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FFX log fail, with debug

a guest
Feb 17th, 2018
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  2. D3D11 DLL starting init - v 1.3.4Eng - Sat Feb 17 20:44:30 2018
  5. ----------- d3dx.ini settings -----------
  6. [Logging]
  7. calls=1
  8. input=1
  9. debug=1
  10. unbuffered=1
  11. unbuffered return: 0
  12. force_cpu_affinity=0
  13. [System]
  14. load_library_redirect=0
  15. allow_check_interface=1
  16. allow_create_device=1
  17. allow_platform_update=1
  18. [Device]
  19. upscaling=0
  20. full_screen=1
  21. force_stereo=0
  22. get_resolution_from=swap_chain
  23. hide_cursor=0
  24. [Stereo]
  25. automatic_mode=0
  26. create_profile=0
  27. force_no_nvapi=0
  28. [Rendering]
  29. shader_hash=3dmigoto
  30. override_directory=ShaderFixes
  31. cache_directory=ShaderCache
  32. cache_shaders=1
  33. rasterizer_disable_scissor=0
  34. assemble_signature_comments=1
  35. export_fixed=0
  36. export_shaders=0
  37. export_hlsl=0
  38. dump_usage=0
  39. stereo_params=125
  40. ini_params=120
  41. fix_sv_position=0
  42. [Hunting]
  43. hunting=2
  44. marking_mode=skip
  45. mark_snapshot=2
  46. reload_config=no_modifiers VK_F10
  47. toggle_hunting=no_modifiers VK_NUMPAD0
  48. repeat_rate=6
  49. next_pixelshader=no_modifiers VK_NUMPAD2
  50. previous_pixelshader=no_modifiers VK_NUMPAD1
  51. mark_pixelshader=no_modifiers VK_NUMPAD3
  52. take_screenshot=no_modifiers VK_SNAPSHOT
  53. next_indexbuffer=no_modifiers VK_NUMPAD8
  54. previous_indexbuffer=no_modifiers VK_NUMPAD7
  55. mark_indexbuffer=no_modifiers VK_NUMPAD9
  56. next_vertexshader=no_modifiers VK_NUMPAD5
  57. previous_vertexshader=no_modifiers VK_NUMPAD4
  58. mark_vertexshader=no_modifiers VK_NUMPAD6
  59. next_rendertarget=no_modifiers VK_MULTIPLY
  60. previous_rendertarget=no_modifiers VK_DIVIDE
  61. mark_rendertarget=no_modifiers VK_SUBTRACT
  62. done_hunting=no_modifiers VK_ADD
  63. reload_fixes=no_modifiers VK_F10
  64. show_original=no_modifiers VK_F9
  65. verbose_overlay=0
  66. [Key1]
  67. type=cycle
  68. Cycle 1: separation=0 transition=240 transition_type=cosine
  69. Cycle 2: separation=100 transition=240 transition_type=cosine
  70. Key=k
  71. [Key2]
  72. type=cycle
  73. Cycle 1: convergence=2 transition=150 transition_type=cosine
  74. Cycle 2: convergence=4 transition=150 transition_type=cosine
  75. Cycle 3: convergence=8 transition=150 transition_type=cosine
  76. Cycle 4: convergence=16 transition=150 transition_type=cosine
  77. Cycle 5: convergence=40 transition=150 transition_type=cosine
  78. Key=l
  79. [Key5]
  80. type=cycle
  81. Cycle 1: x=0.2 transition=150 transition_type=cosine
  82. Cycle 2: x=0.4 transition=150 transition_type=cosine
  83. Cycle 3: x=0.6 transition=150 transition_type=cosine
  84. Cycle 4: x=0.8 transition=150 transition_type=cosine
  85. Cycle 5: x=1 transition=150 transition_type=cosine
  86. Cycle 6: x=0 transition=150 transition_type=cosine
  87. Key=m
  88. [Key6]
  89. type=toggle
  90. y=1.000000
  91. Key=g
  92. [Key7]
  93. type=toggle
  94. w=1.000000
  95. Key=F6
  96. [Key8]
  97. type=toggle
  98. z=0.000000
  99. Key=b
  100. [KeyChange3DVision2SBSOutputMode]
  101. type=cycle
  102. Cycle 1: x7=1
  103. Cycle 2: x7=2
  104. Cycle 3: x7=3
  105. Cycle 4: x7=4
  106. Cycle 5: x7=5
  107. Cycle 6: x7=6
  108. Cycle 7: x7=7
  109. Cycle 8: x7=0
  110. Key=no_modifiers F11
  111. [Resource3DVision2SBSBackupTexture]
