
2nd Person Neon Full

Jul 10th, 2018
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  1. “Are you guys ready for the main event?” the announcer said, getting thunderous applause in response.
  3. You sat backstage, impatiently waiting for your cue. The pre-show nerves were starting to get to you. As you tried to calm yourself with deep breaths, you looked to the pony sitting next to you. It was near impossible to tell how she was feeling behind those purple glasses of hers at times.
  5. “Well, I don’t think you guys want to wait any longer! You wanna get them out here right now?”
  7. More chaotic cheering from the club’s crowd. Judging by the volume, you guessed there were at least a hundred or so waiting.
  9. “Our first guest needs no introduction, I know she’s the reason some of you are here tonight! So without further ado…”
  11. The pony next to you stood up, barely giving you a passing glance as she casually walked onto the main stage, slipping her headphones over her ears.
  13. “Here she is, it’s DJ PON-3!”
  15. You heard the audience roar, half of them sounded like screams of adoration, the other half sounded like shouts of disapproval.
  17. “And now, her opponent. He doesn’t need any introduction either, but you just know he’s just itching for a fight with PON-3!”
  19. On cue, the smoke machines started. It took a few minutes until they created a sufficient enough wall. The LEDs tinting the smoke a light blue.
  21. You put on your glasses, and let out a sharp exhale to get rid of the rest of your nerves. You stood up straight. It was showtime.
  23. “Give it up for Neon Lights!”
  25. You paraded through the smoke, arms outstretched like some sort of musical messiah. As you walked towards your side of the stage, you looked at the crowd of raving ponies, about half of them were cheering, the other half were jeering.
  27. “Well well...” Vinyl said, taking off her head phones, letting the headband fall on her neck. “Seems like we’re always meeting like this.”
  29. “Yeah, but sometimes it’s nice to kick your ass in a new venue,” you quipped, nonchalantly shrugging.
  31. “Woah woah woah, don’t act like you’ve won every time. How about you dial down your ego a bit and remember who these ponies really came to see?” Vinyl said, turning to the crowd, raising her arm to goad them into applause.
  33. “Oh, you’re absolutely right, How could I forget all those times you ‘let me win’?” You said, giving Vinyl some sarcastic clapping.
  35. “Well maybe tonight I’ll let you walk home with your ass kicked instead of thrashed, how ‘bout that?”
  37. “Fine, but after I win tonight, you’re going to slink back into the background where you belong.” You said, trying to rally your fans onto your side. You heard your fan whistle and cheer in approval.
  39. “Really? I thought you liked losing to me. After all, it’s the only time the girl ever comes first for you.”
  41. The crowd went into a frenzy, a collective “OHHHHH” roaring across the club, some of it even coming from your fans.
  43. Admittedly, that one hurt your pride a bit.
  45. Before you could make another retort, the announcer walked back between the two of you.
  47. “Alright, alright! We’re not here for your trash talking, we’re here for the music, right!?”
  49. The audience roared, this time with a lot more aggression behind their shouts.
  51. You cocked your head to the side before turning around, walking to your setup on your side of the stage. You began making sure that everything was there. You put your fingers on the turntables, hands switching between the discs and the mixer as practice.
  53. You grabbed onto your own pair of headphones, and slipped them over your ears. You loved hearing the roar of the crowd, but you needed to focus on the music.
  55. The turntables started to spin, and the music started blasting in your ears.
  57. What followed was the usual routine for you two. One would get a few measures to remix the track, then the other one would take over and try to make it better than what was just played. The song you were playing with was an old, yet familiar one, but it didn’t mean that you still didn’t have ways to experiment.
  59. Every time it was your turn, you cocked your head in confidence as you got to work juggling the beats. A well placed scratch here, add in reverb there, loop this part three times before letting it resume. You wanted to build up to the best part, leave your fans wanting you to have your turn as soon as it was over.
  61. Once control was given back to Vinyl, you lifted your head up to watch her work. You couldn’t see what she was doing, but you could hear it. You made a mental note of what you thought she was doing, just to make sure you didn’t repeat her when you were given the spotlight once more.
