
Text Adventure Chapter 44 Log

Jul 4th, 2014
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  1. >You think the leopard just losing a little bit of its possessions in return for curing it is more than comeuppance for it.
  2. “Alright AJ, can you tie it up real quick?”
  3. >You both look at each other and AJ simply pulls back her hat so you can see the full extent of her rolling eyes.
  4. >”Uh, I’m not all that sure if your head’s been knocked or not, but the ropes are busy tyin’ down the blanket over the dyin’ guards.”
  5. >Oh, that’s right.
  6. >If you take off the ropes, the blanket will fly away and that would probably kill them being out here in the cold like this, as weak as they are.
  7. >You take a look at your darts to load another one up, but you see that you don’t have any left.
  8. >What do you do?
  12. “Okay… I’m just going to do this carefully, then. Stand back in case he wakes up and wants to kill everyone.”
  13. >AJ does as you say, treading backwards to join the rest of the party as you approach it.
  14. >With a sleight of hand and careful fingers, you very cautiously begin to prick off the lightest gems off of the Leopard’s skin first.
  15. >Each time you do it, there’s a slight twitch on its face, but it stays asleep.
  16. >Your party watches over your shoulder, wincing at each prick like it’s surgery.
  17. >...
  18. >You somehow manage to harvest the majority of the gems on the leopard without awaking it.
  19. >The only one left was the one on its forehead, but it’s bored in too deeply to take without most likely bleeding it out, so you leave it alone.
  20. >Once this is done, you set the gems inside your bag for safe keeping.
  21. [You have taken 5 large gems, 4 medium gems and 12 small gems from the leopard, amounting to 2,000 bits!]
  22. >You finish up and stand up, and wave everyone back.
  23. “What did I say before? Stand back already, this is the hard part.”
  24. >Berry’s eyebrows raise.
  25. >”Pulling its gems wasn’t the hard part?”
  26. >You respond by turning back to the sleeping leopard, and raising your marked hands towards it.
  27. >A familiar sensation creeps up your arms and spine as you lower them towards it, closer and closer towards its eyes until you’re mere inches away.
  28. >Suddenly, it’s eyes open as the corruption begins to feed directly over your arms like a typhoon, and it roars at your interference.
  29. >However, it doesn’t move, knowing that you’re helping it.
  30. >As the corruption completely removes itself from the leopard, its eyes return to their normal size, its fur whitens like snow, and it bounds off to get as far away as possible from the shadow that is now closing in on your arms.
  31. >You feel the presence of the power circling, mimicking your markings just like before.
  32. >Do you let it absorb, or do you shake it off?
  36. >Not again.
  37. >The memories rage inside your mind from what happened before, and you aren’t about to let it happen again.
  38. >With as much force as you can muster, your markings glow the bright red that they’re supposed to, and you throw them off with as much magical power as you can.
  39. >The shadow disintegrates as its thrown off, unable to survive without a host.
  40. >You watch it shred into the wind, and you feel a little warmer inside.
  41. >As if the markings were sentient, they seem to give off a bit of extra heat to help you in these cold temperatures as a reward for fending off the corruption this time.
  42. >Your group does something similar.
  43. >”Now that was a show, wasn’t it?”
  44. >”Anon, I’m getting you some extra drinks for that!”
  45. >”That was so cool, Nonny! You were like ‘woosh’ and ‘BLEE’ and those shadow thingies just totally ripped apart and-”
  46. >Redheart cuts your attention off by pulling you down and giving you a kiss.
  47. >When you part, the rest of the party isn’t so talkative anymore.
  48. >Red doesn’t seem to mind, though.
  49. >”Keep doing that and we might actually survive all of this, hmhm.”
  50. >You’re much warmer, now.
  51. >Tighter, too.
  52. “Alright… That’s all finished up, so I guess we should get going. Still have a lot more to do, especially with what might’ve happened to Cadance.”
  53. >You and your party then climb the hill wordlessly, you and Iron Will taking up the ropes as Gable rests his wings, and you all set off.
