
Loren and Sigvanna scheme together

Jun 27th, 2018
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  1. 04[18:21] <Swad> Remind me, where would Loren be come the day after the last EE session, you figure?
  2. 01[18:23] <Jack> She'd be sitting in a field office somewhere, surrounded by papers.
  3. [18:23] <Swad> That...
  4. [18:24] <Swad> ...Frankly seems really rather likely.
  5. [18:24] <Swad> Regardless - let's do 'em? Shouldn't take too long.
  6. [18:24] <Swad> I'd imagine two hours tops
  7. 01[18:24] <Jack> Let's.
  8. 03[18:24] * Swad is now known as Druid_Sigvanna
  9. 03[18:25] * Jack is now known as Grenadier_Loren
  10. 01[18:25] <Grenadier_Loren> 2She'd have actively sought one not filled with soldiers, also, so that'd make life easier and likely more private.
  11. 04[18:25] * Druid_Sigvanna 5is going to seek out this tent. If Loren had insisted on finding a place to stay, it's even likely Sigvanna could've directed her towards the Archon camp so she could be provided with a tent for herself - so that might actually work.
  12. 04[18:25] <Druid_Sigvanna> 5Given she has some clout with them, ensuring one where Loren would have privacy seems logical.
  13. 06[18:27] * Grenadier_Loren is standing at the edge of a large table, staring intently down at an array of notes and hand-drawn sketches - rather than devices or formulae, however, the sketches are of people.
  14. 04[18:27] <Druid_Sigvanna> 5Regardless where it is located, however, Loren would first hear Sigvanna actually calling out to make sure she could come in - given that, he would then enter the office, proper.
  15. [18:27] <Druid_Sigvanna> 5"...Ah-? Am I interrupting something?"
  16. 01[18:28] <Grenadier_Loren> 2"Not really. Just scheming."
  17. 06[18:28] * Grenadier_Loren exhales heavily, and looks up from the table.
  18. [18:28] <Druid_Sigvanna> 5"Oh."
  19. [18:28] <Druid_Sigvanna> 5"I suppose - aren't we all?"
  20. 01[18:29] <Grenadier_Loren> 2"Interesting. I imagine this is related to the guild outpost you're planning."
  21. 04[18:29] * Druid_Sigvanna 5gives Loren a brief shrug. As a point of note, Sigvanna looks...incredibly well-kept. It's like she had another wash ontop of the one she had in the tower. Actually, she might have. She's even wearing the same dress as before, on the meeting just last day.
  22. [18:29] <Druid_Sigvanna> 5"...Yes and no."
  23. [18:29] <Druid_Sigvanna> 5"It's a bunch of things, honestly."
  24. 06[18:30] * Grenadier_Loren glances around the room, having moved all of the chairs to the periphery, and drags two over to the table.
  25. 01[18:30] <Grenadier_Loren> 2"Okay."
  26. [18:30] <Druid_Sigvanna> 5"Although...I'm kind of curious now. Why is it you're drawing people?"
  27. 06[18:31] * Grenadier_Loren sits down, and leans back.
  28. 04[18:32] * Druid_Sigvanna 5will follow Loren's example shortly afterwards, settling onto a seat, aswell.
  29. 01[18:32] <Grenadier_Loren> 2"I'm practicing various speeches in my head. Trying to get a feel for what I want to say. What I can envision them responding well to."
  30. 01[18:33] <Grenadier_Loren> 2"Being able to more easily imagine the expressions helps. They're not the most accurate representations, but it helps."
  31. [18:33] <Druid_Sigvanna> 5"Am I not the one that usually does most of the talking?"
  32. 06[18:33] * Grenadier_Loren chuckles.
  33. [18:34] <Druid_Sigvanna> 5"Albeit - I can relate, yeah."
  34. 01[18:34] <Grenadier_Loren> 2"Yes. Though I don't really imagine you engaging in a bid to take over the Holt Group."
