
Sophie's origin

Oct 20th, 2018
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  1. MedriHarker: *the word was sent to those who truly wanted to see a change, in their governement, in their homes , in their schools and in the world around them...some students had been told by word of mouth some had received brochures and pamphlets handed to them at school or even at church.
  2. MedriHarker: a selct few were given information on this, others invited by those selcted few
  3. MedriHarker: tonight they were meeting in an old apartment building in Arkham.
  4. SlaughteredLamb: -Alice grinned as she practickly dragged her frend to the apartment- Come on.. thi group seem awsome
  5. Heockius: It had better be, Alice! Last party you dragged me to sucked!
  6. SlaughteredLamb: Well kinda.. but I promise this will make up for that
  7. Heockius: It had better -Sophie said as she hurried after her friend-
  8. MedriHarker: *Alice had been informed of a special knock to conduct at the back alley door as well as knowing the special passcode*
  9. SlaughteredLamb: -she rolled her eyes as she did the special knock- I swear.. it should have been two shaves and a hair cut
  10. Heockius: -Sophie folds her arm and waits- With a special knock... I'd almost expect to get into some exclusive club...
  11. MedriHarker: *a eye slit slides open as the metal slit makes a thuding noise, a pair of eyes covered in shades states* passcode.
  12. SlaughteredLambSlaughteredLamb Whisper: -she looked up to the bouncer giving the passcode-
  13. MedriHarkerMedriHarker : *he slides the slit close, a metal clank and thud is heard, the door slides open*
  14. MedriHarker: enter* the hallways is dark and quite dingy*
  15. Heockius: Dungeon theme? -Sophie mutters- I can dig that...
  16. SlaughteredLamb: -she chuckled- We must be early Soph..
  17. Heockius: -Sophie motions for Alice to lead the way- Are the drinks good here?
  18. SlaughteredLamb: Hell yeah.. -she knocked on the apartment door before opening the door-
  19. Heockius: -Sophie walks in behind her friend-
  20. MedriHarker: *a group of men and woman with similar hooded uniforms and eye wear stand around as a few other students arrive similar in dress and loook*
  21. SlaughteredLamb: Aww common.. you did not tell me we were dressing up again
  22. Heockius: -Sophie adjusts her vest and looks around-
  23. Heockius: Uh... Alice... This is weird...
  24. MedriHarker: *the leader steps forward he looks similar to everyone else with the exceptions of a few scars on his..face*
  25. MedriHarker: Welcome youthlings, welcome to another day of subserviance to the boundaries and limiations They have set out for us! *he points to nowhere in particular yet everyone seems to feel a sense of inspiration as he talks*
  26. HeockiusHeockius Whisper: (I do realize.. I look like a tall Kiki)
  27. Heockius: -Sophie listens and looks confused as he points. She doesn't seem to understand-
  28. SlaughteredLamb: (hehe)
  29. MedriHarker: For to long we have allowed our governments to take what is ours....our minds freedom
  30. MedriHarker: our own powers that we have manifested in ourselves to become higher and greater beings!
  31. MedriHarker: now is our time!
  32. MedriHarker: to stand! to take back what was stolen
  33. Heockius: -Sophie looks back as she hears this-
  34. MedriHarker: enough of this lack of leadership...we vote for pretty boys! we vote for old boys! we vote for boys who know nothing but whats at the end of their scrotum!
  35. SlaughteredLamb: -she chuckled, holding sophie close- I know the methods are weird but Yes we do need to stregthen our minds
  36. MedriHarker: In her nMae!*He points to a picture of a woman on the wall...* we shall move forward
  37. MedriHarkerMedriHarker : we will take back what is ours!
  38. MedriHarker: and take control of what is needed
  39. MedriHarker: *the group chants* In Her Name!
  40. Heockius: -Sophie looks at the picture-
  41. SlaughteredLamb: In her name! -she was swaying in her shoes-
  42. Heockius: Um... Who's her?
  43. MedriHarker: The story goes of a woman who made a stand for what she believed in, she practiced witch craft and although there seemed to be no witches in the room the idea of a woman making a difference in her world only to be killed and painted as a criminal moved this group to perceive her as a martyr*
  44. MedriHarker: *he looks to the picture* whos her? *the man hears this* who said that...
  45. MedriHarker: *the crowd steps away from sophie singling her out*
  46. Heockius: -Sophie steps forward- I did.
  47. MedriHarker: *he steps forward* she is the mother of a revolution, a revolition that was stopped by our governement, by pharmaceutical companies..and enemies that take root in our very city...I speak of the late great, Arabella hart.
  48. MedriHarker: her legacy is carried in our work
  49. SlaughteredLamb: She is new.. so of coursse she does not know Of Her yet
  50. MedriHarker: *he takes her hand and looks her in the eye* In her name we move forward to take our city back, witch craft is not what is was and we do not intend to joing their ways...after all it was the witches who shoved her away, the law makers that locked her and the civilians of unchanging ways that burned her to a grave..
