

Nov 29th, 2018
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  1. -- a screenshot of it in action https://i.imgur.com/Ts13rXw.png
  2. conky.config = {
  3. -- COLOR
  4. default_color = 'CE3ECE',
  5. default_outline_color = '303030',
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  18. -- Pink
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  35. uppercase = false,
  36. use_xft = true, -- according to legend, setting this to false may relive OGL stuttering
  37. font = 'Roboto Mono:size=9', -- This uses Roboto Mono and Roboto Slab, as well as monospace for a few symbols
  39. -- SETTINGS
  40. background = false, -- SET THIS TO FALSE WHEN EDITING
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  60. -- LUA JUNK
  61. lua_load = "~/.config/conky/conkvidia-smi.lua",
  62. };
  64. conky.text = [[
  65. ${color1}${alignc}${font Roboto Slab:bold:size=16}$nodename_short${font}
  67. ${color3}UP:${color1} $uptime ${color3} ${alignr}${time %Y.%m.%d} ${color1}${time %H.%M.%S}
  68. ${voffset -6}${color4}${hr 5}${color}
  69. ${color2}${font Roboto Slab:bold}${exec cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep 'model name' | sed -e 's/model name.*: //'| uniq | cut -c 1-26}${font} ${goto 250}${color2}${hwmon 0 temp 1}°${goto 280}|${alignr}${color1}${cpu cpu0}%
  70. ${color1}${cpugraph cpu0 40,300 053961 99C7EA -t}
  71. ${voffset -12}${cpu cpu1}%${goto 95}${cpu cpu2}%${goto 170}${cpu cpu3}%${goto 245}${cpu cpu4}%
  72. ${voffset -8}${color1}${cpugraph cpu1 40,73 053961 99C7EA -t}${goto 95}${cpugraph cpu2 40,73 053961 99C7EA -t}${goto 170}${cpugraph cpu3 40,73 053961 99C7EA -t}${goto 245}${cpugraph cpu4 40,73 053961 99C7EA -t}
  73. ${voffset -8}${color4}$hr
  74. ${color3}RAM ${color3}${goto 140}${memmax}B${goto 200}|${goto 220}${color2}${mem}B${goto 280}|${alignr}${color1}${memperc}%
  75. ${memgraph 32,300 053961 99C7EA -t}
  76. ${voffset -6}${color4}${hr 5}${color}
  77. ${color2}${font Roboto Slab:bold}${exec nvidia-smi --query-gpu=gpu_name --format=csv,noheader,nounits}${font} ${goto 250}${color2}${lua gpu gputemp}° ${goto 280}| ${alignr}${color1}${lua gpu gpuutil}%
  78. ${color1}${lua_graph gpu 32,300 053961 99C7EA -t}
  79. ${color1}GPU ${goto 50}| ${lua gpu gclock}MHz ${alignr}${lua_bar 5,200 gpu gclpct}
  80. ${color2}VRAM ${goto 50}| ${lua gpu mclock}MHz ${alignr}${lua_bar 5,200 gpu mclpct}
  81. ${color3}PWR ${goto 50}| ${lua gpu pwr}W ${alignr}${lua_bar 5,200 gpu pwrpct}
  82. ${color4}FAN ${goto 50}| ${lua gpu fanspd}% ${alignr}${lua_bar 5,200 gpu fanspd}
  83. ${voffset -4}${color4}$hr{color}
  84. ${color3}VRAM ${goto 140}${color3}${lua gpu vrammax}MB${goto 200}|${goto 220}${color2}${lua gpu vram}MB${goto 280}| ${alignr}${color1}${lua gpu vramwperc}%
  85. ${color1}${lua_graph gpu_vram 32,300 053961 99C7EA -t}
  86. ${voffset -6}${color4}${hr 5}${color}
  87. ${color2}${font Roboto Slab:bold}Storage${font monospace}${goto 85}${voffset 1}${color3}⇅${goto 150}${color3}●${goto 220}${color2}◐${color1}${goto 290}○${font}
