
The Soul-Crushingly Sad Adventures of Anon and Rainbro (2)

Apr 14th, 2012
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  1. >Ponies are here and there as you pass through the market, and you spot a young filly staring at you.
  2. >You smile and wave, your good mood making you friendly.
  3. >She gives an 'eep!' and sprints behind the legs of a lime green mare you assume is her mother.
  4. >The mare shoots you the filthiest look, hatred furrowing her brow.
  5. >The spring in your step turns itself down a few notches as you stuff your hands into your pockets and hurry on.
  6. >Hours later, and with a heavier wallet than before, you head back to the market to grab some food.
  7. >Just as you arrive, some stallion is kicking up a fuss.
  8. >"My wallet is missing!" He steams.
  9. >His eyes lock onto you, suddenly. Oh boy, here we go.
  10. >"You took it!" He states, like it's a universal truth. "I know nopony here would take it! Look, it's got my wallet in it's hands!"
  11. >The emphasis he places on the word 'pony' feels like someone wrenched a fishhook into your heart for a second, but you decided to brave-face it.
  12. >"Well, how many bits were in your wallet, sir?" You ask with a smile.
  13. >"Twelve, exactly." This guy isn't going to back down.
  14. >You count out the twelve bits Twilight paid you for today's work. "Well, shit."
  15. >Rainbow takes this opportunity to appear beside you.
  16. >"Hey, you jerk! You..."
  17. >"It's ok Dash." You cut her off, sounding resigned to your fate.
  18. >You hand the wallet to the stallion, who adopts a smug grin and leaves, post-haste.
  19. >Rainbow is aghast.
  20. >"But that was YOUR money! You earned that!" She fumes as you make the trudging journey back to your home.
  21. >You sigh like you hate the taste of air and stop.
  22. >"I don't mind. When he finds his lost wallet maybe he'll feel bad and return mine. I've got a little food left in the fridge, I'll be ok for a few days."
  23. >Your world weary tone causes Dash's ears to droop, but you don't notice, as you've taken off walking again.
  24. >"Just let me talk to him for you, then." She offers.
  25. >"They'll just claim I brainwashed you, or threatened you or something. Let it go. They can think I'm a monster if they like, I don't want my friends getting caught up in it, too." You kick a rock into some long grass and keep strolling, staring at the ground.
  26. >You walk straight past your house and onward to the lake, and one particular tree you quite like to sit under when you feel down.
  27. >Rainbow Dash follows you and sits a couple of feet away, watching you as you stare out at the still water.
  28. >After thirty or so minutes of toying with a rock, rolling it around in your hands, you suddenly fling it violently into the middle of the lake with a growl.
  29. >Rainbow Dash jumps, startled out of the preliminary stages of a nap. "What's wrong?"
  30. >"These ponies!" You snap. "I try my best to be nice and friendly, damn it!"
  31. >"We know that, you..."
  32. >"I'm a monster to them, Dash!" You cry, flailing in the direction of the town. "Some horrible beast from beyond the stars." You leap up in a mad rush and begin pacing.
  33. >"I just want to be trusted, y'know? I just want to be able to say 'hey!' to somepony, without being glared at." You round on Dash, who looks concerned.
  34. >"I don't want to be a monster anymore!" You roar, but as you take a step forwards Dash visibly flinches.
  35. >You freeze, like a statue carved from conflicting emotions.
  36. >"I see." You intone softly.
  37. >Rainbow shakes her head vehemently.
  38. >"No, Anon, it's not..."
  39. >You have already left.
  41. >Some time later you're still walking around. You don't want to go home just yet. Possibly because you know that's where Rainbow Dash would go first.
  42. >"I can't believe I did that." You scold yourself out loud. "I really am a monster."
  43. >"You're not a monster, Anon." Rainbow Dash's voice from behind you sighs.
  44. >You turn, but slowly this time.
  45. >"I scared a filly this morning, ponies assume I steal and lie and cheat, and then when I got angry at them I took it out on you." You list, distraught. "I'm a monster, Dash, you'd be better off staying awa..."
  46. >"You're NOT a monster, Anon!" She cuts you off, her voice urgent, pleading.
  47. >Is she crying?
  48. >"You were angry, and upset and you had a good reason and I flinched like a little filly when you were venting and I just made it worse I... I..." She gushes.
  49. >You regard her for a few seconds as she collects herself.
  50. >"Don't blame yourself, Rainbow. I'm sorry, ok? I didn't mean to flip out like that, sometimes it just gets to me." You explain, placing a hand where you think a pony's shoulder might be.
  51. >"Well, stop calling yourself a monster. You're my friend and you're very special to m... all of us."
  52. >"Ok, for you." You grin, giving her a nudge and setting off for home. "See you later, Dashie." You call over your shoulder.
  53. >She blushes at the nickname, but you don't see.
  54. >"Anon!" She calls.
  55. >You stop and spin. "Yeah?"
  56. >"I li... I really li... I think I lo..." She stammers.
  57. >"See you around." She finally sighs and takes off in the opposite direction to you.
  58. >'Element of Loyalty? You got that right!' You think to yourself.
  59. >'What a great friend.'
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