Guest User


a guest
Nov 28th, 2015
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  1. {:error,
  2. %Ecto.Changeset{action: nil,
  3. changes: %{address_city: "", address_line_1: "401 Nina Place",
  4. address_line_2: "", address_state: "", address_zip: "20852",
  5. crypted_password: "$2b$12$whvz5KJaQQquZG4CSb1f2.Krm0K0/eiQw8.sRLi.FI6/s4FGxQYzu",
  6. email: "", home: "401 Nina Place, 20852", name: "Quentin QQ",
  7. phone_number: ""},
  8. constraints: [%{constraint: "users_email_index", field: :email,
  9. message: "has already been taken", type: :unique}],
  10. errors: [latitude: "is invalid", longitude: "is invalid",
  11. crypted_password: "can't be blank"], filters: %{},
  12. model: %Trophus.User{__meta__: #Ecto.Schema.Metadata<:built>,
  13. address_city: nil, address_line_1: nil, address_line_2: nil,
  14. address_state: nil, address_zip: nil, bio: nil, connect_id: nil,
  15. crypted_password: nil, current_order: nil, customer_id: nil,
  16. dishes: #Ecto.Association.NotLoaded<association :dishes is not loaded>,
  17. email: nil, home: nil, id: nil, inserted_at: nil, instagram_token: nil,
  18. latitude: nil, longitude: nil, name: nil,
  19. orders: #Ecto.Association.NotLoaded<association :orders is not loaded>,
  20. phone_number: nil, publishable_key: nil, secret_key: nil, unread: 0,
  21. updated_at: nil, username: nil},
  22. optional: [:unread, :name, :bio, :current_order, :username, :latitude,
  23. :instagram_token, :longitude, :home, :phone_number, :address_line_1,
  24. :address_line_2, :address_state, :address_city, :address_zip, :customer_id,
  25. :publishable_key, :secret_key, :connect_id], opts: [],
  26. params: %{"address_city" => "", "address_line_1" => "401 Nina Place",
  27. "address_line_2" => "", "address_state" => "", "address_zip" => "20852",
  28. "email" => "", "home" => "401 Nina Place, 20852",
  29. "latitude" => "", "longitude" => "", "name" => "Quentin QQ",
  30. "password" => "password", "phone_number" => ""}, repo: nil,
  31. required: [:email, :crypted_password],
  32. types: %{address_city: :string, address_line_1: :string,
  33. address_line_2: :string, address_state: :string, address_zip: :string,
  34. bio: :string, connect_id: :string, crypted_password: :string,
  35. current_order: :integer, customer_id: :string,
  36. dishes: {:assoc,
  37. %Ecto.Association.Has{cardinality: :many, defaults: [], field: :dishes,
  38. on_cast: :changeset, on_delete: :nothing, on_replace: :raise,
  39. owner: Trophus.User, owner_key: :id, queryable: Trophus.Dish,
  40. related: Trophus.Dish, related_key: :user_id}}, email: :string,
  41. home: :string, id: :id, inserted_at: Ecto.DateTime,
  42. instagram_token: :string, latitude: :float, longitude: :float,
  43. name: :string,
  44. orders: {:assoc,
  45. %Ecto.Association.Has{cardinality: :many, defaults: [], field: :orders,
  46. on_cast: :changeset, on_delete: :nothing, on_replace: :raise,
  47. owner: Trophus.User, owner_key: :id, queryable: Trophus.Order,
  48. related: Trophus.Order, related_key: :user_id}}, phone_number: :string,
  49. publishable_key: :string, secret_key: :string, unread: :integer,
  50. updated_at: Ecto.DateTime, username: :string}, valid?: false,
  51. validations: [email: {:format, ~r/@/}]}}
  52. [info] Sent 302 in 529ms
  53. Compiled web/controllers/conversation_controller.ex
  54. Compiled web/models/relation_backup.ex
  55. [info] GET /
  56. [debug] Processing by Trophus.PageController.index/2
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