
Tiruin / Vaye Alarai

Mar 5th, 2016
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  1. Spoiler: Vaye Alarai (click to show/hide)
  2. Gender: Female
  3. Race: Elf
  4. HP: 10
  6. Skills:
  7. Double Weapon
  8. Seafaring-Scholar
  10. Combat stats:
  11. AC: 10+2+1 = 13
  12. DR: 1
  14. Inv:
  16. Coin: 25m
  18. Weapons:
  19. Self-loading Hand crossbow: 1d6, one handed,
  20. Dagger: 1d4
  21. 20 bolts
  23. Armor:
  24. Chainmail
  26. Misc:
  29. Your special item:
  30. Self-Loading Handcrossbow: Crafted from elven feywood, and modified over the years as a gentleman's weapon--this crossbow has been in Vaye's ownership since she was young, serving both as a tool for hunting and utilitarian purposes. The stock is etched with a dragon-styled pattern engraved in the wood, and there seems to be a peculiar mechanism within the design if one looks closely where its name is derived from. While stylish in appearance, it is able to be modified for future use and shows signs of both age and being well-cared of.
  32. Description:
  33. Vaye is a young woman of typical height and limber build from the elves of the Losanii colonies. She has raven-colored hair, naturally falling to shoulder length, with the back being braided in a fishtail pattern, and a light brown complexion. Her face is oval in structure, with round eyes and a slightly pointed nose.
  35. Vaye has a kindly personality, one of a quiet and sagacious nature. She is slow-if ever-to anger, and is a perfectionist; she is usually anxious in tense situations and has a well-developed fear of failure. She has a strong willpower, not weak against pressure, leading to her love about deeply thinking about difficult things, and has a life goal of improving the lives of those around her and in generations to come.
  37. Backstory:
  38. Vaye yearned to be a writer one day: A scholar who would record history and the present both in a neutral gaze, presented in a fashion that would blossom thought and inspire those who dove into her words and imagery. That was her goal while growing up on the heavens of Losanii, all the while helping her family progress in the harsh environment of the shifting moons. Her brother was a hunter, and she learned most of her values from him--along with receiving a childhood gift as an all-around tool for personal use--as both were parentless, with their family being the community around them. With the fear of being misunderstood told in the stories around her, as well as within personal experiences abound in her youth, Vaye developed an independent attitude early in life along with her brother in facing its challenges, having renounced any ideal of a caste system since two years after they could read and write.
  40. Taught in the ways of philosophy and martial artistry, Vaye grew up in a different path than her brother despite both being connected like soulmates; distance and the calling of education created a tangible barrier between the two (though communication was as if they weren't separated in the rare times they could hear each others' voices or read each one's writing), in which followed a mutual oath when they both reached the age of adulthood--to leave where they were in a better state than when they arrived. Deciding to make the best of her life that she could, Vaye decided to join up on one of the few trade caravans crossing the stars into the port of The Scatter. She was anxious among strangers, and an even stranger culture than she was accustomed (and thought to be familiar) to. In the days that followed, she found herself in the company of others following the same thought--if not the same path--to make a ship of their own and plot their own course in life.
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