
Alola Girls Ch. 4 (BBW, WG)

Mar 28th, 2020
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  1. Chapter 4
  3. Jack got a robe on and went to the living room. He made himself some cereal. Hilda came out not long after.
  5. “Hey Jack, so a cook will be coming by at lunchtime for an interview. Her name is Mallow.”
  7. “Cool.” Jack replied. “Anything else? Those people who wanted to talk to Lillie?”
  9. “They’ll be by tonight.” Hilda said.
  11. “How do you know them?”
  13. “Lets just say they have associates we work with often on behalf of your safety.”
  15. “Oh... like a detective agency? Then why hire my own bodyguards?”
  17. “Lets go with they help out and leave it there.” Hilda said then returned to her computer. “I’m printing out Misty’s contract currently. There’s an NDA in there in case things go south between you and her.”
  19. “Kay” He replied, and noticed Hilda had a line of soda cans at her desk. “How much will she be making?”
  21. “About seventy-grand a year, with an extra ten for the NDA. They also have full benefits and we make contributions to their retirement plan.” Hilda said. “Please don’t recycle through bodyguards if you’re going to fuck them. It’ll get really expensive really fast.”
  23. Jack chuckled and started to leave. “Fine.”
  25. “Can you get me some crackers from the pantry?” Hilda asked.
  27. He did so and lazed around for a bit. Lillie awoke and spent a good 45 minutes eating. Misty joined her not too long after. When they finished, they both came up to Jack.
  29. “So boss... I’m living here now, right?” Misty asked.
  31. “Yeah...”
  33. “I need to get my stuff from the condo I’m staying at, and take care of some stuff.” She replied. “And drive my car over here.”
  35. Jack laughed. “How could I forget that? Do you have a lot of stuff to move?”
  37. “No, I got an already furnished place with a roommate.” Misty replied.
  39. Lillie and Nebby joined them on the ride over, and as they got closer to Misty’s condo she spoke up. “Uh, Jack, can I ask a favor?”
  41. “What’s up?”
  43. “I... Hilda told me where Professor Kukui is, and I’d like to talk to him about some stuff before I talk to Hilda’s people tonight. Think we have any time today?”
  45. Jack turned to Misty, who shrugged. “It’s going to take me a while to pack up my stuff and clean, might as well head over there if it’s not too far.”
  47. “Sure.” Jack said. “You’ll just have to tell me where it’s at then we’ll be okay.”
  49. They dropped Misty off at an condo complex a couple miles from the beach and drove back to the outskirts.
  51. Professor Kukui’s lab was actually a beautiful beach house looking east. Akala Island laid in view. Jack parked the car and went on the paved pathway on the sand to the house. Lillie waddled behind him, slowly, nervously. Upon reaching the door, Jack heard a faint sound of heavy breathing and moaning, he grinned. He knocked on the door lightly. Lillie apparently didn’t hear the audible fornicating going on within earshot, or she just pretended not to notice.
  53. “Think he’s home?” Jack asked Lillie.
  55. “Um...” Lillie said, twiddling her chubby fingers. Jack shrugged and turned to hit the doorbell but suddenly saw a a wide, female figure walking along the beach in a large one piece bathing suit, showcasing her wobbling legs. Jack completely forgot about ringing the doorbell and waved. The figure waved softly.
  57. The young woman had semi-short blonde hair (a shade darker than Lillie’s), wore glasses, and looked to be 50 pounds lighter than Lillie, putting her in the 280 pound range. The first thing that stuck out was her massive wrack.
  59. “Hey there!” She called out as she waddled over to Jack and Lillie. “Here to see the professor?”
  61. “Yeah.” Jack said. “I’m Jack, this is Lillie. Are you one of his assistants?” He put his hand out to shake her hand.
  63. “Kinda, I’m Bianca.” The fat young woman replied. Bianca looked up to the open window the sex sounds had been coming from earlier and grimaced, but quickly recovered. “Kukui is a bit busy right now.”
  65. Suddenly a loud male grunt erupted from the open window on the second story, and female moaning. Bianca’s facade broke as her grimace re-appeared.
