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RaNger Recaps Notes Example

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Mar 27th, 2017
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  1. R6 Pro League Map Bans + Notes
  2. ------------------------------------------
  4. Game 1: GiFu vs Barrage eSports
  5. Bans:
  6. >GiFu: Skyscraper, Coastline, Kafe
  7. >Barrage: Club House, Oregon, Bank
  9. Map 1: Border
  10. > Rd 1: Barrage attempting to hold office heavily investing reinforcements + 2 players and one in office set to rotate quick. Barrage get man advantage with a opening kill onto Montagne. Quantic dies to claymore rotate hole dropdown, Barrage in 1 v 2 with one downed, lets revive happen and loses after GiFu gets comes back in a 2 v 4 just winning aim duels. No need for Montagne on this attack
  12. > Rd 2: GiFu hold above bombsite in Armory with 3 player up and 2 down. Invest Mira in the upstairs hold. GiFu get opening kill. Willkey gets kill and overpeeks again and gets traded for no reason. Barrage unable to take upstairs control.
  14. > Rd 3: Barrage attempt to hold security with Valk + PUlse while instead opt for a soft roam (Jager) in office. GiFu takes office with Montange and again kills Quantic and Thomsen as well on the rotate hole drop down
  16. > Rd 4: GiFu invetsts 3 player in a hard security hold. Kantoraketti runs out from Lockers and kills 3 while Barrage push Security
  18. > Rd 5: Barrage roam 3 upstairs above bombsite. GiFu kill everyone upstairs and win round by pinching office from several different angles and just winning entry duels
  19. Map 2: Chalet
  20. > Rd 1: Barrage setup for heavy Office/Bedroom hold above the bombsite (Kitchen/Trophy) with 3 players. Barrage uncomfortable w/ their positions and get caught out rotating around upstairs by GiFu posted on windows. GiFu push dining with man advanatage and trade while distracting from kitchen window. Heavy crossfire setups during the take by GiFu while on attack
  22. > Rd 2: Pannari + Kanto lurk in library with very little utility setup both get picked by Barrage. Barrage get top floor control with 4 v 2 but are way too indecisive, lose track of GiFu who flank upstairs then drop back down and get plant. Indecision + poor awareness cost Barrage ez win
  24. > Rd 3: Barrage attempts to hold upstairs above Kitchen Trophy bomb and get picked off. GiFu able to get in easily without being traded
  26. > Rd 4: Barrage push areas with poor timing, garage push dies before back hallway push comes in, GiFu just wins aim duels and Kanto stays alive up top, doesn't get cleared out and pressures Barrage all round
  28. > Rd 5: Barrage gets man advantage but GiFu pinches out roamers and then Willkey walks in and kills everyone on basement site. Just shows how outclased Barrage was positionally/strategically and aim wise.
  29. Map 3: Consulate
  31. Game 2: Vitality vs e2
  32. Bans:
  33. >Vitality: Coastline, Chalet, Bank
  34. >E2: Club House, Kafe, Skyscraper
  35. Map 1: Oregon
  36. > Rd 1: Messy, Elemzje fails spawn peek, Risze gets spammed through a window, E2 TKs. All this upstairs when bomb is basement. Vitality hard hold upstairs (2 Dorms + 1 Tower). E2 gets bomb down in 2v2 and wins post-plant.
  38. > Rd 2: E2 holds Kids/Dorms, RevaN entries as BB from armory -> holds pressure down hall between the sites. Vitaliry hunts roamers down and executes with a 5 v 2. They use the fact they got an early pick to use the extra time to hunt roamers then collapse. The pick on site means that there is a potential for roamers to try and get back to site earlier than normal.
  40. > Rd 3: E2 goes for Bunkroom plant after opening the wall into bedroom. E2 doesn't pressure white stairs, isntead pressures from window this allows Vitality to stop plant and pressure planter from the hole between white stairs and bunk room.
  42. > Rd 4: E2 holding meeting hall above Laundry/Supply site, Vitality ashes open meeting hall entries out E2 (why no reinforcements???)