  112. [Resource3DVisionUpscaleBackupTexture]
  113. [ResourceSoftwareMouseBackupTexture1]
  114. [ResourceSoftwareMouseBackupTexture2]
  115. [ResourceSoftwareMouseBackupTexture3]
  116. [ResourceSoftwareMouseBackupTexture4]
  117. [builtincustomshaderdisablescissorclipping]
  118. scissor_enable=0
  119. rasterizer_state_merge=1
  120. draw=from_caller
  121. handling=skip
  122. [builtincustomshaderenablescissorclipping]
  123. scissor_enable=1
  124. rasterizer_state_merge=1
  125. draw=from_caller
  126. handling=skip
  127. [customshadersoftwaremousebw]
  129. w5=2
  130. draw=4, 0
  131. [customshader3dvision2sbs]
  132. vs=ShaderFixes/3dvision2sbs.hlsl
  133. hs=null
  134. ds=null
  135. gs=null
  136. ps=ShaderFixes/3dvision2sbs.hlsl
  137. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\Steam\steam.dll.
  138. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\Steam\Steam2.dll.
  139. blend=disable
  140. cull=none
  141. topology=triangle_strip
  142. run=commandlistunbindallrendertargets
  143. o0=set_viewport bb
  144. resource3dvision2sbsbackuptexture=reference ps-t100
  145. ps-t100=stereo2mono bb
  146. vs-t125=stereoparams
  147. ps-t125=stereoparams
  148. vs-t120=iniparams
  149. ps-t120=iniparams
  150. draw=4, 0
  151. post ps-t100=reference resource3dvision2sbsbackuptexture
  152. [customshadersoftwaremouse]
  153. vs=ShaderFixes/mouse.hlsl
  154. hs=null
  155. ds=null
  156. gs=null
  157. ps=ShaderFixes/mouse.hlsl
  158. blend=ADD ONE INV_SRC_ALPHA
  159. cull=none
  160. topology=triangle_strip
  161. run=commandlistunbindallrendertargets
  162. o0=set_viewport bb
  163. vs-t125=stereoparams
  164. ps-t125=stereoparams
  165. vs-t120=iniparams
  166. ps-t120=iniparams
  167. x6=cursor_window_x
  168. y6=cursor_window_y
  169. z6=cursor_hotspot_x
  170. w6=cursor_hotspot_y
  171. y7=cursor_showing
  172. z7=window_width
  173. w7=window_height
  174. resourcesoftwaremousebackuptexture1=reference vs-t100
  175. resourcesoftwaremousebackuptexture2=reference vs-t101
  176. resourcesoftwaremousebackuptexture3=reference ps-t100
  177. resourcesoftwaremousebackuptexture4=reference ps-t101
  178. vs-t100=cursor_mask
  179. vs-t101=cursor_color
  180. ps-t100=cursor_mask
  181. ps-t101=cursor_color
  182. w5=1
  183. draw=4, 0
  184. run=customshadersoftwaremousebw
  185. post vs-t100=reference resourcesoftwaremousebackuptexture1
  186. post vs-t101=reference resourcesoftwaremousebackuptexture2
  187. post ps-t100=reference resourcesoftwaremousebackuptexture3
  188. post ps-t101=reference resourcesoftwaremousebackuptexture4
  189. [customshaderupscale]
  190. vs=ShaderFixes/upscale.hlsl
  191. hs=null
  192. ds=null
  193. gs=null
  194. ps=ShaderFixes/upscale.hlsl
  195. blend=disable
  196. cull=none
  197. topology=triangle_strip
  198. sampler=anisotropic_filter
  199. run=commandlistunbindallrendertargets
  200. o0=set_viewport bb
  201. resource3dvisionupscalebackuptexture=reference ps-t101
  202. ps-t101=f_bb
  203. draw=4, 0
  204. post ps-t101=reference resource3dvisionupscalebackuptexture
  205. [commandlistunbindallrendertargets]
  206. o0=null
  207. o1=null
  208. o2=null
  209. o3=null
  210. o4=null
  211. o5=null
  212. o6=null
  213. o7=null
  214. od=null
  215. [Present]
  216. [ClearRenderTargetView]
  217. WARNING: GetIniSection() called on a section not in the ini_sections map: ClearRenderTargetView
  218. [ClearDepthStencilView]
  219. WARNING: GetIniSection() called on a section not in the ini_sections map: ClearDepthStencilView
