
addressing recent events.

Apr 8th, 2021
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  1. i'll get straight to the point, i was being impersonated from 4-4-21 to 4-8-21 and i had no access to ANY of my accounts at the time. /srs /neg
  3. i'm someone who is extremely active on social media and it often got to the point where i neglected my own schoolwork and lowered my grades at the cost of interacting with mutuals on twitter or playing video games, and my family didn't like that, so my parents and my cousin decided to make up a fucking plan to drive me off the internet so i could "have a normal life".
  5. my parents wanted me to visit my cousin's house and they told me that i didn't have a choice because "i should get some fresh air and get out the house" i at least asked if i could bring my laptop and phone with me, they said they would allow me to as long as i wasn't on my devices the whole time
  7. when i went over to my cousins house, my cousin offered to at least let me play on his console so i wouldn't be bored, so i set aside my laptop and phone, and played call of duty until i got tired, when i woke up i realized my laptop and phone were gone and i asked everyone at the time if they could find my devices, conveniently enough: my devices just SOMEHOW disappeared and that i would have to go back home without them
  9. when i got home, my heart dropped when my parents told me that "we're giving your computer and phone to your cousin and he won't give them back until you finish your missing assignments" it took me days finishing up my assignments and by today, when i went back to my cousin's house, and checked my phone, i saw that: my cousin was impersonating me and spread false information about me, and even attempted to ruin my relationship with hexen for me
  11. he said that: he wanted to do this because he had been following my twitter for a long time and that he saw that i was on social media more often then i needed to be, he said that he did all this so i could have my reputation ruined and that i would leave social media to live a normal life
  13. i went through all of the conversations he had with everyone he had talked to and, he perfectly imitated my mannerisms, how i acted around others, he knew who i was close with, he knew what games i played and even went to the extent of playing them for me
  15. so, to clarify: i'm not breaking up with hexen and anything that i have said/done from sunday to today, wasn't from me, it was from my cousin impersonating me, and my parents said that next time i failed all my classes, they would destroy my computer and phone in front of me.
  17. i'll make sure to actually not prioritize social media over my grades so i can prevent something like this happen in the future, i'm sorry to anyone who my cousin talked with at this period of time, and i'll be blocking any and all family members that are following my social media.
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