  43. > Vitality uses a similar aggressive triple entry setup to cTm (Panix, ENEMY, Elemzje). Suprising no Glaz to give them the info while entrying + safety to work picks through smoke as another strat. Similar on defense as well (often triple roam + Smoke/Rook site anchors)
  44. > Rd 5: Elemzje caught out in big tower again. Vitality again with the hard hold on Kids/Dorms while bomb is basement. E2 unable to clear out kids dorms this time and once Vitality trades favorably they fall back to site.
  46. > Rd 6: E2 adjusts, brings out mira + holds inside of armory so that BlackBeard can't hold and pressure via the angle down hallway from armory. This doesn't work, but Vitality fails to get plant down and stalls out. Fail to pressure white stairs/big window and E2 holds tight angles patiently, win 3 v 5.
  48. > Rd 7: E2 plays passive, forces out roamers who are peeking overly aggressive fighting in meeting hall beneath site. RevaN holds C4 that would have won the round for too long.
  50. > Rd 8: Vitality gets the strong setup for a tower/construction take, get the entries but lose track of roamer and don't commit to getting plant down. Hesitate and get picked without forcing plant -> Flank watch fails, push stalls.
  52. > Rd 9: Elemzje is the best rook anchor in the game, kills everyone in a lobby push vs basement hold
  54. > Rd 10: E2 holds inside of armory to prevent Blackbeard entrance to setup for dorms hallway angle hold. Vitality trade getting the roamer out of tower. Takes 2 minutes+ to get armory control by Vitality. Kama flanks, Vitality can't get plant down due to roamer threat and no pressure vs white stairs.
  56. > Rd 11: Vitality roamers go aggressive get early picks, Elemzje locks down site.
  57. Map 2: Consulate
  58. > Rd 1: Vitality take vs E2 upstairs defense is sloppy, Vitality moves in solo from several different places and get picked due to not taking any map contorl
  60. > Rd 2: Vitality holds admin office, gets kills on E2 rapelling into 3 different windows
  62. > Rd 3: E2 lobby hold, Panix runs in entry aces the round
  64. > Rd 4: Vitality garage hold, Valkyrie setup in bathrooms with reinforcements and hatch open to defend piano, but Blackbeard gets entry frag onto her and then picks off roamers rotating back into site. 4k Blackbeard entry.
  66. > Rd 5: Vitality plays passive, holds against aggressive run outs/peek from E2. Vitality pinches out connector from balcony + blackbeard on B windows. E2 shuffling around in site and get caught out.
  68. > Rd 6: Vitality gets opening kill with a runout on E2 rapelling. E2 holds for too long outside due to fear of runouts but don't have time to clear and plant as well as hunt roamers. Decide to hunt roamers, find one but no time to force plant.
  70. > Rd 7: Vitality pushes Garage/Cafeteria with a heavy lockers/archives push but Jager (Kama) wins all the fights on the lockers side, timing on the push through garage doesn't work out so E2 is able to fight both directions separately.
  72. > Rd 8: Risze plays a Season 1 style hard solo lurk. E2 tries to hunt, but Jager (risze) stays alive for a long time and despite getting traded out the stall for time means E2 is rushed with 20 sec to plant. Smoke has time to gas it off and Vitality wins on time.
  73. Map 3: Border
  75. -----------------------------------------------------------------
  77. Game 1: cTm vs Eelevate
  78. Bans:
  79. >cTm: Chalet, Coastline, Club House
  80. >Elevate: Skyscraper, Border, Bank
  81. Map 1: Kafe (Elevate)
  82. > Rd 1: Get early pick on nvK -> default into heavy roam setup surrounding Geo (Pulse) in Train room. Give up free piano control to cTm (easy to take with glaz). Fall back and hold sites from the East Window side, focus on keeping England (Smoke) alive in freezer (give up full back halls control). England wins every aim duel and plays great positional R6.
  84. > Rd 2: cTm plays similar setup but Canadian unable to get the C4 kill into Piano. He flanks and gives cTm advantage but gets traded out after finding 2. While Canadian draws attention, cTm plays too passive and gives up plant while Easily is on roof -> no way to retake with the plant for skylight
  86. > Rd 3: Skys (Pulse) stalls for a little time before giving up 3rd floor. England (Smoke) gets a pick up through floor (can't count on this ever). cTm loses track of Skys (Pulse) in the big hallway and cTm gets pinched with not enough time to clear out Elevate
  88. > Rd 4: Elevate just wins every aim duel, cTm caught out all at once (over peeking?) hard to tell what cTm did wrong.
