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Oct 22nd, 2019
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  1. ArcadianRhythm: Uh oh
  2. ArcadianRhythm: Here comes trouble
  3. BrassaDragonsBreath: hi and welcome lol
  4. BrassaDragonsBreath: oh hush you
  5. ArcadianRhythm: lol
  6. BunnyHoneyDarling: Hullo hullo!
  7. BrassaDragonsBreath: how ar yeou Bunny
  8. BunnyHoneyDarling: Fantastico! And yourself?
  9. BunnyHoneyDarling: You look like a for real pretty skydancer!
  10. BrassaDragonsBreath: giggles thanks its a fairy hehe
  11. BrassaDragonsBreath: im well
  12. BunnyHoneyDarling: Am I being interrupting a thing?
  13. ArcadianRhythm: Oh yes
  14. ArcadianRhythm: /me winks awkwardly
  15. BunnyHoneyDarling: /me blinks
  16. BrassaDragonsBreath: no your not
  17. ArcadianRhythm: lol
  18. BrassaDragonsBreath: he knows better
  19. BunnyHoneyDarling: Than to be doing a thing?
  20. ArcadianRhythm: Brassa is on trial with someone
  21. ArcadianRhythm: It would be inappropriate of me
  22. BunnyHoneyDarling: Ah!
  23. BunnyHoneyDarling: Congratulatoriations!
  24. BrassaDragonsBreath: nods
  25. BrassaDragonsBreath: thanks
  26. BunnyHoneyDarling: Are you being having a nice time?
  27. BrassaDragonsBreath: its new lol
  28. BrassaDragonsBreath: but its nice haha havent seen him tonight though but he is a busy guy
  29. ArcadianRhythm: Make sure he treats you well or I will sick Bunny on him
  30. BunnyHoneyDarling: /me snorts
  31. BunnyHoneyDarling: I am being the real domme in this friendship!
  32. BrassaDragonsBreath: lol
  33. BunnyHoneyDarling: /me giggles, her small body shaking
  34. BrassaDragonsBreath: hey if he dotn trea tme right he will knwo it i will poek him and be the brat i am haha
  35. ArcadianRhythm: lol
  36. BunnyHoneyDarling: You got to be using all the tools being at your disposal!
  37. BrassaDragonsBreath: haha well i am new to the lifestyle but i will do my best giggles
  38. BrassaDragonsBreath: hehe
  39. ArcadianRhythm: I think that's my problem with keeping a sub. I hold back a lot
  40. BunnyHoneyDarling: Oh?
  41. ArcadianRhythm: Mhmm
  42. BunnyHoneyDarling: That is being a bittle open ended type statement!
  43. ArcadianRhythm: SOrry
  44. BunnyHoneyDarling: /me nudges him with her toe
  45. ArcadianRhythm: I think that's my problem with keeping a sub. I hold back a lot.
  46. ArcadianRhythm: Fixed it
  47. BrassaDragonsBreath: lol
  48. BunnyHoneyDarling: /me whispers "And he thinks I am being a brat!"
  49. ArcadianRhythm: You are
  50. BrassaDragonsBreath: haha
  51. BunnyHoneyDarling: Pfftf. I am being the nicest person I am being knowing! Mostest times!
  52. BrassaDragonsBreath: Rich you shoudlnt hodl back jsut be you
  53. BunnyHoneyDarling: And you can not even being telling me otherwise!
  54. ArcadianRhythm: You can be a brat and nice
  55. BrassaDragonsBreath: hehe
