

Sep 2nd, 2014
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  1. 2014.08.31 18:24:09 [G] desteny14: this is my castle
  2. 2014.08.31 18:24:26 [G] desteny14: imogen!
  3. 2014.08.31 18:24:28 [G] Diamond_Minr: Wb!
  4. 2014.08.31 18:24:29 [G] ImogenGrace: hi
  5. 2014.08.31 18:24:32 [G] Bisquick000: oh
  6. 2014.08.31 18:24:34 [G] PinkBuddyBear: Imogen!
  7. 2014.08.31 18:24:50 [G] ImogenGrace: u guys finished it thx
  8. 2014.08.31 18:24:52 [G] scout1492: so you're telling me i havepowers!?
  9. 2014.08.31 18:24:58 [G] desteny14: yes....
  10. 2014.08.31 18:25:01 [G] ImogenGrace: guys
  11. 2014.08.31 18:25:15 [G] ImogenGrace: dest it was my castle im the queen
  12. 2014.08.31 18:25:25 [G] ImogenGrace: just saying
  13. 2014.08.31 18:25:28 [G] JavelinaButta: srry I timed out
  14. 2014.08.31 18:25:34 [G] scout1492: then she's princess
  15. 2014.08.31 18:25:41 [G] Diamond_Minr: Ok
  16. 2014.08.31 18:25:42 [G] desteny14: what?
  17. 2014.08.31 18:25:47 [G] desteny14: what do you mean?
  19. 2014.08.31 18:25:52 [G] ImogenGrace: dest u can ee prncess if u want
  21. 2014.08.31 18:26:15 [G] ImogenGrace: dest plz distroy the sighn
  23. 2014.08.31 18:26:30 [G] desteny14: oh yeah, who are you going to the ball with?
  24. 2014.08.31 18:26:41 [G] ImogenGrace: me?
  26. 2014.08.31 18:26:55 [G] scout1492: no i got this strange mail
  27. 2014.08.31 18:27:02 [G] ImogenGrace: wer?
  29. 2014.08.31 18:27:13 [G] scout1492: and i have to choose someone to go to a ball with
  30. 2014.08.31 18:27:15 [G] desteny14: ik but who are you going with?
  32. 2014.08.31 18:27:29 [G] ImogenGrace: me dest?
  34. 2014.08.31 18:27:48 [G] ImogenGrace: dest pl distroy the sighn
  35. 2014.08.31 18:28:09 [G] ImogenGrace: helo!?
  37. 2014.08.31 18:28:25 [G] ImogenGrace: desteny!
  38. 2014.08.31 18:28:35 [G] ImogenGrace: dest
  40. 2014.08.31 18:28:39 [G] ImogenGrace: helo!
  41. 2014.08.31 18:28:45 [G] ImogenGrace: desteny!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  43. 2014.08.31 18:28:55 [G] ImogenGrace: deest!!!!
  45. 2014.08.31 18:29:12 [G] ImogenGrace: remember im queen?!
  46. 2014.08.31 18:29:17 [G] scout1492: ... when was i a king
  48. 2014.08.31 18:29:24 [G] ImogenGrace: plz distroy it
  49. 2014.08.31 18:29:28 [G] ImogenGrace: yes
  51. 2014.08.31 18:29:32 [G] desteny14: the day before yesterday...
  52. 2014.08.31 18:29:43 [G] ImogenGrace: u can still be king scout
  54. 2014.08.31 18:29:49 [G] scout1492: nah
  55. 2014.08.31 18:29:50 [G] ImogenGrace: desteny
  56. 2014.08.31 18:29:56 [G] desteny14: :P
  58. 2014.08.31 18:30:04 [G] ImogenGrace: can u plz distroy it
  60. 2014.08.31 18:30:14 [G] desteny14: i wonder where that was.... that ball...
  61. 2014.08.31 18:30:33 [G] ImogenGrace: u know wat nvm ill be princess!
  62. 2014.08.31 18:30:42 [G] scout1492: is there a way to change me back
  63. 2014.08.31 18:30:47 [G] desteny14: nope.
  64. 2014.08.31 18:30:54 [G] scout1492: O_o
  66. 2014.08.31 18:31:09 [G] desteny14: well i gotta change if im going to the ball....
