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a guest
Jun 19th, 2017
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  1. bdanforth ~/projects/lightbeam-we (master) $ git fetch --all
  2. Fetching origin
  3. Fetching upstream
  4. gibdanforth ~/projects/lightbeam-we (master) $ git rebase upstream/master
  5. Current branch master is up to date.
  6. bdanforth ~/projects/lightbeam-we (master) $ git checkout d3-visualization
  7. Switched to branch 'd3-visualization'
  8. Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/d3-visualization'.
  9. bdanforth ~/projects/lightbeam-we (d3-visualization) $ git checkout master
  10. Switched to branch 'master'
  11. Your branch is ahead of 'origin/master' by 37 commits.
  12. (use "git push" to publish your local commits)
  13. bdanforth ~/projects/lightbeam-we (master) $ git pull upstream
  14. You asked to pull from the remote 'upstream', but did not specify
  15. a branch. Because this is not the default configured remote
  16. for your current branch, you must specify a branch on the command line.
  17. bdanforth ~/projects/lightbeam-we (master) $ git pull upstream master
  18. From
  19. * branch master -> FETCH_HEAD
  20. Already up-to-date.
  21. bdanforth ~/projects/lightbeam-we (master) $ git checkout d3-visualization
  22. Switched to branch 'd3-visualization'
  23. Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/d3-visualization'.
  24. bdanforth ~/projects/lightbeam-we (d3-visualization) $ git rebase master
  25. First, rewinding head to replay your work on top of it...
  26. Applying: Initial D3 test
  27. Using index info to reconstruct a base tree...
  28. M css/style.css
  29. M index.html
  30. M manifest.json
  31. .git/rebase-apply/patch:32: trailing whitespace.
  33. .git/rebase-apply/patch:47: trailing whitespace.
  34. <!-- @todo add D3 as devDependency in package.json so it can be updated -->
  35. .git/rebase-apply/patch:48: trailing whitespace.
  36. <script src="js/d3.min.js"></script>
  37. .git/rebase-apply/patch:49: trailing whitespace.
  38. <script src="js/lightbeam.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
  39. .git/rebase-apply/patch:58: trailing whitespace.
  40. <svg width="600" height="600"></svg>
  41. warning: 5 lines add whitespace errors.
  42. Falling back to patching base and 3-way merge...
  43. Auto-merging index.html
  44. Auto-merging css/style.css
  45. Applying: D3 drawing first and third parties
  46. Applying: Add js/lib/* to .eslintignore and .gitignore
  47. Applying: Draw third-party nodes as white triangles
  48. bdanforth ~/projects/lightbeam-we (d3-visualization) $ web-ext run
  49. Running web extension from /Users/bdanforth/Projects/lightbeam-we
  50. Use --verbose or open Tools > Web Developer > Browser Console to see logging
  51. Installed /Users/bdanforth/Projects/lightbeam-we as a temporary add-on
  52. The extension will reload if any source file changes
  53. Press R to reload (and Ctrl-C to quit)
  54. Last extension reload: 10:01:37 GMT-0700 (PDT)
  55. Exiting web-ext on user request
  56. bdanforth ~/projects/lightbeam-we (d3-visualization) $ npm install d3
  58. > fsevents@1.1.2 install /Users/bdanforth/Projects/lightbeam-we/node_modules/fsevents
