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Jan 22nd, 2018
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  1. Is milk good for your bones?- Facts- 1. Milk in teens was not associated with less bone fractures in later life
  2. 2.Galactose can lead to a shorter life in rats.
  3. 3. Out of 100,000 women, ones who drank milk had a higher mortality rate.
  4. 4. There is a disease called galactosemia and it makes your body not able to detoxify galactose
  5. 5. Milk consumption around the world is going up
  6. Video 2: Are microwaves safe?:
  7. 1. Most microwave related injuries are dropping a microwave onto yourself, falling on a microwave, hurting your back while picking it up, or burning yourself with the hot contents.
  8. 2. When an egg is heated in the microwave it can explode because of pressure on the membrane
  9. 3. Warning put on microwaves about eggs
  10. 4. Kid damaged eyes from exploding egg
  11. 5. Kid burned his inner throat from reheated jelly doughnut.
  12. The Effects of Radiation Leaking from Microwave Ovens
  13. Many injuries from microwaves occur because of hot items
  14. If you can call your phone when it is a microwave you can test if radiation can leak ofut of the microwave
  15. Telescope looking for life picked up on microwave opening at right time
  16. Women got cataracts from leaky microwave
  17. Study was done on rats pressed up to door and they got eye problems
  18. Video 4: Researching the Health Effects of Marijuana
  19. First major study on Marijuana was not published until 2007
  20. Very hard for researchers to get marijuana to research that people use
  21. Most research is done on negative effects
  22. Marijuana users get slightly lower scores on memory tests
  23. Marijuana users do better on memory tests with motivation
  24. Are Avocados Good for your Cholesterol?
  25. Chocolate has more phytosterols than avocados
  26. Many studies on the effects of avocado on cholesterol include swapping lard for avocados
  27. Avocados are a good supplement for other fats
  28. A palmful of nuts a day is good for cholesterol
  29. Studies were done where saturated fat was replaced with avocados
  30. Video 6: Lead Contamination in Fish & Game
  31. Tuna high in mercury
  32. Several servings of Tuna
  33. 80% of ground venison had lead in it
  34. Lead bullets break up into microscopic pieces
  35. Very low exposure to lead can still lead to nerve damage
  36. Video 7: Does Cell Phone Radiation Cause Cancer?
  37. Radiation from cell phones generates free radicals
  38. Most studies find that cell phone radiation can damage DNA
  39. Research funded by telephone companies generally found that cellphones are safer than independently funded ones
  40. Research changes depending on who funds it
  41. Money manipulates science
  42. Video 8: Cell Phone Brain Tumor Risk?
  43. Cell phones are labeled as a possible carcinogen by the IARC
  44. Processed meat causes cancer
  45. Red meat is a possible carcinogen
  46. Scientists are pushing to bump up cellphones in the carcinogenic list to group 1
  47. More likely to die from distracted driver than by radiation from cell phone
  48. Video 9: Preventing Liver Cancer with Coffee
  49. Researchers found that coffee help protect against liver inflammation from alcohol
  50. HCC is the 6th most prevalent cancer worldwide
  51. HCC is 3rd highest in most cancer deaths worldwide
  52. People drinking most coffee had ½ of the chance to get liver cancer compared to the people who drank the least
  53. Smokers could cut their chances of liver cancer by drinking 4 or more cups of coffee a day
  54. Video 10: Breast Cancer Risk: Red Wine vs. White Wine
  55. Eating Plant foods significantly lowers your risk of getting cancer
  56. Too little fruits and veggies can cause cancer
  57. Avoiding average american diet can help reduce risk of cancer
  58. Avoiding alcohol helps prevent cancer
  59. Red grapes are good at protecting from cancer
  60. Video 11: The Food Industry Wants the Public Confused About Nutrition
  61. Denmark made first tax on fat but abolished it
  62. Tobacco companies suppressed facts on smoking health risks
  63. Food industries interest to confuse public on nutrition
  64. Only 4 out of 181 head-start teachers answered 4 out of 5 nutrition questions correctly and 0 answered all 5 correctly
  65. 55% of head-start teachers out of 181 were obese
  66. Video 12: Is It Better to Advise More Plants or Less Junk?
  67. It’s estimated that more than 1 million deaths occur world-wide linked to not enough fruits and veggies
  68. Free fruit in Norway caused kids to eat the fruit, they then continued to eat fruit after the program ended
  69. It works better to eat more fruits and it naturally lowers your intake of junk
  70. This doesn’t work on adults
  71. If half of the population in the US ate one more servIng of fruit a day an estimated 20,000 less cases of would occur each year