  67. 2014.08.31 18:31:15 [G] ImogenGrace: dest u had to ask me if u could be queen
  69. 2014.08.31 18:31:20 [G] ImogenGrace: nvm
  71. 2014.08.31 18:32:09 [G] ImogenGrace: dest
  73. 2014.08.31 18:32:35 [G] ImogenGrace: u had to ask me if u could be queen
  74. 2014.08.31 18:32:39 [G] Bisquick000: can i come in
  75. 2014.08.31 18:32:44 [G] scout1492: too many bearinators! aaaggh! *goes back*
  76. 2014.08.31 18:32:45 [G] desteny14: no thanks
  78. 2014.08.31 18:33:25 [G] desteny14: umm you can use your fire powers to beat them up you know...
  79. 2014.08.31 18:33:26 [G] Bisquick000: can i enter
  80. 2014.08.31 18:33:31 [G] desteny14: no
  81. 2014.08.31 18:33:49 [G] scout1492: i don't know how to use them but i'll figure out
  82. 2014.08.31 18:34:00 [G] desteny14: i can teach you
  83. 2014.08.31 18:34:03 [G] scout1492: nah
  84. 2014.08.31 18:34:09 [G] desteny14: alrighty
  86. 2014.08.31 18:34:36 [G] ImogenGrace: dest un lock every thing of the casle its my casle i can do watever i want to with it!!!
  88. 2014.08.31 18:35:01 [G] ImogenGrace: destenY!!!!!!!
  90. 2014.08.31 18:35:14 [G] ImogenGrace: in sooo mad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  92. 2014.08.31 18:35:32 [G] ImogenGrace: this is not ure castle!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  94. 2014.08.31 18:35:37 [G] scout1492: !
  95. 2014.08.31 18:35:38 [G] Diamond_Minr: Spam
  96. 2014.08.31 18:35:39 [G] ImogenGrace: desteny!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  97. 2014.08.31 18:35:44 [G] desteny14: muhaha!'
  98. 2014.08.31 18:35:53 [G] ImogenGrace: DESTENY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  99. 2014.08.31 18:35:53 [G] Diamond_Minr: Guys, please stop with the '!' spam
  100. 2014.08.31 18:35:57 [G] AgentZombie04: why dont U destroy the sign???
  102. 2014.08.31 18:36:02 [G] ImogenGrace: AFK
  104. 2014.08.31 18:36:33 [G] desteny14: hi
  106. 2014.08.31 18:36:36 [G] scout1492: hi
  107. 2014.08.31 18:36:43 [G] scout1492: what is that...
  108. 2014.08.31 18:36:51 [G] desteny14: idk...
  109. 2014.08.31 18:37:07 [G] desteny14: i love elsa.
  110. 2014.08.31 18:37:29 [G] desteny14: Elsa... my worst enemy...
  111. 2014.08.31 18:37:44 [G] desteny14: grr ROAR!
  113. 2014.08.31 18:37:57 [G] scout1492: oh it does say i love elsa... i have no idea who that is
  115. 2014.08.31 18:38:23 [G] desteny14: brb
  117. 2014.08.31 18:44:36 [G] ImogenGrace: is ther a admin on?
  118. 2014.08.31 18:44:39 [G] Diamond_Minr: Nope
  120. 2014.08.31 18:44:47 [G] ImogenGrace: desteny'
  121. 2014.08.31 18:44:58 [G] ImogenGrace: u realy hurt my feelings
  123. 2014.08.31 18:45:24 [G] ImogenGrace: its my castle wen a admin com on im telling
  125. 2014.08.31 18:45:46 [G] ImogenGrace: im starting too cry agen!!
  126. 2014.08.31 18:45:56 [G] ImogenGrace: dest this is all ur falt
  128. 2014.08.31 18:46:38 [G] ImogenGrace: dest ur so mean
  130. 2014.08.31 18:47:03 [G] ImogenGrace: desteny u arnt lisening r u?!
  132. 2014.08.31 18:47:21 [G] ImogenGrace: desteny!!!
  134. 2014.08.31 18:47:24 [G] ImogenGrace: dest
  136. 2014.08.31 18:47:44 [G] desteny14: why are you crying imogen?
