status == ON) { msg %Gather.Channel $stl(Admin is: $+ %Gather.Color2 %Gather.Admin) }
  1422. }
  1423. alias Top {
  1424. if ($1 == Players) {
  1425. if ($ini(Stats.ini,0) == 0) { msg %Gather.Channel $stl($NoStats) | set -u5 %Gather.Flood ON | GOTO END }
  1426. .close -@ @Bot | .window -h @Bot | var %x 1, %o 1
  1427. while ($ini(Stats.ini,%x)) { echo @Bot $ini(Stats.ini,%x) $calc($readini(Stats.ini,$ini(Stats.ini,%x),Points) +0) | inc %x }
  1428. filter -cwwteu 2 32 @Bot @Bot
  1429. if ($ini(Stats.ini,0) < %Gather.TopNumber) { var %z = $ini(Stats.ini,0) }
  1430. elseif ($ini(Stats.ini,0) >= %Gather.TopNumber) { var %z = %Gather.TopNumber }
  1431. set -u20 %Gather.Flood ON | msg %Gather.Channel $stl(The %Gather.Color2 $+ Top $+ %Gather.TopNumber $+ - $+ Players $+ %Gather.Color1 Out Of $+ %Gather.Color2 $ini(Stats.ini,0) %Gather.Color1 $+ known Players:)
  1432. while (%z) {
  1433. var %STEAM = $gettok($line(@Bot,%o),1,32)
  1434. msg %Gather.Channel $stl( $+ $ord(%o) $+ : $+ %Gather.Color2 $stats(%STEAM).nick %Gather.Color1 $+ $Chr(44) $+ Points: $+ %Gather.Color2 $stats(%STEAM).points %Gather.Color1 $+ $Chr(44) $+ Kills: $+ %Gather.Color2 $stats(%STEAM).kills %Gather.Color1 $+ $Chr(44) $+ Deaths: $+ %Gather.Color2 $stats(%STEAM).deaths)
  1435. inc %o
  1436. dec %z
  1437. }
  1438. }
  1439. if ($1 == ServerPlayers) {
  1440. if ($ini(Stats.ini,0) == 0) { ssay $NoStats | GOTO END }
  1441. .close -@ @Bot | .window -h @Bot | var %x 1, %o 1
  1442. while ($ini(Stats.ini,%x)) { echo @Bot $ini(Stats.ini,%x) $calc($readini(Stats.ini,$ini(Stats.ini,%x),Points) +0) | inc %x }
  1443. filter -cwwteu 2 32 @Bot @Bot
  1444. if ($ini(Stats.ini,0) < %Gather.TopNumber) { var %z = $ini(Stats.ini,0) }
  1445. elseif ($ini(Stats.ini,0) >= %Gather.TopNumber) { var %z = %Gather.TopNumber }
  1446. var %Temp
  1447. while (%z) {
  1448. var %STEAM = $gettok($line(@Bot,%o),1,32)
  1449. rcmd admin_command admin_ssay # $+ $ord(%o) $stats(%STEAM).nick ( $+ $gettok($line(@Bot,%o),2,32) $+ )
  1450. inc %o
  1451. dec %z
  1452. }
  1453. }
  1455. if ($1 == Rank) {
  1456. if (!$ini(Stats.ini,$2)) { msg %Gather.Channel $stl(No rank for $+ %Gather.Color2 $chr(35) $+ $2) | set -u5 %Gather.Flood ON | GOTO END }
  1457. .close -@ @Bot | .window -h @Bot | var %x 1, %o 1
  1458. while ($ini(Stats.ini,%x)) { echo @Bot $ini(Stats.ini,%x) $calc($readini(Stats.ini,$ini(Stats.ini,%x),Points) +0) | inc %x }
  1459. filter -cwwteu 2 32 @Bot @Bot | set -u8 %Gather.Flood ON | ShowRank $gettok($line(@Bot,$2),1,32)
  1460. }
  1461. if ($1 == 10) {
  1462. if ($ini(Stats.ini,0) == 0) { msg %Gather.Channel $stl($NoStats) | set -u5 %Gather.Flood ON | GOTO END }
  1463. .close -@ @Bot | .window -h @Bot | var %x 1, %o 1
  1464. while ($ini(Stats.ini,%x)) { echo @Bot $ini(Stats.ini,%x) $calc($readini(Stats.ini,$ini(Stats.ini,%x),Points) +0) | inc %x }
  1465. filter -cwwteu 2 32 @Bot @Bot
  1466. if ($ini(Stats.ini,0) < 10) { var %z = $ini(Stats.ini,0) }
  1467. elseif ($ini(Stats.ini,0) >= 10) { var %z = 10 }
  1468. set -u20 %Gather.Flood ON
  1469. while (%z) {
  1470. var %STEAM = $gettok($line(@Bot,%o),1,32)
  1471. var %Temp = %Temp %Gather.Color2 $+ ( $+ %o $+ ) $+ %Gather.Color1 $Stats(%STEAM).nick
  1472. if (%o == 5) { msg %Gather.Channel $stl(%Temp) | var %Temp }
  1473. inc %o
  1474. dec %z
  1475. }
  1476. if (%Temp !== $null) { msg %Gather.Channel $stl(%Temp) }
  1477. }
  1478. if ($1 == Killers) {
  1479. if ($ini(Stats.ini,0) == 0) { msg %Gather.Channel $stl($NoStats) | set -u5 %Gather.Flood ON | GOTO END }
  1480. .close -@ @Bot | .window -h @Bot | var %x 1, %o 1
  1481. while ($ini(Stats.ini,%x)) { echo @Bot $ini(Stats.ini,%x) $calc($readini(Stats.ini,$ini(Stats.ini,%x),kills) +0) | inc %x }
  1482. filter -cwwteu 2 32 @Bot @Bot
  1483. if ($ini(Stats.ini,0) < %Gather.TopNumber) { var %z = $ini(Stats.ini,0) }
  1484. elseif ($ini(Stats.ini,0) >= %Gather.TopNumber) { var %z = %Gather.TopNumber }
  1485. set -u20 %Gather.Flood ON | msg %Gather.Channel $stl(The %Gather.Color2 $+ Top $+ %Gather.TopNumber $+ - $+ Killers $+ %Gather.Color1 Out Of $+ %Gather.Color2 $ini(Stats.ini,0) %Gather.Color1 $+ known Players:)
  1486. while (%z) {
  1487. var %STEAM = $gettok($line(@Bot,%o),1,32)
  1488. msg %Gather.Channel $stl( $+ $ord(%o) $+ : $+ %Gather.Color2 $stats(%STEAM).nick %Gather.Color1 $+ $Chr(44) $+ Killed $+ %Gather.Color2 $gettok($line(@Bot,%o),2,32) %Gather.Color1 $+ $iif($gettok($line(@Bot,%o),2,32) == 1,player.,players.))
  1489. inc %o
  1490. dec %z
  1491. }
  1492. }
  1493. if ($1 == Deaths) {
  1494. if ($ini(Stats.ini,0) == 0) { msg %Gather.Channel $stl($NoStats) | set -u5 %Gather.Flood ON | GOTO END }
  1495. .close -@ @Bot | .window -h @Bot | var %x 1, %o 1
  1496. while ($ini(Stats.ini,%x)) { echo @Bot $ini(Stats.ini,%x) $calc($readini(Stats.ini,$ini(Stats.ini,%x),deaths) +0) | inc %x }
  1497. filter -cwwteu 2 32 @Bot @Bot
  1498. if ($ini(Stats.ini,0) < %Gather.TopNumber) { var %z = $ini(Stats.ini,0) }
  1499. elseif ($ini(Stats.ini,0) >= %Gather.TopNumber) { var %z = %Gather.TopNumber }
  1500. set -u20 %Gather.Flood ON | msg %Gather.Channel $stl(The %Gather.Color2 $+ Top $+ %Gather.TopNumber $+ - $+ Deaths $+ %Gather.Color1 Out Of $+ %Gather.Color2 $ini(Stats.ini,0) %Gather.Color1 $+ known Players:)
  1501. while (%z) {
  1502. var %STEAM = $gettok($line(@Bot,%o),1,32)
  1503. msg %Gather.Channel $stl( $+ $ord(%o) $+ : $+ %Gather.Color2 $stats(%STEAM).nick %Gather.Color1 $+ $Chr(44) $+ Dead $+ %Gather.Color2 $gettok($line(@Bot,%o),2,32) %gather.Color1 $+ $Iif($gettok($line(@Bot,%o),2,32) == 1,time.,times.))
  1504. inc %o
  1505. dec %z
  1506. }
  1507. }
  1508. if ($1 == Played) {
  1509. if ($ini(Stats.ini,0) == 0) { msg %Gather.Channel $stl($NoStats) | set -u5 %Gather.Flood ON | GOTO END }
  1510. .close -@ @Bot | .window -h @Bot | var %x 1, %o 1
  1511. while ($ini(Stats.ini,%x)) { echo @Bot $ini(Stats.ini,%x) $calc($readini(Stats.ini,$ini(Stats.ini,%x),gathers) +0) | inc %x }
  1512. filter -cwwteu 2 32 @Bot @Bot
  1513. if ($ini(Stats.ini,0) < %Gather.TopNumber) { var %z = $ini(Stats.ini,0) }
  1514. elseif ($ini(Stats.ini,0) >= %Gather.TopNumber) { var %z = %Gather.TopNumber }
  1515. set -u20 %Gather.Flood ON | msg %Gather.Channel $stl(The %Gather.Color2 $+ Top $+ %Gather.TopNumber $+ - $+ Played $+ %Gather.Color1 Out Of $+ %Gather.Color2 $ini(Stats.ini,0) %Gather.Color1 $+ known Players:)
  1516. while (%z) {
  1517. var %STEAM = $gettok($line(@Bot,%o),1,32)
  1518. var %Gathers = $gettok($line(@Bot,%o),2,32)
  1519. msg %Gather.Channel $stl( $+ $ord(%o) $+ : $+ %Gather.Color2 $stats(%STEAM).nick %Gather.Color1 $+ $chr(44) $+ Played on $+ %Gather.Color2 $gettok($line(@Bot,%o),2,32) %Gather.Color1 $+ $iif($gettok($line(@Bot,%o),2,32) == 1,Gather.,Gathers.))