  54. >With nothing else to come across on the path, you are headed back to the Crystal Empire, now.
  55. >Is there anything you’d like to do on the way?
  59. >You wait a little while, pulling along the sled until you and your party finally reach the outskirts of the city.
  60. >When they get near, the mares up front whoop and cheer as they rush through the snow to get past the protective shield, and you and Iron follow them inside.
  61. >The rush of much warmer air is like a godsend to them.
  62. >AJ breaths in the heat to expand her lungs, a smile plastered on her muzzle.
  63. >”I am so glad we’re outta that mess! I could go for some homemade, fresh out of the oven apple pie right about now.”
  64. >Pinkie nods in tandem.
  65. >”There’s a whole lot of restaurants around here and with the gems that Anon got we can all go out to eat!”
  66. >Red stops them both.
  67. >”As much as I’d like to take a nice break, we need to talk to Princess Cadance. And get these stallions down to the hospital. And deliver the ID’s back to the station. Tell Twilight about what’s happened, too…”
  68. “We’ve got a lot of stuff to do. I’ve actually been thinking on it, and would you guys be down for a quick split-up? I'm thinking especially in regards to those guards, time's kind of of the essence, so we should maybe divvy up a few tasks.”
  69. >Each of them look at each other.
  70. >Being together for such trying times has made them all a little closer, and were slightly hesitant in parting.
  71. >They all understood, however, and gave their acceptance.
  72. >”I need to get down to Maregaze’s anyways and put this coupon to use, ohh yeah.”
  73. >”You better get what I want, Will-- Oh, uh, yeah, that’s cool.”
  74. >”Neato! Can I come?”
  75. >”We’re not going there again, sugarcube.”
  76. >”Anon, let’s get on with this before they start arguing again.”
  77. >You nod at Gable’s advice, and everyone stops to listen to your words.
  78. “Alright, let’s see here… Red, hon, you've talked to the staff there, if you and AJ could take the guards to the hospital, hopefully get them comfortable and stable, that'd be great. Might also ask if there's anyone else with their condition, maybe we can cure everyone afflicted in one go. Take the container of corruption we got at the outpost, too, the more they know the better they can hopefully research. Make sure they know it's hazmat, wouldn't want anyone corrupted.”
  79. [Berry gives Redheart the Bowl of Shadowy Substance.]
  80. >Red nods, but AJ rubs her head being a bit confused.
  81. >”Uh, why am I goin’ there with her? I don’t really know much about medical mumbo jumbo.”
  82. “Well, she can’t really pull the sled by herself and I wouldn’t let her do that. I got jobs for everyone here, as well, but she needs your help the most. You’re still the physically toughest out of all of us.
  83. >Iron raises a finger to protest, but without even looking you raise your hand and stop him.
  84. “Gable, could you maybe do a quick fly-over to the alchemist shop, uh, Fortuna Potions, and see if there's a way to get that chest we found open? If it's locked up with magic, it's probably worth enough to warrant it, right?”
  85. >”Unlocker’s fee.”
  86. >You roll your eyes as you motion for Berry to give him the chest.
  87. “Fine, but we’re going to need the funds for our journey anyways.”
  88. [Berry gives Gable the Locked Chest.]
  89. “Will, you know about these gems, at least enough to appraise them?”
  90. >He nods while messing with his horn, like he’s cleaning it.
  91. >”Sure do, brother! I deal with gems all the time with the ponies that can’t pay me in bits.”
  92. “Take 'em down to Tricks and Needles and see if you could get a fair price for them if you may. If it comes up a tiny bit short, don't sweat it, we owe Ms. Stringtie big time for these coats anyways. Heck, while we're at it, take the yeti hide and ask her if there's anything she can do with it; not that I don't like the tie, man, but a bit of armor might look sharp on you too.”
  93. >Iron starts pounding his chest.