  138. 2014.08.31 18:47:58 [G] ImogenGrace: its cuz of u!!! desteny!!!
  140. 2014.08.31 18:48:09 [G] scout1492: you need to get rid of everything because it's her castle apperently
  142. 2014.08.31 18:48:11 [G] desteny14: why are you crying imogen
  144. 2014.08.31 18:48:21 [G] desteny14: what?
  145. 2014.08.31 18:48:27 [G] SnuggleGuide: Hey Guys :)
  146. 2014.08.31 18:48:30 [G] ImogenGrace: stoll my castle
  147. 2014.08.31 18:48:31 [G] desteny14: what do you mean?!
  148. 2014.08.31 18:48:49 [G] ImogenGrace: u stoll my fire castle
  149. 2014.08.31 18:48:55 [G] SnuggleGuide: *sigh*
  150. 2014.08.31 18:49:03 [G] ImogenGrace: it made me very ver very sad
  152. 2014.08.31 18:49:15 [G] desteny14: scout what do you mean its hers? and whos her?
  153. 2014.08.31 18:49:23 [G] ImogenGrace: i just want to blow it up=[
  154. 2014.08.31 18:49:24 [G] scout1492: imogen
  156. 2014.08.31 18:49:29 [G] ImogenGrace: ya?=[
  158. 2014.08.31 18:49:43 [G] scout1492: no i was saying that's who for dest
  159. 2014.08.31 18:49:50 [G] desteny14: oh
  160. 2014.08.31 18:49:52 [G] scout1492: i'm trying to help
  162. 2014.08.31 18:49:55 [G] ImogenGrace: desteny'
  164. 2014.08.31 18:50:04 [G] ImogenGrace: see u rote it ure self
  166. 2014.08.31 18:50:23 [G] ImogenGrace: desteny im still sad
  168. 2014.08.31 18:50:53 desteny14 -> ImogenGrace: theres a ball today and im going with scout
  169. 2014.08.31 18:50:59 [G] ImogenGrace: dest
  170. 2014.08.31 18:51:11 [G] ImogenGrace: i thout u wer my friend
  171. 2014.08.31 18:51:30 [G] desteny14: whats wrong imogen?
  173. 2014.08.31 18:51:46 [G] desteny14: whats wrong imogen?
  174. 2014.08.31 18:51:50 [G] desteny14: tell me!
  175. 2014.08.31 18:51:52 [G] ImogenGrace: u stoll my castle
  176. 2014.08.31 18:52:04 [G] ImogenGrace: i told u a 1000 times
  177. 2014.08.31 18:52:13 [G] PinkBuddyBear: Imogen! I tryed to tell Desteny this isnt her castle but she wouldnt listen!
  178. 2014.08.31 18:52:40 [G] ImogenGrace: i couldint bild cuz i had to go to my grandmas
  180. 2014.08.31 18:52:49 [G] scout1492: dest break the locked signs!
  181. 2014.08.31 18:52:56 [G] desteny14: ok?
  183. 2014.08.31 18:53:34 [G] desteny14: why break the locked signs?
  184. 2014.08.31 18:53:34 [G] scout1492: do it! it's her castle
  185. 2014.08.31 18:53:41 [G] ImogenGrace: i hav bo 1 to go with so im not going im geting sad agen!
  186. 2014.08.31 18:53:43 [G] desteny14: :''(
  188. 2014.08.31 18:53:48 [G] ImogenGrace: *no*
  190. 2014.08.31 18:54:05 [G] ImogenGrace: afk geting a tishu
  192. 2014.08.31 18:54:22 [G] desteny14: IM NOT TALKING!
  194. 2014.08.31 18:54:26 [G] Diamond_Minr: Caps
  195. 2014.08.31 18:54:27 [G] desteny14: (srry caps)
  197. 2014.08.31 18:55:12 [G] ImogenGrace: dest i ame home from the best day ever and now u roind it!
  199. 2014.08.31 18:55:16 [G] desteny14: im SO MAD
  200. 2014.08.31 18:55:20 [G] ImogenGrace: *came*
  202. 2014.08.31 18:55:45 [G] desteny14: I DONT EVEN GET MY OWN CASTLE! (srry caps again see how im so mad?)