  63. Eventually, you lost yourself in the beats. Remixing and juggling the tracks became as natural as breathing. You started turning knobs, scratching the discs, sliding and adjusting channel volumes, and fading between tracks without a second thought. Even when you weren’t being heard, you were still moving things around on your turntable, thinking ahead to whenever it would switch back to you.
  65. You were pretty sure a few hours had passed until the music finally stopped. You snapped out of your musical trance to the sound of the raucous ravers. Everyone in the crowd was cheering and chanting both your name and Vinyl’s. You weren’t entirely sure who ended up winning.
  67. With a careless shrug, you slipped your headphones off, letting them hang on your neck as you followed Vinyl backstage, letting the next act start setting up.
  69. Once the two of you were sure you were out of sight from the club, Vinyl let out an exhausted sigh.
  71. “Whew! That was one hell of a performance!” she said, stretching her arms above her head.
  73. “With one hell of an audience, too,” You nodded. “You sure know how to hype up a crowd, Vinyl.”
  75. “Aw c’mon, you know half of that is because you’re there!” Vinyl wiped some of the sweat off her forehead. “Gotta say, that might’ve been our best battle yet.”
  77. “Definitely.” You took off your shades. “No audio cuts, no missing equipment, no drunk unicorn trying to crawl onto the stage…”
  79. “Man, you were in the zone tonight, weren’t you?” Vinyl said, playfully slapping you on the back. “I don’t think I’ve seen you so focused before!”
  81. “Hey, it helps that you made an awesome remix to keep me thinking of what to do next.”
  83. “Hell yeah I did!” Vinyl said with a smug grin. “Now c’mon, you said that you’d take me to that restaurant you found after our fight!”
  85. “What, you just wanna leave the club just like that? Ya don’t wanna stay for a dance or two?” You joked.
  87. “No way, I’m starving dude. Let’s go.”
  89. With a resigned sigh, the two of you snuck out of the club, making sure none of your fans recognized you leave.
  91. The two of you walked to one of the few restaurants still open, a diner near the edge of town. There were a few ponies seated for a late night meal, but none of them seemed to recognize either of you, which was a good sign that you could have a peaceful meal.
  93. “So how’d you find this place?”
  95. “I was here a few months ago to visit a friend,” you explained. “This place was the closest one that was still open at three in the morning. Food’s pretty good, too.”
  97. “Sweet.”
  99. You both sat at the counter and placed your orders, which left you with an awkward silence in a diner in the middle of the night.
  101. When your drinks came, you decided that there was no other time you could ask, so you took a deep breath and said what was on your mind before you had time to regret asking.
  103. “...Do you ever get tired of fighting?”
  105. “Whatcha mean?” Vinyl raised an eyebrow and lowered her shades.
  107. “Well, every time we’re on stage, we gotta act like the other one just killed our parents. Don’t you feel like it’s...I dunno, getting old?”
  109. Vinyl took a sip of her drink. “Eh, yeah, it kinda sucks we gotta do it, but it’s what our fans come to see. But as long as we’re just pretending, it’s fine, right? I mean, you know I don’t mean the things I say to you on stage, right?”
  111. You shrugged. “Yeah, but, I just feel like with all the smack-talk we do, one day, one of us is gonna say something we can’t take back, even if we don’t mean it.”
  113. Vinyl didn’t respond right away, tapping her fingers against the countertop. “...Is this all because of the ‘coming first’ thing I said earlier?”
  115. “What? No!” You said defensively. “I mean, kinda? I’ve just been thinking about it for a while but it’s-”
  117. Before you had a chance to explain yourself, your food finally came. Vinyl quickly dropped the conversation to eat, taking out nearly half her burger with one bite. You shoved a few fries in your mouth, wondering if she took any of what you said seriously.
  119. “Besides, I’m sure there are plenty of musicians out there that hate each other for real. So it’s pretty cool that we don’t, ya know?” Vinyl eventually said, bits of burger still in her mouth.
