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Sunder Color Table

a guest
Mar 5th, 2022
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  1. color_table.snow = {255, 250, 250}
  2. color_table.ghost_white = {248, 248, 255}
  3. color_table.GhostWhite = {248, 248, 255}
  4. color_table.white_smoke = {245, 245, 245}
  5. color_table.WhiteSmoke = {245, 245, 245}
  6. color_table.gainsboro = {220, 220, 220}
  7. color_table.floral_white = {255, 250, 240}
  8. color_table.FloralWhite = {255, 250, 240}
  9. color_table.old_lace = {253, 245, 230}
  10. color_table.OldLace = {253, 245, 230}
  11. color_table.linen = {250, 240, 230}
  12. color_table.antique_white = {250, 235, 215}
  13. color_table.AntiqueWhite = {250, 235, 215}
  14. color_table.papaya_whip = {255, 239, 213}
  15. color_table.PapayaWhip = {255, 239, 213}
  16. color_table.blanched_almond = {255, 235, 205}
  17. color_table.BlanchedAlmond = {255, 235, 205}
  18. color_table.bisque = {255, 228, 196}
  19. color_table.peach_puff = {255, 218, 185}
  20. color_table.PeachPuff = {255, 218, 185}
  21. color_table.navajo_white = {255, 222, 173}
  22. color_table.NavajoWhite = {255, 222, 173}
  23. color_table.moccasin = {255, 228, 181}
  24. color_table.cornsilk = {255, 248, 220}
  25. color_table.ivory = {255, 255, 240}
  26. color_table.lemon_chiffon = {255, 250, 205}
  27. color_table.LemonChiffon = {255, 250, 205}
  28. color_table.seashell = {255, 245, 238}
  29. color_table.honeydew = {240, 255, 240}
  30. color_table.mint_cream = {245, 255, 250}
  31. color_table.MintCream = {245, 255, 250}
  32. = {240, 255, 255}
  33. color_table.alice_blue = {240, 248, 255}
  34. color_table.AliceBlue = {240, 248, 255}
  35. color_table.lavender = {230, 230, 250}
  36. color_table.lavender_blush = {255, 240, 245}
  37. color_table.LavenderBlush = {255, 240, 245}
  38. color_table.misty_rose = {255, 228, 225}
  39. color_table.MistyRose = {255, 228, 225}
  40. color_table.white = {255, 255, 255}
  41. = {0, 0, 0}
  42. color_table.dark_slate_gray = {47, 79, 79}
  43. color_table.DarkSlateGray = {47, 79, 79}
  44. color_table.dark_slate_grey = {47, 79, 79}
  45. color_table.DarkSlateGrey = {47, 79, 79}
  46. color_table.dim_gray = {105, 105, 105}
  47. color_table.DimGray = {105, 105, 105}
  48. color_table.dim_grey = {105, 105, 105}
  49. color_table.DimGrey = {105, 105, 105}
  50. color_table.slate_gray = {112, 128, 144}
  51. color_table.SlateGray = {112, 128, 144}
  52. color_table.slate_grey = {112, 128, 144}
  53. color_table.SlateGrey = {112, 128, 144}
  54. color_table.light_slate_gray = {119, 136, 153}
  55. color_table.LightSlateGray = {119, 136, 153}
  56. color_table.light_slate_grey = {119, 136, 153}
  57. color_table.LightSlateGrey = {119, 136, 153}
  58. color_table.gray = {190, 190, 190}
  59. color_table.grey = {190, 190, 190}
  60. color_table.light_grey = {211, 211, 211}
  61. color_table.LightGrey = {211, 211, 211}
  62. color_table.light_gray = {211, 211, 211}
  63. color_table.LightGray = {211, 211, 211}
  64. color_table.midnight_blue = {25, 25, 112}
  65. color_table.MidnightBlue = {25, 25, 112}
  66. = {0, 0, 128}
  67. color_table.navy_blue = {0, 0, 128}
  68. color_table.NavyBlue = {0, 0, 128}
  69. color_table.cornflower_blue = {100, 149, 237}
  70. color_table.CornflowerBlue = {100, 149, 237}
  71. color_table.dark_slate_blue = {72, 61, 139}
  72. color_table.DarkSlateBlue = {72, 61, 139}
  73. color_table.slate_blue = {106, 90, 205}
  74. color_table.SlateBlue = {106, 90, 205}
  75. color_table.medium_slate_blue = {123, 104, 238}
  76. color_table.MediumSlateBlue = {123, 104, 238}
  77. color_table.light_slate_blue = {132, 112, 255}
  78. color_table.LightSlateBlue = {132, 112, 255}
  79. color_table.medium_blue = {0, 0, 205}
  80. color_table.MediumBlue = {0, 0, 205}
  81. color_table.royal_blue = {65, 105, 225}
  82. color_table.RoyalBlue = {65, 105, 225}
  83. = {0, 0, 255}
  84. color_table.dodger_blue = {30, 144, 255}
  85. color_table.DodgerBlue = {30, 144, 255}
  86. color_table.deep_sky_blue = {0, 191, 255}