  59. > node install
  61. [fsevents] Success: "/Users/bdanforth/Projects/lightbeam-we/node_modules/fsevents/lib/binding/Release/node-v48-darwin-x64/fse.node" already installed
  62. Pass --update-binary to reinstall or --build-from-source to recompile
  63. lightbeam-we@0.0.1 /Users/bdanforth/Projects/lightbeam-we
  64. ├─┬ d3@4.9.1
  65. │ ├── d3-array@1.2.0
  66. │ ├── d3-axis@1.0.7
  67. │ ├── d3-brush@1.0.4
  68. │ ├── d3-chord@1.0.4
  69. │ ├── d3-collection@1.0.3
  70. │ ├── d3-color@1.0.3
  71. │ ├── d3-dispatch@1.0.3
  72. │ ├── d3-drag@1.1.0
  73. │ ├─┬ d3-dsv@1.0.5
  74. │ │ └── rw@1.3.3
  75. │ ├── d3-ease@1.0.3
  76. │ ├── d3-force@1.0.6
  77. │ ├── d3-format@1.2.0
  78. │ ├── d3-geo@1.6.4
  79. │ ├── d3-hierarchy@1.1.4
  80. │ ├── d3-interpolate@1.1.5
  81. │ ├── d3-path@1.0.5
  82. │ ├── d3-polygon@1.0.3
  83. │ ├── d3-quadtree@1.0.3
  84. │ ├── d3-queue@3.0.7
  85. │ ├── d3-random@1.1.0
  86. │ ├─┬ d3-request@1.0.5
  87. │ │ └── xmlhttprequest@1.8.0
  88. │ ├── d3-scale@1.0.6
  89. │ ├── d3-selection@1.1.0
  90. │ ├── d3-shape@1.1.1
  91. │ ├── d3-time@1.0.6
  92. │ ├── d3-time-format@2.0.5
  93. │ ├── d3-timer@1.0.5
  94. │ ├── d3-transition@1.1.0
  95. │ ├── d3-voronoi@1.1.2
  96. │ └── d3-zoom@1.2.0
  97. └─┬ karma@1.7.0
  98. └─┬ chokidar@1.7.0
  99. └─┬ fsevents@1.1.2
  100. ├── nan@2.6.2
  101. └─┬ node-pre-gyp@0.6.36
  102. ├─┬ mkdirp@0.5.1
  103. │ └── minimist@0.0.8
  104. ├─┬ nopt@4.0.1
  105. │ ├── abbrev@1.1.0
  106. │ └─┬ osenv@0.1.4
  107. │ ├── os-homedir@1.0.2
  108. │ └── os-tmpdir@1.0.2
  109. ├─┬ npmlog@4.1.0
  110. │ ├─┬ are-we-there-yet@1.1.4
  111. │ │ └── delegates@1.0.0
  112. │ ├── console-control-strings@1.1.0
  113. │ ├─┬ gauge@2.7.4
  114. │ │ ├── aproba@1.1.1
  115. │ │ ├── has-unicode@2.0.1
  116. │ │ ├── object-assign@4.1.1
  117. │ │ ├── signal-exit@3.0.2
  118. │ │ ├─┬ string-width@1.0.2
  119. │ │ │ ├── code-point-at@1.1.0
  120. │ │ │ └─┬ is-fullwidth-code-point@1.0.0
  121. │ │ │ └── number-is-nan@1.0.1
  122. │ │ ├─┬ strip-ansi@3.0.1
  123. │ │ │ └── ansi-regex@2.1.1
  124. │ │ └── wide-align@1.1.2
  125. │ └── set-blocking@2.0.0
  126. ├─┬ rc@1.2.1
  127. │ ├── deep-extend@0.4.2
  128. │ ├── ini@1.3.4
  129. │ ├── minimist@1.2.0
  130. │ └── strip-json-comments@2.0.1
  131. ├─┬ request@2.81.0
  132. │ ├── aws-sign2@0.6.0
  133. │ ├── aws4@1.6.0
  134. │ ├── caseless@0.12.0
  135. │ ├─┬ combined-stream@1.0.5
  136. │ │ └── delayed-stream@1.0.0
  137. │ ├── extend@3.0.1
  138. │ ├── forever-agent@0.6.1
  139. │ ├─┬ form-data@2.1.4
  140. │ │ └── asynckit@0.4.0
  141. │ ├─┬ har-validator@4.2.1
  142. │ │ ├─┬ ajv@4.11.8
  143. │ │ │ ├── co@4.6.0
  144. │ │ │ └─┬ json-stable-stringify@1.0.1
  145. │ │ │ └── jsonify@0.0.0
  146. │ │ └── har-schema@1.0.5
  147. │ ├─┬ hawk@3.1.3
  148. │ │ ├── boom@2.10.1
  149. │ │ ├── cryptiles@2.0.5
  150. │ │ ├── hoek@2.16.3
  151. │ │ └── sntp@1.0.9
  152. │ ├─┬ http-signature@1.1.1
  153. │ │ ├── assert-plus@0.2.0
  154. │ │ ├─┬ jsprim@1.4.0
  155. │ │ │ ├── assert-plus@1.0.0
  156. │ │ │ ├── extsprintf@1.0.2
  157. │ │ │ ├── json-schema@0.2.3
  158. │ │ │ └── verror@1.3.6
  159. │ │ └─┬ sshpk@1.13.0
  160. │ │ ├── asn1@0.2.3
  161. │ │ ├── assert-plus@1.0.0