  220. [ClearUnorderedAccessViewUint]
  221. WARNING: GetIniSection() called on a section not in the ini_sections map: ClearUnorderedAccessViewUint
  222. [ClearUnorderedAccessViewFloat]
  223. WARNING: GetIniSection() called on a section not in the ini_sections map: ClearUnorderedAccessViewFloat
  224. [Constants]
  225. x=0.000000
  226. y=0.000000
  227. z=1.000000
  228. w=0.000000
  229. x7=0.000000
  230. [Profile]
  232. nvapi_QueryInterfacePtr @ 0x6E4FEE70
  233. overriding NVAPI wrapper failed.
  234. NVIDIA driver version 390.77 (branch r390_00)
  235. Trying to load original_d3d11.dll
  236. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: original_d3d11.dll.
  237. *** LoadLibrary on original_d3d11.dll failed.
  238. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: SUPPRESS_3DMIGOTO_REDIRECT.
  239. Trying to load C:\WINDOWS\system32\d3d11.dll
  240. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\system32\d3d11.dll.
  243. *** D3D11CreateDeviceAndSwapChain called with
  244. pAdapter = 00000000
  245. Flags = 0
  246. pFeatureLevels = 0
  247. FeatureLevels = 0
  248. pSwapChainDesc = 00000000
  249. ppSwapChain = 00000000
  250. ppDevice = 0312F49C
  251. pFeatureLevel = 0xb100
  252. ppImmediateContext = 00000000
  253. -- HackerCreateDevice called
  254. ->Feature level null, defaults to D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL_11_0.
  255. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-synch-l1-2-0.
  256. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-fibers-l1-1-1.
  257. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-synch-l1-2-0.
  258. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-fibers-l1-1-1.
  259. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-localization-l1-2-1.
  260. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\system32\crypt32.dll.
  261. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\Program Files\NVIDIA Corporation\Ansel\Tools\NvCameraWhitelisting32.dll.
  262. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-synch-l1-2-0.
  263. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-fibers-l1-1-1.
  264. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-synch-l1-2-0.
  265. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-fibers-l1-1-1.
  266. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-localization-l1-2-1.
  267. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\system32\Shell32.dll.
  268. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\system32\nvspcap.dll.
  269. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\system32\nvspcap.dll.
  270. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\system32\Advapi32.dll.
  271. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\system32\Setupapi.dll.
  272. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\system32\Shell32.dll.
  273. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\system32\nvapi.dll.
  274. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\system32\nvapi.dll.
  275. nvapi_QueryInterfacePtr @ 0x6E4FEE70
  276. NvAPI_DRS_SaveSettingsToFileEx @ 0x6E69BE50
  277. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\system32\nvapi.dll.
  278. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\system32\Advapi32.dll.
  279. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\system32\user32.dll.
  280. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-appmodel-runtime-l1-1-2.