  1520. inc %o
  1521. dec %z
  1522. }
  1523. }
  1524. if ($1 == Planters) {
  1525. if ($ini(Stats.ini,0) == 0) { msg %Gather.Channel $stl($NoStats) | set -u5 %Gather.Flood ON | GOTO END }
  1526. .close -@ @Bot | .window -h @Bot | var %x 1, %o 1
  1527. while ($ini(Stats.ini,%x)) { echo @Bot $ini(Stats.ini,%x) $calc($readini(Stats.ini,$ini(Stats.ini,%x),plants) +0) | inc %x }
  1528. filter -cwwteu 2 32 @Bot @Bot
  1529. if ($ini(Stats.ini,0) < %Gather.TopNumber) { var %z = $ini(Stats.ini,0) }
  1530. elseif ($ini(Stats.ini,0) >= %Gather.TopNumber) { var %z = %Gather.TopNumber }
  1531. set -u20 %Gather.Flood ON | msg %Gather.Channel $stl(The %Gather.Color2 $+ Top $+ %Gather.TopNumber $+ - $+ Planters $+ %Gather.Color1 Out Of $+ %Gather.Color2 $ini(Stats.ini,0) %Gather.Color1 $+ known Players:)
  1532. while (%z) {
  1533. var %STEAM = $gettok($line(@Bot,%o),1,32)
  1534. msg %Gather.Channel $stl( $+ $ord(%o) $+ : $+ %Gather.Color2 $stats(%STEAM).nick %Gather.Color1 $+ $Chr(44) $+ Planted $+ %Gather.Color2 $gettok($line(@Bot,%o),2,32) %Gather.Color1 $+ $iif($gettok($line(@Bot,%o),2,32) == 1,time,times) the bomb)
  1535. inc %o
  1536. dec %z
  1537. }
  1538. }
  1539. if ($1 == Defusers) {
  1540. if ($ini(Stats.ini,0) == 0) { msg %Gather.Channel $stl($NoStats) | set -u5 %Gather.Flood ON | GOTO END }
  1541. .close -@ @Bot | .window -h @Bot | var %x 1, %o 1
  1542. while ($ini(Stats.ini,%x)) { echo @Bot $ini(Stats.ini,%x) $calc($readini(Stats.ini,$ini(Stats.ini,%x),defuses) +0) | inc %x }
  1543. filter -cwwteu 2 32 @Bot @Bot
  1544. if ($ini(Stats.ini,0) < %Gather.TopNumber) { var %z = $ini(Stats.ini,0) }
  1545. elseif ($ini(Stats.ini,0) >= %Gather.TopNumber) { var %z = %Gather.TopNumber }
  1546. set -u20 %Gather.Flood ON | msg %Gather.Channel $stl(The %Gather.Color2 $+ Top $+ %Gather.TopNumber $+ - $+ Defusers $+ %Gather.Color1 Out Of $+ %Gather.Color2 $ini(Stats.ini,0) %Gather.Color1 $+ known Players:)
  1547. while (%z) {
  1548. var %STEAM = $gettok($line(@Bot,%o),1,32)
  1549. msg %Gather.Channel $stl( $+ $ord(%o) $+ : $+ %Gather.Color2 $stats(%STEAM).nick %Gather.Color1 $+ $Chr(44) $+ Defused $+ %Gather.Color2 $gettok($line(@Bot,%o),2,32) %Gather.Color1 $+ $iif($gettok($line(@Bot,%o),2,32) == 1,time,times) the bomb)
  1550. inc %o
  1551. dec %z
  1552. }
  1553. }
  1554. if ($1 == Acers) {
  1555. if ($ini(Stats.ini,0) == 0) { msg %Gather.Channel $stl($NoStats) | set -u5 %Gather.Flood ON | GOTO END }
  1556. .close -@ @Bot | .window -h @Bot | var %x 1, %o 1
  1557. while ($ini(Stats.ini,%x)) { echo @Bot $ini(Stats.ini,%x) $calc($readini(Stats.ini,$ini(Stats.ini,%x),aces) +0) | inc %x }
  1558. filter -cwwteu 2 32 @Bot @Bot
  1559. if ($ini(Stats.ini,0) < %Gather.TopNumber) { var %z = $ini(Stats.ini,0) }
  1560. elseif ($ini(Stats.ini,0) >= %Gather.TopNumber) { var %z = %Gather.TopNumber }
  1561. set -u20 %Gather.Flood ON | msg %Gather.Channel $stl(The %Gather.Color2 $+ Top $+ %Gather.TopNumber $+ - $+ Acers $+ %Gather.Color1 Out Of $+ %Gather.Color2 $ini(Stats.ini,0) %Gather.Color1 $+ known Players:)
  1562. while (%z) {
  1563. var %STEAM = $gettok($line(@Bot,%o),1,32)
  1564. msg %Gather.Channel $stl( $+ $ord(%o) $+ : $+ %Gather.Color2 $stats(%STEAM).nick %Gather.Color1 $+ $Chr(44) $+ Did $+ %Gather.Color2 $gettok($line(@Bot,%o),2,32) %Gather.Color1 $+ $iif($gettok($line(@Bot,%o),2,32) == 1,ace,aces))
  1565. inc %o
  1566. dec %z
  1567. }
  1568. }
  1569. if ($1 == Miniaces) {
  1570. if ($ini(Stats.ini,0) == 0) { msg %Gather.Channel $stl($NoStats) | set -u5 %Gather.Flood ON | GOTO END }
  1571. .close -@ @Bot | .window -h @Bot | var %x 1, %o 1
  1572. while ($ini(Stats.ini,%x)) { echo @Bot $ini(Stats.ini,%x) $calc($readini(Stats.ini,$ini(Stats.ini,%x),miniaces) +0) | inc %x }
  1573. filter -cwwteu 2 32 @Bot @Bot
  1574. if ($ini(Stats.ini,0) < %Gather.TopNumber) { var %z = $ini(Stats.ini,0) }
  1575. elseif ($ini(Stats.ini,0) >= %Gather.TopNumber) { var %z = %Gather.TopNumber }
  1576. set -u20 %Gather.Flood ON | msg %Gather.Channel $stl(The %Gather.Color2 $+ Top $+ %Gather.TopNumber $+ - $+ Mini acers $+ %Gather.Color1 Out Of $+ %Gather.Color2 $ini(Stats.ini,0) %Gather.Color1 $+ known Players:)
  1577. while (%z) {
  1578. var %STEAM = $gettok($line(@Bot,%o),1,32)
  1579. msg %Gather.Channel $stl( $+ $ord(%o) $+ : $+ %Gather.Color2 $stats(%STEAM).nick %Gather.Color1 $+ $Chr(44) $+ Did $+ %Gather.Color2 $gettok($line(@Bot,%o),2,32) %Gather.Color1 $+ $iif($gettok($line(@Bot,%o),2,32) == 1,mini ace,mini aces))
  1580. inc %o
  1581. dec %z
  1582. }
  1583. }
  1584. if ($1 == Tks) {
  1585. if ($ini(Stats.ini,0) == 0) { msg %Gather.Channel $stl($NoStats) | set -u5 %Gather.Flood ON | GOTO END }
  1586. .close -@ @Bot | .window -h @Bot | var %x 1, %o 1
  1587. while ($ini(Stats.ini,%x)) { echo @Bot $ini(Stats.ini,%x) $calc($readini(Stats.ini,$ini(Stats.ini,%x),Tks) +0) | inc %x }
  1588. filter -cwwteu 2 32 @Bot @Bot
  1589. if ($ini(Stats.ini,0) < %Gather.TopNumber) { var %z = $ini(Stats.ini,0) }
  1590. elseif ($ini(Stats.ini,0) >= %Gather.TopNumber) { var %z = %Gather.TopNumber }
  1591. set -u20 %Gather.Flood ON | msg %Gather.Channel $stl(The %Gather.Color2 $+ Top $+ %Gather.TopNumber $+ - $+ Tks $+ %Gather.Color1 Out Of $+ %Gather.Color2 $ini(Stats.ini,0) %Gather.Color1 $+ known Players:)
  1592. while (%z) {
  1593. var %STEAM = $gettok($line(@Bot,%o),1,32)
  1594. msg %Gather.Channel $stl( $+ $ord(%o) $+ : $+ %Gather.Color2 $stats(%STEAM).nick %Gather.Color1 $+ $Chr(44) $+ Did $+ %Gather.Color2 $gettok($line(@Bot,%o),2,32) %Gather.Color1 $+ $iif($gettok($line(@Bot,%o),2,32) == 1,tk,tks))