  94. >”Does it look like I need any armor, small fry? Let me tell you a little story about the time I wrestled a --”
  95. [You give Iron Will the Yeti Hide.]
  96. >More like you threw it in his face.
  97. “Everyone needs a bit of extra protection, just in case. Like I said though, it’d probably go good with the tie.”
  98. >Iron starts feeling the hide with his fingers, letting the fur brush past his nails.
  99. >”Oh, Iron Will likes quality, and that’s real nice…”
  100. “Berry, let the guards down at the station know that two of their own have been checked into the hospital. Take their badges as proof, and tell them what happened.. If they ask about Tidal Wave, which they most likely will, show them the journal. And... pass along our condolences, too.”
  101. >Berry nods solemnly, but you decide to add something.
  102. “Oh, and can you tell them Doctor Anonymous is on the case about this whole black eyed sickness thing? Get them to tell the ponies in the city so morale’s raised a little bit. I’m not sure if what I’m able to do is a cure or if it’s just a repellant, but we need more time to figure that out… Also, ask them if we can keep the pass so we can talk to Princess Cadance, and Pinkie and I could bring along Princess Twilight Sparkle to help her with her ‘condition’.”
  103. >Everyone suddenly gives you an odd look.
  104. “... What? Was it something I said?”
  105. >AJ clears her throat.
  106. >”Twilight ain’t no princess, Anon. I’ll tell her you said that though, she’ll get a real thrill.”
  107. >Pinkie Pie’s eyes bug out wide.
  108. >”Ooooh, what if Twilight was a princess? That’d be so cool! We’d get to go to the palace anytime we wanted and free rooms and room service and -”
  109. >AJ stops her.
  110. >”But she ain’t one, so let’s not have weirdo fantasies.”
  111. >For some reason, you have an odd existential feeling about something.
  112. “Well, sorry. She just seems to be close to Celestia and she’s very powerful with her magic, I guess it just slipped my mind. But that is the reason I’d like her to come with us when we go to see Cadance, just in case something were to happen.”
  113. >They nod as you continue.
  114. “Now, Pinkie and I need to stop by the library, I want to let Twilight know we got a sample of the corruption and see if Celestia's managed a letter back yet. She'd also be interested in hearing about the interaction between my markings and that corruption. Do you guys think an hour and a half is enough time to get all that done and meet at the library?”
  115. >They each individually calculate their tasks and reassure how long it’d probably take.
  116. >”AJ and I should be fine.”
  117. >”I’ll be good. Iron and I might uh, catch up a little earlier before we come by, though.”
  118. >”What were we going to- Ohoho, right. Yeah, little earlier.”
  119. >Gable nods, wings already prepped for flight.
  120. “If it all checks out… Let’s get this done! When we converge and catch each other up, we’ll see what we can do about getting into the Crystal Palace.”
  121. >They all agree and wave away, each of them going in their own directions, the only one staying with you being Pinkie Pie.
  122. >She smiles at you and starts bouncing in place in anticipation of the coming events.
  123. >You’re pretty sure you’re going to the library.
  124. >What would you like to do?
  128. >You look in the direction of your destination.
  129. “Alright Pinkie, you ready?”
  130. >With energy that could rival a nuclear power plant, the pink pony bounces and nods.
  131. >”Uh-huh!”
  132. >With your hands in your pockets, you nod, and begin the trek to your destination.
  133. >Pinkie keeps up with you, walking normally for once.
  134. >The first part of your travel goes by quite silently; neither of you really wanting to start up the inevitable conversation.
  135. >Eventually, you both walk through the gates of the empire.
  136. >You decide that you might be able to make a little small talk to prepare to deal with the elephant in the room.
  137. “I know that we’ve discussed this a bit before, but I just didn’t know if you’d maybe like to talk with me a bit. You know I’m always here to help if you’re down.”
  138. >Pinkie’s eyes drift to the ground for a moment, but they return to yours quickly.
  139. >”Oh, it’s nothing, totally okey-dokey… lokey…”
  140. >Well, this shit’s not working.
