
Sableye Bot Instructions

Apr 22nd, 2019
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  1. List of commands; use //help <command name> for more information:
  2. ~~
  3. //about - About SableyeBot
  4. //ability <ability name> - Information of an ability
  5. //calculator - Link to PokemonShowdown's damage calculator.
  6. //coverage <Pokemon name>|(<type 1>, [type 2], [type 3], [type 4]) - Provides coverage versus single types.
  7. //data <effect name> - Information of a Pokémon, ability, move, item, or nature
  8. //event <Pokemon name>, [event ID] - Number of events a Pokemon has, or the set details of a specific event.
  9. //filter <parameters...> - Search Pokémon based on user-inputted parameters.
  10. //hiddenpower <type>|(<hp IV>,<atk IV>,<def IV>,<spa IV>,<spd IV>,<spe IV>) - IV settings for a certain type, or the Hidden Power type given certain IVs.
  11. //item <item name> - Information of an item.
  12. //learn (<Pokémon name>, [move name])|<move name> - Learnset of a Pokémon, how a Pokémon learns a move, or Pokémon than can learn a move.
  13. //move <move name> - Information of a move
  14. //nature <nature name>|(<abbreviated boosted stat>, <abbreviated hindered stat>) - Information of a nature, or returns the nature given the boosted and hindered stat.
  15. //pokedex <Pokémon name> - Information of a Pokémon
  16. //sprite [Pokémon name] - Image link of a Pokémon, or link to sprite directory if no argument is given. Uses PokemonShowdown's sprite library.
  17. //weakness <Pokemon name>|(<type 1>, [type 2]) - Provides a Pokemon's resistances, weaknesses, and immunities, ignoring abilities.
  18. //addfc <friend code>, [Mii name] - Register your friend code
  19. //addgame <abbreviated game>, <in-game name>, [TSV value] - Add game information to your account.
  20. //deletefc <friend code|friend code index> - Remove friend code.
  21. //deletegame <game|game index> - Remove game.
  22. //fc [Discord ID] - Get friend code information of a user.
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