  1595. inc %o
  1596. dec %z
  1597. }
  1598. }
  1599. if ($1 == Nabs) {
  1600. if ($ini(Stats.ini,0) == 0) { msg %Gather.Channel $stl($NoStats) | set -u5 %Gather.Flood ON | GOTO END }
  1601. .close -@ @Bot | .window -h @Bot | var %x 1, %o 1
  1602. while ($ini(Stats.ini,%x)) { echo @Bot $ini(Stats.ini,%x) $calc($readini(Stats.ini,$ini(Stats.ini,%x),Points) +0) | inc %x }
  1603. filter -cwwtu 2 32 @Bot @Bot
  1604. if ($ini(Stats.ini,0) < %Gather.TopNumber) { var %z = $ini(Stats.ini,0) }
  1605. elseif ($ini(Stats.ini,0) >= %Gather.TopNumber) { var %z = %Gather.TopNumber }
  1606. set -u20 %Gather.Flood ON | msg %Gather.Channel $stl(The %Gather.Color2 $+ Top $+ %Gather.TopNumber $+ - $+ Noobs $+ %Gather.Color1 Out Of $+ %Gather.Color2 $ini(Stats.ini,0) %Gather.Color1 $+ known Players:)
  1607. while (%z) {
  1608. var %STEAM = $gettok($line(@Bot,%o),1,32)
  1609. msg %Gather.Channel $stl( $+ $ord(%o) $+ : $+ %Gather.Color2 $stats(%STEAM).nick %Gather.Color1 $+ $Chr(44) $+ Points: $+ %Gather.Color2 $stats(%STEAM).points %Gather.Color1 $+ $Chr(44) $+ Kills: $+ %Gather.Color2 $stats(%STEAM).kills %Gather.Color1 $+ $Chr(44) $+ Deaths: $+ %Gather.Color2 $stats(%STEAM).deaths)
  1610. inc %o
  1611. dec %z
  1612. }
  1613. }
  1614. if ($1 == Weapon) && ($2) {
  1615. if ($ini(Stats.ini,0) == 0) { msg %Gather.Channel $stl($NoStats) | set -u5 %Gather.Flood ON | GOTO END }
  1616. if (!$istok($Weapons,$2,32)) { msg %Gather.Channel $stl(There is $+ %Gather.Color2 NO $+ %Gather.Color1 Weapon $+ %Gather.Color2 $2) | set -u5 %Gather.Flood ON | GOTO END }
  1617. .close -@ @Bot | .window -h @Bot | var %x 1, %o 1
  1618. while ($ini(Stats.ini,%x)) { echo @Bot $ini(Stats.ini,%x) $calc($readini(Stats.ini,$ini(Stats.ini,%x),$2) +0) | inc %x }
  1619. filter -cwwteu 2 32 @Bot @Bot
  1620. if ($ini(Stats.ini,0) < %Gather.TopNumber) { var %z = $ini(Stats.ini,0) }
  1621. elseif ($ini(Stats.ini,0) >= %Gather.TopNumber) { var %z = %Gather.TopNumber }
  1622. set -u20 %Gather.Flood ON | msg %Gather.Channel $stl(The %Gather.Color2 $+ Top $+ %Gather.TopNumber $+ - $+ M4A1 Players $+ %Gather.Color1 Out Of $+ %Gather.Color2 $ini(Stats.ini,0) %Gather.Color1 $+ known Players:)
  1623. while (%z) {
  1624. var %STEAM = $gettok($line(@Bot,%o),1,32)
  1625. var %FRAGS = $gettok($line(@Bot,%o),2,32)
  1626. msg %Gather.Channel $stl( $+ $ord(%o) $+ : $+ %Gather.Color2 $stats(%STEAM).nick %Gather.Color1 $+ $Chr(44) $+ Killed $+ %Gather.Color2 $gettok($line(@Bot,%o),2,32) %Gather.Color1 $+ $iif($gettok($line(@Bot,%o),2,32) == 1,player,players) with $+ %Gather.Color2 $2)
  1627. inc %o
  1628. dec %z
  1629. }
  1630. }
  1631. if ($1 == Admins) {
  1632. if (!%Gather.num) || (%Gather.num < 1) { msg %Gather.Channel $stl($NoStats) | set -u5 %Gather.Flood ON | GOTO END }
  1633. .close -@ @Bot | .window -h @Bot | var %x 1, %o 1
  1634. while ($ini(Access.ini,%x)) { echo @Bot $ini(Access.ini,%x) $iif($readini(Access.ini,$ini(Access.ini,%x),Gathers),$ifmatch,0) | inc %x }
  1635. filter -cwwteu 2 32 @Bot @Bot
  1636. if ($ini(Access.ini,0) < %Gather.TopNumber) { var %z = $ini(Access.ini,0) }
  1637. elseif ($ini(Access.ini,0) >= %Gather.TopNumber) { var %z = %Gather.TopNumber }
  1638. set -u20 %Gather.Flood ON | msg %Gather.Channel $stl(The %Gather.Color2 $+ Top $+ %Gather.TopNumber $+ - $+ Admins $+ %Gather.Color1 Out Of $+ %Gather.Color2 $+ %Gather.Color2 $ini(Access.ini,0) %Gather.Color1 $+ known Admins:)
  1639. while (%z) {
  1640. var %USER = $gettok($line(@Bot,%o),1,32)
  1641. var %GATHERS = $gettok($line(@Bot,%o),2,32)
  1642. msg %Gather.Channel $stl( $+ $ord(%o) $+ : $+ %Gather.Color2 $iif($Acc(%USER).Status == ON,3 $+ %Gather.UsersSign $+ %Gather.Color2,4 $+ %Gather.UsersSign $+ %Gather.Color2) $+ %USER $+ $iif($Nick?(%USER),( $+ %Gather.Color1 $+  $+ $Nick?(%USER) $+  $+ %Gather.Color2 $+ )) %Gather.Color1 $+ - ( $+ %Gather.Color2 $+  $+ $ACC(%USER).Level $+ %Gather.Color1 $+ ) did $+ %Gather.Color2 %GATHERS %Gather.Color1 $+ $iif(%GATHERS == 1,Gather.,Gathers.))
  1643. inc %o
  1644. dec %z
  1645. }
  1646. }
  1647. if ($1 == Today) {
  1648. if (!%Gather.num) || (%Gather.num < 1) { msg %Gather.Channel $stl($NoStats) | set -u5 %Gather.Flood ON | GOTO END }
  1649. .close -@ @Bot | .window -h @Bot | var %x 1, %o 1
  1650. while ($ini(Access.ini,%x)) { echo @Bot $ini(Access.ini,%x) $iif($readini(Access.ini,$ini(Access.ini,%x),Today),$ifmatch,0) | inc %x }
  1651. filter -cwwteu 2 32 @Bot @Bot
  1652. if ($ini(Access.ini,0) < %Gather.TopNumber) { var %z = $ini(Access.ini,0) }
  1653. elseif ($ini(Access.ini,0) >= %Gather.TopNumber) { var %z = %Gather.TopNumber }
  1654. set -u20 %Gather.Flood ON | msg %Gather.Channel $stl(The %Gather.Color2 $+ Top $+ %Gather.TopNumber $+ - $+ Today Admins $+ %Gather.Color1 Out Of $+ %Gather.Color2 $+ %Gather.Color2 $ini(Access.ini,0) %Gather.Color1 $+ known Admins:)
  1655. while (%z) {
  1656. var %USER = $gettok($line(@Bot,%o),1,32)
  1657. var %GATHERS = $gettok($line(@Bot,%o),2,32)
  1658. msg %Gather.Channel $stl( $+ $ord(%o) $+ : $+ %Gather.Color2 $iif($Acc(%USER).Status == ON,3 $+ %Gather.UsersSign $+ %Gather.Color2,4 $+ %Gather.UsersSign $+ %Gather.Color2) $+ %USER $+ $iif($Nick?(%USER),( $+ %Gather.Color1 $+  $+ $Nick?(%USER) $+  $+ %Gather.Color2 $+ )) %Gather.Color1 $+ - ( $+ %Gather.Color2 $+  $+ $ACC(%USER).Level $+ %Gather.Color1 $+ ) did $+ %Gather.Color2 %GATHERS %Gather.Color1 $+ $iif(%GATHERS == 1,Gather today.,Gathers today.))