  87. color_table.DeepSkyBlue = {0, 191, 255}
  88. color_table.sky_blue = {135, 206, 235}
  89. color_table.SkyBlue = {135, 206, 235}
  90. color_table.light_sky_blue = {135, 206, 250}
  91. color_table.LightSkyBlue = {135, 206, 250}
  92. color_table.steel_blue = {70, 130, 180}
  93. color_table.SteelBlue = {70, 130, 180}
  94. color_table.light_steel_blue = {176, 196, 222}
  95. color_table.LightSteelBlue = {176, 196, 222}
  96. color_table.light_blue = {173, 216, 230}
  97. color_table.LightBlue = {173, 216, 230}
  98. color_table.powder_blue = {176, 224, 230}
  99. color_table.PowderBlue = {176, 224, 230}
  100. color_table.pale_turquoise = {175, 238, 238}
  101. color_table.PaleTurquoise = {175, 238, 238}
  102. color_table.dark_turquoise = {0, 206, 209}
  103. color_table.DarkTurquoise = {0, 206, 209}
  104. color_table.medium_turquoise = {72, 209, 204}
  105. color_table.MediumTurquoise = {72, 209, 204}
  106. color_table.turquoise = {64, 224, 208}
  107. color_table.cyan = {0, 255, 255}
  108. color_table.light_cyan = {224, 255, 255}
  109. color_table.LightCyan = {224, 255, 255}
  110. color_table.cadet_blue = {95, 158, 160}
  111. color_table.CadetBlue = {95, 158, 160}
  112. color_table.medium_aquamarine = {102, 205, 170}
  113. color_table.MediumAquamarine = {102, 205, 170}
  114. color_table.aquamarine = {127, 255, 212}
  115. color_table.dark_green = {0, 100, 0}
  116. color_table.DarkGreen = {0, 100, 0}
  117. color_table.dark_olive_green = {85, 107, 47}
  118. color_table.DarkOliveGreen = {85, 107, 47}
  119. color_table.dark_sea_green = {143, 188, 143}
  120. color_table.DarkSeaGreen = {143, 188, 143}
  121. color_table.sea_green = {46, 139, 87}
  122. color_table.SeaGreen = {46, 139, 87}
  123. color_table.medium_sea_green = {60, 179, 113}
  124. color_table.MediumSeaGreen = {60, 179, 113}
  125. color_table.light_sea_green = {32, 178, 170}
  126. color_table.LightSeaGreen = {32, 178, 170}
  127. color_table.pale_green = {152, 251, 152}
  128. color_table.PaleGreen = {152, 251, 152}
  129. color_table.spring_green = {0, 255, 127}
  130. color_table.SpringGreen = {0, 255, 127}
  131. color_table.lawn_green = {124, 252, 0}
  132. color_table.LawnGreen = {124, 252, 0}
  133. = {0, 255, 0}
  134. color_table.chartreuse = {127, 255, 0}
  135. color_table.MediumSpringGreen = {0, 250, 154}
  136. color_table.green_yellow = {173, 255, 47}
  137. color_table.GreenYellow = {173, 255, 47}
  138. color_table.lime_green = {50, 205, 50}
  139. color_table.LimeGreen = {50, 205, 50}
  140. color_table.yellow_green = {154, 205, 50}
  141. color_table.YellowGreen = {154, 205, 50}
  142. color_table.forest_green = {34, 139, 34}
  143. color_table.ForestGreen = {34, 139, 34}
  144. color_table.olive_drab = {107, 142, 35}
  145. color_table.OliveDrab = {107, 142, 35}
  146. color_table.dark_khaki = {189, 183, 107}
  147. color_table.DarkKhaki = {189, 183, 107}
  148. color_table.khaki = {240, 230, 140}
  149. color_table.pale_goldenrod = {238, 232, 170}
  150. color_table.PaleGoldenrod = {238, 232, 170}
  151. color_table.light_yellow = {255, 255, 224}
  152. color_table.LightYellow = {255, 255, 224}
  153. color_table.yellow = {255, 255, 0}
  154. = {255, 215, 0}
  155. color_table.light_goldenrod = {238, 221, 130}
  156. color_table.LightGoldenrod = {238, 221, 130}
  157. color_table.goldenrod = {218, 165, 32}
  158. color_table.dark_goldenrod = {184, 134, 11}
  159. color_table.DarkGoldenrod = {184, 134, 11}
  160. color_table.rosy_brown = {188, 143, 143}
  161. color_table.RosyBrown = {188, 143, 143}
  162. color_table.indian_red = {205, 92, 92}
  163. color_table.IndianRed = {205, 92, 92}
  164. color_table.saddle_brown = {139, 69, 19}
  165. color_table.SaddleBrown = {139, 69, 19}
  166. color_table.sienna = {160, 82, 45}
  167. color_table.peru = {205, 133, 63}
  168. color_table.burlywood = {222, 184, 135}
  169. color_table.beige = {245, 245, 220}
  170. color_table.wheat = {245, 222, 179}
  171. color_table.sandy_brown = {244, 164, 96}
  172. color_table.SandyBrown = {244, 164, 96}
  173. color_table.tan = {210, 180, 140}
