
Neya Horizon Roleplay

Jul 30th, 2013
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  1. Name: Neya
  2. Race: Fallen Angel
  3. FC:
  4. Age: 17
  6. Str: E
  7. End: D
  8. Agi: D
  9. Dex: E
  10. Cap: SSS
  13. Familiars Name: Alexia
  14. FC:
  15. S ranked Divine Equipment with 4 points for name.
  16. (A ranked is fine if S ranked Equipment is barred. I could either put the point in a name, or have another equipment that generates more mana. Micro Earth Pulse Engine)
  17. Barrier System + Castle Architect Name
  18. Personal Ability: Ether Fusion SSS Ranked
  20. Perk: C ranked First Aid. While having heavily researched and book learned about healing, Neya is so bad at first aid that any attempt to heal someone comes to the effect of a low rank attack. She's also terribly apologetic about this, and the further wounded find it hard to become angry at her. Carries around a first aid kit on her back in a little pack, with extra bandages among the normal assortment.
  22. Sex: Does know what sex is, I just couldn't justify to myself learning medicine, and not knowing at least the definition.
  24. Attending the Oxford Academy Neya is an albino Fallen Angel and is enrolled in the healing and support classes, though her grades are beyond terrible, having near zero aptitude for such things. Scoring at the top of the class in theory, she simply could not manage any of the practicals and is near the failing point as the classes progress. Even trying to apply bandages to someone is more likely to inflict suffering than to help them. A pacifist at heart if you were to ask what her fondest wish were to be it would be an end to all war. While perhaps having chosen this path to try and deny her skill at destruction, she does believe in it, and hope to a peaceful tomorrow.
  26. While Neya wishes to believe that such a thing can be accomplished without violence, she is at shamefully aware that the world does not work in such a kind way, and that sometimes there is no other recourse. Shamefully aware because destruction is her greatest skill, and the only thing that she is actually good at with her abilities and finds it fitting that using her ability causes her harm.
  28. Out of desperation for some skill that wasn't destructive Neya threw herself into the creation of her familiar devoting almost a full year, using all her skill learned as a technohexen, all those memorized and studied theorys would not go to waste. Long hours every day, she barely slept while working on it, forgetting to eat often. Her creation was to do what she could not, protect and heal.
  30. Her classmates consider her the reclusive failure, always studying, and always failing at the tests. Her heritage and abnormal appearance add to her fellow students distance. Also, no one wants to let her try and heal them again. It always ends in tears, and usually more than three. Her clumsiness does not help here, and she is something of a walking disaster, even ignoring her ability.
  32. The end result was James of St George. Her familiar applies her massive capacity towards defensive fields. The normal drive it can access applies defensive barriers akin to small castles between attacks on <objects> that have been designated under her field of control. Setting such a designation takes a small amount of ATELL to designate, and by default is her immediate person. The familiars skill at defense so great that it was given the historical name of James of St George, a minor character, but one responsible for many of the castles that dot the English landscape. With Neya quickly and accurately designating who to defend her familiar can automatically set up the barriers when an attack is coming in. The more simultaneous castles that are active at the same time, the higher the drain, so even with her large reserves and technohexen levels of use the barriers tend to flicker into existence for just a moment before they are needed. Much of her familiars 'coding' is written in the fairy script, England being an abundant resource for research on such things.
  34. In over drive mode the barrier can be applied retroactively. Even if the attack has already hit, it does not mean that it cannot be protected against. Neya will protect even what has already been destroyed. The ability to protect what cannot be protected.
  36. Her familiars name boost the strength the barriers and their efficiency, but not enough to warrant the A ranking of the name. The true strength comes from the concept that is applied. To resist that which cannot be resisted. Anti barrier attacks, attacks that are overwhelming in strength. Those that read 'annihilates all that stands in their path' or attacks that penetrate defenses, the familiars barriers become overpoweringly stronger against attacks like this denying their anti barrier ability and gaining strength past this even.
  38. Neya's affinity shines here. Something that she dreads using and would hold as a last resort. Skillfully manipulating the ether Neya can generate a large explosion with minimal input from herself by use of high speed calculations. However her abilities true potential is by super saturating such a blast with even more of her own ATELL the ether mass collapses into itself and begins drawing more ether from the surroundings. Quickly catalyzing it creates a cataclysmic explosion similar to overloading an ether reactor. More effective in highly saturated areas, even with just her own energy fueling the detonation it is a highly potent attack capable of leaving massive scars in the landscape.
  40. No one knows of her skill in this, and thought her just a failure at magic-science before the creation of her familiar which brought her a degree of fame, and prevented her from being expelled from Oxford for her terrible grades. It is her dark secret that she doesn't want anyone to know. The ability thrums in her very blood, coming to mind as easily as breathing, offering itself as the solution to any of her problems. It would be so very easy just to unleash it, barely a thought away at any time despite its complexity.
  43. Neya honestly doesn't want to even reveal this ability, and will go to great lengths to hide it. To the point where losing a battle is acceptable in return for not letting the knowledge of her ability leak. Content to go through the RP being known as the race that specializes in abilities, and has none. Just a clumsy healer with some support ability shields.
  45. P.S. Random highly munchkiny thought. Can I get extra points if the damage from every spell I cast is not every third, but every one? Since the only time I would be casting an ability it would be the clear the field scar the earth blacken the skies kind of attack, I don't see it happening more than once, maybe twice in a scene so it's not really even a downside to the character having it happen after three. And if somehow I'm made to use it I want there to be serious recoil beyond the emotional even.
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