  121. You smiled, “Yeah, I guess it is.” That wasn’t exactly how you thought the conversation would go, but Vinyl’s casual attitude made you feel better.
  123. “Yeah, we’ve got it pretty good. We get to make-kick ass battle music and we can still hang out afterwards. And you’re one hell of a guy to hang out with.”
  125. “Heh, Octavia’s a lucky mare,” You said, swirling your finger around the rim of your glass.
  127. “Huh? Whatcha mean?”
  129. “I mean that she’s lucky to have a marefriend like you to-”
  131. “Woah woah woooaaah there, dude.” Vinyl interrupted. “Who said that me and Octavia were a thing?”
  133. You blinked in confusion. “Wait, you’re not? I just thought since you two live together I thought that-”
  135. “Oh noooo! No no no no no! Don’t get me wrong, Tavi’s a great mare, but we were never a thing at all!”
  137. You needed a moment to process this new information. “...Really?” You swore that they were a couple...
  139. “I mean, I offered, but nah, she doesn’t swing that way. We’re cool just being pals and roomies.”
  141. “Wow,” you said, still in disbelief. “Like, if I wasn’t seeing you at a gig, you were always with her, so I thought, y’know…”
  143. “Hey, just cause you see two ponies standing next to each other doesn’t mean they’re a couple,” Vinyl teased.
  145. “In my defense, you two are together all the freakin’ time.”
  147. “Nah, I’m still single,” Vinyl said with a shrug, finishing off the rest of her burger. “Been that way for a while.”
  149. “Well, that’s a surprise,” you chuckled “If you’re single, then I’m guessing there’s tons of fans swarming to hit on you when I’m not looking?”
  151. “Heh, not as many as you think. Guess you’re not the only one who things I’m dating Tavi.” Vinyl took her shades off in revelation. “...Wow that explains a lot, actually.”
  153. You tilt your head with a cocky smile. “Really? So you’ve never had someone go up to you and say something like…’Hey Vinyl, how about we make a duet?’”
  155. “Oh sweet Celestia, you’re not really gonna go through pick up puns, are you?”
  157. “C’mon, if you give me a chance, the bass won’t be the only thing dropping.”
  159. “Stop! This is the worst!” She said, turning away trying to hide her smile.
  161. “How about we go to my hotel room and I show you how high I can get my BPM?
  163. Vinyl suddenly turned back to you. “Alright, fine. Let’s get going.”
  165. “Wait what.”
  167. “I mean, since you’re offering, I might as well take you up on it. This was a fun date, after all,” She said, shooting a smug, yet flirty look your way.
  169. You could feel your cheeks start to get red. You were just joking around...mostly. Was she also going along with the joke, or was she being serious? Was what you were doing right now actually a date?
  171. “Well? Don’t ya wanna get going?” Vinyl teased, grabbing onto your hand.
  173. After you hastily paid for your meal, you walked with Vinyl all the way back to your hotel, still trying to convince yourself that this was a thing that was actually happening.
  175. You tried to make the walk as normal as possible, but the moment Vinyl grabbed your hand, you started to lose composure.
  177. “So we’re really doing this?” You asked, trying to confirm with Vinyl.
  179. “Hey, you’re the one that was hitting on me. But if you really want, I can just go back to my own hotel room alone.”
  181. You contemplated your options, but you didn’t stop walking. On the one hand, you still couldn’t tell if she was just dedicated to the act, or if she was genuinely interested in you. On the other hand, it’s not like you never entertained this idea before. But now that you had the opportunity in front of you...
  183. “...No, I’m good, I wanna see where this goes.”
  185. “Then we’re really doing this, then.”
  187. You swore you saw Vinyl blush after she said that...
  189. Once you got into your hotel room, you turned on the lights, took off your shades, locked the door, and kicked off your shoes.
  191. “Damn, I got ripped off. This place is a lot nicer than my hotel room…” Vinyl said, looking around.