  67. “Sounds like he just finished.” Jack said with a chuckle.
  69. Lillie looked at him. “Oh, how do you know?”
  71. Jack and Bianca laughed, Bianca’s breasts bouncing up and down caught Jack’s eye and he knew he wanted her already. “Lille...” Jack started. “I obviously don’t pay you for your ears.”
  73. “Wha...?”
  75. Bianca smiled at Jack. “Well, let me take you inside.” Bianca opened the door and Jack stepped into Kukui’s beach house.There was a large aquarium with a number of fish pokemon. A Rockruff started to bark excitedly and came up to Lillie, who recoild. Jack knelt down and gave the rock-dog Pokemon a good pet. Rockruff started to lick his hand.
  77. “Aw, he likes you already.” Bianca said. “He’s such an attention slut.”
  79. Jack started the small talk, asking where Bianca was from. He was surprised to hear Professor Juniper of the Unova region had come to Alola a little over a year ago for some studying, and Bianca was actually Juniper’s assistant.
  81. Bianca started to explain things, but hushed her voice. “But, those two got really close during their shared research... Professor Kukui was going through a divorce and well...” Bianca started to blush. “I have to take some long strolls on the beach a couple times a day.”
  83. Jack chuckled. “Haven’t found an island love yet?” He asked, directing his gaze directly to her eyes.
  85. Bianca immediately tense up and got sheepish. “Well, no... Been enjoying the food too much. Juniper and myself actually.”
  87. “The food here is quite good. I suppose I’ve got to be careful myself.” Jack joked. “I’m from Hoenn but I spent this past month in Castelia doing some business. Spend much time around there?”
  89. “Juniper usually goes to galas, for conferences... And grant interviews. Other than that we stay at her lab in Nuvema Town. Much quieter than Castelia.”
  91. A sound came from the stairs, and not long after, a shirtless, muscled man with light brown skin appeared.
  93. “Oh hey.” The man said and turned to Bianca. “Your friends?”
  95. Bianca shook her head. “No professor Kukui-”
  97. “Oh hey Lillie! I didn’t recognize you, it’s been a while.” Kukui interrupted and went to go give the enormous young woman a hug. “You’ve certainly grown a lot since I last saw you.”
  99. Lillie blushed. “Yeah, Professor...”
  101. Kukui then turned to Jack. “I’m Professor Kukui.”
  103. “Jack, nice to meet you.” They shook hands.
  105. “So what brings you two in?”
  107. Lillie looked down sadly. “Well, it’s a bit of an odd story.” Lillie then fully opened her bag and Nebby came out, happily stretching its pom-pom limbs.
  109. Kukui immediately gasped. “No way, that’s a Cosmog.” He said, and Nebby floated over to him curiously. Rockfruff then started to bark and Kukui recalled it into its ball immediately. “How’d you come across one of these?”
  111. Lillie sighed. “My mother.”
  113. “This is really impressive.” Kukui said. “Any idea where she found it?”
  115. “No... But she’s been experimenting on it. Not very nice ones...”
  117. Kukui’s grinning face disappeared. “Oh...”
  119. “She left the island a couple days ago and I overheard Faba talk about a very rough stress since she wasn’t around. Once I heard I went to Nebby and got him away. Some employees cornered me and then Nebby lit up and then...” Lillie started to fight back tears. “We were teleported to Melemele Island, to the wilderness. We spent most of a day looking for anyone...” Lillie started to cry. Jack figured he’d best take over.
  121. “I found her in the middle of a back road over by the Ka’Ale Bay cliffs.” Jack said. “Got her something to eat, drink. That was a couple days ago. She’s been staying with me since.”
  123. Kukui nodded his head. “Thank you for that, Jack.” He thought for a few moments. “Have you told your mom you’re okay?”
  125. “Not yet... I don’t want her to get Nebby back. She’s been getting really weird for a while now.” Lillie replied.
  127. “I think you should let her know you’re okay, but that’s just me. If she’s abusing Pokemon, especially one as special as Cosmog here, she could go to prison. They could lose some major funding for their foundation branches.”