  174. color_table.chocolate = {210, 105, 30}
  175. color_table.firebrick = {178, 34, 34}
  176. color_table.brown = {165, 42, 42}
  177. color_table.dark_salmon = {233, 150, 122}
  178. color_table.DarkSalmon = {233, 150, 122}
  179. color_table.salmon = {250, 128, 114}
  180. color_table.light_salmon = {255, 160, 122}
  181. color_table.LightSalmon = {255, 160, 122}
  182. = {255, 165, 0}
  183. color_table.dark_orange = {255, 140, 0}
  184. color_table.DarkOrange = {255, 140, 0}
  185. color_table.coral = {255, 127, 80}
  186. color_table.light_coral = {240, 128, 128}
  187. color_table.LightCoral = {240, 128, 128}
  188. color_table.tomato = {255, 99, 71}
  189. color_table.orange_red = {255, 69, 0}
  190. color_table.OrangeRed = {255, 69, 0}
  191. = {255, 0, 0}
  192. color_table.hot_pink = {255, 105, 180}
  193. color_table.HotPink = {255, 105, 180}
  194. color_table.deep_pink = {255, 20, 147}
  195. color_table.DeepPink = {255, 20, 147}
  196. = {255, 192, 203}
  197. color_table.light_pink = {255, 182, 193}
  198. color_table.LightPink = {255, 182, 193}
  199. color_table.pale_violet_red = {219, 112, 147}
  200. color_table.PaleVioletRed = {219, 112, 147}
  201. color_table.maroon = {176, 48, 96}
  202. color_table.medium_violet_red = {199, 21, 133}
  203. color_table.MediumVioletRed = {199, 21, 133}
  204. color_table.violet_red = {208, 32, 144}
  205. color_table.VioletRed = {208, 32, 144}
  206. color_table.magenta = {255, 0, 255}
  207. color_table.violet = {238, 130, 238}
  208. color_table.plum = {221, 160, 221}
  209. color_table.orchid = {218, 112, 214}
  210. color_table.medium_orchid = {186, 85, 211}
  211. color_table.MediumOrchid = {186, 85, 211}
  212. color_table.dark_orchid = {153, 50, 204}
  213. color_table.DarkOrchid = {153, 50, 204}
  214. color_table.dark_violet = {148, 0, 211}
  215. color_table.DarkViolet = {148, 0, 211}
  216. color_table.blue_violet = {138, 43, 226}
  217. color_table.BlueViolet = {138, 43, 226}
  218. color_table.purple = {160, 32, 240}
  219. color_table.medium_purple = {147, 112, 219}
  220. color_table.MediumPurple = {147, 112, 219}
  221. color_table.thistle = {216, 191, 216}
  223. color_table.a_darkred = {128, 0, 0}
  224. color_table.a_darkgreen = {0, 179, 0}
  225. color_table.a_brown = {128, 128, 0}
  226. color_table.a_darkblue = {0, 0, 128}
  227. color_table.a_darkmagenta = {128, 0, 128}
  228. color_table.a_darkcyan = {0, 128, 128}
  229. color_table.a_grey = {192, 192, 192}
  230. color_table.a_darkgrey = {128, 128, 128}
  231. color_table.a_red = {255, 0, 0}
  232. color_table.a_green = {0, 255, 0}
  233. color_table.a_yellow = {255, 255, 0}
  234. color_table.a_blue = {0, 85, 255}
  235. color_table.a_magenta = {255, 0, 255}
  236. color_table.a_cyan = {0, 255, 255}
  237. color_table.a_white = {255, 255, 255}
  239. color_table.chat_bg = {25, 25, 25}
  241. function fgcolor(color)
  242.     setFgColor(color_table[color][1], color_table[color][2], color_table[color][3])
  243. end
  245. function bgcolor(color)
  246.     setBgColor(color_table[color][1], color_table[color][2], color_table[color][3])
  247. end
  249. function cfgcolor(console, color)
  250.     setFgColor(console, color_table[color][1], color_table[color][2], color_table[color][3])
  251. end
  253. function cbgcolor(console, color)
  254.     setBgColor(console, color_table[color][1], color_table[color][2], color_table[color][3])
  255. end
  257. function showColours(num)
  258.     cecho("\n<green> Showing a list of available colours, with "..num.." columns: \n")
  259.     local lineBreak = num
  260.     local linecount = 0
  261.     local padding = math.floor(90/num)
  263.     for col, tab in pairs(color_table) do
  264.         linecount = linecount + 1
  265.         cecho(string.rep(" ", padding-#col).."<"..col..">"..col.."<NavajoWhite>,")
  266.         if linecount >= lineBreak then
  267.             echo("\n")
  268.             linecount = 0
  269.         end
  270.     end
  271. end
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