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a guest
Jun 23rd, 2017
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  1. command /chat [<text="help">] [<text>] [<text>]:
  2. permission: DC.admin
  3. description: Komendy zwiazane z chatem
  4. trigger:
  5. if argument 1 is "h" or "help":
  6. send "&7Komendy dotyczace chatu:"
  7. send "&6/chat off &7- Wylaczanie chatu."
  8. send "&6/chat on &7- Wlaczanie czatu."
  9. send "&6/chat cc albo /cc &7- Czyszczenie chatu."
  10. send "&6/chat time <czas> &7- Wylaczanie czatu na czas."
  11. if argument 1 is "off":
  12. set {chat} to false
  13. broadcast "&l&c%player% &l&awylaczyl chat."
  14. if argument 1 is "on":
  15. set {chat} to true
  16. broadcast "&l&c%player% &l&awlaczyl chat."
  17. if argument 1 is "cc":
  18. loop 138 times:
  19. Broadcast ""
  20. broadcast "&l&c%player% &l&awyczyscil chat."
  21. if argument 1 is "time":
  22. set {_time} to arg 2 parsed as number
  23. set {chat} to false
  24. broadcast "&l&c%player% &l&awylaczyl chat na %{_time}% {@time.czas}."
  25. loop {_time} times:
  26. wait 1 {@time.czas}
  27. set {chat} to true
  28. broadcast "&l&aChat zostal wlaczony."
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