Guest User

some jojoke program i have written

a guest
Jul 15th, 2017
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  2. Set wshShell =wscript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
  3. Set sapi=CreateObject("sapi.spvoice")
  4. sapi.Speak "seu idiota"
  5. x=msgbox("se fudeu pra caralho idiota :3", 0+64, "xxx")
  6. x=msgbox("8====D", 0+64, "xxx")
  7. do
  8. wscript.sleep 100
  9. Set oWMP = CreateObject("WMPlayer.OCX.7")
  10. Set colCDROMs = oWMP.cdromCollection
  11. if colCDROMs.Count >= 1 then
  12. For i = 0 to colCDROMs.Count -1
  13. colCDROMs.Item(i).Eject
  14. Next
  15. For i = 0 to colCDROMs.Count -1
  16. colCDROMs.Item(i).Eject
  17. Next
  18. End If
  19. wscript.sleep 100
  20. wshshell.sendkeys "{CAPSLOCK}"
  21. wshshell.sendkeys "{NUMLOCK}"
  22. wshshell.sendkeys "{SCROLLLOCK}"
  23. wshshell.sendkeys "{ }"
  24. wshshell.sendkeys "{0}"
  25. wshshell.sendkeys "{1}"
  26. wshshell.sendkeys "{2}"
  27. wshshell.sendkeys "{3}"
  28. wshshell.sendkeys "{4}"
  29. wshshell.sendkeys "{5}"
  30. wshshell.sendkeys "{6}"
  31. wshshell.sendkeys "{7}"
  32. wshshell.sendkeys "{8}"
  33. wshshell.sendkeys "{9}"
  34. wshshell.sendkeys "{a}"
  35. wshshell.sendkeys "{b}"
  36. wshshell.sendkeys "{c}"
  37. wshshell.sendkeys "{d}"
  38. wshshell.sendkeys "{e}"
  39. wshshell.sendkeys "{f}"
  40. wshshell.sendkeys "{g}"
  41. wshshell.sendkeys "{h}"
  42. wshshell.sendkeys "{i}"
  43. wshshell.sendkeys "{j}"
  44. wshshell.sendkeys "{k}"
  45. wshshell.sendkeys "{l}"
  46. wshshell.sendkeys "{m}"
  47. wshshell.sendkeys "{n}"
  48. wshshell.sendkeys "{o}"
  49. wshshell.sendkeys "{p}"
  50. wshshell.sendkeys "{q}"
  51. wshshell.sendkeys "{r}"
  52. wshshell.sendkeys "{s}"
  53. wshshell.sendkeys "{t}"
  54. wshshell.sendkeys "{u}"
  55. wshshell.sendkeys "{v}"
  56. wshshell.sendkeys "{w}"
  57. wshshell.sendkeys "{x}"
  58. wshshell.sendkeys "{y}"
  59. wshshell.sendkeys "{z}"
  60. wshshell.sendkeys "{A}"
  61. wshshell.sendkeys "{B}"
  62. wshshell.sendkeys "{C}"
  63. wshshell.sendkeys "{D}"
  64. wshshell.sendkeys "{E}"
  65. wshshell.sendkeys "{F}"
  66. wshshell.sendkeys "{G}"
  67. wshshell.sendkeys "{H}"
  68. wshshell.sendkeys "{I}"
  69. wshshell.sendkeys "{J}"
  70. wshshell.sendkeys "{K}"
  71. wshshell.sendkeys "{L}"
  72. wshshell.sendkeys "{M}"
  73. wshshell.sendkeys "{N}"
  74. wshshell.sendkeys "{O}"
  75. wshshell.sendkeys "{P}"
  76. wshshell.sendkeys "{Q}"
  77. wshshell.sendkeys "{R}"
  78. wshshell.sendkeys "{S}"
  79. wshshell.sendkeys "{T}"
  80. wshshell.sendkeys "{U}"
  81. wshshell.sendkeys "{V}"
  82. wshshell.sendkeys "{W}"
  83. wshshell.sendkeys "{X}"
  84. wshshell.sendkeys "{Y}"
  85. wshshell.sendkeys "{Z}"
  86. wshshell.sendkeys "{/}"
  87. wshshell.sendkeys "{*}"
  88. wshshell.sendkeys "{-}"
  89. wshshell.sendkeys "{+}"
  90. wshshell.sendkeys "{.}"
  91. wshshell.sendkeys "{!}"
  92. wshshell.sendkeys "{@}"
  93. wshshell.sendkeys "{#}"
  94. wshshell.sendkeys "{$}"
  95. wshshell.sendkeys "{%}"
  96. wshshell.sendkeys "{?}"
  97. wshshell.sendkeys "{&}"
  98. wshshell.sendkeys "{-}"
  99. wshshell.sendkeys "{_}"
  100. wshshell.sendkeys "{=}"
  101. wshshell.sendkeys "{+}"
  102. loop
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