  1659. inc %o
  1660. dec %z
  1661. }
  1662. }
  1663. :END
  1664. }
  1665. alias Commands {
  1666. if (%Gather.Status !== Adding) { msg %Gather.Channel $stl($cmd(Status) $chr(172) $cmd(Server) $chr(172) $cmd(Vent) $chr(172) $cmd(Admin( $+ %Gather.Color2 $+ s $+ %Gather.color1 $+ )) $chr(172) $cmd(Last) $chr(172) $cmd(Score) $chr(172) $cmd(Banned) $chr(172) $cmd(Ignored) $chr(172) $cmd(Gathers) $chr(172) $cmd(Update) $chr(172) $cmd(Rank-cmds) $chr(172) $cmd(News)) }
  1667. elseif (%Gather.Status == Adding) { msg %Gather.Channel $stl($cmd(Add) $cmd(Remove) $cmd(Status) $cmd(Players) $cmd(Vent) $cmd(Server)) }
  1668. }
  1669. alias Rank-Commands {
  1670. if (%Gather.Status !== Adding) { msg %Gather.Channel $stl($cmd(Rank) $cmd(Stats) $cmd(Whois) $cmd(Gathers) $cmd(Today) $cmd(Top- $+ %Gather.Color2 $+ [ $+ %Gather.Color1 $+ Players $+ %Gather.Color2 $+ / $+ %Gather.Color1 $+ 10 $+ %Gather.Color2 $+ / $+ %Gather.Color1 $+ Admins $+ %Gather.Color2 $+ / $+ %Gather.Color1 $+ Nabs $+ %Gather.Color2 $+ / $+ %Gather.Color1 $+ Today $+ %Gather.Color2 $+ / $+ %Gather.Color1 $+ Killers $+ %Gather.Color2 $+ / $+ %Gather.Color1 $+ Played $+ %Gather.Color2 $+ / $+ %Gather.Color1 $+ Deaths $+ %Gather.Color2 $+ / $+ %Gather.Color1 $+ Planters $+ %Gather.Color2 $+ / $+ %Gather.Color1 $+ Defusers $+ %Gather.Color2 $+ / $+ %Gather.Color1 $+ Acers $+ %Gather.Color2 $+ / $+ %Gather.Color1 $+ < $+ %Gather.Color2 $+ Weapon $+ %Gather.Color1 $+ > $+ %Gather.Color2 $+ $chr(93))) }
  1671. }
  1672. alias ChangeMap { if ($2) { Set %Gather.Map $1 | rcmd admin_command admin_map $1 | msg $stl(Done. The Map Is Now: $+ %Gather.Color2 $1 ) } }
  1673. alias cmd { if ($1) return %Gather.Color2 $+ %Gather.Sign $+ %Gather.Color1 $+ $1 }
  1674. alias Weapons { return AK47 M4A1 Famas Galil AWP MP5navy Deagle Usp Glock18 Grenade Aug SG552 MAC10 P90 TMP UMP45 G3sg1 M3 XM1014 Elite FiveSeven P228 Scout SG550 M249 Knife }
  1675. alias NoStats { return There is no current Ranking on the gatherbot yet. }
  1676. alias Addban { if ($1) && (!$acc($stats($1).steam).lvl) && ( (STEAM_* iswm $1-) || ($stats($1).steam) ) { rcmd admin_command admin_ban $stats($1).steam | .writeini -n Banned.ini $stats($1).steam steam $stats($1).steam | .writeini -n Banned.ini $stats($1).steam reason $iif($3-,$3-,no reason) | .writeini -n Banned.ini $stats($1).steam at $date | .writeini -n Banned.ini $stats($1).steam by $iif($2,$2,no such user) | msg %Gather.Channel $stl(< $+ %Gather.Color2 $+ Ban $+ %Gather.Color1 $+ > $Stats($1).nick ( $+ %Gather.Color2 $+ $stats($1).steam $+ %Gather.Color1 $+ ) Banned by: $+ %Gather.Color2 $iif($2,$2,no such user) %Gather.Color1 $+ $chr(44) $+ Reason: $+ %Gather.Color2 $iif($3-,$3-,no reason)) | ssay $Stats($1).Nick ( $+ $stats($1).steam $+ ) Banned by: $iif($2,$2,no such user) %Gather.ColorChr ,Reason: $iif($3-,$3-,no reason) } }
  1677. alias Unban { if ($1) && ( (STEAM_* iswm $1-) || ($stats($1).steam) ) { rcmd admin_command admin_unban $stats($1).steam | msg %Gather.Channel $stl(< $+ %Gather.Color2 $+ Unban $+ %Gather.Color1 $+ > $stats($1).Nick ( $+ %Gather.Color2 $+  $+ $stats($1).steam $+ %Gather.Color1 $+ ) Unbanned by: $+ %Gather.Color2 $iif($2,$2,no such user) %Gather.Color1 $+ Reason was: $+ %Gather.Color2 $iif($readini(Banned.ini,$stats($1).steam,reason),$ifmatch,no reason)) | ssay $Stats($1).Nick ( $+ $stats($1).steam $+ ) Unbanned by: $iif($2,$2,no such user) ,Reason was: $iif($readini(Banned.ini,$stats($1).steam,reason),$ifmatch,no reason) | .remini -n Banned.ini $stats($1).steam } }
  1679. alias MR15 {
  1680. rcmd alias mr122k "admin_ignore_immunity 1;default_access 0;mr121"
  1681. rcmd alias mr121 "mp_forcecamera 2;mp_forcechasecam 2;mp_c4timer 35;mr122"
  1682. rcmd alias mr122 "mp_autoteambalance 0;mp_limitteams 0;mp_startmoney 800;mr123"
  1683. rcmd alias mr123 "mp_autokick 0;mp_friendlyfire 1;mp_freezetime 8;mr124"
  1684. rcmd alias mr124 "mp_roundtime 1.75;mp_buytime 0.15;mp_fadetoblack 0;mr125"
  1685. rcmd alias mr125 "sv_alltalk 0;sv_gravity 800;mp_tkpunish 0;sv_restart 1"
  1686. rcmd mr122k
  1687. }
  1688. alias MR3 {
  1689. rcmd alias mr122k "admin_ignore_immunity 1;default_access 0;mr121"
  1690. rcmd alias mr121 "mp_forcecamera 2;mp_forcechasecam 2;mp_c4timer 35;mr122"
  1691. rcmd alias mr122 "mp_autoteambalance 0;mp_limitteams 0;mp_startmoney 4000;mr123"
  1692. rcmd alias mr123 "mp_autokick 0;mp_friendlyfire 1;mp_freezetime 8;mr124"
  1693. rcmd alias mr124 "mp_roundtime 1.75;mp_buytime 0.15;mp_fadetoblack 0;mr125"
  1694. rcmd alias mr125 "sv_alltalk 0;sv_gravity 800;mp_tkpunish 0;sv_restart 1"
  1695. rcmd mr122k
  1696. }
  1697. alias PRAC {
  1698. RCMD alias prac122k "admin_ignore_immunity 1;default_access 0;Prac1"
  1699. RCMD alias Prac1 "mp_forcecamera 0;mp_forcechasecam 0;mp_c4timer 35;Prac2"
  1700. RCMD alias Prac2 "mp_autoteambalance 0;mp_limitteams 0;mp_startmoney 16000;Prac3"
  1701. RCMD alias Prac3 "mp_autokick 0;mp_friendlyfire 0;mp_freezetime 0;Prac4"
  1702. RCMD alias Prac4 "mp_roundtime 7;mp_buytime 9;mp_fadetoblack 0;Prac5"
  1703. RCMD alias Prac5 "sv_alltalk 1;sv_gravity 800;mp_tkpunish 0;sv_restart 1"
  1704. RCMD prac122k
  1705. }
  1706. alias SubSearch {
  1707. if ($1 == A) && (%Gather.Status == ON) { .timerSub* off | unset %Gather.Sub | Set %Gather.Sub A | Sub A | .timersuba 0 50 Sub A | ssay Searching For a sub for Team-A }
  1708. if ($1 == B) && (%Gather.Status == ON) { .timerSub* off | unset %Gather.Sub | Set %Gather.Sub B | Sub B | .timersuba 0 50 Sub B | ssay Searching For a sub for Team-B }
  1709. if ($1 == OFF) && (%Gather.Status == ON) { .timerSub* off | unset %Gather.Sub | msg %Gather.Channel $stl(Sub Searching has been canceled $iif($2-,by $+ %Gather.Color2 $2-)) | ssay Sub Searching has been canceled $iif($2-,By $2-) }
  1710. }
  1712. ;
  1714. alias SubNotNeed { msg %Gather.Channel $stl(No substitute needed for the moment.) }
  1715. alias FoundSub {
  1716. if (%Gather.Sub) && (%Gather.Status == ON) && (!$istok(%Gather.Address,$2,32)) && (!$istok(%Gather.Players,$1,32)) && (!$istok(%Gather.Subs,$1,32)) && (!$istok(%Gather.Team-A,$1,32)) && (!$istok(%Gather.Team-B,$1,32)) {
  1717. .timerSub* off
  1718. Set %Gather.Subs $addtok(%Gather.Subs,$1,32) | Set %Gather.Address $addtok(%Gather.Address,$2,32)
  1719. msg %Gather.Channel $stl(Sub has been found: $+ %Gather.Color2 $1 %Gather.Color1 $+ - IP and Password has now been sent to you.)
  1720. ssay Sub has been found for Team- $+ %Gather.Sub - $1
  1721. tsay Sub has been found for Team- $+ %Gather.Sub - $1
  1722. .msg $1 $details(%Gather.Sub)
  1723. Set -u5 %Gather.Flood ON
  1724. unset %Gather.Sub
  1725. }
  1726. }
  1727. alias ShowScore {
  1728. if (%Gather.Status == OFF) { Gather Status-OFF }
  1729. elseif (%Gather.Status == ON) {
  1730. if (%Gather.Live) { msg %Gather.Channel $stl( $+ %Gather.Color2 $+ Score is $+ %Gather.Color1 - %Gather.Color2 $+ ( $+ %Gather.Color1 $+ Team-A $+ %Gather.Color2 $+ ) $+ %Gather.Color1 $+ : $score(a) %Gather.Color1 $+ - %Gather.Color2 $+ ( $+ %Gather.Color1 $+ Team-B $+ %Gather.Color2 $+ ) $+ %Gather.Color1 $+ : $score(b) %Gather.Color1 $+ - $+ %Gather.Color2 ( $+ %Gather.Color1 $+  $+ $Score(Half) $+ %Gather.Color2 $+ )) }
  1731. elseif (!%Gather.Live) { msg %Gather.Channel $stl(%Gather.Color2 $+ Score Status: $+ %Gather.Color1 $score(notlive)) }
  1732. }
  1733. }
  1734. ;alias Sub2 { if ($1) && ( ($1 == A) || ($1 == B) ) { mode %Gather.Channel +m-N | .timer 1 1 notice %Gather.Channel $stl(Substitute player needed for ( $+ %Gather.Color2 $+ Team- $+ $1 $+ %Gather.Color1 $+ ) playing on $+ %Gather.Color2 %Gather.Map $+ %Gather.Color1 ,type %Gather.Sign $+ sub to play NOW $iif(%Gather.Live,( $+ $Score.Color(A) $+  $+ $Score(A) $+ %Gather.Color1 $+ - $+ $Score.Color(B) $+  $+ $Score(B) $+ %Gather.Color1 $+ ),( $+ %Gather.Color2 $+  $+ Not live $+ %Gather.Color1 $+ ))) | .timer 1 2 mode %Gather.Channel Settings -m+N | if (%Gather.Amsg == ON) amsg $stl(Substitute player needed for channel $+ %Gather.Color2 %Gather.Channel %Gather.Color1 $+ playing on $+ %Gather.Color2 %Gather.Map) } }
  1735. alias Sub {
  1736. if ($1) && ( ($1 == A) || ($1 == B) ) {
  1737. mode %Gather.Channel +m-N
  1738. .timer 1 1 notice %Gather.Channel $stl(Sub is needed $+ $chr(44) Type %Gather.Sign $+ %Gather.Color2 $+ sub $+ %Gather.Color1 to be sub $+ $chr(44) Admin: $+ %Gather.Color2 %Gather.Admin $+ %Gather.Color1 $+ $chr(44) Map: $+ %Gather.Color2 %Gather.Map $+ %Gather.Color1 $+ $chr(44) $iif(%Gather.Live,Team-A: $Score.Color(a) $+  $+ $Score(a) $+ %Gather.Color1 Team-B: $Score.Color(B) $+  $+ $Score(b) $+ %Gather.Color1 ( $+ %Gather.Color2 $+  $+ $score(Half) $+ %Gather.Color1 $+ ),%Gather.Color1 $+ Game isn't live yet.))
