

Oct 13th, 2020 (edited)
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  1. Circa the May 2013 capture @ :
  2. 2302: accidentally mined in through the back of a wall that had a sign on it
  3. Circa the Dec 2013 capture @ :
  4. 3845: whose rail line is my mine intersecting?
  5. 3777: not sure if grief or what...?
  6. 3381: can I get some flow here to help replenish the ice I'm removing? down entire coast really
  7. Circa the Jul 2015 capture @ :
  8. 5882: this stair seems out of place... grief? idk
  9. Circa the Oct 2015 capture @ :
  10. 2826: some guys were here breaking blocks, can you make sure everything's back how it started?
  11. 1207: so this puzzle's entry mechanism is broken
  12. Circa the Nov 2015 capture @ :
  13. 4007: objection: this hardened clay tower is in contempt of court
  14. 3355: possibly x-ray-ing? sudden turn into mineshaft
  15. Circa the Dec 2015 capture @ :
  16. 4355: horse #1 on my list got eaten by the restart while tompreuss was riding it
  17. Circa the Mar 2016 capture @ :
  18. 1709: is this grief?
  19. Circa the Jun 2016 capture @ :
  20. 1603: this cobblestone wall is hundreds long and this is the only sign on it
  21. 1542: definitely grief
  22. 1540: grief, perhaps?
  23. 798: so every time I go through this portal, into the nether, I get set on fire
  24. Circa the Nov 2016 capture @ :
  25. 353: /place NWnetherportal points to this birch tree...?
  26. Circa the Apr 2017 capture @ :
  27. 1487: accidentally dug up through this farm
  28. 2678: /place Squid_Grinder should be SquidGrinder to match conventions of others
  29. Circa the May 2017 capture @ :
  30. 1592: uhh who did this (with closure context: grief)
  31. 1358: hey uh what did this hyrule sign I just broke say
  32. 896: had some trouble with past modreqs / someone griefed us, was this dealt with? also region issues, see URL on sign for details
  33. Circa the Jul 2017 capture @ :
  34. 2735: hey I accidentally let this Husk out of its solace zoo cage and I don't really have the ability to rectify my mistake, this boat is the best I can do
  35. 2608: can I mine this redstone ore I'm staring at?
  36. Circa the Feb 2018 capture @ :
  37. 3406: someone murdered the floating fire
  38. 2982: somoene installed an illegal backdoor
  39. 2914: hey, pez, I need to show you a bug(maybe)
  40. 2319: this hole seems like it shouldn't be here
  41. 2277: I feel like these trapdoors are supposed to be Down
  42. 2210: accidental parrotcide
  43. Circa the Apr 2018 capture @ :
  44. 517: hey staff: horses buried at spawn on End exit
  45. Circa the May 2018 capture @ :
  46. 1998: take that 4th portal clue message out of the rotation
  47. 1965: ...apparently I clicked through the farmland and accidentally overwrote the water in here?
  48. 1964: accidentally punched out orange glass here
  49. Circa the Jun 2018 capture @ :
  50. 2866: ...I just noticed the dug trench around this village, after murdering all the villagers - should I be worried?
  51. 2788: Crambull grief
  52. 2727: last portal message still in rotation
  53. 2554: dead wolf, somewhere, via TripleQM
  54. Circa the Jul 2018 capture @ :
  55. 4073: so under this magenta wool is supposed to be another one, but there isn't - my question is who was doing the rest of that Y level and I guess also was it grief or negligence
  56. 4029: grief, perhaps
  57. 3938: so the death bottle this sign gives you, the bottle stays in your inventory after death??? meaning free bottles????
  58. Circa the Aug 2018 capture @ :
  59. 4201: not sure if grief or player trap
  60. Circa the Dec 2018 capture @ :
  61. 4859: dog murder ("KoneLinx")
  62. Circa the Feb 2019 capture @ :
  63. 1725: broken Rum (missing Infinity like the rest)
  64. Circa the Mar 2019 capture @ :
  65. 3111: tried clicking this ender chest and missed and stripped the log behind it
  66. 2683: missed my horse when right clicking and stripped a log in this build!
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