  35. [18:34] <Druid_Sigvanna> 5"Sorry, who?"
  36. [18:34] <Druid_Sigvanna> 5"Oh - right. business ,right?"
  37. 01[18:34] <Grenadier_Loren> 2"Yes."
  38. 06[18:34] * Grenadier_Loren gestures to the faces.
  39. 06[18:35] * Druid_Sigvanna 5glances towards them, quirking one eyebrow.
  40. 01[18:35] <Grenadier_Loren> 2"Sigvanna, meet the board of directors. Board of directors, meet Sigvanna."
  41. [18:35] <Druid_Sigvanna> 5"I'm sure they're not as scary as a literal devil, a dragon and some lady that's far too friendly and easygoing for someone in her position to be."
  42. [18:36] <Druid_Sigvanna> 5"You faced those fine, so I think a bunch of old men and women won't pose much of a threat. Right?"
  43. 01[18:36] <Grenadier_Loren> 2"I'm not afraid of them doing anything to me. But I am worried that I'll be unsuccessful."
  44. 01[18:37] <Grenadier_Loren> 2"Convincing them to turn out the CEO who has led them for the last three and-a-half decades will not be easy."
  45. [18:37] <Druid_Sigvanna> 5"Again, what we did here I wouldn't class as easy, either - certainly harder then convincing a board of directors...I think. I'm going to be honest, I'm not savvy in the whole..."
  46. [18:37] <Druid_Sigvanna> 5"Business angle of things."
  47. [18:38] <Druid_Sigvanna> 5"Still, I wouldn't doubt you."
  48. 01[18:38] <Grenadier_Loren> 2"People value stability."
  49. 01[18:38] <Grenadier_Loren> 2"Change, a new CEO..."
  50. 04[18:38] <Druid_Sigvanna> 5"Aren't you Valverian, Loren?"
  51. 06[18:38] * Grenadier_Loren tilts her hand from side to side.
  52. 01[18:38] <Grenadier_Loren> 2"I am."
  53. [18:39] <Druid_Sigvanna> 5"Then that's a load of bull."
  54. [18:39] <Druid_Sigvanna> 5"Fagia values stability, tradition. Valveria's always been about chaos and maximizing profit. I've seen those roads. They're a *mess* of movement."
  55. 01[18:40] <Grenadier_Loren> 2"You misunderstand me. I mean stability in leadership. The fact that profit is known to lie with my father, specifically. I'm relatively unproven."
  56. [18:40] <Druid_Sigvanna> 5"No, no - I do get that."
  57. [18:40] <Druid_Sigvanna> 5"What I mean is, if you can present to them a concrete offer and moneymaking opportunity..."
  58. [18:40] <Druid_Sigvanna> 5"Get it?"
  59. 01[18:40] <Grenadier_Loren> 2"Which is why I've been thinking that I need to acquire letters of commendation from the people I've proven myself to."
  60. [18:41] <Druid_Sigvanna> 5"Albeit that's a fair idea too."
  61. 01[18:41] <Grenadier_Loren> 2"Moneymaking is the easy bit."
  62. 06[18:43] * Grenadier_Loren stares at the faces for a moment longer before turning back to Sigvanna.
  63. 06[18:43] * Druid_Sigvanna 5folds her arms. "I mean, I've been thinking of doing something kind of similar, too - regarding the...commendation bit. But. Go on."
  64. 01[18:44] <Grenadier_Loren> 2"The letters will serve double duty of representing a route to profit that the company doesn't currently have access to. A market that it can only access through me."
  65. [18:45] <Druid_Sigvanna> 5"The middle and upperdark."
  66. 01[18:45] <Grenadier_Loren> 2"And with that promise and exclusivity comes leverage over the direction of the company."
  67. [18:45] <Druid_Sigvanna> 5"Hm. It could work."