  1739. .timer 1 2 mode %Gather.Channel Settings -m+N
  1740. if (%Gather.Amsg == ON) amsg $stl(Sub is needed on $+ %Gather.Color2 %Gather.Channel)
  1741. }
  1742. }
  1744. alias ShowUptime { msg %Gather.Channel $stl(%Gather.Color2 $+ mIRC Uptime: $+ %Gather.Color1 $uptime(mirc,1) %Gather.Color3 $+ %Gather.ColorChr %Gather.Color2 $+ System Uptime: $+ %Gather.Color1 $uptime(system,1)) }
  1745. alias ShowReason {
  1746. if ($1) {
  1747. if ($stats($1).steam) {
  1748. var %STEAM = $stats($1).steam
  1749. if ($readini(Banned.ini,%STEAM,steam)) {
  1750. msg %Gather.Channel $stl(< $+ %Gather.Color2 $+ Ban Reason $+ %Gather.Color1 $+ > $stats(%STEAM).nick ( $+ %Gather.Color2 $+ %STEAM $+ %Gather.Color1 $+ ) Banned by: $+ %Gather.Color2 $readini(Banned.ini,%STEAM,by) %Gather.Color1 $+ $chr(44) $+ At: $+ %Gather.Color2 $readini(Banned.ini,%STEAM,at) %Gather.Color1 $+ $chr(44) $+ Reason: $+ %Gather.Color2 $readini(Banned.ini,%STEAM,reason))
  1751. }
  1752. elseif (!$readini(Banned.ini,%STEAM,steam)) { msg %Gather.Channel $stl(This player is not found ( $+ %Gather.Color2 $+  $+ $1 $+ %Gather.Color1 $+ ), use ' $+ %Gather.Sign $+ reason nickname' or ' $+ %Gather.Sign $+ reason steamid') }
  1753. }
  1754. elseif (!$stats($1).steam) { msg %Gather.Channel $stl(This player is not found ( $+ %Gather.Color2 $+  $+ $1 $+ %Gather.Color1 $+ ), use ' $+ %Gather.Sign $+ reason nickname' or ' $+ %Gather.Sign $+ reason steamid') }
  1755. }
  1756. }
  1757. alias End1stHalf {
  1758. if (%Gather.ScoreChannel) && (%Gather.Scorebot == ON) { inc -u10 %Gather.ScoreTimer 2 | .timer 1 %Gather.ScoreTimer msg %Gather.ScoreChannel *** 3First Half Half is OVER 1*** }
  1759. set %Gather.FirstA $Score(a)
  1760. set %Gather.FirstB $Score(b)
  1761. set %Gather.Half First-Second
  1762. set %Gather.ScoreStatus OFF
  1763. msg %Gather.Channel $stl(First half is over ( $+ Team-A: $+ $Score(A) $+ %Gather.Color1 $+ - $+ Team-B:  $+ $Score(B) $+ %Gather.Color1 $+ ))
  1764. ssay First Half Is Over! Score Is- ( $+ Team-A: $Score(A) $+ - $+ Team B: $Score(B) $+ )
  1765. tsay First Half Is Over! Score Is- ( $+ Team-A: $Score(A) $+ - $+ Team B: $Score(B) $+ )
  1766. }
  1767. alias End2ndHalf {
  1768. if (%Gather.ScoreChannel) && (%Gather.Scorebot == ON) { inc -u10 %Gather.ScoreTimer 2 | .timer 1 %Gather.ScoreTimer msg %Gather.ScoreChannel *** 3Second Half Half is OVER 1*** }
  1769. set %Gather.SecondA $score(anow)
  1770. set %Gather.SecondB $score(bnow)
  1771. set %Gather.Half Second-MR3
  1772. set %Gather.ScoreStatus OFF
  1773. msg %Gather.Channel $stl(Second Half Is Over! ( $+ Team-A: $+ $Score(A) $+ %Gather.Color1 $+ - $+ Team-B:  $+ $Score(B) $+ %Gather.Color1 $+ ))
  1774. ssay Second Half Is Over! Score Is- ( $+ Team-A: $Score(A) $+ - $+ Team B: $Score(B) $+ )
  1775. tsay Second Half Is Over! Score Is- ( $+ Team-A: $Score(A) $+ - $+ Team B: $Score(B) $+ )
  1776. }
  1777. alias EndMR3Half {
  1778. if (%Gather.ScoreChannel) && (%Gather.Scorebot == ON) { inc -u10 %Gather.ScoreTimer 2 | .timer 1 %Gather.ScoreTimer msg %Gather.ScoreChannel *** 3MR3 First Half is OVER 1*** }
  1779. set %Gather.MR3A $score(anow)
  1780. set %Gather.MR3B $score(bnow)
  1781. set %Gather.Half MR3-MR4
  1782. set %Gather.ScoreStatus OFF
  1783. msg %Gather.Channel $stl(MR3 1st half is over ( $+ Team-A: $+ $Score(A) $+ %Gather.Color1 $+ - $+ Team-B:  $+ $Score(B) $+ %Gather.Color1 $+ ))
  1784. ssay MR3.1st half is over ( $+ $Score(A) $+ - $+ $Score(B) $+ )
  1785. tsay MR3.1st half is over ( $+ $Score(A) $+ - $+ $Score(B) $+ )
  1786. }
  1787. alias NoLive { rcmd sv_restart 1 | Set %Gather.ScoreStatus OFF | set %Gather.Score-T 0 | Set %Gather.Score-CT 0 }
  1788. alias ResetScore { rcmd sv_restart 1 | Unset %Gather.First* | unset %Gather.Second* | unset %Gather.MR3* | Set %Gather.ScoreStatus OFF | unset %Gather.Score-* | unset %Gather.Live | Set %Gather.Half Notyet }
  1789. alias clr {
  1790. var %CLR.TEMP = $strip($gettok($1,1,34))
  1791. if ($prop == Steam) return $gettok($gettok(%CLR.TEMP,$calc($numtok(%CLR.TEMP,60) -1) $+ - $+ $numtok(%CLR.TEMP,60),60),1,62)
  1792. if ($prop == Steam2) return $gettok($gettok($gettok($gettok($1,3,34),1,34),$calc($numtok($gettok($gettok($1,3,34),1,34),60) -1) $+ - $+ $numtok($gettok($gettok($1,3,34),1,34),60),60),1,62)
  1793. if ($prop == Nick) return $remove(%CLR.TEMP,$right(%CLR.TEMP,$calc($len($remove($gettok($gettok(%CLR.TEMP,$calc($numtok(%CLR.TEMP,60) -1) $+ - $+ $numtok(%CLR.TEMP,60),60),2,62),<)) + $len($gettok($gettok(%CLR.TEMP,$calc($numtok(%CLR.TEMP,60) -1) $+ - $+ $numtok(%CLR.TEMP,60),60),1,62)) + $len($gettok($gettok(%CLR.TEMP,$calc($numtok(%CLR.TEMP,60) -2) $+ - $+ $numtok(%CLR.TEMP,60),60),1,62)) + 6)))
  1794. if ($prop == Said) return $strip($gettok($1,3,34))
  1795. if ($Prop == Nick2) Return $remove($gettok($1,3,34),$right($gettok($1,3,34),$calc($len($remove($gettok($gettok($gettok($1,3,34),$calc($numtok($gettok($1,3,34),60) -1) $+ - $+ $numtok($gettok($1,3,34),60),60),2,62),<)) + $len($gettok($gettok($gettok($1,3,34),$calc($numtok($gettok($1,3,34),60) -1) $+ - $+ $numtok($gettok($1,3,34),60),60),1,62)) + $len($gettok($gettok($gettok($1,3,34),$calc($numtok($gettok($1,3,34),60) -2) $+ - $+ $numtok($gettok($1,3,34),60),60),1,62)) + 6)))
  1796. if ($prop == Team) return $remove($gettok($gettok(%CLR.TEMP,$calc($numtok(%CLR.TEMP,60) -1) $+ - $+ $numtok(%CLR.TEMP,60),60),2,62),<)
  1797. if ($prop == Team2) return $remove($gettok($gettok($gettok($1,3,34),$calc($numtok($gettok($1,3,34),60) -1) $+ - $+ $numtok($gettok($1,3,34),60),60),2,62),<)
  1798. if ($prop == num) || ($prop == vote) || ($prop == votenum) return $gettok($gettok(%CLR.TEMP,$calc($numtok(%CLR.TEMP,60) -2) $+ - $+ $numtok(%CLR.TEMP,60),60),1,62)
  1799. if ($prop == Weapon) || ($prop == Gun) return $gettok($1,5,34)
  1800. Return $gettok($1,2,34)
  1801. }
  1802. alias SWAP { rcmd admin_quiet 2 | rcmd admin_command admin_execall setinfo "_vgui_menus" "0" | rcmd admin_command admin_execteam 1 chooseteam | rcmd admin_command admin_execteam 1 menuselect 2 | rcmd admin_command admin_execteam 2 chooseteam | rcmd admin_command admin_execteam 2 menuselect 1 }
  1803. alias MOVE-T { if ($1) { rcmd admin_quiet 2 | rcmd admin_command admin_execclient $1- setinfo "_vgui_menus" "0" | rcmd admin_command admin_execclient $1- chooseteam | rcmd admin_command admin_execclient $1- menuselect 1 } }
  1804. alias MOVE-CT { if ($1) { rcmd admin_quiet 2 | rcmd admin_command admin_execclient $1- setinfo "_vgui_menus" "0" | rcmd admin_command admin_execclient $1- chooseteam | rcmd admin_command admin_execclient $1- menuselect 2 } }
  1805. alias players-no-mix { msg %Gather.Channel $stl(Players are ( $+ %Gather.Color2 $+  $+ $calc($numtok(%Gather.Team-A,32) + $numtok(%Gather.Team-B,32)) $+ %Gather.Color1 $+ / $+ %Gather.Color2 $+  $+ $calc(%Gather.MaxTeam * 2) $+ %Gather.Color1 $+ ) $GiveA ][ $GiveB) }
  1806. alias GiveA { return %Gather.Color1 $+ A: $replace($replace(%Gather.Team-A,%Gather.Admin,%Gather.Color2 $+ %Gather.Admin $+ %Gather.Color1),$chr(32),$chr(32) %Gather.Color2 $+ $chr(172) $+ %Gather.Color1 $chr(32)) $str(%Gather.Color2 $+ $chr(172) $+ %Gather.Color1 %Gather.PlayersChr $chr(32),$calc(%Gather.MaxTeam - $numtok(%Gather.Team-A,32))) }
  1807. alias GiveB { return %Gather.Color1 $+ B: $replace($replace(%Gather.Team-B,%Gather.Admin,%Gather.Color2 $+ %Gather.Admin $+ %Gather.Color1),$chr(32),$chr(32) %Gather.Color2 $+ $chr(172) $+ %Gather.Color1 $chr(32)) $str(%Gather.Color2 $+ $chr(172) $+ %Gather.Color1 %Gather.PlayersChr $chr(32),$calc(%Gather.MaxTeam - $numtok(%Gather.Team-B,32))) }
  1808. alias CheckMax {
  1809. if ($calc(%Gather.MaxTeam * 2) == $calc($numtok(%Gather.Team-A,32) + $numtok(%Gather.Team-B,32))) {
  1810. Set -u25 %Gather.Flood ON
  1811. Set %Gather.Status ON
  1812. mode %Gather.Channel +m
  1813. .timer 1 11 mode %Gather.Channel -m
  1814. .timer 1 2 Teams
  1815. .timer 1 4 msg %Gather.Channel $stl(IPs And Passwords Have Been Sent To The Players.)