  90. > Rd 5: Infamous TK round, but geoo catched cTm offguard by changing up and playing in Piano, cTm change their approach to focus on clearing England (smoke) out of freezer and pick up round.
  92. > Rd 6: Adapt defense to include Mira (gives them better feeling of timing on push via view into piano + pressures attackers). This setup + figuring out how to flush England (Smoke) out of freezer turns the game around.
  93. Map 2: Oregon (cTm)
  94. > Super cut and dry, classic cTm with smart holds and good trading. Timing much improved over Kafe
  95. Map 3: Consulate
  97. Game 2: Lethal vs eRa
  98. Bans:
  99. >Lethal: Bank, Border, Consulate
  100. >eRa: Kafe, Oregon, Coastline
  101. Map 1: Chalet (Lethal)
  102. > Rd 1: eRa playing too grouped up, too cautious -> fall back too much into Trophy instead of getting Agro
  104. > Rd 2: Lethal focuses on roaming bar/game room area and catches Adam/Ecl offguard. eRa left with not enough time to work a plant effectively
  106. > Rd 3: eRa get more aggressive (Avian, Snake, Ecl9) pressure Lethal, get man advantage and keep them offguard
  107. Map 2: Club House (eRa)
  108. Map 3: Skyscraper
  110. -----------------------------------------------------------------
  112. Game 1: Santos deX vs SemXorah
  113. Bans:
  114. > deX: Kafe, Oregon, Bank
  115. > semX: Consulate, Coastline, Skyscraper
  116. Map 1: Club House
  117. > Rd 1: 1st reinforcement by prince prevents help from church into arsenal. Odd note. Quick aggressive control by of upper floors by deX, similar to what we came to know them for a 6inv. gohaN aggressively into memorial. Using the fuze to work kitchen gets them an openning kil, gohaN does the rest. sX gets a few kills on players dropping in from kitchen, but not enough.
  118. > Rd 2: Minimal droning for blackz, very different than what we see from NA teams. Lots of early round aggression from the BR teams. Glaz coming out by sX. deX uses the Mira mirror to spot into Blue, this allows them to understand timing as well as what operator they are facing (likely spot for a Glaz/BB solo push). This allows gohaN to freely come over and C4 the glaz. Would have been safer if he had C4d over the reinforcement (would have required pre breaking) since the stock drop was open. Cameraman going aggressive late round when he knows sX is going for revive. Conventional wisdom from NA/EU would be to play passive here. Cool to see this aggressive style.
  119. > Rd 3: Here we see the changes to the meta that mira can offer. CH has always been a 2 site map, realistically only a 1 site map since Bar was almost always an attacker win. The mira offering a lot of possibility to change how sites are player. Santos puts no early pressure on the lower stairs, allows sX a lot of freedom on defensive positioning. Try to pressure late round, but get traded out. BREAK DOWN THE POSITIONS OF THIS ROUND.
  120. > Rd 4: sX Monty + Glaz on Bar attack. Great combination to force stock plant. sX opens up the room over the connector area between garage and stock to force out any anchoring players there. deX gets aggressive after losing man advantage and it pays off. The willingness to go aggro after losing a player is risky but can pay off.
  121. > Rd 5: Glaz on gohaN over blackbeard. Using it in that entry role similar to Canadian.cTm. Interesting to see more Fuze coming out, cluster charges so deadly without Rook being as popular right now. Glaz shows his entry power here, gohaN bringing him in from construction tunnel using the smokes to get out of what can notoriously be a difficult choke point to explode out of without a shield for cover.
  122. > Rd 6: Doc and rook for deX. 3 armors could see a increase due to their strength against Glaz body shots, ability not to get downed on the first shot. sX trying to force the issue too much dropping through smoke, not a smart play. 40seconds left in round was plenty of time to work a standard attack and get a plant down with man advantage. Especially to drop with defuser.
  123. Map 2: Chalet
  124. > Rd 1:
  125. > Rd 2:
  126. > Rd 3:
  127. > Rd 4:
  128. > Rd 5:
  129. > Rd 6:
  130. Map 3:
  132. Game 2: V3 vs paiN
  133. Bans:
  134. > paiN:
  135. > V3:
  136. Map 1:
  137. Map 2:
  138. Map 3:
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