  68. 01[18:46] <Grenadier_Loren> 2"It will work. But I will, in essence, be going to war with my father. Accruing allies on the board, throwing our weight around, bringing our knowledge and ability to plot and plan and scheme to bear."
  69. 06[18:46] * Grenadier_Loren grimaces.
  70. 01[18:47] <Grenadier_Loren> 2"He might be a cunt, but he's still the biggest obstacle in the way of this."
  71. [18:47] <Druid_Sigvanna> 5"You told me you two don't see eye to eye, and...I know that's putting it lightly. Still, no better way to prove him wrong, is it?"
  72. 06[18:47] * Grenadier_Loren smiles slightly.
  73. 01[18:47] <Grenadier_Loren> 2"We'll see."
  74. [18:47] <Druid_Sigvanna> 5"I don't know *what* I could do to help, but - regardless. If you need me."
  75. [18:47] <Druid_Sigvanna> 5"Just ask, yeah?"
  76. 01[18:48] <Grenadier_Loren> 2"Of course. Not to diminish your individual accomplishments, but being able to demonstrate that I have impressed literal royalty might score a lot of points with the board."
  77. [18:49] <Druid_Sigvanna> 5"Maybe, but-"
  78. [18:49] <Druid_Sigvanna> 5"Don't put...too much into it."
  79. [18:49] <Druid_Sigvanna> 5"I'm a Hart."
  80. [18:49] <Druid_Sigvanna> 5"We generally have a fame for being really..."
  81. [18:49] <Druid_Sigvanna> 5"...Not...easygoing, but-"
  82. [18:50] <Druid_Sigvanna> 5"Let's put it as "We tend to just be nice overall." - for a board of directors, it wouldn't be impressive as, say, having an Aigaion or Arnfried on your side."
  83. 01[18:50] <Grenadier_Loren> 2"They've obviously never met you, then."
  84. [18:51] <Druid_Sigvanna> 5"Hey! I'm easy to get along with."
  85. [18:51] <Druid_Sigvanna> 5"I think. Maybe."
  86. 06[18:51] * Grenadier_Loren snorts.
  87. 01[18:51] <Grenadier_Loren> 2"Sigvanna, I meant that-"
  88. 06[18:51] * Grenadier_Loren frowns.
  89. 01[18:51] <Grenadier_Loren> 2"You know I meant the other thing, right?"
  90. 06[18:51] * Druid_Sigvanna 5then breaks into a curt laugh "I know, I know."
  91. 04[18:52] <Druid_Sigvanna> 5"I'm messing witih you, Loren."
  92. 01[18:52] <Grenadier_Loren> 2"Mm. Good."
  93. 06[18:52] * Druid_Sigvanna 5briefly grins over towards her, afore resuming with a more passive simle.
  94. 06[18:52] * Grenadier_Loren relaxes a little.
  95. [18:52] <Druid_Sigvanna> 5"But - yeah. By all means."
  96. 01[18:52] <Grenadier_Loren> 2"Anyway. Enough about my stuff. Talk to me about what's going on with you?"
  97. [18:52] <Druid_Sigvanna> 5"Uh-"
  98. [18:52] <Druid_Sigvanna> 5"A...lot."
  99. [18:53] <Druid_Sigvanna> 5"It's a bit hard for me to decide on what to start, so I'm just...going to."
  100. [18:53] <Druid_Sigvanna> 5"You know that settlement I was talking about in the meeting?"
  101. 01[18:53] <Grenadier_Loren> 2"For the guild?"
  102. [18:53] <Druid_Sigvanna> 5"...not the guild."
  103. [18:54] <Druid_Sigvanna> 5"I mean - the guild could use it, but. It's not meant SOLELY for the guild."
  104. [18:54] <Druid_Sigvanna> 5"I'm intending to...."
  105. [18:54] <Druid_Sigvanna> 5"Ah."