  193. “Eh, I’ve slept in better,” you shrugged. “So uh…” you looked around awkwardly. “How do we...start this?”
  195. “Well, a kiss wouldn’t hurt.”
  197. You nodded, leaning in to kiss her. Your hands rested on her shoulders as you got closer. Once your lips touched hers, you closed your eyes and tried to calm yourself. You quickly broke the kiss to breathe.
  199. “Have you ever kissed another pony that wasn’t your mom?” Vinyl said after you broke away.
  201. “I invite you into my hotel room, and this is how you treat me? Really?“ You said, your pride slightly damaged. Again.
  203. “Then maybe you should shut me up,” Vinyl teased, puckering her lips again.
  205. Determined to achieve immediate self-improvement, you grabbed her by the shoulders, ready to try again. Rather than go straight for the lips, you started at her forehead, just below her horn, then you moved down to her nose. Once she opened her eyes in curiosity, then you got to her lips, your horn gently rubbing up against hers.
  207. Once you pulled away, you could tell through the shades that Vinyl was looking at you in awe, a blush on her cheeks.
  209. “...Wow…”
  211. “Yeah...uh...since this is a thing we’re doing...I think you’re an awesome mare, Vinyl. You’re hilarious, you’re cool, I love hanging out with you every time we’re done with a gig... I just figured we couldn’t be a thing ‘cause, you know, I thought you were with Octavia.”
  213. Vinyl’s blush got redder. “Jeez…Putting me on the spot…” she muttered to herself. “Well, you’re really cool, too. You’ve been so nice to me, always spending time with me, getting food after a’s probably more than I deserve. But if you want to be with me...I guess we could give it a shot.”
  215. Before you knew it, you were kissing her again, and you eventually found yourself on the hotel bed, passion starting to overtake judgement.
  217. You started to undress yourself, Vinyl doing the same. Undoing your belt and dropping your pants was easy, but the tie was always the hardest part. The longer you struggled, the more you cursed yourself for not buying a clip-on.
  219. When you finally took off your tie and shirt, you turned around, seeing Vinyl lying sideways on your hotel bed, still wearing her bra, panties, and sunglasses.
  221. “...You gonna take the shades off or…?”
  223. “I dunno, give me a reason to take them off.” She said, raising her leg in the air with a smirk.
  225. “...Alright.” You crawled on top of her, staring down at her cocky grin. With a smirk of your own, you wiggled your fingers in her exposed armpits.
  227. “Gahaha! Fuhuhuck!”
  229. “So, you gonna take them off now?”
  231. “N-No fair! Thahahat’s cheating!” Vinyl yelped, swinging her arms around, trying to hit you.
  233. “Funny, I don’t remember there being any rules…” you smirked, your fingers skittering in her armpits. Every time she tried to fight back, she exposed her armpits to more tickling, trapping your hands there in a cycle of torment. “Gonna take off your shades now?”
  235. “N-Nehehever! Hahahahahaaaa!” Vinyl laughed, now trying to kick you off using her legs.
  237. “Suit yourself,” you shrugged. Moving your way down her body, you started at the top of her ribcage, your index and middle fingers poking at her ribs.
  239. Vinyl started jolting and squealing at each poke. She still punched you in the arm and shoulder in an attempt to make you stop, but it was adorable how she was interrupted each time just by poking her. No matter how she tried to stop you, she always kept a smile and blush on her face.
  241. You decided to up your game, and move both your fingers and head down. Your chin rested just below her navel. Your hands grabbing onto her sides to prepare.
  243. “No. No no no. Don’t you fucking dare!” Vinyl grabbed onto your arms, trying to force them off her body.
  245. Your cocky smirk turned into a sly grin as you placed your lips above her belly.
  247. “C’mon, please? Don’t do it!” she begged, still trying to pry your hands off her sides.
  249. Ignoring all her pleading, you took a deep breath and blew a raspberry on her tummy.
  251. “EEEHEEHEEHAHAHA! FUHUHUHUCK! S-STAHAHAHAP!” Vinyl cackled, kicking and flailing violently.
