

Jul 5th, 2017
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  1. Alexithymiaa: -Quinn leaned over in the middle of the street, a lighter in one hand and a firecracker in the other. She lit the end of the fuse, tossing it in front of her before turning and darting back toward the sidewalk, turning quickly to watch the fireworks explode in the middle of the street and spark and go crazy and fun stuff.-
  2. Tsaaq: Libi leaned on her car with her arms crossed watching Quinn light the fire works. She had her own lighter in her hand. She doubled back and went to jog towards the blonde, she covered her ears and looked up as the fireworks went off. "Wooo." She cheered before turning to Quinn. "My turn." She said as she went to put her own fireworks in the middle of the street. She struggled but she finally lit it and ran off as it shot into the air, lighting the street up for just a moment until it vanished. "God fucking bless America, right?"
  3. Alexithymiaa: -Quinn laughed and nodded her head, her eyes set on the fireworks as they shot up and exploded. Tipping her head back down, she turned to lean over into the box they had of explosive things, rummaging around inside. "What should we set off next? Something really loud?"-
  4. Tsaaq: "A gun?" Libi asked as she looked over to the box as well. "I don't think you have one of those in there. Oh well." She shrugged her shoulders. "Whatever the next loudest shit is that we have." Libi said before opening the back of her hearse and grabbing her liquor bottle and cracking it open.
  5. Alexithymiaa: "Hmm...." She spoke to herself, continuing to rummage around inside before pulling out a small box with a fuse. "These are pretty loud." She turned and walked over into the middle of the street amongst their debris of things they'd already set off, placing it down and igniting the end of the fuse. She turned and ran back over to Libi, her eyes immediately fixing on the box in the street. When the fuse burnt and nothing happened, she frowned. "Wow, was that really a dud? That sucks."-
  6. Tsaaq: She went to slurp down some of her bottle and furrowed her eyebrows. "Who the hell did you get these things from?" Libi as she went to crouch down and glance into the box herself.
  7. Alexithymiaa: "I don't know, some guy." She shrugged it off casually, because she didnt honestly know the dude at all. He was just some random selling fireworks on the street. "I guess they were kind of cheap...."-
  8. Tsaaq: ((Damn it QUinn.))
  9. Tsaaq: Libi shook her head. "You don't say?" She tilted her head dramatically and stuck out her tongue. Libi put her bottle down on the street. "How about instead..." She began to suggest as she looked around then then up and down the street. "We just set this shit on fire and see what happens?"
  10. Alexithymiaa: -She rolled her eyes at Libi, frowning at her box. "But then it'll all go off at once and it doesn't last as long." Letting out a sigh, she started to walk out into the street to investigate her dud box, turning back to look at Libi again. "Do you think we could find some hairspray around here?"-
  11. Tsaaq: She looked at Damian's house then bit the inside of her cheek. "I don't know if anybody is home." She said softly. She picked up her bottle and shook it. "I see this in movies all the time." Libi said as she went over to the box, pouring her liquor on it then leaving a trail so it'd have a path. She took out a matchbook she had and ignited one as she tossed it in the liquor. "This should work."
  12. Alexithymiaa: -She quickly jumped back when the path of alcohol and the box ignited, moving backwards away from the intense heat to walk back to the sidewalk. "How about a little warning next time, Lib?" She asked with a bit of edge, watching the box started to crackle and POP as the stuffs inside exploded.-
  13. Tsaaq: "Pffft!" She sputtered loudly as she stepped backwardly. Libi began to laugh loudly as she watched the box go up in flames. "How's that for loud bitch?" She asked Quinn with a raise of her eyebrow. "You're fine don't be like that." She scoffed as she went to take a drink of what was left in her bottle.
  14. Alexithymiaa: "I might not have been if I was a little closer." She hooked her thumbs into the front pockets of her shorts, watching the box explode and shoot things into the sky. "All I know, is I'm so not cleaning up the remnants of this night."-
  15. Tsaaq: Libi lifted her head and looked over to Quinn with a skeptical expression. "I didn't even know that was a thing." She said loudly over the sound of whistles and cracks. "And you weren't closer London. You're fine." Libi began to cackle.
  16. Alexithymiaa: "Stop." She instantly snapped her voice at Libi, her eyes glaring over at her totally super serious. "I'm nothing like her. That's not even funny."-
  17. Tsaaq: She groaned dramatically and took another drink from her liquor bottle. "Come on Quinn. Don't get like that. Lighten up." She sighed. "It's hilarious cause she's annoying and dramatic and you're not, like, thats the joke."
  18. Alexithymiaa: "She's annoying..." She mumbled, tossing one of her braids back over her shoulder, clearly peeved with the mere thought of London. "Like... I get who she THINKS she is, but she doesn't understand that no one cares that her dad is the mayor."-
  19. Tsaaq: "Duuuuh." Libi dragged out. She shrugged her shoulders. "Especially since he walks around looking like a botox nightmare. How is anybody supposed to take that seriously?" She snickered. "And the fact that she made such a big fucking deal about yesterday. Survival of the fittest. I'm a bullshit artist okay, I say what I have to to survive don't be such a little bitch."
  20. Alexithymiaa: "That's just it though. She IS." She rolled her eyes, letting out a huff as she watched the flames settle a little with the box turning to ash and whatnot. "She's a joke. Her whole life is a joke."-
  21. Tsaaq: Libi sputtered her lips. "Yeah, plus. That plastic surgery was obvious as fuck." She said. "I mean she's gonna waste her life being a little shit I don't really care THAT much about it."
  22. Alexithymiaa: "Yeah well she seems to insert herself into MY life, so I don't have a choice. She's so annoying." She blew out a deep breath, trying to push the girl from her thoughts, but now she was just irritated. "I think I'm going to head home, actually. We've lit enough on fire for the night."-
  23. Tsaaq: "I wish you would just punch that bitch." She scoffed. "Never too lit... That's what Angel would say if she was here." Libi sighed. "I have to go find somebody with some uppers anyways. So I'll see you around and shit. The usual." She said.
  24. Alexithymiaa: "Uhuh..." She mumbled, sending Libi a wave as she turned away. She pulled her car keys from the back pocket of her shorts, making her way over to the little yellow SUV and climbing inside the driver's seat to head back to her house.-
  25. damngood77: hello.
  26. Tsaaq: She inhaled deeply as she sloppily got into her hearse, shoving her keys into the ignition and she sped away from the scene.
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