  204. 2014.08.31 18:55:54 [G] ImogenGrace: dest'
  206. 2014.08.31 18:55:59 [G] ImogenGrace: why didint u say so
  208. 2014.08.31 18:56:22 [G] ImogenGrace: umm wer in creativ
  209. 2014.08.31 18:56:26 [G] desteny14: :''(
  211. 2014.08.31 18:56:30 PinkBuddyBear -> ImogenGrace: Imogen lets let her have it sence shes fire queen and you hae ice castle!
  213. 2014.08.31 18:56:48 [G] ImogenGrace: dest i can help u make u a castle
  215. 2014.08.31 18:57:20 desteny14 -> scout1492: ik you dont like me at all
  217. 2014.08.31 18:57:37 [G] ImogenGrace: dest ill make u a castle wat kind of castle would u like?
  219. 2014.08.31 18:57:50 [G] PinkBuddyBear: Ok then :)! Get out!
  220. 2014.08.31 18:57:55 [G] Diamond_Minr: Wha
  221. 2014.08.31 18:57:56 [G] JavelinaButta: hey PBB wanna play school with us?
  223. 2014.08.31 18:58:01 [G] ImogenGrace: oh and m srry
  224. 2014.08.31 18:58:02 [G] desteny14: :''(
  226. 2014.08.31 18:58:03 [G] Diamond_Minr: What the heck
  228. 2014.08.31 18:58:12 [G] Diamond_Minr: PBB!
  230. 2014.08.31 18:58:18 [G] ImogenGrace: dest'
  232. 2014.08.31 18:58:20 [G] JavelinaButta: PBB what are u doing
  234. 2014.08.31 18:58:29 [G] PinkBuddyBear: My School!
  235. 2014.08.31 18:58:30 [G] Diamond_Minr: Ur griefing what Jave built
  237. 2014.08.31 18:58:36 [G] ImogenGrace: wot kind of catle do u want?
  239. 2014.08.31 18:58:37 [G] Diamond_Minr: He built this classroom
  240. 2014.08.31 18:58:41 [G] JavelinaButta: we are help ing you make it
  242. 2014.08.31 18:58:47 [G] ImogenGrace: ill make u 1
  244. 2014.08.31 18:58:55 [G] JavelinaButta: re mamber when u asked me to?
  245. 2014.08.31 18:58:56 [G] Diamond_Minr: Griefing
  246. 2014.08.31 18:59:07 [G] ImogenGrace: dest
  247. 2014.08.31 18:59:09 [G] PinkBuddyBear: Its my School!
  249. 2014.08.31 18:59:18 [G] Diamond_Minr: Gawsh PBB
  251. 2014.08.31 18:59:22 [G] Rampager1928: griefer
  252. 2014.08.31 18:59:22 [G] ImogenGrace: srry dest
  253. 2014.08.31 18:59:24 [G] desteny14: d:
  254. 2014.08.31 18:59:28 [G] desteny14: *D:
  255. 2014.08.31 18:59:30 [G] PinkBuddyBear: Stop!
  256. 2014.08.31 18:59:33 [G] JavelinaButta: we know we where makeing a classroom
  257. 2014.08.31 18:59:35 [G] Rampager1928: Whelsh
  258. 2014.08.31 18:59:47 [G] ImogenGrace: dest
  259. 2014.08.31 18:59:53 [G] Rampager1928: Whelshpixie
  260. 2014.08.31 18:59:55 [G] PinkBuddyBear: Guys! You dont own it!
  261. 2014.08.31 18:59:56 [G] JavelinaButta: hey guys if shes gonna act like this lest just leave
  262. 2014.08.31 19:00:00 [G] Diamond_Minr: Going to another server sheesh
  263. 2014.08.31 19:00:01 [G] PinkBuddyBear: And Im not done!
  264. 2014.08.31 19:00:08 [G] JavelinaButta: no dont
  265. 2014.08.31 19:00:11 [G] ImogenGrace: hes not on ramp
  266. 2014.08.31 19:00:13 [G] JavelinaButta: dont leave minr
  267. 2014.08.31 19:00:22 [G] PinkBuddyBear: I hate you guys! Your the meanest and worst!