  106. [18:54] <Druid_Sigvanna> 5"Well. I'm intending to try to rally the scattered Azatas and reintegrate them back into the celestial confederation to stabilize the political climate."
  107. [18:54] <Druid_Sigvanna> 5"And I want to initiate that by opening up a relief effort and recruiting them into it - since that's strictly a neutral movement that doesn't have to deal with the Axis itself."
  108. 01[18:55] <Grenadier_Loren> 2"And you feel that the Azatas would act as a stabilising influence?"
  109. [18:55] <Druid_Sigvanna> 5"They don't usually do that, but it'd be a hell of a lot more stabilizing then raiding Axis cities and causing revolts against the Archons."
  110. [18:56] <Druid_Sigvanna> 5"My idea is to take Azatas sympathethic to a relief effort, and introduce volunteers of other races and creeds into the organization slowly, to allow them to intermingle and break down social and cultural barriers via joint co-operation."
  111. [18:57] <Druid_Sigvanna> 5"Which could be done by getting the guild to settle there a bit, too."
  112. 06[18:57] * Grenadier_Loren laughs again.
  113. 01[18:57] <Grenadier_Loren> 2"And you don't fancy yourself a politician."
  114. [18:58] <Druid_Sigvanna> 5"Well, I *have* to be now."
  115. 06[18:58] * Druid_Sigvanna 5sighs.
  116. [18:58] <Druid_Sigvanna> 5"...I'm going to apply for a position as an official ambassador of Vogelheim once I'm back up in the surface."
  117. [18:58] <Druid_Sigvanna> 5"Which is why I also mentioned the...commendation thing. I'm going to ask for one or two trustworthy individuals for vouch for our accomplishments here."
  118. 01[18:59] <Grenadier_Loren> 2"Ah? Who did you have in mind?"
  119. 06[18:59] * Grenadier_Loren smirks slightly.
  120. [18:59] <Druid_Sigvanna> 5"Not...-"
  121. [18:59] <Druid_Sigvanna> 5"Er-"
  122. [19:00] <Druid_Sigvanna> 5"The Polemarch, actually. Archons are openly known to be incapable of lying, and celestials are highly valued in Vogelheim."
  123. [19:00] <Druid_Sigvanna> 5"...I mean, you *are* trusworthy, don't get - don't get me wrong at all, but, I'm talking more in a neutral report kind of deal."
  124. 01[19:01] <Grenadier_Loren> 2"I was making a joke about Klein, Sigvanna."
  125. [19:01] <Druid_Sigvanna> 5"We're friends. If you were to start vouching for me there, it wouldn't be taken as seriously. It's why I'm not having -"
  126. [19:01] <Druid_Sigvanna> 5"...Klein vouch. Yeah."
  127. [19:01] <Druid_Sigvanna> 5"...Albeit I'm taking him to meet my parents."
  128. 01[19:01] <Grenadier_Loren> 2"Please let me come."
  129. [19:01] <Druid_Sigvanna> 5"...Please no."
  130. 01[19:01] <Grenadier_Loren> 2"I'm so sorry - I just have to see how it goes."
  131. [19:01] <Druid_Sigvanna> 5"I thought you had stuff to do!"
  132. 06[19:03] * Druid_Sigvanna 5exhales once, shaking her head. "Can't I just give you the blow-by-blow afterwards?"
  133. 01[19:03] <Grenadier_Loren> 2"I'm joking, of course."
  134. [19:04] <Druid_Sigvanna> 5"...Hrrng. I suppose you are."
  135. 01[19:04] <Grenadier_Loren> 2"I hope it goes well, and I'd love to hear about it afterwards."
  136. [19:04] <Druid_Sigvanna> 5"Thanks. I'm sure it'll go well, though."
  137. [19:04] <Druid_Sigvanna> 5"They always wanted me to find someone, and he's a celestial."
  138. 01[19:04] <Grenadier_Loren> 2"Yes. If a literal celestial doesn't impress your parents..."