  162. │ │ ├── bcrypt-pbkdf@1.0.1
  163. │ │ ├─┬ dashdash@1.14.1
  164. │ │ │ └── assert-plus@1.0.0
  165. │ │ ├── ecc-jsbn@0.1.1
  166. │ │ ├─┬ getpass@0.1.7
  167. │ │ │ └── assert-plus@1.0.0
  168. │ │ ├── jodid25519@1.0.2
  169. │ │ ├── jsbn@0.1.1
  170. │ │ └── tweetnacl@0.14.5
  171. │ ├── is-typedarray@1.0.0
  172. │ ├── isstream@0.1.2
  173. │ ├── json-stringify-safe@5.0.1
  174. │ ├─┬ mime-types@2.1.15
  175. │ │ └── mime-db@1.27.0
  176. │ ├── oauth-sign@0.8.2
  177. │ ├── performance-now@0.2.0
  178. │ ├── qs@6.4.0
  179. │ ├── safe-buffer@5.0.1
  180. │ ├── stringstream@0.0.5
  181. │ ├─┬ tough-cookie@2.3.2
  182. │ │ └── punycode@1.4.1
  183. │ ├── tunnel-agent@0.6.0
  184. │ └── uuid@3.0.1
  185. ├─┬ rimraf@2.6.1
  186. │ └─┬ glob@7.1.2
  187. │ ├── fs.realpath@1.0.0
  188. │ ├── inflight@1.0.6
  189. │ ├─┬ minimatch@3.0.4
  190. │ │ └─┬ brace-expansion@1.1.7
  191. │ │ ├── balanced-match@0.4.2
  192. │ │ └── concat-map@0.0.1
  193. │ └── path-is-absolute@1.0.1
  194. ├── semver@5.3.0
  195. ├─┬ tar@2.2.1
  196. │ ├── block-stream@0.0.9
  197. │ ├─┬ fstream@1.0.11
  198. │ │ └── graceful-fs@4.1.11
  199. │ └── inherits@2.0.3
  200. └─┬ tar-pack@3.4.0
  201. ├─┬ debug@2.6.8
  202. │ └── ms@2.0.0
  203. ├── fstream-ignore@1.0.5
  204. ├─┬ once@1.4.0
  205. │ └── wrappy@1.0.2
  206. ├─┬ readable-stream@2.2.9
  207. │ ├── buffer-shims@1.0.0
  208. │ ├── core-util-is@1.0.2
  209. │ ├── isarray@1.0.0
  210. │ ├── process-nextick-args@1.0.7
  211. │ ├── string_decoder@1.0.1
  212. │ └── util-deprecate@1.0.2
  213. └── uid-number@0.0.6
  215. bdanforth ~/projects/lightbeam-we (d3-visualization) $ web-ext run
  216. Running web extension from /Users/bdanforth/Projects/lightbeam-we
  217. Use --verbose or open Tools > Web Developer > Browser Console to see logging
  218. Installed /Users/bdanforth/Projects/lightbeam-we as a temporary add-on
  219. The extension will reload if any source file changes
  220. Press R to reload (and Ctrl-C to quit)
  221. Last extension reload: 10:04:28 GMT-0700 (PDT)
  222. Exiting web-ext on user request
  223. bdanforth ~/projects/lightbeam-we (d3-visualization) $ npm install
  225. > husky@0.13.4 install /Users/bdanforth/Projects/lightbeam-we/node_modules/husky
  226. > node ./bin/install.js
  228. husky
  229. setting up hooks
  230. done
  232. lightbeam-we@0.0.1 /Users/bdanforth/Projects/lightbeam-we
  233. └─┬ husky@0.13.4
  234. ├── find-parent-dir@0.3.0
  235. ├─┬ is-ci@1.0.10
  236. │ └── ci-info@1.0.0
  237. └── normalize-path@1.0.0
  239. bdanforth ~/projects/lightbeam-we (d3-visualization) $ web-ext run
  240. Running web extension from /Users/bdanforth/Projects/lightbeam-we
  241. Use --verbose or open Tools > Web Developer > Browser Console to see logging
  242. Installed /Users/bdanforth/Projects/lightbeam-we as a temporary add-on
  243. The extension will reload if any source file changes
  244. Press R to reload (and Ctrl-C to quit)
  245. Last extension reload: 10:19:53 GMT-0700 (PDT)Abort trap: 6
  246. bdanforth ~/projects/lightbeam-we (d3-visualization) $ git status
  247. On branch d3-visualization
  248. Your branch and 'origin/d3-visualization' have diverged,
  249. and have 6 and 4 different commits each, respectively.
