
>Bonnie's New Skill (Greentext)

Aug 26th, 2018
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  1. >Goldie popped into the maintenance room with his usual flair and exclamation of it being him, but to his surprise there were already two very interesting things going on in the room before his arrival. The first, was that his assistant Bonnie, ever the snarker, had gotten there first. The second was that there was music playing. Granted, he was used to that, as he had a tendency to have his own theme music accompany him wherever he goes for his own amusement. But this time was different, for while it was still said accompaniment, he noted that he wasn't doing it this time.
  3. >The rabbot, though facing away from him, was lying on its side on a circular shaped bed of sorts. One that also happened to be where the maintenance desk was supposed to be, but Goldie didn't care about that. For of course, his eyesockets were wholly fixated on the lower portion of his colleague's chassis, and the small rabbit tail that seemed to almost twitch in anticipation. Bonnie's ears raised, showing that the animatronic knew that Goldie was standing behind it.
  5. >"Good evening, sir." said the rabbot, who still hadn't rolled over to face him.
  6. >"Bonnie! How did you know I had time for a quickie? With time management skills like these, you chances of a promotion are growing!" the goldbear stated as he started to approach the bed "Much like something-" he began, before Bonnie held up a finger. Despite not uttering a word, the action stopped Goldie in his tracks, both verbally and his motion.
  7. >"I wanted to show you a new skill I've developed." Bonnie said, as though ignoring Goldie's attempted innuendo.
  9. >Excitement in Goldie began to intensify as the entity in the suit began imagining possible positions that Bonnie had learned, when suddenly money started shooting into the air from in front of the rabbot, snapping him out of it. "I've learned how to make it rain, sir." said Bonnie as the entire bed, now revealed as one on a turnstile, spun so the animatronic could face him. In Bonnie's hand was a money gun, that was still firing dollar bills.
  11. >The wires in Goldie's eyesockets lit up, as he let out a small squ-EEE of excitement. "This is, quite literally, very cash money of you, Bonnie. To say I'm surprised, would be an understatement." he said excitedly, as Bonnie got off the bed and sauntered over to him, still firing the notes from the gun. "What made you think of this?" he asked, finding himself genuinely curious for the first time in a decent while.
  13. >"Allow me to tell you, sir." Bonnie stopped in front of him, and tossed the still firing money gun back over the rabbot's shoulder, where it landed safely on the bed. Then the animatronic threw its arms up and around Goldie's neck to pull him in for a kiss. But before the machine could complete its docking procedure, Bonnie then whispered "It's because no one will ever believe you." before the rabbot, the bed, and the money gun, all disappeared with a popping sound, leaving Goldie alone in the maintenance room. The door then suddenly opened as Freddy entered the room. Only for him to also notice two interesting things in the room. One, that Goldie was there when he supposed to be cleaning the bathrooms. And two, that the maintenance desk was missing.
  15. >"You are busted. Now explain where mine maintenance desk is." Freddy demanded, only to then notice that Goldie was leaking an oil of some sort from his eyes. "Are- are you crying?" Freddy asked, in abject confusion.
  17. >"I'm just- I'm just so proud of her!" Goldie cried, before he too, disappeared in a pop.
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