  268. 2014.08.31 19:00:23 [G] ImogenGrace: desteny can i make u a castle?
  270. 2014.08.31 19:00:29 JavelinaButta -> Diamond_Minr: k
  271. 2014.08.31 19:00:34 [G] CodeSpy: PBB how could u say that
  272. 2014.08.31 19:00:36 [G] AgentZombie04: thx i am mean.
  273. 2014.08.31 19:00:41 [G] Rampager1928: brb\
  274. 2014.08.31 19:00:52 [G] Diamond_Minr: :(
  275. 2014.08.31 19:00:53 [G] JavelinaButta: k
  276. 2014.08.31 19:00:55 [G] PinkBuddyBear: Cause I can tell you to destroy that
  277. 2014.08.31 19:00:59 [G] desteny14: PBB! Thanks for calling me that you made me feel worst! YOU!
  278. 2014.08.31 19:01:11 [G] ImogenGrace: dest
  279. 2014.08.31 19:01:12 [G] Diamond_Minr: Sheesh PBB. Don't be so mean
  280. 2014.08.31 19:01:18 [G] desteny14: ikr!?
  281. 2014.08.31 19:01:18 [G] JavelinaButta: lets just share the school
  282. 2014.08.31 19:01:28 [G] Diamond_Minr: Want to make our own school Jave?
  283. 2014.08.31 19:01:30 [G] PinkBuddyBear: Be quiet!
  284. 2014.08.31 19:01:31 [G] ImogenGrace: dest
  285. 2014.08.31 19:01:32 [G] CodeSpy: im telling a admin right now as soon as one gets on!
  286. 2014.08.31 19:01:41 [G] JavelinaButta: yeah
  287. 2014.08.31 19:01:42 [G] Diamond_Minr: W/ bigger classrooms and a bigger school?
  288. 2014.08.31 19:01:49 [G] Diamond_Minr: Meet at spawn
  289. 2014.08.31 19:01:58 [G] CodeSpy: theres a chance there migth be one spying on us in irc
  291. 2014.08.31 19:02:00 [G] ImogenGrace: what kind of casle do u want?
  293. 2014.08.31 19:02:11 [G] PinkBuddyBear: Stop it!
  294. 2014.08.31 19:02:14 [G] ImogenGrace: can u help me?
  295. 2014.08.31 19:02:16 [G] PinkBuddyBear: It hate you!
  297. 2014.08.31 19:02:24 [G] JavelinaButta: guys cmere
  299. 2014.08.31 19:02:33 [G] desteny14: :''(
  301. 2014.08.31 19:02:43 [G] ImogenGrace: dest i said i will make u a castle
  302. 2014.08.31 19:02:43 [G] JavelinaButta: lets make our own school
  303. 2014.08.31 19:02:48 [G] Diamond_Minr: Ik a place where to build it
  305. 2014.08.31 19:02:51 [G] Diamond_Minr: Meet at /pong
  307. 2014.08.31 19:02:59 [G] JavelinaButta: I got a place
  308. 2014.08.31 19:03:06 [G] Diamond_Minr: Ok
  310. 2014.08.31 19:03:15 [G] Rampager1928: back i reported PinkBuddyBear
  311. 2014.08.31 19:03:26 [G] ImogenGrace: destey do u want a catle or not?
  313. 2014.08.31 19:03:53 [G] Diamond_Minr: I hear JavelinaButta likes cute Asian boys.
  314. 2014.08.31 19:03:55 [G] Diamond_Minr: LOL
  315. 2014.08.31 19:03:59 [G] JavelinaButta: lol
  317. 2014.08.31 19:04:36 [G] Diamond_Minr: Where's the place?
  318. 2014.08.31 19:04:42 [G] PinkBuddyBear: Guys!
  319. 2014.08.31 19:04:58 [G] desteny14: here
  320. 2014.08.31 19:05:03 [G] JavelinaButta: hey pink i will destroy the classroom I made but u told me I could use the school remember
  321. 2014.08.31 19:05:17 [G] desteny14: pbb! grab itt!