  88. ${color4}Home ${goto 70}${voffset 2}${color1}${diskiograph nvme0n1 8,45 053961 99C7EA -t}${voffset -2} ${goto 135}${color3}${fs_size /home}B${goto 190}|${goto 210}${color2}${fs_used /home}B${color1}${goto 260}|${goto 275}${fs_free /home}B
  89. ${color1}${alignr}${fs_bar 5,300 /home}
  90. ${color4}Bulk ${goto 70}${voffset 2}${color1}${diskiograph sda 8,45 053961 99C7EA -t}${voffset -2} ${goto 135}${color3}${fs_size /media/me/Bulk}B${goto 190}|${goto 210}${color2}${fs_used /media/me/Bulk}B${color1}${goto 260}|${goto 275}${fs_free /media/me/Bulk}B
  91. ${color1}${alignr}${fs_bar 5,300 /media/me/Bulk}
  92. ${color4}Mass ${goto 70}${voffset 2}${color1}${diskiograph sdb 8,45 053961 99C7EA -t}${voffset -2} ${goto 135}${color3}${fs_size /media/me/Mass}B${goto 190}|${goto 210}${color2}${fs_used /media/me/Mass}B${color1}${goto 260}|${goto 275}${fs_free /media/me/Mass}B
  93. ${color1}${alignr}${fs_bar 5,300 /media/me/Mass}
  94. ${voffset -6}${color4}${hr 5}${color}
  95. ${color2}${font Roboto Slab:bold}Network${font} ${color4}${addrs enp3s0} ${alignr}${color1}${execi 30 wget -q -O - http://ipinfo.io/ip}
  96. ${goto 180}${color1}${upspeed enp3s0}${alignr 160}${color2}${downspeed enp3s0}
  97. ${voffset -6}${goto 180}${color3}${totalup enp3s0}${alignr 160}${color4}${totaldown enp3s0}
  98. ${voffset -4}${color4}${downspeedgraph enp3s0 40,145 053961 99C7EA 50000 -t -l}${color}${font monospace:size=36}${voffset -42}${color4}${offset -14}⇂${offset -18}${color1}↿${color}${font}${goto 175}${voffset 11}${color1}${upspeedgraph enp3s0 40,145 053961 99C7EA 5000 -t -l}${color}
  99. ${voffset -6}${color4}${hr 5}${color}
  100. ${color2}${font Roboto Slab:bold}Processes${font}
  101. ${color1}Name PID CPU% MEM%
  102. ${voffset -10}${hr}
  103. ${color white}${top name 1} ${top pid 1} ${top cpu 1} ${top mem 1}
  104. ${color5}${top name 2} ${top pid 2} ${top cpu 2} ${top mem 2}
  105. ${color1}${top name 3} ${top pid 3} ${top cpu 3} ${top mem 3}
  106. ${color2}${top name 4} ${top pid 4} ${top cpu 4} ${top mem 4}
  107. ${color3}${top name 5} ${top pid 5} ${top cpu 5} ${top mem 5}
  108. ${color4}${top name 6} ${top pid 6} ${top cpu 6} ${top mem 6}
  109. ${voffset -6}${color4}${hr 5}${color}
  110. ${voffset -6}${color5}${font Roboto Slab:thin:size=8}wat r u doin in my swamp${font}
  111. ${voffset -16}${color2}${font bold:size=58}${time %H.%M.%S}${font}
  112. ]];
  114. --[[
  115. here's a ruler incase you need it
  117. ${goto 20}2${goto 40}4${goto 60}6${goto 80}8${goto 100}|${goto 120}2${goto 140}4${goto 160}6${goto 180}8${goto 200}|${goto 220}2${goto 240}4${goto 260}6${goto 280}8${goto 300}|
  118. ${goto 20}.${goto 40}.${goto 60}.${goto 80}.${goto 100}|${goto 120}.${goto 140}.${goto 160}.${goto 180}.${goto 200}|${goto 220}.${goto 240}.${goto 260}.${goto 280}.${goto 300}|
  120. ]]
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