  250. (use "git pull" to merge the remote branch into yours)
  251. Changes not staged for commit:
  252. (use "git add/rm <file>..." to update what will be committed)
  253. (use "git checkout -- <file>..." to discard changes in working directory)
  255. deleted: .eslintignore
  256. modified: .gitignore
  257. modified: index.html
  258. modified: js/lightbeam.js
  259. modified: js/viz.js
  260. modified: package.json
  262. no changes added to commit (use "git add" and/or "git commit -a")
  263. bdanforth ~/projects/lightbeam-we (d3-visualization) $ git diff
  264. diff --git a/.eslintignore b/.eslintignore
  265. deleted file mode 100644
  266. index ddeb530..0000000
  267. --- a/.eslintignore
  268. +++ /dev/null
  269. @@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
  270. -# Ignore external libraries
  271. -js/lib/*
  272. \ No newline at end of file
  273. diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
  274. index 30b34e1..e8025eb 100644
  275. --- a/.gitignore
  276. +++ b/.gitignore
  277. @@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
  278. .DS_Store
  279. node_modules
  280. npm-debug.log
  281. -js/lib/*
  282. diff --git a/index.html b/index.html
  283. index 3b81147..7368740 100644
  284. --- a/index.html
  285. +++ b/index.html
  286. @@ -11,9 +11,8 @@
  287. <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/style.css" type="text/css">
  288. <link href="" rel="stylesheet">
  289. <script src="js/store.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
  290. + <script src="node_modules/d3/build/d3.min.js"></script>
  291. <script src="js/viz.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
  292. - <!-- @todo add D3 as devDependency in package.json so it can be updated -->
  293. - <script src="js/lib/d3.min.js"></script>
  294. <script src="js/lightbeam.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
  295. </head>
  296. <body>
  297. diff --git a/js/lightbeam.js b/js/lightbeam.js
  298. index 7d31b51..5d4d321 100644
  299. --- a/js/lightbeam.js
  300. +++ b/js/lightbeam.js
  301. @@ -2,15 +2,15 @@ async function renderGraph() {
  302. const websites = await store.getAll();
  304. // reformat data for D3
  305. - const nodes_data = [];
  306. - const links_data = [];
  307. + const nodesData = [];
  308. + const linksData = [];
  309. // make first party nodes
  310. for (const firstParty in websites) {
  311. const node = {};
  312. node.hostname = firstParty;
  313. node.favicon = websites[firstParty].faviconUrl || '';
  314. = 'first';
  315. - nodes_data.push(node);
  316. + nodesData.push(node);
  317. // make third party nodes and links
  318. for (const thirdParty in websites[firstParty].thirdPartyRequests) {
  319. const node = {};
  320. @@ -21,33 +21,13 @@ async function renderGraph() {
  321. // third parties likely don't have favicons
  322. node.favicon = '';
  323. = 'third';
  324. - nodes_data.push(node);
  325. - links_data.push(link);
  326. + nodesData.push(node);
  327. + linksData.push(link);
  328. }
  329. }
  331. - // set up area of the page to put the graph
  332. - const svg ='svg');
  333. - const width = svg.attr('width');
  334. - const height = svg.attr('height');
  335. -
  336. - // set up simulation
  337. - const simulation = d3.forceSimulation().nodes(nodes_data);
  338. -
  339. - // add forces
  340. - simulation
  341. - // charge force treats each node as a charged particle,
  342. - // so that nodes will repel each other when they get too close together
  343. - .force('charge_force', d3.forceManyBody())
  344. - // centering force drives all nodes torward the center of the canvas
  345. - .force('center_force', d3.forceCenter(width/2, height/2))
  346. - // link force constrains the nodes' motion based on how they are linked
  347. - .force('links', d3.forceLink(links_data).id(function(d) {
  348. - return d.hostname;
  349. - }));
  350. -
  351. // draw the elements onto the page
  352. - viz.draw(nodes_data, links_data, simulation);
  353. + viz.draw(nodesData, linksData);
  354. }
  356. window.onload = renderGraph;
  357. diff --git a/js/viz.js b/js/viz.js
  358. index 2bceabc..22ae5a3 100644
  359. --- a/js/viz.js
  360. +++ b/js/viz.js
  361. @@ -1,20 +1,37 @@
  362. // eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars
  363. const viz = {
  364. - draw(nodes_data, links_data, simulation) {
  365. - // get graph area
  366. + draw(nodesData, linksData) {
  367. + // set up area of the page to put the graph
  368. const svg ='svg');
