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Jan 18th, 2018
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  1. Address Ordinal Name Library
  2. 0041B000 GetLastError KERNEL32
  3. 0041B004 RaiseException KERNEL32
  4. 0041B008 MultiByteToWideChar KERNEL32
  5. 0041B00C WideCharToMultiByte KERNEL32
  6. 0041B010 QueryPerformanceCounter KERNEL32
  7. 0041B014 GetCurrentProcessId KERNEL32
  8. 0041B018 TerminateProcess KERNEL32
  9. 0041B01C GetCurrentProcess KERNEL32
  10. 0041B020 GetProcAddress KERNEL32
  11. 0041B024 FreeLibrary KERNEL32
  12. 0041B028 VirtualQuery KERNEL32
  13. 0041B02C GetProcessHeap KERNEL32
  14. 0041B030 HeapFree KERNEL32
  15. 0041B034 HeapAlloc KERNEL32
  16. 0041B038 IsDebuggerPresent KERNEL32
  17. 0041B03C GetModuleHandleW KERNEL32
  18. 0041B040 IsProcessorFeaturePresent KERNEL32
  19. 0041B044 GetStartupInfoW KERNEL32
  20. 0041B048 SetUnhandledExceptionFilter KERNEL32
  21. 0041B04C UnhandledExceptionFilter KERNEL32
  22. 0041B050 InitializeSListHead KERNEL32
  23. 0041B054 GetSystemTimeAsFileTime KERNEL32
  24. 0041B058 GetCurrentThreadId KERNEL32
  25. 0041B098 __vcrt_GetModuleFileNameW VCRUNTIME140D
  26. 0041B09C _except_handler4_common VCRUNTIME140D
  27. 0041B0A0 memset VCRUNTIME140D
  28. 0041B0A4 __vcrt_GetModuleHandleW VCRUNTIME140D
  29. 0041B0A8 __vcrt_LoadLibraryExW VCRUNTIME140D
  30. 0041B0AC __std_type_info_destroy_list VCRUNTIME140D
  31. 0041B0E0 strcat_s ucrtbased
  32. 0041B0E4 __stdio_common_vsprintf_s ucrtbased
  33. 0041B0E8 _seh_filter_dll ucrtbased
  34. 0041B0EC __p__commode ucrtbased
  35. 0041B0F0 _register_onexit_function ucrtbased
  36. 0041B0F4 _execute_onexit_table ucrtbased
  37. 0041B0F8 _crt_atexit ucrtbased
  38. 0041B0FC _crt_at_quick_exit ucrtbased
  39. 0041B100 _controlfp_s ucrtbased
  40. 0041B104 terminate ucrtbased
  41. 0041B108 _wmakepath_s ucrtbased
  42. 0041B10C _wsplitpath_s ucrtbased
  43. 0041B110 wcscpy_s ucrtbased
  44. 0041B114 strcpy_s ucrtbased
  45. 0041B118 _set_new_mode ucrtbased
  46. 0041B11C _configthreadlocale ucrtbased
  47. 0041B120 _register_thread_local_exe_atexit_callback ucrtbased
  48. 0041B124 _c_exit ucrtbased
  49. 0041B128 _cexit ucrtbased
  50. 0041B12C __p___argv ucrtbased
  51. 0041B130 __p___argc ucrtbased
  52. 0041B134 _set_fmode ucrtbased
  53. 0041B138 _exit ucrtbased
  54. 0041B13C exit ucrtbased
  55. 0041B140 _initterm_e ucrtbased
  56. 0041B144 _initterm ucrtbased
  57. 0041B148 _get_initial_narrow_environment ucrtbased
  58. 0041B14C _initialize_narrow_environment ucrtbased
  59. 0041B150 _configure_narrow_argv ucrtbased
  60. 0041B154 __setusermatherr ucrtbased
  61. 0041B158 _set_app_type ucrtbased
  62. 0041B15C _seh_filter_exe ucrtbased
  63. 0041B160 _CrtDbgReportW ucrtbased
  64. 0041B164 _CrtDbgReport ucrtbased
  65. 0041B168 __stdio_common_vfprintf ucrtbased
  66. 0041B16C __acrt_iob_func ucrtbased
  67. 0041B170 _initialize_onexit_table ucrtbased
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