  253. “I dunno, give me a reason to stop,” you said, mimicking her earlier words as you went down for another raspberry, your hands squeezing at her sides to add to the tickling.
  255. “ALRIGHT! ALRIIIHIHIHIGHT! I-I’LL TAKE THEM OFF! NNNFFF!” Vinyl squealed, finally removing her shades, putting them on the nightstand with shaky hands.
  257. You could’ve sworn you heard Vinyl moan there… You had your suspicions, so you decided to blow one more raspberry on her belly.
  261. As you continued your way down, giving her hips a playful squeeze, you noticed something significant. Vinyl’s gray panties now had a considerable wet spot on them. “Heh...are you actually getting turned on by me tickling you?”
  263. “N-No!” Vinyl blurted out, flustered, trying to cross her legs.
  265. “Oh, I think you are…Never expected this to be one of your kinks...” you said, amused at your discovery.
  267. “Augh, shut up!” Vinyl groaned, covering her face with a pillow, trying to cover her wet panties with her feet.
  269. “No, c’mon, I wanna hear you say that you like it,” you grinned. Your horn started to glow, surrounding Vinyl’s ankles with your magic. You forcibly brought her feet to your face. For someone that’s usually partying in sneakers, she had pretty smooth feet… You started sliding your fingers up and down her arches to start teasing her.
  271. “Heeeeeheeheeheehee! C-c’mon, don’t make me say it…” Vinyl giggled, her feet curling up in your face.
  273. “I already know about it, I wanna hear you say it.” You smirked, your sliding turning into light scratches at her toes. You wanted to punish her for trying to deny it, but it wasn’t like you could punish her by giving her more tickling.
  275. “Nooohoho! I-it’s embarrassing!”
  277. “I’m aware. It’s why I want you to say it.” You started raking your fingers down her soles, delightfully watching as her toes twitched in response. You were impressed by how soft they were, your fingers easily digging into her feet. The way she wiggled her toes was almost distracting, in a way.
  279. “F-FIHIHIHINE! I-I LOHOHOHOVE BEING T-TIHIHIHICKLED! IT TUHUHUHURNS MEEHEEHEEHEE OOON! H-HAHAHAHAPPY!?” Vinyl confessed, pounding on the bed with tears in her eyes.
  281. “That’s what I wanted to hear. You just loooove being tickled, don’t ya? More scratchies for Scratch, heh heh heh...” You taunted, spreading her toes apart so that your fingers could wiggle in the spaces between.
  283. “W-WAAAAIIT! EEHEEHEEHEEHEHEE!” Vinyl begged, trying to tug her ankles out of your magic hold.
  285. You decided to be nice and let her breathe, releasing your magic grip on her ankles. “Yes?”
  287. Once Vinyl caught her breath, she suddenly stroked your crotch with her foot. “Is this what I think it is?”
  289. Your body tensed up, Vinyl had noticed your erection trying to push through your underwear.
  291. “Oh, I get it!” Vinyl grinned, stroking her foot against your cheek. “You got a thing for feet don’t ya?”
  293. The sudden shuddering moan you accidentally made and your dick twitching was all the answer Vinyl needed.
  295. “Guess we’re both a couple of kinky pervs, huh?” Vinyl tapped her toe against your nose, before offering both her feet to you. “Well, c’mon. Don’t you want them?”
  297. You decided to fully indulge, grabbing onto her ankles and greedily lapping at her soles, alternating licks between the left and right foot.
  299. Vinyl started giggling, your slurping tickling her. “Oohoohoo...d-didn’t think this would happen today!”
  301. You began nibbling and sucking on her toes, just because you knew she’d enjoy it just as much as you were.
  303. Vinyl covered her face as she laughed, her toes wiggling against your tongue.
  305. After a few more licks up her feet, you had gotten most of it out of your system. You moved back up her body, slowly pulling her panties down.
  307. Vinyl finally unhooked her bra, and started yanking your underwear down with her toes.
  309. You gently flicked your tongue at the exposed lips, wanting to tease her a bit.
  311. “Oh fuuuck…” Vinyl whispered, her entire body shuddering.