  369. + const width = svg.attr('width');
  370. + const height = svg.attr('height');
  371. +
  372. + // set up simulation
  373. + const simulation = d3.forceSimulation().nodes(nodesData);
  374. +
  375. + // add forces
  376. + simulation
  377. + // charge force treats each node as a charged particle,
  378. + // so that nodes will repel each other when they get too close together
  379. + .force('charge_force', d3.forceManyBody())
  380. + // centering force drives all nodes torward the center of the canvas
  381. + .force('center_force', d3.forceCenter(width/2, height/2))
  382. + // link force constrains the nodes' motion based on how they are linked
  383. + .force('links', d3.forceLink(linksData).id(function(d) {
  384. + return d.hostname;
  385. + }));
  387. // separate first from third party nodes
  388. - const nodes_firstParty = [];
  389. - const nodes_thirdParty = [];
  390. + const nodesFirstParty = [];
  391. + const nodesThirdParty = [];
  393. - for (let i = 0; i < nodes_data.length; i++) {
  394. - if (nodes_data[i].party === 'first') {
  395. - nodes_firstParty.push(nodes_data[i]);
  396. + for (let i = 0; i < nodesData.length; i++) {
  397. + if (nodesData[i].party === 'first') {
  398. + nodesFirstParty.push(nodesData[i]);
  399. } else {
  400. - nodes_data[i].type = d3.symbolTriangle;
  401. - nodes_data[i].size = 100;
  402. - nodes_thirdParty.push(nodes_data[i]);
  403. + nodesData[i].type = d3.symbolTriangle;
  404. + nodesData[i].size = 100;
  405. + nodesThirdParty.push(nodesData[i]);
  406. }
  407. }
  409. @@ -22,7 +39,7 @@ const viz = {
  410. const nodeFirstParty = svg.append('g')
  411. .attr('class', 'nodes')
  412. .selectAll('circle')
  413. - .data(nodes_firstParty)
  414. + .data(nodesFirstParty)
  415. .enter()
  416. .append('circle')
  417. .attr('r', 5)
  418. @@ -32,7 +49,7 @@ const viz = {
  419. const nodeThirdParty = svg.append('g')
  420. .attr('class', 'nodes')
  421. .selectAll('path')
  422. - .data(nodes_thirdParty)
  423. + .data(nodesThirdParty)
  424. .enter()
  425. .append('path')
  426. .attr('d', d3.symbol()
  427. @@ -48,7 +65,7 @@ const viz = {
  428. const link = svg.append('g')
  429. .attr('class', 'links')
  430. .selectAll('line')
  431. - .data(links_data)
  432. + .data(linksData)
  433. .enter().append('line')
  434. .attr('stroke-width', 2);
  436. diff --git a/package.json b/package.json
  437. index 600aa88..58b2e05 100644
  438. --- a/package.json
  439. +++ b/package.json
  440. @@ -23,7 +23,9 @@
  441. "url": ""
  442. },
  443. "homepage": "",
  444. - "dependencies": {},
  445. + "dependencies": {
  446. + "d3": "4"
  447. + },
  448. "devDependencies": {
  449. "chai": "^3.5.0",
  450. "eslint": "^3.19.0",
  451. bdanforth ~/projects/lightbeam-we (d3-visualization) $ git status
  452. On branch d3-visualization
  453. Your branch and 'origin/d3-visualization' have diverged,
  454. and have 6 and 4 different commits each, respectively.
  455. (use "git pull" to merge the remote branch into yours)
  456. Changes not staged for commit:
  457. (use "git add/rm <file>..." to update what will be committed)
  458. (use "git checkout -- <file>..." to discard changes in working directory)
  460. deleted: .eslintignore
  461. modified: .gitignore
  462. modified: index.html
  463. modified: js/lightbeam.js
  464. modified: js/viz.js
  465. modified: package.json
  467. no changes added to commit (use "git add" and/or "git commit -a")
  468. bdanforth ~/projects/lightbeam-we (d3-visualization) $ git add .
  469. bdanforth ~/projects/lightbeam-we (d3-visualization) $ git push -u origin d3-visualization
  471. > husky - npm run -s prepush
  472. > husky - node v6.10.3
  474. 19 06 2017 10:51:21.863:INFO [karma]: Karma v1.7.0 server started at
  475. 19 06 2017 10:51:21.867:INFO [launcher]: Launching browser Firefox with unlimited concurrency
  476. 19 06 2017 10:51:21.876:INFO [launcher]: Starting browser Firefox
  477. 19 06 2017 10:51:24.241:INFO [Firefox 54.0.0 (Mac OS X 10.12.0)]: Connected on socket knc9QqxtaBsNoE7zAAAA with id 93527873
  478. LOG: 'error from getFirstParty', Error{}
  479. LOG: 'error from getThirdParties', Error{}
  480. Firefox 54.0.0 (Mac OS X 10.12.0): Executed 9 of 9 SUCCESS (0.009 secs / 0.005 secs)
  481. To
  482. ! [rejected] d3-visualization -> d3-visualization (non-fast-forward)
  483. error: failed to push some refs to ''
  484. hint: Updates were rejected because the tip of your current branch is behind
  485. hint: its remote counterpart. Integrate the remote changes (e.g.