  129. “I don’t want to cause that...” Lillie said. “I just want Nebby to be safe.”
  131. Kukui nodded. “Of course. If your mother found out where you were, do you think she’d try to force you to come back?”
  133. “Without a doubt.” Lillie replied.
  135. “I can look after Nebby if need be.” Kukui said. “In case Faba tries anything. Your mother will hesitate where he wouldn’t.”
  137. Lillie shook her head. “Nebby has to stay with me.”
  139. “And Jack, say the Foundation hires some trainers to get Cosmog back by force, do you think you could defend Lillie?”
  141. “My last name is Cobal.”
  143. Bianca perked up. “Like Cobal Industries?”
  145. Jack nodded, trying not to grin too wide.
  147. Kukui’s eyebrows rose. “Well, you sure are lucky, Lillie.” Kukui then turned to Jack. “I assume you have a group of bodyguards?”
  149. Jack’s confidence disappeared. “Well, only two right now. But the staff will grow.”
  151. Kukui shrugged. “Better than nothing. Get on that though, never know what can happen.” He took a deep breath. “So Lillie, how much time do you have?”
  153. “Huh? What do you mean?”
  155. “Well, this is the first Cosmog seen in Alola in decades. I’d love to take some measurements and talk with you about it.”
  157. “Oh... of course.”
  159. There was a small thud from the ceiling above them, and Jack looked up worriedly.
  161. “Oh don’t worry, that’s just Juniper getting out of bed.” Kukui said.
  163. More thuds followed, and he realized Juniper was taking some very heavy steps. “If Bianca is this big, I can only imagine how big Juniper is.” Jack thought to himself. He realized his daydreaming eyes had rested on Bianca who was still in her swimsuit. She blushed and winked at him. Jack felt his cheeks start to warm up.
  165. “If you could just follow me...” Kukui said, taking Lillie and Cosmog from the living room to the back of his house.
  167. Heavy steps were heard on the stairs, and he could swear he could hear Juniper panting. When she arrived downstairs and in view, he couldn’t have bee more mesmerized. He’d seen pictures of the top professor of the Unova region before, she had a professional beauty to her. But now she looked only a few dozen pounds smaller than Lusamine. Juniper had to be nearing 400 pounds on the scale. Her massive rear end caught his eye before she went to the kitchen.
  169. Bianca then walked over to him and put her mouth next to his ear. “So, you are a chubby chaser.” She paused. “I’m very glad to hear it.”
  171. Jack turned and kissed the hot, fat blonde. Immediately taking her fat rolls in his hands. Bianca tapped his back and started moving her legs to a hallway. There was a bathroom and the two entered there. Bianca took her arms out of her suit, leaving her enormous tits hanging out. Jack’s face immediately went in between, kissing and licking her skin in between, then kissing his way to her right nipple. He started to drop his jeans and stopped kissing to finagle his erection out comfortably.
  173. He looked up at her moaning face and smiled.
  175. “You can... do what ever you want Mr. Cobal.” Bianca said.
  177. Jack pushed her wide ass onto the counter top and contemplated going down on her, but she hadn’t shaved in a number of months down below so he opted for tonguing her nipples and letting his hands get to work getting Bianca going down below. He put his fingers inside her and Bianca moaned loudly. Jack then bit down on a nipple, and Bianca got the message to shut up. He hadn’t fingered many girls so he felt unskilled but he made up for it in pure desire and enthusiasm. He found the spot that really got her going and started attacking it, more violently with every pump of his hand. This combined with his tongue’s work on her nipples got her quite close to the edge. Bianca covered her mouth and tried to muffle what was surely going to be an epic climax. Trying to quiet her screams left her voice straining and almost coughing. Her body tremored for a good half minute after the climax passed.
  179. “Ooooh... I needed that.” Bianca cooed, and kissed Jack. “I get so lonely when Kukui and Juniper start fucking.”