  139. [19:05] <Druid_Sigvanna> 5"...Then again they're hard to impress. Godslaying and all. But. Uh. I'll manage."
  140. [19:06] <Druid_Sigvanna> 5"You're welcome to visit afterwards, though."
  141. 01[19:07] <Grenadier_Loren> 2"That sounds excellent. I'll likely take you up on it, provided I'm not busy with..."
  142. 06[19:07] * Grenadier_Loren motions vaguely at the table again.
  143. 01[19:07] <Grenadier_Loren> 2"Anyway. Who other than the Polemarch do you intend to approach?"
  144. [19:07] <Druid_Sigvanna> 5"Mm-"
  145. [19:08] <Druid_Sigvanna> 5"I think just him. I'll have to see as it goes. I figure his word should be more then enough."
  146. [19:08] <Druid_Sigvanna> 5"Although - speaking of...busy. And business."
  147. [19:08] <Druid_Sigvanna> 5"I did want to legitimately talk to you a bout two things."
  148. 01[19:09] <Grenadier_Loren> 2"Okay. You have my attention."
  149. [19:09] <Druid_Sigvanna> 5"Right, firstly. The relief organization."
  150. [19:09] <Druid_Sigvanna> 5"I had the idea, and that's fine, but I have to recognize my weaknesses here. I'm not a businesswoman, and I'm not the best at handling money."
  151. [19:09] <Druid_Sigvanna> 5"But, I think you've shown you're more then capable at that - and you're trustworthy."
  152. [19:10] <Druid_Sigvanna> 5"So, when it comes to the actual building and...financing, when that idea starts to materialize - i' your help, please."
  153. 06[19:10] * Grenadier_Loren chuckles again.
  154. 01[19:10] <Grenadier_Loren> 2"Provided my own plan goes well, I will be exceptionally well-positioned to help with that."
  155. [19:10] <Druid_Sigvanna> 5"Mhmm."
  156. [19:11] <Druid_Sigvanna> 5"Infact..."
  157. 06[19:11] * Druid_Sigvanna 5leans forawrd a bit.
  158. [19:11] <Druid_Sigvanna> 5"Directly offering assistance to royalty, in a project that will openly display the capacity of the company to any prospecting costumers in the surrounding area."
  159. [19:11] <Druid_Sigvanna> 5"Sounds like good publicity to me, right?"
  160. 01[19:13] <Grenadier_Loren> 2"It sounds like exceptional public favour could be garnered from that."
  161. [19:13] <Druid_Sigvanna> 5"You could maybe bring that up to help bring favour to your side."
  162. [19:13] <Druid_Sigvanna> 5"When it comes to the board, that is."
  163. 01[19:15] <Grenadier_Loren> 2"I think that we'll need to draw up some more detail on this. But I agree."
  164. [19:16] <Druid_Sigvanna> 5"We can do that when we're up above, this'll require some planning."
  165. 01[19:16] <Grenadier_Loren> 2"What was the second thing?"
  166. [19:16] <Druid_Sigvanna> 5"But - thanks. Having you to help me out on setting this whole construction straight is probably going to be really necessary."
  167. [19:16] <Druid_Sigvanna> 5"Right. That's..."
  168. [19:16] <Druid_Sigvanna> 5"Completely unrelated to all this other stuff."
  169. [19:16] <Druid_Sigvanna> 5"Do you remember our time at the Black Academy?"
  170. 01[19:16] <Grenadier_Loren> 2"Vividly."
  171. [19:17] <Druid_Sigvanna> 5"Right. I know you made some sort of focus for postivie energy, and I studied the effects of negative energy, entropy of matter - that stuff."
  172. 01[19:17] <Grenadier_Loren> 2"Sooort of."
  173. 06[19:17] * Druid_Sigvanna 5rests her hands on the table, nodding to herself. "All good. Right. Thing is, all of that learning brought my head back to something...else."
