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Nov 9th, 2017
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  1. 10:38 PM - catface: is ur team coming
  2. 10:38 PM - reero: no
  3. 10:38 PM - reero: odb doesnt wanna play
  4. 10:39 PM - catface: play
  5. 10:39 PM - catface: we need the rounds
  6. 10:39 PM - catface: also if ur team forfeits ur team is dead
  7. 10:39 PM - reero: we really dont care ..
  8. 10:39 PM - reero: we just played open to hang out
  9. 10:39 PM - reero: and hf
  10. 10:39 PM - catface: why ya'll gotta be pussies
  11. 10:39 PM - reero: idk what to tell u
  12. 10:40 PM - reero: were not gonna put in effort to field 5 or 6 players
  13. 10:40 PM - reero: if some of us dont wanna play we dont
  14. 10:40 PM - reero: sry
  15. 10:41 PM - catface: sit in spawn
  16. 10:41 PM - catface: ur cheating us out of first seed by doingthis
  17. 10:41 PM - reero: thats a waste of time
  18. 10:41 PM - catface: no its not lol
  19. 10:42 PM - reero: catface nobody is spiting u
  20. 10:42 PM - reero: we just dont care
  21. 10:42 PM - catface: i didnt say that
  22. 10:42 PM - reero: 10:41 PM - catface: ur cheating us out of first seed by doingthis
  23. 10:42 PM - catface: "us"
  24. 10:42 PM - catface: my team
  25. 10:42 PM - catface: not "me"
  26. 10:42 PM - reero: i meant u as in ur team
  27. 10:42 PM - catface: just get 5 and sit in spawn so we beat mr popo
  28. 10:43 PM - reero: im havin a good time with my buds in mumble
  29. 10:43 PM - reero: id really rather not play esea tonight
  30. 10:43 PM - reero: and odb is not playing either
  31. 10:43 PM - reero: idk where dot is
  32. 10:43 PM - reero: spades is doing hl
  33. 10:44 PM - reero: you guys can beat mrpopo
  34. 10:44 PM - catface: its easier if we get first seed
  35. 10:44 PM - catface: ok well
  36. 10:44 PM - catface: we're reschedulign
  37. 10:44 PM - reero: ...
  38. 10:44 PM - catface: we're letting the server die
  39. 10:44 PM - reero: okay then
  40. 10:44 PM - catface: so we can reschedule
  41. 10:44 PM - catface: so show up or we play another day
  42. 10:44 PM - reero: can u add dot
  43. 10:44 PM - reero: im not the team leader
  44. 10:45 PM - catface: just talk to him
  45. 10:45 PM - reero: i dont wanna ..
  46. 10:45 PM - reero: im LAzy
  47. 10:46 PM - catface: ur the reason tf2 is dying
  48. 10:46 PM - reero: ur on a sponsored team
  49. 10:46 PM - reero: this game has more sponsors than ever before
  50. 10:46 PM - reero: and LANS
  51. 10:47 PM - reero: im confused by ur def of dying
  52. 10:47 PM - catface: yes our open and invite game with almost 0 prizepool is alive and well
  53. 10:47 PM - catface: no one plays this game for money
  54. 10:47 PM - catface: its a hobby for literally everyone but b4nny
  55. 10:47 PM - reero: hm
  56. 10:48 PM - reero: ur right i guess
  57. 10:48 PM - reero: sry for killing tf2
  58. 10:49 PM - catface: i cant believe u guys are this scared
  59. 10:49 PM - catface: to lose to me
  60. 10:49 PM - catface: its pathetic
  61. 10:49 PM - reero: im shivering in my boots!
  62. 10:49 PM - reero: we lose to every team that tries
  63. 10:49 PM - catface: if u guys are mad shittalkers why dont u back it up
  64. 10:49 PM - reero: because we dont give a shit about this game
  65. 10:49 PM - reero: shit talk is fun
  66. 10:49 PM - reero: u should know
  67. 10:50 PM - catface: atleast back it up
  68. 10:50 PM - reero: that requires effort
  69. 10:50 PM - catface: instead of sitting in mumble like pussies
  70. 10:50 PM - catface: like a hs clique
  71. 10:50 PM - catface: ya'll are pathetic af
  72. 10:50 PM - reero: dude just let me kill tf2 in peace
  73. 10:50 PM - catface: shittalk and cant back it up lol
  74. 10:50 PM - reero: stop bothering me !
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