  322. 2014.08.31 19:05:31 [G] JavelinaButta: howbout we all use the school and be friends
  323. 2014.08.31 19:05:33 [G] PinkBuddyBear: Im very stern about what ppl do! You dont know how hard it is growing up!
  324. 2014.08.31 19:05:40 [G] Diamond_Minr: Actually, I do know
  326. 2014.08.31 19:05:59 [G] desteny14: pbb read it
  328. 2014.08.31 19:06:11 [G] desteny14: give it back!
  329. 2014.08.31 19:06:14 [G] PinkBuddyBear: My dad is really mean to my mom so he doesnt live with us! A very importent person died!
  330. 2014.08.31 19:06:19 [G] desteny14: HEY!
  332. 2014.08.31 19:06:25 [G] desteny14: ;"""(
  333. 2014.08.31 19:06:28 [G] Diamond_Minr: Yeah, an important person in my life died too
  334. 2014.08.31 19:06:31 [G] Rampager1928: what
  336. 2014.08.31 19:06:36 [G] desteny14: GIVE IT BACK (srry caps)
  337. 2014.08.31 19:06:37 [G] PinkBuddyBear: And I hate being the meen one!
  338. 2014.08.31 19:06:45 [G] Diamond_Minr: Then don't be the mean one
  339. 2014.08.31 19:06:49 [G] ImogenGrace: i think every1 wants me to leav so bye=[
  340. 2014.08.31 19:06:55 [G] Diamond_Minr: You can be whoever you want to be
  341. 2014.08.31 19:07:00 [G] desteny14: dont say that we are mean that makes you the mean one
  342. 2014.08.31 19:07:01 [G] PinkBuddyBear: So stop threting me when I do things wrong!
  343. 2014.08.31 19:07:01 [G] Diamond_Minr: Whatever you want to be
  344. 2014.08.31 19:07:02 [G] JavelinaButta: hey lets all comeinto the classroom
  345. 2014.08.31 19:07:14 [G] Diamond_Minr: We're not Threatening you
  346. 2014.08.31 19:07:19 [G] JavelinaButta: PBB come into the classroom
  348. 2014.08.31 19:07:28 [G] ImogenGrace: nooooo!
  350. 2014.08.31 19:07:38 [G] PinkBuddyBear: Its really hard!
  351. 2014.08.31 19:07:41 [G] ImogenGrace: i lost my huzbins realm=[
  353. 2014.08.31 19:07:48 [G] Diamond_Minr: It's going to be okay. You have us
  354. 2014.08.31 19:07:55 [G] ImogenGrace: im super sad now
  356. 2014.08.31 19:08:00 [G] Diamond_Minr: We'll always be your friends no matter what
  357. 2014.08.31 19:08:01 [G] desteny14: IM DELETING this server cause all of you are being mean to me! i dont get a castle and now pbb!
  358. 2014.08.31 19:08:05 [G] JavelinaButta: hey lets all justtake a deep breath
  359. 2014.08.31 19:08:09 [G] scout1492: no!
  360. 2014.08.31 19:08:15 [G] CodeSpy: desteny14
  361. 2014.08.31 19:08:23 [G] JavelinaButta: desteny dont do that
  362. 2014.08.31 19:08:25 [G] CodeSpy: im not mean to u
  363. 2014.08.31 19:08:29 [G] desteny14: in... 56...
  364. 2014.08.31 19:08:36 [G] JavelinaButta: im not mean to u
  365. 2014.08.31 19:08:37 [G] scout1492: :(
  366. 2014.08.31 19:08:38 [G] PinkBuddyBear: Desteny! I tryed to tell Imogen to give you that castle!
  367. 2014.08.31 19:08:39 [G] desteny14: 55
  368. 2014.08.31 19:08:45 [G] desteny14: 54
  369. 2014.08.31 19:08:48 [G] desteny14: 53
  370. 2014.08.31 19:08:50 [G] desteny14: 52
  371. 2014.08.31 19:08:56 [G] JavelinaButta: no desteny dont
  372. 2014.08.31 19:08:57 [G] desteny14: okay im spamming..
  373. 2014.08.31 19:08:57 [G] ImogenGrace: =[
  374. 2014.08.31 19:09:05 [G] SnuggleGuide: Desteny stop with the countdown spam please :)
  375. 2014.08.31 19:09:08 [G] PinkBuddyBear: But your lying to me so no castle!