  174. 04[19:18] <Druid_Sigvanna> 5"How much do you know about the Scenician plague, Loren?"
  175. 01[19:18] <Grenadier_Loren> 2"Almost nothing whatsoever."
  176. [19:19] <Druid_Sigvanna> 5"Fair. Let me give you some context, then."
  177. [19:19] <Druid_Sigvanna> 5"It originated after a catastrophic attempt of fey in overtaking and destroying the town of Scenicia. They suceeded in doing so, but...they all...died, too. We know very little about it, sans the fact that it was a bloodpath. The point is-"
  178. [19:20] <Druid_Sigvanna> 5"With the death of the majority of fey in the area, what appears to have been a...well, the best way I can put it - some sort of biological weapon made by the unseelie fey started to leak out and corrupt the area surrounding the forest, and the city."
  179. 01[19:20] <Grenadier_Loren> 2"Interesting."
  180. [19:20] <Druid_Sigvanna> 5"It's a fungal infection, that takes hold of a victim's body - and mind. Twists and mutates it into something...foul. Practically mindless - and feral."
  181. 01[19:21] <Grenadier_Loren> 2"And you believe that it occurs through negative energy?"
  182. [19:21] <Druid_Sigvanna> 5"No - let me finish."
  183. [19:22] <Druid_Sigvanna> 5"Right now, the area's held in complete quarentine by the druidic circle in Vearpi. The infection vector is the fungus and it's spores. The only solution the circle has come up with is to utilize copious amount of fire upon the area to purge any and all spread of the infection."
  184. [19:22] <Druid_Sigvanna> 5"I don't need to tell you that....that's a horrible solution. It fixes nothing. The plague still exists, and it's still a threat to the whole continent, should it ever come loose."
  185. [19:23] <Druid_Sigvanna> 5"I...I'm not very close to the circle, but I got in conflict with them because of this. Nothing but harsh words, but they think that's all that can be done. I disagree. When it came to my studies in the Black Academy, I found out something."
  186. [19:24] <Druid_Sigvanna> 5"Negative Energy can be technically made to target *specific* things, albeit it's immensely hard. I've had the theory of utilizing it to specifically target the fungus itself - to wither and destroy it, without affecting the host fatally. But I'm one person, and...I'm not really that versed in the alchemical or arcane."
  187. [19:24] <Druid_Sigvanna> 5"But if you made something like a focus to Positive energy, then...maybe the opposite can be done? The point is...I...I'd like your help on this, too. I want to figure out a potential cure."
  188. 06[19:25] * Grenadier_Loren looks blankly at Sigvanna for a few moments, then pulls her pack over to her, reaching inside.
  189. 06[19:26] * Grenadier_Loren retrieves a small device, half-finished, misaligned crystals of positive energy placed in the centre, and rests it on the table.
  190. 01[19:26] <Grenadier_Loren> 2"This is the positive energy ray device. It's an unfinished prototype."
  191. 01[19:26] <Grenadier_Loren> 2"And what you were talking about. Yes?"
  192. [19:26] <Druid_Sigvanna> 5"...Right. Yeah."
  193. [19:26] <Druid_Sigvanna> 5"That."
  194. 01[19:26] <Grenadier_Loren> 2"I'm sure that you'll be pleased to hear that I'm actually basing my designs off of something else."
  195. [19:26] <Druid_Sigvanna> 5"Oh...?"
  196. 06[19:27] * Grenadier_Loren retrieves a second device from her pack - sleeker, blacker, with deep purple-black crystals set into metal arms in the centre.
  197. 01[19:27] <Grenadier_Loren> 2"This is the negative energy ray device."
  198. [19:27] <Druid_Sigvanna> 5"Oh."
  199. [19:27] <Druid_Sigvanna> 5"Well."
  200. 01[19:27] <Grenadier_Loren> 2"It is not unfinished."
  201. [19:27] <Druid_Sigvanna> 5"...That's something."