  51. MedriHarker: we are all outcast here, we are all shoved away
  52. Heockius: -Sophie listens attentively- Huh. Well.. Big pharma is good at that...
  53. MedriHarker: *he nods liking her reply*
  54. MedriHarker: the darkness of this world, is so complex that it is truly undefined...we take up her legacy and do our works in her name.
  55. Heockius: Wait... Witch? You mean like that goth chick that works at the public library?
  56. MedriHarker: *scoffs* she was no ordinary witch, she was a necromancer....powerful and willing to make the choices vital to tear down this world to build a nccasry new one
  57. Heockius: Oooh. -Sophie nods-
  58. MedriHarker: we have plans for that one...a new era
  59. Heockius: The world or the librarian?
  60. Heockius: -Sophie looked confused for a moment-
  61. SlaughteredLamb: -Alice beamed a Sophie seemed to be getting along with the group-
  62. MedriHarker: the world...
  63. MedriHarker: the universe...
  64. MedriHarker: this reality we dwell in...
  65. Heockius: Right right... -Sophie lloked down sheepishly-
  66. MedriHarker: it has always been ours to claim...
  67. Heockius: *Looked
  68. MedriHarker: you have come on the night of your friends claim to Her legacy and night where she gives up her name
  69. Heockius: -Sophie looks up-
  70. MedriHarker: a night where you two...can claim this future with us...
  71. SlaughteredLamb: -Alice giggled as she swayed- I wanted to share this night with you..
  72. Heockius: Sounds good so far... What do we have to do? -Sophie smiles over to Alice-
  73. MedriHarker: take the oath, of pure prmose and the pledge of loyalty to her cause
  74. MedriHarker: *another dressed the same steps forward with a black book* her manifesto was never uncovered by the police..her grimooire lost but her manifesto found....
  75. MedriHarker: to serve the everymother
  76. MedriHarker: to take her name and use it to bring the new era forth
  77. Heockius: -Sophie looks towards the book- A new world.
  78. SlaughteredLamb: -Alice smiled as she walked forward as well- Sounds exciting right Sophie?
  79. Heockius: Fuck yeah it does.
  80. MedriHarker: *the girls are than taken to the next room, where they presented their black hoodies, sunglasses.*
  81. Heockius: -Sophie pulls hers on-
  82. MedriHarker: ((m looking up hoodies))
  83. MedriHarker: ((but its hard to find one for girls withthe hood up))
  84. SlaughteredLamb: -she smiled as she slipped on the hoodie followed by the shades-
  85. Heockius: -Sophie had a hard time with her hair and the hood so she decided to leave the hood down if they'd let her.-
  86. MedriHarker: *they than took out the sheers* Woman- we must know you are fully commited and leave all vanitys behind*
  87. MedriHarker: *they bring a jet black dye*
  88. Heockius: -Sophie shrugged and let them shop her hair off-
  89. Heockius: *Chop
  90. MedriHarker: *the hair style is in a black bob *))
  91. SlaughteredLamb: -she softly sighed as their hair is treated-
  92. Heockius: -Sophie looked over her glasses at Alice- Who am I now? Hey! Put that book back right! -She said imitating Selene-
  93. MedriHarker: *they are given pale white makeup*
  94. MedriHarker: you are no are hers to live and hers to carry out her legacy*
  95. MedriHarker: **black pants given*
  96. MedriHarker: *the other recruits cheer as the new recruits emerg*
  97. MedriHarker: now for the final intiation..
  98. MedriHarker: the capture and deliverance of the lamb
  99. MedriHarker: *they begin to step into a white van*
  100. Heockius: (I am beginning to think someone from this group should try to nab Selene. >.< Would be an interesting scene)
  101. MedriHarker: *they are given black gloves*
  102. MedriHarker: ((elle you there hun?))
  103. vathella has joined the chat
  104. vathella: ((ok))
  105. MedriHarker: *the young woman is draged up the stairs, what she sees shocks she sees more men and woman dressed and made up in uniform fashion*
  106. vathella looks left and right and shakes with fear
  107. Heockius: -The woman grins slightly.- Oh. Now what?
  108. SlaughteredLamb: (i am back)
  109. MedriHarker: now, we look upon the lamb that has fallen prey to the standards of what our governments! our towns! our churches! our Universities have instilled in us to follow! *he holds the black manifesto*....we have brought her to show this city that we are unafraid
  110. MedriHarker: and wegrow in number
  111. vathella struggles to speak or scream
  112. Heockius: Yeah! -Sophie says as she gets swept into the speach-
  113. MedriHarker: *the room is filled with hooded figures* It is our time to grab back! our era! In her Name! *They all chant * IN HER NAME! IN HER NAME!