  56. BrassaDragonsBreath: im alwyas nice
  57. BrassaDragonsBreath: :P
  58. BunnyHoneyDarling: /me tilts her head
  59. BrassaDragonsBreath: until im not
  60. BrassaDragonsBreath: lol
  61. BunnyHoneyDarling: Mister Rich?
  62. ArcadianRhythm: Hm?
  63. BunnyHoneyDarling: Whycome does she call you that?
  64. BrassaDragonsBreath: shurgs have to get used to it lol
  65. ArcadianRhythm: Call me what?
  66. BrassaDragonsBreath: Sir or Mr RIch
  67. BunnyHoneyDarling: That!
  68. BunnyHoneyDarling: Are you being having secret fortunes?
  69. BrassaDragonsBreath: lol nt used to it lol
  70. BrassaDragonsBreath: secret forturnes huh
  71. ArcadianRhythm: I gave you permission to call me that but you chose not to
  72. BrassaDragonsBreath: who me?
  73. ArcadianRhythm: No, you use my name
  74. BunnyHoneyDarling: I would not ever be calling you Sir!
  75. BunnyHoneyDarling: /me snorts
  76. BrassaDragonsBreath: nods but shes wondering why i dont say SIr or Mr Rich
  77. BunnyHoneyDarling: I am not being calling any person that, ever!
  78. BrassaDragonsBreath: since i am on trial with someone
  79. BrassaDragonsBreath: giggles
  80. BunnyHoneyDarling: I was being wondering whyhaps you called him Rich.
  81. BrassaDragonsBreath: becasue i asked what his name was and he todl me its that so i call himt hat
  82. BrassaDragonsBreath: its his name
  83. BunnyHoneyDarling: That is being a good a reason as any!
  84. BrassaDragonsBreath: nods
  85. BrassaDragonsBreath: because i knew him by his other name before changing it to this and asked wha ti coul call him haha
  86. BunnyHoneyDarling: I am being just calling him , "Pssst!"
  87. BunnyHoneyDarling: Some of the times, there is being a answer, some of the times, not!
  88. BunnyHoneyDarling: /me shrugs
  89. BrassaDragonsBreath: haha
  90. BunnyHoneyDarling: Mister Arcadian!
  91. BunnyHoneyDarling: Psst!
  92. ArcadianRhythm: Yes?
  93. BunnyHoneyDarling: See!
  94. BrassaDragonsBreath: haha
  95. BunnyHoneyDarling: It would be being a pretty big tree to be making these floorboards
  96. BrassaDragonsBreath: or several hah ai jsut got it like this
  97. BunnyHoneyDarling: How many rainforests had to be dying for this room?
  98. BunnyHoneyDarling: /me throws a bucket of red paint on the floor
  99. BrassaDragonsBreath: none
  100. BunnyHoneyDarling: /me lays now in the paint, making paint angels
  101. BrassaDragonsBreath: haha
  102. BunnyHoneyDarling: Welp, it is being time to skedaddle about! Places to go, people to pester!
  103. BrassaDragonsBreath: lol
  104. BrassaDragonsBreath: be safe
  105. ArcadianRhythm: CLean up your mess first, little one
  106. BunnyHoneyDarling: Take good great care pretty fairy lady!
  107. BrassaDragonsBreath: i will thank you
  108. BunnyHoneyDarling: /me blinks, red paint dripping from her clothes, arms and legs sticky and smeared with the substance