  202. 01[19:28] <Grenadier_Loren> 2"It allows the impregnation of poisons with negative energy to form necrotoxins - incredibly dangerous substances that can have effects that range from inhibiting the effects of positive energy to rotting the body away to raising the target as a ghoul."
  203. [19:28] <Druid_Sigvanna> 5"That..."
  204. [19:28] <Druid_Sigvanna> 5"...Sounds horrible, yes."
  205. 01[19:28] <Grenadier_Loren> 2"And it is what was being researched by the Apothecary at the Academy."
  206. 04[19:29] <Druid_Sigvanna> 5"...You should be very careful with giving that information away, Loren. You know how the Academy is when it comes to the free spreading of knowledgel ike that, but-"
  207. [19:29] <Druid_Sigvanna> 5"Alright."
  208. [19:29] <Druid_Sigvanna> 5"So there is *some* form of precedence for a focus."
  209. 01[19:29] <Grenadier_Loren> 2"She was sufficiently impressed with my work that she gave me one as a gift. I have never used it, and don't intend to. But if there is a way to use it to save people rather than cause suffering, I could be convinced."
  210. [19:30] <Druid_Sigvanna> 5"Well."
  211. [19:30] <Druid_Sigvanna> 5"We'd need to find a way to make it target something specific. Cortez told me Negative Energy is *very* unstable in it's utilization, and to laser-focus it on something like "Destroy this fungus but not someone's brain" is..."
  212. [19:30] <Druid_Sigvanna> 5"...I suppose difficult."
  213. 01[19:31] <Grenadier_Loren> 2"We'll visit the Apothecary on our way to the surface. She'll have answers."
  214. [19:31] <Druid_Sigvanna> 5"That could be a possibilty. Thank you."
  215. [19:31] <Druid_Sigvanna> 5"Albeit I would suggest you first ask her if I could accompany you. just to be safe."
  216. [19:31] <Druid_Sigvanna> 5"I don't want to anger anyone."
  217. [19:32] <Druid_Sigvanna> 5"Once we figure out if that targetting is possible, we can work on figuring out how we could disperse a potential serum...and if it won't just kill the host. But it's a step forward."
  218. 06[19:32] * Grenadier_Loren nods.
  219. 01[19:33] <Grenadier_Loren> 2"It sounds a worthy cause."
  220. [19:33] <Druid_Sigvanna> 5"I don't expect this to bear fruit *soon*. It'll have to be avery methodical study and research."
  221. 04[19:33] <Druid_Sigvanna> 5"I don't want anyone to die because of faulty experimentation, and us not covering our bases - but thanks, Loren."
  222. 01[19:34] <Grenadier_Loren> 2"Even then, you likely underestimate how long it will take."
  223. 04[19:34] <Druid_Sigvanna> 5"I'm a Hart, Loren. I'm an optimist by nature."
  224. 01[19:34] <Grenadier_Loren> 2"We're researching the effects of new technology on a fungus that we can't access or study directly."
  225. [19:34] <Druid_Sigvanna> 5"*And* the Circle will probably actively attempt to block it."
  226. [19:34] <Druid_Sigvanna> 5"So that's fun."
  227. 01[19:35] <Grenadier_Loren> 2"I'll leave the politicking to you."
  228. 06[19:35] * Druid_Sigvanna 5exhales out "Thanks. But yeah. This'll take years, at *minimum*."
  229. [19:35] <Druid_Sigvanna> 5"But hey, something to work on."
  230. 01[19:36] <Grenadier_Loren> 2"I'll add it to the pile."
  231. [19:37] <Druid_Sigvanna> 5"Oh, great. You have a pile too."
  232. 06[19:38] * Grenadier_Loren takes a deep breath and releases it.
  233. 01[19:38] <Grenadier_Loren> 2"Okay. So we'll journey to the surface, calling in at various groups for commendations, as well as the Black Academy for guidance."