  486. hint: 'git pull ...') before pushing again.
  487. hint: See the 'Note about fast-forwards' in 'git push --help' for details.
  488. bdanforth ~/projects/lightbeam-we (d3-visualization) $ git status
  489. On branch d3-visualization
  490. Your branch and 'origin/d3-visualization' have diverged,
  491. and have 6 and 4 different commits each, respectively.
  492. (use "git pull" to merge the remote branch into yours)
  493. Changes to be committed:
  494. (use "git reset HEAD <file>..." to unstage)
  496. deleted: .eslintignore
  497. modified: .gitignore
  498. modified: index.html
  499. modified: js/lightbeam.js
  500. modified: js/viz.js
  501. modified: package.json
  503. bdanforth ~/projects/lightbeam-we (d3-visualization) $ git commit --amend
  505. > husky - npm run -s precommit
  506. > husky - node v6.10.3
  508. [d3-visualization 0923aba] Draw third-party nodes as white triangles
  509. Date: Sun Jun 18 14:26:13 2017 -0700
  510. 6 files changed, 55 insertions(+), 54 deletions(-)
  511. delete mode 100644 .eslintignore
  512. bdanforth ~/projects/lightbeam-we (d3-visualization) $ git log --oneline -5
  513. 0923aba (HEAD -> d3-visualization) Draw third-party nodes as white triangles
  514. 1ebef2f Add js/lib/* to .eslintignore and .gitignore
  515. 4093d0c D3 drawing first and third parties
  516. f81f3a3 Initial D3 test
  517. c2ffe84 (upstream/master, master) Add structural/layout fixes to top bar. Fixes #56. (#61)
  518. bdanforth ~/projects/lightbeam-we (d3-visualization) $ git commit -m "Incorporate feedback from PR review"
  520. > husky - npm run -s precommit
  521. > husky - node v6.10.3
  523. On branch d3-visualization
  524. Your branch and 'origin/d3-visualization' have diverged,
  525. and have 6 and 4 different commits each, respectively.
  526. (use "git pull" to merge the remote branch into yours)
  527. nothing to commit, working tree clean
  528. bdanforth ~/projects/lightbeam-we (d3-visualization) $ git commit --amend
  530. > husky - npm run -s precommit
  531. > husky - node v6.10.3
  533. [d3-visualization 647a317] Draw third-party nodes as white triangles
  534. Date: Sun Jun 18 14:26:13 2017 -0700
  535. 6 files changed, 55 insertions(+), 54 deletions(-)
  536. delete mode 100644 .eslintignore
  537. bdanforth ~/projects/lightbeam-we (d3-visualization) $ git log -3
  538. commit 647a3174d7940a8f17b0441fb042fc15c217a611 (HEAD -> d3-visualization)
  539. Author: Bianca Danforth <>
  540. Date: Sun Jun 18 14:26:13 2017 -0700
  542. Draw third-party nodes as white triangles
  544. commit 1ebef2fbc6f4725b4e31006e901e5fd3ecb9703e
  545. Author: Bianca Danforth <>
  546. Date: Sun Jun 18 13:58:33 2017 -0700
  548. Add js/lib/* to .eslintignore and .gitignore
  550. commit 4093d0cc6ebbefb88d8dc19abb912cda368c9f48
  551. Author: Bianca Danforth <>
  552. Date: Sun Jun 18 13:28:47 2017 -0700
  554. D3 drawing first and third parties
  556. @todo make third parties white and equilateral triangles
  557. @todo add text labels for each node's hostname
  558. @todo consider using `<canvas>` instead of `<svg>` to draw in UI
  559. bdanforth ~/projects/lightbeam-we (d3-visualization) $ git status
  560. On branch d3-visualization
  561. Your branch and 'origin/d3-visualization' have diverged,
  562. and have 6 and 4 different commits each, respectively.