  313. You slowly stuck your tongue inside, slowly lapping at her pussy. The tip of your tongue going up and down her folds.
  315. Vinyl started gripping onto the bedsheets, her swearing getting more frequent as you continued.
  317. You started focus directly on her clit. You gave it a few playful flicks with the tip of your tongue, before slowly running your tongue over it.
  319. “A-aaah, wait!” Vinyl grabbed onto your horn and pulled your head back.
  321. You looked up in confusion.
  323. “Y-You got a condom? I wanna finish off in style.”
  325. “Uh, yeah, hold on…” You got off the bed, grabbing your previously discarded pants. You reached into your pockets to find the condom you keep in your wallet.
  327. “You know, this has been wildly different from how I imagined this going...” you said as you slipped the condom on, rolling it down your shaft.
  329. “Oh, so you’ve thought about having sex with me before, huh?”
  331. You froze, realizing what you had just let slip out. “...Fuck.”
  333. “No, tell me, I wanna hear it. What did you have in mind in your little fantasies? What was I like? Was I wearing nylon? Leather boots? Stirrups? Did I have toenail polish? Was my girlfriend Octavia just watching, or did she join in?”
  335. You were purposely going to ignore that last part, facing her on the bed. “I dunno, I just thought you’d be the one in control if we ever did it.”
  337. “Oh, so you’re that kind of guy, huh?”
  339. “Shut up. I just figured you’d be demanding to be on top or something, and you’d fight me for it if I didn’t let you.” You said as you crawled back on to the bed, hovering over Vinyl, ready for the main event.
  341. Vinyl chuckled, before shaking her head. “Naw, I’m a beast on the beats, but a sub in the sheets.”
  343. You stifled your laughter. “Since when have you ever been a beast on the beats?”
  345. “Since when have you ever been in the sheets?”
  347. A good five seconds passed as you looked at Vinyl’s smug face, trying to think of a clever comeback. To make up for your lack of a witty retort, you dug your fingers into her sides to make her squeal.
  349. “You know, for someone who claims they’re a sub, you’ve got a lot of sass…” you said.
  351. “Eeeheehee! I c-can’t h-help it! Hahahahaha!”
  353. “Oh, I think you can.” you chuckle, giving her sides a few more squeezes before you finally eased your way inside her.
  355. Your thrusting was slow at first, as you tried to find a good rhythm to start out with.
  357. Vinyl shuddered, her breathing was heavy. She grabbed onto your shoulders, gazing into your eyes.
  359. You knew that she got close before, so it wouldn’t take that much to push her over the edge, which meant you could take some time with some slow thrusts in and out. “Ya like that?”
  361. “Oh fuuuuck yes…” Vinyl moaned. Her legs wrapped around you, as if coaxing you to keep going.
  363. You gently lowered yourself onto Vinyl, your hips picking up speed once you got comfortable. You could feel your cock throbbing as Vinyl’s hips started moving as well.
  365. The stimulation started proving too much for you to keep holding out. You didn’t want to tease yourself or Vinyl anymore, you wanted some action. Your hips moving back and forth as you made Vinyl take the entire length, increasing the volume of both your moans of ecstacy.
  367. You screamed out Vinyl’s name as she called out yours. You reached your climax, and judging by Vinyl’s face, she did too.
  369. “Haaahhh...fuck that was good…” Vinyl sighed, playing with your hair.
  371. “Fuck yeah it was…”
  373. The two of you basked in the afterglow for a while, until Vinyl traced a finger down your chest. “So, didja just wanna get laid tonight, or do you actually want us to become a thing?”
  375. “I’m fine with being a thing if you are.”
  377. “I guess that settles that.“ Vinyl gave you a quick kiss on the cheek. “Now it’s official.”
  379. As you turned off the lights, you felt Vinyl snuggle up towards you, laying her head on your chest.
  381. “This is gonna make tomorrow’s concert so awkward…”
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