  1816. .timer 1 3 Send-details
  1817. }
  1818. }
  1819. alias CheckMix {
  1820. if ($numtok(%Gather.Players,32) == %Gather.Max) {
  1821. Set -u25 %Gather.Flood ON
  1822. Set %Gather.Status ON
  1823. mode %Gather.Channel +m
  1824. .timer 1 1 msg %Gather.Channel $stl(Mixing Teams....)
  1825. .timer 1 11 mode %Gather.Channel -m
  1826. MIX %Gather.Players
  1827. .timer 1 2 Teams
  1828. .timer 1 4 msg %Gather.Channel $stl(The Gather Details Has Been Sent To Every Player.)
  1829. .timer 1 4 Send-details
  1830. }
  1831. }
  1832. alias ShowServerScore { if (%Gather.Status == ON) { ssay Score is - (Team A): $Score(a) - (Team B): $Score(b) - ( $+ $score(half) $+ ) } }
  1833. alias now {
  1834. if (%Gather.Mixing == OFF) { return $calc($numtok(%Gather.Team-A,32) + $numtok(%Gather.Team-B,32)) }
  1835. elseif (%Gather.Mixing !== OFF) { return $numtok(%Gather.Players,32) }
  1836. }
  1837. alias all {
  1838. if (%Gather.Mixing == OFF) { return $calc(%Gather.MaxTeam * 2) }
  1839. elseif (%Gather.Mixing !== OFF) { return %Gather.Max }
  1840. }
  1841. alias Votes { msg %Gather.Channel $stl(%Gather.Color2 $+  $+ %Gather.Votes %Gather.Color1 $+ Votes so far.) }
  1842. alias VoteMap {
  1843. if (%Gather.VoteMap == ON) { msg %Gather.Channel $stl(Votemap is $+ %Gather.Color2 ON $+ %Gather.Color3 %Gather.ColorChr %Gather.Color1 $+ By: $+ %Gather.Color2 %Gather.VoteBy %Gather.Color3 $+ %Gather.ColorChr %Gather.Color1 $+ Maps: $+ %Gather.Color2 %Gather.Maps) }
  1844. else { msg %Gather.Channel $stl(Votemap is $+ %Gather.Color2 OFF.) }
  1845. }
  1846. alias ResetBot {
  1847. if (%Gather.Channel) && ($me ison %Gather.Channel) { part %Gather.Channel | .timer 1 2 join %Gather.Channel | .timer 1 3 msg %Gather.Channel $stl(Gatherbot Has been restarted.) }
  1848. unset %Gather.TK.*
  1849. Set %Gather.Today 0
  1850. Set %Gather.TopNumber 5
  1851. Set %Gather.Status OFF
  1852. Set %Gather.ScoreBot Off
  1853. Set %Gather.UsersSign •
  1854. Set %Gather.Max 10
  1855. if (%Gather.Amsg !== ON) || (%Gather.Amsg !== OFF) Set %Gather.Amsg ON
  1856. Set %Gather.num 0
  1857. Set %Gather.Mixing ON
  1858. Set %Gather.MaxTeam 5
  1859. if (!%Gather.Vent) Set %Gather.Vent Not defined
  1860. if (!%Gather.Server) Set %Gather.Server Not defined
  1861. unset %Gather.Last*
  1862. if (!%Gather.Port) || (%Gather.Port !isnum) Set %Gather.Port 7141
  1863. Set %Gather.Connected OFF
  1864. Set %Gather.Points 1000
  1865. if (%Gather.UsersNick !== OFF) || (%Gather.UsersNick !== ON) { Set %Gather.UsersNick ON }
  1866. Set %Gather.Votemap OFF
  1867. Set %Gather.Votetime 60
  1868. unset %Gather.Voteby
  1869. unset %Gather.Votes
  1870. unset %Gather.Reconnecting
  1871. unset %Gather.Ready*
  1872. unset %Gather.Vote-address
  1873. .timerENDVOTE OFF
  1874. Set %Gather.PlayersChr ?
  1875. unset %Gather.Team*
  1876. unset %Gather.Started
  1877. unset %Gather.Map
  1878. unset %Gather.Admin
  1879. unset %Gather.Banlast
  1880. unset %Gather.Score-T
  1881. unset %Gather.Score-CT
  1882. unset %Gather.ScoreStatus
  1883. unset %Gather.Half
  1884. unset %Gather.Live
  1885. unset %Gather.Second*
  1886. unset %Gather.MR3*
  1887. .timerSub* off
  1888. unset %Gather.Sub
  1889. unset %Gather.Players
  1890. unset %Gather.Subs
  1891. unset %Gather.Address
  1892. unset %Gather.First*
  1893. unset %Gather.Pass
  1894. unset %Gather.PassA
  1895. unset %Gather.PassB
  1896. unset %Gather.AdminUser
  1897. var %x = 1
  1898. while ($ini(Access.ini,%x)) { .writeini -n Access.ini $ifmatch Gathers 0 | .writeini -n Access.ini $ifmatch Votes 0 | .writeini -n Access.ini $ifmatch Today 0 | inc %x }
  1899. if ($exists(Stats.ini)) .remove Stats.ini
  1900. if ($exists(Banned.ini)) .remove Banned.ini
  1901. if ($exists(Votes.ini)) .remove Votes.ini
  1902. if ($exists(Kills.ini)) .remove Kills.ini
  1903. .timer 1 1 RCONstart
  1904. }
  1905. alias ShowAlready { msg %Gather.Channel $stl(Gather Is Already Running. Use $+ %Gather.Color2 %Gather.Sign $+ Status $+ %Gather.Color1 To see the Gather Info) }
  1906. alias SetStyle {
  1907. if ($1 == 12) { Set %Gather.Style1 7,1[15«0 | Set %Gather.Style2 15,1»7] | Set %Gather.Color1 0,1 | Set %Gather.Color2 14 | Set %Gather.Color3 14 | Set %Gather.ColorChr , }
  1908. if ($1 == 13) { Set %Gather.Style1 14,0[10«14 | Set %Gather.Style2 14,010»1014] | Set %Gather.Color1 14 | Set %Gather.Color2 1 | Set %Gather.Color3 1 | Set %Gather.ColorChr , }
  1909. if ($1 == 14) { Set %Gather.Style1 14,0[5«14 | Set %Gather.Style2 14,05»514] | Set %Gather.Color1 14 | Set %Gather.Color2 1 | Set %Gather.Color3 1 | Set %Gather.ColorChr , }
  1910. if ($1 == 15) { Set %Gather.Style1 3,1[15«0 | Set %Gather.Style2 15,1»3] | Set %Gather.Color1 0,1 | Set %Gather.Color2 3 | Set %Gather.Color3 15 | Set %Gather.ColorChr , }
  1911. if ($1 == 16) { Set %Gather.Style1 4,1[15«0 | Set %Gather.Style2 15,1»4] | Set %Gather.Color1 0,1 | Set %Gather.Color2 14 | Set %Gather.Color3 14 | Set %Gather.ColorChr , }
  1912. if ($1 == 17) { Set %Gather.Style1 8,1[15«0 | Set %Gather.Style2 15,1»8] | Set %Gather.Color1 0,1 | Set %Gather.Color2 14 | Set %Gather.Color3 14 | Set %Gather.ColorChr , }
  1913. if ($1 == 18) { Set %Gather.Style1 10,1[15«0 | Set %Gather.Style2 15,1»10] | Set %Gather.Color1 0,1 | Set %Gather.Color2 14 | Set %Gather.Color3 14 | Set %Gather.ColorChr , }
  1914. }
  1916. ;
  1917. ;;;;;;;;;;; Menu ;;;;;;;;;;;
  1918. ;
  1920. Menu * {
  1921. Tray { Showmirc -t }
  1922. Update { update }
  1923. Settings
  1924. .Refresh Gatherbot { RCONclose | .timer 1 2 RCONstart }
  1925. .-
  1926. .Set Channel { var %x = $input(Type Channel,e,Type Channel) | if (%x) && ($chr(35) $+ * iswm %x) { Set %Gather.Channel %x } }
  1927. .Set Sign { var %x = $input(Type Sign,e,Type Sign) | if (%x) { Set %Gather.Sign %x } }
  1928. .Set Sign PM { var %x = $input(Type Sign PM,e,Type Sign PM) | if (%x) { Set %Gather.Sign-PM %x } }
  1929. .Set Sign Server { var %x = $input(Type Sign Server,e,Type Sign Server) | if (%x) { Set %Gather.Sign-Server %x } }
  1930. .Set Server IPort { var %x = $input(Type Server IPort,e,Type Server IPort) | if (%x) { Set %Gather.Server %x } }
  1931. .Set Vent IPort { var %x = $input(Type Vent IPort,e,Type Vent IPort) | if (%x) { Set %Gather.Vent %x } }
  1932. .Set Vent Version { var %x = $input(Type Vent Version,e,Type Vent Version) | if (%x) { Set %Gather.Vent-Version %x } }
  1933. .Set RCON Password { var %x = $input(Type RCON Password,e,Type RCON Password) | if (%x) { Set %Gather.RCONPass %x } }