  181. Jack grinned. “Happy to help.”
  183. Bianca sighed. “I got drunk one night and almost joined them... Anyways, what can I do for you?” She whispered.
  185. Jack pointed to the toilet and Bianca lowered the cover and sat her gigantic ass on it. Jack whipped his dick front in center and took Bianca’s ample tits and made her bend forward. He fit his cock in between Bianca’s mammaries and the titfuck began. The sweat helped her, and Jack was so crazy with passion he didn’t last very long before he started grunting lowly.
  187. “I’m gonna-” He growled, moving his pace rapidly. Bianca put her face directly over his shaft and as he spurted cum, she tried to catch it in her mouth. When he finished, she looked at him, cum dripping on her face and smiled proudly.
  189. “Thanks.” She said.
  191. “Thank you...” Jack said, still breathing heavily.
  193. “I suppose they’re gonna ask where you went. You should get moving, I gotta clean up.”
  195. Jack kissed her forehead, the only part of her face that didn’t have his cum on it and gave her a peck. “You’ll have to give me your number.”
  197. Bianca winked. “Of course.”
  199. Jack left the cramped bathroom a minute later feeling positively ecstatic. He followed the sound of faint conversation to the other side of the house.
  201. “Oh, there you are.” Kukui said. “This is my girlfriend Professor Juniper.”
  203. Where Bianca was all hips and breasts, Juniper was gut and face fat. The gargantuan woman surely sported an impressive ass, but her gut overhang was big he had to tell himself multiple times to not watch too close.
  205. “Pleasure.” She said, extending her hand.
  207. Small talk began, about Castelia, Nebby, and what he was doing in Alola. Bianca joined a few minutes later. When Kukui finished up, a half hour had passed and they’d exchanged contact information.
  209. “Let me know if you need any help, Jack.” Kukui explained. “Cosmog is extremely rare and you could have a number of people looking for it. If anyone finds out you could have a real problem on your hands...” Kukui paused for a moment to think. “Although I’d like to take Cosmog up to Iki Town. I’ve read there’s something special with the old temple ruins here in Alola. Would be interesting to see how it reacts. I have a good friend who can escort us, and keep a secret.”
  211. “Sounds good.”
  213. “That’ll have to be in a couple weeks though, Juniper and I are heading over to Ula’Ula.” Kukui said. “Feel free to hit up Bianca though, she’ll be pretty lonely over here by herself.”
  215. Bianca winked at him.
  217. “Sounds good. Just let me know when you’re back on Melemele and we can check that out.” Jack said and turned to Lillie. “I think we ought to see if Misty needs us.”
  219. “Oh yeah.” Lillie said.
  221. With that they said their goodbyes and they headed back to town, Nebby in tow.
  223. “Yeah.” Lillie said. “And Jack, I know this is a bit presumptive, but would it be possible if I started working for you soon? You’ve been so kind and supportive of my situation, I want to give that back.”
  225. “Yeah of course...” Jack said. “I’ll have Hilda set things up, but lets worry about that after your the meeting tonight, okay?”
  227. “Okay...”
  229. “Wanna grab a snack on the way back to Misty’s?” Jack asked.
  231. “Oh yes please! I’m really hungry already.” Lillie said.
  233. They stopped at a fast food drive thru called Angelo’s Burgers. Lillie ended up ordering two whole meals for herself, including a shake and a soda. Jack just ordered a shake since he wasn’t too hungry. Lillie munched on lunch all the way over to Misty’s condo. Nebby rested comfortably on Lillie’s massive gut while crumbs dropped on the mystical pokemon.
  235. “Thanks *urp* Jack.” Lillie said, slurping down the last of her milk shake. “That really hit the spot.”
  237. “You’re very welcome.” Jack said as he pulled up to the building Misty was staying at. He called Misty and after a few rings she picked up, frustration in her voice.
  239. “Yeah, what’s up?”
  241. “Just got back from Kukui’s. Need some help?” Jack asked.
  243. “Yeah, my roommate is bitching at me about leaving, and getting some final digs at me about my weight.” Misty complained.
  245. “That sucks. What number is it?”
  247. A couple minutes later he was knocking at the door, and a very attractive, tall, tan woman in a pink, skin tight fitness outfit answered the door.
  249. “So you’re the guy?” The woman asked, confused. “How drunk did she get you last night?”