  234. 01[19:38] <Grenadier_Loren> 2"It may end up being a longer-term project..."
  235. 06[19:39] * Grenadier_Loren taps her fingers on the table.
  236. 01[19:39] <Grenadier_Loren> 2"I wonder how they feel about student placements. I could potentially offer one or two an industrial internship at Holt."
  237. [19:40] <Druid_Sigvanna> 5"Huh. I'm not sure. If one had to guess, they'd like the opportunity of gathering new knowledge?"
  238. 01[19:41] <Grenadier_Loren> 2"Mm. Yes. Student placements aren't uncommon, so we might serve as a bridge between surface institutions and the Academy."
  239. [19:42] <Druid_Sigvanna> 5"Albeit, I will remind you of one thing."
  240. [19:42] <Druid_Sigvanna> 5"The Academy is down here for a *reason*."
  241. [19:42] <Druid_Sigvanna> 5"I like Cortez a lot. But the Academy is here because they practice types of magic and necromancy that are *amoral*."
  242. [19:42] <Druid_Sigvanna> 5"As in, not approved anywhere up on the surface."
  243. [19:43] <Druid_Sigvanna> 5"So. I'd keep any surface linkage to a minimum."
  244. 01[19:43] <Grenadier_Loren> 2"Hm. Yes. I don't really want to piss away goodwill on the surface for goodwill down here."
  245. [19:45] <Druid_Sigvanna> 5"It's a complicated balancing act, to be certain."
  246. [19:45] <Druid_Sigvanna> 5"Let's take it one step at a time."
  247. 01[19:45] <Grenadier_Loren> 2"Agreed. Anyway, after we visit the Black Academy and the other groups, return to the surface, reconvene with our friends, and attend the Guild?"
  248. [19:45] <Druid_Sigvanna> 5"I'd imagine so."
  249. 01[19:47] <Grenadier_Loren> 2"Then that's... seeming to be relatively settled, I suppose."
  250. [19:47] <Druid_Sigvanna> 5"Mmm. That should be it."
  251. [19:47] <Druid_Sigvanna> 5"That was rather productive!"
  252. 01[19:49] <Grenadier_Loren> 2"Planning is easy. Execution is hard."
  253. [19:49] <Druid_Sigvanna> 5"Oh, we'll do fine."
  254. [19:49] <Druid_Sigvanna> 5"Hopefully."
  255. 01[19:49] <Grenadier_Loren> 2"I'm hoping to complete the positive energy ray device before we reach the surface. So a stop with the Celestials won't go amiss for me."
  256. [19:50] <Druid_Sigvanna> 5"I'll be sure to give them a good word of you, so you have an easier time."
  257. 06[19:51] * Grenadier_Loren smiles.
  258. 01[19:51] <Grenadier_Loren> 2"I think that 'fought demons' might count for something too."
  259. [19:51] <Druid_Sigvanna> 5"Ehhh."
  260. [19:51] <Druid_Sigvanna> 5"Juust a teensy bit."
  261. 06[19:51] * Druid_Sigvanna 5chuckles a little, shaking her head.
  262. 01[19:54] <Grenadier_Loren> 2"I don't have any other upcoming schemes. You?"
  263. [19:54] <Druid_Sigvanna> 5"None."
  264. [19:54] <Druid_Sigvanna> 5"Well. Apart from handling the councillors, but. We'll see how that goes."
  265. 01[19:55] <Grenadier_Loren> 2"I'm not sure what assistance I might be with that."
  266. [19:55] <Druid_Sigvanna> 5"I'll try and handle it for the moment, don't worry."
  267. [19:56] <Druid_Sigvanna> 5"It really isa case of just seeing what hapepns."
  268. 01[19:56] <Grenadier_Loren> 2"Experimenting on demons. Great."
  269. [19:56] <Druid_Sigvanna> 5"Not like that! But yes. Kind of like that."
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