  114. MedriHarker: *the young lady would see a picture on the wall of a woman with jet black hair and sunken eyes...haunting to look at it and familiar*
  115. vathella quivers and cries
  116. MedriHarker: Besmirched by they have told us! what they have tried to make us see!! but we see the truth...*he looks down at the girl removing his glasses revealing his natural eyes wide in mania*....we deliver you little lamb, to her great purpose...*he extends a hand as another hooded figure hands him a blade, they all begin to draw blades as he is given another*
  117. MedriHarker: *he hands the blades to both recruits*
  118. MedriHarker: your final initation
  119. Heockius: -Sophie blinks as she takes the knife- Uh...
  120. vathella sees all the knives and she pees herself
  121. vathella shakes her head 'no' vigorously
  122. MedriHarker: *looks to sophie* your hesitance is natural, your doubts are only the weeds of the corrupt rootig themselves in you to allow this....*strokes the girls face* ...vagabond tog et lost int he ways of their are given the blessing that she*Points the picture* allowed many...freedom..deliverence
  123. MedriHarker: *looks to the other recruit* you made your choice well the night of the delivered him after his display of greed...*he nods* you did well bringing us this new recruit*Looks to sophie*
  124. HeockiusHeockius Whisper: Well... I mean... Do.. I cut her hair or something?
  125. vathella shakes her head 'yes'
  126. MedriHarker: *he guides her hand, steping at her side pressing himself against her* cut her where it will set her free ,*looks to alice* she did it you will do now * helooks to herand whispers in sophies ear* In hern ame...
  127. Heockius: Where it will set her free? ...
  128. SlaughteredLamb: -she grinned as she held her knife with pride-
  129. vathella sobs loudly
  130. MedriHarker: *the group begins to raise their knives up and down chanting* set her free! set her free!
  131. MedriHarker: she delivered many,*the stories of the woman on the picture were true..she killed many for "her higher purpose" now sophie was asked to pay the price to serve hers.*
  132. Heockius: I got this... I got this... -Sophie tried to push the man away- I need some breathing space.
  133. MedriHarker: *he strokes her face and steps back, the group chanting still*
  134. HeockiusHeockius Whisper: -Sophie raises her knife-
  135. MedriHarkerMedriHarker : *WAtches in anticiaption*
  136. vathella shakes her head left and right as tears roll down her cheeks
  137. Heockius: -Sophie bites her lip and hesitates a moment-
  138. MedriHarker: *the image of the woman, the way its drawn makes it seem she is staring at you*
  139. Heockius: -Sophie screams as she slashes the knife down and cuts the tape binding the red head. She tries to grab the woman and run for the door-
  140. vathella: o.o
  141. vathella gets to her feet and runs
  142. MedriHarker: *the group is quick to grab at both girls*
  143. vathella: no! please!
  144. Heockius: -Sophie tries to fight them off with the knife she was given-
  145. MedriHarker: *he shakes his head*......oh no no no no....this is most unfortunate....but understandable*the grab sophies legs and arms*
  146. MedriHarker: *the group than begins to push the young girl around as they gather around *
  147. MedriHarker: IN HER NAME!
  148. MedriHarker: *push*
  149. MedriHarker: SET HER FREE!
  150. Heockius: Ack!
  151. MedriHarker: *Sophie is tied to the chair as she is forced to watch the girl be pushed around*
  152. vathella tries to escape
  153. vathella tries to fight
  154. Heockius: -Sophie grits her teeth as she struggles-
  155. MedriHarker: *a knife slashes into the girl as she attempt to break the circle forming around her*
  156. MedriHarker: *Push*
  157. vathella: eeeee!
  158. MedriHarker: *the begin to push around the cricle*
  159. MedriHarker: *with every push, she receievs another stab in this mosh pit of death*
  160. vathella: eee!
  161. Heockius: -Sophie just glares at Alice-
  162. vathella: eeek!
  163. SlaughteredLamb: In her Name! -she teared sadly-
  164. vathella collapses
  165. Heockius: How could you!
  166. SlaughteredLamb: -she looked away guiltly-
  167. vathella: ((i need dead poses in your game))
  168. Heockius: DON'T YOU LOOK AWAY FROM ME! -Sophie screams at Alice-
  169. MedriHarker: *the group gathers around and begins to stab at the girl,*
  170. SlaughteredLamb: I really hoped you would join us.. I care for you
  171. Heockius: Oh yeah right!
  172. MedriHarker: Enough! *the group steps away, as the girl looks practially unrecognizable from all the stabbings her hair perhaps the only thing able to identify her*
  173. MedriHarker: *he looks to the painting andn ods* our work begins*
  174. MedriHarker: *looking to sophie he looks to the others* take her to the isolation chamber.
  175. MedriHarker: *the grab her gagging her and drag her away to another location*
  176. Heockius: -Sophie glares- You limp dick, mother fucker! Is this how you get off? -She spits towards the man just before they gag her-
  177. MedriHarker: our manifesto is to weed out the wicked, to carve out the greedy and to burn the ones who thwart our gain! IN HER NAME!
  178. MedriHarker: the chant once more In her name and begin to paint the walls in the young girls blood*
  179. MedriHarker: *hanging her body upside down to be seen in the room*
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