  563. (use "git pull" to merge the remote branch into yours)
  564. nothing to commit, working tree clean
  565. bdanforth ~/projects/lightbeam-we (d3-visualization) $ git log --oneline -4
  566. 647a317 (HEAD -> d3-visualization) Draw third-party nodes as white triangles
  567. 1ebef2f Add js/lib/* to .eslintignore and .gitignore
  568. 4093d0c D3 drawing first and third parties
  569. f81f3a3 Initial D3 test
  570. bdanforth ~/projects/lightbeam-we (d3-visualization) $ git push origin d3-visualization
  572. > husky - npm run -s prepush
  573. > husky - node v6.10.3
  575. 19 06 2017 10:59:45.309:INFO [karma]: Karma v1.7.0 server started at
  576. 19 06 2017 10:59:45.313:INFO [launcher]: Launching browser Firefox with unlimited concurrency
  577. 19 06 2017 10:59:45.321:INFO [launcher]: Starting browser Firefox
  578. 19 06 2017 10:59:47.703:INFO [Firefox 54.0.0 (Mac OS X 10.12.0)]: Connected on socket SvN_EcF-zoHD3-9CAAAA with id 99440418
  579. LOG: 'error from getFirstParty', Error{}
  580. LOG: 'error from getThirdParties', Error{}
  581. Firefox 54.0.0 (Mac OS X 10.12.0): Executed 9 of 9 SUCCESS (0.014 secs / 0.003 secs)
  582. To
  583. ! [rejected] d3-visualization -> d3-visualization (non-fast-forward)
  584. error: failed to push some refs to ''
  585. hint: Updates were rejected because the tip of your current branch is behind
  586. hint: its remote counterpart. Integrate the remote changes (e.g.
  587. hint: 'git pull ...') before pushing again.
  588. hint: See the 'Note about fast-forwards' in 'git push --help' for details.
  589. bdanforth ~/projects/lightbeam-we (d3-visualization) $ git push -u origin d3-visualization
  591. > husky - npm run -s prepush
  592. > husky - node v6.10.3
  594. 19 06 2017 11:08:05.326:INFO [karma]: Karma v1.7.0 server started at
  595. 19 06 2017 11:08:05.331:INFO [launcher]: Launching browser Firefox with unlimited concurrency
  596. 19 06 2017 11:08:05.343:INFO [launcher]: Starting browser Firefox
  597. 19 06 2017 11:08:07.831:INFO [Firefox 54.0.0 (Mac OS X 10.12.0)]: Connected on socket gSLlZlto_kMup-EJAAAA with id 28055187
  598. LOG: 'error from getFirstParty', Error{}
  599. LOG: 'error from getThirdParties', Error{}
  600. Firefox 54.0.0 (Mac OS X 10.12.0): Executed 9 of 9 SUCCESS (0.013 secs / 0.006 secs)
  601. Counting objects: 207, done.
  602. Delta compression using up to 4 threads.
  603. Compressing objects: 100% (186/186), done.
  604. Writing objects: 100% (207/207), 768.57 KiB | 0 bytes/s, done.
  605. Total 207 (delta 96), reused 0 (delta 0)
  606. remote: Resolving deltas: 100% (96/96), completed with 3 local objects.
  607. To
  608. * [new branch] d3-visualization -> d3-visualization
  609. Branch d3-visualization set up to track remote branch d3-visualization from origin.
  610. bdanforth ~/projects/lightbeam-we (d3-visualization) $ git log --oneline -5
  611. 647a317 (HEAD -> d3-visualization, origin/d3-visualization) Draw third-party nodes as white triangles
  612. 1ebef2f Add js/lib/* to .eslintignore and .gitignore
  613. 4093d0c D3 drawing first and third parties
  614. f81f3a3 Initial D3 test
  615. c2ffe84 (upstream/master, master) Add structural/layout fixes to top bar. Fixes #56. (#61)
  616. bdanforth ~/projects/lightbeam-we (d3-visualization) $ git status
  617. On branch d3-visualization
  618. Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/d3-visualization'.
  619. nothing to commit, working tree clean
  620. bdanforth ~/projects/lightbeam-we (d3-visualization) $ git status
  621. On branch d3-visualization
  622. Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/d3-visualization'.
  623. nothing to commit, working tree clean
  624. bdanforth ~/projects/lightbeam-we (d3-visualization) $ git status
  625. On branch d3-visualization
  626. Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/d3-visualization'.