  141. >You don’t like being the pushy one, but you’re going to have to be to fix this.
  142. “C’mon Pinkie, you’re no good at masking your emotions. I can’t help unless you tell me what’s wrong.”
  143. >She stays quiet, still looking towards the ground.
  144. >Nothing else comes to your mind to say.
  145. >You are coming up close to the library now.
  146. >Something compels you to keep trying to get through to her.
  147. >You ponder for a moment, until you just decide to wing it.
  148. >That’s it, time to make contact. Literally.
  149. >You place your hand on the pink mare’s back.
  150. >She stops almost instantaneously. You do as well.
  151. >Kneeling down, you look her right in the eyes.
  152. “Pinkie, talk to me. I want to know what’s wrong, I want to HELP you. I can’t stand to see you being torn up inside like this. Do you know why?”
  153. >The pony keeps her gaze downward.
  154. “Look at me.”
  155. >You place your hand under her chin, and pull her head up to face you.
  156. >Her eyes, now brimming with tears move to look into your own.
  157. >”It’s because I care about you too much to just let it continue. So, please. Talk to me.”
  158. >Pinkie’s irises begin to quiver, then a single tear falls from her lower eyelid.
  159. >Her mouth begins to shake in an extremely cartoonish manner, until she unleashes what she has been holding in for so long.
  160. >The sorrowful wails can be heard throughout the city; many of the passers-by look over at the source.
  161. >Now you kind of wish you would have waited until reaching the library before doing this.
  162. >No time to care about your own reputation now, though.
  163. >You’d both probably be kicked out of there for being too loud, anyway.
  164. >For now, you wrap your arms around her, which actually somewhat makes her sobs worse.
  165. >She returns the embrace, nearly cutting off your breathing completely.
  166. “It’s okay, I’m here. Tell me when you’re ready.”
  167. >Pinkie continues to cry on your shoulder for at least four minutes.
  168. >Nothing but crying. No words.
  169. >You swear that you’re taking a shower right now.
  170. >Finally, she composes herself enough to talk in between bouts of tears.
  171. >As you pat her back, you speak in a gentle voice.
  172. “Ready?”
  173. >She nods with her head pressed against your chest.
  174. >”Everything is changing! Nothing is happy anymore, and there is so much fighting!”
  175. “...And you’re included in it?”
  176. >Whoops, maybe not the best choice of words.
  177. >”Don’t remind me… Whenever I’ve fought before, nothing ever died. Now I’ve already accid-dentally... k-k-killed t-two… innocent…”
  178. >The tears start up again, only this time they are quieter.
  179. “It’s okay, you only did what you had to to save yourself and us. There wasn’t any other way.”
  180. >She leans back, looking at you with reddened eyes.
  181. >”But I don’t want it to be that way! I want things to go back to how they were, where I could spend time with my friends, meet new ponies, and make them smile…”
  182. >You try to wrap your arms around her again, but you’re met with resistance.
  183. >”Dashie’s missing and probably somewhere really hurt, we haven’t done anything to find this big mean monster that hurt our friends, and… and…”
  184. >Her sobbing gets the best of her speech, so you press her on.
  185. “...And what, Pinkie?”
  186. >”I CARE ABOUT YOU! Okay!? I just... I like you. I have since we first met, and after you rescued me, I… but you're with Red a-and… Just… Nothing’s going right anymore…”
  187. >You watch as water forms at the edges of those large sapphire orbs, and the floodgates open yet again.
  188. >She falls into your body, and even though you can't see her face you feel as though her confession was the last thing protecting her emotions.
  189. >”...I'm selfish, I know…”
  190. >You're at a loss for words.
  191. >How can you possibly fix this?
  192. >”...Nonny? Y-you… aren't saying anything…”
  193. >A few ponies have stopped to look at the ongoing scene.
  194. >All you do is embrace her, letting tears soak into the base of your neck as your arms hold tight to the fur on her back.
  195. >What would you like to do?
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