  109. BunnyHoneyDarling: Off of me, or the floor?
  110. ArcadianRhythm: Both
  111. BunnyHoneyDarling: /me rubs her entire body in paint before scrambling up on his lap to give him a big wet hug
  112. BunnyHoneyDarling: Done and done!
  113. ArcadianRhythm: Boy oh boy, it's a good thing you don't have a Daddy
  114. ArcadianRhythm: You'd be getting punished
  115. BunnyHoneyDarling: /me nuzzles the tip of her nose across his upper lip, giving him a small Hitler mustache
  116. BunnyHoneyDarling: I am being having a Daddy!
  117. BunnyHoneyDarling: /me beams
  118. ArcadianRhythm: That's right. I'll send him a message
  119. BunnyHoneyDarling: /me giggles
  120. BunnyHoneyDarling: People are being saying that all the times, but no one is ever being!
  121. BunnyHoneyDarling: It is being a bittle goal of mine!
  122. BrassaDragonsBreath: :P
  123. BunnyHoneyDarling: /me whispers "He would be being for real proud!"
  124. ArcadianRhythm: I'm pretty sure he would ignore me
  125. BunnyHoneyDarling: Nah, he thinks people are being for real interesting!
  126. BrassaDragonsBreath: haha
  127. BunnyHoneyDarling: I think you would be getting on, okee!
  128. ArcadianRhythm: I doubt that
  129. BunnyHoneyDarling: Whycome?
  130. ArcadianRhythm: But I will take your word for it
  131. BunnyHoneyDarling: /me tilts her head
  132. ArcadianRhythm: Because there are more people that dislike me than that like me
  133. BunnyHoneyDarling: He is being liking me! You are being liking me! That is being one thing in common!
  134. BrassaDragonsBreath: haha
  135. BrassaDragonsBreath: idk if im mor eliekd or diliked]
  136. BunnyHoneyDarling: That is being not true! In the grand scheme the neutrals are being mostest likely the largest group!
  137. BunnyHoneyDarling: I am being liking you!
  138. BrassaDragonsBreath: haha
  139. BrassaDragonsBreath: i gues si may be neutral
  140. ArcadianRhythm: I can only speak for the people I've met
  141. BunnyHoneyDarling: Are you being having conducted extensive polling?
  142. ArcadianRhythm: Yes
  143. BunnyHoneyDarling: /me pulls her clipboard and pencil out, licking the tip
  144. BunnyHoneyDarling: /me scribbles a few notes, holding the clipboard close to her small red body
  145. BunnyHoneyDarling: /me looks up over the edge
  146. BunnyHoneyDarling: /me scribbles a few more
  147. BunnyHoneyDarling: Hrmmmm. .. .
  148. BrassaDragonsBreath: lol
  149. BunnyHoneyDarling: Welp, my notes are being saying otherwise!
  150. BrassaDragonsBreath: ahaha
  151. ArcadianRhythm: /me looks over it
  152. BrassaDragonsBreath: i like yeah Rich aas a friend otherwise we woudltn be friends
  153. ArcadianRhythm: This is a drawing of a rainbow
  154. BunnyHoneyDarling: /me turns the clipboard to face them both, a large phallic shaped zucchini displayed
  155. BrassaDragonsBreath: snrots
  156. BrassaDragonsBreath: :P
  157. BunnyHoneyDarling: See, you are being seeing rainbows in all the things!
  158. BunnyHoneyDarling: That is being your optimism!
  159. BrassaDragonsBreath: hehe i think its my wings
  160. BrassaDragonsBreath: got him all rainbowed
  161. BunnyHoneyDarling: /me wipes the red paint from his lenses
  162. BunnyHoneyDarling: There, can you be seeing the penis now?
  163. ArcadianRhythm: Looks like a zucchini
  164. BunnyHoneyDarling: /me licks her finger, rubbing the pink smears across his glasses
  165. BunnyHoneyDarling: /me tastes a bittle more paint
  166. BunnyHoneyDarling: /me and some more
  167. ArcadianRhythm: I need to go to bed
  168. BrassaDragonsBreath: aww ok
  169. BunnyHoneyDarling: Take good great care!
  170. BrassaDragonsBreath: go get laid
  171. ArcadianRhythm: Like 45 minutes ago
  172. BunnyHoneyDarling: /me blows them both a kiss
  173. ArcadianRhythm: Thanks, you too
  174. BunnyHoneyDarling: /me snorts
  175. BrassaDragonsBreath: haha
  176. BrassaDragonsBreath: be safe
  177. ArcadianRhythm: /me dodges it
  178. BrassaDragonsBreath: sleep well
  179. BrassaDragonsBreath: hehe
  180. BunnyHoneyDarling: /me gobbles her own kisses up
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