  1934. .Set Port { var %x = $input(Type Port,e,Type Port) | if (%x) && (%x isnum) { Set %Gather.Port %x } }
  1935. .Set Max Players { var %x = $input(Type Max Players,e,Type Max Players) | if (%x) && (%x isnum) { Set %Gather.Max %x } }
  1936. .Set Max Team Players { var %x = $input(Type Max Team Players,e,Type Max Team Players) | if (%x) && (%x isnum) { Set %Gather.MaxTeam %x } }
  1937. .Set Start Points { var %x = $input(Type Start Points,e,Type Start Points) | if (%x) && (%x isnum) { Set %Gather.Points %x } }
  1938. .Set Top Number { var %x = $input(Type Top Number,e,Type Top Number) | if (%x) && (%x isnum) { Set %Gather.TopNumber %x } }
  1939. .Set Votetime { var %x = $input(Type Votetime (in secs),e,Type Votetime(in secs)) | if (%x) && (%x isnum) { Set %Gather.Votetime %x } }
  1940. .Set TAG-A { var %x = $input(Type TAG-A,e,Type TAG-A) | if (%x) { Set %Gather.TAG-A %x } }
  1941. .Set TAG-B { var %x = $input(Type TAG-B,e,Type TAG-B) | if (%x) { Set %Gather.TAG-B %x } }
  1942. .Set Amsg
  1943. ..Turn Amsg ON { Set %Gather.Amsg ON }
  1944. ..Turn Amsg OFF { Set %Gather.Amsg OFF }
  1945. .Set Nick On Users Status
  1946. ..Turn Nick Users ON { Set %Gather.UsersNick ON }
  1947. ..Turn Nick Users OFF { Set %Gather.UsersNick OFF }
  1948. .Set Mixing Teams
  1949. ..Turn Mixing ON { if (%Gather.Status !== Adding) Set %Gather.Mixing ON }
  1950. ..Turn Mixing OFF { if (%Gather.Status !== Adding) Set %Gather.Mixing OFF }
  1951. .Scorebot
  1952. ..Turn Scorebot ON { Set %Gather.Scorebot ON }
  1953. ..Turn Scorebot OFF { Set %Gather.Scorebot OFF }
  1954. ..Set Score Channel { var %x = $input(Type Score Channel,e,Type Score Channel) | if (%x) && ($chr(35) $+ * iswm %x) { Set %Gather.ScoreChannel %x } }
  1955. .Set Last Start notice { var %x = $input(Last start notice?,e,Last start notice?) | if (%x) { Set %Gather.Startnotice %x } }
  1956. .Set TAG
  1957. ..Turn ON { var %x = $input(TAG?,e,TAG?) | if (%x) { Set %Gather.TAG %x } }
  1958. ..Turn OFF { unset %Gather.TAG }
  1959. .SSH
  1960. ..SSH ON/OFF
  1961. ...Turn SSH ON { .writeini -n SSH.ini SSH SSH 1 }
  1962. ...Turn SSH OFF { .writeini -n SSH.ini SSH SSH 0 }
  1963. ..Set SSH Username { var %x = $input(Type SSH Username,e,Type SSH Username) | if (%x) { .writeini -n SSH.ini SSH USER %x } }
  1964. ..Set SSH Password { var %x = $input(Type SSH Password,e,Type SSH Password) | if (%x) { .writeini -n SSH.ini SSH Pass %x } }
  1965. ..Set SSH IP { var %x = $input(Type SSH IP,e,Type SSH IP) | if (%x) { .writeini -n SSH.ini SSH IP %x } }
  1966. ..Set SSH Port { var %x = $input(Type SSH Port,e,Type SSH Port) | if (%x) { .writeini -n SSH.ini SSH Port %x } }
  1967. ..Set SSH Dir { var %x = $input(Type SSH Dir,e,Type SSH Dir) | if (%x) { .writeini -n SSH.ini SSH Dir %x } }
  1968. ..Set SSH Ventrilo exec File { var %x = $input(Type SSH Ventrilo exec File,e,Type SSH Ventrilo exec File) | if (%x) { .writeini -n SSH.ini SSH ventrilo_exec_file %x } }
  1969. ..Set SSH Room-A { var %x = $input(Type SSH Room-A,e,Type SSH Room-A) | if (%x) { .writeini -n SSH.ini SSH Room-A %x } }
  1970. ..Set SSH Room-B { var %x = $input(Type SSH Room-B,e,Type SSH Room-B) | if (%x) { .writeini -n SSH.ini SSH Room-B %x } }
  1971. .-
  1972. .Reset Gatherbot { var %x = $input(Are you sure?,y,Are you sure?) | if (%x == $true) { ResetBot } }
  1973. Set Style
  1974. .Set Color 1 (Main Color) { var %x = $input(Type Color 1 (Main),e,Type Color 1 (Main)) | if (%x) { Set %Gather.Color1 %x } }
  1975. .Set Color 2 (Second Color) { var %x = $input(Type Color 2 (Second),e,Type Color 2 (Second)) | if (%x) { Set %Gather.Color2 %x } }
  1976. .Set Color 3 (Chr Color) { var %x = $input(Type Color 3 (Chr),e,Type Color 3 (Chr)) | if (%x) { Set %Gather.Color3 %x } }
  1977. .Set Style 1 (Style-Side 1) { var %x = $input(Type Style 1 (Style-Side 1),e,Type Style 1 (Style-Side 1)) | if (%x) { Set %Gather.Style1 %x } }
  1978. .Set Style 2 (Style-Side 2) { var %x = $input(Type Style 2 (Style-Side 2),e,Type Style 1 (Style-Side 2)) | if (%x) { Set %Gather.Style2 %x } }
  1979. .Set Players Sign (No color) { var %x = $input(Type Players Sign (No color),e,Type Players Sign (No color)) | if (%x) { Set %Gather.PlayersChr %x } }
  1980. .Set Sign Sign (No color) { var %x = $input(Type Users Sign (No color),e,Type Users Sign (No color)) | if (%x) { Set %Gather.UsersSign %x } }
  1981. .-
  1982. .Main(BackGround- Black , White) [« »] - (Orange) { SetStyle 12 }
  1983. .Main(BackGround- Black , White) [« »] - (Green) { SetStyle 15 }
  1984. .Main(BackGround- Black , White) [« »] - (Red) { SetStyle 16 }
  1985. .Main(BackGround- Black , White) [« »] - (Yellow) { SetStyle 17 }
  1986. .Main(BackGround- Black , White) [« »] - (Blue) { SetStyle 18 }
  1987. .Main(Blue2) [« »] - (Gray) { SetStyle 13 }
  1988. .Main(Red2) [« »] - (Gray) { SetStyle 14 }
  1989. Files
  1990. .Open Access File { if ($exists(Access.ini)) run Access.ini }
  1991. .Open Stats File { if ($exists(Stats.ini)) run Stats.ini }
  1992. .Open Banned File { if ($exists(Banned.ini)) run Banned.ini }
  1993. .Open SSH File { if ($exists(SSH.ini)) run SSH.ini }
  1994. Access
  1995. .Add User {
  1996. :START
  1997. Var %User = $Input(Type Username,e,Type Username)
  1998. if (%User) {
  1999. if ($readini(Access.ini,%User,User)) { echo -a $stl(User %User already used.) | GOTO START }
  2000. else {
  2001. var %Pass = $Input(Type Password,e,Type Password)
  2002. if (%Pass) {
  2003. :STEAM
  2004. var %Steam = $input(Type SteamID,e,Type SteamID)
  2005. if (STEAM_* !iswm %Steam) { echo -a $stl(Wrong SteamID) | GOTO Steam }
  2006. else {
  2007. :Level
  2008. var %Level = $input(Type Level (Admin/Master/Owner/Manager),e,Type Level (Admin/Master/Owner))
  2009. if (%Level == Admin) || (%Level == Master) || (%Level == Owner) || (%Level == Manager) { echo -a $stl(%Level successfully added. (User: $+ %Gather.Color2 %User $+ %Gather.Color1 $+ ) (Pass: $+ %Gather.Color2 %Pass $+ %Gather.Color1 $+ ) (STEAM_ID: $+ %Gather.Color2 %Steam $+ %Gather.Color1 $+ )) | .writeini -n Access.ini %User User %User | .writeini -n Access.ini %User Votes 0 | .writeini -n Access.ini %User Pass %Pass | .writeini -n Access.ini %User Today 0 | .writeini -n Access.ini %User Steamid %Steam | .writeini -n Access.ini %User Status OFF | .writeini -n Access.ini %User Gathers 0 | .writeini -n Access.ini %User ACC %Level | .writeini -n Access.ini %User Since $date $+ - $+ $time | .writeini -n Access.ini %User By Gatherbot | .writeini -n Access.ini %User LastLogin never }