  281. D3D11CreateDevice returned device handle = 126EEDBC, context handle = 00000000
  282. QueryInterface(ID3D11Device1) returned result = 0, device1 handle = 126EEDBC
  283. register_hacker_device: Registering IUnknown: 126EE950 -> HackerDevice: 46664238
  284. HackerDevice 46664238 created to wrap 126EEDBC
  285. HackerDevice::Create3DMigotoResources(class HackerDevice@46664238) called.
  286. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\system32\Shell32.dll.
  287. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\Program Files (x86)\NVIDIA Corporation\3D Vision\nvStereoApiI.dll.
  288. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\system32\nvapi.dll.
  289. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\system32\nvapi.dll.
  290. created NVAPI stereo handle. Handle = 11D490C0
  291. creating stereo parameter texture.
  292. stereo texture created, handle = 4636DE30
  293. creating stereo parameter resource view.
  294. stereo texture resource view created, handle = 12682D98.
  295. creating .ini constant parameter texture.
  296. IniParam texture created, handle = 4636D130
  297. creating IniParam resource view.
  298. Iniparams resource view created, handle = 12682258.
  299. Created pink mode pixel shader: 0
  300. ->HackerCreateDevice result = 0, device handle = 126EEDBC, device wrapper = 46664238, context handle = 00000000, context wrapper = 00000000
  301. ->Return with HRESULT=0, No swapchain created.
  304. *** D3D11CreateDeviceAndSwapChain called with
  305. pAdapter = 00000000
  306. Flags = 0
  307. pFeatureLevels = 0xb000
  308. FeatureLevels = 3
  309. pSwapChainDesc = 0312F4AC
  310. ppSwapChain = 01544F74
  311. ppDevice = 0312F4EC
  312. pFeatureLevel = 0xb100
  313. ppImmediateContext = 01544F70
  314. -- HackerCreateDevice called
  315. ->Feature level allowed through unchanged: 0xb000
  316. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\Program Files\NVIDIA Corporation\Ansel\Tools\NvCameraWhitelisting32.dll.
  317. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-synch-l1-2-0.
  318. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-fibers-l1-1-1.
  319. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-synch-l1-2-0.
  320. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-fibers-l1-1-1.
  321. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-localization-l1-2-1.
  322. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\system32\nvspcap.dll.
  323. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\system32\nvspcap.dll.
  324. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\system32\user32.dll.
  325. D3D11CreateDevice returned device handle = 12561984, context handle = 46BA9634
  326. QueryInterface(ID3D11Device1) returned result = 0, device1 handle = 12561984
  327. QueryInterface(ID3D11DeviceContext1) returned result = 0, context1 handle = 46BA9634
  328. register_hacker_device: Registering IUnknown: 12561518 -> HackerDevice: 466646B0
  329. HackerDevice 466646B0 created to wrap 12561984
  330. Creating FrameAnalysisContext
  331. HackerContext 09A0F938 created to wrap 46BA9634
  332. HackerDevice::Create3DMigotoResources(class HackerDevice@466646B0) called.
  333. created NVAPI stereo handle. Handle = 12596C50
  334. creating stereo parameter texture.
  335. stereo texture created, handle = 4636BBB0
  336. creating stereo parameter resource view.
  337. stereo texture resource view created, handle = 12681B58.
  338. creating .ini constant parameter texture.
  339. IniParam texture created, handle = 4636C8B0
  340. creating IniParam resource view.
  341. Iniparams resource view created, handle = 12681C98.
  342. Created pink mode pixel shader: 0
  343. adding NVidia stereo parameter texture to shader resources in slot 125.
  344. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120.
  345. adding NVidia stereo parameter texture to shader resources in slot 125.
  346. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120.
  347. adding NVidia stereo parameter texture to shader resources in slot 125.
  348. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120.
  349. adding NVidia stereo parameter texture to shader resources in slot 125.
  350. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120.
  351. adding NVidia stereo parameter texture to shader resources in slot 125.
  352. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120.
  353. adding NVidia stereo parameter texture to shader resources in slot 125.
  354. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120.