  251. “I’m Jack.” He said, ignoring the jab at Misty and holding his hand out. The woman smirked and shook his hand.
  253. “I’m Kid Summers.” She replied, then leaned in a bit closer. “Hope you’re into fatties, she won’t be losing weight anytime soon dude.”
  255. “You can shut up.” Jack said and stepped inside. “She’s my new bodyguard anyways.”
  257. Kidd scoffed. “Okay then...” She then muttered something under her breath but he ignored her.
  259. Misty appeared from one side of the entry hallway. “Oh hey, can you help me with some stuff?” Jack went into the room. Misty had music playing and a couple suitcases on her bed, along with a number of personal bags. Jack lifted a suitcase up and started walking outside with it and was suddenly met with Kidd Summers bent over in a stretch, with her skin tight suit hugging her ass. He swore he got a glimpse of some camel toe as well.
  261. “S’cuse me.” Jack said, lifting the suitcase over her arched over torso and sliding his back on the wall around her.
  263. “Sorry, just stretching for my daily 10K.” She boasted, taking a long time to get back into standing position. Jack didn’t turn back and took the bags to his SUV.
  265. “Should I come help, Jack?” Lillie asked.
  267. Jack shrugged. “If you want.” He said not caring either way.
  269. Lillie took the keys out of the car and left Nebby in the car. “I’ll be right back.” She said as she closed her door. Jack was much faster than the waddling, 325 pound companion. When he arrived, the door was open but blocked by Kidd stretching her calf, sticking her ass out once more for his viewing pleasure. She left some room for him to pass through the doorway, so he tried to go around her. She suddenly stuck her ass out even further, making sure her ass got in contact with his crotch.
  271. “Oh, sorry, just so focused on stretching.” Summers lied. Jack didn’t even acknowledge her as he went by her. Jack grabbed a couple more bags and went for the doorway. Lillie was at the door but Summers still blocked it.
  273. “Uh, miss?” Lillie asked shyly. Summers didn’t respond, so Lillie prodded Kidd’s arm. “Excuse me, I-”
  275. Lillie was cut off by Kidd bursting into laughter. “Oh my goodness, no wonder he likes Misty, she’s skinny compared to you.” Kidd sneered. Jack could immediately tell Lillie was starting to tear up.
  277. “That’s not enough, bitch.” Jack said.
  279. Kidd scoffed and rolled her eyes. Jack had luggage in his hands so he couldn’t pass her. She then leaned her head over to his ear. “If you ever got bored of these fatties, I’ll fuck you till you can’t stand.” Kidd said, then went to her room, exaggerating her hip swing. “See you around, Misty.” Kidd called out.
  281. Lillie sobbed on her way to the car, and didn’t actually carry anything.
  283. When he put luggage down in thew trunk, he went to the front of the car and gave Lillie a hug. “Fuck that bitch.” He said. Lillie sobbed even harder.
  285. “Don’t let her get to you. Misty’s probably had to deal with that every day since she came to Alola.” Jack explained.
  287. Lillie shook her head, tears still pouring down her face. “But I’m just so fat, I don’t know why I can’t help myself, I’m so ashamed.”
  289. Jack gave her fleshy back-flab a pat. “Beauty comes at any size Lillie. It’s not what you look like, but how you carry yourself. That bitch is a classic example of someone who’s so rotten on the inside it doesn’t matter how she looks, she’s alone. That’s why she’s trying to tear down others.” He paused. “Now take a deep breath okay? Misty’s coming.”
  291. It was a tense car ride back. Lillie didn’t speak at all. Jack listened to Misty ranting about how much of an arrogant bitch Kidd was, and how she was so happy to be out of the condo. Lillie went straight to her room when they got back to his estate.
  293. “What’s eating her?” Misty asked about Lillie.
  295. “Your roommate said some real mean stuff to her, and about you.” Jack said lowly.
  297. “Kidd is such a bitch, I hate her so goddam much. Always pestering me about my weight, my diet. I’m fucking ecstatic I don’t ever have to see her again.”
  299. “Yeah, maybe you should go check on her in a bit.” Jack said.
