
Longest Night all-purpose opening

Mar 27th, 2020
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  1. Several days pass uneventfully until the fateful holiday.
  2. Blearily you become aware of the sharp chill of the morning air creeping in under your blankets. Cracking open an eyelid, you see that it’s still completely dark outside. It is, after all, the longest night of the year.
  3. Part of you enjoys the cold, but only if you’re able to keep it at bay. It sounds like a contradiction, but you like cold weather mainly because it feels good to warm up again with a cozy sweater or a thick layer of blankets or a hot mug of cocoa.
  4. For some strange reason it feels better than the warm days of summer.
  6. However dark it is, your body has become conscious, reaping the benefits of getting up in the morning without having the sun get in your eyes.
  8. After having your morning coffee and some oatmeal for breakfast, you look around and notice the total lack of Longest Night decorations. With all the fuss and distractions of moving in and hanging out with your friends, you hadn’t really thought about what you would do for the holidays at your own home.
  10. In fact, you realize you never got around to making any plans for today.
  11. Great… nothing to do for Longest Night.
  12. It’s not as though you expected anybody to give you any presents. Whenever your mother bothered to get you something, it always seemed to be exactly the opposite of what you wanted- and often specifically you asked her NOT to get.
  13. Either that or it was something *she* would like. Usually both.
  14. Of course, she would always deny having any prior knowledge of what you asked for. As if it was your fault for being ungrateful.
  15. Part of you had sort of hoped your new friends would shower you with gifts, but you realize now that’s a bit selfish. They hardly know what you like, after all.
  16. Maybe you would run into one of them and find something to do?
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