  627. nothing to commit, working tree clean
  628. bdanforth ~/projects/lightbeam-we (d3-visualization) $ git push -u origin d3-visualization
  630. > husky - npm run -s prepush
  631. > husky - node v6.10.3
  633. 19 06 2017 11:14:06.352:INFO [karma]: Karma v1.7.0 server started at
  634. 19 06 2017 11:14:06.357:INFO [launcher]: Launching browser Firefox with unlimited concurrency
  635. 19 06 2017 11:14:06.368:INFO [launcher]: Starting browser Firefox
  636. 19 06 2017 11:14:08.726:INFO [Firefox 54.0.0 (Mac OS X 10.12.0)]: Connected on socket wrD2Tpx_tBNwsNlkAAAA with id 21409987
  637. LOG: 'error from getFirstParty', Error{}
  638. LOG: 'error from getThirdParties', Error{}
  639. Firefox 54.0.0 (Mac OS X 10.12.0): Executed 9 of 9 SUCCESS (0.011 secs / 0.004 secs)
  640. Branch d3-visualization set up to track remote branch d3-visualization from origin.
  641. Everything up-to-date
  642. bdanforth ~/projects/lightbeam-we (d3-visualization) $ npm test
  644. > lightbeam-we@0.0.1 test /Users/bdanforth/Projects/lightbeam-we
  645. > npm-run-all test:*
  648. > lightbeam-we@0.0.1 test:lint /Users/bdanforth/Projects/lightbeam-we
  649. > npm run lint:eslint
  652. > lightbeam-we@0.0.1 lint:eslint /Users/bdanforth/Projects/lightbeam-we
  653. > eslint --ext=.js,.json .
  656. > lightbeam-we@0.0.1 test:karma /Users/bdanforth/Projects/lightbeam-we
  657. > karma start --browsers Firefox --single-run
  659. 19 06 2017 11:20:47.110:INFO [karma]: Karma v1.7.0 server started at
  660. 19 06 2017 11:20:47.114:INFO [launcher]: Launching browser Firefox with unlimited concurrency
  661. 19 06 2017 11:20:47.124:INFO [launcher]: Starting browser Firefox
  662. 19 06 2017 11:20:49.645:INFO [Firefox 54.0.0 (Mac OS X 10.12.0)]: Connected on socket jayFxSmZ27I3luW0AAAA with id 15301254
  663. LOG: 'error from getFirstParty', Error{}
  664. LOG: 'error from getThirdParties', Error{}
  665. Firefox 54.0.0 (Mac OS X 10.12.0): Executed 9 of 9 SUCCESS (0.013 secs / 0.006 secs)
  666. bdanforth ~/projects/lightbeam-we (d3-visualization) $ npm test:karma
  668. Usage: npm <command>
  670. where <command> is one of:
  671. access, adduser, bin, bugs, c, cache, completion, config,
  672. ddp, dedupe, deprecate, dist-tag, docs, edit, explore, get,
  673. help, help-search, i, init, install, install-test, it, link,
  674. list, ln, login, logout, ls, outdated, owner, pack, ping,
  675. prefix, prune, publish, rb, rebuild, repo, restart, root,
  676. run, run-script, s, se, search, set, shrinkwrap, star,
  677. stars, start, stop, t, tag, team, test, tst, un, uninstall,
  678. unpublish, unstar, up, update, v, version, view, whoami
  680. npm <cmd> -h quick help on <cmd>
  681. npm -l display full usage info
  682. npm help <term> search for help on <term>
  683. npm help npm involved overview
  685. Specify configs in the ini-formatted file:
  686. /Users/bdanforth/.npmrc
  687. or on the command line via: npm <command> --key value
  688. Config info can be viewed via: npm help config
  690. npm@3.10.10 /usr/local/lib/node_modules/npm
  691. bdanforth ~/projects/lightbeam-we (d3-visualization) $ sudo npm rm husky
  692. Password:
  694. > husky@0.13.4 uninstall /Users/bdanforth/Projects/lightbeam-we/node_modules/husky
  695. > node ./bin/uninstall.js
  697. husky
  698. uninstalling
  699. done
  701. - ci-info@1.0.0 node_modules/ci-info
  702. - find-parent-dir@0.3.0 node_modules/find-parent-dir
  703. - normalize-path@1.0.0 node_modules/husky/node_modules/normalize-path
  704. - is-ci@1.0.10 node_modules/is-ci
  705. - husky@0.13.4 node_modules/husky
  706. bdanforth ~/projects/lightbeam-we (d3-visualization) $ git push -u origin d3-visualization
  707. Branch d3-visualization set up to track remote branch d3-visualization from origin.
  708. Everything up-to-date
  709. bdanforth ~/projects/lightbeam-we (d3-visualization) $ git log --oneline -5
  710. 647a317 (HEAD -> d3-visualization, origin/d3-visualization) Draw third-party nodes as white triangles
  711. 1ebef2f Add js/lib/* to .eslintignore and .gitignore
  712. 4093d0c D3 drawing first and third parties
  713. f81f3a3 Initial D3 test
  714. c2ffe84 (upstream/master, master) Add structural/layout fixes to top bar. Fixes #56. (#61)
  715. bdanforth ~/projects/lightbeam-we (d3-visualization) $
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