  72. Video 13: Is Miso Healthy?
  73. Salt is considered a probable cause of stomach cancer
  74. people eating meatless diets has 2/3rds lower risk of getting stomach cancer
  75. Stomach cancer is one of the world's leading cancer killers
  76. Korea has the highest stomach cancer rate
  77. Soy cancels carcinogenic effects from salt
  78. Video 14: The Risks and Benefits of Sensible Sun Exposure
  79. Vitamin D deficiency rose with city life
  80. Takes 15-20 cups of milk, juice or beer to get the recommended amount of vitamin D a day
  81. Skin cancer is from extensive sun exposure on sunburn
  82. It is recommended that no one should ever be directly exposed to sunlight without sunscreen
  83. People who had skin cancer tended to live longer
  84. Video 15: Is it Worth Switching from White Rice to Brown?
  85. White Rice believed to be linked to diabetes especially in Asian countries
  86. Eating brown rice may lower diabetes risk by 16%
  87. Unsure of true effects of brown rice vs. white rice
  88. Women studied losing weight were found to lose more weight when eating brown rice instead of white
  89. Brown rice is good for arteries
  90. Video 17: Can Vinegar Help with Blood Sugar Control?
  91. Study found that body and belly fat can go down faster with a tablespoon of vinegar a day
  92. When blood sugar goes up artery function becomes impaired
  93. Blunting mealtime blood sugar spikes reduces risk of diabetes
  94. Diet centered around whole plant foods is good for reducing many bad things
  95. Almond butter can blunt blood sugar spikes
  96. Video 18: Slowing Our Metabolism with Nitrate-Rich Vegetables
  97. Nitrate boosts athletic ability
  98. Nitrate can lower metabolism rate
  99. Caloric restriction lowers metabolism
  100. Eating leafy green vegetables can make us live longer
  101. Getting at least 7 hours of sleep daily can make you live longer
  102. Video 19: Do Raisins Cause Cavities?
  103. Raisin Bran is as bad as sugar water
  104. Non sugar coated raisins and bran are not as bad as raisin bran
  105. Non alcoholic wine prohibits growth of certain cavity causing bacteria
  106. Raisins are 70% pure sugar
  107. Phytonutrients in raisins prevent plaque build up
  108. Video 20: How Much Fruit is Too much?
  109. Adding blueberries to diet can blunt effects of high glycemic foods
  110. Fruits are recommended in a type 2 diabetic diet
  111. Fruits are beneficial in almost any amount
  112. Eating a lot of veggies can give you a lot of bowel movements
  113. A lot of fruits can drop cholesterol
  114. Video 21: Animal Protein, Pregnancy and Childhood Obesity.
  115. If you expose pregnant crickets to predatory wolf spiders the babies will be born with more anti-predator behavior
  116. A plant grown in shade with same genes as one grown in sun will mke seeds better for shade than the sun plant
  117. Vole pups born in winter have thicker fur coats
  118. If your born in a hot or cold environment it determines the amount of sweat glands you have in your skin
  119. Children born during Dutch famine in 1945 had higher rates of obesity 50 years later
  120. Video 22: How our bacteria can use eggs to accelerate cancer
  121. We have trillions of symbiotic commensal organisms in our body
  122. More bacteria cells in gut than human cells in entire body
  123. 10% of DNA in our body is human
  124. Microbial community inside of us changes how we experience meals
  125. Metabolism and absorption of food occurs through bacteria filter
  126. Video 23: What is the ideal white blood cell count?
  127. Higher white blood cell count important predictor for cardiovascular disease
  128. High white blood cell count and heart attacks are related
  129. People with higher blood cell counts have a higher mortality rate
  130. White blood cells could be a biomarker for how fast we age
  131. White blood cells can slow blood flow
  132. Video 24: Animal protein compared to cigarette smoking
  133. 1 in 10,000 people make it to be over 100 years old
  134. IGF is known as the “Grim Reaper gene”
  135. IGF shortens life span of an average human from 200 years to 80 years
  136. Meat and dairy proteins raise IGF levels causing people to eat more dairy free proteins
  137. Not eating dairy proteins kills breast cancer cells
  138. Video 25: Is Fructose Bad, what about Fruit?
  139. Fructose is considered “Alcohol without the Buzz”
  140. Fructose from fruits is not associated with hypertension
  141. Diets with fructose from only fruit are healthier
  142. High fructose corn syrup and sugar are worse than fructose from fruits
  143. FRuctose from fruits has little to no negative effects
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