  2010. elseif (%Level) && (%Level !== Admin) && (%Level !== Master) && (%Level !== Owner) && (%Level !== Manager) { echo -a $stl(Wrong level) | GOTO Level }
  2011. }
  2012. }
  2013. }
  2014. }
  2015. }
  2016. .Remove User {
  2017. :START
  2018. Var %User = $Input(Type Username,e,Type Username)
  2019. if (%User) {
  2020. if (!$readini(Access.ini,%User,User)) { echo -a $stl(User %User Not found.) }
  2021. else { .remini -n Access.ini %User | echo -a $stl(%User successfully removed.) }
  2022. }
  2023. }
  2024. .Clear ALL Users { var %x = $input(Are you sure?,y,Are you sure?) | if (%x == $true) { echo -a $stl(Done) | .remove Access.ini } }
  2025. }
  2028. alias PSSSS {
  2029. var %z = 0
  2030. .remove ssh\ventrilo_srv.ini
  2031. if ($exists(SSH\ventrilo_srv.chn)) { .rename ssh\ventrilo_srv.chn ssh\ventrilo_srv.ini }
  2032. else { ventPass BAD- | Halt }
  2033. var %x = $ini(ssh\ventrilo_srv.ini,0)
  2034. while (%x) {
  2035. if ($gettok($ini(ssh\ventrilo_srv.ini,%x),$numtok($ini(ssh\ventrilo_srv.ini,%x),$asc(/)),$asc(/)) == $ssh(room-a)) && ($1) { /writeini -n ssh\ventrilo_srv.ini $+(",$ini(ssh\ventrilo_srv.ini,%x),") PassChan $1 | inc %z }
  2036. if ($gettok($ini(ssh\ventrilo_srv.ini,%x),$numtok($ini(ssh\ventrilo_srv.ini,%x),$asc(/)),$asc(/)) == $ssh(room-b)) && ($2) { /writeini -n ssh\ventrilo_srv.ini $+(",$ini(ssh\ventrilo_srv.ini,%x),") PassChan $2 | inc %z }
  2037. dec %x
  2038. }
  2039. if (%z < 2) { halt }
  2040. .rename ssh\ventrilo_srv.ini ssh\ventrilo_srv.chn
  2041. .run ssh\ecmd.exe exec2 hide " $+ $mircdirSSH\" " $+ $mircdirSSH\ChangePass.bat"
  2042. .timer 1 30 .run ssh\ecmd.exe killprocess plink.exe
  2043. .timer 1 30 .run ssh\ecmd.exe killprocess psftp.exe
  2044. .timer 1 30 .run ssh\ecmd.exe killprocess cmd.exe
  2045. }
  2047. alias Reset-Today {
  2048. Set %Gather.LastReset $date
  2049. echo -ts (12Reset-Today1) Reset Today Gathers...
  2050. set %Gather.Today 0
  2051. var %x = 1
  2052. while ($ini(Access.ini,%x)) { .writeini -n Access.ini $ifmatch Today 0 | inc %x }
  2053. }
  2054. alias StatusCheck {
  2055. var %x = 1
  2056. while ($ini(Access.ini,%x)) {
  2057. if (!$ialchan(* $+ $readini(Access.ini,$ini(Access.ini,%x),Logged),%Gather.Channel,1).nick) { .writeini -n Access.ini $Ini(Access.ini,%x) Status OFF | .remini -n Access.ini $ini(Access.ini,%x) Logged }
  2058. inc %x
  2059. }
  2060. }
  2061. alias changePass {
  2062. if (!$SSH) Halt
  2063. .timer -m 1 700 .makeFiles
  2064. .timer -m 1 1500 ventPass $1-
  2065. .run ssh\ecmd.exe killprocess plink.exe
  2066. .run ssh\ecmd.exe killprocess psftp.exe
  2067. .run ssh\ecmd.exe killprocess cmd.exe
  2068. }
  2069. alias Users {
  2070. if ($prop == logged?) && ($2) {
  2071. var %x = 1
  2072. while ($ini(Access.ini,%x)) {
  2073. if ($readini(Access.ini,$ini(Access.ini,%x),logged) == $1) && ($readini(Access.ini,$ini(Access.ini,%x),ACC) == $2) { return $ini(Access.ini,%x) }
  2074. inc %x
  2075. }
  2076. }
  2077. if ( ($prop == nick?) || ($prop == nick) ) && ($1) {
  2078. if ($readini(Access.ini,$1,Logged)) { return $ialchan(* $+ $readini(Access.ini,$1,Logged),%Gather.Channel,1).nick }
  2079. else { return No such nickName }
  2080. }
  2081. if ( ($prop == steamid) || ($prop == steam) ) && ($2) {
  2082. var %x = $ini(Access.ini,0)
  2083. while (%x) {
  2084. if ($1 == $readini(Access.ini,$ini(Access.ini,%x),Steamid)) && ($readini(Access.ini,$ini(Access.ini,%x),ACC) == $2) { return $ini(Access.ini,%x) }
  2085. dec %x
  2086. }
  2087. }
  2088. if ($prop == NUM) && ($2 == ALL) && ($1) {
  2089. var %x 1, %Temp
  2090. while ($ini(Access.ini,%x)) {
  2091. if ($readini(Access.ini,$ini(Access.ini,%x),ACC) == $1) { var %Temp = %Temp $ini(Access.ini,%x) }
  2092. inc %x
  2093. }
  2094. return $numtok(%Temp,32)
  2095. }
  2096. if ($prop == num) && ($2 == ON) && ($1) {
  2097. var %x = 1
  2098. while ($ini(Access.ini,%x)) {
  2099. if ($readini(Access.ini,$ini(Access.ini,%x),status) == ON) && ($readini(Access.ini,$ini(Access.ini,%x),ACC) == $1) { var %Temp = %Temp $ini(Access.ini,%x) }
  2100. inc %x
  2101. }
  2102. return $numtok(%Temp,32)
  2103. }
  2104. if (!$prop) && ($1) && (!$2) {
  2105. var %x 1, %Tempa
  2106. while ($ini(Access.ini,%x)) {
  2107. ;if ($readini(Access.ini,$ini(Access.ini,%x),status) == ON) && ($readini(Access.ini,$ini(Access.ini,%x),ACC) == $1) { var %ON = %ON 3 $chr(149)0 $+ %Gather.Userssign $+ $+ %Gather.Color1 $+  $+ $ini(Access.ini,%x) $+ $iif(%Gather.UsersNick == ON,$iif($nick?($Ini(Access.ini,%x)),( $+ %Gather.Color2 $+  $+ $nick?($Ini(Access.ini,%x)) $+ %Gather.Color1 $+ ))) }
  2108. ;if ($readini(Access.ini,$ini(Access.ini,%x),status) == OFF) && ($readini(Access.ini,$ini(Access.ini,%x),ACC) == $1) { var %ON = %ON 4$chr(149) $+ %Gather.UsersSign $+ $+ %Gather.Color1 $+  $+ $ini(Access.ini,%x) }
  2109. if ($readini(Access.ini,$ini(Access.ini,%x),status) == ON) && ($readini(Access.ini,$ini(Access.ini,%x),ACC) == $1) { var %Temp = %Temp 3 $+ $chr(149) $+ 0 $+ $ini(Access.ini,%x) }
  2110. if ($readini(Access.ini,$ini(Access.ini,%x),status) == OFF) && ($readini(Access.ini,$ini(Access.ini,%x),ACC) == $1) { var %Temp = %Temp 4 $+ $chr(149) $+ 14 $+ $ini(Access.ini,%x) }
  2112. inc %x
  2113. }
  2114. return %Temp
  2115. }
  2116. :END
  2117. }
  2119. alias Guns {
  2120. if ($1 == AK47) return 1.00
  2121. if ($1 == M4A1) return 1.00
  2122. if ($1 == Famas) return 1.00
  2123. if ($1 == Galil) return 1.00
  2124. if ($1 == AWP) return 1.05
  2125. if ($1 == MP5navy) return 1.25
  2126. if ($1 == Deagle) return 1.50
  2127. if ($1 == Usp) return 1.50
  2128. if ($1 == Glock18) return 1.50
  2129. if ($1 == Grenade) return 1.80
  2130. if ($1 == Aug) return 1.05
  2131. if ($1 == SG552) return 1.05
  2132. if ($1 == MAC10) return 1.25
  2133. if ($1 == P90) return 1.25
  2134. if ($1 == TMP) return 1.25
  2135. if ($1 == UMP45) return 1.25
  2136. if ($1 == G3sg1) return 1.40
  2137. if ($1 == M3) return 1.40
  2138. if ($1 == XM1014) return 1.40
  2139. if ($1 == Elite) return 1.50
  2140. if ($1 == FiveSeven) return 1.50
  2141. if ($1 == P228) return 1.50
  2142. if ($1 == Scout) return 1.60
  2143. if ($1 == SG550) return 1.70
  2144. if ($1 == M249) return 1.80
  2145. if ($1 == Knife) return 2.00
  2146. }
  2148. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  2149. ;;;; End Of Ventox CS 1.6 Gatherbot ;;;;
  2150. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
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