  301. Hilda’s voice suddenly came from the kitchen. “You finally back yet? You must be hungry.”
  303. Misty rubbed her ample gut and smiled. “That’s my calling card right there.” She said, and waddled to the kitchen. Jack followed suit after checking his phone. When he entered the kitchen, Hilda was at the table, a plate with only crumbs and couple soda cans laid in front of her.
  304. “Oh that was so good, Mallow.” Hilda said, rubbing her bloated tummy.
  306. Jack turned to see this person named Mallow and his heart almost stopped. She had green hair, and very light brown skin. She was a bit thick and curvy (around 150-160 pounds), but very stunning. She had an apron on was walking up to meet him.
  308. “Hey there, I’m Mallow.”
  310. Jack shook her hand and smiled. “So you’re the new cook?”
  312. Mallow shrugged. “well, hopefully. I guess it depends on how much you like me-”
  314. “UUUUUUURP.” Hilda belched loudly. “Trust me, she’s hired Jack. You’ll love her cooking.”
  315. Mallow smiled.
  317. “Well there’s a ringing endorsement.” Jack said.
  319. A few minutes later he and Misty were served. Misty immediately attacked her food with a gusto, moaning about how delicious and scrumptious it was. Jack took a few bites and was smitten with Mallow’s cooking as well.
  321. He finished his plate as Misty finished her second.
  323. “Any more?” Mallow asked hopefully, imitating a waitress.
  325. Misty raised her hand. “Oh goodness yes please. Keep it coming.”
  327. “That was incredible.” Jack said. “But I’m full already.”
  329. “More for me then!" Misty cheered.
  331. Jack went over to Lillie’s room and knocked at the door.
  333. “Please not right now...” He heard Lillie moan.
  335. “Okay.” Jack said and turned to leave, but Lillie opened the door.
  337. “Actually, I should talk to you, Jack.” Her eyes were red and puffy.
  339. Jack followed Lillie into her living quarters, a bedroom with an office desk and chair. Jack took a seat at the desk and spun the chair to her. “So what do you want to talk about?”
  341. “I... I want some advice. Kukui said I shouldn’t tell the people who are coming over tonight about Nebby. And I’m not sure...”
  343. “What if they don’t ask about Nebby?”
  345. “They will, the suspicious activity Aether Foundation has been doing... It’s all inter-connected.”
  347. “Oh...” Jack replied, unsure of what more to say. “If I promise not to disclose this information to anyone, can you tell me?”
  349. Lillie took a deep breath and sighed. “I... guess.” She began. “Have you heard of Ultra Wormholes?”
  351. “No.”
  353. “They’re these weird things that pop up... Mostly in Alola. I don’t know why or where they come from, they’re just called ultra wormholes. They’re like those cheesy portals you see on TV. They’re called Ultra because apparently crazy strong monsters are known to come from them, what the few who work with them calling them ’Ultra Beasts.’”
  355. “Okay...”
  357. “Well, my mother and her scientists were experimenting with some Z-crystals and suddenly two people appeared, they look like humans but they speak our language oddly and their skin has an odd tint to it...”
  359. “Like, aliens?”
  361. “I overheard someone say they were from an Ultra Wormhole.”
  363. Jack nodded, but he wasn’t sure he could believe everything.
  365. “Well...” Lillie began. “Once they started hanging around the Foundation Island, my mother got really weird... one of the visitors was female and she was really fat... Being around them... My mother and I went from being really skinny to really fat.” Lillie explained. “I was skinnier than Hilda less than two years ago. A number of female employees of Aether also started getting pretty tubby.”
  367. Jack’s jaw dropped.
  369. “You can see old pictures of Lusamine online... I’m in a few of them as well.” Lillie explained. “Anyways, that’s kind of irrelevant. But with the two visitors around, my mother started acting very strangely. They found Nebby on Ula’Ula Island and at first they didn’t do much with it...” She started to tear up again. “But then the experiments started getting more and more stressful for Nebby. Nebby would cry and get upset and try to hide. Nebby is still scared of my mother and Faba...”