  355. ->HackerCreateDevice result = 0, device handle = 12561984, device wrapper = 466646B0, context handle = 46BA9634, context wrapper = 09A0F938
  356. HackerDevice::QueryInterface(class HackerDevice@466646B0) called with IID: IDXGIDevice
  357. returns result = 0 for 1256154C
  358. -- HackerCreateSwapChain called
  359. HackerDevice::QueryInterface(class HackerDevice@466646B0) called with IID: {83FFD841-A5C9-46F4-8109-BC259558FEF4}
  360. lookup_hacker_device(466646B0): Supports HackerDevice
  361. Got resolution from swap chain: 2560x1440
  362. Windowed = 1
  363. Width = 2560
  364. Height = 1440
  365. Refresh rate = 60.000000
  366. ->Forcing Windowed to = 0
  368. Looking up profiles related to G:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\FINAL FANTASY FFX&FFX-2 HD Remaster\FFX.exe
  369. ----------- Driver profile settings -----------
  370. BaseProfile "Base Profile"
  371. SelectedGlobalProfile "Base Profile"
  373. Profile "Base Profile"
  374. ShowOn All
  375. Setting ID_0x0019bb68 = 0x00000001 UserSpecified=true // Texture filtering - Negative LOD bias
  376. Setting ID_0x002ecaf2 = 0x00000000 UserSpecified=true // Texture filtering - Trilinear optimization
  377. Setting ID_0x005a375c = 0x96861077 UserSpecified=true // Vertical Sync Tear Control
  378. Setting ID_0x0064b541 = 0x00000000 UserSpecified=true // Preferred refresh rate
  379. Setting ID_0x007ba09e = 0x00000001 UserSpecified=true // Maximum pre-rendered frames
  380. Setting ID_0x0084cd70 = 0x00000000 UserSpecified=true // Texture filtering - Anisotropic filter optimization
  381. Setting ID_0x00a879cf = 0x47814940 UserSpecified=true // Vertical Sync
  382. Setting ID_0x00ce2691 = 0xfffffff6 UserSpecified=true // Texture filtering - Quality
  383. Setting ID_0x00e73211 = 0x00000000 UserSpecified=true // Texture filtering - Anisotropic sample optimization
  384. Setting ID_0x101ae763 = 0x00000000 UserSpecified=true // Flag to control smooth AFR behavior
  385. Setting ID_0x101e61a9 = 0x00000010 UserSpecified=true // Anisotropic filtering setting
  386. Setting ID_0x1094f157 = 0x00000000 UserSpecified=true // Toggle the VRR global feature
  387. Setting ID_0x1094f1f7 = 0x00000000 UserSpecified=true // VRR requested state
  388. Setting ID_0x10a879ac = 0x00000004 UserSpecified=true // G-SYNC
  389. Setting ID_0x10a879cf = 0x00000004 UserSpecified=true // G-SYNC
  390. Setting ID_0x10d2bb16 = 0x00000001 UserSpecified=true // Anisotropic filtering mode
  391. Setting ID_0x1194f158 = 0x00000000 UserSpecified=true // Enable G-SYNC globally
  392. Setting ID_0x208e55e3 = 0x00000001 UserSpecified=true // Maximum frames allowed
  393. Setting ID_0x80303a19 = 0x00000001
  394. Setting ID_0x80857a28 = 0x00000001
  395. Setting ID_0x809d5f60 = 0x00000001
  396. EndProfile
  398. Profile "FINAL FANTASY X/X-2 HD Remaster"
  399. ShowOn GeForce
  400. Executable "ffx-2.exe" FindFile="ffx&x-2_launcher.exe"
  401. Executable "ffx.exe" FindFile="ffx&x-2_launcher.exe"
  402. Executable "ffx&x-2_will.exe"
  403. Executable "ffx&x-2_launcher.exe"
  404. Setting ID_0x106d5cff = 0x00000000 // Do not display this profile in the Control Panel
  405. Setting ID_0x10f9dc81 = 0x00000011 // Enable application for Optimus
  406. Setting ID_0x707f4b45 = 0x00000000 UserSpecified=true // StereoMemoEnabled
  407. EndProfile
  409. ----------- End driver profile settings -----------
  410. No profile update required
  412. *** D3D11 DLL successfully initialized. ***
  414. Trying to load original_d3d11.dll
  415. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: original_d3d11.dll.