  376. 2014.08.31 19:09:09 [G] desteny14: what ever im doing it right now
  377. 2014.08.31 19:09:16 [G] scout1492: :(
  378. 2014.08.31 19:09:22 [G] SnuggleGuide: What happened?
  379. 2014.08.31 19:09:22 [G] ImogenGrace: i hav no frends=[
  381. 2014.08.31 19:09:47 [G] Diamond_Minr: PBB, calm down. We are all your friends. Friends get into minor fights like this one just now
  382. 2014.08.31 19:09:48 [G] PinkBuddyBear: Ha!
  383. 2014.08.31 19:09:49 [G] SnuggleGuide: Yeah she's still young. Give her a..there we go
  384. 2014.08.31 19:09:52 [G] desteny14: i added this server just tolet you guys know
  385. 2014.08.31 19:09:53 [G] Rampager1928: i got a picture of PinkBuddyBear griefing
  386. 2014.08.31 19:09:59 [G] Diamond_Minr: Desteny, wait
  387. 2014.08.31 19:10:04 [G] Diamond_Minr: Ramp, no
  388. 2014.08.31 19:10:11 [G] Diamond_Minr: Imogen, we are all friends
  389. 2014.08.31 19:10:15 [G] JavelinaButta: hey Ramp it wasnt griefing
  390. 2014.08.31 19:10:17 [G] desteny14: i like you guys.. i mean it.. but now i guess im leaving... good-bye
  391. 2014.08.31 19:10:17 [G] scout1492: we'll all miss you
  392. 2014.08.31 19:10:21 [G] Diamond_Minr: Wait!
  393. 2014.08.31 19:10:22 [G] CodeSpy: he already posted it
  394. 2014.08.31 19:10:23 [G] ImogenGrace: i mean irl
  395. 2014.08.31 19:10:25 [G] PinkBuddyBear: Ok you can keep the classroom
  396. 2014.08.31 19:10:35 [G] ImogenGrace: im super lonley=[
  397. 2014.08.31 19:10:40 [G] Rampager1928: w]\
  398. 2014.08.31 19:10:48 [G] CodeSpy: guys dont worry shes gonna be back
  399. 2014.08.31 19:10:49 [G] Diamond_Minr: How about we all work together, and build something, okay?
  400. 2014.08.31 19:10:51 [G] PinkBuddyBear: No ball then brb skin
  401. 2014.08.31 19:11:00 [G] JavelinaButta: Yeah
  402. 2014.08.31 19:11:12 [G] ImogenGrace: no 1 likes me
  403. 2014.08.31 19:11:16 [G] Diamond_Minr: I like you
  404. 2014.08.31 19:11:21 [G] Rampager1928: me 2
  405. 2014.08.31 19:11:24 JavelinaButta -> Diamond_Minr: me neither
  406. 2014.08.31 19:11:31 [G] Diamond_Minr: Want to build something with us Imogen?
  407. 2014.08.31 19:11:39 [G] Bisquick000: where are you imogen
  408. 2014.08.31 19:11:44 [G] ImogenGrace: my castle
  409. 2014.08.31 19:11:49 [G] desteny14: FINE...
  410. 2014.08.31 19:12:04 [G] desteny14: ;''(
  411. 2014.08.31 19:12:04 [G] Diamond_Minr: Desteny, would you like to build a school with us?
  412. 2014.08.31 19:12:05 [G] JavelinaButta: hey desteny build something with us
  413. 2014.08.31 19:12:15 [G] desteny14: nah... its okay
  414. 2014.08.31 19:12:17 [G] PinkBuddyBear: Can I help
  415. 2014.08.31 19:12:18 [G] Diamond_Minr: Ok
  416. 2014.08.31 19:12:20 [G] Diamond_Minr: Sure!
  417. 2014.08.31 19:12:23 [G] PinkBuddyBear: Yay!
  418. 2014.08.31 19:12:24 [G] Diamond_Minr: Everyone is open to help
  420. 2014.08.31 19:12:42 [G] Diamond_Minr: We're all friends here, no matter how many fights we get in
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