  371. “That’s awful.”
  373. “Finally I took Nebby before a big experiment Faba was planning and... that was the day you found me, Jack.”
  375. “It’s a lot to take in...” Jack said.
  377. “I know it sounds really weird... A lot of the research the Foundation does can’t be made public.” Lillie explained. “I’d get in a lot of trouble for telling you all this, and I don’t know very much.”
  379. Jack nodded. “The people coming over... If they’re from the government of Alola, I think you should share this with them. Wormholes with monsters behind them? Those are things they should know.” Jack stated. “And you will always have protection with me here, Lillie.”
  381. Lillie smiled. “Thank you... it’s been so weird. Living here has been like a dream in some ways. I miss some of my friends, but Nebby is safe, my mom isn’t being weird to me... It’s been a very nice vacation from how tense things were on Aether.”
  383. “Glad I could help.” Jack said. “Is that everything?”
  385. “I... I think so, for now. I’d prefer if you were with me tonight when those people come talk to me.”
  387. “Yeah, of course.”
  389. Jack went to the pool afterwards and saw Misty taking a swim, she’d let out a couple of her water Pokemon, namely Starmie and her Golduck.
  391. “How’s it going?” Misty called out.
  393. “Just had an interesting talk with Lillie...” Jack started.
  395. “Oh, she flirting with you yet?” Misty asked forwardly.
  397. “Wha- no.” Jack replied. “Why would you think that?”
  399. Misty grinned evilly. “Well, it’s gonna happen sooner or later. You’re handsome, rich, nice but not too nice... She’s shy. She needs a guy like you.”
  401. “She needs?” Jack asked. “Are you...”
  403. “Put it together mister.” Misty ordered playfully.
  405. “Oh, you think Lillie and I... We’re gonna bang?”
  407. Misty mocked him by taking a bow. “Bravo, bravo. Yeah dummy. You already gave her mom a test ride, why not the daughter?”
  409. Jack shook his head. “She’s very vulnerable. She doesn’t have anywhere else to go, I can’t put her in that situation. It’s not fair.”
  411. Misty sighed. “You are too nice.” She paused for a few moments. “Hilda is pretty cute...”
  413. “Bored of me already?” Jack teased.
  415. Misty glared at him. “Oh not at all...” She started, then pushed off the pool’s wall into the center. “How about you join me?” Misty asked.
  417. “I don’t have my bathing suit on-”
  419. “Is that seriously gonna stop you, boss?” Misty said. Her hands retreated below the surface and re-appeared with her swimsuit bottom. She playfully tossed them on the pavement. She started undoing her top and Jack immediately started stripping down.
  421. Jack jumped in the pool, erection swinging as he jumped and landed right next to Misty. He immediately took her in his arms and started making out. His stiff member rubbing up against body. Needless to say, he didn’t get out of the pool for a long time.
  423. He came back with a towel and nothing else, just holding his clothes in his hands when he came across Hilda in the living room snacking, “Hey boss.” She said absentmindedly. “Get a nice workout in the pool there?”
  425. “Oh yeah.” Jack said.
  427. “Kay... The people coming over will be here in twenty to thirty minutes. I think it’s best you stick with Lillie.” Hilda advised.
  429. “Yeah, I’ll be ready. Just gonna shower real quick.”
  431. Misty waddled in behind him. “Is Mallow in the kitchen? I’m starved.”
  433. Hilda looked over and nodded. “Does sex always make you hungry?” She asked casually.
  435. “Yeah.”
  437. “You sure that’s not the only thing that makes you hungry?” Hilda teased.
  439. Misty crossed her arms, but they rested on her gut, accentuating how fat she was even more. “Give it some time, you’ll get yourself some island weight.” Misty retorted.
  441. Hilda laughed. “Yeah, I’ve got a bit more self control-” She stopped as she realized she had a large bottle of soda, multiple empty bags of chips in front of her, and she was laying back on a recliner.
  443. Misty laughed hysterically. “Well at least you’ll still be the skinniest here.”
  445. Hilda suddenly burped. “Yeah, yeah...” She said, with a hint of defiance.
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