  416. *** LoadLibrary on original_d3d11.dll failed.
  417. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: SUPPRESS_3DMIGOTO_REDIRECT.
  418. Trying to load C:\WINDOWS\system32\d3d11.dll
  419. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\system32\d3d11.dll.
  422. *** D3D11CreateDeviceAndSwapChain called with
  423. pAdapter = 00000000
  424. Flags = 0
  425. pFeatureLevels = 0xb000
  426. FeatureLevels = 1
  427. pSwapChainDesc = 0789FA48
  428. ppSwapChain = 0789FAB8
  429. ppDevice = 0789FAB4
  430. pFeatureLevel = 0x776950b0
  431. ppImmediateContext = 0789FAAC
  432. -- HackerCreateDevice called
  433. ->Feature level allowed through unchanged: 0xb000
  434. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\Program Files\NVIDIA Corporation\Ansel\Tools\NvCameraWhitelisting32.dll.
  435. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-synch-l1-2-0.
  436. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-fibers-l1-1-1.
  437. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-synch-l1-2-0.
  438. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-fibers-l1-1-1.
  439. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-localization-l1-2-1.
  440. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\system32\nvspcap.dll.
  441. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\system32\nvspcap.dll.
  442. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\system32\user32.dll.
  443. D3D11CreateDevice returned device handle = 1254A87C, context handle = 45DDD8FC
  444. QueryInterface(ID3D11Device1) returned result = 0, device1 handle = 1254A87C
  445. QueryInterface(ID3D11DeviceContext1) returned result = 0, context1 handle = 45DDD8FC
  446. register_hacker_device: Registering IUnknown: 1254A410 -> HackerDevice: 46663740
  447. HackerDevice 46663740 created to wrap 1254A87C
  448. Creating FrameAnalysisContext
  449. HackerContext 1256FF30 created to wrap 45DDD8FC
  450. HackerDevice::Create3DMigotoResources(class HackerDevice@46663740) called.
  451. created NVAPI stereo handle. Handle = 12732BB8
  452. creating stereo parameter texture.
  453. stereo texture created, handle = 4636E070
  454. creating stereo parameter resource view.
  455. stereo texture resource view created, handle = 503732D8.
  456. creating .ini constant parameter texture.
  457. IniParam texture created, handle = 4636E4B0
  458. creating IniParam resource view.
  459. Iniparams resource view created, handle = 503728D8.
  460. Created pink mode pixel shader: 0
  461. adding NVidia stereo parameter texture to shader resources in slot 125.
  462. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120.
  463. adding NVidia stereo parameter texture to shader resources in slot 125.
  464. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120.
  465. adding NVidia stereo parameter texture to shader resources in slot 125.
  466. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120.
  467. adding NVidia stereo parameter texture to shader resources in slot 125.
  468. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120.
  469. adding NVidia stereo parameter texture to shader resources in slot 125.
  470. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120.
  471. adding NVidia stereo parameter texture to shader resources in slot 125.
  472. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120.
  473. ->HackerCreateDevice result = 0, device handle = 1254A87C, device wrapper = 46663740, context handle = 45DDD8FC, context wrapper = 1256FF30
  474. HackerDevice::QueryInterface(class HackerDevice@46663740) called with IID: IDXGIDevice
  475. returns result = 0 for 1254A444
  476. -- HackerCreateSwapChain called
  477. HackerDevice::QueryInterface(class HackerDevice@46663740) called with IID: {83FFD841-A5C9-46F4-8109-BC259558FEF4}
  478. lookup_hacker_device(46663740): Supports HackerDevice
  479. Got resolution from swap chain: 2x2
  480. Windowed = 1
  481. Width = 2
  482. Height = 2
  483. Refresh rate = -1.#IND00
  484. ->Forcing Windowed to = 0
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